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Show i.icrc.Xili.-iii1-- s-- . VOLUME FO&TY FOUR A 1 JP lie lt b vc. Corp. City PAROWAN TIMES, Parowan, Utah March 17, 1960 Forewarn - NUMBER EIGHT itais Win Sffate erfli EigMi Time; Company Slots For the eighth consecutive 9 with 4.60 crew, the score to year the Parowan Rams have ed the North Summit hit comeback Braves The their to left then play. staged secured a berth m he Utah all went a was and field when it .shot Clark, Kenyon State Class B basketball North The tied a one-mat on spree scoring up tourney.. This year their berth was to pull the Rams chestnuts Summit boys jumped the score to 1 with only 2.60 secured only after winning out of the fire. 4:10 minutes left on the clock. Clark made With only from Beaver by a squeaker in another field goal lor the third the to left of score play Monday night by a quarter, North Summit was Rams and .Deimis Lowder tied it up agair at They entered the state leading contest as the third place From then on Parowan During the next four minteam from Region Ten and utes took and held the lead with Clark hit two foul pitchthe sixteenth and last team es and five field and Lowder each scorClark Dean to be registered in the state Brown added twogoals. foul shots ing three points to bring the meeet now in progress at and Parowans score went Rams score to 61. With only Provo. from 22 to 42 points. Glen seven seconds left to play field In Wednesdays play the Brown, of North Summit the Braves got another score final their goal making the for made the only points Rams staged a spectacular 57. fcomebadk midway in the Braves during this period third quarter to pick up a and the quarter ended with The Rams scoring was as 2 score with the North follows: 13 point deficit and win l Lowder, 11; Clark from North Summit by a Summit team on top where 25; Bettridge, 6; Smith 5; ? e. they stayed until the score Brown, 9; Rowley 2; and first two and a was tied at 49 all. Clark hit Robinson 3. s Parowan trail two foul pitches and brought THURSDAY id t the Rams tangled with the Bulldogs from Gunnison and upset them by a 0 score after they had beaten Uintah in Wednesdays play. Ronald Smith sparked the Rams agains the Dogs and before the final gun, had garnered himself 21 points. Kenyon Clark of the Rams scored the crucial six points during the final eight minutes of the game and directed Pa rowans efforts to hold the Gunnison teams try for a r alley. Smith dropped in a field goal and in the last few seconds of the game 51-4- 51-5- an Arthur Nelson 1. Ex-Iro- 55-5- 57-5- 5. 55-5- 34-2- 2. - Sheriff n j Succumbs 5. .... Front row, left to right - Coach John Wood, Larry Rowley Parowan Rams row Kenyon Clark, Ronald Smith, Jimmy Lamoreaux, Max Robinson,-2nDean Brown, Roger Burt, Clifford back David row; Joseph, Douglas Lister, Not pictured Dennis Lowder. Mortenson, Kenneth Bettridge. d 44-4- -- 61-5- -- Gardners Head Iron Zi More than 300 students Four Parowan High School from the region participated girls won first place ratings Appointed To Arthur Nelson served at the Region Ten solo and ensemble music festival at Delta last Thursday. Winners were all vocalists and included Deanna Evans and Winon Holyoak both sang solos, and Kathy Neilson and Pamela Mitchell sang a duet. There were many other PHS students who participat ed including instrumentalists 10 Iron Co. Sheriff. years. Arthur Nelson, 72 former Iron County Sheriff died at Monday night following sur-th- e Iron County hospital late Mr. Nelson served for 10 years as Iron Co. sheriff, prior to his retirement Jan. 1, 1959. He began his career in law f 35-3- ELECTED TO the State Centeral Committee were Graham McDonald and Mrs. Gwen City. 64-6- 0. j Beal, both of Cedar three delegates A. B. Matheson and D. Wat-- 1 son Adams. Trustan Hart of DcrifTn 0N as New Castle was named Registration of children the del(ate at lar in Iron County who will From Cedar City were: start kindergarten this year Walter K. Granger, Leonard will be held on March 23 and 25. Smith, Clark Mathews, To be eligible a child must ron Ashcroft, Otto Fife, men Gardner, Orville Isom be five years old by October and Clarence E. Miller. 31, 1960; must have a birth GUEST SPEAKERS at the certificate or church record; convention were William G. record of immunization and Bruhn candidate for Repre a list of diseases the child sentative from the First Con has already had accoiung gressional District of Utah. to school officials. Tny chTld 'that is unable to be registered on the dates set must be registered with ton, Lehi, a candidate for the secretary of the school the Democratic nomination he will attend. for secretary of state. Registration at the Psro- Also speaking were repre-- j wan school will be on March mtatives for Jonzo Hop- - 25, between 2:30 and 5 p m. Ror.-neAt Cedar schools the sched State Chairman kins, Sheldon R. Brewstei :..J Mrs. Jex also an official and William Barlocker, can- - ules are as follows: South J didates for , Elementary, March 23, from1 in the state organization. governor. ,Tventy to the state convention were also elected and include: W. FROM5 PAROWAN, Clair Rowley, J. Harold Leonard Evans, Mitchell, and E. Ray Lyman. William Boardman was elected from Richard Nelson Enoch and Gordon Knell and Bryner Wood of Beryl. CEDAR CITY delegates were H. H. Lunt, William Thorley, Mrs. Lewis Webster Mrs. Pat Fenton, J. M. Am- end, Marvtin Jones, Lorin Hershi, Dr. John Beal, Glen Kenney, Pace Webster, Orson Haight, Keith Midgley, Russell Sevy, and I. E. Riddle. SPECIAL SPEAKERS at the meeting were Vernon Houchen, Oct. ' j 11, 1910. The marriage was later solemnin the St. George LDS ised Linda Knight, J, Temple. Thew were the par- out'.Hhig ents of. four childrn one of awarcje(j first 1 a i I ' j Ku-fro- m I , was to Pacific Utilities granted for the distribution of natural gas in the county if and when gas is piped into the R. Adams. area. They were also grantSubject for all the essays ed a y to cross was: Jobs for the Handiowned lands in north county t o ern Iron capped . . . Passports County with a powDignity. er line. Purpose of the contest was HOWARD JOSEPH, Paro-wan- s to aeqaint young people with Mayor met with the problems of handicapped commission to find out if persons in securing employ they would cooperate with ment and to show that dis- Parowan in constructing exabled persons, when select- hibit buildings at the City ively placed are dependable, race track grounds. efficent employes. The commission asked for a detailed plan of the proLinda is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard D posed impprovements beKnight of Parowan. She ex- fore commiting themselves. Clek W. Clair Rowley re- pects to attend Bhigham Young University next year ported that a school lor with study emphasis in Eng- County officials would be held here on March 29. lish and dramatic arts. The school will be given Miss Knight also has won by State officials and mema previous contest sponsored bers of the State Tax,' State by the American Legion. She Road Commissions and the is Editor of the school newsUniversity of Utah. EARL JOHNSON district paper and has been active in the schools vocal music pro- engineer for the State Road gram. Commission discussed the Winners of state essay contraversy over the closing of a railroad right of way comptition will participate at Modena as well as a flood in a- days activities in Salt structure control at Kanarra. Salt Lake City in early May at which rne prizes and Members of the County Com mission were to with scholarships will be awarded State Road officialsmeet on Wed. Miss Knights essay will be forwarded to Washington, to discuss these two matD.C. where it will be entered ters further. A use permit to cross For in national competition. est lands with the Yankee Miss Knight received as Reservoir Panguitch Lake her prize a years scholarship road was sent to he coma $50 war bond and an all mission by the Forest Serexpense paid trip to Washing vice. This road will be carrton, D C. in the early part of ied on the Forest inventory as No. 331. May. . 62-6- 0. ary-treasurer. A GAS FRANCHISE right-of-wa- 60-5- Es-pl- in to ion. re-Ir- secret- Monday nt 6) who will serve as Commissioner State Essay Competition 50-4- 3. j High School. Linda Knight Wins In 18-1- 7. Robert L. Gardner, former County Attorney was named chairman of the Iron County Republican party at convention held her last Saturday night. Hu takes the helm from Dr. John Beal a Cedar City Dentist. Named to serve with him was Mrs. W. Clair Rowley, who was reelected vice chairwomen, and Doris in the annual event. Divisions and judges were; piano, Maughan McCurdie, BYU; vocal, Elvis Terry, BY Gordon Moyle, prominent U;brass, Melvin Billings, Dix on High School, Provo; and Beryl farmer and civic leadwoodwind, Wes Parry, Orem er was appointed Iron Co. Chairman of the event fill the unexpired term of was Richard C.. Long, music Myron F. Higbee who resign ed Feb. 29, on account of instructor at Delta High. none however, were given ill health. the superior rating. Mr and Mrs. Meeks DalMoyle will serve until the If the remainder of the ton are home after having endo of this year. He was selist of participants is avail-spe- spent four mounths in So. lected fro ma list of six who able it will be published in Calof. with members of their were approved by the Counthe next issue, ty Republican Party as elifamily. gible for appointment. The appointment of Moyle gives the Escalante Valley area their first official representative on the commiss- enforcement work in 1914 6unk two foul shots to give as Cedar City marshal. He two years on the Los the Rams their victory. Angeles police force and ser-- 1 At the end of' the first ved under eight Iron and quarter Gunnison lead by Beaver sheriffs .before he one point, At the half! became sheriff of Iron Co. i they still held a 4 lead,! During his many years in but by the time the third work Mr. law perion had ended, Parowan Nelsonenforcement wide rehas gained had changed this and lead In the final period spect among law enforceGunnison cut the margin ment officers and citizens GARDNER to three points (59-5with alike. He was always proud 1.30 minutes left in the ball of the fact that during his Kumen Gardner was Gunnison got a field long career in law work, he gifted chairman of the Iron game. 57 seconds left in had never been shot at nor v with 0QUnty Democratic Party at goal and the the score stood had to shoot a man in the game a convention of party dele-- a 8 for Parowan. Smith of performance of his duties. gaes here Tuesday night. Parowan dunked another He was sheriff during the ALSO REELECTED were 2 pointer but Gunnison got Braasch and Sullivan case Mrs. Carol Wright as viceanother one and left which lasted seven chairwoman, Clarence Miller the scorequick years in at The ball Utah courts before the' two Treasurer and Orville Isom was stolen from the Rams were finally shot by a firing Secretary. and the shot by Gunnison at the Utah State 'pri- squad Besides a party reorgani- rolled off the rim, no good. Dunng his lifetime, Mr. zation,, delegates to the state In the ensuing scramble for Nelson has taken' an active convention were named, in- the ball Smith was fouled. part in civic, church and pocluding three members from He sunk both shots making litical affairs. ' Parowan, one from the coun- the score i He was born Oct. 2, 1887 ty at large and eight from Cedar City. IRON COUNTY SETS in Cedar City a son of Peter j . i Albert and Agnes Maine from DELEGATES Were: Urie Nelson. He married Iva KINDERGARTEN Mrs. Carol Wright Parowan, j ROBERT L. GARDNER Gordon Moyle 64-6- County Political Parties j Win Music Honors Parowan - has been place honors which' a son olig as pre- - jn a stae wjde essay contest. ceeded him in death by only The contest, sponsored by eight weeks. the Governors Committee Survivors are besides his on Employment of the Physi widow are: sons, LuDean, cally Handicapped, attracted William. Albert, Arthur T. hundreds of junior & senior students of 15 Utah high three great grandchildren; schools. b"he" and "e srister- Other state Albert U., George T., Louis essay contest Darviru, NIiHand. a!l f winners are Barbara Holt, ar . and Charles Davis High School, second race Rosemary Newman, Ber- - place; San ?nneau, St. Mary of the Wasatch, 3rd lfnar lno place; LeRoy Searle, Granger ' ' ' " High School, fourth place, 1 till 5 Dm in the main hal;: and Daniel Johnson, Davis! North Elementary, March 24 Dje from 1 to 5 p. m. in the main pr,gh Daniel is the son of Mr. & hall. East Elementary, Mar. 24. 1 till 5 pm. in. the nurses Mrs. Morris R. Johnson and the grandson of Mrs. Luella office. (Ted); eleven-grandchildre- - - (- -a - ' j - J i I |