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Show A O, r TEE MSI G&" -- ' PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY Juab Tephi FeILD & RoLLO Co; ' . 11 i Nephi, - 7- J; TEE ENSIGN; Tf?! tT.T. SlBSCRIPi'lON liATES; One Year, Si x Months, ' Three Months' PcBLISJIEKS. Prompt attention paid to all coal m unit A tioas. Address: The Ensign, P. O. Bos 2 i fi7- - 75 4 - . Utah. - $2.00 Vol. II u i ;N EPBX T7TAIX FRIDAY OCTOBER 26, 1888. Advertising Rates forwarded on plication. No21 t ap- and thg him to render it, shares the credit if its WE CAN AND DO adm.nistration is wholesome and benifi or odiuni the cent, Guarantee in and Ackefs Blood Elixir for it has case disgrace ( FJRST.NATIONAL FOR BEMOOKAi'i. JOS. L. RAWLINS of failure. The mini who is a Democrat been fully demonstrated to the ot i , An people and worthy of the name, willingly" and this country that it is supetior to all other opportunity is now offered to Democrat of Sait lull; e City, lije said: Mr. who may wi-to contribute to the cimpanro Lull's troubles manfully accepts the trust which fiee preparations tor blood diseases. It is a funds at no actaai cot (o tlumelvee. The, Democratic Territorial Cuimiithce is i jcurrinj euu-i- d ate fast corning to an end because the government devolves upon him after positive cure for syphilitic poisoning h msell" upon any question of Ulcers, Eruptions and erable expense in earning on the present It puriA, Si lhe people of Utah, youhg and old, are go- informing of of Synopsis Speecfits Jjus. OF v and in erd-- r to assist in the good work or government to act pblitically fies the whole system Pimples. policy and thoroughly hands with to the strike Democracy ing A Tkhtmam, Jus. L.' KtttAins and' make the following proposition. his as best builds individual would up the constitution. of the cation.. (Applause.) It is plant to All nelsons do?inuk to Help carryon thi wdrk judgment Dr. Pike and the Proceedings at to subsciihe lor Tut. Esmlu and who me that our faces ate toward the rising direct, absolutely free- - from coercion, and will pay to advance the usual subscription k American sun Fh Tuesday and as long as we keep tins orb iu control or dictation. Having political liyt A HEALTHY GROWTH. price ($2 OOi w'll lereivethe aior one year and . and convictions, he also has Paid Capital will know that they havo eontrihutod one halt Ji'i View, light and intelligence will be outs intelligence $50,000 niug the his of e wo convictions as r h would the amount and propo-alove that f coinage purpose, we shall maren oa to Victory. and Blood Ackers Elixir has firm a to so appropriate it. Tun odor is good unUl gained his THE SECOND CAMPAIGN MEETING w d untramell-esentiments till an 1 am astonished that 'on an occasion speak Surplus hold on the Ameiican people and is ack12,50c. ik'th veoice HELD AT AMERICAN FORK. though menaced by as many nowledged to be like tins w hen tile genuine Democratic supenor to ail other Geo. C; devils aa there i s. ; i tiles upon the roots I: is a positive cure for all JonasII. Whitmore, President Yota Far Sam party of Utah has been so lecently or ol the houses. are MCfRE T&mai.' DEMOCRACY preparations. would He never Fork Blood and Skin Diseases. The medical E. S. HillsErekson Vice Pres. ganized, the people of American his political voice and action to bepermit disDirectors. 1 to should so come With did out enthusiasm and the greet hospitably indoise and prescribe it .Guar- Jas, H. Myudcrs, energy fraternity Vote for Sam Thurman and subscribe for Tag or turned aside from what he Demociats of that piospeious Utah its standard tcaiei the lion. S. R. Thur torted, and anteed sold Dr. Miner. by deemed the James E. Clinton. 1, manipulation of town, American Folk, it oik lor man. Seeing tins 1 earnout but be con- others, but i right byofthe Alma Hague, Cashier. Cleveland and Thurman and Thurman and County all it would see to spjte vinced of the a that and of success principles their tune last huge gala Tariff relorm. that force his of tht; is A In Ln ot d There individuality this be welcomed. case were any ij! tie Tuesday evening. By the hard work requites Deposits received subject to sight draii commingled with that of his fellow citi- building up, Dnjardinssystem Vote for Sam Thurman and dont forget to ad- and Life Lssetice superiutendency of .Messrs Emmet are a few1 of the ppnciples of this party zens for counteraction "6r vertise in Tint Basiss. that assistance, never failed. It will suceed w hete everyLynch, Jas. Chipuian Jr. and no. ieterS that I deem it' my- duty to talk to you or check. the resultant might be the highest good thing else has failed in Cosh or Merchandise paid for fit calves .by 1L every tiling was a success and the whole tonight. bracing up organic the state to and i the , I am aware that it is diflicult for peo' people.F. Barr. function. ' Price, $1,50 a bottle, all diug-gistOn their affair worked Eke clockwork loaned on a ppreved security." ' Money tiaditiuuS and , No craven no serf no Collections made with prompt returns at Goods sold cheaper than ever for cash or pro- - arrival .iUq speaker; and. other visitois pie to break away lrom is he, the tine Democrat. He walks with tiiatthev doubt that resolute were taken just acioss the road from the old associations duce at It h . Barrs. lowest rates. and manwith a Derm bearing of w hicii is speaks new ; but the principles A CHILD KILLED. aid placed under the care of that Our offer under thoheading"For Democrat! is depot We sell exchange on leading citieof the who treat- tictacy are noi inf a to the peopldofUtah ly vice. He does not shamble with a genial host ,'Boh,Keppe-.mcfor old and new subscribers alike. but rowed nor child killed by the use of op- United Another await the stale and gait; ed them with that peculiar hospitality so As yot; are aJl well aviate, the founders tixtid tates, also furnish sight drafts or iuspuation of another to guide his iates given in the form of Soothing syrup. remit funds Every Democrat in the Territorr who sees this enjoyable which lie only can bestow. At of tins great and Iree nation the United to all prominent points in issue ot' Thk Fusion mil take us up at our: offer. political conduct. What he claims for Why mothers give their children such about seven oclock the Lehi Silver states weie only a few comprised m himself . . I Eu he accords t,o others and is ope. freely had deadly when bi poison colonies thirteen Colotn'es. The surpusmg they Band met m front of the hotel and II. M. MoCuno A Co are the agents for tlm he has more respect lor the coutageous can relieve the child of its peculiar troubi . atod Iron 1 ire Eroof Faint. Give them your ; the populace ivjdt sweet music. been pjovmces ofGieat Lritani. The toe ' ' than for i les elders. the wietch who Ackeis It Soother. suppliant accustomby Baby been at using A rt.Tje'iiiad toic! people Correspondents tha( . liglt Ckejimgia'Iab.nJaht.; seek to become his tool. He has contains np Opium or Morphine. Sold might AVe shall lose money by our offer unless wa ctJ procession, headed by the band, was ed to Sub ml to the power of kings and a soul of courage but also imbued w ith New York, Kotmtze Bros. i by Dr. Miner. tend ojr circulation to that ex tent that the' Virtue formed and Uhe low n was taken m. when they tinfted together fpr the purof our space will materially increase to our advermagnanimity. - In the strength of his Union National Bank. cheers-foto freedom, themselves Cleveland Chicago, find pose ' and Mubip,, ofsucuimg . tisers. theie wei those who Were in favor ot manhood he can well afford to be tolerTliurthan'and Thuimuu was the Salt Lake City, Deseret National Ba.& TI 1ERE IS POWER IN PRAYER. Ail parties knowing themselves Indebted to the Wilder the power of kings. ant even of the intolerant. the oclock remaining eighf By' '1heatre, o San Francisco. Pacific Bank. If we call to and are vv turn our requested hereby e undersigned eyes upon history With flags They constituted what was known as the w ell lighted and decorated accounts at once aod save further trouble. J. King the Indian faith healer will desee the typical Democrat in Athens aught the Federal mantamed and , ' F. R. Barr... appriprate mottoes and. photographs they party , that wonderful city full of Democrats liver a lecture upon the mode customs .,1,-was filled to overii jiving with an audien- doctrine that it would not be safe to give and habits of the Cherokee Indians iu Veter Rasmussen, Root and Shoe maker, is the ascending the Acropolis, to engage in the was ot young and nhd to tiie people the freedom that Nephi Tabernacle next Monday tven-in- g place to take your ordors lor good cheap and sub ce composed ciiieily an iu affairs intelligent the participation 2NT- stantiai work. One door bo a ill ofl'eople'a Meat die aged men and not a lew young lad es. finally guaranteed to lhe people by the of at 8 p. m. Admission free. begining voice If, then, the , Jdaraet. On the, stage were such prominent framing of the Constitution of the Unit- of the All invited. are Manufacturer of was not in reality the people Federal Gus. llenroid has bought out the Arcs le Chop persons Sj the II5n. S. R. Thurman, tue ed States. The doctrine ot the of God, it was the omnipotent Geo- - Ieterem whs ll oil. JusjL. R4wlns, Dr. W. R. Bike, party obtajntidf UoWever to the extent voice House, lhe able mauu.-elias given such exce lleut satislaction hies hmiselt John ieters, Lmnfet Lynch, Jas. Chip that the people were deprived of the voice. Those Democrats ruled their city HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT Mr. Clawson is prepared to manufac-- a i they ruled themselves. .Thus every to other quarter,. . man Jr. W. A. Q. Jimoot, Jus. f. McEwan pnulige of voting directly for the Presid citizen Boots and Shoes in any style and , ture in into the Cannot statesman. hand if grew hand we look on Through go Sit right down aDd enclose your address and and otliws. Tpe, band led out with ent and vice President of the U. S. but FIRST CLASS WORK. AH guarantees their and freedom those the dark side of every little obstacle. intelligence two dollars in an envelope and mail it at once to after w hich Lrninet Lynch nom- Democracy has been explained, and ap- Democrats of repairing neatly done. Prices Thu Enskiv For reason, read our notice headed music, achieved the will success so life it and darken a make so Nothing greatest that the Chwiuii as inated Jr object in ail that extensively cluirnun of preciated jas, For Democrats. administers to the comfort and burden as Dyspepsia. Ackers Dyspepsia reasonable. Second door North of Bank, He was elected uuani-ttpusl- of the Federal paity winch was that the , ilye meeting. ot mau. Their energy and in Tablets will cure the wost form of Dys- Nephi. 40 tf. ' prosperity Dont fail to read Jos. Rawlins address as deshould of be power aker which he introduced electing these officers livered at American Fork last Tuesday evening invested in the electors and not in the telligent activity could not be confined pepsia. Constipation and Idigestion, and and to ha found in another column- - It tells you withirt limits of a single city, but make fife a happiness and pleasure. Sold 6.?.JrHCRMAN a what constitutes a Democrat. people has been : annulled and now an leached the ; out into distant lands. !The bar- at 25 and 50 cents by Dr. Miner. . will elector found be dare wfm who cannot1 was u ith received much applause It will be observed that tho size of our paper Vote in any way but that in barians and serfs of despotic governhas not increased, but we are using a new iot of and thfeelrousufgTieers led by VV. A. callus whMi his constituents command him to ments paid tribute to the glory and prostype which is smaller and it answers the tame C. SmooD-- ' Mr. f hurman said: CatArrh Cured, health and sweet , office im u. s. no office bui'ldino. perity of Democratic Athens. It is im- breath purpose that an enlargement would. la We have not cyme to wage in any war do. secured, by Shilohs Catarrh to the measure indebtedness possible of foundThe immortal Jeflerson was the LAND. AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS Our offer will mako Thu Essiov a paper of gen- agaiilst aijy party but to discuss Ourown Nasal Price cents. 50 Remedy. Injector modern Civiliztaion and art, government free. Miner & Co., eral circulation throughout the Territorr and political principles, the principles of the er of the Democratic pa.rty. IBs chief Obtain Patent Jar Agricultural ani Mineral Lande Nephi. make it be tei able to be an expoundorof Dem- recently assistant was anits Madison, it was to the Democracy, of this ancient city. and only genuine otganiaed Democrata the consistent and ol The affairs of govrunient can be safely supporter ocracy Represented by Jas. W.Paxman, Utah. Tneie has through then exertions the amendments For lame back, side or chest, use ShiDemocratic party--oic party as it will continue to bo. to the intelligence office peo- lohs Poious Plaster. Price 25 cents v f . r . i c ' l)erfoochttic patty existing to the Constitution were adopted it inti Our scheme for raising campiign Tunas has for soule time in Utah wiiose was dpe to then exertions that the bill ple.-' The collective judgement the & Miner Co., Nephi. Druggists, principles t dawned upon us so recently that we havo had no of a free Democratic people is the of rights was added to the Constitution. lime to arrange far agents in xhe different towns ate airtagbiustic'tti the genuine Demot the Torritory, lint we teoi conhdeat that we ocracy ot the nation. 3he otganization The Democratic paity which came into bert practical guide in matters ot govern-mju- t. For gpod government therefore, hve Wends in each town sufficient to pu-- h tb of ouf party was Ttecessafy because of tlie power eighty-eigyears ago, iis always scheme bo that&s full nmnif'JC uimht be Leafed but a jikcsswi DnniocraU., . wrongwi oF "thitj ,rtiv3iigiel Democracy bo my fellow citizens dont be foolerf, which "inid Help the good work along anil send in your concumnutted; it was individual. but on the sixth of November next cast tributions to the campaign tund. ii you can neccjs-lrThe then detail went into the to of speaker wiwing the progress now and do no more, subenbt for iHit how perfect was our local our vote for S. R. Thurman aud you will A few CHOICE RAMS tire offered for sale from the herd of the late you will get your two dollars worth and more, and Temtory that national politics should be explaining have the misiactiun that at least oao dollar of deumtdy and Uloioughly discussed and self government awl how it was secuied be voting for Democratic principles. , . , Also 100 or more as fine D. M. BROWN. your money went lor the good cause. understood. Mt. 'liurnun then led out to tn : people by Demociats and closed (Applause and cheers.) Music the band followed this and In our offer for every ityment of one years into a detailed history of the notorious his recital by saying that every citizen Dr. W. R.by as were ever imported to Pike delivered a brief addiess subscription to Tun Ensign in udianee, one Ogden so called Democratic convention should feel his importance in a Governy These were rams in what shall be paid to the Teriitonai Demo- ol .May 5t!i.' H is been said had w and this Inch has seen tit to leave to linn endorsing stripped May, have been sumTerritory. speech throughout the ment cratic Central committee to helpt detray the cam- lecital was lie loved Democracy. the his own out to wuik with power Democratic destiny. be Hence shall old will we expe-our on oieilluwing mered paign expenses, ranges. thoroughly acclimated and fitted Tne Democratic party has out lived was leceued with who may be owing this olfi o to pay up all arrearseuimienoand 1 service. for ages at well as the two doilsis. all odier have that in sprung up applause. patties LIBERALITY AND SLAVERY. it is necessary, urgently necessary the United States and it lias attended A merchant after selling and using an irtic'e For particulars inquire of W. I. Brown, or A. M. Everts. lu.ieral W. Mr. of 01 of them. most Alter the its mor.t,. for years knows somethin tnat every man shall, alter due deliber- the We have received a communication I havoi 1). Haller, Druggi-t- , lilan, Neb , says: decide for himself as to wliat Federal partys death, tile Whig party Nephi, Juab Co. Utah. used Chamberlain's Colic, Choleia and Diarrhoea ation, from a reliable gentleman residing in, a elected one and faith he is up shall believe best sprang l for poIiUcal piesident think not do sav, that henatata Remedy, and llarnsou, tiie grandialher oiibe present community where most of the voters are ittue best ot all modicines for diarrhoea and bow- the taauaian.iav.ilbold by D. 0. Miner, el complaints generally. There is a class of people in the Unit- Republican nom.nee. .It died and then employed by rich corporations, which Repin, ed States who wish our Government to came tfje Know Nothing patty tiie illustrates the modus operandi by which Oil Wednesday evening last a Democratic give tiieni a portion of the taxes ot tire party, "lhe Democratic party the so called Liberal held was, iu Spriugville. party manages to Campaign meeting as a bonus tojielp them make a declared thatTheVe should De no tehg The affair, like each of the others was a grand people roll a tuUs test vote at elections. in politics-huthereldre it These are All heavy up quite A. of K. pitied efforts to the living. that John Deal, Republicans. success, due Those who expoundtne Democrat asks of tis Government self against the Know Nothing party and Oiir Boyer and Ed Anderson. roirc&poiident says speaking of -- TJ ed Democracy whs A. 0. Smoot Jr. of Provo, is that that Govetnment.will protect hint it died, .and so on. F rmer elect ons On election day, go bJ) W. H. King end W. H Casedy of bait Lake When was tins rent asunder by nation agaust every attempted undue advantage He Unowi what he is writing about. Mr. E. some one aole to tale that advantage the civil war, of couise "the Democrat c to the different polling places and you MM I Neb , sais: McLeod, druggist, liewingiord, take, iu protect him in Im nvil party was lent asLndcr and it lost powet. will find at the blank mine a ticket stuck keep in stock a great variety of o called cures for might Ins i But asundc-it rent d.d it nut ui was, and u and marked a Does though bus, htf ticket? but tie persoreligious rights John rights; at diarrhoea and cholera moi up nal trial ef Chamberlain's Colic, cholera and political and other lights that belong die. Owing to the cund.liou ut afla ts another ticket stuck up -- M another place Diarrhoea Remedy. I regard it ai the t. of lot a ot and carpet-baggcfseekets an American Citizen and he medicines in the market, lor diarrhoea and all to lumas, will make Mis own hvuig and work out spoil wete let 'loose and from them maiked Richard Roes ticket, and at a Y bowel complaints, it saved the life ot our zs Sold by D. 0. Ahnur, Nephi. rvn CT2 sprang the Republican p.uly. It was third place a ticket labeled Dennis bjs own destiny. (Applause.; Tiie principles that divide the two not Republicans that saved tiie Union. Iirulgrudderys ticket and at each place Chamberlains Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is tne most succe-slprepaiations ever great political parties of the nation will Theie were a million and a half soldiers i )e men ai e c r peeled to thus vote or be last forever, l'he Democrats ask for m the Union army and in that number procured tor bummer Complaint. Cholera Morbus 3 Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Bloody Flux and Chronic more of tlrat which we say is ot guaranteed over 200,000 more . Democrats tlum discharged. will thousands and Diarrhoea, certity peisons ' Now vve appeal to all free men and that they believe their lives Lave been saved by to every citizen individual liberty. The Republicans. The Republican party since the war ask is this action in conformity with a this great remedy. It is the one preparation that Republicans ask for a strong centralized CL every farnilv and every traveling man should be has industriously sown the seeds of dis- sp rtt of during the summer power; Wliat the Democrat asks for, he liberality? are not the men who provided with, especially hate c cord have s and str.ie. to ot The Chrome Diarrhoea that is going months. Manyca-eThey get. Republican party had resisted all other treatmentuand ba'llod the has no doubt done some the Uonslituiion of the United vote in accordance with this dictation of but its v..- skill of good pnvsicians, have been permanently mission is ended and now good their States fundamental its thus and, employers, we must giving up perhaps ujecteJ D. go cured by it. bold by 0. Miner, Nephi. CB back to fundamental principles and they principles and clur.ng it all we have be- their own personal views and principles, In consequent e of tno illness of a compositor we ate Democratic., held such men as Allen G. 'llturman mere slaves vvero unable to get this issue ot Tux Ensign out voting under the influence l.uruncjusiyy let. me sav that our fitde calling tiie country back to duty. (Ueal-liun- ui the lash of their masters? until baturday morning, and under such circumtins And cannot wul overlook tua party is meeting with greater success Applause) stances we hope our supscrihers euiinliy Oh: shame where is thy bl ush? Let us laslure. A meeting was held in the Court House than we ever dreamed ot when we be said to have ciiectually been restoied 1 ridav evening and was addros-eby b. A. Kenuntil was Cleveland Piesident Grpv.cr at least hope that at the ensuing election it. The 11. and D .Johnson people ot aio generally Lake by ner Esq. bait City of the same pUce b it who is now is now in Nephi learning its principles and uu Jerstunding elected and now it is a united nation the rich employers of men as good as on a short Uw.ug to a coiublication of cirits The votes that will be cast (Applause) themselves will abstain from this cumstances the meeting uas not so large as we for platform. led a dis into out our here The speaker Delegate to Congress on the could have expected, it hav mg been undvistood and illiberal piactice. of of the lar.li question invoring that a per'ormance at the theatre would take 6th of November next, be they few or cussiou evening doubtless kept many per many, will be cast by men w ho have cuurse a reduction trout the present high place on Friday sens away, besides the notice given ol tue meetiug some statistics simwas o short that it ms not generally known that decided that the Territory shall progress tariff and presented DIED. e in politics as she is a mooting wonld be helc at the Court House in every ilar to those given m Mr. Gasadys progiessing audn-ucvas not in another part of this voiy much regret that the published olher'way. speech In thoOtb did who not Salt Lake City, at 11:30 p. no. the boeauce attend people wrd, larger, There are a class of men who wish to paper, and referred to the locking al- ( vt n tu, lttbti, ol the results oi an ovarian tumor, iu an opportunity te hear politics diacu-sgnii-- ed or John Sillier ol Nephi. Born in a manner so peculiarly his own, by Mr. Kenner deprive other merf ol their lights simply ley Pemisylvanta incidents and appealed Lilen,wile Lancashire. England, June 12th, 1823. Embraced who is a well posted and earne-- t Democrat. because of their rekgous faith. These to the common sense of his hearers the in 1848 in fct ouia. Emigrated to Very muck against his inclinations and through efforts can only be overcome by leaving asking them how it was possible for men I tah in 1838. Caine to Nephi in IsM where she no faultol his own Mr. Lindsay has boon obliged them severely alone and has as suclr remained a until believe lew days previous to that within to Repubprotection conducting the to postpone the play of Monte Cristo. it will AGENTS FOR TIIE death; when she went to Salt LakeCityfor would piotect the labor- her not be presented tonight but tomorrow (baturday) political affairs as they aught ty.be cou licans advocate treatment a She teat her m the taithful wai "men, the sine w of the nation. He went Nephi Relief Society since its ducted , on Democratic infeoe ing night it will be given in good thape. organization principles of the W as a teacher in the Sabbath school for many CHAMPION MOWERS, fiEAPSSS AND BINDERS, Last Wednesday evening the angel ef death irrespective uf mens leligious faith. The on, further to explain some bee died aa she lived a laitliiul Latter-daand years, visited the heme of oiff worthy townsman C. S. eflerts ot tLse meil a! liouest Democrats d.stmctiohs between Democrats burnt. son. Tingey and toek from him hn threetoyear old propose to overcome 'end cause to have Republicans irt regard to the tariff quesAND the bereav1 hi En.sion extend, its sympathy RESOLUTIONS OF RE8FBCT. no effect ffitfiis fair Territory and they tion and said. We now have in Utah . ed parents. of all we and announce to the world that they are tree the principles Demociacy WHY UTurfosour Heavenly Father has seen it fit to men. (Applause) The v'otes cast in ask for the men men who are Dem- remove Do Americans prefir tlaiubng Figs? from us our esteemed ELen Ameiican P'ork lor the Democratic ociats. What is necessary to constitute Miller, President of the eaehers sister, Because they cure o the Nephi hy d p.nglishmon pre'er Hamburg Figs? to Congress on the 6th ol a Denpjcruj? I is but to be a nun that Relief Society, and Because they need them whito trav elmg to keep Delegate Wherrar, we realize our loss iu her death November next will determine how many embodiment of the qualities and attribut- Tnerefere, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF the system in peilect health. be it manes fearless winch of this do inert constitute Germans pretor Hamburg latter class Fig,? from our midst is Why her are theie that this removal in Jleyolvtd, genuine Because they cure biliousoes-- . felt Moline Plows, Imperial Chilled Plows, Buckeye Rakes, Grain Drills place, and we think there are many. hood. He is a mail vuro to tiie extent oi deeply J. milled, that we deeply sympathize with her Why do hrenehmon preler Hamburg Tigs? winch faculties with With he the of the is our in endowed, the euro principles piles. bereaved hush nd aud fi lends. Bcwue they party and Springtooth ILu-oivs- , Cultivators Springfield Threshers, Engine and Why do bpaniards prefer Hamburg Figs? ascendency, Utah will soon be the proud deems hmuelt the equal of any othei RMlv(d, Unit a Copy of these resolutions he Becaaso they cure livor complaints. Kspunent for Horse Powers, Feed Griodeis, Buggies, Carriages ar,d Road Carts est, best and most substantial and man. He ibeugnizes Inmself as an in- sent to The Ension and Womans Kelly W hd dn everybody proftr HambUTg Fig? on records the and also be placed glorious common wealth in the Union ot tegral and responsible part of the govern- publication, of the Neplii Relief boeiety. Boca ue they area irrstallwed Iruit cathartici ' Hardwood, Wagon and Champion Machine Repairs, ment ol the Aommou wealth, who by reat A. L Bailey, States, guild and effective in Rction. (Prolonged applause.) SI. E Teisdalo I Committee. P o. Box 369. Nepbi, Utah. Hamburg Figs aro jold everywhere 25 cants At the of Mr. Thurman's speech, son of the assistance which duty requires close ;hox. Dose one Fig. . the band icnJeied a selectiou chair introduced ' LOCAL ITEMS.: T h i'll PRbdRESSES BA:KI;u cam-paig- intkpiii, xjt:a . . Y Ex-io- x. s. man-millin- 1 cel-o- id ' . S , r set-tl- OIzAWSONr;,; BOOTS & SHOES r t,W- -- Wilkes & Howe, f . 1 -- bees-anothe- 1 con-sers- ,Vswv ht - y ED VERMONT RAMS REGISTER- tell-vvh- ' -- - C4MDPEM & ic d PYPilSB c 0 be-t- bank-erber- e. 0 73 C . bn , . . , o 0 0 i g o o d 0 vi-- it DEPOT STREET, NEPIII, UTAH. -- e 1 d go-p- J. W. SCHOFIELD & CO. 1 , y 1 t FISH BROTHERS " WAGONS, t , ' |