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Show v... I '' : SI p o' pv ! ' k ' A ,i . s V. THE ENSIGN, . . THE ENSIGN. PUBLISHED EVER! FRIDAY AT TsT eph.i Juab Co, tU.T. Feild Eollo Publishers. & One Year, Six Months, - Vol. Utah. CASK PRICES. Buying, growth, ib 12 vVool, i yrs. Hides, 1st class,, Setting to NEPHI, The Utah Central people loaded 3 000 sheep at Payson on Tuesday last. The muttons are bound for the Chicago markets, and they will soon grace the tables of the epicures of that city. An engine and boiler have been temporarily attached to the new roller mills, to be used until boiler and other apparatus arrives from the east, and the mills are now iu operation, turning out an excellent quality of flour. NEPHI MARKET. J II 16 S Parties whose accounts at this office are delinquent may expect a sirrting dunner shortly. If the dunners be not answered properly the accounts will be placed in the hands of a collector. We are obliged to do this owing to the fact that our creditors are after us to square up old accounts. Lorenzo Webb and Alex. Wilson Iasi Tuesday afternoon were riding horses on Main Street. They started the horses out in a race, running north along Main Street for which pastime shortly thereafter they were compelled to donate for the use of the county five dollars each. LOCAL ITEMS. The Nephi Bakery is now owned and conducted by Mr. John W. Householder, Mr. Woods having recently sold out to him. Mr. Householder recently came to Nephi from theEast where his regular occupation was that ol a baker. He is prepared to supply his customers with the pest of bread, cakes, buns, etc. And guarantees honorable treatment Give him a call. The Provo American says on Tuesday 20th, Mr. H. S. Kerr, superinteient of the Sanpete Valley Railway, was before Hill on the charge of emCommissioner for Secure your seats Ingomar. bezzlement, based on the complaint that moneys he had received for coal Dont iorget to advertize in our spechad not been handed over to the comial columns. pany, Mr. Kert promptly gave bonds Who will go ahead' and do something for his appearance before the next grand for Christmas? . jurya Theatre Monday night. , Hlow, about your you made it yet? And nov the mountaineers are moving to town for winter. The John S. Lindsay Dramatic troupe play one night only. Who got left or was obliged second best last night? :to go This is the season for trimming trees iand grape vines. Farmers, be at it. From present indications the coming holidays will be awfully dull iu Nephi. John n S. Lindsay aslngomar the Barbar-naTthe-Saci- ar Hatl lfStrMoftday even- ' ing. Many of the old Nephi favorites appear in Ingoipar next Monday evening, Dont fail to see them. ' Adams Sons are paying cash for red pine logs. Boys, Here is a chance for profitable employment. And now the poor seamstresses and, dressmakers will have a rest. The ladies leap year ball is over. If you have any notice to give or announcement to make to the public, do it through our special columns. We hear of no especial preparations to be made in Nephi for Christmas and the holidays. Whats the matter? & Now is the time for our merchants' to advertise their holiday goods in the most attracting manner possible. The print; er can sell more goods for a man in the business than his best clerk can. with all his brandishments and solicitations. Whats more, his work does not cease the moment it is done. A is a tireless servant and charges less fot actual service than any other employe a man can have m his hire. A large nugget of almost pure galena can be seen in the oank. It came irom ohn Hagues mine situated in the Mt. Nebo mining district about three miles from Mona now being worked by the Wilson isa very rich, spec! .. men, but the ore . on an average' goes 73 per cent pure lead with over thirteen ounces of silver to the ton and is found in a very large vein. For some time the miners have been working on this daim and Shipping ore from it, but it is only within the past few days that the main vein has been struck. The mine promises much. Last Tuesday afternoon at school the ix year old son of Abe. Bowers fell from and a board as he was playing see-sabroke his arm. w Boulangers wife is taking steps to tain a divorce. It is said that one of the richest widows in France is willing to ob- marry Boulanger. A competent counter has e .timated that not less than half a million sheep have Deen driven through Salt Lake City during the last month en route to winter ranges in the west. Mr. Clus. Hall on Wednesday last buried his infant child. On Sunday me child seemed in perfect health, but on Monday it was taken with spasms and died Tuesday morning. Geo. Peterson is circulating a petition asking pay from the business men for night watchman. We hope he acting as in succeeds getting enough as a night watchman is very much needed on our streets. , 4 H. M. McCtine has moved the build-i- n in which he ran a barber shop across the street. He is now to be found at his old business on the east side of Main Street almost directly opposite of his old location. A dramatic troupe comprising such actors as John S. Lindsay Wm. H. Hyde get and Cloa Pratt Bailey does not often Terthrough the together for .travel ritory- Dont fail to see them next day evening. The recent rain storm has reminded many that it was only an Indian summer that we were enjoying and that winter is almost upon us. Consequently more extensive preparations being made. Mrs. W. W. Allen on Wednesday afternoon while ODening a gate stumbled and fell breaking a bone iu the leg and dislocating th; ankle joint. She is under the treatment of Dr. D. 0. Miner, and is doing nicely. Gh the suffering ducks. Thats what not only those fellows they all thought, last night tresh dance the at were who the 'fellows who went and happy, but fields all day yesterday stalking in the with a gun and lounged around home all night saying they were awfully tired but they had an excellent hunt. -! t .. ' ' r V A : , . T. J- - t. Lookout for the John S. Lindsay Dramatic troupe. They produce the plav of Ingoniar, the Barbarian in the Social Hall next Monday evening. They plav one night only. Secure your seats in time for you will want to witness the performance. The troupe is meeting with excellent success all along the line. Each day such notices as the following Are to be found in the papers Considering the dance at the Brigham Young Academy, and other attractions, there was a fair audience at the theatre last night, to witness John S Lindsays Ingo-ma- r, the Barbarian. We have seen this play several times, but never rendered than by this ulenled troupe. All the summer and (all flour has been a very scarce article m this portion of the Territory, especially in Juab and Utah counties. This is due to the lack of good roller mills, and, in fact to the lack of any kind of flour mills as several of the old burr mills are and have been idle consequent upon the changing from the burr to the roller system. Flour is now selling in Nephi at $2 75 per hundred weight and at Provo for some time it has been selling at $3.00 per hundred weight. Most of the flour for the use of these two counties comes from San Pete. The larmers of the latter county find ready sale for their flour in this and in Utah county and they say it pays them even to. haul it as far as Provo. A.H, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 30,1888. printing establishments north who send their agents to solicit work from you; and if you have any fancy work, we ask you to give us your orders. Our connections with Salt Lake printing establishments enable us to furnish you with the nobbiest as well as the very best of printing at prices which honest competitors connot come under. The scheme for fee grabbing out of the property of .the Mormon church on a wholesale plan enacted by the U. S. Marshal and his attornyes is too awful a thing for even the most bitter to take to in a manner even approving kindly as the following clipping from that most bitter paper at Ogden the Utah Daily Union will show. A prominent Utah journalist referring to the fee bill rendered by the U. S. Marshal IgXl his attorneys for services handling the property of perform the Mormon Church on behalf of the Government says: In Salt Lake City the attempted grab of the Marshal and his to fnrnish receptive clique continues material for the leading gossip. It is to be hoped that the court will prevent the , contemplated steal. Professor Alexander delivered the last of his most interesting and instructive lectures in Nephi last Tuesday evening. This lecture was not so largely attended as the others had been although its im should have portance and interest brought out everybody both old. and young. Probably the admission fee of twenty five cents kept many away. This however1 should not be, for cettainly as much enthusiasm should be manifested and as much money spent tor an intellectual entertainment such as Professor Alexander gives as for a jn'mstrel show or other entertainment. At least more value is received in return from the former than from the latter. , But such ' is human nature; we spend our money most treely.for that which does us the least good, and it seem impossible to. bring about a change in this regard. Here wq must bow to fate and wait patiently for the education that will lead the masses tp prefer the Intellectual to the nonsnsi-c-al at any and all times. May this soon be reached. anti-Morm- WASHINGTON LETTER. (FROM PUR REGULAR CORRESPONDENT) Washington, Nov 24th, 1888. These Western people wha, gre jnak- VnqW Alga Ing and Sherman in the star cast are making errors, if Washington politicians are to be believed. They tell strange stories of the death of Shermans candidacy at Chicago, being no less than allegations that Alger bought a score of Sherman delegates. If this be true it is not to be wondered at that Sherman dislikes Alger with all the intense hatred of which his slow, cold blood i capable. The would te at best Michigan in the cabinet, so far as Mr. an Sherman is concerned, but to be asked to go into the cabinet with him well.no, Senator Sherman would most respecteye-so- a wdl dressed but unmannerly throng whenever they dared to attend church, will recognize the wisdom of Mr. Harrisons plans. ' An animated strife goes on among army officers who aspire to staff positions and it was increased this week by the rumor that Colonel Dan. Lamont would succeed General Swain as Judge Advocate General of the army. The proposition seemed plausable until denied by Daniel. He says that he has had enough of oflicial life and can do better outside. Still the position of Judge Advocate General alluded to is a pleasant one and the candidate does not have to know angfhing about law. It is such a tempting position that General Swain haras-e- d President Garfield by every known means until he got it. Just now Swain is undergoing a deserved retirement of twelve years, inflicted by court marshal the sentence of which, however, unfortunately carried with it big pay during suspension. Swain was probably the most incompetent and reckless appointee given place by President Garfield. I do not believe that Garfield ever knew, intimate as he was with him, what a poor excuse for a man Swain is. His deficiency developed more fully after the Presidents death. Lord Sackvilles household goods, from the pots and pans to the passed under the auctioneers hammer this week. A pushing, curious throng attended. Many Anglomaniacs were present, and anything that looked particularly English brought fancy prices, Even a harness marked in every available place with the Sackville crest, brought about $90. . bric-a-bra- c, THEG.A.R. Wq publish this week a lengthy screed unde the caption How it was done over the signature of Private Dalzell, which we hope will be carefnlly read by all our raders; we especially commend it to men claiming to be Democrats. There are many members of the G.AJtjn Utah for whom we have much respect, and to each we would suggest that if Private Is he. misrepta... sents (he G. A. R. when ne calls their organization a political one, we will gladly open our columns to a contradiction of his statement, and if it goes uncontradicted we shall believe, as we have always believed that the Grand Army of the Republic is a politcical organization. Our Democratic friends who train in the G. A. R. ranks must feel very much flattered by the estimate set upon them by this fellow Dalzell. re A SUCCESS. Rates forwarded oa ap- SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Place your notices ments to the public columns . ' and announce- in Advertise your wants in The . special columns. En- these special sign's CASH PAID ormoro For 200 lUDD good. loss 14 tft-lx- oPIN33 long, m at Bring onoo. Adams cb Sorts. - Chamberlain! Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy i toe moat ecsoeeeful reparatiene ever Procured lor Summer Complaint. Cholera Morbua, Dyaentery, Diarrhoea, Bloody Flu and Chrome Diarrhoea, end thoueanda of person! will certify that they behere their lire! have been saved by this treat remedy. It la the one preparation that every family and every traveling man should be iwivided with, especially during the summer month. Many oaei of Cbnmio Diarrhoea that bad resisted all other treatment and baffled the ikill of good phaiciana, have been permanently cured by it-- Sold by D. O. Miner, Nephi. , Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilohs Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents'. Nasal Injector free. Miner & Co., Nephi. A PLEASING SENSE Of health aad strength renewed and nf ease and comfort follows the use of Syrup of Figs, as It acts lu harmony with nature to effectually For lame back, side or chest, use Shi- dense the system when costive or bilious. For sale iu 60 and bottles Dy all leading druglohs Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents gists. s Miner & Co., Druggists, Nephi. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. Will You Suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? Shilohs Vitalizer is Te Tun KntTei. Please readers infbra guaranteed to cure you. SMd by Miner that I have a positive remedy for the yeur above named Si Co- - Co., Druggists Nephi. Shilohs Vitalizer for Consumption, loss is what you of Appetite, need Dizzi-ne- s WHY Do Americans profer Uanibug Figaf Because they cure eonhUpation. U hy do Englishmen pre'or Hamburg Figs? Because they need them while traveling to keep the system in lertect health. Hhy do Germans prefer Hamburg Fig? Because they cure bihouseesa. hy do French men proler Hamburg Figs? Ileoauso they cure piles. Why do Spaniards roler Hamburg Figs? Because they cure liver complaints. M h di everybody prefer Hamburg Fig--? Because they area crystallised fruit cathartic, mild and effective in action. are sold Hamburg Figs everywhere, 25 cents a box. Dose one t lg. and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by Miner and Co., Nephi. That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shilohs Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by Miner Si Co., Nephi. Shilohs1 Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Consumption. Miner & Co., Nephi. Croupe, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shilohs Cure. Sold by Miner & Co., Nephi. ts 5.5S V -s- g'-"C3 it o - - a fjpfiffl 302 Sj:? requires building up, Dujardin's Life Essence will failed. succed where never It everything else has failed in bracing up organic function. Price, $1.50 a bottle, all druggists. a 00 c-- 3 2 i H 4 .v-- j - V, M 4 U1i s Merchandise paid for fat calvei b; R. Good! sold cheaper than ever for cash or produce at R. F, Barrs. f w i i, THE NEW DI3C0VEKY. You have he-ir- friends and neighbors y0ur II. M- McCune k Co. are the agents for the cel- talking about it. You may yourself be one of The leap year dance last night was a ebrated Iron I ire Proof Paint. Give them your the many who know fiom personal experience' -ordors. Just how good a thing it is It you have ever' .. tried It. you are one of it staunch frieuds.be--CBUs- e fully decline. And I would humbly warn perfect success, at least in the matter of "t themselves Indebted to the the All knowing parties wonderful about it is, that once thing time. undersigned are hereby requested to call and set- given a trial. Dr. t My. Alger to go politically armed against enjoyment and a real jolly good t K Kings Now ever after holds a place in the house,Discovery 4 if have you this enemy. Even then I am afraid Mr. For some reason or another there was tle accounts at once and save further B.trouble. F. Barr. never used Hand should be ahlicted with a such a jam of people in the court cough, cold or any thro it.Limg or Ghest trouble Alger would get the worst of the bnttle. not Peter Rasmussen, Boot and Shoe maker, is the secure a bottle at once aud it a fair trial It Secretary and Mrs. Whitney are said to house as could have been expected, but place to take your orders for good cheap and sub- is guaranteed every tfme, orgivemoney refunded Meat south door bottles work. One Trial of People's tree at Hyde fc W hitin ore's store. have finally induced the President to the company was a select one, being suffi- stantial A ? Market. A BOUND LEGAL OPINION. settle in New York at the close ol his ciently large for enjoyment, and being E Bainbridge, term. The great business interests of composed as it was of young married, and 18 LIFE WORTH LIVING! Monday Esq .County Atty Clay Lo , Tex says: ,aHave used Electric BitMr. Whitney would offer a lawyer some older marriageable people, an evening of j j ters with most hatipv results world a dyspeptic. Acthe if My brother also Not through you go rare was w ith Malarial Fever was low an d CleveThe very Mr. pleasure which I to lovely fat spent. tor cure the are a and Jaundice. retainers, kers Dyspepsia ablets positive pretty 1 , forms of Dyspepsia, indigestion, Flatuency but was cured by timely use of thU medicine. land as a business man could not be cozy decorations of the rooms with the worst ' Efectric Bitters saved his life: and Uoristipatioa. Guaranteed and sold by D. U. AmMr.satisfied 1 U D W ilcoxson, of Horse ladies fro in to and cosentheir adds Cave, flitting Miner, Nephi. Kj , averse. And Mrs. Cleveland would gay a like testimony, suylug- - He ' he would have died, had itpositively ter the billiant inner circle of the 400 of tumes, afforded a scene of comfort, life not been for Electric Bitters which the Whitneys and Clevelands will and gayety seldom seen and all the more This great remedy will ward off, as well as CAUTION TO MOTHERS. v cure all Malnrial Disease, and for all Kidney,-- , journey to the Paris exposition together appreciable for its rarity and Stomach Dmorders aland Liver her cautioned is mother giving Every unequalled against Mrs. Whitmore, Mrs.. A. Hyde, Mrs. child . next July. laudanum or paregono; it creates an un- Price ioo aud 1 at Hyde & WhitmoreV craving for stimulants which kills the I Levi P. Mortons mammoth eight Atkin and Mrs. W. H. Gage managed natural mind of the child. Ackers Baby Soothor is prepared to benefit children and cure their story apartment house is approaching the floor during the entire evening with v;V iV pains. His harmless and contnnis no Upturn or completion, but the story that he will re a vim and sparkle exactly to the liking Morphine- - Sold by D. U. Miner, Nephi. FIRSTJATIONAL serve the first story for his family seems of all. The dancing kept up until about A 1 absurd. Mr. Mortons great wealth will 2 a. m. at which time, although all had EVER1 WHERE PEOPLE A 41$ t 4 seek other quarters, as his family will be danced until they were scarcely able to Confirm our statement when wo say that Ack Last night a jangle of some kind arose the most prominent in the society of the dance more, they were loth indeed to ers Englih Remedy is in every way superior to and ail other preparations for the Throat and in Abe fhalm billiard hall between administration. When Mr. break up the party so enjoyable had it any Lungs. In Whooping Uoughand Croup it is magrv the proprietor and oiie Chas. Fillmore, coming and relievos at once. We ofler you a sample ic been. The evening was pleasant, - A the bottle tree. The latterwas ordered out of the build- Morton was here as a representative he Remember, this Remedy is sold on a ing. He went out and as he passed the lived in the old Hopper mansion, which floor in elegant condition, the music the positive guarantee. 1 window, broke it and ran right into oili- is remembered for the brilliant enter- best, the company the most cultured and waf . 'A er Pitts arms. A complaint was sworn tainments there given. His ne w Paid Capital PIMPLES ON THE FACE. .Jjlf 4 $50,00 I position refined and it is only a pity that leap to and Fillmore taken into custody. He iU 1 is his and added the with and are so ladies blood a year close of near wealth, he Denote an state and the t together impure was released for the night on $10.00 bail Surplus Ackers looked upon by many with suspicion. ' and this morning arraigned tor triaL He fact that one, of his daughters will be a chance is slipping away. blood Elixor will remove all impurities and leave a f" - ; v vy noth' 1'bere C. and is Geo. smooth clear. examinaPresident the in . after the first not complexion but At the Whitmore, is to debutant about midnight a most elegant Ik',., i i v season, will, it plead guilty, M constituj the build will so that up thoroughly ing JonasH. of tion a few witnesses, Justice Black be supposed, bring forth the Morton lunch which had been most Erekson Vice Pres, H 'jITa ar- tion, purify and strengthonthe whole system. Sold neatly Hills S. L. . j Directors,' and guarauteod by D. 0. Miner. Nephi. thought a fine of tmi dollars was as little millions in some lavish society events. i ranged by Mr Henriod in the anterooms as he could pay for the privelege of Jas. H. Mynders, General Harrison is making a wise was partaken of. Mr. Henriod has estabJames E. Clinton. breaking a mans window. The X was .v ARE YOU SKEPTICAL? Alma Hague, Cashier. rustled and the boy is now wondering move as to his familys relegious affairs lished himself now as a most capable whether or no it will be more profitable The church of the Covenant of Connect- host and that Ackers English so we will convince If ai of and a the supervisor supper ,Ulo Deposits received subject t'sight dre lor the to satisfy his mania for breaking glass by isewponor to all other icut avenue, as soon as election was ladies of Nephi have proven that the Remedy and is lungs a posttsM cure for all Thaoat and a i striking his fist against a mans window Whooping Cough and Lung troubles, Croup, or check. or buying the glass and breaking it with over, sent him a request to take pew in love and taste for real enjoyment .the Colds. We guarantee the ppeperation, and will ' A a hammer. that Church. He replied that he would citizens of Nephi boast of, is not dead give you a sample bottle free. Money loaned on approved seeurux. condo added he but ' that would not so, but has Collections made with prfrmptretums at improved. May something i Because The Ensign has said someHe knows what he is writing about Mr. R. lowest rate, , j 'I I. thing recently that has not suited a lew fine his attendance to one congregation, similar to the event of last evening hap McLeod, I f Heminglord, Nob., says: druggist. in Nephi, those lew have managed to but would rent pews in three or four pen soon again and often. keep in stock a great variety of so called cures for We sell exchange on leading cities of the diarrhoea and cholera morbus, but from a persoget some jobs of plain printing sent to Presbyterian churches; and thus avoid nal trial of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and United tates, also furnislFsight drafts or Salt Lake City and Provo, This is, as all as the best of Diarrhoea Remedy. I regard it 1 I can see, anything but wise for we can do the unseemly rush and influx of strangmedicines in the market, tor diarrhoea and all remit funds to all promiaqnF pojots in . ' . WE CAN AND DO bowel complaints. It saved the life of our bank-plain work as well and as cheaply as any ers that always characterize the parties FEurope. Sold by D. 0. Minor, Nephi. here. one else and persons of sound reason lar church which a President attends ex- Guarantee Acker's Blood Elixir for it has and good judgment will patronize home clusively. It is a crying iV approach to the been fully demonstrated to the people o! Correspondent's first, qven if those people at home dont all other it is this to that an and A merchant after selling article superior using country name of the average American, .c. 5 I agree with them in all things and do op- good its merits. Mr. W, New York, Kountze Bros, preparations (or blood diseases. It is a fpr years knows something olNeb , says: "I have pose them in some of their views. We that Mr. Harrison should see such a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, 1). Halier, Druggist, Blair,Cholera Union and National Diarrhoea used ChamborlainsColic, Bank,"' Chicago, do not beg for work,' but simply state necessity for avoiding curious crowds. Ulcers, 4 Eruptions and Pimples. It puri- - Remedy, and do not hesitate te say, thati thpik Salt Lake City. Deseret that we can do plain printing as quickly, Rnt anyone who has sepn Mr and M Nat.yftiiii.yj: ka Km( of jll maiflnM far (ijwrrhDga 9 fips thp wHa! systcni and thoroughly '' D. bold 0. el as well, and as cheaply as any of the Miner, by t' complaints generally. San Francisco, Pacific Bank. Cleveland stared out of countenance by builds up the constitution. 4 Nephi, 4 f 1 V'. KS v , , - !'' V more-effectuall- , 1 n spe-ial- ly MT AN NEPHI, yl u;Vv I,.,, a UTAH r 1 -- - - s, i 0 , e, - If a v fei v A 'Sp-- ' yin It t ?. WMPI t? .aftttdlfcl'h. In any case were the system Cash or r0H iSC-- 5!S??3 The best Salve in the world lor Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required It. is gwauteed.to-.Kiv-a perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Trice 2$ cents per box. For sale by Hyde & Whitmore, - F. Barr. S 2B35.,2Ses' i 5TB BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE. 1 V ' disease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless caws have beoa permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to aond two botdes of my remedy hk teeny of your readers who haveconaumoiion if they will send me their express and address. T. A. SiooUM M. C., 181 Pearl it. New York. DruggistsNephi. Sleepless nighis made miserable by that terrible cough. Shilohs Cure is the remedy for you. Sold by Miner & A si ' 1.25 75 Advertising plication. . ISToG j $ 2.00 Three Months Prompt attention paid to ail communica-- . lions. Address; The Ensign, P. O. Box Nepni, r. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: ! - !rV 1 a Id a At i i |