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Show There area grpt many lifeanfenea nounler. hut a writci lit an iimii rn paper who has Ltti Inreat'gating the Tiie Piute Pioxeer. W'4 se C L Sc M Marx -- xale ItsvrCo Itaviudils, Ran , w Itelnhelim-r- riioinas, l.ula m uigimi, A With a criminal history like the foregoing before the people, no wonder they hesitate to trust the uncertain processes of law to deni Justlee to even Double fulimi i ads deiiKed double above arch crimihais. Little can he anid iu ratami tr er pent ad hliou tl. L mm! iioure loo vr Hue brevier type (seven jus'ifictitlon of lynch laws, but It Is Snub to lute). '1 wolve lines of fids OmnptrHl) very heroin philosophy that cun con-detype to an lueli. iale on nwdn'.Uloii. Hpvi.il i it at times. IMtUua1 les eh trifou for h.u.h as ;ortt notices of iiui riaes, iniths am! AntiouhCv luwits Tim shove article was taken from fleathi published free. the Mt. Plensnnt Pyramid becnuse we believe that it voices the sentiments OFFICIAL RIRE6TORY of t he larger portion of the population of XIarysvale. STATE OFFICIALS. t Jxwr- - l. IIoiwiMi in of state, An.lil'U, Kt.itoTn- win ", Klcliarils lintmiui l Ming-il- .Joim-- A, C. Altutui-i.iinial, Su jit. t'ulilio ln.li John I'lmrlr- - S Vi H. Iui'k '.mo ftUto Em l;cirexculutlxi,IMuU-('miut.v,Jus- . 10 tp 27 S r3 w lot In see 20 tp 27 s r3 w sw or nf see 8 tp 97 8 r 3 iv a lif pw qr see 8 a tif ne q e f " qr ee 7 In tp I Jot In see 20 St 18 acrers In jmd s r 3 w 138 aerars in see 20 and 2! tp 27 r v r Riitiiity It i. i I Kknnku hmnami Ei. i. y .. hnwAHi) Haoi.kv .. Assessor and Collector, J' - '.. H. Joskpii .. Hupt. of schools, Ww. County l'liysietan, ilt. Civilnet Justice, Kotai las lulille, hoosliaiein Mat .xsxale Suiiw ekish dllllelloll JimNaoNjk 8. I,. .. tfroseentlng Attorney, miction I'aiik Marysville Marvsvale nrvsxale PkWitt, Clielextllo teilKI.Is llitoWN, Sit, Kooslinrein Jh.uii.mi m 1kn.mm Atarxsxalo V an M xuri.v, I II. i tl, I,. DI C SATURDAY, s Steel. Her osene Oil- - SalA, - Wliclesalo Dealw rSw B'Tertn-- : btrictly Cumi. -j Wiley, H I Toll, in, J E Mlmklns. (lia 30 acrers in sc 23 and 09 aerers In sec ousin 1.1 nek 6 of Cirelexille survey 26 tp 1 Wouley, Kf.lnk ri BALL. w u Fergnssnn, l!;u loxv 8 8 hf sw qr see 12 nr or see 13 tp30s r 4 w Lewis, Renjamln te qr ne qr sec 23 tp 30 r 4 Dailey. J II GIVEN BY xx k Utah. i 30 8 r 4 w lot In see 27 tp 30 n r 4 w &s'i se'I sc 13 tp 30 s r 3 40aerers In see thirteen and fo'i't 'e tp30 s r3 w 80 acrers In sec thirteen ami fourtetn tp 30 s r 3 xv 42 acrers In sec thirteen and fomteen tp 3D s f 4 w 2 city lots in ne qr of sw qr8ec2G tp30 a r 4 w Itlelde, Robert Pearson, John Pearson, Menerva Pearson, Geo r re 2 gii a L THE YOUNG LADIES SOCIETY -- IN THE - MARYS VALE 1 ' OPERA HOUSE. ON SATURDAY EY7N3NG, ISf EMPER 25. 1897- - xx Ticket. Including 1 - , - - - - - $ ' nr 1 1 1 If ycu want inent d Tj-ee- any kind get them of of s Fruit and Orna horac-i-ow- n 1 PIONEER NURSERIES P. . 0- - Pox 1406. Ai sv - & Office the- - CO. 3 ltl as Block. -- . v 'i icrr v, IT I V 13 ! Mills, ilni, 2T I N. llMtnv, Mail svalt) 1rccinct Constable, Supplies-Kail:- , Iren- - And QX- u, KB .1 , ttheilff, rreasurer l.t AM 1,1 llinsrs Mnrty;i';c Multitape A Ju-tic- Wit leik, Inland 11 ,hp Staple Grcccricct Grain 8 uulphir. IN JUNCTION DISTRICT. ar sc II Langford, J qr ec 33 tp ."0 s r 3 w rjr Jackson, Jn mi g a of hf of ec sec 33 Ip 30 s r 3 W aw qr f cp 33 tp 30 a r 3 w Harris, O E avhaT oik M.ioiinoits sty. Hales, Chas II 1 city lot in sec 33 tp 30 s r 3 w tiw qr ne qr eo ftawqrgeqr sec 4 tp 30 r 3 w acreri Ir, ncqr sec 9 tp30s The Nebraska Htnte Journal wicked1 clfv lot In YV ee 4 k b acrr in hf nw J Jr Ray, ly tnggests that a curfew oaili'ig a hf w qr in gee 4 & 9 j 30 s r 3 w j qr women hnmean hour "before supper IN KINGSTON DISTRICT. time wouldn't he a had Idea. The poor al w i'l Kingtn 'In M ne qr pe q- -f. see 15 p GO 4 r 3 W It l,e v, Jams eabin ami nee Heeoini above the inollon with sicittly Syroit. Eplir'm 2 city lots nininimou.s assent. IN liOOSHAREM DISTRICT. Tim languilch Progress tells us, a on couple inient marriage, fiiind the Kenney, John 2 city ht Ip gec'g 2 & 3 p :6 g r 1 w coil ily eleik out of tow ii. p Ha'ch, Ihiihc city lot in sec- - 2 & 3 p 20 s r w Iorger-oil 2 city lo's in rec- - A 2 tp 26 s r 1 w He vy gave the groom a wuirfanl v deed lot in sec tjO 'fi 20 s r w Crawford, U convcyirg unto him and his loirs for- Maxwill, ('has h ci'y g house ever the Initio, together with nil her l' rgersou, Jos appurtenances, Imri ditamrtits, tents. IN LOST CREEK DISTRICT. Issues and profits. Nay, F,m"r log bouse Kielltlolit Atlxoeale R lo hoii-- e (looil people should beware ofHallna Farnsworth, log house Alger, J J a most ungodly town, Saturday at ('linllln, J YV log house C inference its bishop mid that half its IN M R Vi VALE DISTRICT. citizens are gentiles ami only a fi action 3 1 4 3 6 7 8 & s hf f n w qr secs 3 Jk 4 E T.isonhi of Ihe remainihr attend to their l"t e, II & 160 acrs iu secs 8 & 4 tp 27 & 28 r 3 w f , as 8nlii duties ts. Iu lie language true nw qr ne qr & lot 2 in sm- 33 lot- - 7 8 & of iliescriheof holy w ril, Wo unto tine Tuft, II eg ge qr mv qr of secs 2S & 33 :p 27. 18 3 w ) Salimi! Vo unto thee, Gooseberry Dennis Mrs A tie qr sec 6 w lif nw qr sec 5 for if the mighty winks which were Ren Icr K i done In you had been done In Jnetnwn Rentier, Fred log house and fence and Neversweiit, they would have Merling'on, A log house and fence Feirls, John rl log house and fena ng ago hi overalls nut! jumpeHoldermwn, W r-, LerovAChrsln saw mill As a ooinforier to any aspirants IN WILMON T DISTRICT. win) may he craving the olllee of nii vage, Parley gw q- ae qr sec 15 tp 29 s r 2 w Richfield a postmaster comes rhe tin & uw qr & ne qr sec 33 ne qr autiil ntiekled report that no eliange Nichols, Josiah idj uw q sw qr pec 28 tp 29 g r til he nuule here Until November 200 acrers in sec 30 tp 29 s r Wag-tafw uinety-nlm- , and that on that Vefy month of that vt ry year, necoruing ti Piof. Fa'Ii of Vio-na- , the world w III Ruth r Reck G id M & M Co Buildi' gs he a collision wpl hy ' hen-pec- PiUTF. COUNTY OFFICIALS. ( 30.79 'lour, 11 I. W. It.nl.-l- i t.l A. Mmar in. District Judge for Sixth Pish let, 6t.de .San.itnr for 'lantli DixVI., Isssc VXilght 0S J Alexander, It ni k,vrH t 901 f IN CIRCIEVILLE DISTRICT. years. tVliri'-.-ntati- w to neH nxrq tp J7 s r 1 w rt h m 1 A lm-ld- e t;.,x i'Iiiui, see I.ot in see 20 to 27 s r . w ne pr nw or lot see "7t, r-- s r s sr x lo t s" 17 I A e lif lie qr sec 19 se qr of si qr sec 18 tp 20 s r Ow f Hardy, Win l.ae, John I l'it ank .1. C won t.l I.. ifXXXI.INK , V xi. lx I Ml. (ongn-.HIR'iim M. VVki 18 Taxeg Morse, O E Jonas, c XV I.luneliette, een-tette- i P-- te Cabin l il Talor, Elsie . State. tp Ts rl .14 nee arras in swl-- 4 of I or House and penetng l'a . se'i bv 8 Ia Tlnlimnev, - Cnflt'il 'Lb t IN BULLION DISTRICT. tts J for House Dttmher Harris, .108 TI Iingley, K M Haws, Jason Clean, Alma vi-o- t! i mWV Ui'h IN BEAVER PIMTiufT. Sanford, pr , ,7 Ccmt?. Val. Persnl Prptv Val. Reel Description of Beal Estate Name of Owner 1 ,, riuc cf 7er The itihj fit, niche- - u report on thee cugig hioh f any thing hut enenuraging, f another and jtin'tfios t he leri'urlt r nn pxtr trtoa that paper C. A. DEWiTT, Publisher ImZirdor nnwotn fn Tiie w 'ar referred to that in OjjlrinX Paper of the County Vienmdn SIS par cant of Ine life pr'aonera are pardoned. Forty SUBSCRIPTION TERM 3. are rerant of the Ohio lif pruom-rt $2 05 copy, one link'd by executive clemency, while l 1 Bit the pareentage ia 50 fill in .... at d in Naw York 0'S. In rod at tin- k st olllcc at JUinsx.ilo, Ituh the average time hy hfo acionit-rt.is- i i.i.itti r, Max Until, 18 a; priiiera who are pardoned ia elx atd a ipiartr r enr end In New York It ia j In n'iior word, nix anl a half year. RAVr.TrSING ATE5RC. any prisoner lit New York who i to the penitentinrv for life hn KM, I! OK 'I I MK tlirie eharteea out of five that lie will lie a fria mtili of aix and a iia'f PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, In M akv?valk, Iiutk Co., Utah. O Z LET DELINQUENT 77 for 1897. V , MURDER AND PUNISHMENT The ptueromento Lea chafos veiy nud much at the ex perating dtlly-dsl- l prooeedmgs of t.n.Superior court sif Shii KrattelsCo in It'S Dur-racnee, and utti rs aottio hold and even star'ling prophecies. It saJ9, that pr no hsi iu u too In the hanging of d mill Ulel coward v nld eold-hloos nt lsextoiiy wtiat is making tiie )o, le cf the Stale f I'lihfiniilt thoroivlilx inf itu lied with Ivncli law. Assure as the an o ri- - s and sel s, as sure as w at el runs ti'nl grass grOWSjtoere will hefote long lie a b ild.open and brave vigilnut Oommlltee In every county of the slate f the best of ('a. fmnii, ci til, used f1 ns uf he e. nn m wealth, who w t'l inllsli tmi. lerera are given a See short nine f r n ndghtv All'l ho it- e d ies lint heit i'e, uodel lo sa; ti id speed the ThU may sound a little the dy Inn when one makes a eaeef il s'H l.V of e tnurler statisllos of recent years and h arns of the small pe. ot ut of punishments that follow tunnies, and (lie iiunih rnfevaslns ol ,)ts. .pe lii.iiign irivinl teeliniealities I : i i 1 11 I iMieuin-taiiee- s, i w lien n.ie tmles and noiirt the rarity of severs DUtusuiUdiils for teirlble detds, thpre is no wonder that papers grow Impatient, like the Itee, over the proceedings winch have hmrked the Dm ram cn-e- , and sound kOeh mnioolts warnihgS, Ttie ltee hut voivus tne soutimenls tif i hones inis of people w p In n the stale When they begin to tif Ualiforoia. iose conli iciioe iii uie mugrity ami tfllcacy of the courts, there will come k resori to vigilance committees and s coodtl ms made ivneh law neh alnioel uop-- i ii've ii ililifn.iin in her history l.'jilllnr iiim iile ice at the iaw's delay is not mo iccontliied to California. Itexisis li r u gnoii the country , Curly t .iip iio. B d hy he fact HIS 111 2 UU 111 her Ulst 10 I he la- -t h Ml tif lx nehinga and no'h eX- - uiioiis ha-t- o i list of Hr legs' s deraldy biuigii'gs, w hilsi h ' h n ive ftlien so f.irkieliw tlx n juiher of homicide ns to eugge-- t ilia! silo a vast nuinher of guilty UleU es le a fate liny richly deserve. Fiuin Jmiuarv 1. is M, to the end of 1831. theie was in this country 10,9." 1 murdeis or homicides 917 legal executions and I 493 lynchui'fs. only 5ll2 murdereis out 'f4 ),9;tl c xmiog to Tint 6h owing is calculattd to conservative men, since it eveu appeal disregard jlrhVes not only f ,t hitman life hut Iner as'ug reluct-n.ic- e to administer sternjuxtio to thh Verst forn1 tif ariinei tllld is si iii.gi eNC-ed- xx lenifilc comet. Dalton O & SM'ngCo l'ri"s. Some "f Hie good people of Richfield, noltd ft. piety and xihostai d high in Mt Raid v G &S MngCo Gold R. it Mining Co he woi k tif lie church, are in dec Copp-- r 11 dt Mining C disgrace, A year or more tigo a lot ol fun- - win- w is stub u f. oiu ,tlie rail oad cninpa y. Lul M.md.iy a de-l- t ed c -i ied Rid! d M ml xv u ng a eonf-ssloin. m J. R. R msay , to the tl cl that he, lUm--ahad appii piioti d a poition of the wire ami miming as an nee unplice F raz1 A!t r, a mm noxv ingugul in win k in foreign Units T'u xx ire is strelclu I aiouu.l the farms ol the txvo men and II is lively to lit Vi f in ir t b m del lie I xx ire iced vtt ig pi l.a.'d f.r r.ocing pm j os s. Thepeidi ,)u-tn- ;e g Amend, d triangle lode, millsite, weks i.sle, hard ca-- h and pearl lodes, U ncle sain loda Kilinu Copper belt, & P.uio, ) Do liaieg JOSEPH It. FUDWEEKb, - ('ounty Treasurer. you appreciate good wholesome reading in your family? n 1 y, Do mi-si- et "f J( Iiichllehiaiegren.lv pcrturhedovei this remaFttahle oocuwenc and sonit nf the inme pious'y locMn.'d me hold-leup their hands mid Utylug tin blame on Halms. U 11I1 ixtr.one l.ii-0ness they charge Hint SaiiiiK h id im igld In encourage tiie building of tin imiroad to RMuh-l.i- , thereby putting umjitiitions iu the way of men wiio wore annoliited uoder-hi- i Is and wiio paid their tithing inieeifu !y in spoil ed liny and frol bitten nltoes. Just this writing it would not be safe for a Kuliua mail of the Woild to vl- -i .. ui.t.gni it popuhie R'C'.ti xxoidd not even give him tiie luxury 'fa cnir.'li Iri-- I. (4 Steel Ranged, Cook'Stoves, Heating Stoves. 'liell1 g 1 Silt L"e Wholrsale Prirs. 1 Clmper 1 U t ed ao T l i you care for the home news? Do - : ht "nij.i n WHAT IT MIAN 3 xx e advcrii.se that we will .if 1 c iviugsNexv Discovny edeeUic ljit.tr-- , iueKiens Ainica Sidxv, t D., rv.1. gs New J do ll,s, II liirio.s Hi it xx e .11 e nil .not iZ d by 'lit pi o,u te.i fs lo sod ill. e 1C Id 1 tiles On u p...-i.guir.i.i.ee, that il the purchaser is not aa' 1. ii .! ith rt au.'s, ws xx ill i fund the pmccHse pric . 1 hose mod dues have been so'd on this guarantee that if purenuaer is not sa.islled will, 1 -- xx suits, we V refund tne pl'cnate firice. l'ntss uiedieincs have b. ru sold on tl is guar utee f ir msi v y. ars tod there e in .1 le- tin more c mclu-iv- i evidence of thtir great nurit. Ask ah ut them and give them a trial .Sol i at Chas Ileinlir imers drug store. - 6 A- Than you want a synopsis of tho State news? If so, subscribe for the PIO NEER, - luiv'i Just Received u Cur Loud of these Goods Direct from have in btoek ,t!u Factory. 0 Styles Steel Ranges 1; Styles Cook Stoves 20 Styles Heating Stoves 0 15 20 And .muapeiixloriili Richfield & liivis ZlC'sJ t Utah. ali t'aitig&i la i.u ZZilxig, Our Prices are the Lowest Our Goods mo the Rest Even Stove Warranted BOLirno 2 iTui Y6tr |