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Show yT?- ingnj! lJ1 ih u6 r YoL.V ,.M? o. 25. FRIDAY, OCT. 9. 1885. SAX PETE COUNTY, UTAH, MATO - MJLS.HI WKB8HV uvi, attorney-a- d m3 SSffi OUR READERS ARE CON. 8JDLHSIX SglimtEL, j ; at PvJbUrhed Co-opera- Ophrcfim - Me- r- tive antU9-Asjaten-- . has gone out, a,t Fast The .. Mantt, Ban Pete County, Utah. to, a limited extent that the in .id Plcsstire in Announcing to our Kind Patrons. OUUjcii at Caurt Houaa management of the Sentinel has NEWS NOTES. such an inordinate desire to, secure new adds that the aVng J, H, HOUGAARD, C aunty Surveyor and Lnd 4j)tx Charles Cl.iyion oAe of the pace o? flie paper is being siderablv encroached hPA-- ' and most highly pioneers Utah MiDjti, In referenda to thb t(i'e eh d; citizens California of ' KF.rKKHKNTrNG i died of c.oug.tian o.f tb,9 brain, uy, that "hile we ar aliunqi on the 4th mst., a,t San Francis- mxiou as a matter ofbusiuws and pro.priefy (and we think the :o- co, oOU-Vp- true friends uf the ijicwe- paper Gffice-- Lt the Land Office BuildThe Utah commission , met wil eueo,upig& flic enterprise ing, talt Take City, Utah. it tVaslyngmu vn the 2Qh tux tquhe ou papo a dtinm ta prepare a$d submit to medium f'q the DANIEL HARRINGTON, representation of he Secretliry of thf--. Interior a of bnins various the branches Notary fnbHc, report 0.f the. operations of the md industries o.f the count All Notary work carefully Uerp Edmunds act during tlj9 past till have no deeife neither hall oded to. year, we allow our iid'erti-ementdOffice at Sentinel office, Afanti. encro id ve' NbbllVt9 enupan aur pc.ifiel feed- W" h'tV'1- lately Advices fFom Copenhagen in,7tah. dicate that serious trouble is ing spqcc; and, for fhq benefit p,f have. guttpu an iiji-likely t Q arise between theDanifh tbuse'.nljO Sidda 'the' that gro interfering Diet ami the King regarding the william r, Rmx hitters refusal tu dismiss obnox-oi- s with the reiuline.w9 suggest that minister-- , the governmental they coriipare fhe present, issqe IAnd and Prolate Attorney : wi.h the first ayvl they will .find ax questions. eh-mt, very riittlq'.ivifTeienee as. to MANTI, - UTAH. The smallpox ravages at 'he space deYQted to reading.- M mtre.il cuntjiuie mmhutod, In It is oqr purpose to devote order to arrest its progress, howIQ columns of each isue .bout gasfiml m.jji JJlMU ever, comptpsary nxcia,.tim to reading , matter and when this m b., n v, j . h is been resorted to, the exhibit - done and whentfie s paper Phvsician & Accoucher. on buildings are bemg fitted for of amount that judi. dowdy Diseases f Ladie uh.i Unum-as sindlpox hospitidected matter and aptly written oecupaivy Specials als and odier vigorous s ps are rows tile great mnjority of our 'telegram promptly reponilet to Utiv, oeiug taken, reader?, we nre sure .will he "Manti i eirisfiel, In fact, many of our ' a John Alexander- form-vlTo With la The Time Iwuh Wm- Ii OLSTEN, M, D., drons have assured us that the Now p resident of one of the counties ot of matter the amount ghjisicum.anfl burgeon. Texas after escaping the smirche-i- f which our paper contains and the officers fr.!2 years was R HR AIM CITY, tri'Ail, its comparative size 6uit them ; Ntore. recently arrested in Arkan-as- , Office at Drug in the hurry and bustle of as Surgeon of the San Poto Va! and t 'ken buck to the scene ot msiness and work they care Consultations at of his crime, Alexanders father more loy Railway. forthegst of the news and Railroad Office, Moroni, every who was the principal in the the local points than they do for kilting, was sent to the Monday, from 12 nb to 4 p. ,u and long for life five years ago. on political topiesaud and died there. . I, B. BRUNEL, ibst; act themes. We are conscious, however, The report published on the d instant ' that 'Germany and that tneSE Tinel has notlyays " 5pain. had. effected a settlement ;cen as sprightly,, as it might MANTrClTY, UTAH. of the Gorolines difficulty-wa- s have been it has not always Teeth extracted without pain confirmed fiilei our ideal of what a local Prince rProce.-.9- . Vr M.ivos Va-has written a friendly let- paper shoul 1 be ; still, we arc no. That Bid Defiance to Ooinpetitlon in Utility and price. ?AIN New Teeth, - $20 to $20 per ter to the Pope tliunking him in infallible and ive trust that the And XEAUNG die name of Geimany fur the generosity of our patrons will interest Holiness His excuse defects. t..ken minor has H- B I R D cheerfully n the question. The agreement It shall he our aim, however, to j Dentist. will lie officially announced make the Se'Tixei still more Special attention paid to Filling within a day or two. sprightly and interesting both as the natural Teeth, Teeth enre- -' reg uds local items and editorial 0, Parnell speaking at an open fully extracted. False Teeth so that the favor air meeting i.rthe 5ty of .Dublin that it has met both in thi and Prices to suit Inserted. the Times. First Class recently said, reganlihg flu- com sui rounding counties as well as WorkGuaranteed, Of-v t between in various troveryy which-exist- s parts of the Territory fice next door to England and Ireland that home nay lie thoroughly merited. Co-orule would stop all disloyal ' and ourages, .and the LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. XT tab. 3Jephi,Cityv t tirarst. hr disunion. The Irish, he claitied, would then become, By request of a number of the Jus. Lowe, Win. H Bird, like th(r patrons, the Grammar School British will not open till Monday, the Is OUR MOTTO. i a,nt pn ldth inst., which wall be the middle of the present quarter, at and ILgents Attorneys From, recent developmenls at itt Rock Strings. Wyo.,.it seems which, time, al .scholars in the that goo grounds exist for the IV. Readers and above will be belief thj the Chinese set fire to accepted. United plates hand their ownhomes. ReXt doot-tJoel Siiomak-b- , Rev. Timothy, U Lake tali. SaU CUy, Office, Principal. . Thirlowa, Congreg itional mincitizens The of ot.Votary. Puttie in Ferron, Emery ister, wL resided, at .Rock , 'L C. Udtrmxnn, I'rntrictor, Wth hi, family during Co. hav recently obtained from Springs 0 J. F. Simmons the. riot ni.le a sworn statement E. L. Parry & Sons of this city C. w. Stsynerof Mtiin and A half t fjne that the Chinese set. fire a beautifully carved lintel which ' showing & Simmons. .' I'n .1 a Stayner nrdtr of dine Pichj aMp , plant) ly and Sailing to their owi houses in order to is designed to surmount the doorstock. i'l Lath iieading Attorneyt aln land cae or entrance ,t0, their, new r n i j, The oldest firm in he business. Alao prevent thl while men from rob- way nia-lhall. TnelmW.has b;t'n. them their if in bing -- ( Not&rie Pub) ?c. every stgie rnnt mfla on hand.money, which, from the limn Mait Caffim is it oolite. stone, under-neat- h burieitn Parry was the ground to all classes of LandKntries Pearl Rn.iley at! kinds of tjr.iiu t dkd'h!v'e. aridities far cho offing theiiioucs. Subsequent crescent shaped and, contijna Final Proof, Contest & Appeals, So.-ia, i! aluttyn on hand. words the and ihil.ne com f City events Feucpi havdjhuwri that this ua Mining Patents applied for, thpanies Incorporated, case, fe as soon as th Hall, Erected A. J). lri.V as ? uiree Rnildiitij. 57 Main Chinamei MurTwd tov Rock aii inscription. Office, t Hr ,V Street, Suit Lake City, U. Elder Canute Peterson Jr., Son Springs thy commenced exO. l$ox 587. cavating umr the ruins and in of Pres. Peterson of Ephraim, one instancy over tC.OOtV werc returned home tiom his mission - r; r-.- v wmt w2 f4 u.ss iSMai'iixi R, L. HOWARD, to the North Western states last . found.' r xzt . s f U . r: n;;; Ute Chief Clerk, U,S. Land Office. woi'jc. Elder Peterson has been I ra Zand Agent & Attorney, ijs3 E from his lionit: soiiie absent hofrt Manti 1 1 5 Fafii at ,My D ' F. O. Box 32)o, Salt Lake bs F 1 -- 5 S 1 rJ City. Danes,' and 4li wife brewed Dan . cight'H-B Pi months during whri-Full information given on time lit- lnboretl ehb.tlv in the 4 ishpol. Plkitl'i hinsw.., . matters. Injuries byr inaii - the Minin sprit. id . ;Tf we laisfrtiiert are in '4 prompt'y answered. hiwith most. elders it to 17. S. Land Office, moaning of tl fenw ool,pul t varie'l. fated more Fiitpriorr-dthen ti.o, Psii 11 received be. lie times would At tra'b r. 'iAjit:.rJiIi GEO. M. BROWN average J, E. BOOTH. I ' nowh-day- s uitlr the 'utuio.-- t Cordiality and an fortunate if f BOOTH A BROWN. s 111 at otiier times hi rwcegtion and a liberal of H20. ATTORNEYS A COUNSELORS At LAW, get suply I the reception- of the principles Office immediately north of First, 3 i I x JJffation&l Bank, Provo City. wnich he advanced wore quite the in business Dr. of Julius Ilnnburg of Provo reverse-- He cnjoyel bis mission, to all kinds legal 11 the counties of the Territory. thahe contemplates howevtf, and. returns looking notice gives ; to Sperial atte Aion givenHleneast-a trip through Jan Pete in the well physically amt evidently in Inent of the estates of near future, btieo as to the the best of spirits. Ut is expected to and and local both foreign or time that he w iLc a" t Vthe collection and management Bro. Peterson Vitl take the Attend town togetherjith the natun that Segacies and inheritances. p of tht graded U.--. principal-hiTO land entries final 111 zryffi If i) f , ofhis 'TtJ ' M.rflv I the Ephraim school-- , fp-ed entries, and all kinoa or J(aL.l partmentof vw r a5 the m j JtJl'drfiiJVi tiwilra J pear which is soon to busjiwie. HI Savptt? Co., IfisA ; A J ( AV fi ph V . i 0, T. C. Bajloy, it , - nans (oTfcpooaijmXo Tr 19 yri d) nenwiwnJ Ca tM ttarksl ' f" t7 niirij. .i.--j TamiUIUtJltiiEa'trzrJi -- o fcl pa - 1 tt til - n l UAil.ll pf' vmTr"3 to, '' 1 As m . j fci i trj p:: b1' io biarav'- ).,rm Imn I EWta, ml, m. lf CT TRHm -- . 1 s -- i., THE- St. Y?'AIlecord. con-'ain- - e. - -- HO '1 ' PEf - not? mji - .da-sa- fOUE , Ofs rs n . . A y peni-entiar- y. tl UtMOilM JSK E2ST LEAST tv bujrvavm l VrMrSaC 4 (vr e;J'uv mi CTN2X ri, v ojt MuCdijiMd wnev J(m4 Uti ttMia kmrt v l jrMif mmA aaA ck - &t'SA ; ess - p, Til STtSTELI CGITirS CZTC1 nmwf ;scue e::i iexts -- KEiTiia 1 THE" (lOSS & - IL- m Til c:;t p it tv, O lAUE UED, 7ft8triieNMiiiw8& pro.-'$edin- g . . i Love orur-i- kj .... u Offib-e.- CHILDS CEDy ask top nrsxl-- . jrqR IT. . .O J - y r V FOSEST CITY rSSHIYCEE - - la. Isr SUSIE BED ynmo. , kf I f ft. FULL BED L. M. Olson, Superintendent. . - iMliMUlJ AokavaMcci. V vanniaant fiUjm H !? . rd tear 0 0f 1 inq flP Oft DenT--i s,T to-da- j nd CJ, imr Acmeask waotisatni munmis . ZUaoXxfovdU XU , - f . l i T.-P- DGUJAOG , - Give Me A .Crib . 07 IGlTATIOrJO , - I - asrr.-.- - - sr--z. , Ji vi-- n E-- - it- ( ex-qui- Qjfice--Ne- j - y c 'f3if'i!iSfpiff 7 . r7 UiOAv At-fce- . ier-aon- s, - bu-'iuc- -- ss ! -- , d. inrrtMir mjaafam ; Tks Housekeeper's Friend ASS FOE, AMD TAICE NO OTHER tsli t tla Grocery Trads gacislv. |