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Show Tiie Pn;7E DRUNELL fit SMITHi J. F. ERUNELL, Official STATE SCISSORINGS Piontttl Taper of Publishers. Eo-tc- Hue ADVERTISING County. RATES. I.K.NOTH OK T1MB. was a bachelor. Two months ago It did Dot know tjiaj the same gentleman was a Democrat. It makes a combination bard to beat, and that is why Newsy Mr. Forsbee was elected to the legislafrom ture by the Democrats of Piute county. Rev. Anna Slraw lias again visited We hasten to congratulate him. Press. Salt Lake (;ity. Burglars eutered the residence of -- John Brown, one of the pioneers of Rev. J, Brody of Balt Lake Saturday Pleasant Grove, died on the 8th inst., night of last week aud secured between 70 aged years. $50 and $G0. The thieves were eviFred Ilillmnn of Brigham City well acquainted with the premhandled 150,000 pounds of Wool during dently ises. Notes Extracted Exchanges. the past Reason, recent rise in wheat was a for Utah farmers, as very few bad disposed of their crops. Morgan Mining company at Hardscrabblehas suspended operations Double minimi mis charged double above until the snow gets off in the spring. i.i's and 2." per cent mlditloiifd. l.orti noikvH UK: pur li h bietlcr type (seven Balt Lake and Brigham City are to ml to line). Twelve lines of tl.ls (nonrnri II) type to an Incli. serious trouble with their elechaving Special rale on aiiplicalinn. Obltiiailes rhnigcu or Mine hr local notices, tric and gas light service tnese days. Announcements el l.lrtbs uud In a foot ball game at Salt Lake d utlis published free. marriages, last Friday, tho U. ofU. Juniors defeated the Collegiate team by 12 to 0. bubscpipiton termb. CO The Big Gold plant will start up One coi one year.... $2 a full force this week and expect with 1 00 six months ... i. it 60 to run steady throughout the winter. three mouths Mrs. Martha Hughes Cannon of "13? Advertising rates made known on Balt Lake is the first woman in the replication. United States to bo elected to the state senate. Tillered at the post office at Marvsvale, Utah, Not less than six deiths have oc as matter, .May noth, 1890, curred in Bt. George and the surrounding country in the past two weeks, all SATURDAY, : : November 21, 1806. from widely different causes. R. A. Greenup of Balt Lake has Not annulling, but amending, is begun suit against Gov. Wells to collect $31)5, which he claims to be due what our ejection Jaws need. from his honor for secretary services. On the last Thursday of this month, A boy named, Simons Just put an AX up by tire turkeys was sent from Marysvale to Richfield neck and let her go at that. on election day to get election returns. He was uenrly frozen on the way CenThe bonanza of them The -- i second-clas- s W. J. Bryan began his four years sor. Silver campaign the 14th of this month Miss Beekman, teacher of the Presty delivering the first of bis serial byterian school at Monroe, haz been lectures at Lincoln on that date. dangerously ill with pneumona and her place has been filled by Mrs Wlck-iunPresident George Q Cannon, In ?he delivery of an address at the AsThe Balt Lake coal combine has sembly hall, the occasslon being the finally gotiDtotheoouftson theoharge tenth anniversary of the L. D, B. col- of oonsplrlng to prevent those not in lege, denounced the game of foot ball the combine from engaging in the is a trait of barbarism. business. Five hobos arrested In Balt Lake Now that the election is over, let us turned out to be men who had recently 611 settle down to business. Every robbed a store at Brigham City, All riiau and women owes a debt to society of tliefh had on clean underwear when and government. Let all try to pay It arrested. officers In isslsiiug our uewly-electe- d A cutting eorapn occurred in Balt the conduot of a wise and bencflolal Lake on tbe 10th inst. that resulted in administration. Dick Lewis, a negro, receiving a bad icut in the neck, the carotid artery beMUSES Thatcher, Br., despite his . . ing partially severed. 1 troubles with the church and his adJohn II. Eyeys of L.ehl lias,.berin vanced age aud enfeebled health, is a awarded a silver medal for the utility pronounced candidate for the seat in of a patent recently procured by him the national legislature now occupied upon curtain pole fixtures. Tbelnven . Ty Senator Brown. lion Is simple, cheap and useful? Dany Petersobvof Glen wood had I Another trare of weakness in our an experience at broncho busting last years legislature is found in the Mr. Broncho dumped Dany, oouflietion of the Boliool law, and as a lately. but he only broke one finder. Dr.Neill si qumce, It seems that the county eoon fixed thatjapdDany Is all right. schools of Balt Lake.cgpoty will have W. 1 Affleck has begun suit to close in December and remain dorthe Suit Lake City Street Railagainst mant for the entire year. way company for damages In the sum $50,000 for the death of John AfPoliticians .are getting quite of who was killed while on duty. fleck, anxious over the rumor that the The Salvation Army of Balt Lake Cjburch Las its tnon selected to sucis Rooking hard on a scheme to estabAurtbur lirowu lu the person of ceed lish a home for Indigent men, It will B, II. Roberts. It is far from belug the duty of the Church to select a sen- have a wood yard In connection With It and have accommodations for fifty ator, but their choice, if such it be, is men.. not an unwise one. A lot of drunken toughs raised a row. In Brigham City Monday big id achiev(The Lehl sugar factory of last week, during which cey-.ering great success and is attracting ulght were cut kulves Jp .jthe persons w ide attention. .There is room for sevof the roughs. No arrests wefe hands eral such Industries iu the state, and a . few years should find us importing made, J. M. Bolltho and family left Hon, but very little oft the commodities on the 8th inst for a protractRichfield necessary to subsistence, but on the ed Iowa, Illinois, Wisconthrough trip to a contrary exporting large extent. sin abd other states east, Jim will to hasten homewafd for the has been suggested by some of not have I of the senate. Never reconvening the leading Republicau papers that thorn without a roee. Advocate. Secretary of the Treasury Carlisle be Mayor Glendinping pardoned allowed to retaiu bis portfolio in' the Parkcrwud John Ford, who McKinley cabinet. It Is ecaroely to Harry be surmised that such will be (hoase) were serving sentences in the eruuty jail. upon tyid yet, Mr, Cleveland established a the recommeuua tion of Justioc Wenger precedent for such action when he and Dr. Dalby, Parker lsar. epileptic made Gresham seoretafy of state, the is also suffering from an inand Ford latter gentleman having been in the curable malady. cabinet of President Arihufr Tho last number of the PiuT d. i -- al It , I The road from here to. fha new ter minus, Belknap, lain yery good com dition exceptiug in ouejpr two- places where it is either mlrey or sandy, and the worst of these few plaoes is that reached just after croSsiug the river about two miles north of town. Here one comes to a regular swamp, but so narrow that with a little work it might Lb well spanned by a bridge, and if the matter is longer neglected, the county ay have damages to pay. - 111 .The County commissioners 'of Salt Lake county have decided f? contest the legality of the recent ejection, because of the non secrecy of. the ballot-leowing to the systeni of numbering " the ballots. While it jWtroe that there is thiatecbnlcal ground for a contest, We to leva it unwise and unnecessary. The courts will undoubtedly declare id favor of those shown to be elected on the face of notwithstanding certificates' might be withheld by g, the-return- the commissioners. Tbe ntxf legislature wili'doubtless make such" changes In our election law?' as may be deemed n4caaryto. aimplt&nd osrnn thA'pat plHeet-the- of technical quibble. -- iti ap FiONEEil0greatly4mproved pearabeC abd its publisher announces that the paper is to be enlarged. The Press! nwiefaea Bro. Brunell arid his Pioneer the greatest success: When the B. G. W. steams into Marysvale ,the Pioneer ought to jump into promlueaoeas a 'reliable news and biulng journal. Salina Frees. J. R. Hickman, at one tfme county clerk of J uab coun ty and later manager for John Beck, has been arrested In Salt Lake. H6 . is charged with forgery and embezzlement. Hickman was at one . time a prominent Balt Laker and h Is down-hicourse was the reimU of lasciviousness and drink. Some time ngo, Paul Thoiriasson, theU. P; 'agent at Bountiful, was charged by the local paper and by the ladys father with aiding Miss ATlie IAndsay In running away from- home by kfeepirig her concealediri the station house until a certain train came In. The railroad ofilolnls have investigated the matter aud declare the charge absolutely false. Clipper, Tbe Press Teams something iJew erery ear. Six months ago it didcof know that J.E.Fnrshee of Grass Valley '. ll - The son ofOrsen Paulsen of Ephraim fell out of a tree last week and sustained a compound fracture ot the arm. The bone protruded through the flesh, making a very ugly wound. A Brigham City hunter killed a large eagle last Week that had attacked some llye decoy geese he was using. The bird was large enough to carry off a iamb, measuring nearly seven feet from tip to tip of its wings. The various candidates for office in the elate are beginning to file their bills of expense for tbe recent election. Judge Cherry was the first, and he claims to have spent only $55.65. A cheap campaign, surely. MECHANICS AND HALF-RATER- S. THE NEED OF PROPER APPRENTICESHIP LAWS TO PROTECT ALL PARTIES CONCERNED. To thb Editor op The Pioneer: Bir It is SCHOOL LAND TITLE. Inquiry at the office PROFESSIONAL. board of land commissioners develops DR. the fact that applications for school lands in this state, under what is termed the preference right, are not being filed as rapidly as they should when the magnitude of the holdings is considered. ALL KINDS OF This is doubtless due te the lack of familiarity with the provisions of the law on the part of the persons who DENTAL WORK CAREFULLY DOSE possess this valuable right. The Enabling act designated as school lands Marysvale - Utah. sections 2, 16, 32 and 36, in every township iu the state, and the last legislature, recognizing the Injustice which D- Schoeter, C. E. would result In not protecting actual U, S. D. Mineral Surveyor. and bona fide settlers on these sections culor settled who had upon, occupied COUNTY SURVEYOR tivated small tracts, ignorant of the FOR fact that they were school lands, and they could not obtain title thereto until they became the property of tbe Legal papers carefully and accurately drawn state, passed a law which will be found and surveys promptly executed. in the laws of Utah, 1896, and designated as chapter 80. Section 19 of this act grants what has been termed a preference right to settlers or occupants, who have improved state lands and were on January 1, 1894, actual - At settlers or occupants thereon, whereby these settlefs could apply for theft; exact holdings and thus be enabled to Promptness and accuracy my motto. purchase them from the state at the appraised ptice at private sale without being compelled to compete with any Bean other persons who might desire to obMcDaniel, tain these improved lands. The act- AT ATTORNEYS LAW. ual settler on school land, prior to . COURTS ALL PRACTICE Iff January 1, 1894, has only to apply to the state board of land commissioners Richfield , Utah. of this city for the particular tract, describing tbe samej and he will be & SNYDER. granted the opportunity of purchasing JENNINGS ten it at the appraised price, and on ATTORNEYS AT LAW. years time, with Interest on deferred TILSON, Practical Dentistry I& The Paper OF Southern Utah! Phillipp '11 Sevier County. Utah. Salina, Gilbert Beebe. generally presumed that when a youth is apprenticed to learn a trade that he is ultimately to become profiolent at the avocation to which he has attached himself. Therefore, to that end parents and those having the care of youths should see to it that a selection is made for the future of such a pursuit as best seems suited to the youths natural aptitudeor inclination. Next It should be deemed to find a suitable master or Instruc$t 5 per cent per annum. tor for the boy; and this, perhaps, is payments This Is a very simple matter, and esthe hardest task of all. The employer pecially su as every county treasurer who takes an apprentice should be rethroughout the State has on hand, quired, by law, to show that he is ca- ready for distribution, a large number pable of teaching the trade sought In of blanks designed for the sole all Itfit. branchesi For instance, to make useprinted of these "preference right applimy meaning plain ; A carpenter, be- cants and which they can jeadily obfore being allowed io take an appreR tain by writing for or applying In tlce, should show that he is himself a person. oompetent, thorough workman, havThe provision of the law not gen ing mastered the business In all Its de- erally understood Is the limit of time tails not merely one who can simply fixed In the aot for the filing of these drive &. Hall or shove a jack plane. applications. Six months time from Thenf again, the law should protect the date of the filing of school land the apprentice in requiring the inaster with the various couuty treasto teach the boy the varied branches plats, urers was allowed wherein all "prefof an industry, not, as il too often the erence right claimants were to file case, keeping him at any one thing their and as these plats that pays his employer beat. Further were applications filed with the county treasurers than this, the master should be pro- on or about June 25th.pf.thls year, the tected by law from irresponsible par time In ail the counties will expire ents and willful youths. Once apprea about December 25, 1896. .The serious tioed, a boy should be required, under of the matter is that if an applipart penalty of imprisonment, to serve out cant does not apply for his land, with the time agreed upon; and further, the state board of land commissioners still, the master should have full con- on or before Ohristmas day, he will trol over ' ari apprentice during work- loss his to purchase hiB home at right ing peiiodjs, and not be subjected to kale and be Compelled to enter from relatives and friends. private the market at the' public sale and bid In faot, such laws in this regard shotild on the same at public auction. This be enacted, and enforced, .as would will prove a hardship, as the price of Insure to the apprentice an opportunity, his larid may be run up over tbe apto learn a trade thoroughly, and to the praised price and in no event can lands e master protection from work- be sold either at public or sale men and runaway apprentices. The for less than the appraisedprivate price per old country Iswb are very strict re- acre. Bo ft will be readily seen that failure to file his application in time garding the apprenticeship system cost much more money to retain may too much so, perhaps, as we Amerihis home than if he used the cans look at things but, lam ashamed granted him by the 'Legislature right and fosay, the system has resulted in for- placed a written claim at the proper office inside the time limit. eigners acquiring the best positions in This statement of faots is designed our factories and shops, for the reason, to warn the occupants of school land only, thut they are good throughout the Btate of the great danger to them of delaying this matter and workmen not merely specialists. may result In the This treud of thought was brought in the hope that it Baving of money to those who posess to the writer's mind by meeliug with this right but who are not cognizant a number of. raecliani6s,'a of tbe restrictions and limits coupled short time since, who, like myself, were with It. looking for a Job.:All, excepting CLOVER GRIEVELAND. myself, werd connected with the build- HIS THANKSGTVIXG PROCLAMATION RE ing trade?., Two of them were carpenVISED BY A PERSONA NON ters whof knew. nothing of stair makGRATA. . ing, a fid' another a bricklayer who Ogden Standard. the1 mamClover could By Grieveland, he not wall a cisacknowledged moth stupident of these United Btates tern." and lord high executioner of the peoPerhaps In no trade, is there more ples prosperity. ... specialities than that of printing, My administration has been a carniat which I have earned my bread for val of boodle by boodlers and for the boodle. forty years, hHd yet know comparaI am Glover Grieveland. tively Jlttleof the business. "While I I am him of the mighty abdomen. have Diet personally thousands of men My lpxefor humanity extends to the who earn their living at the printers uttermost part of my waistband. WE are the people me, Markanna, Trade, 1 can count on the fingers of one Shyloek and Broker, us four and no hand all the printers more. i whom' I have We are Beelzebubs quartet. We met, and T Certainly do not wish to convey th'e impression that do his Infernal will. I am ' his high priest. I am In the last days of my I could see one by a glance at the pernloious activity. A third term was mirror which always is to be denied me. Innocuous desuetude is found in the apartments of a jour, upon me now; We fpur stand at the bedside of a compositor. I wUl close by saying that the labor nations toprosperity and offer down our the Evil Genius that has praises world is overrun by half-rat-e work- made her 111. I. men mechanics carpenters who We have waxed fat and proud and cant smooth-dres- s a plank, black- yet fatter and prouder still. The smiths who cant Iron a wagon or tem- masses grow lean and despair, and yet leaner and more despairing. per an ax, shoemakers who cant tree We four, therefore, us four and no a boot, cooTti who cant make an ome- more, should he thankful that we are lette, tailors who cant cut a waistcoat the affliction! visited upon this nation. by pattern correctly ; and as for the Others, less viciously worthy, might have been I verily believe there for instance. chosen; the Devil himself professions, are attorneys extant in the land who Therefore, I, Clover Grieveland, do can not draw up a chattel, mortgage hereby designate the 8th day of without recourse to1 a formula, and I 1892, the ill omened date of have known editors leaders of my election, to be kept and observed thought aud instructors of the people, as a day of thanksgiving by ail who if you please Who could not write a were profited during and by my malevgrammatical sentence. Atid' the pub-l'- o olent reign. Let us all forego our. must suffer for want of proper aud computation of profits. ,on systematic training during the appren- interest bearing, bonds and with one e ticeship of the workman. A accord render thanks to Mammon for man can do nothing properly when he all those blessings ' that ha ye '.been dont know how. vouchsafed to cs. ' Jim smith, Witness my fat hand and seal, Attorney Law. Junction, Utah. and MrJennlngs has practiced twenty years, In the Supreme Courts ol the States aril United States. He will attend in person all the District Courts, held in each coun ty of this district. SAMUEL L PAGE. ... all-arou- ", MILL ! Grain. Bran. Shorts. Middlings - (Signed) Clover Gbievelajud i- - - ANDREW POULSEN. ATTORNEY AT LAW. NOTICE TO CREDITORS.', ESiate of Polly c bosl and, Deceased. Advocate Office. UTAM. JfiP'County Beat of Sevier County. Notice Is hereby giten- by the undersigned! administrator of the estate of Polly Croslang. deceased, to the creditors of and all persons having claims, against tne said deceased to ex? hibit them, with the necessary vouchers, withip four months after the first publication of thie notice to the said administrator, at bis office la e the Lake City, bunding, In Salt , in the county of Salt Lake, Utah. ' Strinohasc, Henry Administrator ofsstate ol Polly Crosland, deeo. Dated October 26, 1896. E. D. R. Thompson', ; OC Attorney for Estate, : Hooper-Eldredg- C.W.'JONES. ATTORNEY AT LAW - 31-- St - WiU practice in all the Courts State anp Federal. TIMBER LAND3 A SPECIALTY. &6.3030 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONi U.S. Land Office, a. Salt Lake City, Utah, , 1838. 26, ...... I September N otice Is hereby given that the followlng-nairie- d his intention to make settler has filed notice final proof in support (if his claim, and thatsal4 proof wiU be made before the Codnfcf Clerk o Wayne County at Loa Utah, on Nov. 7th, 1896 viz: William M. JUcJirdson H E 10118, for thl SV4 SWH SWM SE5i Sec! 20 and NwK NEK d He hames tM Section 29 Tp 29 8 B 6 E. following witnesses to prove his continuos residence upon and cultivation of, said land, vizi John C. Jacobs, Budolpli Naier, Joseph Cook, George A. Richardson, of Teasdale, Utah. ( UTAH. MARYSVALE, I d Dr. E. Smith, K'DENTIST.vi Richfield - Utah. MAMP- tfO80 , USD AND BYRON OROd, - Frank D. Hobbs, Attorney. - MINING ATTORNEY. ; Register. First pub. Gctobertrd IS HEREBY GIVEN NOTICll undersigned will apply Vd'-fb-t -- secretary of the Interior for authority to cut and remove growing and dead red and white pine, Dalsam and other trees suitable for lumber from Twenty five years- experience. Cor- - the following described tract of pnsurveyed land described situated in Piute county, Utah,-anrespQndence Solicited. as follows, to wit Commencing at a poltrt about five miles' south of Marysvale, at the mouth of Cottonwood canyon; running thence westerly to the wesChohidlary line of Piut county; thence southerly along tire summit of the mountain to the south side of City Creek canyon; thence easterly to the mouth of said Cily Ctsek eanyon;. thence northerly-alonbase of range to place of beginning, containing about 3.500 acres, more or less, same being noa mineral land'. Said permit is desired for thfc purpose of Supplying settlers, farmers, and other persons of the state of Utah in vicinity of tortp land with material with which to improve their residences, items' and homesteads, and for other Will praotice In all the courts. lawful purpose. Daniel Lenoy? Dated November 6th, 18961 ,1 t Salt Lake City 1 Utah. . D. VAN, MARTIN, LAWYER ie -- - lSPrompt Attention' Given toAJl Business Entrusted. .T OFFICE kAST SIDE JACKSON AVENUE. 'TJtali. Marysvale . BULLION HOTEL. MINERS HOME. . S Ware and. King-- . - No. 3050 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, U. S. Land TVS ce, ' Salt Lake Citv.utah, , 1 ( October 15, 188. irVc1. Notice Is hereby given that the following-name- d settler has filed notice of his intention to mak final proof in suyport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk ol Seviet County, Utah, at Richfield utah.on Novem-T'e- r 28,1896, viz ;James P.Gilbert H E No, 9231 for 4 N W fourth NW fourth N K fourth Sec. th and SE fourth 8W fourth Sec. 29 Tp. 25 S R w He names the following witnesses to prove hi, continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: Worthy firfdger.T). O. Ross, A, of Joseph, Utah. ' Glflord. I ig First pub.Oct24. BULLION AVE.1 ? aFIRST CLASS AccomioDAXloit. ; BYRON GROO Register f No.3040 H. VAN MARTIN, IVotary - l?ullic. papers promptly and carefully prepared. Deeds,' Mortgages, Legal Quitclaims, Leases, etc. Powers of attorney drawn, and ac? knowledgements taken. Ghxkkax, Real Estate and MlKtna Brokerage transacted. (Jail on him. fl . - (4-3- (Land Office ' . . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , One ot the Unfortunates. ! Meat. Lard. John Meteer, t . half-rat- CO, r . - RICHFIELD Keep's on hand a full line of th - Piute, Katie and Oariield Cos. MARYSVALE, UTAH RICHFIELD, Paper of caw Produce Plour AS -- half-rat- Official U TAH, RICHFIELD, ... full-leng- THE PIONEER of the state . Sait Lake City, Utah. (Octobers, 1896. Notice Is beTeby given that thcfollowing-namesettler has filed notice ot her intention to maka final proof in support of her claim, and that the County Clerk said proof will be of Piute County Utah, at Junction. Utah, ob November 28, 1896, viz: Aonie.flamel, widow of Frederick Hamel, deceased. H E No. 9335 fdt 19 Tp 27 SR the NH SE and EH W. She names the following witnesses to prows her continuous residence upon and. cultivatloc , John Lee' Jr.. William of, said land, viz : King, fleury King, Edward Eoi?y.jO Marysva.r . S made-befor- SW-efe- X-- C BYRON GROO Register, I |