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Show t c Tiie Piute Pioneer. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, Is Marysvale, Pictr Co., Utah. . C. A. DEWITT, at Betterson was highly elated over this action of Dica and made lots of fun for the onlookers with his mauuvers F. O Hnrngae, of Junction,, was in white in pain. He is all right now town yesterday visiting his sister. 9 pounds of ooflje heluiers. $1.00, Itelu- - Mrs. M. Publisher J. Lyon went to Salt Lake City Thursday morning. Official Paper of the County bubhciuition term 8. Cue copy, one year six months V ., three ruontha Bute red at the post office as second-clas- s J2 Of) 1 00 50 at Marvsvale, Utah matter, May 20th, 18 96 ADVERTISING RATES. LENGTH OF TIMR. Double eolmtm ads charged tnt and 85 per cent additional. double Iron County Record: George Washington Jones was ariesied in Cedrr yesterday by Oounty Sher ff Parry in response lo a telegri pliic message.and taken back to Parowan. where he has left a store and board bill unpaid, Tliis gentlenisu of the preteulioUN name appears to have no business and no particular object save to live. No doubt bis health - better while traveling and this is just what lie should be eucuuraged to do. A man of the same name came to this town about six weeks ago without baggage, claiming to represent wealth, but the people here didnt take much stock in him and he only stopped about eight or ten days, lie left a couple of small board kills here as tokens of remembrance. Goods . lamal notices 10c per line brevier type (seven Words to line). Twelve lines of this (nonpareil) type to an Inch. Slic'd. d rates on anpheation. libitum ies charged for same as local notices. Announcements of births and float ns published free. marriages, It will pay you to call in and price my goods before you purchase else- OFFIGIAL DIRECTORY STATE OFFICIALS. Unfted States Senators Frank .1. Cannon J. J Kawlins Kino. Representative to Congress, Governor, Kerch M. Wells tieereUirv of State, James T. Hammonii State Auditor, Morgan Richards Btale Treasurer, James Chlpinan A, C. Bishop Attorney General, John R. 1ark Kupt. I'uldi;; lustnletion Charles 8. Zane )G, W. Barteli cupreine Judges. i ) J. A. Miner Distr et Judge fm Sixth Distrtet, Win. McCarty Mite Senator for Tenth Dlsot., Issac Wright Slate Representative, 1iliteCouhty, Jas. Foishee . are selling below cost at Reinheimer.- - BUCKLENS ARN ICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands Chilblains', Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money Price 25cts per box. sale by Ohas. Rsinheinier. Good meals "ood beds and a warm welcome style any lnjuu more. above I wont ride but Fo DALES, I I! Cl Junction, 141bt of sugar (1 OOat Eelnheimers CIRCLEVILLE. Weather continues fine Circleville needs a good PIUTE COUNTY OFFICIALS. doctor1. Liens. FINE ASSORTMENT A Notice is hereby given that the plaiutiff above named has commenced his suit in the above named court to foreclose a mechanics lieu ou the following property to wit: A certain water dtcli beginning in Mill creek at or near the junction of the two of a mile! branches thereof about below the Annie Laurie mill in Piute Count, Utah, ruuniug thence In a ortherly direction about two nille to what is known ae the Bolltho and Hess placer mlne&nd all persons having or claituingTieua thereon, are re- quired lo exhibit such tiers to' the court on or before the' 14th day of March, 1808, oi the same will be Wallace & Brown, barred 1st pub. Feb 12. Attys for plaintiff. So 5 So SO So 31 In tlie District court of the Sixth Judicial District, County of Flute, State of Utah. In the matter of the estate of J William Taylor Deuuis, Deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at her residence In Bullion Precinct, Piute Co., Utah, on or before the 23rd Ann Adelaide Dennis, day of May, 1898. Executrix. C. w. Jones, 1st Pub. Feb 12, 98 Attorney. FOR SAI.K BT THE I COUNTY AKD MUNICIPAL BOND8 BOUGHT- Enclose d . 1$ Utah, Charles A. Brown of Loa, Utah H. N.McGREW, ' ' M. W. Mansfield, Register. lstpubijan. 2?, Atty for Claimant. 'iUomis Stamp for BANKING HOUSE C. 14 OF - Prompt K ply . - l-- tv... J. MOSELY, AA&ss Boston, Mining application Office I I NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 3. Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. Fell. 4, urn. Notice is hereby given that the following-naed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Judge of the oih Judicial District for liute County, Utah, at Junction, Utah, on March 19, iste.vlz: William & NWKi II. Luke or li E 9406 for tlie !4 NE NU'i of Sec 21 Tp 29 8 R 3 W. He names the following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon, and cultivation of Said land, viz: Janies II. I.sngford, John Barnson, Win. H. McIntosh, Hard Whitlock of Junction, Utah. Frauk D. Hobbs, II. N. McGREW, ( I gist tour nomrs woiithi SALT LAKE HERALD the Conbeft. About 10:30 Sunday night, whil Harry WooUS was taken ftitJk very suddenly last Wednesday night. Th the Saiuta of this place were all aSlttfp doctor was called iu. At tbe (preseui a couple of wouid-b- e bad boys though time he is much betti r and his friends they would have a fast' ride od their hope that he will be arhbud pgaiu way home. Joh Betterson Jr. and IVm. Jonuson Jr. wre to kDon. meeting that eveuing and when they started George Hcssi iu'er went down to back, both on one Elsinore Tuesday morning. He is ed. Which will horse, they exclaimget home first, we rtr thinking of going iutothe livery bus the lior. e? They were going at a iness at Milford. .George is a break-hec- k good speed When tbe horse bo:.f-- t aiau and we wish stunibled aud fell, throwing the riders turn ail the success be desires iu thi lo the ground. Juhnfioii was bruised new enihre. considerably and Betterson received a severe bjtiw bn tile kude. In tome Evetyone (I res to kebp inform tmsterioufi rilitihiPr BeMersbil 8r. was i n Yukon, the Klondike aud Alaekap notified of the accident, and he arose fcfold fields, 8eud 30e, for large Comfrom his peaceful sldiliber and made pendium of vast information and big a bee line for Dr. Smith, who Was Jolor map to Hamilton Ptib. soon bn the scene of tlie excitement. Cb., Iu The boys were taken to the Johnson tiianapolia, iud. home I y a young m tn who chanced A let t was received from to be returning from tlie home of his Judge nJijCiirty by Attorney fair one. Hire Dr. Siiiiili attempted Page in Lich heeaid that he would to iXaniine young Bel 'brJi til's Knee, hbldaahon sesJion of ibe Distiict but be IbUght tile doctor off with cries bjurt at Jincfon ouihe 2fiL hint to ofvbonnotiWi ill dont touch Mt! But the doctor watched his chaui'e,! lUend .o Dri'hate n,at.er I mule a pass at J4 , lets ms - leg and nnitinfiy. sprung tne kuse sap bauk iu pluee. Register. 1 end Best. ' per Annum, sr Biggest, Brightest DAILY 410.00 83c. per month. No. Ijintl Salt Luke t Ity, Utah. Nov. 15, 1897. Notice Is in reliy given that Toni Fer gusson ar.d Duncan J. Frew, whose post office address is Marysvale, Piute County, Unh, and T F. OilUn.wliosc c address is Richfield, Bevler Cmlnly, Utah, imvc made application for a patent for l'.Od linear feet of tlie Ou of Kght L "i 1earing Gold and other nrcciotis metals, situate in Ohio Mi deg District, Piute County, Utah and described In the official plat anti field notes on file In this office, as follows, viz: Variation 18 deg 2o min E. Beginning at Corner No. 1, b corner of the claim. Thence N. 43deg 1? min E. fifteen hundred to Corner No 2. Thence 8. 33 deg 02 min E. 600 feet to Corner No. 3 Thcuce 8. 4S tieg 17 min W. IWtO feet to Corner No. 4, Thence N, S3 deg 2 min W. 600 feet to Corner No. L the place of beginning containing u total one area of twenty and fbrty-tW- o acres applied for, no cot flicts. From Corner No. 1 of said Lode U. S, M. M. No. 1 bcirs N. 25 deg 67 min W. 5287 feel distant and from the same Corner the Rtciion Corner on South Hide of Section 32 Tp 27 8 R 4 W. 8. L. M. Utah bears N 21 deg 08 min.W. 6175 feet distant.' Haid Lode runs N. 48 deg 17 niln R 490 feel and 8. 48 deg 17 min W. 1010 feet from the Discovery aud forming a portion of the Unsurveyed Township 28 8. oi Range 4 W. of tlm Halt Lake Meridian, The location of his mine Is recorded in the Cotinty Recorders office of Piute County, Utali, on page 394 o t fidok C and Amend'd uni ice on page 117 Book 10 at Junction, Piute Co. Utah. Adjoining claimants : re none as shown upon the pint. All persons holding adverse claim thereto are required to present the, same before this office within sixty days from the first day of putdihatiou here of in the PiUTF, PIONEER at Marys Vale, Utah, or they will be barred by virtue of the provisions of the slut Ute BYRON GROO, T. d. ilaildyi Register. post-i4fic- hun-dieritl- is - Only Attorney per year, or 73c. for 8 months. Subscribe through local agon or send direct to tub herald bake City. for Claimant. 1st publication November ?1l h, 8L 1897. &19. CO-S- alt FOR PUBLICATION. LAM) (iprici at Salt Lakk Cn y UtaiI, Novi a. ber 30.I8.it. NOTICE NOTICE 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE v tbi.tthe 18 HEREBY following-bante- d t t GIVEN settler has filed noiiee of liisliileiitloil to make final proof In supiHiitof his el. .In), da l IliA sal I proof will bo mute before the County Clerk rif Wayne County Utah; at Loa, Utan, January 15, 1893, viz: Wll lifini E. Mirlngham II id 47 fo. the NK W y, NV-See 21 t See 20 RE qr 8E qr all-rou- 4 if ipasSItaE. Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac., Anyone sending a sketeb aod description may an tjulckly ascertain oar opinion freewuetber Invention is probably patentable. Commnnich-uon- s strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent) sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents, taken tbrouch Mann A Co. recelvi bptrial notice, without charge In tbe Attoi nby. Scientific American MliNN & Co.36lBroa(l"ay New York ;i'n j0fl I 25 F St. Washington, 1). - Mil lUvCt ni't .r.otH.i ., jeti . tr Vrlug U re. tb-i- r wai. poit u ra think me Slav trj patent? weaitii Pt'ent . P,1,8"C ( cHo r ter-- SUBSCRIBE cir- Illustrated weekly. a culation of any scientific journal. Terms. year: four months, $L Bold by all newsoealers. Branch Office, - - - - :2 !' General Passenger A sent FORE- ill Jr., ileroRsct, F lahiult, Versus Ben Lewis amt Alice Lewis, j PelemliimM, t'mler ami by virtue of an order of sals anil tloerot) ol foruclitMire, Issueil nut of the District Court of the Fifth Juiltrlal I Mali It t of tho sl.uc of nah, on the seventh day of Jamuuy A. D. one thousand eight hundred and ninety eight, hi the above entitled action, wherein Sarah S. Thompson, adnilnlstrntlx of the i shite of E, V. Thompson J)., deceaseil, obtained a Judgement and decree against Ben Lewis and Alice Lewis, his wife, defendants. In the Sen. I Jmliel.d District Court, of the teirltory of i tah.oi. theeUld-teentday of May, A. 1). 1895, which said doeree was on the 2oth day of May A. 1). Hli.l, tiled iu office of the clerk of said Court, last adores, ild. and now ivnmlns of record In the nh e o( the clerk of the said E Uth Judicial DIstih t Unuit, for thecounty of Beaver, Slato of Utah, In I am coumuiiuled lo sell all those certain pieces or parcels of land sltu de in thecouiily of Piute, statu of Utah, ami bounded and dt siulhed as The 8E qr of the SE qr of Sec follows, 12 and tho N E qr ol the N W qr of Sec 13 hi Tp 30 8 of li 4 W of 4 L M, containing iu all idgld.i acres of land, together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments ami Hppiirtemmi i s, thereunto belonging and othcrw sr apiicrluInhiK Notice Is here by given Itiatou Monday the 7th dHy of March A 1)., t s:w, al 12 oclock boon ol hat day, in front of tho court house In Jiiuelioii liute. County, Utah, 1 will In oliedii nee to aid order of sale and decree of furechtsufU, Sell thu above described propertv or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy plaintiff's Judge intuit with Interest thereon and coals, to tin hi, best and best bidder for cash, law fill mom y JAMES STOCKS, of the United states, sheriff of Pluto Co Pit Pub Feb 5th, for herewith, there being no cunfllels. All o said lode mining claims composing said Couso dated claim being of record the office of the County Recorder, Beaver Count) , State of U tali, towlt Ilie Sarault lode In Book li, No. 2 of Notices Page 353. Thu Montreal mine lode lu Book in No, 9 of Noll nrs, Pau ,173. Ilie Nia.'ia Fall mine hale In Book D" No. 2 of Notices, Pago 354. The Uotmi mining claim lode lu Book I)'' No. 2 of Notices on Page 355, and tho Uonsoll 2 of Notices, luted iiilno lode in Book 111 "D"-Nu- Ulaiinaiits Alluiucy. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To Georg HallI b You are Hereby notlfim! that we have expenuud one hundred (100) dollars iu labor and improvements upon tlie d ty tn-w- section 2321. Joseph Braitliwaite A Frank Mrignt 1 Register. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. To Christophur Takb: You are hereby uoiGied Unit we have expended three hundred and sixty ($360 dollars iu )abur and improvements upon the Bido Wiper hale mining claim, situate in Ohio Mining District, Piute Couuty, Utah, One tiuudred ($100) dollais during ana for the year 1895, uno bu udied ($160) dollars during and fir tbe year 1896, aud one hundred ($100) dollars during and for the year 1897, as und fir the auuuul labor and assessment work re. quired by law for said three yeurs lively to hold said premises uuder and pursuant to the provisions of section 2324 of the Revised BtatUtes of the United States.- - Thirty-fiv- e ($35) for surveying, twenty ($20) dollars for Land Office work, and five ($5.00) dollars coufiict That this uotico sliail be pubhsned fir ninety (90) days days, Thai if you fall or refuse for Lie period of ninety (90) days aftef tlie complete publication of ibis uotioe to coulribute your proportiou of such iu said expenditure as a The sum of mining claim tweuty-flv($25) dollars for each yeari or the sum ot seventy-fiv($75) dollars fr assessment work aud fifteen ($15 ) dollars for oilier expenses, making the total sum uf ninety ($90) dollars, your in letcst in said claim will be forfeited lo and become the properly of the uiideisignod by virtue of ami under the terms of said section to-wt- mlult'g .claims: Hutieliiue, Hutirisd, Huuset and Lone Star milling clnims, situate ' in Onto Mining District, litlto Cotinty, Utah, One litindred (S100) dollars hi each of Ilia above niluing claims during und for the year 1897. as and for ibe annual labor and assessment work required by law for one year to hold said premises undor and pursuant to tbe provisions of section 2324 of the Revised 8taluteS of the United States. That this notice shall lie published for ninety (90) days. Thai if you fail or refuse for the period of ninety (TO) days after the Complete publication of tltis notice lo contribute iu of such expenditure a a i: The sum said mining claims of one hundred ($100) dollars for one year upon ench claim, or tbe total wuiu of four hundred ($400) amt cost of Advertising. Voilr in throat In said claims will be forfeited to. and be dome the property of the ibibraignd by virtue of nod under tho terms of said lolloWln-naitU:- . Page 358. Hie nearest known loea: Ions are Hie Amelia, LulNo. 3 and the Summit mine Jl 8, No. 30se. I direct Unit this notice be published In tho Pi Ul g 1'ioNKKiial Murvsvalu, hull, iho newspaper published nearest Li iu said mining claim, for the period of lull weeks. BYlvON GItOO, E. D K, Thonii son. with you in said claims. 1st Puli, .Inti. 2J. 1898. i; re-s)- ec t: e e 2324. Notice No. Elias Morris, A jest for owners with 1st pub. Jau. 22. you lu suid claim. 2C00. ALfiLUjATION FOit PATENT. S. LandOffieo. , alt Lake Itv, Utah. September 28,1897. Notice Is hereby given that the Montreal Min lug and Smelting Company by A. L. Kempland Its Attorney in fact lias made application for a Moil United States Patent for the Rar.iqlt Deal mine, Niagara Fall mine. Boom mining claim, and Consolidated mining claim, lories situate In RtVky Milling District, Beaver Count y Utah, consisting of 175.8 linear feet Of the Sar aultlode, 1243.9 feet Of the Montreal Mine loUe, 1473.2 of the Niagara Fall Minn lode, 1480 feet of the Boom Mining Claim lode and soo feet of the Consolidated Mlnillg Claim lode aud surface Wound respectively as shown on the Official plat herewith M 3 No. 446 awl deScHhed In the field notes and plat Of the official survey (in file in this offle-- -, with imigilctie variation At 15 degrees 49 minutes cast, as follows: Commencing COrrier NO. fit the KitrAult lode from which U. 3. M. Mi No.1 learS N 33 deg. 16 ami from which th min. W 119'i.ti feet Hears S 33 discovery fidlnt Of i.w) N' 24 deg. 49 min. E 131)6.4 feet distant; to corner No. 2 of said deg. 01 min. E 1370 feet Saiault lode. Them N 12 (leg. 23 mini W lllr.3 Let to corner No. 3of Said safaidtldde which ton mon and Identical Vvith Vornoi No. 2 ol th Montreal Mine lode; tlienc.- from Mid odiilniou N 27 deg. 30 min. W i275.9 fm-- t to corner No. 3 cf Said Montreal .vUile 10do W lilcli is com1 mon and Identical with corner No. of Ihe NSihd fiomWIilcli cbiumon, lode mine Fa'l iagara 'awl ideutical corner U. 3. M. M.. No. 1 bears 3 d eg. 04 min. VV 2498 feet distant: theiice X 65 2 of said eg. 5(i niln. W eoofeet to corner No. Full mine lode common aud identical of the O' mi mining epitm !od v. ith ( (truer No. and l lenlical covm i and fiom wliicli E iT.t ' U. ,s M. M. N ). eears.-- , deg. 34 'iio. , NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. NO. 3543 1 Land Office, Salt City, Utah. November 24, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the fullowlng-naed settlei has filed notice of Intention to makd final proof In support of his claim and that said proof will bs made before the County Clerk o( WayneCo., Utalq at Loa, I lair, on Jan. 15, 189 viz: WHdam 8. Wood for the WK NW!4 Sec. and K'A N K'i Sec 2 Tp 28 S U 2 E. He names the following w itnesses to prove hll continuous residence updo; and cultivation of said land, viz- Willis E. Robison, John T. Laz( enby, Charles A. liVowiii Walter II. Jeffery, ol li. N.McGREW, Loa. Utah. Flint lU tn Register. ( J - 1 (Pst-in- names the following wit: esfieJ t6 prove Ezra n. Cullard Jr'. of, sahl land, Vizi j:.mcl ii. (nkerhoff of T,i:r'er, rte.h. J hn B 3 , 'i hor.-aH, 'oakemr n of Lvcsli, Utfih M. '7: Minsfi Id, ir. N, McGreW, . life A handsomely - - 1 Utak L 'I - ad Exchange PIhcp. one-fimr- th ' 0i50 p m CLOSURE OF MORTGAGE. Saiah S. Timings. m, Ailmtnls-tr.iuof tlie elate til K. amounts on Town and Country pioperty d 1 i am - inlays, Belknap, ftr Thistle and Intermediate points, ou Lues- days, Thursdays and isalur- NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON MONEY TO LOAN I Atty for claimant. First publication Feb. 2th. 8:85 Wednesday a Mondays, - K. A.AVAPi.hiuii, Publishing Co ) ' and 8.H. Baucoi'K, Traffic Manager. Deseret News W-- No. 3542. points, Arrives at Belknap from Thistle and mtei mediate munis 111 Balknap. Teachers. , following-name- p Is the short hue from all 8oulhThe It. easLru Utah to Salt Lake City and all paints east. Two trams daily from Salt Lake Oitv aud Thistle Junction to llenver, Omaha, Chicago, uouis and all parts ol the Putted Slates, Canada and Euriqie. For rates, Information, etc., apply to ag nt Students, Sunday School ( 1 ..... 4 55 - At b per. cent in any following-name- (In effect November 1, 1897.) Arrives at Belknap, horn Ogden, Nat: I hkc city and allImeruieillale points, - Leaves Belknap, tor Ogden, Salt Lake City and all Jays G. W . Missionaries, TO CREDITORS. . 6 FOR . NOTICE So on Notice to Exhibit Mechanics 8- A serious accident happened Tlie soys are Hying to get up n Joseph fteilsen Monday evening party logo duck hunting in Grass while riilmg a fractious horse. Joe Valley to lav. was on his Way home and just in the oenter of town his horse started Emanuel Poulsen stfltted btf a busback, throwing Joe violently iness trip to Grass Valley yesterday the ground and bursting a blood yes tnorning. sel along the right-sidof his neck or Mr. E. 1 M werS, of Sait Lake head. Joe bled profusely ai d tot City arrived iu' tawii last Tuesday, hours looked as though he would ex pire. but as we go to press we learn lie is visiting friends here. of his improvement. Russei I vie, i f Gulina, has'openbd a A grand tihie IS anticipated here on Imi her shop in the Poulson building the fcvbnihgof the 18th. A concer where he is prepared to attend to all will be gi veu uudeif the auspices of business in his line. iheY. D. M I. A. Tlie program will cons'st of songs, recitations, music by Orville Hblderfflan and Miss Rose the female orchestra, quartets and di Spregue went (o Junction last 8at alngues. Tlie will also display th Rainbow Drill., Eac brday to visitlMiss Spragues mother. famous will an in young returned appear lady They elegant Sunday evening. costume; each costumo is a differen Miss Rose Sprague had the misfor- color and feach lady has a paft differ tune t'd severely cut three of her til from the rest. The ladies deserv a good house as they have spent fingers this week. They were cut m deal of tihie aud money for lll great she that had dreS them sed by badly occasion. They will also dance after the doctor. Utah. a ln,er-media- le Bill Nay is quite sick at'present. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. The roof of J. II. Fullmers residence No. 3560. .. .. William Lpkk bounty Clerk, has just undergone a coat of paint I tl. Land Office, Juliet kill s Halt Lake City, Utah. which improves the looks very much. .. .. Ella Kenner December 24, 1897 . ti'clir, Kingston Walter Farnsworth was taken to Notice is hereby given that the Assessor and Collector, .. EbWAHn BagLey ' KOosliarem notice of nis Intention Sail Lake CJty on the 3rd inst to be to makesettler has filed . J. H. STOCKS Sheriff in support of bis claim, and flnl proof Marvsvale operated on for appendicitis. Walt that said proof will be made before the County treasurer JOSEPH SUllWKEKS Junction stood the operation O. Jx. and his Clerk of Piute County at Junction, Utah, on Feb. Wm. Johnson. teupt. f Schools, , 1898, viz: Alexander Morrill, H E No. 9?70, Circleville rnahy friends look for his return soon for the SE qr NE qr & Lot Sec. 4 Tp 80 S R 8 L. 8. .. Page IProsecutlng Attorney, names the following witnesses to prove his Elders Howard and Johnson, from Marysvale tlouuty Physician, residence upon and cultivation of continuous been have to called labor with Tropic, Marysvale said land, viz: Chnrles E. Harris, Jesse O. R. PnWtTi Marysvale 8aihts the of this th and also ward Circleville VL.D.MiTcrtELL, Harr2s, Lyman L. Johnson, E. W. Price, of Selectmen, rest of the tfards iu this stake. They Junction, Utah. It. Brown, Sr, Kdosliarem H. N. McGrcW, Precinct Justice, Jeremiah Dennis First Pub. Jau. 1st. ' some the Register. iustrue gave people good Marysvale Notaries Public, tious and a reformation is looked' for iu the near fulure. . tieeiuct Constable, J. Haws, No. 3572. Marysvale While J. C. Whittaker r.nd Others NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. i U. 3. Land Office. were rounding up souse cattle on the SATURDA Y, FEB. 12th, 1898. Salt Lake City, Utah. 4th inst Whittaker was tile victim of ( January 10, 1898. Is Notice hereby given that the Lem Uoll ftth was dowu from the t severe acci dent. While running settler has filed notice of his intention to Mr. cow, Whittakers horse stumbled make final proof in support of his claim and that Vebsitf WedneSilay nigllt. and fell, catching the rldej's foot and said proof will be made before the County Cle) k an aukle. Dr. Griffith .from of ,Wane County, Utah, atboa.Utah, on Feb. 21 Wiil Warnrich was Id town last breaking A. Chappell for tilt! 8)4 SVV'li Marysvale, was sootl at the ranch I8;8,'iz: George But.dn vi 9 tp 28 S R 3 E No.' 3572. and with the assistance of Dr. T. C W!4 E qrHeSec names the following witnesses to Pete Kraemer, who is working od Smith, Set the broken limb Tlie prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: refer Christensen, the Htandnrd, wasdown iti town Tues- tient was then taken home and William I. Callahan, Sidney CtWus, of Ionian, last was eas resting y. reporis night. day . Time TaKe ITc. 31 In the District Court, State of Utah. Piute County George Gimmick, plaintiff, vs Willie Rouff and. Jacob Hess, defendants. 1 1 a & 3 d !.. '9! mitt. A',' 71 K .0 corner No. 2 of suhl Boom nuuug 1 laiu ado; thence S 24 deg. 01 min. W 420 feet to or tier No. 3 of said Boom lede; thcuce 3 84 deg. 04 min. V lftss.s feet to corner No, 4 of said Boom lode which Is common and identical with corner So. 3 of the Consolidated mining claim lode; thence 3 84 deg. 4 min, W 800 feet to corner N . 1 of said Consolidated mining claim lode; thenio at deg. 56 min. E 602 feet to coruer No. 4 o said consolidated mining claim lode; thence N 84 deg. 04 lulu. E 650.1 feet to corner No. 4 of Urn mgra Full mine lode; thence 8 65 deg. 50 mlu Nt.Oo feet to corner no.5 of said N'lagra Ea mine lode; thcuce N 84 deg. 04 lulu. E 007.2 fe, t feet to coruer No. 6 of said Nlagra Fall mine lode which U common and Ideutical with corner no. 4 of the .Montreal claim; tlieuce 824 deg. 21 mlti. E 938 feet to corner No. Sot the Montreal mine lode; tlicnce 8 9 deg. 16 min, E 542 feet In outer No. 4 of the Surault lode common ami identical with corner No. I of said Moutreal claim and from which common corner U. 8. M M. No. l bears 3 62 deg. 22 min. W 730.3 feet dls I hint; thenee 8 9 deg. 16 mill. E'250 feet to corner No, 5of said Sarault lode; thence 3 I deg. 46 min. E i2oo feet to place of beginning, t'ne presumed general direction of tlie Sarault lode Is from the discovery thereof 8 9 deg. 16 uiiti. E to a point 150 feet distant; thence 8 ldeg 46 mlu. E 600 feet to a point on the southerly en line thereof aud from discovery N 9 deg. 16 min W 575.8 feet to a point on northerly end Hue thereof. The general direction of the Montreal mine lode Is from the discovery point thereof 8 9 deg. 16 min. E 125 7 feet to polut on southerly end line thereof and from said discovery N 34 deg. I(j mm. W 1243.9 feet to point on northerly end In hereof. The general direction of the Nlagra Fall mine ode Is trom a point on the westerly end line thereof N 84 deg. 4 min. E 150 feel to the discovery point thereof; thence M 84 deg. 4 mlu. K to a point 803.6 feet distant ; thence N 24 deg, 04 niln E 6911 hi i to a poi M 1, il.c tatdeily end lino thereof, rim general direction of the Consolidated mlu lug claim lode Is fiom a point In the ceuter of the easterly end line thereof 3 84 deg. 04 min. W too feet lo the discovery thereol ; thenee 8 84 deg, u4 mlu. W 600 feettoa point ou the westerly end line thereof Said Consoiiduicd Claim contains a total area t 160 acres, allot which is claimed aud applied ' WSAlVti REINHEIMER. where. t distant; thenee X f MICTION HOTEL tla-ilc- e 1 - Nim-al'- a 1 t MARYSVALE MARKET REPORT We give bcfdvv the local (Marysvale) priced current, based updn information courteous! furnished at the close Of the week by our local merchants and dealers. The quotations are fo? cash ! 0,85 4 Oats($ 100 lbs) Wheat (V bushel) Live StOck Beef cattle ($ ft, estimdtfed wt)- Hogs ($ 5, estimated fegfi.t)..'.. Sheep (l head Paovisioss Butter (ranch),... (creamery) Fggs ( dozen) Bacon CP lb) ); lour (V lW Ibsj. SO TX $? " 3 BV1 50 ?d H - 20 e -- 10 ft 28 2 50 N e T . |