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Show PAROWAN TIMES, Parovvan, Utah March 17, 1960 Special Stockholders Meeting Slated By So. by IRAS JONES Jas. A. Mortensen spent, brothers and one sister & Relief Societys Birthday grandfather II.B. Robinson o' last weekend in Las Vegas was observed Tue.afternoon Paragonah. visiting his daughter who in the Paragonah Ward. teaches school there. Theme was the review of Mr. & Mrs. Carlyle Mitchthe 50s decade in words, ell of Cedar City visited W. J. Lowder is visiting song and dance and a fore-ca- s here and had Sunday dinner with his daughter and of events for the 60s. Mr. and Mrs. Ray with Mr. and Mrs. D. Amasa Too numerous to mention Stones. Robinson and family in Fillwere those taking part. more this week. At he close of the proMr. and Mrs. Marion gram refreshments were Englestead of St. George Mr. and Mrs. Connell served by the Relief Society were week end visitors at Mitchell of Ogden were rePresidency. cent visitors here. the Howard Jones home. Committee in charge of the program was Carmen Spencer Adams is here Topham, Idella Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Art Lowder spending some time with his Hazel Jean Robinson and of Long Beach California are parents Mr. and Mrs. Ancil Lula Bastian. Adams. visiting here relatives and He is attending school at friends. They are also taking Guardsman Eugene Robb in the State B Basketball the USU in Logan. and Eugene Boardman de- Tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart parted from here early Mo n are down from Logan for IIilI Air Force of A. P. Mrs. morning Ballenger Base. From there they, along Ogden stoped here a day last spending some time with with more than 300 other week to visit with her their parents the Harvey and the James A. So. Utah National Guards- mother Mrs. Luella Adams. Mercers. men were transported in a C121 transports to the train ing area at Salinas on the south Coast of Puerto Rico. Here hey will be trained for 15 days, then they will 3 son-in-la- . A-da- return home March Interest 26. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Lund came down from Springville get their belongings as they will live in Springville where Mr. Lund has em Range Forage Yields A special meeting of th stockholders of South' ,n Utah Dairy Co. has been Forage yield can be greatcalled for Monday night, ly increased by controlling March 28, according to the juniper on rangelands reBoard of Directors. ports Dr. John F. Vallen-tinExtension Range SpecPurpose of the meeting is ialist. Herbage yields for dom to discuss the possibility of estic livestock are inversely leasing the business.. related to the number of All membets of the p juniper trees per acre. Juniare urged to be in per not only reduces grazing capacity but also increases costs of handling livestock and is poorer than most plants in the control of soil erosion. e, co-o- LET US FILE yOURSAW on our New Foley AUTOMATIC SAW FILER cut Theyll like mw when ourjC I filed on precision machine. In a few minutes have you'll aws that cut cleaner, truer, faster. Bring your saws in today youll like our speedy service. W. SCOTT MITCHELL and it's to Utqh Dairy Tree Removal Increases is well adapted method where trees are mature on with areas range large smooth terrain. Burning individual trees tractor or pickup mounted propane burner, was compared with doling by the Rocky Mountiai Station. The cost of clearing sparse stands (50 trees per acre) of small trees was $3.67 when dozed but only $1.97 per acre when burned. for both methods was a Cost In eastern Arizona, the bout $11.75 per acre for Rocky Mountain Forest and dense stands (150 per acre) Range Experiment Station of predominantly large trees. studied herbage yields on 6 reHand chopping is much study areas following moval of juniper clearing to more thorough than cabling ON almost 700 pounds per acre but costs considerably more 10 years later. This increase Hand chopping is advantagwas made possible by gbod eous over cabling and dozrange management following ing (1) in being better adapt clearing. ed to rough terrain, (2) in NEW, LOWER LONG DISTANCE RATES Now, for only $1.75 or less, you Utahs junipers, being non taking advantage of or cheap labor, and (3) can call onywhere in the country, are killed sprouting, readily of posts except Alaska or Hawaii, and talk by burning, cabling, tyylldoz making salvage for three wondeifu! minutes ot the rate or ing, and hand chopping. Cab possible. nighttime on Sunday (plus federal excise tax). No chemicals are recommling is 'effected by dragging heavy anchor chain behind ended at present for wide- Mountain States Telephone two cats travelling in para- spread use in controlling .71 llel directions at an average juniper. cost of $2.50 per acre. This wih a THE ROAD? I off-seas- station-to-stotio- Guaranteed! ployment. Mrs. Rex Prothero from California is here visiting her sister Mrs. Cliffton Stones and brother Blaine Jones and other relatives. We pay interest for each full month on posits made by the 1 0th. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Robb and family of Cedar City visited here over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Robb. AT de- That's the nice thing about saving your mbney with us. It earns the highest rate a Federally insured bank is allowed to pay. It's available the moment you need it . . . every cent. It's insured up to $10,000. by an agency of the U. S. Government. On the basis of earnings, safety and availability you're wise to saye in a bank. Mr and Mrs. Burgis Robin son spent Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Aunt Olive Edwards has moved Lome, she has been in Cedar with her son and family Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Edwards. Mr. and Mrs. William T. the Davenport announce arrival of a new granddaughter to Bishop and Mrs. Victor R. Robinson of Price. The little Miss was welcomed at the home by parents & MARCH 18 to eec We invite you ail 'J wagon wonders and 19, 1960 Roast Beef Hash Bank Of Iron County r?j 4 it 1 CUDAHY'S 15 1- oz. -2 at our CUDAHY'S 15 Hurry Hurry! Hurry! Americas Wagon Specialists bring you the greatest choice of wagons ever assembled under one roof! ' v- iTimm r i ' min Come sec the greatest wagon show in the world ! Seven wagons, each one a wonder I For instance, the new Falcon Wagon with loadspace over 7 feet long, and priced up i $154 under other compact uagons ! Or if you want full size at lowest price, see the Ford Ranch Wagon! Want. tbt worlds most elegant wagon? Check the high style of the Ford Country Squire ! BoJd oa manvfoctufrt' $vggi4 f rtfot qurppd ' prrcas f Lux Hand Soap - - "Jubilee Paek" 5 Bars with 4 free combs oz. Del Monte All for 49c Frozen Orange Juice PASCO 6 oz. 4 for 69c SEDAN FORDO FALCON WAGON IXDl V Join , ikTbrty! See the worlds greatest choice of wonderful wag-- . and uKndert . m FORD WAGON WONDERLAND THORLEY M TOR CO. Used Cars and Trucks Only Ford Dealers Sell fl-- 1 18 South f.lain Cedar City, Utah Drink it 3 for 79c Dutch Double WAGON COUNTRY Pineapple-Grapefru- 46 oz. 'evil Food C WAGON SANCH -2 compcro? SEE ' 1- Pillsbury Cake Mixes 9 1- -2 oz. 2 for 25c . buy! ,,, if t! it (o) If SPRY 69c |