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Show n LOST. somewhere between Kingston aud Marysvale, a ohba of Du hes Mixture, 5 lb. Iufoi insNon o.meeruiQ. g tL same will groativ oblige, Tbuiuua h- cxiug, Kingston, Piute c muly, Utah. of Circle-vill- e ss parties with burglxrioua intent. The entrance wh effected through a window, The proprietor happened to g put of the hiUHe wb'ch is located neat the store and it is thought that the poise he madp frightened the burglar pwav. Nothing was taken and the pnly loss he sustained was a broken window. lie saw two men leaving he vicinity of the atore, but did not think anyilting of It at the time and not until the next day whgn he found (he broken window. Chas Hanks ha gone to the Dalton v ih five tueu logo to work on iht new contract. Eujauuel Poulaou has juat finished packing up three tons of supplies fvr their use this winter. J. W. arid Salt Lake City, rtah. September 28,1897. Notice Is hereby given that the Montreal Mlq, tng aud Smelting Company by A. L. Kemplaud ft Attorney in tact has made application lor a United States Patent for the Sarault lode, Mon treat mine, Niagara Fall mine. Boom mining uoids out. claim, lodes sit, The process of getting out a Car- claim, aud Consolidated miningBeaver Count y uate jn Jiocky Mining District, first-claslow. ore is load of quite Utah, consisting of 1175.8 linear feet of the SarThere is talk of Mr. Brice putting up ault lode, UH3.9 feet of the Montreal Mine lode, mill in the near future and theu 1473,3 of the Niagara FfiU Mine lode, 1480 feet of here will be plenty of autimony, work the Boom Mining Claim lode aud 800 feet of the Consolidated Mining Claiu lode aud surface nd good times. ground respectively as shown ou the official plat You bet the Sevier reservoir men herewith M S No. 3446 aud described In tiie field and plat of the official survey on file In nave been maklug tpe dual fly for notes this office, with magnetic variation at 15 degrees he past two mouths. 49 minutes east, as follows : Commencing Corner No. 1 of the garsult lode Mr. ani Mrs. C.L King have just fron which U, 8. M. M. No. 1 bears N S3 deg. 15 eturufd from Joseph vberp tneyt min. feet distant and from which the nave been visiting friends and rel- discovery point of said SarauH u.do bearj N atives. They also made lfolitho aqt deg. 49 min. E 1 396.8 feet distant; thence N 24 deg. 01 min. E 13(0 feet to corner No. 2 of said Lewis a profitable call. Sarault lode. Thence N 12 deg. 23 min. V iin.s Mr. and Mrs. Antoue Torgepson feet to corner No. 3 of said Sarault lode which is 2 of the nave moved from American Fork to common and identical with corner No. common Montreal Mine lode; thence from said the land of c yotes to build them a corner N 2T deg. SO min. W 1275.9 feet to corner home. s No. 3 of said Montreal Mine lode which is common and Identical with corner No. 1 of the NiThe people of this place assembled agara Fall mine lode and fi om which common, together Friday eveuing to enjoy a and Identical corner V, 8. M. M. No. I tienrs S hard times party. Jt was a perfect 9 deg. 54 min. W 949 feet distant; thence X i W (too feet to corner No. 2 of said 86 success; one gentleman was seen com- deg. min. mine lode common and identical Fall Niagara ing iu with a nice large cabbage uuder with corner No. t of the Boom mining claim lode his arm to pay bis way through. and from whjch common and identical corner The geut lemon were very generous U. 8. M. M. No. t bears 8 3 deg. 24 min. E 2718.6 teet distant; thence N 30 deg. 56 min. W 732.4 in treatiug the ladies to dried peaches. feet to corner No. 2 of said Boom mining claim (t was really a 'bard lookipg out- ode; thence 8 24 deg. 04 min. W 420 feet to or fit, the patches and rags were so very ner No. 3 of said Boom ir.de; thence 8 84 deg. 04 numerous. One lady caught her min. W 1083.5 feet to corner No, 4 of said Boom lode which is common and identical with corner dainty foot in one of her patches an d No. 2 of the Consolidated mining claim lode; and you cant guess wbat happen- thence 8 84 deg. 4 min, W 800 feet to corner No. ed. On being asked if the floor was 3 nt said Consolidated mining claim lode; thence pretty smooth, she said, Mo, but it 430 deg. 56 min. B 662 feet to corner No. 4 otN consolidated mlningclalm lode; thence is awful hard. We would whisper said 84 deg. 04 min. E 650.1 feet to corner No. 4 of Die tier name to you, hut Laura has such XIagra Fall mine lode; thence 8 65 deg. 56 min. H 1200 feet to corner no. 5 ot said a temper. Niugra Fail mine lode; thence N 84 deg. 04 min. E 607.2 feet hard tb time Oil, dance, feet to corner No. 6 ot said Nisgra Fall mine Is the dance for fun. lode which is common and Identical with corner You should have heard tbplr laughs no. 4 of the Montreal claim j'tlienee 824 deg. 2t min. E 938 feet to corner No. 5 of the Montreal and screeches; As they tripped across the room mine lode; thence 8 9 deg. 16 mlu, E 042 feet to corner No. 4 of tne Sarault lode common ami ou the ruu. identical with corner No. 1 of said Montreal To treat their girls ou diied corn claim and from which common corner U. 8. M; M. No. 1 bears 8 52 deg. 22 min. W 730.3 feet disaud peaches. 16 9 min. E850 feet to corner tant; thence 8 deg. Ah, hut that is a time now passed No, 5 of said Sarault lode; tlieuce 8 1 deg. 46 min. E 12M feet to place of beginning. away, Tiie presumed general direction of the Sarault But we thiuk ofit, just the same. Is from tiie discovery thereof 8 9 deg. 16 Next day we were all as Jolly aud lode min. E to a oint 150 feet distant; thence 8 1 deg. 46 mlu. E 600 feet to a gay. point on the southerly end line thereof and from discovery N iHlpg. 16 min But one, she was rathe: lame. W 575.8 feet to a point on northerly end line Joking. thereof. The general direction of the Montreal mine lode is from tiie discovery point thereof 8 9 deg. CIRCLEVILLE. 16 mlu. E 125-feet to point on southerly end Mr. Melviu Webb is preparing to line thereof and from said discovery N 24 deg. 2 take a trip to Dela Mar where he will min. W 1243.9 feet to point ou northerly end liue thereof. retuaiu for the wiuter. Tiie general direction of the Ningra Fall mine Sevral tramps have been seen on ode is from a point on the westerly end line tl.ereaf N 84deg. 4 min. E 150 feet to the discovthe streets of Csroievile. ery point thereof ; thence N 84 deg. 4 min. E to a Mr. Rostln, Willard Sirakins, Dennis point 803.6 fee distant ; thence N 24 deg. 04 min. E 519.6 feet to a point on the easterly eud line andJWilrVud Day aud Ed 4 Fullmer tnereof. uas gone to the Desert for the wenter The general direction of the Boom mining is from a point in tiie center of the Lrst Monday evening J. E. Peter- claim lodeend line thereof N 84 deg. 04 min. R 550 westerly sou caught two theives in the act of feet to the discovery thereof; thence N 84 deg. 04 min. E to a noint 566.8 feet distant; thence N broking into his store. 24 deg. 04 min. E 383.2 feet to a point on tiie eastMr. Tbui her, lead her of the Circle-vi.I- e erly end line thereof. The general direction of tiie Consolidated minschool (ells a good story of what claim lode Is from a point iu the center of happened in his school the other day. ing easterly end line thereof 8 84 deg. 04 min. W He drew a map) of Utah ou the black the 300 feet to the thereof; thence 884 deg. board and in his less upou the same 04 min. W 500 discovery feet to a point on the westerly end he same be laid special stress upou line thereof. the position and shape of Piute Oouuly ofSaid Consolidated Claim contains a total area 86.90 acres, all of winch Is claimed and applied Iu the afternoon he had occasion to for herewith, there being no conflicts. All of draw (be picture of au ass upob the said lode mining claims composing said Consoliblack board for bis class, and asked dated claim being of record in the offlue of tiie wbat it re presented. One little fellow County Recorder, Beaver County .State of Utah, auti-lUon- euteitd Mouday night b) wav APPLICATION FOR PATENT. I. S. Land Office. CGYOTO O Cuaffiin of circlet i ta and William J, Watts of l'aragouah were in towu Wednesday and caile at this office. 1 Che house formerly oocupied by H. Mills has been moved to the rear of the Lyons house, where it will be us ed to oirnish extra room for the new hotel. Rev. Dr. Illi ff' of 8. L. C. ami Rev Mr. Twedeof Kiclifielti were in town A business meet Wednesday night Jug was ecld I lie same evening iu in winch the affairs of the M. E. Church at this place was talked over. It appears now that Sevier County is doing business at a profit She expects to have a surplus of $$,000.00 this year to apply to outstanding indebtedness. for the ltst four years nt mote, like Piute county is today she was stiugSliug with a deficit. Mrs Stark having a buggy shed .aud wood shed built this week. 1 A. Muncehrocd has been prospecting f.i Ip's vicinty the past year and thinks now that he has struck it rich. He it the owner of the Palmetto miue ou Gold Hill about five miles south' of the Vale. A couple of days ago he droke ill rough into a large body of ore that looks well, but he cannot tell bow high does run until it is tested. From assays made on ore takeu from a stringer leading toward this body he got from $30.00 to $275 00 gold and silver. His men are crosscutting now to find out the size of this ore body. 1 is in a contact between porphyry aud trackyte below are lime aud quartzite. He expects to commence shipping in tiie spring and may build milk. In Mr. Muucebrock estimation h mau i tiie bibbestf-jo- l who Would pas through country like through a country like this aud go to Klondike when witti the mouey that it would cost him fur his passage he could sink a shaft on most any uf the uumerou veins iliatcrup out over the Ml. Buldy witli gieater Hssuiance that he wiil aoxlous to show his knowledge get better values than he w ill field in Its Piute County m in Alaska besides he can live in a country where he can enj y ra iny of the couilorts of lif- and run no danger of fro z:ig to death if he looks out of the wiudow. Fer-guss- (ora-pendiur- g. d-- gn-ira- Sauford, C L 4 A set e t sw Vi tp 27 s see Js MH iam her Hoi.se 8 acres In swt-- of sel-oee )ag House ami Fencing Langley, E 4 Haws, Jason Green, Alma Dubinney, Paid Taylor, Elsie m Morse, G E Jones, c W Blanchette, nc'., mvi tp 2, s r I w 8 DISTRICT, 4 19 A Lee, John Reynolds, IV n Reiuhelmer, M Thomas, Lula A A Fergiutaon, Tims Table No. 31 4 (In effect November 1, 1897.) No Arrives at Belkuap, from Ogden, Salt Lake City and alt ill termed late points, - - - 4 55 p in No 5 Leaves Belknap, for Ogden, halt Lake ity and alf imcr- mediate points, 8:55 am No at Belknap from Tills-tianil intermediate pmiiia ou Mondays, odnesdays amt Fridays, 0i5 p ui No 31 leaves IlelUuap.ror Thistle and intermediate points, on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturday s, - . . - - - - - . 8 ;30 a In The It. 44. W. Is the short line from all southeastern Utah to halt Lake (. ity ami all point east. Two trains dally from Salt Lake Citv and Tills-ti- e Junction to Deliver, Omaha, Chicago, St. .amis ami all parts ul the United States, Canada Aim huropo. lllform!ltiu e,co lV' h ent Belknap'1 S.ll. il.UICOfK, e Traffic Manager. F. A. Waoi.ew u, General Passenger Agmt. w 2H H 19 I 45 .631 27 sr3w 405 US 2535 4719 30 100 1300 6080 190 515 2 49 32 84 103 36 1013 10 72 Mf 95 186 218 Mortgage .Mortgage J acrcrs 'in sec Lot oiislu 1 0mit OufCirelcvillc 26 tp 30 s r4 w survey fi 3 IT 3 72 4 117 145 297 120 I! L 80 acre rs hi sec Ik) ami 69 1 DISTRICT. 1160 125 58 4il 4 79 1 lot in se 27 tp 30 s 4 w A s4 so see 13 tp 30 s r 3 w 40acrera in see thirteen and toxrtee tp 30 s rS w M) acrcrs in sec thirteen and fourteen tp 30 s r 42 acrers in sec thirteen and fourteen tp 30 s r 4 w V city lot ui lie qr of sw qr8cc2U tp30 s r 4 w Barlow lajwls, Benjamin Dailey, J H s lif w qr ec'l2 up qr see 13 tp 30s r 4 w te qr lie qr sec 23 tp 30 s r 4 w Longford, J II oe qr qr sec 33 ip BO s r 3 w a h( hf of oee sec 31 tp 30 a r 8 w aw qr of accU3 tp 80 a r 3 w 1 city lot In sec 38 Ip 30 r 3 w; nw qr no qr aco 9 otv qi sc qr oeo 4 tp SO t 3 w & 8 Hcrer.- - In neqr sec 9 tp 30 s 3 w J citv lot In aee 4 & 67 aerrra in n hf nw qr 0 hf aw qr in a 0 4 & 9 ip 30 s r3 w IN JUNCTION DISTRICT, Jackson, James Harris, C K Hale, Cha II 1 Bay, J W Jr IN KINHKTON DISTRICT, meqr tie qr ae 15 tp 30 r 8 w Rubey, James nahln and feiwoe Synett. Ephr'rn 2 city lot IN KOOSHAREM DISTRICT. 2 John city lots In seoa 2 3 tp 'g0 a r 1 w Kenney, Hatch, Is uiic ouy Bn it acc' 2 & 3 tp 2t a r w Turgersnn, II 2 city Iota in rcc's ik 2 tp 20 a r I w Crawford, G city hit Iu sec 28 'p 20 g r 1 w Max will, Chas ll' botlKt T rgeyson, Jus Kingtn wIn m 1 1 1 No. 3542. 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. halt Lake City. 1 Nov. 24, 1897. IN LOST CREEK DISIRIGT. Utah. Noticed liereby given that tiie follow ingaiai ed settler lids filed notice of ills Intention to mak final proof ill support of ills claim, and tlmt sal proof will fie made before tiie (amnty Clerk t Wayne County, Utah, at Loa, Utuh.on Jaime, j 15, 1898, via; Peter Morten sun for tiie 814 S W! NWt 8W4 Sec 2: NEh SE'4 SecS Tp30 8 R 5 lie names tiie following witnesses to prove Ills continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, vizi Wltlium Meeks, William E, Stringliam ofTliorher, Utah. Thomas Atwood, Jacob 8. Bastlan.of Loa, Utah. M, W. Mansfield, II. N, MREW, Att'y for eldlmaut. Register. First publication November 27th, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Oflfine, Halt Lake City, 1 Laz-enb- H. N. McG RE W, Nov. 27th. Register. MARYSVALE MARKET Alger, J J Chaffin, J log liotiae log hoime log ftnua. log lloUtMt B w IN MARY.SVALE DISTRICT. Llsonhee, II E Iota 3 4 3 6 7 8 & s hf uf w q B' cs A 100 acra in secs 3 4 4 ip 27 & 2H r 3 nw qr ne qr & lot 2 in sec S3 lots 7 8 & Tuft, Ilaua sc qr aw qr of arcs 2fi & 83 p 27, 28 r 8 Dennis Mrs A lie qr sec 0 w lif nw qr sec 5 - 11 34 I 1 w ) 1 w , ihutler Ed Beuiler, Fred llealingtoo, A Ferris, John 8 Holderman, W saw mill IN WILMONT DISTRICT. rtah. November 24, I897. Notice is hereby given that tiie following-namesettlei lias filed notice of intention to make final proof in support of ills claim and that said proof will be made before tiie County Clerk of WayneCo., Utah, at J.oa, Utah, on Jau. 5, 18:18, viz ; William 8. Wood for the WV4 N YJ Sec. and KV4 NE!4 Sec 2 Tp 28 S R 2 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation ot said land, viz: Willis E. Robison, John T. Charles A. Brown, Walter II Jeffery, of ( Nay, Elmer Farnsworth, Leroy&Chr'bl'ii NO. 3543 ptah. Firit Pub. r3 27 tp lot In see 20 tp-- s r w swqr of sec 8 tp v s r,t s hf nw qr sec 8 s hf lie qr e hf se qr see 7 In tp 1 let in see 20 A 18 aerrr In sec 20 tp 27 s r 3 w 138 acrcrs in sec 20 and 21 tp 27 s r Marysvale Hardy, Wm axo 1 1 Wijey, H D Loa, f SV'ab RcgJ L m( Leg I 'atitn tut til see BO tp 27 s r Sw tie qr UW (;r let 2 SCO 27 t) 2T s r 3 w A lot 7 sec IT A e hf lie qr see 19 sc qr of se qr see 1 tp 26 a r 3w Tollan, J E Blinking, Phns ltlclite, Robert Pearson, John IVarsou, wicnerva Pearson, George V ooloy, Frank ( Persnl Prpty w A 1 34 IN BULLION Harris, Alexander, REPORT Savage, Parley sw qr ae qr aeo 15 tp 29 8 r 2 W Nichols, Joxiab ns uw qr & nw qr & ne qr aeo 83. se qr ew qr sec 2S tp 29 r 2 Wagstuff.Isaao 200 acrers Iu see 80 tp 29 s r 2 w MINING PROPERTY lu Bullion School District, Gold Mt. Mng District Butler Beck U 'ld M & M Co Buildings 1000 400 34 00 MININO PROPERTY in Marysvale District, Ohio Mug District. Dalton G & S Mug Co Amended triangle lode, Sylvester niillslte, weeks I de, I hard cash and pearl lodes. J Mt Baidy GAS Ml.gCo Uncle sain lode Gold Belt Mining Co Hidden treasurer, gold belt, glles Copper Belt Mining Co Copper licit, & Pino, lnde JOSEPH II. rUUWEEKa, County Treasurer. We give below tiie local (Marysvale) prices current, based upon information courteously furnished at tiie close of tiie week by our local dtli-no.r- es Buttei (ranch) . 10 10 S2 5(. 0 0 a SUBSCRIBE PROFESSIONAL Phillipp Schsefcr, D- - riiePIONKGK. No. 3549. E. C. 6375 f.et distant. Physician U. 8. D. Mineral Surveyor, FOR Legal papers carefully and aucurately drawn and surveys promptly executed. Utah Jon.v Meteer, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Utah, 3 - ar ysvalc. Sevier Ootmiy. Salina, Sarge'on. 3raQs-esqc- COUNTY SURVEYOR Advocate Office. RICHFIELD, V1AH. I, PAGE SAMUEL FOR Dr. W.M. Griffith. Seut of Sevier County lCouuty ASXAW Dr. M. B. Shipp Jr. MARYSVALE, UTAH PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. U. 8. Land i Mtlee. fUAM Salt Iike Citv, Utah. November 30 1897. Notice Is hereby given that tiie (ollowing-naed settler lias filed notice of Ills Intention to LAND AND make final proof in support ot ids claim and that said proof will be made before tiie County Clerk oi V.'r vrc County, Utah, at Loa, Utah, ou Jan. 15 Twenty five 1898, viz: William E. Stringliam H E 9447 for the W4 NW Sec 21 NEi NE) Sec 20 SE qr SE qr Sec U i 28 S R 3 E. ' He names the following witnesses to prove hlscontiniious residence upon and cultivation of. said land, viz: Ezra N. Bullard Jr., James Briukerhoff of Thurber, Utah. John I jocksou, ihomas U, jakemen of Lyman, Utah 7 H. N.McGREW, M. W. Mansfield, Register. tstpub.Dcc.lt. Atty for Cla'.nant. ( Office V MINING ATTORNEY. Solicited. - Attorney tt, At - Law. Promptness and accuracy my mono. A MOtrrtYS WORTHI SALT LAKE HERALD ntS4st. Brightest and Best. DAILY 85c. pr J10.00 month. per annum, m L V Only r 75o. for 6 montba pet yea 3:.b- TtN tbroi'gh local agent or send direct ( BEMt-W'Cl'- I i h. - nAt n on.. ri.t; iii Lake Cuy Utah S.t and Builder, Estmates takeu on all kinds of work Gilbert Bsshe. YOUH Utah. Monroe, Utah. Carpenter Salt Lake City CUT and Residence at the Kentucky House J.S.ITILEND. years experience. Utah. Junction, d i. trial min.W. diug 20,. 22 (creamery) Egg ( dozen) Bacon (fib) Flour (V 100 lbs) one-four- iii u , Provisions es store. Val. IN BEAVER DISTRICT. Sf anguni, post-ciffio- cheap about them and give them Sold at Chas R.iuheiujer ikef lption of Real Estate IN CIRCLEVILLE d m-ri- LIST cf liute County fcjtafc. frf The Ynv 1897. jJEiJT Xamveof Owner merchants and dealers. The quotations are for The Sarault lode In Book D. No. 2 of Notices pash ; 1 91 00 Iage 353. Tiie Montreal mine lode iu Book D. Oats (Hi too lbs) Wheat (V hushoi) 70 No. 2 of Notices, Page 373. The Niagra Fall mine lode in Book D No. 2 of Notices, Page Livb Stock THE DISCOVERY OF THE DAY. Beef cattle (1? J, estimated wt) 3 4?( 354. The Boom mining claim lode in Book D 25K?fi Hogs (V lb, estimated weight)..,, of the No.2 of Notices on Page 355, aud tiie Consolileading druggist Aug. J.Bogel, Sheep (7ft head).., 150 kg : Dr. Kings dated mine lode in Book D No. 2 of Notices, Shrevenport. Da., shj-s. fr hi Rciuheimeis. DELHI rhoul-ed- ; New Discorerv is only thing that cures Page 358. Tiie nearest known local tons are tiie Amelia, u mill The crystal has started upa-gaimv cough, and it is die best seller I Lot No. 38 and tiie Summit mine 31. S. No. 3080. aud it is reported to be doing ex-e- ll have J. F. Gampbell, merchant of I direct that this notice be published in tiie Dr. King Parra Pto.NEKRat Marysvale, Utah, tiie newsent work. Safferd, Arz. writes: New Discovery i all that it la clcimed paper published nearest tile said milling claim, for tiie period of ten weeks. Dr, Lyons Mini family started for St. for it; it never fails and is a sure cure E. D It. Thompson, BYtiONGROO, and Oeldes Claimants Attorney. Register. George last Monday to visit friends for Consumption, Goughs Us merits. First Publication October 2nd. I cannot say enough and relatives of Mrs Lyons They exDr King New Discovery for Couuiup- pect to be away about six weeks. Mining application No. 2628. tihu, Coughs and Colda ,s not an ( Land Offlc- been tried for a ha It P. E. Scoggins and Mis Mollia Sait Lake City, Utah. staude ami I Nov. 15,1897. today fcruwn were married in Manti last quartet ofacentury Notice is hereby gi veil ( hat Torn at the head. It reverdisappoiul tree week. Tneir wedding reception was and Duncan J. Frew, whose Chas. RciuLeimers bottles at trial held at Homer Thompsons last Monday nostoftice address is Marysvale, Piute Drug Store. phich was !argy attended by friends fkiuntv, Utah, and T, F. GiIIhii, whose and relatives of the bride groom e Evtryone dewires to keep inf turn address is Richfield, Sevier Who came to pav tneir respects and on Yukon, the Klondyke and Alnwkan County, Utah, have made opplication u wish them a safe happy aud prosper- gold field, Semi 30c, for large fora pateut lor 1500 linear feet of the ous voyage through nte. uf ve- -t itif.iuiation and h' . Gu' of Sight Dale hearing Gold and Color map to Hamilton Pub. Co., In- other or ciou metals, situate In Ohio Orville Hold rman and Miss Rose dianapolis, IntL Mining District, Piute County, Utah and deserihid in the official plat and Sprague were iu towu Monday eueu-iu- Caliiu and price Reinheimere shoes field notes on file in this offloe, as fol25 min E. lows, viz: Variation 18 WHAT IT MEANS Beginning at Corner No. 1, a corner Raleigh Joues of Safina was In town Whpn we dvpriis that we will f the claim. Thence N. 48 deg 17 min Several days the first of the week !ee Dr Kings New Discovery E. to Co. ner No'2. Thence S. 33 deg Electric Bitter., Bucklens Arnica 02 min E. 600 feet to Comer No. 3 The first of this week two cars anSalve, or Dr, Kings Nw Life Pills, it Thence S 48 deg 17 min W. 1500 feet timony ore were shipped to Chicago. means that we are authorized by the to Corner No. 4. Thence N 33 deg 2 proprieters to sell tb ee remedies on s nia W. 600 Teel to Corner No. 1, tb. Homer McCarty, of M nroe was i i p tive gusrnte, that if the purchas- oiace "f beginning eoutai. ilng a lota' towu Wednesday. er is not satisfied with results, we will re f and f n ty i wo one hun-- b txventy refund the purchase price. These med-cinhereby anpM--for, no have been sold on this guarantor cot fliets. Dr. Grifflh has been employed bv the crystal Mining company in his that if putebsser is not satisfied with From Corner No. 1 of id I,ode U l the purenase S, M M. No. J benr N. 25 professional capacity to look after their esults, we will reft'i dg 07 min, have . been W . 5287 fi el distant and from employees when they need attention price. Thess medicines the same sold ou tiii guarantee for many years Corner the 6 cl ion Corner and there could be no more conclusive Souh Sid of S, ci i)n 32 Tp 27 rt R Clothing, Dress Goods, Hats, Boots evideuce of their great . 4 U . H. L. I. U ii hears N 21 d eg 08 end Shoe, Groceries ana etc., a-- 17 mm K feet and B. 48 ueg 17 uiitt VV. 1010 feet from the Discovery ainl f.q;im.i portion of the Unsurveyed Tow uship s- - t Range W uf the fjalt Lake .eiidiail. The location of hi- - nffpe Is recorded iu the CuUitly Recorder office of Piute Couuty, Utah, on page 394 of Book 'D nod Ajnenfied notioe Ou page 117 Rook IQ at Junction; Piuu Co. Utah. Adjoining claim. ,U re nouea e)iowp upon the pl.u. Ajl persons holding adverse claim there-t- o are required to present mo same before this offloe within sijtv .day froth tiio Ural day of punliovion hereof u the Piute Pioneer or tkiey wfi! lie barred by virtue of the provisions of the statute. BY1JOX&ROO, T. U. Bailey, Register. Attorney for Claimant. 1st publication November 0tb, 1S97. 480 Thu people of Ooyoio ul pruseut are juite excited ovr antimony, Mr.Ftrioe f Chicago having promised good y times and plenty of money if the - The sore of J E Petersou Vani LJi.JruiibSr.'40dt' Notioe No. 2600. OUR NEIGHBORS. C.W J ONES, Marysvale, Utah. JUNCTIONHOTEL Good meals good beds and a warm welcome. ATTORNEY AT LAW GHAELES MALES, PEOF a Will practice in till tiie Courts State anp Junction, Utah. 8PECIALTY. dr.tl. TI.AliU L4q03 MARYSVAwE, A - UTAH qi js XUIS 1J1 10I11P |