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Show To Kill I riun. Smoking Is a preventative of disease, according to a celebrated Viennese professor of chemist rj. He estimates that the chances of a smoker catching dipli therla, smallpox, cholera or other contagious disease whose germs are Inhaled through the throat and lungs, as compared to the non smoker, one In twenty eight, lie asserts that smoking tends to check the devt lopmeut of bacteria and kill them. It is well known that smok Ing Is forbidden by physicians and cm ployes In laboratories given over to the cultivation and propagation of genus of diffen nt diseases for experiments. Smoke kills these minute organisms, and what applies to a chemist's workshop ap lies equally to the human body. TO CT'HK A I HU) IN ONK DAT. Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets. Ah Drugglata refund the money it n fuila to cure. Use Is Mrs. Tlptlil extremely exclusive " "Well, of course, die doesn't wish to meet who remembers when her father Ofhy tssly drove a dray." When billons or costive, eat a Cnsearet candy cathartic, cure giiarnnleed. Pie, 'SnJapan line forty one cl ilea of over 10,000 Inhabitants. Is a constitutional disensennd nspiiresaeonst i tutional remedy like Hood's KarsniKU'illa. '1 hi medicine puriliou the blood and cures catarrh KloocH Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood TurUicr. WWWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwWWVWaWWWW I MWi IN lift j egg-shel- Ccme, Quelton, cried Jack Darcy, bursting Into my ofllce one morning in June last, drop those everlasting papers and take an hour's rest. I want you to go to the opera house with me. And for what, pray, 1 answered, should I go to the opera house in daytime -- the forenoon at that? is it a rehearsal? Rehears-1Certainly not; Its the commencement exercises of the Girls High School, and there Is one thing, spec'ally, on the program that I am anxious for you to hear. Get ready, man; Its time to go. It will do you good to ace those pretty girls two hundred and fifty of them, and listen to what some of them have to say. It will brush the cobwebs off that d old editorial brain of yours. Vow I cannot tell you how It was, but ' icks proposition roused in me a sud-!e- n but overweening desire to attend hose exerclsfs. It would be so radical i change from the amusements that I dually indulged in, something sd hi lght and inspiring and beautiful, fiiat I bfcame, all In a minute, as enthusiastic about It as my bustling friend ed hard-vorke- w well-inform- aitu-atio- ns. I tossed aside the exchange that I had been scanning, laid a weight on inf "copy" paper, seized my hat and actually hurried Jack out of the office and Into the street on our way to the opera house. I suppose we are all subject to those sudden Impulses, but mine astonished me, all the same; later in the day came to the conclusion that some beneficent spirit had moved me. As we entered the house, wher a largo audience had already gathered, the members of the graduating class were Just coming upon the stage. This ne VI A I strsupthen relaxed weakened f IMT Pterlne organn. lioora Jtl, Arapahoe si of Itself was a pretty sight, and Jack and I found a placo where we could see Office Alban Works. CTATC UlkL Motel iih.ck, lenver. Locket ref It to 0 I A I L HDC good advantage. The girls, whose eren re UHk, v aiusble inutled f ee ore ages ranged from sixteen to nineteen SEALS, RUBBER STAMPS yearB, were all dressed in white, with Motk ik M tu. I o. , imh awreiira rtt Just variation enough In material and ACH1NI8T Kepaln of MINING lKINTINU trimming to take away the appearance vie. M Maihlnery, 1'lpe threading and culling. hlevatnrs. Nock & Uni.hlo, Imh t. of monotony. etn. ' pane price list tree Com Each girl carried a btinrh of flowers PPnrPRIPQ hotesalo Ilmen pal, unuutnico aiimem mod make. Sugar, Qian" 6v. All lkg Coffee ISr, in her hand, and wore upon her left breast the crimson and gold ribbon of Hazara and all tints of tool the class. I1U Mall, orrioia aprelal edge alleollon llueiger Pros., Ilarliera Supplies, l ,arliner Ht Chairs were arranged in tiers from the front of the large stage to the rear, DENVER BRUSH Hiuuhcs of eveiy dMrip lion Price. (utlty gmrntil Horn! foronlulo oia and the girls entered In two lines, one from each side. Those that entered from the right crossed the stage and passed to the chairs on the left, and those that entered from the left passed .o the right. This y M. K. SMITH, Pksdknt. effect was very pleasing, and made the scene ORES SOLD ON THE PUBLIC MARKET. orderly without being stiff. When all were seated the exercises began, but It is not my purpose to describe them In detail. Jack soon let E. E. BURLINGAME'S nie know why he had asked me to ASSAY OFFICE LABORATORY come there, and that is what I am goto tell you about. He pointed to Established In Colorado. Samples by mail or ing the fifth number on the program, and express will receive prompt and careiul attention GOLD AND SILVER BULLION said; That Is what I want you to hear Refln.d, Melted and Aoeyed or Purrhaied. Miss Agnes Farrells recitation. She Is COLOt 1738 DENVER. 1736 Lawrence St.. and Addreu. a remarkable girl. I want you to see THE COMPANY PAYS THE FREICH r and hear her and then I am gonew steel horse whim. Will pn their oommon-wming to tell you a story about her. She's fcoist 25 ton i rock foot each shift as tf just kud reliabless an oukuir Itonubo packed anywhere a heroine -- every Inch a heroine, with No cog wheels nr a jack can go, r coni, it no gallant a spirit as ever animated the clutches to break. ti wrought iron ami steel aud will ben j before breaking. Over 050 in ime heart of a soldier. And yet she is one some running 6 jreaie without ous dollar's expanse. Ve nmke hora of the gentlest and most lovable girls I hoists at prictM, $25, 50, i6 100 fli you ever saw. But wait! I looked at the program and saw this: 5. Recitation The Charge of the Light Brigade. . Agnes Constance Farrell. widen np Hand for an Illustrated circular to THH I!lc Hruvia easy to huv, easy to take, eu.,rincflu,.t. ai0. I Denver Directory. ll i I Ulft-1- 7 Denver Public Works, semi-militar- 1 -- li&i Ludis 8U Denver. Colo. WINDSOR Only fair-haire- DENVER. Hotel in the City Centrally Located- First-Clas- s - 0m 'SfegSS (American riaa.) Perfect Serviee. Table Unexcelled. KATES: OO It Will go away after awiiilc. Bootiung Syrup Mrs. HlRtiy, did you get anything for No; Tommy cough while you were out? I didn't have any money but a $5 bill, aud I Thats vhat people say when advised to take something to wouldn't break it for the world. The Fa.tedt Train in the Wat. la the famous Union Parlfie Overland cure that cough. Have you ever noticed that the cough that goes away after awhile takes the cougher along? And he doesn't come bach Lim- ited, running every day In the year, leaving Denver B:3o . m.. arriving Ogden 1:40 p. m. and Salt Like 6:10 p. m. following day, and San Francisco 8:45 p. m. second day out of Denver. This train carries through Pullman sleepers, Pullman dining ears (meals palace a la and the famous buffet library cars. carte) Quickest time, Denver to California, by over nine hours. Ask about It at the ticket office, 641 17th St., corner Curtis. Ayers Cherry Pectoral khameful that the states have to womens hats. theater leg'slate about Well, it shows how little influWhy? ence Individual men have with their wives. It In Cures Coughs. Did You Ever See an Indian? stamp to Expect not, so send a the General Passenger Agent Colorado Midland railroad, Denver, aud he will send you a fine colored picture of one. What makes all the girls dislike Beatrice so much? Why, you see she has naturally curly hair. two-ce- Dont Tobacco Spit and SmoU Tour Life Away. If you want to quit tobacco us.ng easily and forever, regain lost manhood, lie made well, strong, maguetic, full of new life and the wonder-worke- r vigor, take that makes weak meu strong. Mmy gain ten pounds In ten days. Over 400,1)00 cured. from your druggist, who Buy will guarantee a cure. Booklet aud sample mailed free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., or New York. Chicago There are fewer Roman Catholics, proportionately, In Sweden than in any other European country only 810 out of a population of 4,744,400. The Quickest Train to California. The famous Union Pacific Overland Limited. The finest, fastest and train out of Denver, carrying through sleepers, dining ears, and the elegantly uppoiuted buffet library and smoking ears, all lighted with Pintsch light, aud heated by steam. Cali at Union Pacific ticket office, 941 17th St., corner Curtis, for information, rates, time tables, etc. record for largest sales 1 the TEY Write for Illustrated Catalogue with prices, to Estey Organ Company, Braitleboro, Vt. Examination and Advice as to Patentability of In emion. Send for Inventors Guide, or How to Get A Patent." O'FAKRELL & SON, Washington. D. (X FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or just Don't Feel Well,' 2is LIVER PILLS are the One Thing to use. ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. 5c. at Druggists Samples mailed free. Bosankn Med. Co. Thila. la. Two bottles of Pisos Cure for Consumption cured me of a bad lung trouble. Mrs. J. Nichols, Princeton. Ind.. March 26. 1865. The Acme Lamp Stove They hnve Invented a method of photoIs that so? graphing in colors, I see. Weil, it's rough on us red headed people. Will warm your room at a cost of 3 cents per day and not affect the light. Delivered on receipt of SI. ACME COMPANY 33 Wendell St. Boston, Mass. Just try a 10c box of Casenrets, the flneet liver and bowel regulator ever made. 1 Well, are yon ready for winter? guess and got back ao; we've pawned the the a PATENTS, TRADE MARKS Foreigners complain that our railway stations are so far apart. Yes, that's what the governor of North Carolina said to the governor of South Carolina. base-burne- birthday, Celebrating in 1SQ7 its seventy-firs- t The Companion offers its readers many exceptwo The features. brilliant hemispheres tionally have been explored in search of attractive matter. TlieYbulhs (mpanion For the Whole Family. to V3.BO per day. The only TURKISH BATHS In the state. The finest In the West, connected with the Wlrdsor. Send fur illustrated book, fiee. J. A. WlQtil.N. Manager. staff writers fully In addition to twenty-fiv- e two huudied of the most famous men and women of both the Old and the New World, including the most popular writers of fiction and some of the most eminent statesmen, scientists, travellers and musicians, are contributors to The Companion. Mrs. Burton Harrison, ONE & t v ! OP THE WRITER8 POPULAR FOR 1897. A delightful supply of fascinating Stories, Adventures, Serial Stories, Humorous and Travel Sketches, etc., are announced for the Volume for 1897. The timely Editorials, the Current Events, the and Nature ami Science Current Topics Departments give much valuable information every week. Send for Full Prospectus. V! reed-grow- The first four numbers of the program had been given, and then the principal of the school announced Miss d Fin rill. A young girl arose from the front row of seats and advanced gracefully to the front of the stage. Her manner was easy and but absolutely free from it was the manner of one conscious of her power, but too modest to make that consciousness apparent. With a slight but graceful bow to the audience, she began to speak: HOTEL. Uinilow'i Jtfjrs forctuMren toetbing. aoftetif the ums. reduce infiam-nation- , allays pain, cares wind colic. 25 cents a bottle. in-k- o WHIM CO. That woman achemeg In varloua ways la a fact you need nut d.nilit; Bhe pays her calls on halmy days, When all other dames are out. good-natur- y, HUH Reeled from the saber stroke. she could regain It or could realize Shattered and sundered. what It all meant, the nose of the Then they rode back; but not Sprite had thrust Itself with tremenNot the six hundred. dous force Into the Ariel and knocked The slight figure of the girl trembled her over like an l. with enthusiasm, her face glowed like Harold and his friend were thrown that of one Inspired and her marvelous Into the water, which was quite deep voice, sweet, clear and resonant, cut at that place, and they disappeared bethe air like one of those flashing sa- neath the surface like stones. Young bers. At the close of her recitation Colston came up again almost Immethe audience, until then rapt In silent diately and was clinging to the admiration, hurst Into a perfect storm sail of the Ariel when Agof applause. I had never seen nor nes had brought her boat about tnd heard a more brilliant performance. was preparing to give aid to her unsaid Darcy, Come, we can go fortunate antagonists. Harold wa nonow. That Is what I wanted you to where In sight. hear. What do you think of her? The brave girl dd not hesitate "She ie a wonderful girl, I ansecond; she rightly supposed that the swered, "simply wonderful. What do young fellow had become entangled in you know about her? t,he rigging of his boat, and If that "I am going to tell you, said Jack. were true, he would drown unless It Is a very pretty little story of hero- someone went to his rescue. Giving a ism, but It came near being a tragedy. few hurried directions to her sister, Agnes Farrell Is eighteen years old. she threw off her hat and plunged Into I have known her for four years. She the water where Harold had gone Is one of the brightest girls I ever down. saw. Her tastes are Intellectual, and "The accident had given young Colyet she is as far from being a blueston so great a shock that no help stocking as she could well be. Few could be expected from him Agnes of you editorial know-all- s are so must save Harold by her own exertions in general literature, philoor he must perish. She was cool and n sophy, natural history, science and as- undaunted in spite of the trying tronomy as she Is. In which she found herself, and And yet she has her sail boat at the taking a quick mental note of the surseashore, and few men can eijual her In roundings, she dived underneath the Its management. She swims like a water. fish and Is as brave as bravery Itself. Presently she reappeared, bearing In fact, she excels in all outdoor Harolds unconscious form. Colston sports that girls Indulge In, and enters was able by this time to come to her into them with as much spirit as she assistance, and together they got him exhibited on the stage just a moment on the deck of the Sprite, and promptago. ly began their efforts to restore him to But let me tell you the story that I life. referred to. Her father has a cottage They had a hard fight of it, but at a quiet little place down on the they conquered at last, for Harold coast, a place separated from the main- soon opened his eyes and smiled up Inland by a broad, generally placid inlet, to the face of the gallant young girl where may be had delightful sailing who had put his life in Jeopardy and and fishing. The family goes there ev- then saved It by her heroic action. ery summer. Now, added Darcy, you know why "I spent three weeks there last seaI admire that young girl so much. son, and it was during that time that This story has never been told before the Incident happened of which I am to anyone but the friends of the two going to tell you. families, and I tell it to you now, Quel"A family by the name ot Graham ton, with the distinct understanding has a cottage near the Farrells, one that you do not tell It with the true member of which Is a hoy about Agnes names of the parties. He Is a age. His name Is Harold. To my readers I will say that I great sailor, too, and his boat, the could not resist the temptation to reAriel, Is almost as well known for Its late the incident, but I have kept faith achievements as Agnes Sprite. In fact, with Darcy I have not given you the there has always been a sort of real names. rivalry between them, for while Agnes and Harold are warm A Laundry School. friends, they would never agree on the This is the way we wash out relative speed and other qualities of clothes, ie a familiar phrase in the their two boats. No actual test had ever been made, playground and the nursery; It has now a new and very practical meaning for Jfi r they did not care to have a regular race; they rather shrunk from the the little girls attending board schools publicity that a race would give them. in London. Laundry classes, at which But one day in July an opportunity they may acquire at least one useful occurred that neither felt disposed to accomplishment, have been established decline, and so they at last matched in various parts of the metropolis, and according to the annual report of the their little crafts against each other. "It happened more by accident than school management committee, have Durdenign. Harold had gone out early In proved thoroughly satisfactory. l, the morning for a sail around the ing the year they were attended by taking with him only one of his 12,262 aspirants to proficiency In the fi lends, Sam Colston. Two hours later art of cleansing and beautifying artiAgnes took her boat out, with her cles of every day wear. There are now seventy one permanent laundry cenyounger sister, Bertha, as her companion. This was nothing unusual, for ters, and two others are building. Each with Agnes is so good a sailor that no one school consists of one class-rooever thought of forbidding her to go accommodations for fourteen children, and is fitted with desks and seats, even alone, if she so desired. The girls had not been out long thirteen washtubs and ironing tables, a copper and a sink. The whole work when they saw Harolds boat just turnn is under the superintendence of Miss of a the pretty green, point ing Island on the western side of Lord and Miss Jones. At present there the inlet. There was a brisk wind is a deficiency in the supply of instructresses and a number are being trained from the south, and the Ariel was feelThe ing its full force as she rounded the under the formers supervision. Island and turned her prow toward the salary of the superintendents comnorth, where the broad unbroken body mence at $750 per year, and rises to of water stretched out before her. $1,000, with a small addition for travelIt happened that Agnes boat was ing expenses. Instructresses salaries headed in the same direction, and as rise to $350. they were now fairly abreast of each other, though still some distance apart, Too Numerous to Mention. the conditions for a trial of speed were Did you ever notice that almost all almost irresistible. In fact, they were these misers reported in the papers are Irresistible, for Harold presently stood single men? asked Mr. Watts. up In the stern of the Ariel and waved marYes, answered Mrs. Watts, his handkerchief in a challenging manried misers are too numerous to be of the Sprite. ner at the young sailor worth mentioning. Agnes could not stand that, and she a in second's time defilost not waving When lie Looked at the IUll, ance at the Ariel. I wish I had been Noah. Me said her sister in 'Why, Agnes, She Why? surprise, are you going to race with He Ill bet no seal woutl have been Harold Graham? Oh, but I'm glad! I allowed to board the ark. Cleveland know well beat him! Leader. I am going to try, at any rate, answered Agnes, and settle, once for all, which is the faster boat, or which is the POPULAR SCIENCE. better sailor, as you please. Generally speaking, we say that the And so the race was on at last. Circumstances seemed to curvature of the earth amounts to have brought It, and now that It was about seven inches to the statute mile; here neither of the contestants cared to It is exactly 6.99 Inches, or 7.962 inches avoid It; both were confident of victory. for a geographical mile. It was a beautiful sight. The dark-blu- e Lightning is zigzag because, as It water was flecked all over Its sur- condenses the air in the immediate adface with little foam-cap- s that were vance of Its path it flies from side to raised by the sweet south wind. For side in order to pass where there Is the more than a mile toward the north the least resistance to Its progress. course extended, with no obstruction of Scientists say that no negro has ever any kind, not even a fishermans boat tamed an elephant or any wild animal, being in view. On each side of them though negroes frequently perform were little islands with their n with wild animals after they have been banks reaching clear down to cowed Into submission by white men. Snow appears white because it is an the waters edge, thus looking like big emeralds that had been dropped upon aggregation of an infinite number of the sapphire bosom of the inlet. And minute crystals, each reflecting all the over all was the glorious light of a colors of the rainbow; these colors, cloudless, sun-l- it sky, touching everyuniting before they reach the eye, cause it to appear white to every normal eye. thing with beauty and beaming life. Over such a course sped the two A sun dial made for London would be pretty boats, their prows cutting the useless for either Paris or Edinburgh. water and sending the spray back The altitude of the pole star varies with the latitude, and hence is greater along their glistening keels. The boats had now approached at Edinburgh, and less at Paris than at within talking distance of each other, London; and as the stylus must always and each young sailor was bantering point to the polar stpr, the angle it must vary the other, but all the while intent upon makes with the dial-plathe progress of the race. And as they with the latitude. talked they steered closer and closer Dr. Burton Ward, according to the to each other, until finally the two Medical Age, declares that there Is boats might have been covered with one infallible symptom.' Indicating one big sheet whether one is sane or not. Let a perRealizing the danger of sailing so son speak ever so rationally and act close together, Harold said that he ever so sedately, if his or her thumbs would sheer off toward tho wot, warnremain inactive there is no doubt of ing Agnes of his intended movement insanity. Lunatics seldom make use She turned quickly, looked toward him, of their thumbs when writing, drawing lest her grip of the tiller, and before or wluting. FREE V? Vf VI VI VI VI VI V VI VI V? VI VI VI to Jan. 1, 1897, with Beautiful Calendar. As a special offer The Youths Companion will be sent free, for the remainder of the year 1S96, to all new subscribers. One of the most beautiful Calendars issued this year will also be It is given to each new subscrilicr. made up of Foot Charming Pictures in color, beautifully executed. Its size is 10 by 24 inches. The subjects are delightfully attractive. This Calendar is published exclusively by The Youths Companion and could not be sold in Art Stores for less than one dollar. V? IAN MACLAREN. RUDYARD KIPLING. HALL CAINE. FRANK R. STOCKTON. HAROLD FREDERIC. MADAME LILLIAN NORDICA. CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER. STEPHEN CRANE. HAMLIN GARLAND. MAX O'RELL. W. CLARK RUSSELL. ALICE LONGFELLOW. HON. THOMAS B. REED. ANDREW CARNEGIE. LIEUT. R. E. PEARY, U. S. N. DR. CYRUS EDSON. DR. EDWARD EVERETT HALE. DR. LYMAN ABBOTT. And One Hundred Others. 700. Large Pages in Each Volume. VI VI Distinguished Writers 52 Weeks for $1.75. iiiiiiimiiiiittHiiiiiiHniiimiiiiiiMUimmiiiiiiiitiiiiimiHtiiiitiHHimMimmiiiiintiitiiiiiifb I S S S s Ntw Subscribers who will cot out thi slip and wod It at onco with nams and addreti and $1 75 (tho subscription pneo) will receivo: The Youth's Companion every week from time subscription Is rs-ceived to January 1, 1897 : FREE Thanksgiving. Christmas and New Years Double Numbers: Calendar for 1897. The most costly gift Z FREE The Companion 87 Z of Its kind The Companion has ever offered ; I And The Youths Companion 52 Weeks, a full year, to January 1, 1896. E FREE VI ;Z 13 10 noJ- - -I :: 2 VI - VI niaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMHiiiiiMiitiiiiiiMiiiiKimitiiiiiiiiiiiHiiMiiiitiMiiiiiHimiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiir inp p 5 ;; Z S 5 - z THE YOUTHS COMPANION, Boston, Mass. long-deferr- The Best Waterproof PJSH vntfP Coat In the WORLD BEARING HAROLD'S UNCONSCIOUS I FORM. Half a league, half a league. Half a league onward! All In the valley of Death Rode the six hundred. Ths FISH BRAND SLICKER Is warranted water Forward the Light Brigade! proof, and will keep you dry lu the hardest storm. The new POMMEL SLK'KR Is a perfect riding coat, and Charge for the guns! he said; covers the entire saddle, Beware of Imitation. Pon t , Into the valley of Death boy coat tf the fuh Brand ts not on it, l!hitrft-teA. J. TOWER, Boston, Mass. OataUvgue Rode the six hundred! and distinctly the spirited Clearly WCTTIMR CURED OR NO PAY. Mrs B RCn DlLJVYLI I mu M. ROMAN, Milwaukee, Wn words fell from those young lips, and as the fifth line of the stanza was look mi nDIIIII Yklklt. lr. a. a. WDOIXKT, ATLANTA, fiA, reached they rung through the house VllUM uWHtSKYt like the notes of Cardigan's bugle, as il'tluMlThorapsonsEye Water. he ordered that famous" charge. Losall consciousness of self In the arEst lnl87L Thousands ing OPIUMS???: ured.and best cur. Frkk 1 kul dor of her part, fired with the glorious Pa. Marsh, Quincy, Mich. spirit of the lines, she rose to a height of oratory almost sublime, and held CUREfor licbiuc and Htiud, BiraAmg or Frotrudinc Pili yield at oarp i her audience bound under the spell of REMEDY. Siophd S PILE Br.absorb tuiuoro. postti' e cure ircuisrsttnt fr?s. Prjos her power. kb. Druuiiu muL DU, UOMAAkek. Pkll I have never heard anything finer than her impassioned utterance of the fourth stanza of the immortal poem: CuBtS WHrHb ALL tiS tAILS. Flashed all their sabers bare. Boat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold br druggists. Flashed as they turned in air, CONSO M RTtO Sdb'ring the gunners there. Charging an army, while All the world wondered! Vol. XIII. No. 48 U83 W N. lT. Denver. AVlieu writlug to advertiser., please say that Hunged in the battery smoke, you saw the advertls' meat to this paper. Right through the line they broke; Cossack aud Russian Important Notice! The only genuine Bakers Chocolate, celebrated for more than a century as a debeverlicious, nutritious, and Yeland in is Blue Wrappers age, put up low Labels. Be sure that the Yellow are on every Label and our Trade-Mar- k package. flesh-formi- reed-grow- d PILES SURE t ng WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. CATHARTIC te A . . ' .. t CURE C0MSTIPAT10M U ABSOLUTELY ? il GUARANTEED ln.1 booklet froo. Ad. STEKI.INQ n.r.r trip or rrio., hut rmit rosy natural result CO., fhiraro. Montreal, (an., or New York. KKtDUY att. I |