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Show T .'llu PlUTE ri:?:EEIi. F DELINQUENT TAX LIST FOR FRIDAY,:: DKfcrMBEitid.UlSOC . J, F. Eeics. LjHUNELL, GavfuTiUloimty, State of Utah, 1S9G. UjitMl Paper of the County School persons arc delii qucul .or Btate, Couuty ttnd said taxes taxes oh tiie property inreiuaf.er described. If the together with cost of publicaion are not paid by the thud Monday iu December, 1896, the id property will b sold aeo irdlng to law, or as much thereof a nmy be necessary to pay a:d taxes with the In, crest accrmd, together with the of Gat field t'ountj, Utah G. U. Wilson, A'stssor and Costs, Dated December Till, 1S96. LKMr.'J H OF 1 filovii Tiit RATES. ADVERTISING 1MH Name Elizabeth Haycock Hannah Harps. Joseph Haycock James V lmlaY 4 8 J u.ld Ci is Jacobs ptii cent aiU.joitol. Looul notiw jj loc p.. r liue UicuY Wbi Is to UmJ. Lioh. wdve liii-- of luisi'Vi (bit ci i.tlcs oa ai'j.acattGii. U ocal i h at uolices. vk jw Liuuuiijs ot iiiiri..eoM uinbd aud Amicwnueiii-iU- s n.tosaiul ' acl lil.t ti iu. 8UHSC1UP1I0N Item) MX I ERMA lur llbiliihs ...... . v- A f 21 - . . . 00 00 matter, JT JK Daly RlrWlnson George Rtnld ay 20th, 1800. S3.vA.roii Cal. o . jf Lh mis sorted 4ti w.r cry for (.,'ulmn iodtpeudeuue too Senate chamber iwo weeks ago, hud It now looks uty filuch ns though 'the theories udvauo.d by hau wou.d be executed. Barnes Blonr. I jumps ou to the City with hoi .1 f. succeed in mu Wi tlie g lit le pc..e r decent fr.iiero" i . . . , ,, oteriog among aod tiie in ' sour guess. ,. the U. it. g iiig into war slie do, su "wiih Cuba Hgaii si Walll to go off liiul coi'K.u, to I lliefe lio telling iiow ni.n.X nuilods she uiif have to fight h f ,, e she gets 1 hroiigli u iih i., Lr uni opmn has lots tif friends. OxCR more tlie o une of Col. Isaac 'j'lUUibo tv met. plomineliUy before tli people, but xx Idle it Js used by l i political enemi s, n Is not us, d iu political sense, bin beats rather uiton k more delicate suoj'et, that of his do. ETestie relations, slid the newspapers are trying tudivuime linn from hiSfceir li.tle wifi ; A menu triek. Utah people have Idea on the Unban Lelieve that it is only tuilll tin re will be no a well defined question. They a ynutter of time monarchal rule fn the Wt stern hemisphere fir they think liie good God has dedicated it to ficedom. Lot Gtrhan ind peitdence be coguiz.'.d; li 0i s us. E; quirer. a long lime some of (tie public Spiritul people of Marysvale have been unit, ml mg for a church, hut not uutil recently has theeffon been given any ijoiiaideratioii ns viewed from agen-r- al sii.mlpoini.t.ui lately fev of .he more roergeiio have turned tin Ir ati ntion to thi work in earm M, ai.ii the pin- -' i r bs made in he sinnH (fw cerlainly eli.mld be. to them, very gialifying. A lot f r a church site is now p'UichitB-ifami payed for; stone f.,r h femnd-atlcD On the ground, sexeml loads of idriiticr arc ctVhfintVtrd' Fady for use nil' mure promised;"befcides, according Hr nearly enough labor is ),omised'to stlsh tire building into Hftptellou in short order. Asa means f j meel the cash outlay, a holiday fair i4 now being Imid nightly, wiiicii is working a uciiil-- r for 4ki- ad vane citiz ii ientof the good c use. E'-erbtiouhl seize the t lend arnifey opjyii 'fix ot hit supi rtlo Ibis work, ami inTp-iftinultei along liy t heir influence Imcked by a liberal subscript. on. The !od lo le derived f.om an institution of ibis cbarncur is unJisdrifed; Suffice ir lotmy thin U biMldd u'p society and t uhiinne UmvViIu n all property in tin-mf ff tliv g' izei.s of ltrys.n4lv act w tsely In (Ida matter I d n -- k o.nsi.-Nrva'ii- loliWai ih. i.ng Will nee U cher-iMie- d hope isr- aliz d. - (n Id th'C'si the IV L no , A G no Proro Enquirer.. U EHafiR; ritAT is a camaiirald" erUiquake bat i reported by Mv press'dlepa . bes H'tn Ene'and L cectyjuly lends force jPr.'bidett UvAAsdruffa femaiT- at the last generRfHrinf9rf, ce;!Otheeffet hat i'P j ldgem. tils pnkbn f bv Hie uro- 'ii t pn the j.l"ts are aboitt rf hi Jnlrihi I - I i -- 1 7 21 7 G3 12 48 00 45 i adt rSw Salt Lake. 2 SINJ praht ciDsui A'lffTe iJ d .? .rii-uu'k,- . j oft. well nut li s uro-ji- i:. O, NEW UTNH TII UANO LAW No, d AsnyP. O. Utah. J UflCtlOfl) Bean and McDaniel, - AT - LAW. ATTORNEYS PRACTICE 431 (United Slates l.'ml (mice. s Kelt lake Citx, Clat'.. ( IK IoIht 12, ls:i. Notice Is herein- gnen that the Gold Belt Mining and Milling Cnmuny a cmpm-aiuuexlslmg under and by xlitue of the iuwsef the State of Utah, by J. J, Stewart t'n. 'Idcat and authorized and gust ofllee address agent, whose Is Salt Lake Citx Utah, lias made application for a United States patent (or the Hidden Treasure, Sold Belt, Gold licit Extension and Giles, uiiinng claim, consislmg ot 1319.7, 1500, 1434aud 1365 lliitar feet respectively thereof and surface ground as shown on the pint posted oi( the elalm, being survey no. 3273 and situated In the oldo Mining District, Flute County vtsli and descrllied in tlie field notes and plat of the otlh'lal survey on file in this oftiee, with magnetic variation of 16 deg., 20 min. East as folloxvs at corner No. 1 ot the Hidden Treasure and running Thence Houth 16 deg. East 1000 feet IX ALL COVETS, llichfield, Utah - i h. S. L and Office, Salt Lake 4'lty.i tali. December 7, 1896. Notice Is hereby given that the following-nameselller has filed notice ot his Intention to make final proof in suyport of his claim, ami that said Clerk ot proof will be made before the County ltute County, Utah, at Junction mb,on January 20, 1897, vix: George T. Henry H E No. 9276 for the REq SWW swq SE fourth Sec 31 Tp 27 S It 3 W corner fto.2 Thence South 10 deg & r.q NW fourth Sec. 6 Tp 23 S R 8 W. to corner No. 3 323 feet 30 iiiiu East Ills to prove lie names the following wltnesses continuous residence upon and cultivation of Thence South l'ddeg.43 min. West 297.4 said laml.vu: Jeremiah Dennis, Chris Kottke, feet tq corner No. 4. Thence North 29 Edward Foisy, II. A. Beckstead ot Marysville 1320 16 ( Improvements, horse and two cows 160 acres land Improvements, two horses two cattle ' Improvements house 5: shingle mill F" acres near Hatchvllle Imp. 3 horse four cows machinery Hcq horses six cows personal property Imp. two horses one cow . Imp. two horses six cattle 400 acres nw qr & nq ot ne qr & uq of sw qr sec 2 sl4 of sq ,:l set ftlAMI7,USD AND HO'BBg - MINING ATTORNEY! . Twenty five years experience. Solicited. Utah; Salt Lake City Dr. E. Smith, DENTIST, iiielifielil - Utah. mln.Weet deg. No 5 Utah, n. van, mahtin, ; LAWYERS - TJtali. Iarysvale nml .King. BULtlOH ftg-FtRH- !; - ' ffiUipp sdkvYOR ' Sevier County; bvros . , Utah, Salind, . ' (4-3- 47) Ioliry , . .see-1- Public. - . ed . r 5- ( Joiift Meteer, THE PIONEER T AT . i IfS The Paper Jc-rii- t' C.W.JoMES,,. OF1 - laii Qn'brie. lliifn Jiiveph Jcl.i'ti A fspend ox'e kti ron R'lijn ty Orlhi m T. Hyrum Hilfov. Oe M By h e t ! D Ahstr m James M.i4iroHi" Geo D Shakespear John Mertlls . P.xnx'gr R R imp . horse irup e 4 It orses imp I'cow 1 cow imp 2 horses one cow imp 2 horses 8 cow 100 Attorney. t liorses 2 cattle WOT'CF hnrge, ion estte ' imp 2 A'nMmny,Uoj4ato P.O. Land Offtck r M W P L'Bimhi-o- Jv Wa-rne- 11 w -r- of e Sni:fifeicl z ? til , - Proteo.' that the AS Lakk Crrv Utah, at 8.x i.tNovember It. is;, 13 i f HEREBY GIVEN following-name- J tAW MARYSVALE, tlTAK X T settler has filed notice, of his intention to make final proof in sir wort of his claim, and that said proof will be inaile before the county clerk of Wat ne county, Loa, I tali, on J;inu;in' 4th, 1897, viz: Niels Jr.imsob, H. E. N'o. 12513, dated November isrlt, 1.496, for. the w 4.swi sea 14, nw u,nw H, see 24, and ne k tie k sdc 22, tp 29, Jr 8. - , L. M., Utah. He names the following witnesses to prove his Who en yh'.nk continujuj resnl-nc- e : upjn an! cuUiva'on of7 Bunql, lvd, tij Lorn, to PMStt said Due McClellan, Albert Steven, William Rich'.' ardson. Wilford Paco, all of Ima. XVax ne rou. . BYRON GItOO, Register . tyi.Utah. T, C. BaieSY, Attv. 1st pubNor, 21 'M Con, Hn Iflpa 'JVOTICE V UAH, SAMUEL L PAGE. . rCELfCATIOX is. Official '' RICHFIELD First pub.Oct.17th, Fl 4 . fl.,XuV'sfWw'lhr'.VXX Regntcf No. 3092. 1 , Mf: Jennings has practiced twenty years, tr the Supreme Courts of tlie,' State at t Unite1 States, He w itlattend in person all tlie Distric: COufts, held In each county of th's 5 lit riot. B YRON GROO Frank R.Hobb:, LAW, attysatlaW; tet , imj) 2 in rses . Manxveii, 1 2 imp Cnp' Ean Juhu F imp Imp ; Imp 2 liorrf" 1 cow 1 .. horses cattle imp i m p 2 he re s o r. e co w Snend'ova XV rattle linn? ssw mill ' Imp 2 horses fmp 2 horses 2 cattle rtp 2 hows 4 ealtle I ' V Ghx W U Chat win TYhi'e & Johnson iSix'ns E lolins.l i XX hiin.Ksst 1200 feet and South 10deg.lGinln.West from point of discovery; the cold' Bel Extension runs North 43 deg.XVest 3 feet and South 23 deg East' 1431 feet from the pointot discovery? the G Hus runs North 10 deg.16 min.. East 750 feet and South to deg. 16 mln.XVest 615 feet frum po'nt of discovery; the nearest known leHig the Hard Cash, lot no.47; the Pearl lot No.47 and the Edward lot No.55. I direct that this notice he published lu tlie Pictf. PiONURK ptiPiished at Marysvale itali, the newspaper published nearest the salileonsoL Plated mining cl: Jin, for a period of ten weeks. 300 imp Tr n'e T.ulflixer Uo, Rzberr Msngimi ATTORNEY Southern Utah! i'-'.-j nf cr nw qrpe: tp-r2w47 A Ifp2'lioret .1 caill. 5 4 W" IiPrs's One cattlo improvements . 5 90 w i sir R dilte hsv t qr & nw aVV qrsec 26 re qr ne qr& rieqr fe ' w 33 fifteen horses fory-flvr2 oshlu 143 9fi H Koosharem, Llali saw mill P st is four Tmprnverue. two hor.es 4 in 4 SVpW'ji cattle and earthq, mikes ' , FI P N"ln Improvements three horses two catfe 7 .70 v ' 2 Oft Iniproementf two horps Coyote will b ajt nw cjtVc ST, ,!e 2 w V pc,23 aw qr ew qr sec 24 e r ?: traiirovements six hor.es 'p . 98of the Z ne ba-o- l,0T OOCV ( - thf fOR No. SI 13 PUBLICATION. FOR NOlICE 1 1;' cyc,.,nptr-,,adp- 3034 Wtttmjinm Bylhllng 95 85 ) BUi.I.I()5i; iK)TEl; T el' m ion While the bld'oting sy s'eiH. wee i ot almgetbcj.iu lecordanoe wi'h klm r quliement, yet li a court ih the only judicious way jjfHll ing iiiediiUenJ'y at dity ef l "25 year's experience. 4 07 2 49 w dk 5 Schow 's Ail busiueta proniptly attended to.. Looms Promptness and accuracy my motto. feet to uirner 60 deg 45 miu. North Thence BYRON GROO 600 fe t to corner No 1 the place East cr Iteglst Iioc.12. First puli. J C Barnhurst of beginning. Commencing nt H 1 Clove of Gold tlie 3117 No.l John Croft Belt, which No C Workman of the Gold corner No.l with PUBLICATION. FOR idept(oal NOTICE Will practice iu all the courts. 24 n tp 38 sc; Voting Estate Belt ( U.S. Land Office, xipueion,Rud running r5w J Salt Lake Chy, I'talu. 37 00 Thence North 88 deg. West 600 ieet to ( December 9th, 1899. E Englestead Imp. two horses and four cattle k Notice Is hereby given that the tollow J F Johnson Imp. three horses and fifteen cattle corner No.2, which is identical with &ffProrhpt Attention Gi-eAll aw mill Rock canyon settler has filed notice of Ills Intention to make CoUierNo.2 of (he Gold Belt Extension. MWFoy Business Entrusted, final proof in support of Ids claim, and that said imp. four horses four cattle James Little Clerk of Thence North 10 deg.10 iniu.Eaet 1500 Orton P. O. OFFICE EA8T 6IDE JACKSON AVENUE. proof will be 4iiade before the County 1897 eet to oorner No 3, which is identical Wayne comity at I. oa Utah, on Jan. 25th, lots 2 & 3 tp3Isr4 w James Whitaker viz: Juhn C. Jacobs H E No. 8758 Rated May 29th With corner No.3 of the Giles. Thence . Imp. two horses Janies E KeetcJt of SlC 1890 for the NS of NEU & REM of NE' hi-se qr & s!4 ne qr see 26 tp 32 s r 5 iv South 88 deg East 578 4 feet to corner Wm Forthevinaliam 13 Tp '29 HU4E8L 31 Sec of & NW SW1 14 of Imp. two hoises two cattle Slmeoh Kesler Thence South 20 deg.10 min lie names the No.4. FUih. Imp. three horses five cattle Ran Lefevre to prove Ills contimios resi- East 83 0 feet to cot tier No. 5, Thence witnesses 33 following w 3 r s 5 sec se e qr tp A T Orton dence upon and cultivation of, acid land, viz: South 10 deg.16 miin.WeM47I feet to s'i seqr see 26 & seqr sw qrsec 26 tp32 s r 6w and Imp Janies Veiter f harlcs Snow. Walter t' Foie .nun, Rudolph Nuscr corner No.l the place o Imp. T Robinson 9r. beginning. Thomas U. Richardson, otTcasdale, Utah. 33 tp 32 s r 5 w lot 4 & sV4 nw qr sec 2 sec sw sw f?s MltJERS HOME. r qr qr 5 tp w Frank Wooley Conimem.ing at oorner No.l of the OilOO, BYRON f O. Escalante Belt Gold Extension, which ie idetW T. 0. Bailey, Register. E A Hendrix, R U MTer local agent 1ty entile 1st pub.Reeeinberl2th tloal with corner No.l of t ho Gold Attorney. V V Hail 273eheep Belt. Thence 88 dig. West North uto Walker Janis sneep GoO feet to oorner No.2 which is identi AVE. Imp. two horses ten ealtle J I Barker No. 3097. 9 ' L; Imp. twi ntytno horses 80 cattle George Rax is cal corner witli No.2 of tlie Gold Belt. T CLASH Accommodation. two horses wagon three cattle NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. JohnMcInellV Thflbfco flou tli 1434 feet to ' ( luuid Office house two horse two cattle W I Butler Utah. Salt ' Ijiki't.ity,-,corner No 3. 7 hence South 88 deg. tnohorseS two cattle 169 sheep J F Moody 1890. Noxeniher, house two horses D C Canipn'i; 6()0 feet to corner No.4. Thence Notice Is hereby given that the follmvliig-.- . East house four horses twenty cattle C H Gresham D- - SchoelD3r, C. E. amed settler has filed notice ot Ins intention to North 23dog. West 1431 feet to corner his and of cUilm, William Wilsun make final proof in Lupmiri. Imp. fifty cattle three iiorsM liefore made the the be not will No.l of Comity Commencsaid that place pi T L Heaps D. MlneraL Surveyor, , beginning. three horses fifty cattle 16 38 r ,U. 8. t'leik ot Waviio- to Utah, at Lon, I'tiili, ou John King and Januarv 12lli, 997, viz: Joseph E Mangum for ing wt corner No.l of the Gih'4 Imp. no horses 800 cattle 184 He J M George, Provo Utah 35Tp 28 8 R 3 East.' COUNtV I 8 orses 250 cattle Thence South 10 deg. 16 70 87 tlniKq4W(Kee names the following witnesses to prove Ills running William Meeks four tiorses 250 cattle ii For 53 34 continuous residence unon. and cultivation of, in. West 840 to No.2 corner feet 3 George Baker Thomas Baker, Thomas H. linp.t20 horses 135 c.ittie 48 70 saiit land viz: b8 180 Thence to N. North feet Bullard Ezra West W. deg. Stringam, 15 horses f00f, cattle ' 218 25 Baker, George Thompson Bros. Sclplo, Millard Co. Utah '"'" Jos "ph Hutchinson, Monroe, Utah corner No 3 which is identical with Imp, font' horses 75 cattlo 19 53 OROO, ; xviTliani Rurfee J five horses 200 cattle comer No.3 of the Gold Belt. Thence 44 10 M.W. Mansfield, papers carefully anil accurately drawr. Register. lgal t Uec. 5th. 1st Joseph Pearson cxIScvted. four horses lxty entile pub. Attorney 13 65 South, 10 deg.io mln.TVest 525 feet to and survey premi tlj Alma Rurfee, Thurhe? 4 20 thirty horses 88 No 4 North corner Thence A L Starr Hite postolflce deg. Imp. ten horses 300 cattle . J09 67 seven fi6V.it S One Inn id red and twenty five cattle Fd Stevens Holden Thence West 47Q feet to corner No.5 ,. NTO.3104 2 1 35 ( William Bow, Fayette horses 250 cattle r 75 .NOTH'! FOR PUBLICATION. North 10 deg.10 mie.East 1303 fefet to C W Wat Ka .'sh three horses 150 cat'te S3 76 corner No.0 Thence South 88 deg H. VAN MARTIN, John Campbell r 87 Imp. two horses 6 ealtle ont'e ,aiid ()00 to feet corner East the A Knnosli No.l, place J Rogers 3 horses SO cattle 13 54 ialt laike ( it V, IT all. R, S not'.y or hegi titling The Novemlier 2s, I8.W , 1 horse 90 cattle 19 11 discovery Fred G lesThnrher Notice Isliereliy given that the following named 2 horses 2,200 sheep 68 8s of each pf said lodes embraced in settler has filed notice ot Ids Inlenlion to make points S Legal papers promptly and careone hundred and fifty cattle Xiswanger Koosharent 3 50 ami tlmt suiJ Ids In of claim being shown consolidated claim, Jnal proof support Mortgages, Oliver Levi is 4 attle Imp.toxviiTot fully prepared. Deeds, 1 d: sahl proof wilt bo made before the County Clerk of P ute County U bill, at Junction, Utah, on on thq plat posted on the dluim and Quit Claimsj Leases, eto. Unvote P.O. H E No. 8570 filed January 23, 18 97, Viz: EtmerC.It Nay, fvith the application for pateut. J C Jones q,ne qr n'i seqrsw qr nwjjqi' W, sw (r see 3 tp 31 s r 2 tv 209 cattle Powr of attoj-uedrawn) and acfor the SW4 See. 29 Tp 30 S ., W. 98 40 1 40 to prove From . corner No.l of the witnesses names He the John R Johns, a, acres land see 3 & 4 tp 31 s 1 5 w following Hidden 17 ' 0? taken.' Ilia continuous residence upon and eidtixalion knowledgements (Vivid Nichliws four acres ne qr nw qr tp 31 s r 2 W 2 8ft Thomas ((.Smith, William Treasure, U.S.Al. 61. No.l bears North 7 General Real Estate and Mists 6' of, said land, viz: John R King e'i se qr sec 15 tp3i sr2 n Imp. twenty li.ic.es eight cattle Lewis. William Wilson, .Steven Manser, of 20 04 deg.19 min, West 3637.4 feet distant. BiiOKEttAtiE tirahsacted. Call on hlbL 'CTrclevlUe Utau. c Xoli'evKirg thip. 14 horses ten eattle 9 92 BYRON GROO Frii oorner No.l of the Gold Belt, 80 acres land mv qr ne qrsee 22 sw rji'a-'qsec 15 tp 31 ss' 2 iv 2 horses t709jsl:e, ii 66 06 Gilbert Beebe,' Att'ly Register. which Is Identical with corner No.l of tvq nw qr sec to tp 31 s r 2 w eighty acres Imp. Mitee horses 25 cattle 24 66 1st pub. Dec. 5th. ' Imp. four horses 2 cattle .. RO'Vilcox the Gold Belt Extenslon,U.S.M.M.No. town lop 3 52 E S Carpenter Imp. Aid ;e town lot 7 20 1 bears Nor(h 1 dee;.Gl min. East t12 J F. xviieox Imp 2 horses town lot 2 88 3 feet distant. I fxv qr ne qr sec f H tp 31 s r 2 w 40 acres Imp. 5 horses 7 cat Hit ' 7 82 . .tames Farmer Fromcoruar No.l of the Giles, U.S.M.M Imp. 7 horses 7 cattle tow n lot 21 40 ATTOKJJEY . LAW; one acre fn lut qr sw qr sec 10 tp 31 s r 2w Lorenzo Fa iicT No.l bears North 3 deg.57 min. East 80 rinnfl y I.xitbi 4 ' Imp. one horse three eattle, Mdse 8 62 3500. 2 feet distanl. TF Langford Advocate Offlce. Imp. 7catlte Said consolidated mluln.T claim conUant or.ville P, O. tains h total area of 03.884 acres, all of RIClltTELD, UTAH. . T H Imp. 2 borai b 10 caUt!. 7? whicn 3 FVjrn J H,pkrsin Jr. entire lq hereby applied for, there tQT'Cov.nty Beat of Bevler County. 68 Imp hnre.r O i.rer Alilinison 48 3caitl imjx 2 no conflict. being GrrfF imp 2 herses 3 caltlo 2 0?' Hie safil mtnhiK ete'fm Vicing ol record In the 1J4 'Hem B Gtudner linn 2 hoys BJontfia 2 02 office of tho Recorder of the Ohio Mining district f'eteher 6 68 imp 12 hones j cattle at Marysvale Utah, In tao County anil State XV .T HatiiierBom trnp 6 liOpsea 9 cattle 8 7 aforesaid. The presumed general course or di W Duunid? 3 jihu 12 8fmp I horse cows rectlon of the'salil Hidden Treasure, Gold Belt, AT T rtipic P. O. Gold BeH Extension, and ones. Consolidated E H Sriiiih mlnlug claim, vein, lodes or mineral deposit and sawmill the number of feet claimed on the lode in each Allen J hn Imp horsts Seattle In all 0;e Ceart? State arf W'ih pllreetioS from the point ot discovery upon each Federal.practice C XV Johnson 2 horsel cow A8P6iALTY. limGeRLANDS ot said claims as tulveyed and platted being C XV Snyder imp 2 horsey! cow shown upon tlieqilat posted 011 the elaiin aSnekr UTAH, Joel R J'l'insnn. ascau be determined Iron) presentdovelop eeuts, MART3VALE, Imp 4 pigs Wm J Po welt aiit) being as f llows; the Hidden TrdusUientl imp, 4 pgs JfortH 29 deg.09 mlqAVesl fo'ld. 7 feet from Wm H Poweff 2 iiorweff point A SNYDfeft of discovery ; the Child Belt runs North to deg. 16 JENfitIHGS tftr UerjS Kmfth-c 8 7 horfCB yiHek Supreme courl lots bn' d d 4UA n the anxiously Hiked f ii decision ruing the vaiidt'x, t the election, t.d ' 54 li,:. cs oue cow 16 3 Hillsdale, , 19 'Notice At - Law. - Attorney i If V OR ", T', G. GilbertBeehe. d U- - i 4 t . . ih" lust issue, he .1 t Shit Lake i u i.t tie don i Jr T Asay Amos Asay Jerome Asay ft,-an- -- . Aaron LeivlS ii A Williams most The br.gbiest, have seen for fearless peil. d.cai some time is the ha.t Lmke Argus tinder the effieisnt managmeul of 1 lots 1 & bit. lot 3 hlk 11 lot 1 blk 5 Srhows a..'ition 160 acres land see 31 tp 34 s 38 aen's laud see 20 tp 34 r 5 w lot 3 MW 8 lot 5 V.k 3 four horses two cows meat shop ot 3 blk 7 imp ne qr sw qr nq se qr sec 32 nw qr sw qr sec 33 tp 34 s r 5 w Imp. two horses one cow lot 4 btk 8 Imp , saw uil'.l lot in ranguitfh Inin. & four horses se qr se qr sec tp 34 9 r 3 w tewu lot 2 block Pi and Improvements lot 1 & 2 block 38 Ralph Relsing Elmer & Co win Norton Joseph W Myers Year. w hlk lota Lee 11 1 lot 3 hlk lot Cameron ACbldistcr MlrhY ChilslmuB uud a happy N Jr Lynn MiloSevy Welch estate I R Allphiu Jr 1 secoiiu-Uii- a i sheen horses cattle aeresland stc 34 1;.34 s r 5 tot Land PROFESSIONAL. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. BAILEY. . and Min'" nj ddorHt ? T. 49 9.1 1J "st 5 64 5 w city has 2 3 4 block to tp 34 s r 5 " ' orses uud 3 cows land see 10 tp ?4 s an acres land Of .; Joseph Mathews H S Marshall 50 three mwiiths .... JNTAd vt rtlslllg title ilihde known on 1. pllballon. fcntered at the post office at Mnrvsvale, Utah, hs acres John Lister T It Lambert 1 K oe copy, one 14X1 59 Amount of taxes Reset Iption of property lotliublW.tintiiguiU.il Fauguitch T.O. hoc I. Shepard & W JOllIlMIU M 1 2 horses 2 cattle Charles Ellsworth 2 horses 1 cattle imp Chancey Frost 8:55 f,T the ne qr sw qr & lots 3 & 4 sec 7 se qr N E L D Nicholes f Electa I 1 & 2 sec 18 ip 32 s r 1 w unsurveyed on Leutre Creek Garfield ' hv qr& lots i Id 00 improseuieuts Henrlevihe T. O J O Thompson imp 3 horses livp 1 cuttle Lucy M Thompson Imp 4 hor-- c 1 Hans Nelson Imp 2 horses cow John W Smith imp, 2 horses ft M Thompson D J Gnulditig lmpShorses 1 cattle "4 80 2 horses J E Thompson 2 horsed thschinery It 8 Thorn peon 2 hoises tools 11 William Lewmnn d 6, T ,f. S. HltElfD.; Cafpentef. and Builder intimates taken xAarysvale h j all kinds & . Vft&hi |