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Show PAROWAN TIMES, Parowan, Utah March 17, 1'JCO r Pa rowan City Corporation Financial Statement For The Year 1959 anrtljHi pH BALANCE FUND Unexpended General Fund Dec. 31, 1959 $ 4,302.95 165.77 : Electrc Income Fund Electric Operating and Maintenance Fund Electric Bond and Interest Fund Rev. Electric Bond and Interest Fund; G. O. Electric Note and Certif. Ret. Fund Electric Dep. and Imp. Fund Wetreworks Income Fund Waterworks Operating and Maintenance Fund. Waterworks Bond and Interest Fund Waterworks Development Fund Special Road Fund Recreation Fund Cemetery Perpetual Care Fund .00 Invested in U.S. Savings Bonds Electric Reserve Fund during 1959 $10,000.00 Electric Reserve Fund Invested in U.S. Savings Bonds Electric Reserve Fund Invested in Parowan City Electric Facilities ONE MAN SHOW 858.10 2,341.92 468.80 6,360.30 1,027.19 681.04 416.93 5 ' R- 0 fiw SHAEFFER was THE MAN VAUDEVILLE J-SnO- n wmstcry. he performed ALONE for SO MW7ES - JUGOL IMS, SHOOTING AT TARGETS, PERFORM- NS FEATS OF MAG!G, PLAYING VIS YOLA- - AD LIFTING WEIGHTS 'Ms ACS (6 a b ' very TIME YOU BREATHE YOU WHALE 000,000,000, 000,00,00 ' . ATOMS t 20,000.00 OMETHING THENEW Certificates during 1959 5,000.00 PIANO LESSONS: Begin-ner- s. or advanced students. 'Cjl fXTKA fOR YOU TOO, EARNING 3avos Phone 3951, Parowan - YOUR OLD mere you WORK, VHGS BOND s the best ever SERIES BAND H BONDS ARE IMPROVED llV 70 MA7VR,T' SMALL HOME: For sale or rent. Carpeted floors, Gas heat, carport. Phone 2131 or 3911, Parowan. 'l i EXTRA YOUNG MEN WANTED to 30 Young Men Wanted 17 to 30 for Railroad Telegraph-Teley p e operators. Starting FOR SALE: GATES TIRES 1 - BW 8.00 x 14: 1 - BW 7.40 x 14; 1 - BW 6.70 x 15; and 1 B 6.70 x 15. All new tires at a bargain. See Wood Decker, Parowan, Utah 17 $46,861.63 Total I will not be responsible for any debts except those incurred by myself, W. Boyde Orton ' HOW MANY?? :S:V,---N 20,000.00 Parowan City Perpetual Care fund $ 5,000.00 Total invested in Parowan City Electric Facilities Certificates Parowan City Perputual Care Fund Cemetary sr! 'Sgv .00 409.32 3,996.81 832.50 $ 21,861.63 TOTAL FUND BALANCE DECEMBER 31, 1959 HELP WANTED: woman to learn to operate ' linotype. Must be able to work the first three day of the week to start. Should have good knowlege of English and punctuation. Typing not necessary. Only those interested in permanent employment need apply. Wages commensurate with your ability. Well train you at our expense. Call 4001, Parowan Times. -t RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS GENERAL FUND: salary to $400 a month plus overtime. Benefits include Receipts Disbursements 160.50 retirement, $ hospitalization, Building Permit Fees Collected free transportation, 158.50 $ paid Building Permits Fees Paid to Inspector vacation. Small tuition-shoELECTRIC OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE FUND: Burial Fees and Sale of Cemetary lots 373.00 training. For personal interAssesment 1,346.50 Funds Transferred from Cemetary Receipts-Speciview, send name, age, ad75.00 Electric Income Fund $28,623.96 Cemetary Receipts Int. on Investment dress, 329.08 & phone t o Parowan Collected of Taxes Maintenance Electric System 29,956.54 Operation City Auditor Fund Times. 19.80 of Sale Memorial Fund and Ilalls supplies City RAWLEIGH BUSINESS NOW OPEN in Iron & Beaver Co. Trade well established. Excellent opportunity. Full Time. Write at once. Rawleighs. Dept. UTA . 261 189, Denver Colo. rt al Taxes Collected City Park Fund Taxes Collected Dog Taxes Collected Fines & Forfeitures Collected Fire Department Receipts from Iron County - County Fires General Fund Taxes Collected Public Library Fund Taxes Collected 1,316.40 Funds Transferred from E1ectric Income Fund Improvements and Extensions Social Security on Labor Library Receipts From Library for Librarians Salary Totals Totals ELECTRIC DEPRECIATION FOR $29,956.54 $28,643.76 & IMPROVEMENT 25.00 FUND: 4,800.00 Paid 305.00 $30,305.00 -- Assessing & Collecting Taxes Funeral & Cemetary Expenses City Building Maintenance : Refund on supples 13.72 163.00 642.32 10.79 296.33 1,196.11 50.00 1,105.28 City Dump Expenses City Park Expenses Dog tax collection expenses Election Expenses Fire Department Expenses Bond Premiums Group Insurance Premiums Refunded by Library Board 67.68 for Librarians Insurance Insurance; Fire, Liability, etc. .Refunded by Library Board for 87.07 Bldg, and Boiler Insurance Industrial Insurance Refunded by Library Board for Librarians Industrial Insurance 30.92 Refunded by State Industrial Comm. 121.48 Interest on General Fund Tax Anticipation Note Irrigation Expense Supplies and Repairs Public Health Department Expenses turned to Pubjic Library-Fund- s Library Board Ger. Taxes Col. Electricity used by Public Library Public Library-LibrariaSalary Police Department Expenses Municipal Court Expenses Miscellaneous Expenses-GenerFund Dues Municipal League Official Salaries Office Supplies and Expenses Refund on Publishing Gas Ordinance 46.50 Audit Social Security Payments to State Agency Refund by Library Board on 49.50 Librarians Social Security and Materials Streets and Sidewals-Labo- r 60.00 Damake claims paid to City of Iron County General Fund Note Paid-Ban- k Jail-Labo- r. ns al $37,837.09 Obligation Bonds Electric Bonds Redeemed General Obligation Totals Note-Wheel- d er Note-Wheel- er $ 3,109.06 3,821.06, 73.72 '516.99 3,304.07 Projects Machinery Machinery $ - 3,821.06 - Life - Automobile (FARM BUREAU INS,! FIRE , See A. Hills Orion Faroe I Is tVSlowe 1,931.56 , 20.90 $ 1,952.46 ABSTRACTERS LICENSED ,4 : Affiliated with TITLE CO. ; . ' SECURITY Ulfice at Court Boose, Parswai For the Best' In All Kinds Of INSURANCE LIFE - AUTOMOBILE FIRE SURETY BONDS -- See CLAIR ROWLEY W. 43.02 200.04 1,211.03 94.63 1,980.00 4,436.43 240.C0 134.39 58.20 4.00 A treasure chest 99.50 The rugged canyon country in northeastern Utah, a spectacular attraction, it 44.50 750.00 1.727.00 Funds Transferred to Waterworks Operating Sc Maint. Fund Funds Transferred to General Fund Funds Transferred to Waterworks Development Fund Totals of ancient fossils 91.00 14,119-0- 6.500.00 from 4.500.00 2.859.06 Utahs wonderful past 15,677.06 $15,017.05 WATERWORKS OPERATING & MAINTENANCE FUND: Funds Transferred from $ 6,500.00 Waterworks Income Fund Plant & of Maintenance Waterworks Operation 25.00 367.50 Miscellaneous Refunds overshadowed only by the remarkable : dinosaur quarry there. Great numbers' of ' fossils have bt 'n excavated in this area-m- ore than in any other place in the world. This fascinating region is preserved as Dinosaur National Monument. Bones representing eleven species of dinosaurs, including 23 complete, or skeletons, have been yielded from this graveyard. Some fossils can still be seen embedded in rock ledge. Throughout the entire colorful atate of Utah, the U. S. Brewers Foundation works constantly to maintain the sale of beer " and ale under clean, wholesome condition. 437.78 6,369.31 779.72 Totals $ 6,525.00 $ 6,369.31 3,438.85 WATERWORKS BOND AND INTEREST FUND: Funds Transferred from 9,000.00 Waterworks Income Fund Waterworks Bond Interest Paid $37,266.62 Waterworks Bonds Redeemed Totals $1,727.00 285.00 1,400.00 $ 1.727.00 BEER and ALE $ 1.630.00 WATERWORKS DEVELOPMENT rUND: Interest on Note - Bank of Iron County 465.00 Payment on Note - Bank of Iron County 1,207.18 Funds Transferred from HSs $ 109.06 3,000.00 WATER VELLS! FOR NEW CONTACT FLOYD HASTINGS HURRICANE, UTAH ALL WORK GUARANTEED SPARE TIME MONTHLY . . . zAmeidoecA Refilling and collecting money from our high grade candy, nuts and gum machines in this area. No selling! To have car, references, $6Qp, to $1900. cash. Secured by inventory. Devoting 7 hours qualify for worx you must a week to business your end qf percentages of collections will net up to $400. month, ly with very good possibilities of taking over full time. Income increasing according, ly . For interview include phone,, wrbe P.O. Box 1055, . Boise, Idaho. i LOW PRICES $400.00 3.824.88 ;, INSURANCE $4,550.00 CEMETARY PERPETUAL CARE FUND: Receipts - Perpetual Care ELECTRIC NOTE & CERTIFICATE RETIREMENT FUND Paid on Cemetary Lots 5,436.85 Invested in Parowan City Funds Transferred from Electric Facilities Certificates $12,600.00 Electric Income Fund 5,000.00 Electric Note & Certificate 3. 590. 00. Totals . $ 5,436.85 Retirement Fund Interev. Paid .$ 5,000.00 8.000.- 00 Thomas C. Adams note Paid 4,000.00 Funds Transferred to General Fund PAROWAN CITY CORPORATION Verda E. Adams $15,590.00 $12,600.00 Totals Parowan City Recorder WATERWORKS INCOME FUND: Water Connections - Fees paid Customers Deposits Collected 674.90 Wate. works Water Deposits Refunded Waterworks Revenue Miscellaneous Waterwork Receipts Water Tapping Fees Paid 209.44 Funds Transferred to 1,562.22 Water Bond and Interest Fund BfiSHBRSBRSESSS COMPLETE COVERAGE IN $ 3,894.78 $4,506.84 Receipts Disbursements 30.00 670.00 Materials-Roa- AT OUR PIT OR DELIVER. ED EACH WEDNESDAY. CALL NORMAN DAY 2286 or 2663 1.232.93 ELECTRIC INCOME FUND: $ spECIAL RQAD FUND; Allocation of License Plate Fund RECREATION FUND: 16,000.00 Recreation Fund Taxes Collected $ 493.60 Recreation Funds Received v $36,025.00 From Iron County Recreation Funds Received V. Recreation Funds Received From Iron County Schools Iron County Fair Board Sale of Recreation Supplies Recreation Fund Expenses - 1. 2,000.00 Labor and Supplies Recreation Fund Social Security Paid 550.00 2,000.00 Totals $ 4,596.80 FUND-GENE- 15.00 162.22 2,187.05 1,318.56 No. 27s $ 2,859.06 9,910.00 fotals 115.00 Funds transferred from Electric Income Fund 2,000.00 Funds transferred to General Fund Electric Bonds Interest Paid General Advertising Connecting Fees Electric Power Deposits Paid Electric Power Deposits Refunded Sales Tax aid 30,000.000 ELECTRIC BOND AND INTEREST RAL OBLIGATION: Fund taxes collected $2,506.84 DISBURSEMENTS: 1 Payment on Bonds Redeemed Funds Transferred from Waterworks Income Fund Funds Transferred from Electric Income Fund Totals $2,996.34 ELECTRIC BOND & INTEREST FUND REVENUE: Labor and Funds Invested in U.S. Savings Bond $10,000.00 Interest on Totals RUSSET POTATOES 2,859.06 Totals st 10.50 y Waterworks Income Fund $4,800.00 Funds Transferred from Electric Income Fund Electric Bond and Interest-IntereCollection expenses Interest on U.S. Savings Bonds Fund-Miscellaneo- us Apartment-completl- furnished including: Heat and hot water; centerally located - Call 3461 -- Merchants Licenses Collected Refund on Merchants License. - Pool Public Saftey Fund Taxes Collected Irrigation Fund Taxes Collected Rentals Received, City Building State Liquor Control Funds Received 2,112.18 Streets and Sidewalks 3,291.05 Fund Taxes Collected General Receipts 406.67 318.45 Equipment Rental r rental on Expsnses-Laboequipment Funds Transferred !rom Electric Bond and Interest Fund 2,000.00 Eunds Transferred from Electric Note & Certificate Fund RENT: , |