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Show ,iirusci(s' ro. i : - Ore year, Six months, BASE BALL AND INCIDEN $2. 0 Th1 Chester pany are looL.ng by the Seen tary com- Mr. Jack, of Manti, is to an increase for the f.impus Mason ftgqnt and To Three months esentiaa (reservoirs) tq Hamlin Oigan, also fof ' pher musical merchandise carried by Averti-onrfinn application hex peace and prosperity. As an item qf the progress of Mr. D. G. Gaidar, Salt Laljt. .TT. Jakeman, The Manager. (he ville on the Sanpitch, I gn Muddy last Sunday the initial of a Castle people are Cutting a Valley, under the leadership tunnel good choir, of a OFFICIAL DIRECTORY, of Bro. James 2seiLen, The ev mountainthough for thejr canal, The dence of appreciation is an in- tunnel wifi Re 1,100 feet lopg, crease of attendance at the meetSN PETE ClNEY OFFICERS. Word frpm parties; in Rlue Win. Anderson ings. Judge alley state- that the Prqpa are lelk, Reid The Chesfei? Red Belts paid a doing well, hut Mm the cutworrq is Recorder ) admirable base bqlf playing gad fiavqe witlr I. .. James Metoali visit to the cabbage, of Moroni in answer to corn and other Selectmen fender John Carter grounds he latter3 challenge and aftef a Plenty of rain this tar.- plants y .Parfin MeFarlane Assessr. it Col. . .A. E. Merriam harply contested game the scorp i J.2-- rei-ervo- ir of-thes-e of the Navy. 'he sinn of $10,500 was foun on III Lbs, the runaway past Master. g?33A3a' ypsjkHjHG w a no-(ic- ed Salisbury will assume the dutipsof Foreign Secretary, in t0 lhbse of the Permiershiptl0U Pi e Dl h8-lf E blocks east fnd Sam n, ion, II 1 . the-top- - I tekermann , Proprielort C ,o St., Ephraim, UUh. ,nltr A Homo Made Cofino in .(rj lt alio have facilitia for chopping all Undo of grain. and Oatmeal always ot hfind, . , mi cJ Lata tn steel, Dealers in - pla,i Bo, l, - tood thus : Chester Red Belts, Treasurer;F, W, Cox 38 ; Morpni Ipvincibleg, 37. Jerks' P, Iarsen Sheriff Prosecuting Atiy. Thq good fathers of the cppp-t- y Supt. Dist. ScRyols1 the selectmen should tqkp L, P. Christensen a ride Coroner now from Chester- to .John II. Hqugaard V$des just Surveyor op the county road, anj I Jacob Johnson, Unitetl States think it would appeal tq them Commissioner for San Rote. forcibly for another appropriation. It is argued by some tfiqt MANTI POST OFFICE. this road since the removal Af the depot of the S, P. V, Jty V sixes hobksv Irom Wales to Morpni ceaseg to General delivery of mall mat- be hardly of any importance to ter: 8 a. m. to, fi p. m. the county. It is a county road Money order and register busi-- nevertheless and liabilities are sg : 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. n,of reeved besides Spring Sunday gepal delivery ; 6 :30 City must pr dqes (ravel that to 7 :30 a. in. road for wood and otherwise. Making up maR fox transit : Wales has no outlet- for jock, Going north, 9 p mv. Going lumber, etc. only by that road, south, 5 p. m. save by a travel pf eight miles E. V. Fox, Postmaster. to Bishop Allreds corner in Chester ; besides ip the near fuFlay 21st, 1885. ture at the station in Chester the P Y. Ry will, have its ooal and coke yard, i(a receiving and Wk. K. REID, delivery of freight for several places, and temporarily for all ATTORPiEYA-Usouth of Chester. Besides these towns, the wards qf the county Manti, Sanpete Co ., Utah. have no provisions made by a - ..... . . m - W, Office at Court House- liFuffp ln Ur. I. B. Bfcnpl will bp the residence pf Mrs. Pritchett. Mt. Pleasant, on FyednesJay, the He will July 8th, 188-5remain hut a few days. Parties wishing dental york done should goverq' themselves accprdipgly, C 00 E.R.A.T I.V.E. General . t Give Me a Call . Mr, Wifi. Hill inforrps ps that M E R C.A.N.TJ.L E. the new photograph gallery now Merchandise. being built by himself for Mr, block , one south of Anderspn, the Taberuaple, Main St Manti, will be completed by the 24tjh p 8 S O C.I. A.T.I.O.N July, and will (hen be stocked with the bust phptqgraphip put . . . lit wept qf Chicago, Main St., Ephraim, The people pf this section evidently apprpdae the pppprfupi-t- y which Mr, Driggp oflers in the exchanging of mdse, for produce, Last week r. D. phipped one Cheapest place out. Best bargains to customers, Goods par load of produce and thip gold on smallest profits. week again (wo other car loads A good force of affable have gone to the metropolis employees to wait under his direction, pn our patrons, Lost.- - A gray ovorpoat C. by II. Wheeloek at the late quarter, iy conference at Ephraim, ' It is thought that the coat was taken rui n ,ni see for yourselves. A LKr r JOim X,OWRY& SON, and Dealer in all kind, of Importer ...... fccm?trWj.rI cqunlyToaarTntTEerr conipr a favor by leaving it at the repair, save by the taxes of the Co-ostore. Manti, or at C. limited and a - l P furniture w BABY CARRIAGES. ' 'V j p poll II. Wheelqoks residence, Mt. bylawth.it Pleasant. due tax ? pf the poll J. II. IIOUGAARD. in a city shall be devoted to GENERAL NEWS, keeping the ppunty road within County Surveyor and their limits in repair, the other LAND AGENTy shall he paid by the London, June lap respective P ties into the county dolph Churchill is holdiip y with the far. rightfully to conference treasury osten-ibltowns or villages juis qf weak these helt T. Salisbury. It is reported WILLIAM REID, on the coun'y road. From gal. that the subjept finder consfier-atioRake City, Salt Lake county deis the necessity foi an ATTORNEY PROBATE LAND& mand? anil ieceiup her pro rata. extension of the prjmps act. j very county tax. Itisproided OUR PICTURy'SRYpec!tilI''', onp-fpur- th 16.-rpLo- rd y, to-da- at U 00. KADE T0 ORDER. mm. Miim enr, uSk. Cmh raid for HW ' three-fourth- Dry 1 Goods u MANTI, UTAH. 9E0- E. BOOTH. J, . - M BROWN. ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS AT LAW. Office immediately north of Firt National Rank, Provo City. Attend to all kinds of legal business in all the counties of the Territory. to the settleSpecial attention givendeceased perment of the e tatcs of to and an local both foreign sons, o! and management collection the Atteno legacies anil, inheritances. contest to.land entries, final proots, ed entries, and all kinds of Land Office 1 Wm, h. qlsten, k d., gfotptott and jJurgwu UTa.i1, Limit AIM CITY, Office at Drug Moie. burgeon ut the ban Pet Railway, Consultations at Railroad .Office, Moroni, every Monday, from 12 m, to 4p, m. A ' al-le- y ; The Queen has offeredjlr. Gladstone an earldqm, in rog-nitio- u of his services to the finest line of RECTION-. Shirting. Queen and countrji Gladsme Full line of Calicoes, 7 to g cent. The people in the various set- has asked that he lj allow! to Best Ginghams, 12 cents. tlements of San Pete county are forego the honor, j B. T, Cashmere, only 12$ cent, home institutheir patronizing willoh-feof r Salisliry Marquis tions in purchasing their wagons with the Quen agair toand agricultural implements from the strong and reliable firm morrow. In the niantime ith-inwill be done rearding foign of Grant, Odell & Co whose or Indianaffairs ith-Qcolonial Bake are at Salt headquarters the Marquisof Saliairy City. The' people think that it is a step in the right direction to haying been pisifited. The do their dealings with their Queen left BalmLl Castjot 2 Wd-sofriends, who take an interest oclock this afterson for is complete, d Her Majesr was with them in building up this Beatrice by Princa Territory. The firm parries a first class line of goods guch as Miss Emma Nevada, die a large variety of" spring and American Primaionna, wadie Carpenters, Harnes and Shoemakers farm wagons and farming imrequisites in large varie- guest, last evenin. of the Pice plements at reduced prices, and ind Piincess oj Wales aihe the farmers that are now buying Hlse, MissTe their wagons and machinery Marlborough vada delighted prilliaut from this firm can be sure of Leather, Rivets, Hames, etc,, etc' pany with her butiful simg their extras for repairs in the and he charming future, which may not be so cer- will go to Paris planners, i morrow, tain with other firms. We are ,A call will convince you that confident that ere long this firm June Simla, Shockofjwhen the Sentinel gives the will be the largest and most exoccuredn ha alarm it is time to be up and tensive business firm in this earthquake Cashmere with ncreased doing, . Territory, that A lence. It is rep M, L, OLSOf, Supt. J, P. Christensen, their local person have pe(hed iu the agent for San- 'Pete, informs us trict ofMazuffmian, that several cash sales, both for wagons and machinery, have Dublin, June -- The Glc ENSEN been made this summer in the announces the jippressioff ENSEN farmthe several of and county, .he United Iritnan ande ENSEN ers have given their orders for Iri.ih World on Je Gth. mowers and reapers preparatory BOOT, SHOE, and HARNESS for the busy season coming, and NAKERS. Prince Fredr: Charla- the farmers in Manti are not he Harness, Saddles, HarnessIIard war , Whips, Bridles, Nose hind in ordering their share. neral will take ,ce on bags, Hobbles, Etc. Repairing promptly attended to Nothing but frank intercourse Earl Spencer jves Irelan California Leather. with independent minds, nothing Saturday. Natial excittt Main Street, Utah terms Richfield, on discussion but equal, is feared. will keep a thinker intellectually The New Yor tun intis humb e and conscious of fallibil- - A BOOTH & BROWN, line comprises STEP IN THE RIGHT DI- g ut r, aom-panie- i JJ t Doaler in i . E S: A X A -- I Qt $ gaiin Physcian & Accoucheur $02f0rdi M B., B. A., M. 0., And also Quarantine Physician for Manti Citv. Diseases of Ladies and Children a Specialty. .. Telegrams promptly responded to. U tah Manti I. Ik B RUN EL, BenTifl MANTI CITY, UTAH. Teeth extracted without pain by Mayos Vapor Process. New Teeth; - $20 to $30 per seb Are still at their old ataad, o-- - Manti City, Utah. f T-da- y. I ty- - that the Dolphin 11 be rei s |