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Show Spinel Ths Homs i FitMcthtd by. 1 ARRINGTON JAKEMAN & We have the big et n spent th v for reporters, but in beat all ere tion taking many The tui.dupin )me of battle for .m o, r while t.u commanding ofiieer gallops, up and down the line on a heavy horse, and the enemy pours a heavv fire into his ranks. He s ilft up toward the enemy, wave-hi- s in the Oriental night-shir- t some one, shoots Egyptian ..ir, and goes away. When the battle- in d.T j.. the extreme. Arab di.ee :ut ! WOrua to FINANCIAL REPORT. Clerks Ollice, Manti Utah Ter., May CO, 1SS5. To the lion, the County Court of San Pete county, Utah. I beg to subGexteewen mit to your honorable body the Financial Report of Sanpete county, for the year ending May County Cit.v, V and in expressing it very obscur- Clawson ely after all. litre, for instance, is the Chicago Tima telling us 5 that Senator Logan is made the Manti,San PeteCo.,UrT recipient of an ovation by! the local Republicans. Whew why not saythat the Republicans ofj CO, 1SS5. , BILL NYE DESCiyBES'EL the on is exaiyinod Chicago gave an ovation to ground COUNTY TAX account. , MAHDI. ' following day, it is discovered Senator Logan? Then every- To Bal. due June 1,8T $ CIO 48 Y. This great heathen and .full- that eight hundred brave and body would understand it. N. To assessment uf 1884, 7, 341 00 blown prop; fit was once a poor handsome English soldiers are Sun. A ' moth-eate51 A , 53 nov, wit. .out .1 dollar in his killed and one old i . 48 $7,651 A law student once defined Gothic on his bas Arab Years little when stepped ago, poiket. if and sprained his ankle. libel as something a man says, By amount Mahdi U'td to. snare suckera shirt-ta- il paid into and afterward wishes to goodEl Mahdi is not a . dong t ho Whfie . Nilv jio one treasury 6,262 14 would man at all, and the report that ness he hadnt. SALT LAKE' CITY, UTAH. thuught that, y By compensation of ass. . . i he has lo- -t his teeth, so that Ik the champion heavy-weigand coll, at 9 000 69 lie gives his orders he has when world. known the of 1 67 o'! prophet HARNESS AND SADDLES By remittances t '11 It shows what can be done by a to gum Arabic, is not true, 1 2 Balance 561 duo ' and all kinds of ' fT? brave cou a.cous little boy, even Shoemaker i and Harnut Maker' hi a foreign land. 5 ' $7,651 48 Artefims Wrtid was not often .In appearand he is a brunette 3 U s T CO DXSBfiRSKVfEk'TS. Supplie4 M,E .TO ST A Yl Lj of a1 out the syle of the success- det'rred from lecturing. It is To the 99 Probate 410 $ of to the attention call Judge wish the I M. Rasmussen ful meerschaum pipe. He does related t that he was billed to a has full car load of of MatiU and 8ao fete counSelectmen .182 20 mid res- - as w do, hut wears a appear one winter evening in public to the fact that I kep Clerk generally ty 98 609 County while Human that looks some town in centra! (Pennsylvania. Constantly on hand a full line ot Prosecuting Atty 3.50 00 like an Ktru, can hens nest. On But, owing to a: ..terrific snow Leather, Harness and Saddle. : " Supt of District , i hilly dav he adds other arti-- - stoim that blocked up all the Prices as low as the lowest. Just Have you seen the . 156 25 schools ' .i) Give me a call. " les of apparel to this turban, street-- , he Went on the stage only ' 75 Treasurer i 00 around his to find that his audience consistafees L. C. KJAR. t buckles a Board Exami- - , . of t The t,he dressed. ed is individual. if and It 5 a single , wa UAKTI, VTAH. nation . t 36 60 doe-n- t take Mahdi long to make gietrt moral showman was equal f Public Improve! to the emergency. Stepping te p- l. toilet. ments 827 21 " xamine the renowned i ; Yta'h ago he decided that lie the edge of the platform he beck-one- Harneu! Ittrnest Harnett, Prose- -. i Criminals VITILSON , OBVV1XO. ATACHINB )( ) ' wo Id retire to a lonely island in to the man, who was seated . 902 86 cution i. lISon f he Nile and put himself in trailiOewinar t IVlachine midway down the lull, and said . Office : 413 12 County t, t crawled come so he a tor the Wilf audiepce please ng prophet, : Roads & Bridges 2,067 63 JtheafthaiioS;;; unto. cae and lived there on forward. I have something to Quitrn, the harness maker, is sell & Indi- Lunatics for the alHive line of goodP, n.utherVulah hi fine at bei in . The audience .caitie ing everything M,iUvcr he could get hold say to it. . 798 26 iiaud harness Hecond rock .M, flASMUSShi gent prices. s downat forward to the front one taken in of.'sWmle others Were ui 11 EPhraira--C exchange for new. HighSundries 33Jf time his a victim at est price paid for, produce. Hidee, man. Having cot .dnrtoa.u having good ' '.Utah. Mahdi .,tL'vkat,ng-nnkshort, fapge, .Atti'inup remarked pelts, fuis and caoi wanted. . Re .... . $7,159 (G1 . Call anil be in his gloomy cave, in his most insinuating tones, pairing a specialty. can convinced that you good get . , ttiug up the pins to go into What do you ay to coming work'. Cheaper than i cheap and a Warrants in circulation K . the prophet business and murder around the corner with me and square deal, at Quitms Harnes-Who64 63 June 1; 1884 $ of authe Meeting t.ie Kings English. The directly east having some oysters? Warrants issued Bipce So m poople began to, .beat of dience Replied that it would afford House, Ephraim, Utalfi 1 will not be Undersold b.v June 1, 1884, Pf'S 7jl59 61 El flahdianj as he 'put $ ctrd hipr much pleasure to accept the harness making scrub in other any liMffl the morning pape'is of the inviUfmn. Accordingly the Utah. Try me and see. Qs 7,224 24 was declared off, and in a Soudan, he at once had all toe redeemed Warrants at he could do, and neighboring restuiant Artemus juophe-yin- g 0. JENSEN, ,& CO. , .treasury since June hud to hire an amanuensis or set up as good a. supped as the ' (7,184 32 .,.1,1884, ninshtant prophet, to lielp hint towmaffords, And for an hour Or fcf C Qtc hat. During the holidays, when more entertained his audience and C Warrants in circulation. trade was brisk, the Mahdi had with some of his best stories, 11 June 9 39 1885 1, to sn up and prophesy till 10 or ; rv EXHIBIT OF TREASURY. 11 o'clock at those Now and there are then night. and Repairing dona To amount on liatid Hh real name is Mohammed that go out without family train- at Cleaning the very lowest price. June 1, 1884 8,151 05 A limed, and he was the son of a ing, or With bad family training1, tit a distance can To amount received on ' People liVjng sort-owhose f petty sheik, oamtyLhave and yet, bv a hereditary to the' firm for fi box in taxes of 1883-8n no)lenc8, d( the right things in apply 0,262 1 iman was forgotten to Watches send which bv their To amount Received pn inteiifir peff'on and a very ordi- 'lire. "But the family is the arnto-ry- . h a- i 1. i ,r . . r i' v i ' , mails r ' n license of 1885-8- 6 12S 00 ' Lu . such ' nx It is there that- we Are ui " k'w nary sheik, I am told-juDealers in To amount received on . a sheik as you could go in and equipped mainly for the grea ul I,.. ti fin on the i i vs counters of experience of human life. Train Tavern Cnodka Made to Order i A - i li ! 9S m. . ) Poundage of. 1884." ' J 7 75 . and 1885, the Soudan anywhere. . 10 up a child in the way he should fe g To amount received 6n' Mohammed Achmed for a long go, and when he is old ha will Four blockaeast of JBorg Shoqh Richfield. Dtah. 79 80 sale of school deks time showed one of. the prevail- potdep irk from it. .That is not ' . i received To amount on V N SA RAIL-cliarac PETE LLEY ing tiroes j ofa tramp, not teiyh 'a child the Way to go, 2.5 00 'fines of 1884 & S3 .ROAD. and so lliey .began to Y'dftcjtm but train him. '..Training is teach' tn in as a fakir. i t Decembef and (hi JS84 mllovied after 8, ing up by practice A fakir is a man who has $9,656 74 , here a little, and there trains will leave daily cM follow! f pirmission to ramble through a little, until the habit is formed Sundays excepted): ut ' 9:b0 d. . the country, cliiSelmg people out By county warrants re- A line full of Dry Goods Cfolung, Hatsantl Lritja largely habit, Traill L Gaps, Hoots .32 84 deemed 7,1 at i money . and-- , grpueues gu",tl(C m treas'ory e, child :fh()'a, 'Draper ' ' r ,Bicrhct. and Hardware t Shoes, Groceries, , Daunt. Green Mill 9:59 a. in Balance in treasury mime-o- t 2,469 42 Farming "religion, '.II is a sort ' 4 , Implements, And a whose ' General Middleton beefins t6 if Oriental gospel-hum- , Pleasant Hill . 1 . 10 t)0 a. w ' business it is to go around over have 10 20 a. rn Ilafou a a $9,653 74 Line of DRUGS, etc.': . captured some eood names ' 1 .ie . 9 discount on all Cadi SaUn vcr $1.00? ' XT 5 country, weepiiigover the in ad lition to considerable credit Arrive at Dcflil . , J.: ll 00 a m exhibit fund. school of 1 ' "Wit. T. REID, Preside! 12:09 i m Tq ti.ilaucd in treasury niiio of the people who are too for tiie . Kephi A, i. style ill which he has Dace. '1 ' . in A .80 12 . . 123 J..II. : p-busy to be hypocrites.Tlie?e fakn s crushed the Cariadian halfbreed 00 June WOD5KOW, Secretary-- l(. 1, 1884', I, Holloway ,, , . t1 J(, ;i( f re Plenannt Hill . . 12:50 pt 'in To atnourit received on r always devout, hungry, and rebellion. Poundmaker, Lean t VA uiidj Sil ' Set ; ad. They yearn for a bright Mam Yellow in 1:10 Green Sale Mill. 50 225 of ,F't'n . Blanketp and , estrays Mud, tt 'Draper i, 1:40 p. in nnmoital.ty, but they aie in no breaking - through - the - ice are at about rush it. Arrive at Moronic . . . ,2:00 p.'m gn $6 48 50 acquiring names quite new to biographical i Moroni all connect f i hey are perfectly willing to diet ionarieg. at Stages Chicago (111. ) Inter .ait till 'the 'Egyptian "pulhts CttraTn ' By cash pdid Oil super-,- , parts'of San eie tind Sevier. Private teams and Spring wagifii ft L Iran out. I am glad that we 123 00 intendents ojder. can be ordered by telephone at have no fakirs in Ameiica. ' amount to Kt. Loiiis .returned Globe Democrat. By to be residy on arnval of Nephi, d and Mohammed By owners of animals by There is one thing that Hendricks trains at Moroni. Pfiee $4 per d iy, ,26 40 got a call to rise lip William is good for, t any ratfi, and that drivfer paying all his own expense. By amofint paid on per- 8. BAMBERGER, vied of trefisurer , abso-lltel- v F,iley,and gather- - yhe elans of i to protertjthe-rrelde- nt ,10 00 Manager Soudan together. He xvent Balanfce in . 189 1i treasury againstfiilT danger of Jto them, and told tlie.n lYcpn-Ldeuc- e Th Senate , can ' ' thithowas the' oiklv nev bo Jhdufied Ao ' vote CleVtt-lan$348 50 ENftEN feyauine) Very Respectfully, prophet on the but wEen the result would fid ENSEN hue, and if they wanted sonm taniike Ileudrieks his succesdr. John Reid, , ENSEN tt ' Ha to get their double-lwire- l . County Clerk: and jo n the gang; Jdhet 1, 1885, . j ot -The Mormons hate ruadd rf "BOOT.siioi, an d IiaRnss gunv 5 u NAKERS. iey did so. None of tnem ever settlement and doing missionary 6 I anything at home to obtain work in North Carolina. At .a Harness. SaildesTIfirnessIIard 3. Boot H. ' CEO. M. BROWN. I livelihood, so .they eould ga nieent edriferenee in 'war , Whins. Bridles Noe counSurrey r BOOTH & BROWN, t ay on the h all um-t ty 'fifteen ministers were Hulhles, , Etc. .bags, present. COUNSELORS At Taw. er, and, their busme.-- s wouldnt TEe President Repairing promptly attended io ATTORNEYS the 6f council, Office T north of First I Set at all . immediately v. " , Caiifb'nialjcidther. r. a Tdung hjan of ift is sdid to M Natiorial Baukj Provo City. AtMain Street Utah. They thenproceede I to Wilder a vdry elad'ient Richfuld, tend td all kinds of legal business id pfeachdi. N. Yi Call atUution t 1 kings .dSotgfislq .who, had Swu .. pjKotLE OF SAN. all the couhties of the Territory. K- - . me there to i Special attention giVen to the settleand Conquer H.Tt. CufcT, : J E. BootU, . facts ivorth knowifif ment of the 1 of deceased 'pE'tS COUNTY. quire their sand-pilSt. Louis Globe - fiemorrat , ProFt.1, . ,, Sfioy IoceII both to and foreign and The Arabian style, of Warfare Class - B the collection and management of inpivil service refof In stand - . i PROVO FOUNDRY-S peculiar. .It consists ? aliR legacies and inheritances. Attend largely Up. Question : What is an offenc fc to land entries, final proofs, contest5 . drinking alk.ili Water un their sive partisan? Answer: An V S : K AClllNE COMPANY, ed kinds of Land and ? rt ani in all s entrits, , ' ' theitene-tet J 1 ivi w V . tu. requftipg paftisan is ,a man vhose team, En- Office business. Manufactuie; of to do thsame for ninety -- I.3 is "of wanted jilace gines, Pumps, Boiler Feeders, by fifteen' ,3 5 8o it bt cofiies simply a tw y Democrats. ii enty Brass, and Iron Castings, Cast f v M v f 'stlon ofgvho has the firmest Ta . .. Mt. PLEASANT"' i J ' ' I naotduTf,Ue Besseuwx btieel In Iowa there are (d5 faring v 1 fifitch i . . o' I 's' owned by women, IS, phniaged .1 -. S ash u L Y do Oiifi bitt a Bedouin wfiold by women,j 2Cf t kin arn aiJ , to of ,d direct for Weights, Machinery Lath, custom prepared ; work in the in of Planing, i ve thdpght of suelf a style of ed by woman, dairyiafma tp , o s: 125 Saw, CHi-- t, Mihing slid M'llassei S4 i , And Sawihg on the shortrfare. It is not, therefore, k Moulding . , ahd 5 lady attorneyB-a- t' Milk put up to drilcv rind re' est o)ble notice ,and on n ksbnabla d UAtion of courage or everlasting latv. Inter Ocean. 3 i1 3 .f 3 term. Alsd all kinds of Lumber, ,1 paired. a1 25 . ' Mft, tice, it is a question of who : t Pickets, MoUkiings'jitnd everything .and Corner for hou5f fiDisillcir. ti drink concentrated lye all For tfie 2i6 official places in 0thM'orkshops . t knftwn c? ued street's, f. formerly it imer and take his aliftienttly the land department theh are ChuT a Hal!,' ',01c1 Iron hPughh n k .'jfrVEj ME A TOTAL. hoiite with hirii In the fall said to be 9,0 00 hr mt I f n.--o Pr p , J'rurd ,,t , I 0. b afjieshts. MsUfSt J Mt. ii Pt battlej th A- nb charge is Chicagd Inter Ocrnni L . Whj tfiMEAOj jilpt u. Tj WHOLESALE n DRY a 00 d"s, EAST '.TEMPLE STREET, 0 bad-loold- to-da- ht t $ i - F- 1 P n fitanaard Mowers k, R six-shoot- er i i , d . . . W . - sea--4i- iued 1 -- 1 - p, i I 1 .- 1 )ec-tu- ie ! - If - U VU! Wx.A-T-C-- j'is 4 . ! st ! . - i . r , 1 OOPERATIYc Mercantile Znstitiition 1 -- : -- J 7-v- i 10-ce- nt in " ERA1 U GE-'T- , Jcn-sen- O . X con-t.nuall- y, 1 f . .. ..... . 1 1 . i i 1,' 1 . , , , ' , - fr -- ; . Ach-fiie- - , , -i all-wo- ol , -- , TPnOitTl 1 1 it ISMHIIJJSBMlSMl,;' t rio the n wish. war-pat- - S1 ii e. per-seD- ,0 u ! S, , off-enei- . f- w 4 i ,'( . Planing Hills! , 1 '6 1 ST 1 , u . -5 1 . t I . i - . . 1 women-physician- s, fc I I . SO - . . |