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Show A P1 .ie P i l'th Pio'ti:; ' ' States Land Office, iUmt iJiket'lly. ruh. rTKnvy,:: Dvn hbki? ratiiiw wrFlGI AL IIRU6TOItY. f ci-'wr- 14, 1336. )akl Mountain that Milling f'oninanv.a f'tarf rid'rulloe, whose post-oflle- e aujicss 31 Castle OAVe, t'liif:, by ii, F. ftfi T"its duty aii-ft- i.eg agent, lias maty: up lilnationlor a United KlfttC4 Patent for Hi'KAcr Ml'KHII.L t'Jil f Stewart, Ll!fl,jnt Anple JllUI'lKIII IDevova, Kuyal fienrge, Natio.nal, I. S. $ H. John IUjkr. .In (Vvflard. mid Minnie Maud niinttin claims con' Jtllirllolj ' snlldateif, bearing gold and other precious imu' (v A, Fk.i-k;huiHtli als, consisting of Dot, 1017.8, H"7.3, lift). I'.no, Notloe Is hereby given Saioihst U. Mill JnHNJi, irviiii AVM. n i., vr itxon I'm .in Aii F. J. I ui Ilium H. (JllfltUlVlii ' . . I ( I , Full lie, NfiUrti-Frik-iiu-- t ) i CoiulublfK, S TA nli ('lirU-v- i:. Ml, luvt Hks i. F. MU, FllA.XK Mu, jl , rt. VAN Martin. i J.. I, III,. .A, N. II John ...in, I. i.k, JK., ' -' ruin. e,ht 5V1.6 lienee i.orih deg. el to oorner No. 2 of aaid Heintlor with cornet su w n'f, w hieli i i Jo. 5 of; lie Nullonal; tlteicv north 3 I g. 7i9 min. om' 354 6 feet I., ci rner I s ,he NtjH' nal; thnce uortft 77 a 11 oilu east 469.1 feet to cor'1 r N 1. 2 ,f suld Nttlonal; I hence 8outii""l t min n at 1301.9 fert to Corntr 48 g. A, I, i.h .. .Ion, i it. t'.u , I'll.kl ll A .1. A.UI1U j - I. M. lUi-trA. iHuri' : - Hiijireim- Judges. let a ri.tiict.IiulKc lor SKtli I', .. . i, Mi Si n.iloi' for Jfiilli Disci., dolm I'hldmtt-- r Ha. i ll. iiic.ACiitiillvo, I'nitd oiiiilA ('Inis. Morn, AR...V.L A .VO DdPAr, VE Of THE MMu. , A .... . 4 which point of disctvery is on the northerly end line of said Chief Devora The Royal George, north 89 deg. 36 min. west 1246.8 feet and sohth 89 deg. 36 min. east 253.2 feet from polut of dl covery. The National, north 1 deg. 48 tnin. west feet from point of whiclt point of d'covery is r.fl the aouMicrly end liuu of said va'iohal. Tin' W. 8. 4( H., north 0 deg. 4 min. west 883 feel mm point of dit very which (mint of disc (Very is on tb" som herly end line of II. R. (fc 93 miu". f,Ule Oeerland. north (1 c l"10i2 3 feet anti south Odeg S3 m , tv it 'll-- 7 feet froth point i f re.-1 U Mihdie Maiid; utli 12 deg. 13 nnn; east 439 6 feel" polnf of' discovery, tlletioc S'lUilt ( deg. 40 min. Wvat 82 f'';said point of discovery helog on i'i northerly end I'ne o( said Minnie N .n i. Rich of the hales composing suld consolidated i 'h iii Is f record in fie nflloe of tin milling recorder of the G ltd Mountain Mining Dlst-lct- , at Joe T wn Bcvier County, Utah; and the d edsaiid transfers relating to said f record iu the tfifeo of ihe c, im are iinly recorder of Piu'e Coni ty, at Jni'Cliou, Ulalt. The nearest known J cations are the Red Hitd and the tv tie llird.fbotli ui'siirvey ed) I lUnif-- l tpi.1 tin, be pnt'.y.hPiJ In V'. rit Marysvale i ItCTE Tion-ek- k cudi; mmmmm t ' : 130-5.- -- r S U h t 2.3'i i o IJhi'AURt, Nor hand Eastern I.. .. a the ncwHfmwi publlsho! nearest the 4aid consol-Hatelululns clrdm, toi a jartoit of ten week. (Ill effect Nov. , fs!KI.) Arrives at Mini iy-deSail lake t'ltv mu. nil i re p.ili, ,4, . . lideiiu -- d Our Stock 'A t .. iX-- Bolittis Reiii I u f:3flaie days, (I. IV. Is tip. slim I line flout i(l Ity mid a)! South-ran- t pulnlt-ras- t . trains dally fro.n Salt Luke City mill This-fi.luiiclloi to Do ver, ulia, Chicago, St I mils mid ull parts of tile t'ulteil Stales, t'liliaila ki d Kuiope. For rates, Inform .tion, etc., npply to agent, M- s. II. IIaiii'OI'K, Doiuir, .leneral .Manager. F. A. I, is tUoiH-- been LEGAL MEDIUM between ttpueral Jussynjtor Ajfo Tlio . I t -- f-- 1 1 ami ilo Cpunfy Qf(ioers y, MARKET-REPORT- . : ID: i" i no cattle tP ti, estimated wt).. 44, lloMip t, estimated weight)..., 2 Sheep tp bead) $130 Deef 3 - I'KOll.Hlo.Sa ikittei ranch) tere.iinery) I UeS (Pitmen) ll.ieoutP tb) 30 33 30 10 lour (V loo lbs) (fn ItOHT ft. Piute, Garfield and se ITEMS Of INTEREST TO TIIV rKOFLK HEKEApofT. -- Mias Lnrn Sia'k arnvul limne frm It l'leasant lust wick In aju nil t Ji ml.il iv v neat inn at imine, going at uol at leiulu un is Thj MJiplies o il tl.utg, ami linla. t I Dli' of ct goal, btadk .it Fresh Groceries tHpecall lier ih'luinn will lie ftiunij an letter from our Ooireapoud-- 1 it fiolllOoJd '(niMtaiu dist tlet. I n uiiot inin Intends making a I.'in in the npar future . A. King, profirietor of the Hull) hotel, ia under the weather t ilea (lays Vi' anted: t" luy h ntiirl. iiu; Hitiat It at.d (roke to imU. Tima e yureliaae, posh. E quire at II114 uflloi r'ji frt-F-h K Murray sl.-r- M , ryavsle's ' wliii irlnei-Bbiin l. A J'e..o ek, Piutes AHe-a.and oolli'el' i re gtn- g to ef)en u j a sai.kio 111 Ctiul .f v ije ! STOCK OF A LARGE v J attention given Meats and Fruits . the Mining Trqdg and to Carders w ... k by Mail. -- a CD Im tb 1- u o W P w g oo m g N-- DEALERS IN- - Furniture and Lumber Carpeta, Baby Carriages, Shingles, 8e(s, Doors and ped-roo- m Imhii J at pit id , l voir with by Andrew It to k at tin r a liny mg the III 0 1.11 Allg ( 'ily upln-lwe- u In nl el view n lit le tui 11 ' e to It g u the IloNKER.id i tl.eill Ion buy , if tin y wish tonui(t o,..f the rinke-- t kl'd of laValli.- -' htl.e inu , f t t ie aerV'tlf ntits-ioeis it a ami is wnikii i qovati p g I". da .1 ll I III age 1.11 a ir iruet itril.ch a' I'.t in land in tii- - - h i v, Hu, P.uV- - will C r aioly Inn.!' u, I gainst liii 0'1I1 ui.V in the m ar fiuri 1 I 11 1 1 I s;re i and building sile;wil sell ds and rent s ore or 8 II both. P quire of, Martin Relnh ino-ilkiy aval f-- r t RICHFIELD "T,2rt.-2.,-ta(.l- .... rt.- Everybody 'Knows j. 0STLUND & that DRY GOODS. GftOCDRIS, CO. BOOTS, SHOES, ' Clothing. Wagons and Machinery Cheaper than any other store in the county. Also good hotel accommodation KTSln03Pf 8 I Tropic Lumber Company The of any mill In the State, largest capacity Manufactures; Lumber. Lath and Mouldings. tJPOrders by mail carelully attended to. YQ P. O. Address WAITING FOB OBDEBS AT MILL. :o; j Oarfield Co. Tropic, H. VAN, MARTIN, LOCAL AGENT, S-- MILL gr-mp- Produce Hi-n- I JRlour! Meat. Lard. 1 ; Grain e, 1 't CO.. Bran. Shorts. Middlings ! Iratfi, 1 Aeommlttf. ? MAGLEBY & JOHNSON, 1- 1 II. Van M to 8tale SAND Uc in lie Homes 1 Mr (Itlilis ami anu jfuai Deseret n (tlrneil to vutiiD last week, ami will spciii; I lie week in m kinj; on (uld Hill, (Irnnla LINE OF Boots, Shoes, Hats and Dry Goods KaneOounties, U1 jo LMWIOS. tOCAL SUPPLIES, CAERY A Ft; LI. S2! fbi jo 70 I.IVIt STUCK 1 Merchandised f-- 1 - DatstFltW lbs) Whcait i Imsiiel) - r-- We pive tielou the loeal (Marysville) prleps puritut, based upon Information courteously fnrmshed at the elo.se of the week by our local merebatds and denUrs. The ipioUlt Ions are for cash IN- wd MINERS -- MARYSVALE DEALERS General Tax-Laye- rs son J home front oorner No. 4 of said l'burs-daw befc . rt OF seluail, Httet.diog they hl-'Devorajihwtoe north 1 dpg 19 min to spend the holiday with their ei 3 tn oorner No. of the eai 880 5 Itoyn! Ucorge; ibeuoe north 89 deg. 36 parents. min. wes 1106 feet to politer li(o. 4 f Tlie Ci role vi lie eoi ps of school teactiers l old Royal (deoige; tlieuoe north 1 dig Iteadi d by Prof. Bean, p through 19 min went 600feet to 0 rner No. 1 of to Prove e where Wedueaday enroll! aid Royal (4 -- irge; tlienoe south 69 cg they will spend tie I o.lid 'VS. 30 mio. east 1100 feet lo cottier No. 2 of .ame ojjijio was a visitant il R iJhI George; thence nor I ft 1 if. f. to Ijoii, . SHOULD la(it ye k. Marysyale 19 mio. Weal 13.1 to corner NV.-- l i f a Tito Editor gladly acknowledges lie Chief lievota, whioh is identical 1 wit It corui f No. 5 of the Annie ,aurl ; enll last Sunday from Messrs Ilopkins t ie a cd at and 3 1477 6 n west agent Cofden, tuln. rth operator thence deg 2) A. 11. lie entertained 'lorn at Ids f et to corner No. 1 of said Annie Runrie Belknap vlth is identical with oorner JJo, 4 of new li"uo, w iere lie was busily engagtlte Lillian; Ihenpe nortl.Gdeg. 26 min. ed as carpenter. ast 16x1 3 feet to corner No. 1 (if said A Xmas enlettalupteaf was teld Iu -Iillimi, which la ideutlcal with Corot r t lie Thonip-osttlnsd house Xipng eye, No. 4 if the Senator Stewart; thence md an elegantly decorated tree was lorth 13 deg. 85 min. west 140 9 feet to Ihe crowning feature of tlte evgot. orner No. of : lie Seuator Stewart, t lie A1ma8traw aid fnniilv drove to dace of beginning, containing in all Elsinore IVidnesd'i: rturnb'g Thi.S; 133.532 acres. Said consolidated olajrj is on unmirveyed land, and would be day. home ij township 57 S'tltli, Range 5 Went Emanuel Roijlaen returto'd and T the Salt Lake Meildinti.of the public last Huturday frqru Circ! lai d Mtirvpya extended, Corner No 1 other points sou'll, t here he hag been, of the Seii'itor Stewart is south 72 deg doing paper bunging. 48j min. east 5442.7 feet from U. H. J fi jjowell expects to s'art s ou for Mimra! Monument No. 1. Corner No. Osceola, Nevada, where he has a "f 'be Lillian is Mouth 61 deg. 50 min Input through this winter. CD 6276 feet from U. S. Mineral The M.trysvala ptihlic school closed loon nu.it N i 1. Corner No. J of the V nnle f.iirie is south 53 deg. 43 -3 oiiu lust Wednesday for the X mis vacuti-t li. van' 6721.7 f. et Pom U. H. Mtuein! will reoonveng Monday, January k M 1 1. vloeumenl No. Corner No. of Ihe OOI.D MOUNTAIN OET-l'li hi f Devore is 'nttlh 45 min deg. 4 Tlte Riue Bird, one of ,lie claims iu CD ast 7798.1 feet from U S. Mineral thg Golden 8tar group, settus to be Monument No. 1 Corner No. 1 of Ihe oopting to tlie front. Ihere was a P--. loyal George is south 33 deg. 60 -3 siiihJI pliipmeiit of re (4,600 lbs) sent P5 iiin east 6803 feet from U. 8. Mitten 1 to Taylor Brunton 8ampling Wrks don u men t No. 1. Corner No. 1 of the lust month, which sold for $368 84, a PU sat: nia' I rout,1; 78 dkg. l$l- - min. little over $160 p.er ton. Tlte lessees, e.--t 5905 f et from U. S. Mineral Mon Jas. M. Billingsley, L. J Gilbert and intern No. 1 Corner no. 1 of the H 8. Wm. Johnston have done very well. r;8. t sou Mt 67 deg. 33 miu. Cast 64663 At present, (hey have a contract to ' el ft win U 8. Jtinerkd M mutu'eqt'No.f. .drive lie tunnel 1,000 feet further into C'i.rner no. 1 of Die O erlat.d is 8"li;h the bill, following Die vein. They 9 i g. 4 min. eatil 6726 1 feel finrt) have Just fi dslied gedit.g iu their wa U ti. m oeral Miotim 111 no. 1 thirner w Inter supplies and ar- - ail ready f r CO . 1 of the 61 MuU J U soutli the winter, they will work eight hours jjTonie 6904 3 feet from U. 8. shift, and have the Baalist rocK to teg 4 u!tu. cnati-nnine a: M uniment No. 1. Tim diac-.with, that there is iu this ry pdnUol' each of said locations ColU-ris- ii district, Supt. Billlngshy says if the g saki ooiisoiidated ciulm are' tunnel is not too hard they will llitve Down oil tile plat posted 00 the claim il finished by March 1st ml tt,.d witii (lie applic Near Die Golden Esgle and joining )i for atee ; and .. nit to the west side of lli- - Revier tnin jo indtcaltd HI lit ir,aiim d courses of veins. is the Miller group of claims whi.-l1 lie ir.anmeit general as can be course of di are allowing up ns I oti.ui of tile Veins, lodes or deposit xpected Irom Ihedevelopniet that lias r sf 't.iwr-:- a tor 8 tew art been done. J. T. Miller and T,J. Juki a The , 22 are ainkiLg a 1404 feet llte owners of this 13 west min. orth dog. struck a vein that is 5 f urn the piint tif dis 'overy, wbicit shaft, and Iveope on hand a full line of is on the southerly feet wide and Diet uv- rsges $14 00 of disc-iveroz. In 8 Tin and nd lino f eiiid sliv.f. i Stew. it. They to Mr il this valuable prop '. . north 5 d if 24 min. easi 1017 8 et fmn Ii tniitt of dis wl i eli Joeeph Rsv of Fillmoi'e for $10 03 to e N in tlN year. At pres nt, Mr.R.ii mi-o.tio v rv on lie s utlurly Tile Allliie hss Messra Jil'lier and Jukes employed id line of Slid Lilii.tn. .ati-inorth 6 trg. 20 min. west 515 4 inking a rh ft on tin r perty, and lie nod s unli 6 deg. 20 min. east 961 9 intends Keeping tlutn 1 work until it from po'nt of iliscnverv. Tlte justifies him to mdi, at.d open ' ; f D voi i, - irli 1 deg, 19 ni n. up a gold bonanza. ANDREW POlJLSEN. 4 bOOfyyliivUi . Wel'-in- l of Uiscoverf. 599 9 Lewis P. J. LYON & CO. Of Communication 1 -- Trallle Maimpur. aulkuih, gntohe. A & t ho -- vest wo D. enue drivtu Iu 31 Act which Is well tiiubcricf and the property is easy of access-Thewill work on the property all loeorner No. Iiifsaid Minnie Maud, Iter. 1. ieh is identical with 0 ruer No. 3 of ntrii ; tlienoo SOUtll 11 (leg lie Vntiie After Jill) 8. It, the snail will come 6 min, espt 819.1 feet to corner No. 4 of through io Elsinore by rail, inetetkd of tld Annie ((iwrie. which is identical being thrown If tit 8alioa iisis now k)ltherner N 2 of the Chief Dovora; d 01 e, at il w ill each Maiysvale the hence suulli I deg. 9 min. pari follow ing morning hv stage as usual. 2. e to corner No. 3 f lie aaltf Ciovf MUses midh'W-ni- l Nettie ThompThe min' 81 12 deg. Devon.; tlienud south Ricl.fl-l'- Mini, in Iltali to Salt I.uke I Jtsll.nap. 7 v 0:33 ... lor ih g. 43 min. west 779 the'" - ' . s I ' Largest and the Lowest in Price in Richfield. II Ii V - j.-,- 13 mi 1 liilermedlale points, oi1 ffe. I.iys, ill u. shays unit Satur- 1 Cooking & Heating Stovejj -- feet to corner No. 4 of said Miuiiio Maud; lienee sou h 77 deg 51 min. west 3S8.7 f 'ltv mid nil Sail Lakei.iiop, I 0:10 a n jioi.,1 ,, .No jl -- Arrives at ttclkunn from Thistle and inlei in, ioile onils U cdpsil.i.S o'l Mondays, - thin p ii mid Kridani, f o ii- - .eaves Hoi,, nap, for Thistle and 11. Cast RangeSj 1 pnMl-hei- . Tims Tab's No. 27. Tim Have just received a carload of all kinds of w - 14 ELSINORE,' UTAH DOLITHO & LEWIS Kj 1 .. .. (j lienee south It: ' J Proprietor, lii-l- tl' Ijeave.H Price & to suit the times. al 1 6 -3 ?' at-- No t- 1 tu-- J,Ji. Southern mall 11:30 ail Dally Except Sunday. l'ostolUcc okmi frooi s .no n. in. .ff;(ion, in. ' m. unday from i2.no in. to . Itouislrv and Moii"v Older dcjiarti'imif riH,i (rum a :uu a. in. to o :ou p. in. V. jonhs. r. JI. B A FUKNITUKR AD'HARDpp CO. Keen ou hand the largest stoelv of all kinds of Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Fipoloum. Pictures and Frames, Bedroom Sets and Baby, a :t M ' ti fron Hardvvare of kinds all Also Carriages. a carpet tack to a steel range. Also Painty Oils, Windows and Doors. , Sor::i nuiI Easton n nutil Southern mail o a dl-ro- vi ) Q v O lg i lz . CT.H S0ETHEKN i o pQ' RyRONGRO) National, which is iden-cTuglstor Fruyk witii corner No. J of the OerUud First pith Dec.'.fith Attorney. id t'c-No. 2 of th II. It 8: . rt and" price Ids '11 Mutch 89 deg. 31 min. east QUO Go to Hluh- Ju;t-rtin comer N 2 of the Overlaid; goods before you t itronase eluewhere. ti .'1 p.p c w n ti deg. 33 raiu. west 88d 6 Call in utnl see the fine line of cloth.' Imi.rm r No. 3 of said Overland, ing, hale, and cloves t IV lnhmer'a fi " t.nence south 80 deg. 44 tiilu. west 1(4.2 i..; irw. Met-kvs and Joei 8;1. 4 Actoiqowyii ph reel to cotoel No. of suld OverlanVl; Horn 1 Die of struck the have 17 47 Rig 291 neat south min. iieooe deg. 'eet to ooricr No. 6 of said Overland; vein of me 8 feet wide which usual s nearly 500 oz in lieneii nordi 8g deg 31 min. west 62 5 $250 00 in gold is a Horn Tlte siivir, 4'g of sui.l No 6 corn. .eel .0 Ovelaicj, rosfi'-cona'fil iu llte O iio mining nencp south 10 deg. 5J mitt, eust 177. ! t, lietwetn Cal f rnin aid Revetiouurnu No 3of the Minoio jlatid; (. f "id 3 1 , 12 8.1 ilKHKii 'J. Vri. ii .. i.i,a, ... i.s aIoi'k.111 l.lclmrds .l.iim i 1 n (in m i of Situtii, . Stan- Auditor, 1 ic.isim-r- , c $la, tllorncy liciicnil, iiisinmlon N It. Ai.i.k ieiTt-U.r- on the udletal plats posted oq thp claim and tiled with he application for patent, being Hunex No- - i!t7, anil sdu. tod In the (told ountain l.ing lJ'.s. Utah.arid deserlnod trlct, In Piute Cm nt", Uie llcl I nut it and official plat OH file' in this iffice as follows d g. 30 Wi.li niniiellii variations i to 15 deg 3d min. east ai Indicated Iri the Held noli a of rditHtal i survey No. 3207. CoiuicDt fng 1 cuator Httwurt ooiner No. of the le. whie.ii c..iiier ia iouHt Vdeg. .in eas' 5112 7 f nt foot 'fr6m U. ti. .It ere! M niuuieut No. l;mid running . .kin h i it liiiim I ly 11 Frank J. I'an.n.in i to I'oiiic.vk, ftmciiior, .Mirisial '.m'h, i i Oi'i IuiAlD. I I'nftfd Htutos lU'pri'Ntntutlie '"A' I W. II. Lyons, Mar;,- ij.vs, i . 1305.9', S3, 1178 and 1261.6 linear feet t hi n or, Hud at., face ground as shown jsvali: Da Vlo S'UHKK .tali tiui. JICIillK't ,h-,- off.cials v .1. 1 L1J A 1 10 N F OR PATENT. ' Notice No. 2469. TJtali. Marysvale. HOTEL STEWART. jjlHSADQUAKTERS -- Mrs. O. FOB. TEAVSLIH3 MEIT. OUR AIM IS TO PLEASE YOU.: STEWART, Proprietress, Marysvale, |