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Show ''"wrr- - W WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice No. 1769. United States Laud Office, ( Isatt Lake City. Utah, Nov. 20th 1888. j Correspondence Ensign. Notice U hereby giveu that the Centennial New York, Saturday, . Ben-ne- t Eureka Mining Company, by Charles its President and attorney in fact of Salt The revival of trade l ake City, Utah, has made application for a linear feet of the lode, and surface ground 200 feet wjde, being Lot No. 169 and dot scribed in the field uotes and plat of the official survey on file In Ihis office, with magnetic variation at 16 degrees 30 minutes east, as follows: Couienciii at post No. 1, a corner of the claim, and ruuuiug thence South ludog. 30 min. East 581 le.et to post No. 2; thence South 27 deg. East 623 feetlo post No. 3; thence North 73 feel to post No. 4, thence deg. oOinln East '203 North 27 deg. West 643 feet to post No. 5; thence North 16 deg. 30 min. West 531 feet to postNo. 6, thence South 73 deg. 50 min. West '20o feet to said post No. of l.the place beginning, containing a total area of 5 acres; expressly excepting and excluding however from thuloregoi g described area to muen of the same a is embraced and included in the Lot No 67, the area claimed and acres, lhe discov aipliodiorof being! ery point the elaini, bears South 16 deg. SO ieet distant from the middle min E it 58 oithe Northerly end line of the claim, and South 67 deg. 50 min. East 94 feet distant from post No. I of the official survey of the W. W. V. i.ot 16'i A, and South 11 deg. 32 mill. East :WU8 b et distant from lT. S. M. M. No. 2, aud North 46 deg.34mia.We.-- t 957 feet from the Section Corner Common to Sec. 19 'j 10 24 S. It 2 10 T. S. 3 See. it. W. aud Tile said mining claim being of record in the ofiiee of the Keeorder of s nd milling district in Silver City ia Jiiub County. Utih. 1 tie nearest known iu-itious being the V. W. C. lot 163 A., Blue Rock lor 7i, Summit lot 134, and Centennial Eureka tot a 7, lude claims. dire t that this notice be published in Tub at Nephi, Utah, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim, for the period of sixty days. Nov 23 Jan D. Webb Register. 1174 0 4 . Nov. 17, 1888 resulting from removal of political uncertainty has made some progress during the past week, though not in extent or direction quite according to anticipations. The speculative tendency has been distinctly repressed by a singular combination of influences. The volume of legitimate trade continues large, but in important branches the transactions in anticipation of an improvement in prices were so large prior to the election that comparative dulness has followed.' The war of rates between trunk lines is the- chief cause of disturbance in speculative circles, but there is also some foreign realizing, and men are beginning to consider whether disputes between this country and Great Britain may not disturb the current of invest- ments. The stock market has therefore been heavy, though transactions have not been large, and declines have been stubbornly resisted. Tne average of prices has declined during the past week about $1.12 per 6hare, with more signs of weekness at London than here. APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice Nos. 1768. Wheat speculation has been sat United States Laud Office, j heavily by the stoppage of exupon 1888. Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 20th, ( Notice is hereby given that lidos Lombard ports from the Atlantic ports and aud Peter Reedy of Eureka, Utah, and the Centennial Eureka Mining Company, by Charles W. the enormous movement from the Bennett its President aud Attorney in fact, of Pacific coast. In the month of OcSalt Lake City, Utah, have made application for a United States Patent for the Eureka No. tober 3,265,350 bushels wheat were lode mining claim, situate inTiutic Mining jDistrict, Juab County, Utah Territory, consisting exported from Pacific ports, and of 2001inear feet of the lode, and surface ground only 303,300 from all the Atlantic 200 feet wide, being Lot No. 176 and described in the field notes and plat of the official surveron principal ports ; and during the last file in this office, with magnetic variation at 16 five weeks Atlantic shipments have degrees 36 minutes east, ns follows: Cominefic-iuat post No. 1, a corner of the claim, from been onlv 170,000 bushels against. 8. M. M. No. 2 bears North 11 deg. 37 which Yet speculamin West 2009 2 10 feet distant; aud running 3,382,491 last year. thence South 8 deg. 50 miu. East 200 feet to post tive holders are stubborn, and the No 2, thence North 70 deg 13 miu. East '203 3; thence North 8deg. 50 miu. feet to declined has only 1 price We.--t 200 feet to post No. 4; thcuce South 70 deg. here 13 min. West 203 7 10 feet to said post No. 1, which cents for the week, with sales is identical with post No. 4 of the official survey of 17 million bushels. Another deof tile Eureka lode lot 39, containing a total of an acre expressly excepting area of feature has been the. exand excluding however from the foregoing de- pressing scribed area so much of the same as is embraced port of 4,700,000 bushels corn in and included in the Montana lot 40 and in the five weeks against 2,800,000 last W. W. C. Lot 163 A, the area claimed aud apdeof an acre. From said to less foreign plied for being 4 year, pointing to Corner Common post No. the10.I Section With wheat. for assurances W mand T. 2. 24. aud R Section 19. 8. T. section 10 S. K. 3 W. bears South 24 deg. 12 min. East of larger supplies, corn is The said milling claim 2108 2 10 feet of cent being of record in the office of the Recorder cheeper, with speculation said mining district at Silver City, in Juab and sales of only 4,200,000 locations known The narrow, nearest Countv, Utah. Eureka lot 39, Blue Rock lot 75, Silver bushels for the week. Oats are 1 Com lot 128, Legal lot 132, Lookout lot 133, aud c 1 En-io- n, 2- U 1-- 2 0 1 larger than last year for " the past BR0ADHEAD k GO six weeks. The kmk clearings ' Dealers in outside New York 'Continue large, as well as railroad earningsj but foreign trade does not improve. In October exports of cotton, bread-stuffprovisions, oil, and cattle amounted to $54,767,502, against $57,903,035 tast year, a decline of 5 ALL WORK WARRMED per cent., and for . the two weeks at New .York the past decrease has been 8 per cent., while EXPERIENCED the decline on imports bas been 3 They keep a full line of goods per cent. No improtant change, in hand which are disposed of at Treasury operations has occurred ; the disbursements for the week Depot St., Nephi. First door U'cst of have exceeded receipts by only Livery Stable, Mailorders will be prompt-tallenaed to. Address P, O. Box 31, $500,000. The business failures occurring Nephi, Utah. throughout the country during the last seven days, as reported to R. G. Dun & Co., The Mercantile Agency, MRS. II. W. WHEELER, Friday, by telegraph, numfor the and United 205, ber, has just received from Salt Lake City and States, New York a complete stock of for Canada, 32 or a total of 237, as 22G last FASHIONABLE SPRING AND SUMcompared with a total of MER MILLINERY. week, and 275 the week pievious to Which she offers for Sale to her many the last. For the corresponding reasonable prices. week ot last year the figures were customers at S. as. 205 in the failures 224, made up of United States, and 19 in Canada. FRANCIS SELLS. s, 1-- 2 lowest prices i ? t J J J f v to-da- UD U FURNITURE DEALER, TINTIC. HRECANT1LE ASSOCIATION. In addition to a choice stock alItems Culled and Compiled for those of ready on hand has just received a Our Readers who are Interested carload of , In That Prosperous Camp. Whats the matter with Tintic? Oh, Fmte and fall Potatoes are selling for 40 cents per bushel and our citizens are laving in supplies for winter in anticipation of a rise. . Main Street, Paper Direct from the East which he is . shes all right. offering at Salt Lake Prices. Eureka is happy and content with big New Store a few doors ' North prospects of bright and lively times. of tho National Bank, Main Street, Nephi. There is a strong influx ofstrangers inand examine prices before purchas to camp, mostly men from the North Call You will save ing elsewhere. Lake City. Sail seeking employment. fron freight, The new hoisting works at the Keystone arer apidly nearing completion and in a few days will be ready for opera tlon. : m . : . in v NEPHI H. BURTON SUPT., GRACE BROS.&CO. Contractors ail Builders. 3-- 4 Ed Smith, Nephew ot H. W. Smith, comLUMBER YARD AND PLANING superintendent of the Bullion-Bec- k MILL. pany, has been appointed assistant foreman in the mine. cent dearer; cotton has risen an Climax lot 135, lode claim-- . in all kinds of Building Hardware I direct that this notice he published in Tim The mines are laying in large supplies Dealers as Such EnsIon, at Nephi, Utah, tile newspaper pub- eighth, with sales of 620,000 bales, Nails, Locks, Hinges, etc. lished nearest the auid mining claim, for the ami coffee has risen a quarter, with of wood for fuel and from the appearance D. Webb, Register. of days. sixty period 23 sales of 200,000 bags, while oil, alter of the wood yards there will be no sus- Also Lumber, Lath, Doors, Window Nov Jan 2 a little advance, closes as last week. pension of work the present winter. Moulding and Pickets. Glass of all common sizes, and a small stock failure abundance of The monetary The pipe ditch for the Bullion-Bec- k DESERT LAND, FTNAL PROOF.-NOT1- CE of Axle Trees, Boulsters an$ to stimulate further speculation in FOR PUBLICATION. water supply is now finished and only the like, which we will v NO. 3.14 feature. a is significant products United States Land Ofiiee. dispose of at awaits the arrival of pipes to furnish al Salt L'ke City Utah, October 81st. 1888 The larger branches of industry tho water for mine. C. of Witheek the required Notice is hereby given that John are all in an uncertain di-ta- Cost for Caati, postiou. The market for cotton is rather L. E. Riter- of Silver City does a large quiet ; a break in fine bleached share of the general merchandise busigoods, and changes in favor of buy- ness in the Tintic Mining Distric by sup- We have just received a car load ers in medium and colored goods, plying the Mammoth and neighboring of do not affect prices of other staples mines. Silver City is about six miles said print cloths with light goods of across the mountains from Eureka and Doors, Windows, Square, and Fancy D. Wkbb Ukuister low grade are very firm. Woolens the present railroad terminus. Flat Tickets move sluggishly, in part because of The are houses Pat wet grocery kept by mild weather, hut without some adDIRECT FROM THE EAST. vance in price, which the cheapness Cusick. J. C. Sullivan. M. C. Sullivan, & Williams, P. G. McMurphy Harrington, of foreign goods resists, enlargeWhich we are prepared to sell ment of production is scarcely to James McAulay, William Halfield, Jake in and D. Gibblin T. Sullivan Eureka, at prices to meet .the wants of all. be expected. Wool has nominally C. and an min e J. Elmer, 1 enterprising by cents on advanced about Sil in ver City. within the operator month Cor. Main and S. P. V.Ry.St.Nephi. the average past but sales at prices asked do not Sim Yates has been appointed road The boot seem to be encouraging. and has done some tall rustand shoe trade continues decidedly supervisor the ling among boys for their pol tax. active and promising ; it is estimat- Sim needs credit for the improvements ed that 1G0 million pairs are now he has made m our streets and no parTioduced and marketed annually. has been shown in the payment of tiality Excessive production has weakened the tax. All the male population had to the anthracite coal market, the come to the Captains offie. up interior demand for bituminous has fallen off, and Mononguhela operConsiderable of the manure and garators talk of reducing output, but bage that has been an eyesore as well as in Western Penn- a deathly nuisance, has been removed, When I say Cure I do not mean merelyre-to Pleasing Sense of Health the coke output then have them exceeds all past records. is as healthy as atop them lor a time, andRADICAL town result the a and as sylvania CURL, A :m,1 Strength Renewed, and again. I mevS While the demand for iron a,nd could be wished for. II our citizens turn of disease i have made the of Ease and Comfort steel is larger, the production ap- would only continue the good work of FITS, EPILEPSY Figs, as it pears at present to have increased cleansing this stable, we could boast of oiiu'vs tliousoof FALLING SICKNESS, even more rapidly, ar.d the market the healthiest camp in the Territoay. noli gently on t'.ia remedy to A atndy. I wait baht myother have Bowels seems rather weaker. Buyers of Cube the worst cases. Because Kidneys, Liver receiving acure. Eureka has a half dozen general mer- failed is no reason for not now with hesitate because, when many pig a and the hbb bottle iGive j.; rcMu illy Cleansing System Send at once for a treatise Express furnaces about to blow in, and the chandise stores, a mtllmery store, a of my Infallible Kenedy. Costive or Bilious, Dispelling for ft costs It Office. nothing you Post and two shoe establishment, Address cure will you. trial, and it Colds, Headaches and Fevers weekly production already reported a YORK New one barber shop, jewelry house, at 141,000 tons, including charcoal shops, H. C. ROOT, M.C., 183 Pea 8t.. anl permanently curing reshotels and several houses, boarding iron, close to the maximum, they HABITUAL CONSTIPATION1 hope for lower prices. .cales of No. taurants, two meat markets, tw livery or-- ; V. lihout weakening or instating the Southern here at $17.50 are re- stables and a stage line, twoo public ' is on which it acts. ported. Bar is also weaker in tone, halls, several society organizations.and or Sale in 50c and Bl.OO Bottles by all Leading Druggists. quoted at 1.85, and it is slated tlm three churches. Catholic, Protestant and manufactured oVlt bt tub steel rails have been sold at $26 in Mormon, besides the bakers dozen of CALITOEUIA ITG SYEUP CO one case at Pittsburgh, and " the liquor stores, as Jack Gibblin styles Sax Francisco, Cal., Ntwr York. N. T Chicago quotation $29.50, is hardly them. Louisville, Kx, equivalent to that figure, though A gang ol horse theives paid the towtj some Eastern sales at $28 are also a visit the early parfjof last week, and' quoted. to be consierably flush with Reports from interior points appeared OF PORE GOO LIVER OIL evidently new the staUis They money. vary more than usual as fo activity of this community and kept uiet. They and HYPOPHOSPHITES Obtained, and all Patent Business atten of trade, though complaints of dulded to Promply and for Moderate Fees. ness at some Southern points are managed to get away with one of Poynt-er- s horses and a set of Hanks harness. Almost as Palatable as Milk. Our office is opposite the U. S. Patent attributed to lateness of cotton the in less obtain Patents we can So dlagnlatd that it caa be taken. Office, and At the West, the movement The stolen property was captured and digested, and aeeimllated by the mo.t time than those remote from Washing crop. .enaitlTe itomuh, when the plain oil is generally large, though not at all one of the gang named White lodged ton. be cannot tolerated; and by the mb. is loo mild a medicine Send Model or drawing. We advise points quite up to bination of tho ail with the hypophoS-phite- e eolations. jail. The cooler exj le moch more eflicactone. as to patentability tree of charge; and Money is not easy at Nashville, firm for such outlaws. Cold lead would have Remarkable ts a tesh prodnccr. effect. we make no charges unless patent is beneficial a more at Kansas City, and in active desecured. Persons gala rapidly while taking it. We refer, here,, to the Postmaster, mand at Memphis, but nearly all EMULSION is acknowledged by SCOTTS GROWTH. A HEALTHY and the Supt. of Money Order Div., points report an ample supply, and Phrsieians to be the Finest and Best prepaOfficials of the U. S. Patent Office. For the Tieasury observes that the deAckers Blood Elixir hks gained a firm ration ia the world for the relief and cure of Circulars, advice terms, references to act mand fo? off. fallen has hold on the American people and is ackCONSUMPTION, SCROFULA. or currency own State Country, ual clients in your superior to alj other CENZRAL DEBILITY, WASTING Scarcely any complaint is made of nowledged to be write to It is a positive cure for all DISEASES. EMACIATION, preparations. C, A. Snow & Co . collections, and yet the number COLDS and CHRONIC COUCHS. BloocJ and Skin Diseases. The medical Office. Patent Opposite failures has been considerable in fraternity indorse and prescribe it .GuarTht great remedy for Consumption, and Washigton D. C. Wasting in Children. Sold by all Ihuoaists. tome quarters, and on the whole anteed and sold by Dr. Miner. Nophi, Juah County, Utah has tilod notice ot intention to make proof of his doort land claim No. NH' UandVif Sit See.26 Xp. for the 15 S R I West boloro the Clerk of the County Court Nephi, Juab County, Utah, on Wednesday tho at 19th day of December, prove tho lie names the folhhving witnesses toof said land: complete irrigation and reclamation Juab ot Utah, County Levan, Melton Jennings, and Anon llowurth, Moroni Ho vnrth and A. It. Lumlv of Juab Juab County Utah. - 15-- 18.-- 8. 10 1-- Syr-po- 2 or f IMephi Miinn "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in FURNTUREJJ PHO LOT R lr,ETC. The finest line of Rn-by- . tom Prill li?e Geese FEATHER) ever 80011 111 Nophi, at PILLOWS, aoi Nafeal fold-- BEDS. We have just received fron (he east FOUR CARLOADS of Furniture etc. which we are selling at Salt Lake jobbing and retail prices. We will guarSouthern dealers will do well to send their orders to su. antee them Salt Lake wholesale prices, thereby saving freight aud'dum-ageogoods from Salt Lake. All orihrs will receive prompt attention. n C. S. TINGEY, g 1 bot- price-- ail ing life-lon- g dress-makin- Carriages . J. ADAMS & SO c k SUPT. m S LUMBER YARD AND PATENTS 111 LUMBER, LATH, MOULD SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS and FRAMES, PACKING-BOXES- , ETC. ONE-- BLOCK WEST OF , MAIN STREET and ONE BLOCK NORTH OK ! 1 SAN PETE VALLEY RAILWAY, NEFHL f , ' k |