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Show 3 v IAN CHARA-- 1 f. MAILt'i) 1( FROM t A LIVING FOSSIL. MATTOON. I Fish With Langs at Well as Gills Brought from Africa. Prof. Deny recently gave a demonstration to Kirill A N.it oimi Clmraetcrlsi i m CH7 People. Are The mon nmi women In RosUle tli. Bonnie Briar Bush" ami "The Days u: In Auld Lons Syne" were The Kev. Central Music hall yesterday. John Watson, who, as Ian Melaren, made them, spent his last day In Chicago In explaining and reading his two most prominent works, lie was heard by large audiences, In the afternoon at 2:30 oclock and in the evening at 8:1.' oclock. Telling of his Drumtncbty characters proved to he the most popular of his efforts In the city. It was what the people had wanted since he first came, two weeks ago, and at the end of each ranee he had to consent to an extra The pathos of his homely reading. scenes affected the people strongly. In introducing Ills Drumtoolity people, Dr. Watson spoke of the new trend hi fiction toward the realistic and natural. He upheld the literature of locality, and maintained that the expression of character in the cities was conventional, ami that only by the study of the countrymen could national character he known. Vtton 8yj Not Dri Mrs. Mar Bu Miller Recites Her Tala of Woe, and (Subsequent Rejoicing. well-know- n A From the Journal, Mattoon, III. Mrs. Mary E. Miller, of Mattoon, Illi- np-pe- oago Itecord. . (jlunpowtli r History. Granting that the origin of the manufacture of gunpowder Is lost in the remote past, it Is known that about 12(13 an English 111011k, Unger Boeon, was tine first to suggest Its use in en glnes of death. Soon after his sug gestlon was taken up and guns constructed, the first by binding Iron bars together with hoops to form a tube; then by casting a tube out of brass, with one end closed. Stones of suitable size were used for shot, nml the powder was shoveled la at the mu..le. In spite of these drawbacks very large guns were built. Mahomet II. against the Greeks In the siege of Gonstantl nople, In 1453, used a gun throwing a stone a mile. Philadelphia Press. spose wo AY, Bill, What the President May. W., fellows give Widow "I take pleasure In stating that I perregular surt Gray aparty sonally know persons who, once abThanksprise lost bu linve their Id, regained solutely hair through the use of DAXDKKIXU. giving eve. "I heard thoee My wife, whose hair was falling out from some cause, 1ms received great Maitland Y rv boys benefit from It. I heartily commend 'lagging to little Tom Gray At DANDEUIXE. Thus writes Edmund j.J1' t what a splendid Thanksglv- I). Murduugh, president of the Terrilng they were going to have, torial normal school to the Knowltmi Pnmlcrine company of Guthrie, Okla- and Tom said, I guess we used to have homa, from whom Dnndcrlue can he as good a time as anybody when father obtained for $1 per bottle, If not kept was alive; but mother says we mustnt In stock by local druggists. expect a turkey or a mince pie this year. "I lay awake last night ever so long, Population of tlio World. P. DAmfreville, the eminent French and planned It all out. You and I will statistician, has recently compiled a go up to Squire Flske father says hes new estimate of the population of the wonThe total population Is givmi got a big heart and I shouldn't globe. as 1,400,000,000, distributed as follows. der, If we tell him how hard Widow Asia, 823,050,000; Europe, 337,370,000; Gray works to get along and keep the Africa, 103,033,000; America. 121,713.-000- ; hoys at school, If he'll give the turkey, Oceauica and Polar regions, and then the biggest thing of all will Australia, 3, 2, 50, (MM). Out or be oft my mind. every 1,000 Inhabitants of the globe, Then I want at least six pumpkins, 558 live In Asia, 242 In Europe, 111 In surAfrica, 82 In America, 5 In Oceauica and here comes In the fun these mid the Polar regions nml only 2 In prise pumpkins will he such pumpkins The , number of Inhabi- as you've never seen In all your life. Australia. tants per square miles is: In Europe You just come up to our barn 05. In Asia 48, In Africa 15, lu America at seven o'clock, and bring your 8, In Oeeanic and the Polar regions 3 sharpened up, and Ill show and In Australia it Is only 1. you what I mean by surprise pumpkins. lu tho Near Future. And seven oclock that November a hill in this Wasn't there Tourist strep n found as jolly and happy a night neighborhood V" There was, but lie bicyclists oh Native colto as wish see, boys youd Jwted to It amt Hu Legislature made an lected In Mr. Emerys barn. Six of the Brook appronrlutlwu and bad It removed lyu Life. biggest pumpkins one oval in shape and six boys and six knives busy at TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAV. d floor. Take Laxative llromo Qutntno Tablets All work on the Druggists return! the money if It fads to cure. iV Slapdush did a clever thing this cam !' Nij, I i1!!1! ') - , poek-etknif- wonder-worke- Wild-mam- B. P, Let Us Be OME from Hamlot e, ri' jbi straw-covere- - y Sarsaparilla In fact the One True Wood Purifier. Hend IlOOU c lDillc ints s do net purge, pain or gripe. All druggists. S5o. DOliT GET WET. 'tfflBR FISH BRAND SUCKERS DRY WILL KEEP YOU f-f n . turl. Eat in Thousands Cheapest and best cure. Frkk Trial. State case, !. Harsh, uiuoy, Mich. nnillll U I U IVl curt 1 1871. SURE CURE PILES FM ltcimiisiid Hliud. Hiding or Protruding Pii? vivMst Dr.BO-SAN-KO- iog. absorbs tutuors. A poeAiivocur Wc. UtttllilU M BlllL UK. t ireu BUi4klL P v 'W Jlvi riV 'stji.l'ui I v. it; M L'1' a , Hi'-- ' W 1 A IppK i THIS WAS THE PROGRAMME. Sweep out the dust and cobwebs. And make the old home fair. For swift from Hamlet and city Swift over river and sea. My bojs and girls are hasting To keep Thanksgiving with me. Agnes Kincaid. Thankful. I dont see what makes people go to football games on Thanksgiving Day, It hasnt anyFirst the pumpkins were cut in two remarked his wife. from the base; thing to do with the spirit of the ocparts, about then both parts were scooped out, leav- casion. Oh. yes. it has, was the reply. "I ing the yellow rind about an inch In two-thir- thickness; then a green willow witho or switch was cut the right length and put into the smallest part of the divided pumpkin (the cover), for a handle. Then the boys put a thin coat of varnish over their work, and left to dry on a shelf In the barn a row of splendid dishes orange-colore- d covers! and The next three days were busy days, I can tell you, for the surprise party; but Squire Fiske gave the turkey and the fixings celery and cranberries and Joes mother made a real Yanand Will's sister kee made two such pies, as Will said-mi- nce and squash and the other boys mothers and sisters made doughnuts plum-puddin- g; sut !r- -. Humor. Turk Old Turkey Are you trying to lay anything by this year? Young Turkey No, I shall be satisfied if I can only keep ahead until after Thanksgiving. no D ft friacipal in last ear, L uigudwatm yr I lb. S. Standard to claims, atty. eiuca. the lswebyprise. fisM, mWererCerreney best Hsslesmsdsnl Trail, Hay s(ti lsahwtmu Hundred. olBp.cl.Ht.i kl lu. tt.n hol.ll. price, via: Mr It iS UituS PauSy Bow Btoyrt, ftewlaC MneblMn Urrkin, LrU, Kugvl, Jwh Vwws, Uusrlmtra H Press Laws Iswsn, Tsaalif I Us. (sraliksliera, Hay, HI I. .... Harassa, Hills, Safes. Ha) tailcns Trucks, iattla, Mow, Brills, Hoad Plows, lathw, foTHtflltli, Pargas, Iuaptarls, Wire Tsata, Hawd 4 arts. Bailee, Tools, HalVr. Halehea. Peed SUwW, IDs, Crow Bara. fMMsiK Ele color. Railroad. Platform and loanter M. ALAti. far free t'alal'gue and see bow to Ravo Honey. at. CH1CA00 BGALl OU.. CH1CUO.IU. CUntS WhUiTSil Hit IAiLST Best Tough Syrup. Tsuaestiood. USB in time. Sold h dmcpluto. Croutons Cream of Chestnuts Fricassee of Oysters Olives Giblet Stuffing Roast Turkey Cranbe ry Sauce Diced Turnip Mashed Potatoes New Cider ApolUnaris White Velvet Sherbet Currant Jelly Roast Duck u- -e MOO Kewsrl 1100 The readers of this paiier will be pleased to learn that there Is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure is catarrh. lu all Its stages, and that Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, reHall's quires a constitutional treatment. Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood ami mucous surfaces of the system, thereby restroyiug the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building tip the constitution anti assisting nature in doing its work. The faith In Its curaproprietors have so muchoffer One Hundred tive powers, that they Dollars for any ease that it fails to cure. Address. Send for list of Testimonials. F. J. CHUNKY A; CO., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists. 75e. Middle Course the Best. never went to a football game In my Well, Teddy, have you been a good boy life that I didnt feel tremendously her return asked his mother thankful that I wasnt one of the play- borne late in the afternoon. upon the truthful Ted. "No. ma'am, replied Ex. ers. I hope you h.sve not iteen a bad boy 7 The above goes very well with the a not bad and not boy No. nmam; very good boy just comfortable!'' Harexperience of the little girl, who, locked a veryRound Table. up the dog in a dark closet while the pers church were at Thanksgiving family The Fastest Tra n n the West. Overland I.lm Day, so that he might be thankful Is the famous I'nion Pacific every day in the year, leaving when they came home and let him out. tied, running C:: Ogden 1:40 p. in. p. in., M I Not a Million Tramps. In recent years we have heard a great deal about the millions of tramps, the millions out of work and the starving millions or pauperized millions. Heaven knows the number Is large enough without exaggerata ing it. Let the men who talk thus Untie common sense, and they will cut dow n We have never timer figures 75 per cent. had anywhere near l.OdU.OOO tramps in this country; while as for criminal outlaw that Is, confirmed criminals men who live by crime outside of the penitentiaries, it is doubtful If there are 5.000 ill the whole country. Minneapolis Times. An Interesting Servant. Mrs. Jones says she disHousewife charged yon because she frequently caught you listening at the doors." Well now. mum Applicant Housewife Well, I'll engage you on one condition. Youll have to tell me everyat Mrs. Jones'. overheard you thing Judge. ENSIONS, PATENTS, CLAIMS. WASHINGTON. a W. MORRIS, JOHN Examiner u. ft. Pension Bureau, Lata XU Oft. U. V Laura, my pride, my darling, And my little Rosalie, And the children all are coming To keep Thanksgiving with me. The great worlds din is softened Ere it reaches this abode, This mountain farm, that lieth Under the smile of God. siia Pbll.. P PILE REMEDY. are 'S v me, So open the doors and windows, And let in the golden air. The experience of those w ho have been cured of scrofula, catarrh, rheumatism, by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and obtain like benefit yourself. la the best Hi ll i, and city, Home oer river and sea, The boys and girls are coming To keep Thanksgiving with me, Hugh Is a judge, they tell And John Is a learned divine. They were always more than common, Those sturdy lads of mine. half-doze- Wlrnl was Iff" "Didn't bet any paign. bats except with his wdfe." Casearets stimulate liver, kidneys nud bowels. Never sicken, weaken or gripe. How did Job happen to lose his vote He had to at a.v at home tu for Bryan?" ills from wife nutting McKinley's piekeep tiirik In tho window'' Thankful NN If Mr. The Luck of Roaring Csunp. Harte had been lu doubt as to his vocation before, that doubt was now dispelled Never was a more emphatic or unforever. That success questionable literary success. when a febegan hi the couiiHsjng-,rooin- , male compositor revolted at the unaccustomed combination of mental force, virility and originality. No doubt H was all very sudden and unexpected; it shook the editorial and composing rooms, the business office and a limi ted number of worthy people who had seen "The Luck In manuscript, as they had never been shaken save by the notorious California earthquake. The climax was precipitated when the Justly inliterary Judgdignant editor, whose motives, ment and good taste had been impeacheu, declared that The Luck of Roaring Oainp should appear In the very next number of the Overland Mimthly or lie would reWisdom finally prevailed; sign Ida office. the article appeared, the Overland's success was assured, and ills editor was famous. Brussels Sprouts Apple and Celery Salad Cheese Wafers Thanksgivlrg Plum Pudding Hard Sauce Mince Pie Squash Pie Ni'ts Fruit Conte, tioneiy Hominy Coffee arriving Denver and Sail Lake 6:M p. m. following day, and San Francisco 8:45 p. in. second day out of Denver. This train carries through Pullman ditiing cars (meals palace Bleepers.andPullman the famous buffet library "a la carte! to California, Denver cars. Quickest time, bv over nine hours. Ask nliout it at the 17 corner 941 Curtis. tb St., ticket office, Frenehenien consume more alcohol than otlu--r Europeans, according to figures put before the Basle Congress for Alcoholism. In the computation the amount of alcohol iu light wines and beer Is Included. The average animal consumption of alcoholIn per head France, of population is thirteeu quarts ten in Switzerland. Belgium and Italy, nine Sweden in four aud England, in Germany three lu Norway aud two in Cauada. this Going to do anything interesting Yes. I've perThanksgiving. Bagsby? suaded niv wife not to iuvite all our relatives to diuuer. just to see if some of them wont have originality enough to Invite us. Mrs. Highy, what was that bundle you when I eatue iu? the sofa Uhl under Never mind; yon don't need to know just woman! Have you Greff Caesar, yet." me Christmas slipbegun already tooldmake hat? straw pers out of my Just try a ide box of Casrarets, the finest liver and bowel regulator ever made. I hope be by will grow up into a great, Well, name her Fairy healthy, fat girl. and she will. With do and gun the hunters bold Through marshy meadows trail. To bag a $15 cold And half a dozen quail. "Did you ever play no. You are Oh, yes; but a need to piny with me minutes. Well, then? poker all night?" not an enthusiast, good player doesn't longer than thirty Did You Ever See an Indian? t Expect not, so send a stamp to the General Passenger Agent Colorado Midland railroad, Denver, and he will send you fine colored picture of one. Country Father When I was your age I got up with the lark. Citified Sou. home on a visit Oh, that's nothing, father! Us fellows in the city generally keep the lark up all night. two-cen- Doctor Y'ou have something wrong with your digestive organs, lntleut Well, considering my three daughters are learning to cook. It is hardly to be wondered at. The Qu'ckest Train to California, The famous I'nion Pacific Overland Limd ited. The finest, fastest and train nut of Denver, carrying through s'eep ers. (lining cars, and the elegantly appointed buffet library and smoking cars, all lighted with Iintscli light, and heated by steam. Cull at Union Pacific ticket office. 941 17th St., corner Curtis, for information, rates, time tables, etc. She was a good woman. He loved her. She was his wife. The pie was good; his wife made it; he ate it. But the pie disagreed with him, and he disagreed with his wife. Now he takes a pill after pie and is happy. So is his wife. The pill he takes is Ayers. Avoid dyspepsia Moral : by using Ayers Cathartic Pills. Are tbe bora to pump water end cutteed bj baud tiila ter, or bare au Aermotor, oiled hN I Rr FRIhMSr THIMBU cant by tinpU 3od in 1 k 5 One dMlert, 20 branch near you. AERMOTOR CO. O L hua. FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICA. or Just Dont Feel Well, LIVER DMKS ere the Thing tons. ONLY ONE FOR A DOSE. Sample mailed 25c al Druggists free Bosanko Med. Co. Phile Fe. Denver Directory. HARNESS The best $30 dou- ble Concord Harness in Colorado Wltl for $18. $20. breeching, $25 double team harness with breeching $16. $29 steel horn stock saddle for$15. $15 '1 i A single buggy harness for $8.50. Do not be deceived by worthless Imitations but order direct from us and get the lowest wholesale free. All goods stamped. MtED Catalogues MUELLER, 1413 Larimer Street, Denver, Colorado. Goods sent for examination. and atre relnxel weakened VIAVI Tone otenne organ. igthena R K)in 16.0 Arapahoe at STATE ORE eren 6 book, VNorks Why did the Beverlys call in the invitations to Mabels wedding? They had made a mistake and issued the invitations for Che cooks afternoon out. fg. Co., Ifilrt 1 .awn nee tit and all GRINDING Razors Hal order, kinils o! etlRe tool. .ttention rpro.al Huetger Brut.., Barber. Supplies, UW Larimer fit m,Lwren DENVER BRUSH tion Prices. A mushes of eveiy descrip quality guarutM. tieud for catalogue AND SUP Gas. PLIES, Engines, Windmills, Pumps, Pipe, Scalea. Fairbanks Standard Fittings, Plana and estimaies furnished. Corre spondents go'ldted. FAIRBANKS. MOUSE & CO.. 17th & Wazee Sts.. Denver. (dine Tli Brand IT- So SGas Roasted Mocha and Java Coffee. - 1 -- lb. For C - ane 35c. Cans 91.00, b. Sale by all Grocers N ASH-SMIT- Roasted and Packed by TEA & COFFEE CO., H Wazee Street. DENVER. E. E. BURLINGAMES ASSAY OFFICE Established In Colorado. 1866. Samples by mall or express will receive prompt and careful attention GOLD AND SILVER BULLION R.fln.d, M.ll.d and Atuy.d or Purchu.d. St. DENVER. COLO. Address. 1734 and I73S Lawrence Denver Public Works, M. E. SMITH, PecaiocNT. ORES SOLD ON THE PUBLIC MARKET. it's capital. When bilious or costive, eat a Cascaret candy cathartic, cure guaranteed. 10c, 25c. M P. O. Bot .11, MINING PRINTING and cutting. threading 1415-11 reteht 1 levators. Nock A 7 18th at. GarsiUe, 40 pacre price list free Con- GROCERIES etsumcra Wholesale Houe 16th and blake. bugar, Gi an 5c. All Pkg Coffee 18a, & ACHINIST Repairs of if III Machinery, etc. Pipe Debits cheese! Sampling W orko- .- Office Albany Hotel block, Denver. Pocket ore fhipnprs. mailed fiee SEALS, hUBBER STAMPS!":"-- ; 1'iso's Cure for Consumption is the best of all cough cures. George W. Lotz, La., August 20, 1895. How do you like boarding? Mobbs We lived on tlie fat of the land. Dobbs Y'ou did? What did they Mobbs give you? Oleomargarine and filled PILLS On So Boston rejected MaeMonnies Bacchante''' "Yes, they were annoyed because she carried a bunch of grapes instead of a pot of baked beans. Oh, ;i The Pill. And Mrs, W inslows booming byrap , teething, eoftensthegn ms. reduces allnye pain cures wind colic. 2a cents a bottle. M. Man, tea-che- st I 2 The bis students at College, Sheffield, Bngland, of a very units lal and Interesting , nature, says the Westminster Gazette. Among the most ancient of animala still inmudfish habiting our planet is the (protopterus) of Africa a creature worthy of its of our respect, if only in vast antiqurty, which dates far back in tbs early ages or the world, of popular interest, the most striking feature of the mudfish is the possession of lungs as well as gills. On the approach of the dry season. In Us natural haunts in Central Africa, the mudfish hollows out a chamber In mud, and enters upon a period of rest extending over many months, duiing which time K is without access to water, and breathes air only. While in the mud these fishes may be dug np, and survive, even after a Journey across tb world, in the dry state. Prof. Denny received a short time ago one of these mud blocks. In the presence of the students the hard block was placed In warm water, and, after being times exposed for nearly two hours the fish, which went to sleep in tropical Africa many months ago, awoke and came forth from Its temporary sepulcher to find Itself In a bath of tepid water in the biological laboratory of Firth college, where it is now, alive and donbtless happy. . nois, sends the following report of her tism, and cure by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, when all other remedies had failed. Mattoon, 111., Aug. 29, 1896. My name Is Mary E. Miller, I am forty-fou- r years of age, a resident of Mattoon, Coles County, Illinois. About two years ago I was attacked with Inflammatory rheumatism of a severe type, and confined to my bed for three months. Physicians could not do me any good, and I was getting steadily worse. I determined to try Dr. Williams Pink Pills for Pale People, which I had seen advertised and obtained a supply. In addition to the rheumatism I was suffering greatly with nervous debility, but after taking less than one box the nervousness began to abate, and the rheumatic paina grew less. When two boxes had been Deservedly Ponlshed, taken I was able to walk, which I had It occurred at the boarding house of Mrs. not done since first attacked, my appeMrs. Flapjack, in Boss avenue. tite returned, and I soon regained my Flapjack, was carving the breakfast mackerel, when health. I shall always keep Pink Pills she spoke up and said: I see that a Miss Finch, a girl living in by me, for to them, under Providence, Ohio, bae been living eighty days without I owe my health. food. MARY E. MILLER. (Signed) Is that all? remarked Gilhooly, sadly. Witness: Cynthia H. Reynolds. Ive boarded here for the last seven years. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain. In He got the head of the mackerel for hi a condensed form, all the elements share that morning. Texas Sifter. necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered The Faults an I Follies of the Age nerves. They are an unfailing specific Are numerous, but the latter none is more for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, ridiculous than theof promiscuous and ranSt. Vitus use dom of dance, laxative paralysis, partial pills and other drastic cathartics. These wrench, convulse and sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after effect of la weaken both the stomach and the bowels. in-If used and cookies and all sorts of goodies grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale Hostetlers Stomach Bittersthe beresult is acand sallow complexions, all forms stead of these for the Thanksgiving tea. with and without pain great benof weakness either In male or female. complished liven On Thanksgiving eve, at eight p. m., Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or efit to the bowels, the stomach and the maniUse this remedy when constipation is will be sent post paid, on receipt of fested, and thereby prevent it from becommight have been seen a torchlight procession moving across the mea low price, 60 cents a box, or aix boxes for ing chronic. are never sold In bulk or $2.50 from Mr. Emerys barn, and along the by the(they Dra100), by addressing Dr. Williams Pa, what is dramatic ability? lane that led to Widow Grays cottage Medicine Company, Schenectady, N. Y. matic ability? Well, it Is a typewriter girls gift of looking sorry when she hears that at the other end of the village. And her employer will have to stay at home a week with a bad cold. THE LUCK OF ROARING CAMP. this was the programme: Two boys with Chinese lanterns; two Dont Tobacco Spit and Smote lour Life iwaj. of ths Publication of the Sketch little Chinamen bearing on a pole be- Story Which Made Bret Ilarte Famous. If you want to quit tobacco using easily tween them a real Chinese and forever, regain lost manhood, be made In July, when the Overland Monthwell, strong, magnetic, full of new life and filled with tea and sugar; wheelbarly was founded, Bret Harte became Its edir the vigor, take in the NoStoddard Warren writes tor, EmJoe wheeled row, alternately by that make weak men strong. Many gain , vember Atlantic. Mr. Kuunsevellle tea Over In ten 400.000 cured. On each side of pounds days. the editor of fhe Overland Monthly, ery and Will Somerby. who from your druggist, When Buy series, has recently written: the barrow two pumpkins containing new Booklet a and will cure. sample guarantee Anton Kiiinan made up his mind to estabmailed Ad. free. (Jo., Remedy etc. in Sterling One lish a monthly magazine In connection with pumpkin pies, doughnuts, or New York. publishing and bookselling business, be Chicago front with celery and cranberries; his d.d so with the adv.ee of Noah Brooks, Some debts are pretty hard to pay. arent large oval pumpkin in the center with Charles Waortm Stoddard, B. B. Redduig, they? yes. Ive Just paid the last C. Bartlett, and others, for most of installmentWell, on an overcoat that was worn turkey, decorated with laurel sprigs; W. books. whom he had already published out long ago. spaces filled up with white potatoes and When the question of a suitable editor arose, Bret Harte, then Stoddard recommended sweet potatoes; at the head of the bar-roTo the Pacific C ast A an almost unknowna writer on the Golden on pole, a little banner Two through trains daily via the Union Bret Kra, at that time popular weekly. carrying through sleepers, and makthe Harte accepted with some misgivings as to Pacific, from greeting Thanksgiving from six to fifteen hours quickest time financial matters, but was reassured when ing friends of Mrs. Gray. Unman showed Mm pledges of support by to principal western points, including OgSalt Lake, Butte. Helena, Portland, patronage up to $000 a month, den, Now', dont you think Joe Emerys advertising Francisco. Sacramento, etc. Ask about In the San which he had secured in advance. ? them at 941 17th St., corner Curtis. was a new and jolly pumpkin lark August number of that magazine appeared Woman, The Denver, Colo. THE COMPANY PAYS THE FREIGHT new tel horoe whim. Will their oommon-eehoist tons f rock fet each shift la juat a safe aud reliable as cm engine It can be packed anywher No cog wheels or jack can ga ureAk. 90 ia On n SUU clutche to per cent wrought iron and steel and will bend before breaking. Over 860 in nse some running o yara without on IV mak horse, dollars expense. hoisis at prices, $25, 60, 75 100 $125 and on np Hand for an illustrated circular to 1222 Curtis tit,. Denver. Colo. WHIM CO -- THE THE- DENVER, COLO. bEXD Address for Ken Fall Catalogue. Gladness Comes understanding of the With a better nature of the many physical ills, which vanish before proper efforts gentle efforts pleasantefforts rightly directed. There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms pf sickness are not due to any actual disease, bnt simply to a constipated condition of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, promptly removes. That is why it is the only remedy with millionsof families, andis everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order to get its beneficial effects, to note when you purchase, that you have the genuine article, which is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may he commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the everywhere. Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely ued and gives most general satisfaction. d Over 100 Xets Styles iit CLOAKS, ETC. $3?" Atf Mail Order filled same day. In the heart of Chicago. The Union Passenger Station in Chlrago, into which all Burlington Route trains rnn. is located in the very heart of the city. The principal hotels, the largest stores, the best theaters, the biggest business establishments are only a few Mocks distant. To reach them it isn't even necessary to take a street car. To reach Chicago, it 18 necessary to take the Burlington's Vestlbuled Flyer, that is, it is if you waut tbe best there Is. Leaves Denver at U.50 p. m. after arrival of trains from all points in Colorado and Utah. G. W. YALI.ERY, Genera) Agent, Denver, Colo.. 1059 17th St. oi. Mil. Nr. 47 683 W X. C. Drover. When writing to advertiseis. please say that ndverti.-emeiu this paper, saw the yoq ut |