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Show DISTINGUISHED VISITORS-- visit, and tl.c unexpected courtesic shown to them, and spoke and acted as if they were one last, On Wednesday evening The E:ma Ssntinsl SPRING CITY POINTS. P. Splendid weather for crops, e-an with which are fine, doing us. of Published by during the progress of .a meeting abundance of water- for irrigatof drains House, Council the in & jakeman ing purposes, of which our farmHarrington sweet music were heard issuing, APPOINTMENTS FOR HOME ers are taking advantage. MISSIONARIES. Two of our district schools, as th-only .could, from the for the term on the 13th closed under the able leadership Uanli, San Pete Co.,U. T band SUNDAY, JUNE 21sL Not Westenskow. inst., giving general satisfaction of Capt. Hana called to their pations. Another will that occasion knowing the Fayette Luther T. Tuttle and close on the 25th. cadences, we A. W. Bessy. I)CAL AND OTHERWISE. forth the mu-icTucker, with a force of huniedlv crossed the street to Bp. W. Anderson Gunnison for r cash ever popu-aprice paid men, has gone up Canal canyon the hotel kept by the Highest A. J. Moffitt. and to the Temple' saw mill to comwool ly Pettr Greavee.Ephraim caterer to the pleasure Mavfield Neils Warren mence sawing for the Manti Tem-plof travelers, convenience and Peter Petersen. Mr. L. Larson has been a concourse found and Snow,' Pettyville J. P. agent for the Sentinel of Mantis citizens being addressS. Dye & Cos .steam saw mill, and Wm. Bawden. rn Mount Pleasant. resumed their seasons lahave ed by no less a personage than Parlane Manti liereaf . Lamanite the of bor. for an gelt far thr Governor Ramsey Four of Iodianolas and George Taylor. CommisUtah Messrs. masons as Brown and Romney, historical Wheelock C. II. citiz'ns are employed Ephraim Jerks at the Temple, sion, who in a fifteen minutes and Philip Hurst. representing Z. C. M. I., were in the peotown yesterday. After transactoration complimented Spring A. C. Nielsen Tuttle and Co. have shipped ple on their ., loca business .with the unexceptionable ing Neils Andersen. wool of sacks hundred one in the .$er tion in the mountains ""N SBORNE fe Cheater C. C. A. Christensen they left for Mt. Pleasant. Jthie week to Salt Lake. Gentlemen and Jena C. Jensen. manner: be The fact may not generally feel SBORNE & but the Manti city coun .Joseph Smith and his brother and fellow citizens known, SUNDAY, JUNE 28th. Alexander of the Josephite lighly compliment-- d at this have really spent more means cil as indeed it is, and agreeaSBORNE & Church are in Salt Lake. kit. Pleasant Parlane McFar in looking after the water courses We are bly we can assure you. channel main and the and lane George Taylor. keeping The article on our 2nd page raveling for the purpose of seeSBORNE & rf fl in repair than many suppose. Fairview J. P. entitled Land Contests has ing the country and becoming Wm. Bawden. Witli all this expense, too, they Iten sent to us from the Land letter acquainted wih the peo- andIndianola and have succeeded in making a good Hunt C. D. Philip at when Office Washington, ple. We are REAPERS; MOWERS, and TWINE BINDERS, i John Mower. application of means in other we say that we have everywhere tabernacle C. C. A. Christensen directions. the of The speakers at the Wales The SyComplete Supply of Extras Constantly in Stod fencing the route been treated with a is C. Jensen. for last Sunday were I. M. Waddell on lot and Jens example cemetery And your of Salt Lake and Elders John the utmost courtesy, Moroni A. J. Moffitt and A. commendable step And though exutmost our Carter and Wheelock of Mt. county surpasses the fencing was done under the in every di- W. Bessy. k ILWhcel-ocC. Green Pleasant. The speakers remark pectations. Indeed, direction of a former council, we Fountain the evid nee of were fraught with good counse rection we see thrift manifest. Carter. believe that the present city auJohn and the and instruction and they wore your energy and in held will be thorities are impelled by the Meetings IN PAYMENT. Your city is grand and you are well received by the people. m. 2 oclock at wards same active, frugal spirit, and several p.' to be congratulated in casting Canute Petersen, hence are on the alert to protect Miss Vorhees soiree of last your lines in plea-aUtah places. ! the public weal. Iphraim, Henry Beal, in are we evening was a very pleasant You all are aware why J. B. Maiden, affair. As might justly be in- your midst. We are here not of Mr, Bartons new ice cream Presidency of the SAh Pete ferred music was a prominent our own accord, but by the will parlof And barber shop Ate nearZion. feature of the evening and it was of this great government, and Stake of ing completion. N. B, The bardesire wo all that ...ii assure me let bet shop and the parlor will be present enjoyed by you greatly The ice cream too (so we are to administer the law in the NOTES, EPHRAIM separate apartments ' told) was decidedly Dice. spirit of justice atid not as some Good spectacles fdr sale by I. would have you believe for the Mr. M. Rasmussen Is enthusiOn Wednesday last Mrs. Dr sole the of "creameries. B, Brunei. persecuting astic over his new purpose Et. John met with a very pain This government will fine great make lie is sure they people. PERSONAL, fui accident by runnimi a crochet does not Wish to harraas you butter. needle through her finger, toward but has a kindly feeling Tetdf Graves and son were seems that she had the need J. P. Meilstfop of the Palmand I can but echo the senoI the visitors to the County in her hand when she inadvert all, among Importer and Dealer in all kind Cleveland to ers Exchange has gohe to the President of timent antly ran against the porch pox your Hon. Committee, that you metropolis (of the purpose of seat today. auslng the accident as above could be like us, I hope the purchasing a ' suhimef Supply' of Joseph Christiansen Esq. Supt. indicated time will Speedily comq when goods. of the Mayfield Coop was in Ter Still ThY Com. B. W Utah like all the States and Miss AWfie Bean, of Richfield lowp yesterday. accord of one be will ritories will tomorrow receive Griggs is spending a few days in EphMrsi Jennie Tanner of the (Saturday) another lot of mcr when all animosities will be east raim. Shtf is visiting hot sister, identical be faculty of the B. Y. Academy is chandlge. Many articles suitable aside and we shall Mrs. Lizrie Petersen. differences. In in all Gome but political spending a few days in Manti. for the Fourth. early. Mr. Von Nordecks ilfck drug Remember our goods sell fast That you will see fit to thus GeO. Spilsbury Esq, ofToquer-vill- e t and many call to late, and oh eome into line with this great store ptfefsc'nts a very chaste, iB visiting Manti. He is how disappointed the Indies look nation I heartily pray.- We feel oretty appeaaned, ' Parties coll- the guost of his daughter, Mrs. when told "we have sold the last1 highly conipllttie'hfe'd at this re- ing at (his belle, melts petite drug Hafmdfa. one. ception, ana I invoke the bless- depot Way be assufed off courteThd. Sentinel was favoret of health and prosperity to ous treatment. In reply to a query by a ing yesterday morning by a Visit attend and your children in P.- Greaves, our MrBsmtinel reporter as to whether this fineyou inde'atig from Governor Alex. Ramsey country, rich in all that Ahe visit oi the Utah commission able off two and Jlldge A. B. CarltOil df the sent grain shipper to make a peogoes and Hon. A had any conneetion with the ple. Gentlemch prosperous and ladies I cor loWds of wheat this week and Utah Commission 8. P. V. By., ita probable exten- thank you. has received n order from This- L. Tcbmas ' Sec. of the Territory sion etc., Gov. Ramsey b'flhdly After music bv the band, tle of rathef frbrti sb'ffie place' L. T. Tuttle Esq. of the Firm aid that his party Was simply Judge Carlton, who was loudly eaf , f6Y ten cats more of the ceTuttle & Co. starts for Salt of The Woven Wire Uattr.sBSS at iflm for the the pur- called fof, responded in a man- real product of our valley. The county wisitiag Visits the He pose of seeing the registration ner truly American in its type, figures offered, however, did not Like tomorrow. on atcount o: glCTURE FRAMES HADSTO MAK&I. M1SH With metropolis partly hence the order will not be Paid for Wool, Hides, Pelts, etc. officers, getting acqhaihted Fel- suit,otit as follows : Starting recent the after large looking the people, and seeing the country, low citizens 1 have said 'fel- filled, wool shipments of his firm anc hehce their tfip hadnt the slight-ea- t low citizens on the banks of the pfopos of what the Sentinel partly with a view to making relsvaliey With R. R. matters Mississippi j 1 have said fellow said iii a 1 at if ifegile, relative to purchases in the general merchan The season for buying harvest citiienson the banks of the the propriety bf otlf County es- dise line. Ohio . haVe Said fellow citizens lag machinery is at hand and on the banks of the Wabash, and tablishing manufactories and in dustrics so that matiy of ourjico-pl- e Administrators Sale . the farmers are looking about thank Odd,-to am say proud obtuih to learn whera they can may find t'Umtinefative labor In the best bargains. In connection 'fellow Citizens beyond the during the long winter season, I HOTICE is hereby given that of So ordef Of the In shall with this, the tefy important Rocky Mountains in Utah. 1 for oiie 0 two say that Probate Court of Satt Jr ete matter of Obtaining extras is About a ten minutes speech, the years past our worthy President On County, Utah Tefntory thade' 1885 .often overlooked. Aim ete Very Judge stated that he had no lec- of the Stake has been discussing the Ih D. A. of 8th day June, ture season, machines not heretofore Whd nor advice to give to people the feasibility of establishing a the matter of the Eitate Of Levi Fi had only come in the way deceased, the undersighed In use m this Te ritoryl afd inlarge creamery in this place, with Pritchett, administrator Of the said Estate, troduced, and a few of them sold. of paying a' compliment, and A view not only of producing a the will sell to the highest bidder, for closed By the lieit Reason the rigeticks was by hoping that the day superior article o? butter, but cash, and subject to confirmation by not far distant When all dif- with the additional tj,e disappear, leaving the Territory ferences object of said PfObate CbUrt, onD. Monday of opinion would be 12 1885, A. without extras. There a re tnatiy it in much larger quan- 13th day of July, making front of the prfm8s such machined scattered through-.ju- sunk,' and we should all appear tities and as a regular industry. oclock fh., ihthe to be soldjlti city of Mt. this county thatheCd repair- and mingle oh tire shine plane Ephraim has 80nie good Ye in Utah Ternary, Pete Ban County, Can be merely as American citizens, hav- sources fof stidh an ing, but as ho Sit-aand Esthe all title, interest, right., enterprise obtained, such machines are ing for odr aim the advancement and we certainly believe that if tate of thS Said Levi F. Pritchbtt, at knd Succsss of ouf common the President's the time tif his death, aud ail the eolnparatively Worthless. plahs are vigor- right, tttifc And interest that the said country and tha Union, ously executed the nidtter of es- Estate has, by operation of law fabd Hostility To RaIlroAds. Mr. Secretary Thomas in response tablishing a creamery Could be otherwise acquired otberthan, or ip .Jacdbsoti, of Skitpotv County to loud calls came to the front, made a successful of the said .Levi F t Dealer! in t enterprise And addition to,atthat drovS ihto Salt Labs on tmdaj and in & happy Vein confided it would be time of his death, the Pritchett, of great benefit to in and to all those certain lota with kh. teams loaded dowtl hie femtaths to complimenting the pieces people, or parcels of land situate, lying, and the band with Vbol, there being. 34;CD0 upon (he excellence oi being in the City ef Mt. Pleasant, poUtnlf ih the consigftrhent. The the mtislc discoursed, Ban Pete County, Utah Territory lot Was ettld to J. W, Suttftddr-hay- s After A feW tnofS of the amen bodDded and described as fol and THEATRE, fc Cd. And lowsjto-wit- l Lt.tin Block 11, as brought 14 cents Hies of life in the wftyofcofcri platted in Plat B, Watkins addition per pound, about Id, 00 iti all. teSifes, the distinguished visitors Ou Saturday evetMg, June 27, to Mt. Pleasant City Survey. Also A reporter of the Herald, 'ctifloUS withdrew and the crowd dis at Griers will bfc presented a certain bthdr track Of land describ Hall, To se so extensive a ahlpmcM pefsed. fof the first time In Manti the ed as fallows, Commencing Yesterdfijr Wording the often at a point 83 feet east from the south eoine by wagon instead of fall, Ar Mill xtiWiroW BUtti, tempersince drama, in west fcbf uer of Lot 4, in block 29, as aaked Mr. JScobsoo fof the heard Of, but Jiittle seen by u8 popular three entitled acts, the Drunk- platted ia flat A, Mt. fleasant City reason. Oh, Wall1 hfe repefrid--d- , trio iri the company of Supt The drama survey. Thence tunning east 4T.43 Of Folsonl Manti the don't the railroads north 23 rods, thence Temple rtul he suppoit with A feet, thence t, 80.43 feet, thence south ui and we dont believe in eup and J. D. Malben Of the Pres! beautiful supplemented west Cantatji and Tableau, 83 feet, tbeuCb east this of EtakC: tbenc teams will them. Ouf a dency visit paid porting Thb Above choice' programme south 8(1 feet to place bf beginning, all Carry freight back; SO that we to the Temple and took in the Will bb upon under Au- and With All improvements presented the eklefiotl afford arid interiorly can to make (ha tfip rights And for tile benefit of the said trActS of land. Tfermsandeon spices til it VroOl, They Wefd accotnpAhied bv 0 per cent.of , The price pAid for Notth Ward Sutiday School. Do ditionS of Sale: Cash, MesSil. SumtMirhays hna Co feft Of tll8 tltizenft. ilhd a mein-be- f purChAsb money td be paid on the fall to attend, Prioes hot of the Staff of the Home S&o Usual. day Of SAlfe, balance Od conflrnJation ftate is higher thkri that sale by said Probate Court. Deed of San Ti.xfci, tthd totild hot forego the brought by the tisllal run oHltat eipehse of purchase. Pcta Wool hut waS found ah ex- opportunity of an Interview. James M. Friix-Vist- t T Ir' I Administrator of thl? Estate bf Let ceptionally good lot. S, L, ififed ho vKtofs SxprCSsed unqukh Mads-eiineW dfbg stcrif Will ft Prittthett, deceased , t 1SS5 ?4rttld. delight fat the felUlt Of thtfif present A I FA rvfew City , J dne ton aDDcaramna T - - al e. ap-p-jint- ed ... llgrat a Co-op- fol-owi- rg rjn sur-jrip- e, K; w con.-cientio- us TAKEN nt JOHN L0WRY& SOH . i ' FURNITURE, - - BABY CARRIAGES - M - Pant UTTLE & s GENE BA, . - to-wi- 164.1-fafe- Gity, tN |