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Show ' Catarrh ia iUv Head IN THE Suffered with It for Five Years, but Hoods Sarsaparilla Cured. QUEER AND CURIOUS AND EVENTS. I bad catarrh In my bead and suffered with It tor five year. I was also troubled with weakness. I have taken Ilooda Sarsaparilla and it entirely cured the catarrh, built up my system and did me a great deal ot good. W. E. Melloway, CoRemember lumbia, Missouri. - Odd Sign, Found In Varlona Plaoaa A Chicken With Four Lata Health Meter for Ulovclea Strang Plac for Flab. Trovato. fact the One True Blood Purifier. Fills cure sick headache, see. Is tho best In Hoods Ie .Sicilian rlALLJ I THINGS Bom- Hoods Sarsaparilla l ODD CORNER. but the Idle fancy Of a mocking necromancy. That together, leaf and blossom, by the Indus once we grew. Haflx And that came, or Ormar, To Imprison the aroma In some half re- membered meas- ure which has T wftMimwn Vegetable HAIR RENEWER IJiJk Prevents the hair from falling out, and makes a new growth come in. You save what you have and get more. No gray hair . C jCmI, J Is rhymed me to you? Electricians fitted up receivers In the band shell, connected by a special wire with the telephone exchange at Ninth and Dauphin streets. Then this wire was connected with other wires centering on the switchboard and the music distributed as freely as possible. All the Important officials of the company have private telephones In their residences, so the concerts were enjoyed by the members of their families whenever they desired. In addition the operators at .the electrical bureau, by connections with the traction telephone exchange, could listen to the music and give It to any of the city hall officials, and In the same manner the girl operators at the Bell Telephone exchange caught occasional strains of the music between hello calls during the slack hours of the evening. All told, perhaps 200 people at one time could listen over the phone to the concerts being delivered by the orchestra at Willow Grove, twelve or fifteen miles away. Foot! and IHentlon I was song and you were Sappho, were a sunbeam. I the dew? you POMMEL SLICKER i Denver Directory. HARNESS. m Green-house- Krafts Arapa-Oho- Exchange, lhiMChatn past. Our photographic finishing de- in the fartmentla the largest work in one day after receiving order. Kn- -. larging and coloring a specialty. We have in stock nerv camera made. All kinds of supplies. The Furd Optical A burgical Institute Co., loW Curtis St AND 8or all purposes, GASOLINE ENGINES tor running newspaper presses MINING MACHINERY Write us for particulars. KS. MOUSE A WMIANY. 17th and Waiee Sts. and Supplies. KA1R-WA- E. E. BURLINOAHES ASSAY OFFICE Laboratory. established In Colorado, 18K6. Samples by mail or will receive prompt and careful attention. axpreu GOLD AND SILVER DULLION Refined, Melted and Assayed or Purchased. Address 1736 and 1788 Lawrence 8t Denver, Colo Denver Public Works, ORES SOLD ON THE PUBLIC MARKET. Denver, Colo. PLACE ON EARTH! Machinery to. Montgomery 22 Curti8t, Denver, Oolo U10 to Mine outfitter. Common JroT Listen. Old reliable Hoist Sense Steel Whims, filUO; Bteara era, MU; Hand Bonds. $.; Proec-or- ap and no; Stamp Mills.KSO flUU, Ik. stumps, fi'Uh Mills, Kolia, 12x20. $dn): 7x10 (rnish Blake Crushers, $Juu. Chtlliaa mills. rollers, $1,000 Concentration me chinery a specialty. Screens Jigs. THE CHEAPEST H The J Gatvohne Hoists, lMacer miue eanip dasncines, ment Tramwas, Cara. Skips and mill built to 1 IT THE OHE. Everything fiirst oiaas aud up to date. WHtht AlL LLbb IAiLS. Beet Cough 8yrup. Tates Goou Cm In time. 8 Yid bv dnnrtfi'ts. (JURIS m Kewppr. 82LK),-00- 0; Illustrations, fl80,000; correspondents, $123,000; $155,000; telegraph, cable, $27,000; mechanical department, $410,500; paper, $317,000; business office, ink, rent, light, etc., $219,-00- 0. Scribners. We w i forfeit 81.oM If sny of our lished e,inin:iiuls aie proven to be not uine. The 1iso Co., Warren, Fa. l,o pubgen- killien, a Year. b iv again, .. try. means they're saiiniieJ. T le peopla of lh' Lnitetl t taes are tow buying Lascarets Boggs made his wife quit tak'ng Cathartic at the rate tf twp million lensons. ('ou'du't he afford it? Candy a boxes year and it will be thiee million exerthe was teacher but Ye: giving her before New Years. It means merit proved, cise that would keep her lower jaw limber. that Cascarets are the mo-- t delightful bowel regulator for every body the year Star Tobacco is the leading brand of round. All druggists 10c. 2oc, 50o a box, the world, because it is the best. cure guaranteed. The diamond-minincompanies of South See that girl waving her bands around Africa estimate their losses by theft at hoi Is she an elocutionist? her a year, ef which thty recover about shes head. describing a new hat to that othei 3Yhe". pe p.e buy. n-- Del-sart- e g u Give Beat, This Is the prayer of the nervons who do not Bleep well. Let them use Hostetter Stomach Bitters aud their prayer will be answered. Insomnia Is the product speedily of Indigestion and nervousness, two associate ailments, soon remedied by the Bitters, which also vanquishes malaria, constipation, liver complaint, rheumatism and kidney complaints. I wouldnt wear my hair down over my ears for anything. Dont you admire the fashion? les; but suppose some man should propose and I didnt hear him. one-hal- f. girt. THE CHEAT REMEDY jr FOR : PASSES Jacobi CURES PROMPTLY. Everybody Says So. Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most wonderful medical discovery of the age, pleasant and refreshing to the taste, act gently and positively on the kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. 10, Please buy and try a box of C. C. C. 25. 50 cent Sold and guaranteed to cure by all druggists. Yesterday was such a beautiful day I couldnt stand It to stay In the house. I went shopping. What did you do? Deafness Caunot B Cured by local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an inliamed condition ot the mucous lining of the Tube. When this tube is Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely c'osed, Deafness is the result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollar for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo O. Sold by Druggists, Tic. Halls Family Pills are the best. I never censure lazy people. Why not? The laz est man on e.irrh Isnt half Ni lazy as I would be If I could afford It. . CANDY CATHARTIC Health Meter for Illryrllita. An ingenious Frenchman has Invented a health meter that is attracting considerable attention from leading scientific and medical men abroad. There are several variations of the machine, one form .being much like a bracelet which is fastened to the wrist. There are two thin strips of metal surrounding the wrist. Between them is the mechanism, which Is afTected by ehanges In the patients health, and thus records them on a tiny roll of paper, which is taken out and inspected hy the physician at his leisure. Dr. Odiardy, of Paris, who has given more attention to the meter than any ether person except the inventor. Is aslng the machine to determine the He first effect of riding a bicycle. uses the meter to learn the exact state of the patients health, then Instructs the patient to take violent exercise by riding a wheel or a stationary exerciser in the form of a bicycle. When the rider Is exhausted the meter Is again adjusted and Its condition noted. Dr. Odiardy says that he thus obtains an Insight Into the condition of the patient that he eould get In no other way. ALL DRUGGISTS Kus-tachl- Bmoko Sledge Cigarettes, 20 for 5 cts In order to be admitted to universities, must be at least eighteen years old, graduates of a high school and of Austrian birth. Women. Look at me." says Try me." TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money if It fails to cure. 2oc Are you going to send little Jim to col-- , No; we Intended to, but his uncle lege? says he will teach him football. FITS Fermanen tlyCurcd. No hts or nervousness after first day , use of Dr. Mine s Great Nerve Restorer, trend for Fit F. E .Vd.OO trial bottle and treatise. Da. R. H. Klink. Ltd., a.l Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa I woke ns last In my room. nglit ami heard a burglar Went to What did you do? sleep again lu a hurry. To Cure Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic. lOo or 25o. If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money. Hello, Jerry; got your new fiat all fitted Not quite. Say. do you know where up? I can buy a folding tooth brush? Pi.os Cure for Consumption is the only cough medicine used lu my house. D. C. Albright, Mifllinbing, Pa., Dec. 11, 1895. In Our organist has an easy time of It. When he wants his wheel what way? to he the It attaches organ. pumped up Mrs. Winslows Southing Syrup says Money-bac- k . Schilling s Best baking poivder and tea are because they are n k. money-bac- What is the missing word? not SAFE, although Schillings BeU baking powder and tea or safe. Get Schilling's Best baking powder or tea at your grocers; take out the ticket (brown ticket in every package of baking pou'der; yellow ticket in the tea); send a ticket with each word to address below before December' 31st. Until October 15th two words allowed for every ticket; after that only one word for every ticket. If only one person finds the word, that person gets $2000.00 ; if several find It, $2000.00 will be equally divided among thf.m. Every one sending a brown or yellow ticket will receive a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one envelope will receive an 189S pocket calendar no advertising on it. These creeping babies and pocket calendars will bvt different from the ones offered la the last contest. Better cut these rules out. Address: MONEY-BAC- aoei SAN FRANCISCO. K, For children teet liing,Hoftens she gums.reduces inflam, uationadlaya pain, cures a md colic. 85 cents a bottle. The population of Greater London was estimated to be In Julv last about H. 177,91,!. that of Inuer London being 4.42I.492. .pSLlll. For Prospectors and Miners. cabinet containing a complete outfit for testing for gold aud silver qualitatively; it Is very simple; any one can make the test by following the directions. It will be sent by express upon receipt of live dollars, charges C. O. I. Address C. E. De Forest. HUS Champa street, Denver, Colorado. P. O. A box No. 1533. Catanienth Cures Catarrh, Hay Fever, Etc. Send 50 cents to Broadway Pharmacy. Denver, aDd get absolute guaranty. At your Druggist. s I as of y; Is It false or Is It real That In ages more Ideal which 13 becoming Neurasthenia, known as the "American disease, is For I long have felt the burgeon likely to rapidly diminish with the Of a passion vague and virgin Which you quicken to remembrance of a diminution in the use of tea and coffee, which are proved to contribute directformer life we knew. ly to nervous disorders. Experiments Was I stream whin you were willow? in artificial digestion show that coagWas I shell when you were blllow7 For your voice has ever echoed through ulated albumen when mixed with artificial gastric juices and kept at a propthe hushes of my heart; And it seems, as 1 behold you. er temperature, will be practically enThat the very air foretold you tirely digested In eight hou-- s. When all the In welcome, Hy fragrance which, tea Is added during the process of dithe budding boughs Impart. gestion, 6G per cent of albumen will be But at last I stand beside you. digested, leaving 34 per cent undigestAnd the fate which long denied you ed, while if a decoction of coffee It Yields, In recompense, a dearer incarnation than my dream. mixed with the albumen, theresult wll! What I sought to what you are, love. The Best be but 61 per cent digested and 39 per Saddle Coat. Was as twUlght to the star, love, As the languor Is to summer, as the mur- cent undigested. There Is now much less of tea and coffee being used, not mur to the stream. Keeps both rider and saddle perfectly dry in the hardest storms. because people like those favorite bevSubstitutes will disappoint. Ask for And since age on age has perished ?! erages any the less, but because, with i8q7 Fish Brand Pommel Slicker to But I cherished. the soul bring it is entirely new. if not few sale In the Introduction of Postum Cereal, Wherein blended, and feeling, for write thought your town, catalogue to are as pelal and perfume; which approximates to the distinctive J. TOW! P Boston, Mass Bet us linger here forever; flavor of rich Mocha coffee with none Where the pride of all endeavor Its deleterious adjuncts, the excuse of u Doctor Out ot a Is fervor which to passion is as glamor 'to; for using the latter no longer exists. unto gloom. the House Half the Year. The Faintly Hrfntrl l warranted to break a Yet, if fate reserves Its malice i'old, (ever, lnflueiua, begluninir of Piieunionla or But to break the lifted chalice, A iPrulilblted i Ingredient. CthimatiNin in 24 hour. Kafe for Infante. Oorrobor I.et me mingle with the elements where live statements of eminent people with It. The acid, as is wejl known, is Salicylic once I was a part; 4artrest sale ever known, ('nr your vest pocket. One a powerful antiseptic. In hinders ferbottle prevents Mft oohls after exposure. Wrap a quarThen, on some supernal morning ter In paper and mall at our risk. The most remark Which your beauty is adorning. mentation. It arrests the conversion We rheumatic remedy suer produced By mall only. As a dewdrop In a lily, I may nestle In of starch into JL Thompson, M 0., 1002 N. Broadway, 8t.Louis.Mo. grape sugar by disease your heart. and pancreatic extracts. Its action beCharles J. Bayne, In Cosmopolitan. ing directly opposed to the process of digestion, is a reason why its use is Some Odil Hlgns. condemned. In being so general A tinsmith. near Exeter, England, has France, Spain, Italy, Austria and the a sign which rears, 'Quart measures South American states The boat 830 douhaving pure food H ble Concord of all shapes and sizes sold here." At laws, its sale has been forbidden. Its In Colorado With a market town In Rutlandshire, the use in food Is prohibited in Pennsylfor 81S. 825 hreerhtng, 820; bar-following placard was affixed to the vania, by decision of Mr. Welle, the . double team shutters of a watchmaker who had de- dairy and food commissioner. A large ness, with breeching, 8tt: 825 steel-- I camped, leaving his creditors mournnumber of the preservatives on sale, horn stock saddle Wound up, and the mainspring claimed to be harmless, contain saliing; for 815; 815 slngl for buggy harness broke. Equally apposite was one in cylic acid as the chief Ingredient. If Do not b 8S50. Thomaston, Ga. On one of the princideceived by worthpure fruits and vegetables are sterilizless linltntlons, bnt pal streets the same room was oc- ed by heat and canned properly, the order direct from ns snd get the cupied by a physician and a shoemaker, careful housekeeper need not use any wholesslo the lowest disciple of Galen in front, while of these compounds. Catulnenes price he of St. Crispins trade worked In the All goods stamped. FRED MIEIXER, fro. 8413 Lnrltner Street, Denver, Colorado. rear. Over the door hung the sign, Four Ltgt to One Chicken. GOODS SENT FOR EXAMINATION. On We repair both sole and body. have many curious things over They coffee-rooof a London the windows in India and occasionally some of them The Denver tent coffeeThis notice: there the appeared AND AWNING CO. find their way to this country. The -room removed upstairs till repairPROCTER S PATENT ORE SACKS to reach Philadelphia is now in latest ed. The proprietor of the place was 1728 LtWWCNCC ST. not an Irishman, though the framer the possession of Prof. Babu H. Sukhl, It AY AND OR AIN. The Wool man Commission Co of the notice over the entrance to a whose birthplace was Agra, in India, but who for several years has claimed French burying ground, Only the OTATC flDC Sampling Works Office Albany It Is t 'O I A I L UlkL lloutl Block, lkmver. Bockotrof-recc- e dead who live In this parish are burled Philadelphia as his home. book, valuable to ore shippers, mailed free. Seen from in front it looks here, must have been. One may see chicken. In the windows of a confectioner In like a plain, ordinary pullet of the SEALS, RUBBER STAMPS ICES Works A M fg. to., Lawrence St. 1. O. Box til. Fourth avenue, New York, Pies Open Plymouth Rock variety. But it isnt ordinary by any means. As In the case A Rowery placard reads, All Night. OOLFAsfAVE. FI.OHAL CO. flDIOTO rl of other members of the poultry famHome-Mad1314. 828 Tel. 8t. e null rLUnlOlO Dlnlaj Rooms, Family Cor. Colfax and York Sts.. Denver. while a West Broadway res- ily, the chicken stands on two legs. Oysters; HOWAKB 8. HAUvKY, 10 taurateur sells Home made Pies, That Is, when it wants to. When it Kqutlftblehuthtiug. 1aienU howtakes a notion to stand on obtained in ail count riot Pastry and Oysters, and still another ever, It can do so, for it four, has them. on East retails caterer, Broadway, AMERICAN HOTEL Fresh Salt Oysters and Larger Beer. Growing from the top of each of its Fi. Kuropoan plan loo mul $1. Noted for ta table. so Boots Polish Inside, is a frequent j normal legs is another leg, not e as but When Qnrveying Instruments, J 8.J. Lattlo, ltKU quite, perfect. just isrge, In New York, and on Atlantic avehL.mf'r anddoalorin everything used in the sign field. New substantial metal reel A long stool tapes. nue, Brooklyn, there is a Stationary 1)K C. J M'OTT Cnion Block, Opposite P. O. Library; the latter Is really a circuAND lating library, and the word StationNOSE THROAT. EYE, EAR, ary adorns one window and Library OasevAHosey.mfrs.of PI A 00 UfftDIfO the other. Philadelphia has a sigr II U it ft eled, IVIMuhI Plate Ola & Nlurors Old Murors Uosllverod ItlHSlxns reading Ho Made Pies! and a barber shop In the same city bears this CHINA, SILVERWARE! inscription on Its window, G. Wash-to- n Hotel Supplies, tfoho t. arson & Bros., lnth St. Smith, tonsorial abattoir. Demo-rest- 's all makes $10 up. Supplies Monthly. etc. Lists free. T pewritcr Patents Cxpenditortfj Tht expenditure of a newspaper that Is operated on a large scale, were as follows last year: Editorial and literary matter, $To,00: local news, ,u.t New Ipright 8365 Gramt Piano Rel able and fully warranted. W rite to The Montelius Piano Co., uli-5loth St., Denver. F.5 down and 110 a month. This paper la printed with ink manufactured bv the COLORADO PRINTING INK AND RiLLE:R COMPANY OF DENVER. Train up a child In the way he should go. Yea. and when lie ia old he lets lrs children do as they please. for Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c. 81. All druggists. A woman cant be successful as a lawDo you suppose that she yer. Why? could sit quietly by aud let twelve men decide cases for her' If you are going to bicycle, bicycle now dont put off healthful pleasure tis a long time to spring months of the best of riding days Columbia riders wheel on certainty. 1897 Columbias, $75 Hartford Bicycles, $50, $45, $40. a" v'D. Mt. 111' POPE MFC. CO., Hartford, Cotltl sentmyour rcmitr,Ict us know v'D. -- TO ALL ALIKE. w Jiv v'9. li-- v'. JK. 71? w W W W Rudyard Kipling, 7? is only one of many celebrated the famous contributors engaged to write for the next volume of story-write- Theouths the chicken stands erect the extra legs project at right angles to the other From that legs to the first joint. point they hang downward, terminating in a pair of perfectly formed feet. The possession of four feet is not the only unusual feature In which Prof. Sukhis curiosity rejoices. It also- has two tails. Times Sa A Year. (ompanion To show the varied strength and charm of The Companions original features for 1898, we give the following partial list of - ed How Hid Fish Got Therw A party of Philadelphians recently returned from an excursion, through Wyoming are still talking of a steamboat ride they enjoyed on Yellowstone lake, which Is one mile and a half higher above the sea level than is this city. The lake Is of clear cold water, and well stocked with fish, though 7,740 feet above the Atlantic ocean. The tiny steamer Zlllah makes daily runs of 35 miles up and down the lake. Storms that rage with great fury are frequently encountered, but the gorHeard Music Far Away geous sunsets on clear days are greatly During the continuance of Dam-rosc- admired. Big game Is plentiful In that concerts at Willow Grove park region, and bears and antelopes can during the summer season, which frequently be seen from the deck of closed two weeks ago, a considerable the steamer.Philadelphia Record. numoer of people listened to the music The official reports show that the regularly every afternoon and evening without being obliged to go out to the highest temperature ever recorded In park at all. This was accomplished California was 130 degrees, this being by the means of the private telephone at Mammoth Tank, in the deset le system operated by the Union Traction gion of San Diego county. Closi to it company, says the Philadelphia Rec- was 328 degrees at Indio, In the sams ord which spreads all over the city. county. . r, ' Distinguished Contributors. Hon. W. E Gladstone Hon. Thomas B. Reed Hon. Justin McCarthy Hon. George F. Hoar Lieut. Peary Max ORell Frank R. Stockton M Gold Embossed Calendar Free to New Subscribers. v'i VS This Calendar is published exclusively by The Touthfs Companion and could not be sold in Art Stores for less than $1.00. It consists of three folding parts, each a true reproduction of charming Tonp pictures . W See Important Offer. 'V Vit FREE rk Jan. 1595. iinmwnwinwnmHMHiimwmmimmwHmiwiWHWutiwommHMuJ IUitrated Protpechu ef (he J'A SV Vie W j. and address, and 81. .3, will receive: FKEE The Companion every week from the time subscription is received till 1, 1898. Year's Double Number. FRFK January Thanksgiving, Christinas and New 1898, a production superior to any of FKEE The Companion Art Calendar for color-w-oof previous year. It is a beauthe famous piece of Companion tiful ornament ami aeoMly gift. Size 10x24 in. grr to New Sbwr,ftert. o Fifty-TwAnd The Companion Weeks, a Full Year, to January 1, 1899 Hs ...TO... 'ifi- - si iiMtHtll8M88MiMeeeee4f4j Wft44fa444tf484f4484t4faaa4444444t44444444 NEW SCBUCRTBER3 who wilt rut out this slip and send it at once, with name sr si Harriet P. Spofford And Fully Two Hundred Others. w 1 - M W. D. Howells Mme. Lillian Nordica Mrs. Burton Harrison Octave Thanet Mary E. Wilkins Margaret E. Sangster ; Right Rudyard Kipling's thrilling new story, The Burning of the ' Sarah will appear exclusively In The Companion during 1898. Sands, v'tZ- Volume for 1598 and Sample Copies ef the THE YOUTHS COMPANION, aoi Columbus Avenue, 415 vMt vMt. 'i'l. v'lt. 'At 'At ItV 'At 'At 'At 'At W v- tt. 'At Paper Pree. 4lt 'At v'lt BOSTON, MASS. v'V-4W. 4't "v5" 'At At '. 'At 'It 'f(t |