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Show mtn .East 1200 feet and South JO deg,tt giving and prayer, do hereby request whlcn is hereby applied forj there fact from point of ctlreifery ; tho no ooutltots. the people of this State upou that day belug Extension runs North 23 'diVUest 3 feet anf . to forego their customary labors and The said mining claim being ot record Iu the South 23 deg Fltst H3! feet ItoBi the point ot ffla V tho Ohio Mining district eovery; the Giles runs NortbTO deg, tofu. EaH pursuits and assemble in tbelr several Office of the Recorder ot the 1 County and State 730 feet arid Sduth 10 degdO atM.uymaleitah.lu places of worship and at their fireside afores.aiit. The praKU tiled general course or di- from poitq vf dscvvery;)fi nearest known altars, to pratee the Giver of all good rect ton of the said HLUk'u Tt ensure, Gold Belt, lieliig (lie Haril L:Sh,' hJt 3(0.4" - ttx and to further fiouor the day by re- Gold Belt Extension', and Gfles, Consolidated Peart lot No.4'(;tod the Eilwftrd lot I $.53- - ' l't I direct that JhU WtlS'extsc.3Mbk.. cl.Uin.vetn.lodef or mineral deposit and membering the. poor and unfortunat mining ( the number of feet claimed on the lode n each Piute Pion krr IiuliUshcd tftAfmrysWv act of by charity and good fellowship ttreetlon from the point of discovery upon each the llew? impel published pttestto0ii4ci' Iu testimony' whereof, I have set my of said claims as suiveyed and platted being idated mining clutm, fqr f otlod of Wl hand ami caused the great.aeal of the shown upon the plat posted on the claim as near BYRONGP.t' v; state to be hereunto affixed this ninth as can he determined from present develop neats as follows; the Hidden Treasure run and being it day of November, in the year of our North 29 ileg.09 min. West 1319. feet from point Eegfstef Lord one thousand eight huudred and ot discovery ; the Gold Belt runs North 10 deg. It First ninety six, and of the independence oi the United .States the oue hundred and 2. twentieth, and the fiist year of the state of Utah. 0 Hit Puys jg FAlCRDAY : : November 21, lS'.-G- . OFFICIAL. DIRECTORY. kutf. county officials. OlV.i) Cieik, . R.oi..ue MoitKiu. . Junction Jt LuenLr, l riint, : Jk Julu-Uo- ANiCaScranUilL'E Peu-oc- C-- Kmji.toii Sak .KM' M.uyjuile David moki k V. flur.ir, .1. Trer.s..icr, ' tVN J.', 11 iOhUUGl "Atll AVm. Iu:h '.ion John-u.i I . D. .1 li ; Coyuty hk i M.uyswile V. H. Laos's, Mm vs. .lie VS. liimkl'K, ClIlll ViU !i. Know x, Mt, Koosii.irtm i N.svt.tis I'l'tfClSiVl lav- - u'liic. h. . I .v.v 111. j ton .'.il'lls, Hud, Murray, Mum.-.- , lUAXK j 1 le 1MIN, Buiav.Au J. Iaon Pi etii.it Jo H, L. X. Mii-i.s- , 11 VRDY, John l.i !., ( I ListTL :rvdsy, aged&l lie was a man of guilt strength of character, aud was highly respected even by those who antagonized his policy while territorial governor here, lie ei joyed the distinction of being the youngta go icril on ibe federal tide iu the;eivil war, being commissioned as whcu but 22 years if brigadier-geneia- l " age. Mrs. F, K. King dropped into the ofliee last Thursday, and informed us that she ha9 recently received a cotn- D. S.1 municatlun from her 3fr. that at Dillon, Moutana; Silvias, Silvias says tn.at Dilk-- aud turound-infittest spots on country are and the that also mines,' in that earth, locality nre booming. Thepeopleof Marysvale listened to f an exeelllut dLconrto by Rev. reverend The Wednesday night. gentleman took for his theme Thy Kingdom Come.1' lie dwelt partiuu-lutl- y on the definition of the text, w.tir, Ijy S FATE OFFICIALS. Jn., OUR NEIGHBORS. , son-iu-la- te Dr-Ilif- URCLKVILLK CXLLINGS. Schools are crowded. Kilq-Wci- Many qjebfisily engaged lu getting out ties. Ilill & Jacobson are preparing to float railroad ties. ..They villi begin Monday. Miss, Nellie Bayer is teaching In ' ... . . thejvrairie. Mr. Kimball, of Clark, Eldridge & of Co., passed .through town Thursday lust week- John H. Fullmer is doing a rushof ing business, carrying a fine line 'goods aud pleasing his customers. Miss Nellie Rogers, who has recharge of the primary .department, condia in ts prosperous school her pot . ... f- I ! 1 ) t, - tv- T -- II eber Seal. By the governor r M. HOTEL STEWART; Wells. . James T. Hammond, tion. - O. A. Dalton is going to fit up bis Ho will dancing hall for the holidays. interior the and line new floor In a put with lumber. Several of our boy ore out at De La Mar, putting in cord wood for the camp, but report tinjedull and wish they were back home. O. U. Beau, the principal of the school here, is all right. He has a school full of bright scholars auu they are progressing nicely, The health of this community is LEAP YEAR WARNING, A South-."- FOR TRAVELIUG HER.' ttIHEADQUAETERS Secretary of State, "OUR Beware, ye Tho frosty air Forebodes much melancholy Tho summers shine ! Mrs. O. " PLEASE Y0U.SE - j r' At MAGrLEBY-- & JOHNSON, : 11, IS TO AIM STEWART, Proprietress, Marysvale, Utab -- DEALERS .s, IN- - Furniture, and Lumber-- ; : , 1 - the fbsh and spiritual tnau, J. Can non' 'f lifted Si.ik .'I'u.itnrv l Drank his hearers to lead holy and and uiged Must now decline u Brown Ary ut C. E. Au.kn Ke ri'ser.Dativ o tufnt.gress, lives. Farewell to hours of folly' spiritual Vl Covcl 'imv IlhWtt M. EIXS J v.'.ikn'I. Ham hund Sivret.nv of St.J; Haste to he wise, Mrs. Winnie Alphin, daughter of Mo.i.,u hithaids State Auditor, Nor lose a prize; Jaiiifs (.Illinium Mrs. 0. Stewart,' left lust Thursdcy for S' At, RN.smvr, A chance returns but stow ,y. Aitora-- v (li'iuv.il, A,C. she will Joliii R. I.irk Buseman, Moutara, where Sui t. Iuldte liiNtiiu tloa IHonely still Chr.rVs S. Z.me You climb lifes h join her husband an j make her home 11. Wx Kartell ftuvi't'H'.o Judges. Yours is the censure solely,.' in future. Mrs Alphin is a genial lady M, A. Miner 'VlDbtti.'t .Tuilirt' for Si'.l1' MiCmly Tho months for you State Senator for lentil Pin et., John Cliiilester and lea vi s a host of friends here, all of j o K .te 1'epri'Ni'iitaiiv I'ti'tc Cuimtv, ( a 3. Monti whom wish her a long au&happy life. good, and we are making preparations Are now less than two unto be Woe to observe thanksgiving. That 90 wtlUany: ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE CF THE WAILS. Bert Buinsbury of Cireleviilc came the feathered family. And though the rest Have wooed with zest, ARRIVES. home from Colorado last Tuesday. He We observe that The Pioneer are men to marry. still There North ami I'.:" tern mail atto to we reach iu time beie hope has enlarged its pages, and expteted n m til Washington Star. tend the obsequies of his mother, by the first of the new year it will DEPARTS, whose death was announced iu last have such a rushing business that it North anil Eastern mail Southern in til No. 3002. weeks Issue, but being deluyed on the will Lave to enlarge again. Dtiil,' Sunday. NOTICE FOR, PUBLIC AT ION. 1oito e ojiuii flout 4:90 a. ni, to C:00 p.m. On road, he at lived too late. Della Morrill.a biightyoungfourth Run.!. iv from 12 00 in. to ,po i. m. Land Omtur bvt.r LakkGitt Utah, reader, went to Provo, Saturday, Nov. Novemher IS, !WKl. t kAD'ipv anti Jlom'v Oriler ilep'irt'nent open PeaAssessor C. A. Collector and fio..is:tXia m. too :0op. 1.1. I.. JONES. 1. M. cock came up from King-tolast Tues- 13th, to help her sister, Mrs Willis TYfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN settler has filed her teacher, pretliat tlio day to ruatld Jeluiqueu't taxpayers. Johnson, Mf. Bean, notice of ins intention to make final pioof in career. successful for a her said proof will lie support of his claim, mid that of According to his statement last week dict elorK Wayne county, M. D. Morgan recently returned unulo before tlio county a large p. r ecu' age of the taxpayers Wz: Vtiili.nt .oil, lull, m J ilium ry 4th, 197, NovemNoiW Johnson, II. U. No. 12313, tinted home from Yuba City, Arizona, where 'will he delinquent. u v mv see swt tlio for ; 14, her lstli, lsmi, lie had gone with a load of flour to see s.t, and lie tie ' sec 22, tp 29, s r e, S. i. Themis Calloway, t,r, received a trade with the L. M., I tali. Navajo Indians. He names the follow Inc w itnesses to prove tils severe shaking up lust Wednesday by resilience upon and cultivation of rontlimons JOTTINGS. JUNCTION sanl land, vi: iKing thto.vn from a wag in, lie Alhett Stevens, William Rich Due McClellan, ImThe health of the people Is , struck on his heal aqd was r. udi red nrilson, W iltoid 1iioe, allot l,oa, ( avne BYKOV CROC), Heitister. few Utah. excep unconscious for the lime being, bu was proving, and, with very 1st pub Nov. 21, ixi T. (. B.ulp.v, Atty. lions, those reported eick last week are not seriously hurt.. Table spoke of t Lath, Shingles, Doors and Windows. Carpets, Baliy Carriages, Sets,. Bed-roo- w , Evci-p- Mom 00 V.i Utfllv SOETfiEKN t , f 0 1 r,. UTAH- - , 1 it n following-name- I U oonti-tv- . convalescent. Rev. Mr. Me pst of Mouioe announced W. II. Luke, the county clerk o -A his intention t lie first part of the week Not Lake City am1, ell elect, is putting iu a stock of dry goods of Hinting to the Vale hi At, e the week lUL'i points, - - and groceries, presumably a branch of Del. .nap, fm (Rolen, N c'ose.d. We havent heard, as yet, N.lt l...ke itv amt ;.Il G. Lassons store at Mayfield. 'whether lie made the connections or po.'its, - - - - !Some of the most energetic of our N.K21-- A) i.i'N et Ik knap f 11,111 not. ami mti rnied'ate points aro taking advantage of the farmers on Mommy s, WCmionduys is not uece.-saru,.d bmliiVN, neither which has taken the Advertising waim weather, No 33 Leaves i'i l.ii. p fc rTliLllc aud is the teh graph, the telephone, uor the frost out of lhe ground, to do their full icier. in ;!:.:.e ; mots, 00 Tm 'J Lai s mol I'.itur-iR- y express train, hut they are mighty plowing - - , n, K. (1. The h tlio s'lo'.fr 'mi" from all riouth-ainecessary whpu you want to get there J. H, Langford, Junctions foie r.i Utah to bolt Lake ( ity and all ponds most gardener, is'talking of moving to quick. e.i t. 'Two trail s daily from Milt Lake City and ThisMrs. Alexander, from 8t Geurge, I9 Mexico, where ho has a eon living tle .fan 'tin ' to ' env, r, Omaha, C.i.ei'go, St. D,o'iis and i.il parts of the Lurtcd ht.ies, (anada visiting her daughter, Mrs. F. J Lyon Mr. Langford is one of those rustling 411 Eurogie. Dor ia.es, in'o:iu..tion, e!c., apply tt agent, of this place. She arrived last Thurs- fellows that makes a good oitizeu in B'l'.nap. and will remain here this winter. any country, and Junction's loss will S. H. BviM'OfK, D. 0. Donne, day ' Trafhc Ciaei.'l Mania er Jianager. be Mexicos gain. D. A. Wai i.itcu, The editor left yesteiday for Salt Dassenpi r Agent. George Gongor of Euaery county, Lake, to be absent three days, leaving aud Ztlplia Bay of Junction left MARYSVALE MARKET REFORT. the grave responsibility of getting the Utah, for St. George Tuesday. They took We give helmv t.ie lou.l iM.nysvalet prices paper to press upon We, Ua & Co. with them a license aul tlie good will omient, bcsid upon iefni motion ecui'teously To save unnecessary trouble or mis of every one. On their return we exfru uishcrl at tho ilo:.e of the week by our local a:.U ihieis. Tho ipioLU Ions aiefoi .understanding, all changes for legal pect a free dance and supper. Three pr.utijg must be paid for before affida- cheers aud a tiger fur Mr. and Sirs. (RAIN vit of publication is njyrdo. $1 00 f.l 10 Outs V l.D Dsi Oongor. CO & Wheat iV Four thousand headof sheep went of the Dalton warden Henry Loney, 1,1 vk 8a 01 k here Tuesday, sold by James through mine, has been seriously ill of late, but Beef entile (V T, ctimati d lit) 2ffj of Circleville at $1.10 per Whittaker to as to be be able has so far recovered lk,estim:itid Hogs head. There is little need of say'ng EheepiV I'Ci.'l' about. fROVl I' N". ' that the contract was made prior to 20 . Clay ton Gannett of Belknap drove Jlidtei T'liich'... the election; otherwise it would not . 22 & into town the other day, as alto did iireui.iei'yl have been made at the price quoted, 10 Evg-- iT dozen)... Mrs. II. Bqdweek aud son of i.aeo'i M . as wool now shows an advance of $ 12', J Iks Tour ,?2 20 cents per pound. Mrs. Harry King and sou left yester If the election is Invalid, it is to day morning for a visit to the ladys the interest of elected as well as deLOCAL LACONICS. mother, Mrs. D,C. Thompson, at Rich-- I feated candidates to be finding it out, field. for on the legality of the election will $hoi;t items cf interest to the Vome DeWitt made a trip to Junct- depend their pay. If the election is PEOPLE HEREABOUT. ion last Wednesday on business with void, they would be acting without at Wheat aud ot.ts wai-lct- l the Roller Mill Co. of that place. authority, and consequently could T a .F. Young, live bueiueas man of claim no remuneralion for their serBishop Morrill of Junction drove in would be like Kingstou, paid The Pioneer a pleas vices. Tuelr authority Ihuisduy night. or God a without passions, parts ant visit Friday. Mr3. Joseph Fghtrt made a trip to Last Sunday there was chicken Call in and see the fine line of Monroe Thursday. killed and a firne dinner got up for one hats, and gloves at Reinheimers of Marysvales prominent youDg men; Leonard Starks ma le a trip to Richbut, beiDg a little late for dinner, the field lat Wednesday. CALLS FOR PROTEST. young man hied himself down to AtA new Miss Nordfurce, from The people of Marysvale and the torney Beebes, wbeye they enjoyed a is at the Stewart hotel. South are righteously indignant over bachelors dinner, much to the disapon the part of the R. G.W 11 .11. Locket of Belknap was uoliced an attempt pointment of the young lady, who was close the passage, by wagon to R.R.Co. in waiting. However, Arve got his amoi g our last weeks visitors. throogh Sevier canyon, by building a chicken for supper, and spent the reA postoffloe lias been established at strong fence to run atrightangles with mainder of the evening making Stale Line, Iron couuty, Utah. the railroad track. It seems to be the amends for his neglect. Go fo ReiuiieUiiers ami price his object of the company to fbroe the ship Rex. November 19. goods before you purchase elsewhere. mentof all freight from the Sevier valGIVE THANKS. Miaa Amelia Anderson of Monroe is ley and ail intermediate points to BelFollowing is the governors thanksfell. pping at the Lome of W. H. Lyon. knap, as by building this fence it closes the avenue of passage by team. It is giving proclamation : Superintendent Ferguson of the said that one persoD, desirous of goiDg The people of Utah, ever appro Crystal mine will start for Zion through, tore the fence down, and will ciatiye of the continued rich blessings suffer to the utmost whatever penalty of nature vouchsafed iu our glorious can. secure against him the Amelia Mbs Hodges passed through beforecompany the courts. The road through climate, in the fertility of our soil, and tlio Vais early yesteiday morning, en the canyon was traveled long before the treasures of hills, in au abundant Ionic to Josiph. the railroad company thought of com- yield as a return for our labors in the through, and it seems hardly prob- field, ou the ranges, in the mines and ing Ty attention to advertising jour able that a private corporation could manufactories, and profoundly gratebusiness, and your business will pay close it. Even if itcanbelegaliydouo. ful for the enlargement of our civil it should not. for the attention. rights in being admitted to the Union Ii.Tt to the wife of Ed Foisy, last as a sovereign tate, acknowledge "VeduefJay evthing, a boy. Mother M GET YOIR MONEYS WORTH! with reverence thg atid child doing well. that has been our us: Spd that we SALT LAKE HERALD t6 the may give properLexpresskm The local stock deuters say that Biggest, Brightest and Beat. gratitude of ourarts in such manner ti.irc L qu'.tJ a simulus in ihe sheep DAILY tlo 00 per annum, er as shall be mostJ'ljtting. i; dusrv sin?" election. 85c. per month. Therefore. I, Heber M. Wells, gov-ernJL2S ? Only Henry ltobmscn of Gunnison, aj of IheStateofUtab, in pursuance per year, or 75o. for t month a. Subscribe through local agent jfti.ci: buyer, was t Trough last Week, of law and in conformity with the or send direct to I'ickDg up t'6 surplus stock. THE HERALD CO., proclamation of 'the President of the Salt Lake City, Utah. United States designating Thursday, G"ii Eli H. Murray, governor of! U r f it o mo t.. is&7, u:.a ur Bowl- November 2Gth( as a day of thanks (Ine.Tut Nov. , li'es at Rilknap. fiom i, Tl.i,-11-- y, -- -t vKi'-eia- . ! i ( 1 ) 1 (AAA AAAAAAS2i4 SEMI-WEEKL- - er A IMPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice No. 2H4 I United States land Office. salt Lake City, Utah. ( October FURNITURE AND HARDWARE CO. S'.. Keep on hand tho largest stock of all kinds, of Furniture, Carpets, Wall Paper, Linoleum . and 1313 linear feet respectively 'thereof and surface ground as shovyn on tlio (fiat posted ou the claim, being survey no. 3273 and situated in the Ohio Mining District, l'iote Comity visit, and described tu the field notes and plat of the ofltelal survey on file In this otfiee, with magnetic variation of lfi deg. 20 min. East fis follows at corner Jv'q. 1 of the Hidden Treasure and running Thence South 16 deg. East 1QOO feot to 1431 ' 5 .Pictures andFrames, Bedroom Sets andBaby' Carriages. Also all kinds of hardware front a carpet tack to a steel range. Also Paints Oils, Windows and Doors. S.. eHA. 13, IStxi. Notice is hereby given that the Gold Belt Mining 3U1 Milling Company a corporation existing under and by virtue of the laws of the Stato of Utah, by J. J. HteWartTrestdent amt authorized agent, whose residence and post office addrcM is Sait Lake City Utah, has made application for a United States (latent for the Hidden Treasure, Gold Belt, Gold Belt EJ: tension and Giles, roil solid:' ted mining claim,' Consisting of 1319.7, 1500, fh Proprietor, ELSINORE, UTAH. : Everybody Knows OSTLUND . - -- & J. TnAT CO. BELL DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES, Clothing, Wagons and Machinery Thence South 16 aeg. corner No.2 30 min. East 323 feet to cornfer No. 3 Cheaper than any other store In the county. Also good hotel accommodations. Theuco South C6deg.4S miu. West 297.4 feet to corner No.4. Thence North 29 $ West 1320 feet to corner deg. 18 min. ' No 5 Thence North 66 deg.45 miu. East 600 fef t to corner No.l the place Commencing at ufbegiuniug. No.l of the Gold Belt, which Is The largest capacity of any mill in.the State, identical with corner No.l of the Gold :o: Belt Extension, and running Manufactures!: 600 to 88 feet Thence North deg, West corner No'.2, which is identical with Lumber, Lath and Mouldings. corner No.2 of the Gold Belt Extension. Thence North 10 deg.16 min. East 1500 eet to oorner No.3, which is identical with corner No.3 of the Giles. Thence XO WAITING FOR ORDERS AT MILL . South 88 deg. East 578.4 feet to corner 1 O. Address : ;o; No.4. Thence South 29deg,16 min. East 23.6 feet to corner No.5, Thence South 10 deg.16 min.West 1471 feet to H. VAN, MARTIN, LOCAL AGENT, Marysvale. ' corner No 1 the place of beginning. Commencing at corner No.l of the Gold Belt Extension, which is identical with corner No.l of 'jo Gold Belt. Thence North 88 deg. West Have just received a carload of 6u0 feet to corner No.2 which is identiall kinds of cal with corner No.2 of the Gold Belt. Thence South 23 deg. East 1434 feet to corner No.3. Tbepce South 88 deg. East 600 feet to corner No.4. Thence North 23 deg, West 1434 feet to corner No.l the place of beginning.Cormnenc. & log at corner No.l of the Giles and Our Stook U the Thence South 10 deg. 16 running min. West 840 feet to corner No.2 Thence North 88 deg.West 130 feet to corner No 8 which is identical with corner No.3 of the Gold Belt. Thence South 10 deg.16 min. AVest 525 feet to , corner No.4 Thence North 88 deg. West 470 feet to corner No.5 Thence North 10 d(g 16 mic. East 1365 feet to Thence South 88 deg. corner No.6 East COO feet to oorner No.l, the place or beginning The discovery points of each of said lodes embraced in said consolidated claim being shown on the plat posted on the claim and DLALEBS IN- filed with the application for patent. From corner No.l of the Hidden Treasure, U. 8. M.M. No.l bears North 7 1 deg. 19 min.West 3937.4 feet distant. From corner No.l of the Gold Beit, -which ie identical with corner No.l of the Gold Belt Extension, U.S.M.M.No. CARRY A FULL LINE OF 1 bears North 1 djg.51 min. East 5812 .3 feet distant. From corner No.l oflhe Giles, TJ.S.M.M AND A LARGE STOCK OFS No.l bears North 3 deg.57 min. East 3500. 2 feet distant. Meats-anSaid consolidated mining claim con- Fresh Groceries I tains a total area of 63.884 acres, all of attention given to the Mining Trade and Mail.- -; Utah Tropic Lumber Company: : X21siuoxc, cor-n- tr -- ITOrders by mail carefully attended tq. GarAeld Co, Tropic, TJta.li BOLITHO & LEWIS' l$ano3 Oast RnngeSj Cooking Heating Stoye$ Largest and the Lowest in Price in Richfield, " F. J. Bolitho & Lewis LYON & GO -- General Merchandise i MINERS SUPPLIES, Boots, Shoes, Hats and Dry GoodL d jrBpecail Orderly Fruit: Zi |