OCR Text |
Show hl f ' ..' ..vs C.c. W'-- wvA '. .4" - & . fr -- -'i- v M'V-f";- . : - ,' 8 ', ' ' s ,.; , ; , ' '' H"--- , ,x , fV-V.-.- IvVVfy4 -4 e- ' ' Au; ' ? . . a - JLmm N. CLAWSON to Congress. This little story comes to have no reduction of the surplus. Let the tipoch from a highly trustworthy politicians dare to reduce it before they Manufacturer of Mr. Elliot Willden of Beaver, while on source in Washington. It Mr. Cleveland believed that the pay us all they promised, and there will his way to Salt Lake City yesterday, paid in 1892. We can create and us a very pleasant visit. He was one of message would defeat him, he had no be music Mr. Clawson is prepared to manufac' we can destroy! Committee Haroor it. write A man be the Inter-Stat- e ture Boots and Shoes in any style and Deep justifimay right to We we alone elected Benjamin and guarantees FIRST CLASS WORK. All who visited Texas last month tor the ed in the commission of suicide, but not cm a congress solely and aloire, kinds of repairing neatly done. Prices Republican of of considering the propriety to murder his friends at the same time,V purpose reasonable. Second door North of Bank, co harbors He could have written a message :iv not that they may tinker with tariff or Nephi, water constructing deep 40 tf. with words make their that but mouths, on the coast of Texas to facilitate ing his views on tariff reform, treasury they may pay uspvhat has so long been and confinthe commerce between Utah without and other subjects surplus other Western States and Territories ing himself to one subject exclusively. promised to us, and which we now deand South It is a mistake to assume that there is mand and must have and Will have withand .Europe, Mexico, era OFFICE IN U. S. LAND OFFICE BUILDING. ir.fa CT' America. He is still very enthusiastic but one subject of interest to the out any monkeying with the surplus. CD fc3 AGENTS ATTORNEYS AND LAND Let the cash co stand $600,000,000 there. the and auxi.ius that over the subject American people, and we fanture the Patent and Mineral Lands Obtain Jot Agricultural t are claims well known. long recogwork should proceed. From him we remark that no other President ever Our Represented by Jas. W. Paxman, 3 gleaned the following ideas. It is thought wrote an annual message- to Congress nized, long promised. Let them be paid as as the bonds. These faithfully of Texas pledcoast that a deep harbor on the Utah, Nephi, embracing one solitary question only. P3 --3 will bring the trade of South America, There are other issues, and always have ges are as sacred and involuable as govWe bonds. ernment as are as the good Mexico and other places into the West been, between the Democratic party and Their bonds must be and give us direct communication with the opposition, and issues which cannot bondholders. is of surplus for the Europe and South Anietica. and at much be ignored. The Democratic platform paid. There plenty Our bounties must be less distance than is at present offered of iS84, and that of 1888 afford ample bondholders. evidence of this. Had .Hrpieveland paid equally sacred, though vetoed by the commercial world. There are harbor which a remembered this and acted accordingly, Grant of 1873, giving the country its first deep points at at least Democratic house since the war as the could be established; one at Galveston, he would have been direct result of the vote. Our arrears css one at Sabine and one at AranSas pass, we think, so. ; ' f of clear back war to the at sau $12 pensions the last named being the. most, .favorable J-a month to every soldier, be he DemoStates for Utah and the North-wester- n . HOW IT? WAS DONE. crat or Republican, must be paid as faith f. f and Territories. as the bondholders, cent for cent, , Iff opening any pne of; these waterpaldwell, O., Nov 16. To the Edi- fully In this matter we have no politics. Both Louiis to of About a the St. tor Republic ways it sltoyM hot je ; wkha, design and Republicans in the order Democrats enterI or an wrote which article any private year ago you injure any railway on this, and there must be no agree t form o but to induce whatever, greater endeavoring kindly published, prise development 5ofi tfc resources of this What 1 then believed, and now all inert monkeying. There is plenty of surplus tniKuhbMfU Region,' land know, to be the - fact, that the Grand for the bondholders. There is plenty of w6ndeHuf for the soldiers, too. They must thereby bring into cultivation millions of Army of the Republic, to which I belong surplus fish of the bondholders make not acres of most excelleQt agricultural lands and of which I was one of the founders, the soldiers who elected andileshof PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Headquarters at SPRING-VILLuseleA is a political organization of the Repub now lying 'hftduiibccupied, arit which,if prdperltTtihzed, would become lican party, to which I also belong, and Harrison and Morton and every Republican representative, and senator in conBranch Galleries at Nephi and Manti Utah. productive of millions of untold wealth. of which I was one of the mighty few dis' It would materially shotted!' the founders now living. It was a bold claim, gress, everyone without an exception, ANSWER TO INQUIRIES, $1.00 tance for commercial and fpalsenger and so considered at the time. The We have over fifty grand army Repub- 8EP02T OH Emms, CONTESTS, c., $3.00 Copying and Enlarging Pictures a specialty. Views of RESIDENCES, STOCK, traffic; it would caust ffior railroads to article ifras copied and commented on licans on the floor of the next congress. Procuring Land Patents, Filing Arguments, and Conducting Contests, 011 Moderate be built, and be the means of opening with severity by huudreds of papers, and They can be trusted. They will see that Terms. Send for circular to MACHINERY, ETC., made on short notice. Orders by mail will receive sustain-ulaffo- n redeems all the its us to of party promises friendly Indians marked the papers concquntry capable N. HENRY COPP, of enterprising! cit- taining these comments, and; sent them No fear orthat. Any flattering or failWASHINGTON, D. C. prompt attention. Address Springville Utah. P. O. Box 3. :. or ids spicy and ure they would disintegrate the Grand trrrr Settler should hare Copps Settler Cold, to lit pages; price only 25 cents (postage stamp). We will take) for instance, the States vicious. I was called a liar by some, a Army of the Republic and divide it about between Democrats and equally and Texas Repubof and Colorado, the Terri tiaitor to the order of the G. A. R. by tones of Utah, Arizona and New Mexico others, while some of the playfiil para- licans, and So end the mission of the Rewith their natural facilities for building graphed, wio were not born when I publican party. This article is the plain, unvarnished reservoirs for the storage of water to be and a few friends were laying the foun retained for irrigating purposes in its dation of the Republican party and of the truth. It will be better understood in proper season, and where is to be found G. A. R , spitefully called me a crank three years from now than it is today. a better chance for the investment of and other pet names, and many people And here I rest the case. Yours truly. capital, now lying idle, to be brought in- who have no reason and no facts on their Private Dalzell. to active use, thereby providing our side, and are forced to substitute epithets IT PORTENDS TROUBLE. young men with homes and farms with for logic, and gall tor brains. More fully informed by the logic of out having to go elsewhere to find them Chicago, November 26. Anarchists What we need to help us to accont events, I write now simply to the paper and sympathizers had a meeting last which first gave publicity to my views on night m the suburb of Lake View, which plish this end is that Congress shall sufficient funds to open one this subject, to reiterate and repeat, over had been advertised as a free entertainof or more these passes. And it should and over, and ten times over, with all ment. After gymnastic exercises and singing the curtain over the stage went be the duty of every Senator and every possible emphasis and earnestness, every up disclosing a tableau.! A prominent Delegate to Congress to diligently urge letter and syllable of my former article feature was the white bust of Spies. In on this subject, which I beg yon to re Uhe rear was a female personating the the matter until it is accomplished. Goddess ol Liberty. To her tight was is of m It the duty every statesman to . publish as a matter of justice to me and another with a representing Justice, vestigate this matter thoroughly, for it is to truth. I confess that I am as human sivord and scale in hand, but her arm one of the greatest enterprises ever uu as anybody, and that I felt keenly the was held by a little girl who sneeringly-pointeat the Goddess of Liberty. Next dt rt iken on this continent, and Congress scandalous abuse showered upon me at a man in black, representing law. should be urged on all sides until one or the time you published my former arti- was His hands were thrown up and a typical more of these p ort sa re"op eiie cl""" cle," by persons Wholly Ignorant of the Anarchist held a sword to his breast. No doubt Texas and Kansas would be subject of their animadversions, or will In front was another Anarchist, armed more directly benefitted, "but it cannot ing to prevaricate about it to deceive the with an axe, beneath his leet were the benefit them without benching the en- public! 1 am no liar, whatever I am. I Stars and Stripes and over his head waved a crimson flag. Several citizens have not yet got my eye on the men, or of Lake View manifested tire Northwest. their disapIf one of these ports wefe open today set of men, that I " feared. I believe in proval of the tableaux and left the hall, Texas would realize $i per bale more for candor and truty. I despise treachery but a majority of those present applauded wildly. '1 he police say they will not her cotton. This year she will ship from and hypocrisy. . , f enterfafin-mentallow a lepetition cf such f one to two million bales of cotton, and I love truth and plain speaking. Henct ' WORSE AND MORE OF IT other articles of commerce in proportion. I denounce as a silly, useless, hypocriti Chicago. November 26, The executive Kansas has 10,000,000 bushels of wheat cal lie the statement that the Grand Arcommittee of tne newly organized Anarawaiting the opening of a convenient my of the Republic is not a political chist society, known as the Arbieter intended andal Brtind, has issued a circular market, and if one of these ) ports wre body, organizedr and calling a open, Kansas could realize 20 cents per ways employed to aid and Comfort the mass meeting for next Sunday for the bushel more for her grain than she can Republican party. This is not its only purpose of devising means by which to iound Anarchist schools lor children at the present time. This of course object. It is a grand system of charity throughout the city. The circular was and and its fraternity would not only benefit these states, but loyalty among freely distributed It invites all the whole West. Many other reasons for members. It is all that; it is more; it is Anarchists to investigate the societys the immediate action on the part of Con- the Republican party, all there is of the Sunday schools, of which there are six in each located in the rear or in gress to opep at least one of these passes Republican party, its heart, its head, its Chicago, the basement of saloons. One of the brains and its soul, could be given, but let these suffice for guide, pholosopher schools, in the back room of Rachou and friend, its ally, its all and in all! Oh Bro.s saloon, at Lincoln Avenue and the present. The subject of petitioning Congress yes, we have a few Democrats good, Hilstead Street, was found to contain, afternoon, 120 children, ranging to appropriate for the construction of res- easy, quiet souls in our order, but- so this from 5 to 14 years ol seated on long ervoirs was also talked of by the com-mit- lew and feeble that they dont count benches listening to age, what the teacher of which Mr. Willden was a mem- for they have no offices, therefore no was explaining to them about Johanna Most. The teacher told the children ber but this matter was let lie over for power! that Spies and Parsons had been murlaws of is written the of not It is The committee still at some time. any part dered by capitalists, and referred to the work on the matter and we may expect our order that we must be Republicans. dead Anarchists as martyrs. to hear more on the subject. The matter It is the unwritten, unspoken law of the is certainly deserving to be pushed on to order, as ultimately fixed there as any Median or Persian law ever was fixed in a success. Bible times. No man can stand well in our order unless he is a Republican. It .with or without Patent Index. CLEVELANDS DEFEAT. never honored any man yet who was not ' Much has been said in regard to the a By its unwritten law it causes which led to the late, defeat of Republican. HBPHI. CMP, HUN never can. j Our officers are almost inPresident Cleveland; among other things Democrats! much. No, not the following from aa exchange, is given variably They, ate nearly- all and nearly always to show what Mr. Cleveland himself Toar Attention h Invted to the feet Out tn Republicans, from commander-in-chie- f the letest luaeof thie work, you got thought the effect of his message Would down. How Votes would Sigelor many oe, tuat is, provided he made the state- Fitz A Dictionary in.our orderor any John Porter get ; ment to Secretary Fairchild which' is a Democratic dare When office?; presi- containing ax more word and nearly SOOO more 1 r , alleged. dent. Chouf himself in our presence? illoetrations than any other American Dictionary. THE TARIFF MESSAGE DID IT. A Gazetteer of the World They would have been hissed to scorn at Various things air said to haveelther St. Louis and Columbus, for the simple containing over 24,000 Title, with their prommoi. have (poa reason that we are defeated Mi. Clevelaitd or,to ta raft amount or other information. nearly all Republitreated thereto. . Here ' are some of cans, and not ( recently eddedj and but of only Republicans, his eftuns In menu, His tanflf message? ofcNil-siervic- e A the reform-,extremist sect! his le J.recti Jit Biographical Dictionary e Nonsense! Away with the hypocritical fa.I.ng to sufficiently satisfy . glring pronunciation of namaa and bnaf facta icf .rineis; his vetoed of pensions; his dis- claim that we have no political object, concerning 10,000 Noted Penom; aljo nearly Sackville-Wes- t, ariouf table giving valuable Information. etc.. In concharge of and have nothing to do with politics. nection with, all this w want to recall to All In One Book. the minds of our readers What ' Grbver IVe control the politics of.. .this nation, Cleveland himself said .before he sent always did and always, will. .We cast Webster1! Unabridged Dictionary ia recommendhis famous tariff message; to ) congress. votes for Benjamin Harrison, we ed by the State Superintendent of School in 36 nf of In the and by leading Oolloge President of an'article Lpoek It appeared and our sous, in iSSS.and will cast 2,000,-00- 0 State, United State and Canada. It is Standard the js- Apg- - 3 last, ,-with the United State Supreme Court folium iu iSja.,Wf Jwn this country. ead In the de.it GleVeIamUas one --day t Government Printing Office. It ha in every case where State Purchase ' sedted at Irirffeslrtfrlting wen Secreta- Wfc ate its sotareighs. Wc are its lords. been selected stock: of Fail Gaos coasistias of been have for School, and ia the made n Fairchild was an- We know our e N. B. jast lai ia a and knowing dare ry of the Treasury which rights, all the school book nearly are Fairchild Mr. "entered, When nounced. maintain tljem, and that is to rule this the president lookdWp aud caidt Get the Latest and Best aafl Misses we please. Secretary. I ant now writing something country as " ) event my tenominationButandI The politicians prate and prate, about It it an Invaluable companion in every School, aad at every Fireuda. Specimen page and aiivth.ng ,wi!J. tariff., Tariff, nonsense! The soldiers tertimonmls Mnt prepaid on application, that it is the tight mut ,1 because I led his it did soldteri did all. They will it; the ked by G. A C. HER PI AM A CO., tariff message to do. It ws DEEP WATER HARBORS. C1MDP1EM & BOOTS & SHOES PIPE: tj Wilkes & Howe, . ro ... - td LANDS MINES co -- 1 , DEPOT STREET, NEPHI, UTA U. "s &c, Mo E. AST i U - - MERCHANDISE GENERAL - 5 s. , SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO MAIL ORDERS - to-da- COriNEIl MAIN AN D DEPOT STREET NEPHI. . - te WEBSTERS UNABRIDGED GENERAL MERCHANTS Ml HIM, , OPIUM SIRKI, ! g of Groceries, Dry Goods complete stock Hardware and everything in the Genera) Mercantile line kept constantly on hand. A Large and ORDERS civil-servic- 1SY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. ty Diction-aryjpo- -- thing ta lrp Wraps, Jackets, Jerseys, Hosiery, Underwear and Fall and Winter Dress Goods. Sprteetstd, Hass., U. S. A. 3 . |