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Show Y DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF.-NO-T- ICE FOR PUBLICATION. No, 308J. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 19th, 1888. Notice is hereby given that August A. Hjorth of Clinton, Utah County, Utah, has tiled notice of intention to make proof on his desert land claim No. 1460, for the N E of the S VV Sec 2cTp n S Range 4 E before the Register and Receiver at Salt Lake City, Utah, on Monday the 5th day November, 18S8. He names the following witnesses to .prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: Ole Lassen, Robert White, Charles Vanvalkenberg all of Clinton, Utah Co., Utah, and Niels Lassen of Fairview, San Pete Co., Utah. T. C, Bailey D. Webb. . Register Attorney. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Tintic Mining District, August 10, 1888. To fleber Cloward, his heirs or assigns' You are hereby notified that I have expended Two 1 lundred Dollars in labor and improvements upon the Fairview lode claim, situated in the Tintic Mining District, J uab County, Utah, for the years ending December 31st, 1S86, and Dec. ember 51st, 1SS7, in order to hold said claim under the provisions of section 2324, Revised Statutes of the United States, being the amount required to hold the same for the years ending December 31st 18S6 and December 31st, 18S7, and if within ninety days after this notice by publication you fail to contribute your coproportion of such expenditures as will owner, your interest in said claim become the property of the subscriber under said section 2324. ' Richard Tyner. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION No 3070. Land office Salt Lake City Utah. September, 8th, 1888. Notice is hearby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final Commutation proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the County Court at Nephi Juab County, Utah, on Monday October 22d, 1888, viz: Jedediah M. Grover N E No 6227 for the Si of N W and NJ of S WJ Sec 20 TP12SR2WSLM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Don M. Bigler, James Bigler, Daniel M. Miller, Charles W. Love all of Nephi Juab County Utah. D. Webb Register. DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. No. 3095. United Stated Land Office, Salt Lake Citv, Utah, Oct 3. 188S. Notice is hereby given that Horace A. Heath, of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah, has filed notice of intention to make proof on his desert land claim No. 2208, fortlie unsurveyed: S J of N E J S E J of N V E I S W i and the S E J Sec, 7 also N E J and E i of NW Section lS Township 13 S Range 6 east Register and Receiver U. S.Land office at Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday, the 17, day of November, iSSS. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: C. B. West, W. J. Florida, John F. Heath, H. O. Heath, all of Salt Lake Count', Utah. D. Webb Register. Oct 5 Nov 9 be-fo- ie DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF. NOTICE FOR PUBLCAION. No. 3,098. United States Land Office Salt Lake City, Utah, October 4th 18S8. Notice is hereby given that John S. Wright ol Nephi, Juab County, Utah has filed notice of intention to make proof on Ills desert land claim No. 1369, for the N W 4 S E 4 Sec 33, Tp 12 S. R. I E. before the Probate Judge or clerk of Juab Co. Utah, at Nephi, on Tuesday, the 20th day of November, 18SS. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: James B. Riches, Joseph Broadhead, John Fowkes, Joseph C. Patten all of Nephi, Juab Co. 1). Webb register. S. W. Darke, Atty. for Claimant. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (No, 3.H4-Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, October 13th, 1888. Notice is hereby given that the follow sealer has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in suppport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the County Court, at Nephi, Juab County, on Saturday, December, 1st iSSS, viz: Norman W. Elertson D. E. 1374 f r the S.W.4W E. 4 Section 15 Tp. 1 1 S. R. 1 W. He names tne following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: George G. Cloward, Eli Robinson, Ephraim Elertson, of Mona. Juab County, Utah, and George II. Hobbs, of Nephi. Any person who desires to protest or against the allowance of such proof, knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, whv such proof should not be allowed, wiil be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and the witnesses of place to said claimant, and to offer evidence in jebuttal ol that submitted by claimant D" Webb Register. Wilkes & Howe, Attys. for claimant. Oct. 19th, Nov 23d. ing-nam- cross-examin- e PETESSON & CHAPPELL'S IX U.UVKINS ROW, Is tie pl:ce to ley all lials of JEWELRY Watches, Clocks, and other jewelry repaired on the shortest notice. 11 t THE DESERET EVENING NEWS. Utah, and so also are the proprietors BROADHEAD A CO the ensign, who disclaim any intenWe find in a late number of the News Dealers in an article in the editorial colunie, w hich tion to act in any way the to injury of the of Utah, on the contrary they rs though not naming the Democratic party people cs in the 1UJI 'i lately organized at Salt Lake City, is ev- believe their paesent course is belurther interest of the They people. idently aimed at it. This article refers Manufacturers of to the address of Col. Winder and J udge lieve that their membership in such with their in conflicts wise no etc. Harness, Holes, Smith to the members of the peoples church take part party, and advises as the best policy for rights as American citizens to ALL WORK WARRANTED. the people to pursue "that is to stand by in the proceedings of a political party, and to vote for, and advocate the electthe organization of that party. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. If such is the present counsel and ion ol its nominees for office. advice of those gentlemen, it occurs to They hep a full line of goods on us that they must have received some The Home Sentinel of Manti has hand which are disposed of at new inspiration since last spring, for, several departments. We observe unless we have been misinformed, both with much Si., Nephi. First door Wicst ct pleasure that in its DepotStable. of them were then willing, nay they home Mailorders will be prompt-t- y Livery fourth the on department, attended to. Address P. 0. Pox 321, were anxious for the organization of the ticket Democratic the it page prints Nephi, Utah. Democratic party, and if they have for Delegate to Congress changed their minds it is probably in IIon. S. It. Thurmam, consequence of the outrageous treat- for which the Sentinel has the ment received by their friends at Ogden. thanks of the Democratic party. MRS. H. W. WHEELER, If at that time there was, need for I11 the first column of the Ephhas just received from Salt Lake City and any other organization than the Peoples raim department, we observe that New York a complete stock of party," which necessity those gentlemen that paper prints the Peoples tickFASHIONABLE SPRING AND SUMbelieved to exist it is clear to us that the et for Delegate to Congress MER MILLINERY, need exists now. That it does exist we IIon. John T. Caine Which she offers for sale to her many cohas been amply shown in our think and for this announcement the Sen- customers at reasonable prices. lumns heretofore and we propose to add, tinel no doubt has the thanks of the S. 25. in of Hose-sacl- s, lowest prices . as occasion may require further evidence Peoples party. to establish the fact. We do not proIn no department of that paper pose to controvert all allegations con- however have we been able to find tained in the editorial referred to. an announcement of the mongrel The News asserts that it(the Peoples so called Liberal ticket, and for party) is not ecclesiastical in its aims or such omission we presume that constitution. Now if such be the fact party does not feel thankful. will our worthe cotemporary explain why The Sentinel in briellly alluding it is that never, save in one solitary inst- to the organization of the Demoance has that party elected to any office cratic party in Utah, and the nomof profit or trust a man who was not a ination of the Hon. S. R. Thurman member of the ecclesiastical body of for to say delegate, promises which the News is the duly accreditid more about the democrats hereWe shall be pleased if our after organ? It is secular and political says our cotemporary will redeem its promrespected cotemporaiy but, if we have ise by a free and full endorsement and its candibeen properly informed, the peoples of the Democracy Cleveland dates. and is neither secular, nor political Thurman, as party S. It. as well to our of the Thurman, if it can according understanding definition of the words secular and pol- consistently do so. itical. It is composed of the majority, and is The Richfield Advocate says : controlled by the will of the majority of We have been asked who has to Now if this be true its own members. pay the Probate Judges appointed we will be obliged if the News will in- by the President. We should think form us by what means the will of the that Uncle Sam should pay all ofmajority is made manifest. ficers appointed by the President It is a local party says one friend and confirmed by the Senate. He and the same thing is said of the Liberal certainly becomes a U. S. officer. party by its adherents. At this point we Our worthy cotemporary is misbeg to inquire how either party being taken in its proposition. The office local can also be a political party? of Probate Judge was created by It occurs to us that the A'taj is not the Legislature of Utah, and we peculiarly happy in illustrating the alti- presume provisions have been made tude of those who have organized the by that body for the payment of his Democratic party by companug them salary, the same as other county with the dog in the fable. Does it mean officers, lie is not a United States to so compare them, and does it believe officer ; the only change made in that the Democratic party is merely a reference to Probate Judges in shadow and without substance? I11 either Utah was in the manner ot their case we incline to the opinion that the appointment. News is laboring under a mistake those men are not dogs nor is the Democratic The Richfield Advocate of last party a mere shdow, but a substantial week announced the arrival at that organization. of the newly appointed ProIf Utah were clothed with the habili- place bate Judge for Sevier County. ments and authority of statehood, there Hon. L. 13. Kinney, formely of Nemight be some show' of reason for the a resibraska, but for people to take their places in such nat- dent of Utah. many years ional parties as their opinions would Judge Kinney is a brother of lead them to join. Can the Newj infoim J. E. Kinney, at one time an Judge us when Utah will be so clothed? We preJustice of Utah courts. sume it cannot give us that information, The latter gentleman is at present but think we are sufficiently advised on an Indian agent in Dakota. The the subject as to be able to inform it new Probate Judge of Sevier was at that Statehood will not be bestowed on onetime Superintendent of Indian Utah until the people have abandoned affairs in this Territory. We comthe locol parties, Peoples and Liberal mend the Judge to the citizens of and taken their places with the natSevier, believing that he will make ional parties' them an able and honest officer. We beg the News to abandone the erroneous the.ory which it seems to have An acute political observer reimbibed, that the demociatic party w liuse Dis is nothing but a sort cause the Ensign has aspoused, was or- marks : Powder for 0 the of Raking campaign. Dey the ganized purpose dividing Peoples party. Such was not the inten- just put out diagrams, an figgers, tion ol the organizers, the hope enter- an arguments ; an as lor dat Free tained up them was and is, that tli e Peo Whiskey I hear so much about, I pies party, as well as the Liberal party, havenl seen so little of it in many Ex. a year. will at no distant day see the neresi-uol and the propriety disbanding entirely. We believe that our candidate, being CANDIDATES FOR DELEGATE. as he is, the candidate of a political pai-tUnder the above caption, the Utah could do more if elected, for the inof Logan, (which by the way is a Journal terest of the entire people, in Congress well printed and edited newspalarge, than any other candidate who might be per, very creditable to its publishers and be elected on a merely local issue. three Mistakes are common in this world an honor to Logan) notices the for Congress, from which we candidates of mingled truth and error. Nobody the following. should be blamed for a blunder, unless extiact Then arc three candidates in the field, the he persists in it to the injury of himself Peoples candidate, Hon. John T. Caine; the or others. But a movement to divide IVmooratlc canlidate, Hon. 8. R. Thurman; the Peoples Party when union is moie and the candidate, for the Liberals, It. N. Basthan ever a necessity, becomes more kin, Caine has ilr. proved him,clf to teaman of than a blunder and will surely cover judgement and ability, and experience lias adthose who continue in sucli folly w ith ded to his fitness for the position to which he is mortificatiion and defeat. called, and in a hich it is desired to continue This last quotation, which we make him. nominee, Isa from this column of the News upon Mz. Thurman, the Democratic young man who has made a mark in the Legiswhich we have been commenting, is lature, lie possesses ability of no mean order, rather blind, and we confess our inability but he-i- not the candidate of the people at the to unoerstand its meaning. That mis- piesent time. Mr. Baskin is well known for his determined takes are common, we admit to be a tiue and bitter opposition to the interests of the time assertion, at the same denying that Territorj Hnd for his hatred of the Mormons. the Democratic organization is a mistake He through and through and all or that those who support it arc either over, and chiefly on that account he is a canfor Delegate to Congress on the Liberal blunderers or criminals as w ould seem didate Ticket. to be implied. They may, and perhaps will be "covered with defeat, but with mortification, never. Does the AVar PENNYROYAL of WAFERS. a physician who intend this remark as a threat? We hope .GygoTjl Prescription has had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used not, although to some it might seem to monthly with perfect success by over 10,000 ls,i. s. Pleasant, safe, J look that way. effectual. Ladies ask yourdruj-V-'l The Hon. Samuel R. rimrman we At AT gist. for Penn) royal Wafers and take no substitute, or Inclose post- believe is a member of the rlmrch whose Tibi'VL for sealed particulars. Sofd by i?a. all druggists, $1 per box. Address members compose the d- miiiant party THE EUREKA CHEMICAL CO.. Ditboit. Mica- - 1RESAMTLE ASSOCIATION. FRANCIS SELLS, FURNITURE DEALER, In addition to a choice stock already on hand has just received a carload of Furniture ail fall Paper Direct from the East which he is offering at Salt Lake Prices. Main Street, Store a few doors North of the National Bank, Main Street, Nephi. Call and examine prices before purchasing elsewhere. You will save freight fron Sail Lake City. New GRACE BROS J CO. NEPHI. LUMBER YARD AND PLANING MILL. Dealers in all kinds of Building Hardware Such as Nails, Locks, Hinges, etc. Cost We have BURTON SUPT., H. Also Lumber, Lath, Doors, Window Moulding and Pickets. Glass of all common sizes, and a small stock of Axle Trees, Boulsteis and the like, which we will dispose of at for Casli, just received a car load Nephi of Doors , Windows, Square, and Fancy Flat Pickets DIRECT FROM THE EAST. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in As.-ocia- te J Which we are prepared to sell at prices to meet the wants ot all. Cor. Main and S. P. V.Ry.St.Nephi. The finest line of Dahy Carriages ever seen in Nephi, at bot tom prices. H. J. MORTEN SEN IN DEALERS Prime lire Geese FEATHEiR aei PILLOWS, PARLOR , HEATING, COOK STOVES and RANGES. aii National FOLD- ING BEDS. We have juRt received fron the east FOUR CARLOADS of Furniture etc. which we are selling at Salt Lake jobbing and retail prices. Southern dealers will do well to send their orders to su. We will guarIn ordering be sure to give name and antee them Sail Lake wholesale prices, thereby saving freight and damexact number of stove. age on goods from Salt Lake. All orders will receive prompt attention. All home made, and 20 per cent. below Salt Lake prices. SUPT. All kinds of Extras and Stove outfits, Grates, Crosspieces. Lids, Fronts, Backs to stoves, etc.,to any kind of stoves made. C. Before purchasing elsewhere give me Satisfaction guaranteed. a call. P. O. Box 69. Spanish Fork Utah. SIGNS! SIGNS! CHAS. S. TINGEY, J. ADAMS & SONS, PETERSON. SIGNS SCENERY. Interior Decorating, all kinds of Ornamental Painting, Gilding, etc.; Address 60 Center Street Salt Lake City, Or leave orders with Mr. Tingey of Furniture Co. the Nephi p Prices and estimates given on First class work. ' CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS LUMBER YARD AND Co-o- n. CHAS. M. THE NEPHI 331 MI), DENTIST. Who has been practicing dentistry Nephi for the last ten years is now at in LUMBER, LATH, MOULDINGS SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS and FRAMES, PACKING BOXES, ETC. HIS OFFICE block south One block east and one-haof the Co-o- p store where he is prepared to do all work in his .profession in the latest style. Gold amalgum and bone filling and extracting a specialty. Prices reasonable. Part payment taken in produce. N. B. He is now fully prepared to ex- ONE BLOCK WEST OF MAIN STREET and ONE BLOCK NORTH OF THE tract teath without pain by the use of SAN PETE VALLEY RAILWAY. NEPIIL the Vegetable Vapor. short on notice. Operations done lf |