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Show victions, so far as furnishing money is concerned. They contemplate the building of an airship and have seYears-Hoofrom the littsburg Reduction cured ds Bar Poor Health for Company of Niagara Falls, sheets of saparltla Cures Dyspepsia. aluminum of unusual size. They proMy husband was In poor health for pose to use these sheets in the manunot he yean owing to dyspepsia and could facture of a cylinder, which will be get relief. We gave him Hood Sarsapa- 58 feet 2 inches In diameter, and 9 feet rilla, and after he had taken three bottles in length, with a forward cone of 50 heoould eat without distress and was able feet and a rear cone of 45 feet. They to work. Barbara KEHBEna, 139 North propose to use Ibis cylinder In the construction of an airship which will Pearl Street, Green Bay, Wis. cost $15,000, weigh about 5,000 pounds, and carry one ton of passengers and Is the best in fact the One True Blood Purlfler. provisions. It Is proposed to propel this machine by a gasoline engine of 100 II. I. This the company thinks HoodS Pills cure constipation. 25 cents. will solve the problem of transportaRARE CASE OF BUSINESS HONOR tion to and from the Klondike. Without Distress Hoods Sarsaparilla Amo F. Eno of New York Fiji 8500,000 to Settle Debt of a War Time Failure. The most remarkable case of busi- ness honesty and conscientiousness ever known 1ms como to light In the action of Amos F. Eno of New York, who, at an estimated outlay of $500,-00is paying olt old claims against a firm In which he was a member, and which failed two weeks after the outbreak of tlie civil war. Before the war Amos U. Eno, now of lie Fifth Avenue hotel, was the head of the firm of Eno, Kolieris, Hlioades & Co. In 1857 his son, Amos F. Eno, succeeded to his fathers interest. In 1859 the firm dissolved, and was succeeded by the firm of Eno, Iteuren & Valentine, Amos F. Eno being at Its head. It did a most extensive business in Hicks dry goods, its customers being almost entirely In Hie South. At the outbreak of the war Hie southern merchants refused to settle their balances. Many linns crashed, and two weeks after Fort Sumter was fired upon the linn of Eno, Beuren & Valentine went down. The stock and business were sold, and the proceeds prornted nmong the creditors, woo gladly signed a release on receipt of the small dividend thus secured. The firm passed out of memory, but after in busithe war Mr. Eno ness and prospered. Nothing more was ever thought of the old firm and its debts until quite recently, when Mr. Eno began distributing cheeks among the old creditors of his firm, with Interest at 4 per cent, since 1801. lit' enjoined confidence on the receipt of each check, but t ho exhibition was such a rare one that the news leaked out. Mr. Eno positively refuses to say a word about it. Many of those who have received the cheeks know nothing nbnut the old claims, being sons, nephews and grandchildren of the original creditors of the old firm, and the books in which the old accounts were kept having been destroyed. They can only take Mr. Elios word for the fact Hint lie owes them Louis and ns to the amount.-S- t. 0, 1 Glolo-Ienioera- t. Building an Air Ship, The Atlantic and laelde Aerial Navigation Company of San Francisco seem to have the courage of their con 8100 Reward, 8100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there Is at leaat one dreaded disease that selence has been able to cure In all its stages and that Is Catarrh. Halls Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical Catarrh being a constitutionfraternity. al disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, und giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature In doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith In Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Bend for list of Testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0. Bold by druggists 75c. Halls Family Fills are the best. The Missouri Ktnte Supreme Oourt line decided tlint smoke Is not a nuisance, and de- clared the ordinance of St. Louis unconstitutional In the case of tho city of SI. Louis against the Edward UeltsE-lierPacking and provision Company. Tho court holds that smoke Is hot a nuisance per so at common law, nor lias It been so decided by any statute of Missouri. Philadelphia Pi css. g Everybody 8nys So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the nge, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, euro headache, fever, habitual constipotion und biliousness. 10, Ph use buy nnd try a bi.x of C. C. C. 25, 50 cent. Sold urnl gum united to cure by ull druggists. A medical report from tbe famine district of Archangel, in liussla. asserts that the condition of the sufferers exceeds description. They w under about, their bodies reduced to skeletons and their heads swollen to the sUo of buckets. young English woman, a graduate of Cumhrldge, Is about to establish a convent In Calcutta, having become u yogi, or Hindoo mill, us a preliminary. Other English additions to tho sisterhood ace promised, of the order being avowed as tbe the object spiritual regeneration of llimbsilsm. whichs Is. perhaps, a larger contract than the and enthusiastic foreign-boryogis aro A seal-oil- uuuie of. TO CUKE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Ilromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggiata refund tbe money If it falls to cure. 25o Mnmmii. snlil little Jnek, did God ever make tiny one with one blue eyo and one black? I never heard of any one that was so, said his mother. "Well, then, yon Just look at Tommy .limes the next time you see him, and Just see wlmt I can do.-Li- fe. B THE PLAY BEHIND THE SCENES The Work That Is Done and tbe Money Thet la Spent. We all date our brief examination of Hie history of a play from the moment the manager of the theater, or, perhaps, the accepts tbe woik and decides to put it on; though, indeed, moat plays, even at that early stage, have already a long and checkered past, says Leslies Weekly. The stage manager takes the typewritten, oilcloth covered manuscript, In which form the play at this time has its material existence, and proceeds to cut, slash, and generally remodel it, by means of a robust blue If the author is a man (or pencil. woman, we ought to say nowadays) of experience, he diplomatically assists at this operation, which means his practical acquiescence In all of the stage managers somewhat dogmatic views. If he does not acquiesce, the stage manager goes on cutting and slashing Just the same, while the author gnashes his teeth in Impotent rage. Then the play is cast that Is to say, its parts are distributed to the members of the stock company of the theater, or the company supporting the star. If such organization is not already in existence, the people have to be found and specially engaged, under contracts as easily breakable (by the manager) as pie crust Their pay does not begin until the actual public presentation of the piece, though their hardest work is done during the weeks, perhaps months, of rehearsal. Meanwhile, the stage manager has prepared a scene plot, wherewith to start the scene painters, stage carpenters, electricians and gasmen at their respective A list of "properties is drawn Jobs. up, Including all furniture and accessories used in each act, and every separate article called for, from an imitation elephant to a forged will. If the play be a costume piece (requiring foreign or fancy dress, or clothes of another period than today), these have to be designed, fitted and made to order for the principals of the cast. The wigmaker receives extensive and divers orders. The leader of the orchestra has troubles of his. own with the Incidental music.. Finally a call is posted and the company assembles for the first rehearsal. This may be in the theater where the play is to be presented, or In any other house that happens to be unoccupied at the moment. It is not matter all stages are alike, behind the curtain. They arc all bleak, dark, draughty and du3ty, and always smell of gas. Time, 10 a. m. The stage manager, sitting enthroned at a little table at the front and center of the stage, with the manuscript before him and a movable bunch-ligat his side, dominates the scene. The cavernous gloom of the empty theater stretches beyond. On the stage the actcr3 and actresses are huddled In little whispering groups. Tho stage manager calls time, and the first words of the play are spoken for the first time officially. It Is a reading rehearsal, the actors having their parts little typewritten brochures, d with the cues in their hands. After a few days they are rewith quired to be their lines, so that attention can concentrated upon the entrances, exits, groupings and general business of tho action. All these are mapped out on large sheets of paper resembling meteorological charts. The stage managers annotations on the prompt copy of the play almost equal In volume the words written by the author. It has been said, and very truly, that plays are net written, but rewritten. Weeks pass; rehearsals go on strenuously and the thousand and one suggestions and inspirations arising from the daily contact of many minds crystallize Into a consistent whole, which i3 the play as the public will sec It on the first night cf its performance. The preparation of It, as here outlined, has cost the manager or producer in round figures $10,000. The production of a comic opera, in first class stylo, with a large company and chorus, costly costumes and elaborate scenery, may, and frequently does. Involve an actual outlay of $20,000 before the curtain Is raised. actor-manag- ht red-line- .asthma, bronchitis, or whooping cough, there is no remedy bo sure and safe as Dr. Ayers Cherry Pectoral. From the first dose its healing influence is manifest. The sufferer who has been kept awake by tho cough falls into a restful sleep, and awakes strong and refreshed. Dr. Ayers Cherry Pectoral is acknowledged to bo a specific for all pulmonary Physicians praise and prescribe it. complaints. It is now put up in half size bottles at half price, 50c. "dead-letter-perfe- One pf my children had.croun. Ore night I was startled by the childs hard breathing, and on going to it found it strangling. It had nearly ceased to breath. Having a part of a bottlo of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in tho house, I gave the child three doses at short intervals, and anxiously Prom the moment tho Pectoral was given the childs waited results. breathing grew easier, and in a short time it was sleeping quietly and Ayers Cherry breathing naturally. The child ia alive and well C. J. 'Woouuuge, Worthen, Texas. Pectoral saved its life. CANDY CATHARTIC Chinese Obedience to Parents. If Chinese children do not obey their parents, and the latter whip them to death, the law has no punishment for the parents, as obedience to parents is the cardinal virtue. ALL DRUGGISTS NEURALGIA Sick and Nervous Headaches POSITUEIT Cured in 30 Minutes, by At ill druggists or tent postpaid upon receipt ol $1. FRENCH CHEMICAL CO. 356 Dearborn St- Chicago. IIL $200022 one-thir- I I growler. grow paying crops because they're fresh and always tha brst. For sale everywhere. Refuse substitutes. Stick to Ferrys Seeds and prosper. 1893 Seed Annual free. Write for It. D. M. FERRY & CO., Detroit. Mich. Perhaps Its because wash day comes next to Sunday that cleanliness is next jo:3 to godliness. More illiterate reach JSthe top of the ladder than men with For People That Are 4 college educations. Sick or Just Dont! I If a friend comes to your office to Feel Well. ONLY ON8 FOR A DOSE. borrow money and finds you in you Removes Pimples, cures Headache. Ojispepsla and will he out, but if he finds you out you Costiveness. 25 cu a box at druggi'isor by mail bamploa t ree, address Dr. Bosanko Co. Phila. Fa. will he in. Di. GUNN'S I ,.t - I hod-carrie- rs PILLS PHOI! iGetyourPension I DOUBLE 167-16- Tommy Atkins. The name Tommy Atkins, which is a sobriquet of the British private soldier the world over. In Hong Kong. Mandalay. New Zealand, tho Soudan and the Transvaal, had an oiiicial origin, and was originally used iu the lustractious to non com missioned officers, as John Doe and Kir hard Itoe arc used In contract forms and other legal papers, for purposes of Illustration. Sample blank returns were furnished to show sergeants and corporals and recruiting officers how genuine ones should be made out, and Thomas Atkins, private, company B. was the fictitious name always used. Model Individual reports were also Included in the regulations, signed Thomas Atkins, private,, company 11, or Thomas Atkins, corcompany C," or Thomas Atkins, X poral, his mark. Hence when a recruit arrived a at garrison the soldiers usually addressed him ns Thomas Atkins until they found out ids real name. Drunken soldiers reported themselves as Thomas Atkins when they were taken to the police station until the public took it up, and Tommy Atkins became nu affectionate synonym for the gallant warriors of her majesty's land forces. Whaling Fleet in Danger. Is predicted that the vessels of the whaling fleet, most of whose underwriters are in San Francisco, have been caught in the ice mid some may not last through the siege. Danger also threatens those who neglect lira. Pinkham Counsels Young "Wives to Keeep Their AttTxcrlveneEA A Letter From a Young Wife. Seven-eighth- s of the men In this world marry a xvoman because she is beautiful in their eyes. What a disappointment then to see the , fair young xvife's beauty fading away before a year passes over her head 1 feel a.3 if I would like to say to every young woman who is about to be married . 1 Strengthen yourself in ad- vance, so that you will not break down under the new strain on your powers. Keep your beauty, it is a precious possession 1 Your husband loves your beauty, he is proud to be seen in public with you; try to keep it for his sake, and your own. The pale checks, the dark shadows nnder the eyes, the-- general drooping of the young wife's form, wliat do they mean ? They mean that her nerves are failing, that her strength is going and that something must be done to help her through the coming trials of maternity. Build her up at once by a course of some tonic with specific powers. Such as Lydia E. Finkliams Vegetable Compound. You can get it at any druggists. Following we publish by request a letter from a young wife of her own accord she addresses it to her suffering sisters, and while from modesty she asks to withhold her name, she gives her initials and street number in Chambersburg, Pa., so she can easily be found personally or by letter: To my Suffering Sisters: Let me write this for your benefit, telling you what Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound has done for me. I am but nineteen and suffered with painful menstruation, leucorrhcea, dizziness, burnnervousness, pain and ing sensation back of ears and on top of my head, soreness of muscles, bearing-dow- n pains, could not sleep well, was unable to stand without pain, and oh! how I longed to he well! One day I wrote to Mrs. Pinkham telling her all, knowing I could do so in perfect confidence. She xvrote me a lovely letter in reply, telling me exactly wliat to do. After taking nine bottles of the Compound, one box of Liver pills, and using one-hapackage of Sanative wash, I can say I am cured. I am so happy, and owe my happiness to none other than Mrs. Pinkham. JVhy will women suffer when help is near? Let me, as one who has had some experience, urge all suffering women, especially young xvives, to seek Mrs. Pinkhams advice. Mrs. It. S. R., 113 E. Catherine St., Chambersburg, Pa. lf Cliina the largest and richest wlmt are called "trilling ailments, for coal mines in the xwtrld, wlileh are destined some n not to last through the crisis. Resort may day they play great role in the worlds to Hostetters Stomach Bitters at once for Industry. The mines In the Shansi province Incipient rheumatism, malaria, constipation, alone are estimated to contain USO.tlOO.OOO.-00nervousness and kidney complaint. tons. poKse.-4.Ne- 0 The Indians of Guiana have a system of numeration. They countqueer by the hand and its four fingers. Tims, wheu they reach five. Instead of saying so. they call it a hand. Six is, therefore, a hand and first finger. Ten is "two hands; but forty Is two men." and tlius they go oil by twenties. Forty-siis expressed as "two men, hand and first finger." Educate Tour Vowels With Cascarets. Candy Cuthartio, cure constipation forever. 25c. If U. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. 10c. Is Mrs. Jones a spiritual woman? I should say so; she always puts good oil In the salads she makes for church socials. FITS rerinanentlyCurcd. cotits or nervousness aftet first day s e of Ur. Mine e Gicat .Nerve Restorer, eend fnrFHEE 84.110 trial liottle and treatise. Du. R. H. Kiunk. Ltd., a It Arch St., Philadelphia, Fa. I wonder what Leurgert is thinking about. Perhaps he Is hoping Mrs. Leut-ger- t wont return In time to give him n necktie for Christmas. home-mud- e QUICK Write CAPT. OFARRELL, Pension Agent, 1423 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON. D. C. On of the stores In Boston has substituted the cry "teller for dry-goo- ds "cash." A geographically pedestrian succeeded the other day succeeded iu sc! ting foot lit the course of live hours and forty minutes in seven German states. well-poste- s man who in positive in his convicNo 4 Hoi St. oar, N. Y., Is 60 DR. sore TAFTS ASTII5I VLEMt will The Levy & Lewiu Mercantile Co.. cure that f .1 louia tuut n will nenii atrial every l(5th and Larimer Sts, Denver, carry bottle absolutely free to ti ose afflicted. tlie finest line of Pure Wines and LiqWhat is versatility? Versatility it uors for Medicinal and Family use, in so many talents that you can't get tbe state. When in need of straight having time to make a living with any one ol goods in their line, it will pay you to them. Send for list. order from them. price Sirs. VrinsIow'sSootlilng Syrup Prices are reasonable and mail orders For children teetliinir.aoi tens the guins.rediices inflammation, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25 cents a bottle promptly attended to. The trip round the world can be mad After all, a Christmas present has no Yes, there's no get days, notv. real value except as a token of love or re- in fifty a real rest from anybody. membrance. Well, its all right to feel ting that way about what you get; but you dont Piso s Cure for Consumption has saved tut dare go out and buy gifts on that principle. large doctor hills. C. L. Barker, 4228 ReWea-lmir- tions. Pr. Taft. K'w-- ca-- o Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your Life Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be magnetic, full of life, nerve and vigor, take that makes weak men the strong. A11 druggists, 50c. or 31. Cure guaranAddress teed. Booklet nnd sample free. Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. wonder-worke- r, -- gent Square. Philadelphia. Pa Dec. 8, 1S95. TIip meek, you know, are to inherit the earth. That's all right, but they wil' have to get the cheeky to collect it fo: them. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes, for 20 5 cts. My wife has to take two weeks to do Christmas shopping. "Does she buy How can you afford to buy yottr son so the leading brand of so many presents? "Xo; but she has t'c mechanical many expensive Well, toys? the world, because it is the fiest. town down every day and exchange ail paying for them has got to be mechanical, go the things she got the day before. too. It takes 2.000 of the Korean coins known as cash to equal $1. Travelers need an To Core Constlpatloo Forever. It. A IS. Cough Drops C ire. All dealers. extra bullock to carry their funds. Bowman A Burleson, Deir er Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. 10c or 25c. Star Tobacco is for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. hue. $1. All druggists. Do you expect choke gifts this year? Choice? No choice about it; I have to take them as they come. Only five provinces iu Spain have paid tip their debts to school teachers. The others owe them no less than S.OOo.OtX) pesetas. !LJ Dropsy treated free by Dr. IT. II. Green's Sons, of Atlanta, Ga. The greatest dropsy specialists In the world. Read their advertisement In another column of this paper. By ST, JAG8SS Have you any particular choice which shoe you put on first? "No; hut I always put on the left shoe last. PITCHERS CASTORIA, DR. SAMUEL was the originator that has borne trade cf M. E. mark. ff 24a 07V bear the signature of wrapper. This is the original PITCHERS CASTOR! A, ichich has been used in the homes of the mothers cf America, for over thirty years. LOOK CAREFULLY at the wrapper and see that it is the hind you, have always bought XTy TT"" on the fao-simi- lc puBusHiD b aya dischargee, intiamniatK irntattuDS or uicerati of mucous membrai 7" CHEUICllCo. lstulusfl, and not sal l.oLUbkEvANS cut or poisonous. CIKCmKlU.O."l Sold by Drngglsta, 0-Bent In plein wrapper, f" of 1. , by express, prepaid, fox Sis. 11 Jl m. or 3 hottlea, 2.75. Circular sent on request V Guarantee J io 11 siriatur. T" use I Thompsons year established fao 10CMTC Hf A II T C n A12K.IVI0 nMIUkUtory (rated eiOO.OOOl. Free samples. Several earn $1,000 yrly.P. 0. lSl,KtwTerk 0PIUI.1 MORPHINE and WHISKY HABITS HoMK CUKE, book IKhE. DK J. C, HOtnUS, UtbeJUBldf., CUlClbO, ILL. Established in Colorado. 18ti6. Samples by mail or express will receiTe prompt and careful attention. Sample GOLD AND SILVER BULLION Refined, Melted and Assayed or Purchased. WEEKS ,llJo'nded StihAt tnes for Pli free. Tho PAY maMUa koofuu yrsa! Self'tddinff, pat. combination beam, No Loom weights. U. ft. standard. Best ami cheapest. 8end 'or prices. SCALE WORKS, BUFFALO, N Y nDfiDQYI 1000 MENS NEW DISCOVERY: ria quick relief anJ CHres worst mt 10 days' bend for book of testimonial treatment Free. Or. H.H.tJkKkSbSONS, iuaaia.ua ease, $15, $18, $xo, $22 Overcoats andj PENSIC Ulsters. Choice of them all at 812.50 each. Bigr MO sum. IN MO STRICTURE. Rod RapeRtcSn ,IWW1 Lawrence St , Denver. Colo. Skinner Bros. & Wright Co. Mail Order eromntly tilled. 10th AND LAWRENCE. . DENVER. Eye Water. 2 Bit KFOKU, ashington. D f will receive qolck replies. B. hth N. H. fitBfl 20th Corps. Prosecuting Claims since 1 I INJECTION. Guilts WhtKt All List f AILS. Best Loutfb Syrup. Ta&tes Good. Use In Aim. Sold hr drorelMs. CURE YOURSELfF I se Big Ct for annate DnnCUJO'n,eb,t 173S STAMPS. a. ASSAY OFFICE and IN the ILLINOIS (TMTU L RAILROADS SOUTH URN HO.UESLUKFKS GUIOE. E. E. BURLliNGAJIES 17 SENO 10 RTS. should addre Krery honaesecker either J. F. A. G. P. A., Manchester, Iowa; W. KKl.LOND, A. G. P. A., Louisville, Ky., or 8. Q, HATCH, li. P. A., Cincinnati, O., for a free ropy of erwTAu Address Stops ORE. PORTLAND, MKKKY, Insist on Having Kind The That Never Failed You commn No gray hair. No baldness. Street HoiiieseekersGuide FAC-S1M1- Gives new life and vigor to the roots of the hair. Its like water to a drooping plant JONES' Cash SOUTHERN The Kind You Have Always Bought DEARS THE SIGNATURE OF HA1RRENEWER v RE PAYS THE FREIGHT Do Not Bg Deceived. Sicilian OUTFITTER ALASKA 108 & 110 Front of wrap has per. authority from, me to use my name except The Centaur Company of which Chas. II. Fletcher is President. March 8, 1S97 . tcw Denver, Colo. WHAT TOTAKB AND WHAT IT COSTS HOW TO REACH THE GOLD FIELDS and has the signature Mo one Vegetable Xo; not SMITH, PncsioCNT. public market. Massachusetts, PITCHERS CASTORIA, the same docs now Theres nothing like leather. even the imitations of it. OitES SOLD ON THE PITCHER, of Hsyannis, and fail to euro, druggists refund money. Denver Public Sampling Works, V3 AJffi ASSERTING IN THE COURTS OUR RIGHT TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE WORD CASTORIA AND I, C. C. NEURALGIA To MOTHERS. as ouk C- - OIL LETTER AM OREM If soothing and subduing tho pain, Thats tho way bon-bo- n Schilling's Best baking1 powder winning nine and the umpire. it dont spoil the cake. What the average Kentuckian needs But why not make your Is a waterproof coat for hi3 stomach. Trifles light as hair sometimes turn money go as far as it will by the whole course of a mans appetite. No man ever realizes the power of a using just enough of Schilling's womans eloquence until after he gets Best baking powder d married. less than of the brand you arc The baseball season being ended the pitcher is now at liberty to work the used to? San Francisco Remedy Which Has Cored More Than ' 1000,000 Pcopla. 5 Drops is the name of a powerful remedy which is guaranteed to cure rheumatism, neuraliga, catarrh, asthma, la grippe and kindred ailments. The company is entirely safe in making the guarantee, because every month they receive thousands of grateful letters from those who wore sufferers, but have never received one complaint. The effect of 5 Drops is felt at once. James Williams of Regent, 111., writes on November 12, 1897; My wife has been suffering two years with rheumatism. She used about one bottle of 5 Drops, and can now go without her To more extensively advercrutches. tise the merits of this remedy the producers will for the next thirty days send out 100,000 of their sample bottles of this positive cure far 25 cents a bottle by mall prepaid. Large bottle, 300 doses, $1 (for thirty days 3 bottles $2.50). Those suffering should write to the Swanson Rheumatic Cure 9 Dearborn street, Chicompany, cago, 111., and take advantage of this generous offer. This company is reliable and promptly fill every order. ' If you use too much A Schilling & Company kIIeep can- over fires. The dance they sit out 13 the most of delightful to a pair of lovers. The upper ten is composed of the dy A It WHAT HAN DOES NOT LOVE BEAUTY? SUFFERERS. Do not endanger the lire of your child by accepting a cheap substitute which some druggist may offer you (because he makes a few more pennies on it), the ingredients of which even he does not know. PEN POINTS. Age makes some people wise others only stubborn. Confectioners should make their A BOON FOR Cures DAYS. Si et Druggists . Haawell Drug Co., Agents, Deliver, Colo. No larger stock Silks and Dress Goo. T lowest prices for fine ifree. iamplst U.ttDEX BROS, Omaha, Neb. Silks goods.- la any market. W. N. U DENVER. Villen Answering Advertisements Mention Ibis Taper. NO. 11898. Kindi |