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Show PIUTE PION VOL. II. MARYSVALE, MITE NUMBER 41. COUNTY, UTAH, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 12. 181)3. CORELLIS SPIRITED REPLY. and when her face is lighted up with TI1E DEED OF AN ANT. WILL GO ONCE MOKE. BELOW GROUND IN LONDON. a smile it is not unattractive.' She is New Thing to He Tried on the New The Author Declines to Let Plirtitol 35 years old. There is nothing whatEsaiulno Her lleatl. Vuderground llultway, Oflst GULDENSUPPE MURDER CASE ever in her appearance that would lead HOW IT SAVED A NUMBER OF HPNRY M. STANLEY SOON TO to the In addition aupresent rapid Marie the Miss Corelli, English HAS A PARALLEL START FOR AFRICA. a careful observer to believe her capLITTLE INSECT LIVES. facilities in London a new electransit celebnot does believe a she is thoress, able of participating in a tric underground railway is projected, rity. At least that is what she wroie is easily approached on A Striking Unselfish Devotion bkrtrh of a I.lfo That Read Like a which is expected to be In operation Joseph New Shot While Investigating murder. She of the British Phrenologithe president dilead not does Noises That Disturbed Ills Wife G every subject that llomauce From a Country Aim in four years from the present time, Example of What We Call Brotherly cal institute when that gentleman askto her connection with the H. Dobbs Accuse!, Mrs. New Being rectly lu Retcnsil Waa Love The Ilouae to th Hlgheat l'tunacle of fame says the Landon Mail. The route is Hero she would if ed her submit her cranium Tiny events of the night on which her husin the heart of the city, and the trains Ills Alleged Accessory la 111 Una Country. the End. to a phrenological examination by an band was murdered but ready to run sixty feet below the sidewill such matters. in result The expert adroitly avoid answering any question walks. A syndicate has been formed be institute's fam-to o was the in setN a published of sun was HE of the side group HE trial In New that bears directly on her anu s Eng lishmen and 3,500,000 has been raised, a sum York of Martin case. She insists that a3 soon as she ting when I return- current year book. The novelist to be sufficient for all exed slightly fatigued swered the application in the following latey printed in supposedof Thorn for the mur- has talked with her lawyer she will tell The total construction. penses alDear I have Sir: fashion; an American magfrom several miles lively der of Wm. all, but until then she said she would length of the line is about six miles, JfcWXi azine 1Ienry M and ride ou my wheel. ways been under the impression that in which have to be careful. She asserted, howthe tracks will be laid In double is cited as As is my custom my head is, to all intents and purposes, Mrs. Nack was an ever, that she had no idea who was her tunnels having an internal diameWr i s secrets of four a.nd the that the of own, had she my and that murderer will on husbands accomplice, returning home, of eleven feet six inches. These, toy 8reatest mea 1 took the hose working power are, so to speak, a a striking no connection with his killing. have and It V Welsh descent gether with the lift, shafts and the and turned water strictly personal matter between George Dobbs, who it is charged susparallel when the M o r t on station tunnels, of which the Internal which no. in have outsiders and her with relations myself, H. tained improper Henry rose case of George into a small trench from diameter will measure twenty-on- e as x. Stanley which had been right whatever to share. Erroneous Dobbs as principal fired the shot that killed her husband, ten feet, will he made in iron segments, of childhood retain I a still farm that be, husbands as may impression worked her had and Mrs. Amelia dug around a mano brickwork being used. hill be the old in a If years greatest Tower men had customs of to poorhouse New as accessory in the murder of her hand and she said the two ple tree for the purpose of holding it, and the born An advantage claimed for the double was conHe of I his force times. it in were explorer should think been got yet comes always They very friendly. water a sufficient time to permit the husband, Joseph New, Oct. 31, true His near tunnel Wales. in down in system Is the means it affords with fact. to as sistent rather Denbigh, brothers, dignity lay to.trial at YVichita. The circumstances along together dirt adjacent to the roots to become name is John Rowlands, but he took of good ventilation. When two llnc3 on 'cause a head sixteen hloek for New the ago, She years married that thoroughly soaked, says a writer in surrounding the murder are peculiar, run who man the serone in adoptthe almost imposof tunnel is observait had to never submit it the patronymic she than she inany and says prying and the case has aroused unusual the St. Louis Sitting ed him after, he arrived at New Orsible to secure this, but a train runterest. Mr. and Mrs. New were at ious trouble with him. He had always down near by, my attention was soon tion of a phrenological expert, in orbe leans, whither he went at 15 as cabin ning in a single lino tunnel acts as a home Sunday night, the last day of attracted to a group of small ants der that his opinion thereon should boy in a sailing vessel. Mr, Stanley piston, driving the air before it and a in book of year egregious published their two with ladies, enOctober, young rushing hither and thither in an waa a rich merchant, but he died withadd bringing a fresh current along in its to me Permit celebrities. modern nieces. About 9:30 Mrs. New awoke deavor to escape. The bottom of the was wake. Another subsidiary advantage 1 do not consider myself a 'celeb- - out a will and the future explorer that her husband and told him she heard circular ditch being covered, about and have no wish to pose as left to his own resources. He joined Is that the two tunnes need not neca queer noise, like some one throwing twenty of the ants sought sa.fety on a rity, Examine the head of Mr. such Pears, the confederate army, was taken pris- essarily he on the same level. The pebbles against the house, and asked oner and afterward served in the large clod of earth. At first they were whose lines can. Independently of each othe is of renown, him to see what was the matter. New soap scattered about over the highest part or make a When the war was over he er, slope downward in leaving and upof Tibbies Dr. of said he could hear nothing, and would subject of the little mound, and to all appearsecured a commission as newspaper ward in approaching stations, with a not get up. He dozed until presently immortality, but leave a ance were indifferent as to their surcorrespondent, and In 1867 the New consequent saving of power and wear satismere to the like Mrs. New again aroused him, saying writer myself York Herald engaged him as its rep- on the brakes, while In passing una little while one of faction of that close After roundings. and kindly relashe could hear the pebbles striking resentative to go with the British the number proceeded leisurely around der narrow streots where there is not has own which head with the house again. The husband still my tionship the on as an after navy the little and finishing ensign sufficient room for the tunnels to ho island, so far enabled me to make my own refused to go and see what might be In Abyssinia. When Stanley placed side by side the circuit hurried back to his comthey can be confashion the without the cause of the noise that Mrs. New picking (after way became a Journalist he laid the foun- structed one above the other. It then, that they panions. appeared of certain modern dramatists) the dation of his fortune. The story of his said she could hear. After a while for the first time, realized that they Each train will consist of seven there was a loud noise, as if someone brains from the heads of other people. first trip into Africa is told in his book surwater. were The surrounded which will provide soats for 33C cars, by nowhad drawn a stick down across the There are legions of celebrities (1872), How I Found Livingstone. and the headway between vey was repeated several times in persons, manusauce Mr. New then got from the dazzling weatherboarding. adays, His second Journey is described in trains will be two minutes and a half. ants of succession. The group quick to was go facturer down to the latest gyrating up, and while he preparing the Dark Continent (1878), The road is not intended to compete gathered more closely together and star of the footlights, many, or per- "Through and see what the noise was Mrs. New for which was presented at the he "underso much with the present seemed to be in a state of restless lighted the lantern, which, it would with the cross of a chevalier haps any, of whom will be only too and other as circuit with omnibuses rose As the water the ground anxiety. seem, she had placed conveniently, anpantingly eager and ready to obllgo of the Legion of Honor by the presi- surface vehicles. and earnest more the less, grew vigil a for examinasome such Sothe in necessity dent of the French Geographical ticipating phrenological you, and MRS NEW. the excitement more intense with each tion of these I trust you may discover ciety. The third time he went Into a lamp. When New had gone somewell for her and she was provided return of the sentinel. They rushed wide pud Hut Liberty With Oysters. interest. Africa was in 1879. lie traveled from thing like forty feet from the door Count Scheremetef, a.i immensely about over each other in a terrible May all their bumps never grow less! the mouth of the Congo, 1,400 miles there was a loud report, as if a shotstate of agitation, for the water was And may you succeed in finding among up that river to Stanley Pool. In 1887 wealthy and powerful Russian noble gun had been fired. New had gone CRUELTY TO HORSES. out at the east door toward the barn. rapidly approaching. There was now them that profound scientific informa- he was presented with the freedom of who lived in the early part of this As soon as the shot was fired Mrs. Carload Left Without Food and Watei hardly room for them to stand on; tion which shall prove of vital value the City of London, just before his decentury, had among his serfs a mau be named Schalouchine, who had amassed would a and while little that The New went out of the west door and fourth time. for Africa the just and assistance to an unlessoned world! parture for Three Days. went straight to the house of a neighAll Morristown was laughing last under water. They ceased struggling, Pray take tfcis letter In the friendly bor, nearly a mile away, and notified night over an amusing practical joke settled down into motionless inactivspirijj with which it is indited, .ajid un the folks that her Jiusoaud had been pljryed'"upbnTat least half a score' of ity anil ?l4ieff entirely reelgnedlo derstanJ til a?, liken he play of which shot. This was shown in the testin in his unrivaled prominent persons. Several days ago their- fate. I picked up a little stick Mr. mony before the coroners jury. The a firm of builders had consigned to and laid it across the water to the impersonation of Hatalet speaks, two nieces were left alone at the them a carload of wooden horses, such point where the ants were. .They Theres no offense In t. Faithfully house and Mrs. New did not know as are used in erecting scaffolds for seemed dazed and did not instantly yours, Marie Corelli. that her husband had been hurt at workmen, says the New York Herald. take advantage of the means of escape all, except that immediately following The car remained at the freight station thus afforded them. One then crawled Human Turk Carrier. the shot there was a cry of Oh, my until today, when it met the gaze of hurriedly upon the stick, went its full Difficulties of In an article on God! which, according to the testi- a prankish boy and a scheme arose In length out and over the blades of in the the in Tropics," Transportation mony of Mrs. New and the two girls, his fertile brain. Meeting a chum he grass on to the dry land. Without a C. P. Yeatman Magazine, Engineering seemed to be the voice of Mr. New. tore seconds hesitation he turned and confided the scheme to him and tells some remarkable stories of the George H. Dobbs was arrested at gether they carried it out must suc- traced his steps hack to his compan Eureka Nov. 9. Later in the day Mrs. cessfully. Going town a telephone ions. Now the smallest one of the strength and endurance of pack carThere are proNew, wife of the murdered man, was they hunted up the names of several group returned with him to dry land. riers in Columbia. on some roads carriers fessional pack accused of being; accessory to the active members of the society for the They both retraced their steps and the crime. After the murder suspicion Prevention of Cruelty to Animals find work of rescue began. They seemed who make a specialty of carrying burenfell on Dobbs, who almost at once took told them by wire that there was a passive, entirely subservient to the dens which the sturdy and much mule cannot stagger under. On during Mrs. at his house. abode News up carload of horses at the station that will of these two. Each, with a comsome of the roads you will see at Other strong circumstantial evidence had neither food nor water for three panion, hastened out to a place, of to be a live box developed. Dobbs is a widower with days. This startling information sent safety. The small one was much the times what appears and painfully down slowly staggering two small children and has resided in a chill of horror through the veins of more active, rescuing about three to the mountain side ahead of you; as the neighborhood of the murdered the merciful horse protectors and they the larger ones two. Time was predraw nearer you may hear the man for two years. He was at the lost no time in up their agents cious, as the water was rapidly rising; you hunting box very much as an old pack grunt, place soon after the murder and helpand demanding that immediate action it would sobn he running around the does at each downward step on mule ed with all the funeral arrangements. he taken against the wretches who outer end of the stick and the island a steep road. There is something unHe even sat on the coroners jury would so brutally treat a dumb ani- was One by one they canny about the whole proceeding, if which decided that New was foully mal. The report reached the ears of a were melting away. the guide accompanytaken out, it is your first experience, and you murdered by some unknown person. reporter for a local paper, and he ing the rescued one each time to a happen suddenly to overtake the box, On the night that New was shot Dobbs rushed pell mell toward the railroad of security. Why they did not going down hill, for the moving, swayhad borrowed a shotgun from a neigh- station to record the awful news, im- place all follow the first one out when he ing and grunting mass has no visible bor in the afternoon, saying he wanted parting the knowledge to all whom he returned puzzled me, but they did not. means of support, and no apparent exto shoot some quail. He returned the met. In a remarkably short time a The smaller ant now hurried forth cuse for behaving in such a manner. gun that night, saying he had not thoroughly maddened crowd had gathkilled any game. When he was ar- ered and the owner of the horses with the last one. Still he was not Perhaps you may read on its back, rested he said he had not fired the would have fared badly had they content, and rushed back In search of Mason & Hamlin Organ Company, The little hillock was now or some similar legend, but that is no others. gun at all, but an examination of the chanced to put in an appearance. A and he turned to seek help in solving the perambulating mysmelted away had had. he Dobbs showed that gun lumber merchant near the depot called safety for himself. He did not seem tery, for whoever heard of a boxed up been quite intimate with Mrs. New his workmen and set them to carry and frequently held long conversations water and food to relieve the famished so much concerned as before. He did organ wandering alone down a steep not hasten on, as when conscious of mountain path, and grunting as it animals, and an enterprising horse others. The water was runreeled along? Very likely the road is dealer was on the spot in a jiffy pre- rescuing around the stick. The last ave- too narrow for your mule to pass your ning paratory to buying the horses at a nue of escape seemed closed to him fellow traveler, so you are obliged to discount. At last the throng reached forever. He went to the highest point follow in its wake. But at last you the freight station and excitedly de- and settled down perfectly still. His are able to move ahead, and you find manded from one of the clerks that he conduct convinced me that that the organ is in no way to blame previous forthwith show them the horses. The now fully realized that the case for moving, for it has a man under clerk was puzzled to know what the he it. Short and stumpy he may be, but as far as he was concerndemonstration meant, but as there was was hopeless, ed. Must the bravest of them all thus the muscles on him remind you of the HENRY M. STANLEY. but one car containing horses In the die when he could easily have made pictures of old Atlas holding the world he yard merely pointed It out. The his In one escape long ago? He willingly on his brawny shoulders. quiet that settled over the crowd re. with a hand he carries stout own cane, his he risked life long, that might of that journey was published an enormous fortune. He had offered minded one of a graveyard, hut the which he steadies himself on the slip- storyIn Darkest Africa," and universi- as much as $250,000 for his freedom, a more Could others. serve striking in next moment it dawned upon them that of brotherly love and unselfpery clay, and when he wishes to rest, ties and scientific societies gave him but in vain. One day Scheremetef gave they had been fooled and with sheepish example of on side he backs the bank the up all sorts of honors. In 1890 Mr. Stau-le- y a dinner party and to his disgust there looks they departed from the scene, ish devotion be shown? Could a more earnest solicitude for the life of others the road, settles the lower end of bis married Miss Dorothy Tennant, were no oysters to begin the banquet vowing vengeance upon the practical load against the higher ground and the instanced? I think not. be He is just about to make with. They were not to be had at painter. joker. At Within his own power this little in- props up the upper end with hts stick; another trip to Africa. any price, replied the steward. was ushered that moment sect had no possible means of escape. then he is free to slip the plaited maGEO. H. DOBBS. To Scalp Em in among the guests and Scheremetef He did not fear death; nor did he die, guey fiber bands off his shoulders and Power of Suggestion. Wonderful how those Indians can with her. When he took up his horns bullied him as URual. Your freedom, he was last to escape. I lifted the forehead, and step out from under his but will that stimulate the Suggestion Not stick from the water and laid it on the burden. at her house so soon after the killing play football the way they do." he cannot have it If you you yelled, can effect cures when nerve centers I know; there was a strong suspicion and at all Indians are athletic. offered 1,000,000 rubles. A million, He crawled hurriedly away trouble. ground. Hence no organic Is arthere but how do they keep their minds off much talk of lynching until the a few dozen oysters would be to his companions, whom he had so reFirst Time. blindness or paralysis or any one of pshaw! rests were made and Mrs. New brought the other fellows long hair?" worth more than that to me at this killFrenchman was from A of of convicted torn the death. which of grasp simulate cently hysteria forms the GreenKnox of to Wichita by Sheriff Do I understand, then, my When asked if all sorts of organic afflictions may eas- moment. Whatever I may have done for them, ing his mother-in-lawood county. About twelve years ago would grant me my freeSchweinfurth to Move, that beyou lord, to himself had feel his can for in reliI the he emotional but say that, anything excitement, example, ily yield to News brother, a bachelor, was found the Rockford, 111., little hero ant did much more for me. fore taking sentence, he said: dom if I procured them for you? Schweinfurth, Nothor All enthusiasm hypnotism. gious hanging to the ceiling of his own Messiah, is about to move his Yes, was the answer. Schalouchine ing, excepting I lived with her twenty-on- e this is known as scientific medicine. house, dead. The coroners Jury at Heaven to Wisconsin, having purand is done is that among had brought a barrel of oysters, havnever before. did evil it years Wherein a Hole. of Out (Jetting: that time decided that it was a case chased a large tract of land near of the dinner. The deed of the ignorant the real cause of the cure ing heard See, madame, did you ever see such of suicide, hut an attempt will now be was freedom immediately of some signed, favor marvelous is ignored in Barred. a homely man as that one over by the more made to find out something took his place among the Schalouchine of a natural very fact Madam, is your son expecting to interpretation Sir, that is my chimney corner? about that case, as well as tde murand his descendants are not only husband. Marriage. Ah, madame, how true carry off any honors at college this And the real cause may also be thro vn guests der of Joseph New. bankers in Russia, hut wealthiest the false a of favor In In aaide said explanation Is twelve that Is It that the homeliest men year? No, poor fellow; he injured marriage, jthe proverb Mrs. New is a woman of average ennobled wer about a quarter of a or creed bolster an up 100 support to one of the parties has always have the handsomest wives. out of every his kneecap in the first game of tho height and somewhat thin. Her hair been married before. ago. PhiladelDhla century Press. fad. Gaulois. RPAaon " Detroit Free Press. U of a light brown, her eyes are blue A KANSAS MYSTERY. cold-blood- ed UMone V j Globe-Democr- at. j fed-dero- world-wid- oa ex-er- al Ticon-pediti- on Sor-bon- ne Forbes-Robertso- . Schi-louchin- I e |