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Show to any change in the character or name of the organization which has successfully maintained them for many years. The Peoples Party is intact, and should be preserved in its integrity until the people of Utah have obtained their full rights and privileges as American citizens. There is ample room upon its platform for every citizen of Utah who venerates the Constitution of our country and is willing to obey the laws made in pursuauce thereof, and who desires the of local self government, no Territorial Election, Nov. 6, 1888. triumph matter what may be hie opinions or affiliations upon national issues, It is a party of the people and for the people, aud is devoted to the people's interests. FOR DELEGATE TO CONGRESS, Thre is no need for any voter who wishes for the welfare of the Territory to separate himself from the Peoples Party in order to work for national purposes. Indeed such a course TL.0 Ensign. Sami. R. Thurman. PRINCIPLES OF PLATFORM arena. In past contests our strength has been conin our unity. We have not been PARTY DEMOCRATIC THE TERRITORY OF UTAH. We believe it to be the duty of every citizen of a tree government to understand its principles and to interest him-se- ll in its administration. That the most efficient action in this direction can be had by identitymg ones sell with an organized political party. That the principles of the Democratic party have been most conducive to the establishment and preservation of our free institutions in the past, and, il adhered to in the future will secure their stability and aid their growth. We recognize the following as some of the most essential principles of said part$, to the maintenance and propagation of which weas individuals and as a party, pledge ourselves . 1 We reaffirm and endorse the princi pies embodied in the platform adopted by the Nationalconvention of the Democratic party held in St. Louis on the 17th of June, 1S88, and endorse the nomination of Grover Cleaveland for President and Allan G. Tnurman for Vice President. An inviolable preservation of the 2 Federal constitution, and this we undei-'stan- d to include the preservation to to the people of all rights the States-anand poweis oi government not expressly, or by necessary imputation, granted to the Federal government. 3 To foster a spirit ot independence, so tliat the citizen shall rely for his prosperity upon his own industry, energy and economy, rather than the special aid or protection of the government, which is always unequal and often unjust. 4 The enforcement of all valid laws, and upon the question of the validity of auy law, the decision of the court of last resoi t is tiual, and should be accepted in good faun until by legitimate agitation, it obnoxious, its abrogation or repeal can be secured. Equal and exact justice to all men, of whatever state, ldigious or political. Freedom of religion, of the press and of the person, under protection of the law, and of an enlightened public opinion. Absolute separation of church and State. The safety and well being of each demanding that neither in its organized capacity, should in any manner in- -' terfere with the other, 5 .And we further declare it to be our firm belief, that it is diametrically opposed to the principles of free government, for any citizen to yield to any man or set of men, the tight to control his political action.aod that in doing so, he does an injustice to himself, ancf to his country, and to civilization. And while we strongly insist upon the right to enjoy the benefits we believe it to of local be impossible that this right can be well exercised or these benefits fully enjoyed by any community where the many are controlled by the will ot the few to whatever partv that lew may belong. 6 We believe that no man can be a consistent Democrat and' at the same time advocate the principles of or vote for the nominees of any other political party, local or national. The Democratic platform, as of old, 7 means the greatest good to the greatest number, and recognizes as worthy memcitizens bers of the party all who subscribe to its principles, support Its nominees, adopt its usages without regard to past political affiliations pr religious convictions. 8 That the affairs of the goveinrijen can be safely entrusted to the intelli geuceofa free people. That all just government is derived front the consent of the governed. That eveiy citizen ahnuld be allowed tiie exercise of the pubgreatest liberty consistent with the lic good and safety. That any form of colonial government is incongruous with the political system of the United states. is a cardinal Local principle ot Democracy, and as such we affirm and endorse it. 9 Religious belief or fidelity to any church or opposition thereto, should never be made the test of political or official preferment. I11 the selection of officers to administer and execute the laws, fitness for the office should be the only qualification required. jo To the end that free local may be secured, and participation in national affairs had and maintained upon the basis of these principles, we pledge ourselves to support them, and to struggle that they may become predominant; and invite all good citizens, who believe that the principles thus enunciated should be supreme, irrespective of religious belief or previous political affiliations, to unite with and aid us to consummate this end. law-aoidi- nt THE PEOPLE S PARTY PLATFORM. ADDRESS TO THE PEOPLE. Salt Lake City, October, iSS8, To the County Central Committees 0 the People's Party: Gentlemen. As the time is approaching for the election of a Delegate to Congress, we deem it wise and proper to address you briefly on tho political situation ill this Territoiy. The Peoples Party stands upon the platform of principles which has sustained it heretoioje. They aie founded in the fundamental truths that underlie our national system, Theyaie IMPERISHABLE AND INDESTRUCTIBLE. we see no reason to turn from them or WOULD BE DETRIMENTAL to local interests, while it would accomplish nothing in the broader political THE. OF OF . quered because we would not be divided. The alleged branches of the national parties in this Territory have each resolved and proclaimed that they will not act on party lines, but work under the name of Liberals against the Peoples Partv. They set forth in vigorous words the folly of division as Democrats and Republicans. Under these circumstances common prudence, if nothing else, would suggest that the members of the Peoples Party should engage in no movement tending to separate them into other parties or factions, and make no pledges which would prevent their full with their tried and true friends, in the face of COMBINED HOSTILITY would against them. Such division perhaps, not materially affect the result m the election for Delegate to Congress, but might become disastrous wheu local issuessn counties and cities shall be at stake. I11 onr opinion the time has not come for the people of Utah to organize under any national party name, but every interest and indication urge the necessity of closer union and more determined action as the partv of the people. At the Territorial Convention, Hon. John T. Caine, our faithful and efficient Delegate in Congress, was renominated by acclamation. Let the voters of Utah imitate their representatives and rally to the unanimous support of the nominee of the Peoples Party, and, avoiding all that entanglements and attachments would tend to separate their interests and influence, cling to the party under which they have heretofore fought their political battles and achieved a succession of signal victories. Central By order of the Territorial Committee. John R. Winder, Chairman. Elias A. Smith, Secretary THE LIBERAL PLATFORM. The Committee on Resolutions presented the following report, which was adopted: , The Liberal party of Utah, recognizing the fundamental issue in thisTerritory to be one between the adherents of lawful civil government on the one s de and an ecclesiastical organization known as the Mormon Church on the other, and be lieving it to be the duty of all good citizens, in the presence of such a contest, to maintain the organization which has always upheld the supremacy of the laws, to continue in the paih of duty, again appeals to the patriotism of the people and the loyalty ot all American citizens. We declare that the Mormon Church is an organization hostile to all civil authority artd that true progress in Utah is prevented by its claims to, aud exercise of, temporal power. Its open and bold defiance of the laws of the land, its obstinate adherence to the right of its priesthood to rule its followers in all things, its aid and counsel to those guilty of offences against the laws; its efforts to inn each itself in power by securing Statehood for Utah1 under conditions which would make the control of its priesihood perpetual; by affiliating with one political party in Idaho, and with another in Colorado, governing their action in each case by the probabilities of securing (avois to themselves only, and repudiating all political associations in Utah txcept with the Church party, proves it to be everywhere, and at all times, the foe of all th.it is loyal and the representative of all that is evil in the affairs of Slate. This condition is one explanation of the necessity lor the existence ol the Liberal partv. We believe in the supremacy of the constitution aud laws of the land, and that it is the duty of the citizen to bear true allegiance to them and that until these fundamental doctrines aie accepted 111 Utah in good faih, the duty of the United States to its loyal citizens resident here as well as to those who are its enemies, is to continue to enact such special jegislation for this Territory, and enforce it as will secuie the former in their rights and compel obedience from the latter. That tile restoiation of all local governmental authority of the ecctesiasiial power which is dominant in this Territory by adiniting Utah into the Union as a Slate would be ruin to its population, would install in power a treasonable organization in the heart of the Republic, and is forbidden by every consideration of political expediency and moral duty; aud we protest agamst any credence b;ing given to the statements now being circulated that the altitude ftof the Mormon Church has changed towards the government or people of the United States, We note the same hostility to the laws, the same efforts to obstruct their enforcement, and the same unvarying determination to adhere to church supremacy as in the past; and we warn the people of the nation that all the nominal professions to the contrary are mere tricks to deceive instead of efforts to reform. The Liberals of Utah earnestly desire to promote the welfare and happiness of all ils people, who would gladly welcome any class of its population who honestly seek reform from priestly misrule, and we would exact nothing from any which we do not willingly submit to ourselves, but in the interest of all we must accept tiie contest in which we are now engaged which involves the triumph or overthrow of that which lies at the basis of and is nothing less than obedience to the laws or defiance of them. So long as this shall be the issue in Utah our duty as American citizens admits of 110 divisions among ourselves on the other questions, and we pledge ourselves to faithfully adhere to these purposes until loyalty shall be the rule aud the reign of law shall be the same in Utah as elsewhere under the national flag; therefore it is Resolved. That it is the duty of the Liberal party to nominate a candidate for Delegate to Congress at the coming November election, and to cast for him and claim for his support the votes of all the faithful Americans citizens. Resolved , Second, that we recognize the patriotic action of the majority of the Utah Commission as expressed in their report for 1888 to the Secretary of tiie Interior. and endorse the recommendations therein contained. all civil government, Dr. D. O. Mlnor, BUCKLENS ARNICA SALVE. Have for Sale A SAFE INVESTMENT. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of 400 HEAD failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our adOF vertised Druggists a bottle of Dr. Kinas It is New Discovery for Consumption. guaranteed to bring relief in every case, Hill trafle Freed when used tor any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Memo Bail. Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis,1 Asthma, Cioup, Cough, etc., Whooping THREE PLATFORMS. THE etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste, perfectly safe, and can always be de- The Rams wifi be on exhibition m Nephi pended upon. will be Trial bottles free at Hyde & Whit- on and after October 5, 1888 and Our readers wifi find in todays issue the Democratic platform as adopted at Salt mores store. sold on reasonable terms and at very fair Lake'City October 6th. and which apfigures for cash. peared in our paper last week. We print also a platform adopted at Park City lately bv a mongrel party calling itself the Liberal party of Utah,- and in We will trade them for BOOTS and SHOES made to ororder that our readers may have before them in one issue of this paper the der. Repairing neately done. Bool Fat Mittia Main Stret. Nephi. avowed principles of the three parties 326 competition engaged in a Schofield Bros. now going on in Utah for the votes of the 1888. Utah, 20, address to also GYPSUM an the we Sept. Nephi, print people, CO., people by Col, John Winder and Judge Elias A. Smith of the Central Committee MANUFACTURERS OF of the people party, which, in the absence of the ordinary platform, may be taken as such, although being merely an Moroni, San Pete Co. emanation from the Committee, without Keeps a first class House in every a public endorsement by the Convention respect. Travelers of the S. P. V. which placed the Hou. John T. Caine in nomination for delegate. We wish to For Terms and Prices apply or write Rv. should give us a call. Horses and carriages always on call the. attention of our readers to the to HYDE & WHITMORE. hand. is Democratic he tiie lact that platform only one of the three which is of a national character, and being the only one, a we hold (liat it is entitled to the first conCu TO THE AFFLICTED. 0 sideration by the voters ot Utah. Isaac Hardy & Cos Catarrh The people of Utah as Well as the peo? P DR. Remedy will cure Pains in the H i ple of all the other Territories and states, Dizziness and Ringing, BuzzHead. Fits, w 0 s is and what called, justly composing 0) 4 ing Sounds and Roaring Noises in the P called, The United States of America are Ears, U!cenied Sore Eyes, Dry HackS (t governed by, and subject to, the Consti- ing Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and all a. V) s tution of the United States, which may Bronchial Diseases.and even pronounced in If taken $ W M conjunction 5tf be termed the Greae Magna Charta consumption. with Tonic Bitters and Englsih Remedy 5 of American rights, and such laws as it wifi remove all Coughing in cr a'w Consumpsr co S. S O may be lawfully adopted under its dele- tive persons in two weeks and will 3 5 J) change it in one week. If the patient gated powers. -J cannot lie down in bed it wifi accom?Q DC8-we are one peothat 2. C3 r- Therefore, seeing result. n plish the n ? inple, governed by the same constitution, V TONIC BITTERS should be taken ui GO CD 2.0 it seems to us self evident that a law or ternally with Catarrh Remedy; they will c-4 a system of laws, applicable to one state, remove all poisonous mucous from all tJCJ T! blood the cleanse and of the body parts f) CL are applicable to all. We mean of course from 3 o w all corruption in the circulation; will rt U to S 5 all general laws, each state having the remove all Gravel from the Reins and 3 a W right which is proper to establish such Kidneys, tending to Ulceration and symp Co - 0 local regulations, not inconsistent with toms ot Brights Disease. 3 i-Also, by using the three combined will the Magna charta, as are applicable to its cd 2 a remove the cause and thereby cure DiaEL n o -- 5 particular locality. betes. By bathing ever the kidneys with 3 n 2.0 A careful reading of the Democratic the English Remedy it wifi take out all V sr 00 inflamation. fever and our will that show platform party Please write for circulars, and send w organization has its basis on the same two cent stamp for advice. Directions pp-plane with other Democratic platforms, on each bottle. CO 00 Sold by Z. C. M. I. Salt Lake City, Neendorsing as it does the national platDr. McCune & Co. Nphi. phi Co-oform adopted at St. Louis. Co-oand Bishop Tanner, Pay-so- n. Satiquin 09 Being as we claim it to be, a branch of Mr. Kirkum, Santiquin, Mona Co0Q the national Democratic party, we hold op. Manufactured and put O I. by Hardy up 3 that it is the only one of the triangular 149 south Tempe st. S. L. City. MayiSiy competitors which has a claim upon, or a right to claim, the suffrage of any man By who is a Democrat from principle. wish the do we this to not deny saying right of a voter to vote lor whom he pleases, or relrain from voting at all; what we desire is to impress upon our readers, that if a person desires to be WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS classed as a politican or a statesman, he better ally himself with one or the other of the national political parties, and as we believe the Democratic party is one having at heart the interests of all the people, and as its principles we deem to be best adapted to the wants of the people we honestly desire them to be adopted. In addition to what is here said, and in other articles primed from time to time in this papers in order that none can misunderstand our principles, we append a few of them. The fundamental principles of the P. JD BOX 46 NEPHI. Democracy, approved by the united voice of the people, remain andjwill ever remain as the best and only security for the continuance of free government. The preservation of personal rights; the equality of all persons before the law; SPRING-VILLthe reserved rights of the states, and the PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Headquarters at supremacy af the Federal government Branch Galleries at Nephi find Manti Utah. within the limits of the Constitution, will ever form the true basis of our liberties, Views of RESIDENCES, STOCK, and can never be surrendered without Copying and Enlarging Pictures a specialty. destroying that balance of rights and MACHINERY, ETC., made on short notice. Orders by mail wifi receive powers which enable a Continent to be prompt attention. Address Springville Utah. P. 0. Box 3. developed in peace, and social order to be maintained by means of local seif government. Asserting the equality of all men before toe law, we hold that it is the duty of the government in its dealings with the people, to mete out equal and exact justice to all citizens, of whatever nativity, race, color or persuasion, lelig-iou- s or political. - RAILROADS. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON, The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil- Office at Miner & Cos Drug Store blains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Hawkins Block, Main street, Nephi, positively cures Files, or no pay required It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. WE THE UNDESSIGNED For sale by Hyde Si Whitmore. ad Spid Or J. Blackburn. Weta. falley Jan Pete TIME CARD. On and after August 17, 1887, trains will leave daily, Sundays excepted, as Joi laws: Going North Leaves at Chester a. m Moroni 900 Fountain Green, 9.40 ii.-oArrive at Nephi going south Leave Nephi at 12. 00 m Fountain Green 1.20 p. m Moroni Arrive at C hester 230 Sages connect at Chester for ail par of Sanpete and Sevier. THEODORE BRUBACK, Gen.Manager. H. S. KERR. Gen. Superintendent. NEPHI PLASTER The Jolly House, jjTAH OF PARIS. NEPHI,- UTAH- oo o Q. -- p e feSg.r CD 0 O 10 pH 73 o 0 a ID CD s n i om 8 79 73 o CD CD CD X PEOPLES MEAT MARKET Dealers in all kinrl of Live Stock, to mail Prompt attention Orders.paid, Wright (So Mo & Co., AKDEMBON E, THE DRUG STORE MINER & CO, GUARD AGAINST THE STRIKE. And always have a bottle of Ackers English Remedy in the house. You cannot tell how soon Croup may strike you little one, ora cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treatment. A sample bottle is given you free and the Remedy guaranteed by Dr. Miner. Carries a full line of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Fine Toilet Soaps, Face Powders, Tooth Brushes, Sponges, Syringes etc. etc, Perfumes by the ounce or bottle. TIME GAEDa Passenger Trains leave Nephi daily a follows: Going North at 5:48 a.m. and 2:25 p. m. 8:18 South " 11:35 Arrive at Salt Lake 10 a. m. & 6:40 p. m. Leave Salt Lake City at 7:20 a. m. 4 p. m. and Passenger Trains leave Salt Lak daily, for the North, to connect with the U. P, Ry.and the U.& N. Ry.,at 8;2oa.m. & 4:10 p.m. and arrive in Salt Lake City at 11:10 e. m. and 7:20 p. m. Freight trains leave Nephi for the North at 6:25 a.m. and for the at 7:20 p. n Francis Cope, Gen F. & P. Agt. John Sharp, Gen. Supt. General Offices. Mam Street. Salt Lake Citv. soh DENVER AND Rio Grand Western RAILWAY. toic Line of lie M! East Bound Trains No. 8 No. 10 Lv. 9.20 a. m. 840 p.m. Ogden Salt Lake City Lv. 10.50 a. m. 10.10 p.m. Piovo Lv. 12.50 p.m. n.50 p. no. Denver Ar. 8.45 p. m. 7.00 a. m. Wbst Bound Trains No. 7 No. 9 Provo Lv. 4.10 p.m. 640 a. m. Salt Lake City Lv. 5 55 p.m. 825 a. m. Ar. 7.20 p. m. 9.50 a. m. Ogden Bingham and alta trains Leave Salt Lake City, 7.25 a. m. Returning, Arrive Salt Lake City, 4.30 p. m. D.C. DODGE. J.H. BENNETT, General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. Great nilisi Murrays guaranteed " A Bemeilj. SPeciiic cure for all nervo diseases, such as Weak Memoi Loss of Brain Power, Hysteri Headache, Pain in the Back, N 1oeivous Prostration, Wakefulne: Leucor hcea, Universal Lassitude, Sen naf Weakness, Impotency and genei joss of power of the Generative Orgai in either Sex, caused by indiscretion over exertion, and which ultimately lei to Premature Old Age, Insanity and co sumption, jt.ooa box or six boxes i $5.00. Sent by mail on receipt of 4G price. Full particulars in pam- - Ma phlet, sent free to every applicant We Guarantef. Six Boxf.s to cure any case. For every J5.00 Drn order received, we send six boxes, wi a written guarantee to refund the mon if our Specific does not effect a cure. Address all communication to the So Manufacturers. THE MURRAY MEDICINE CO., Kansas City, Call on or address Hyde & Whitmoi Sole agents, Nefhi. S. L. Jackson, UNDERTAKER. HAHUhACTUREIt AND IAP0RTER OF ALL KINDS OP Coffins, Caskets and Coffin Hardware Home made Coffins constantly on hand Embalming done on theshortest notice. He also has a good line ol Furniture and sells at cost. Repairing of all kinds done on the shortest notice. Agent for New Home Sewing Machine and Machine extras, Neadles, etc. etc Give him a call. Nephi, Utah. Imported and Domestic Cigars, Tobaccos and Cigaretts. Perscriptions car- -' 8UV.MER fully Compounded. MINES H awltins Buildlna; & GO Main Street, Nephi. COMPLAINT8. discovery of the day for the cure of Oolio. Cramps. Cholera MORBUS, OlARRHCEA, ETO. UWVfr JaUs! 1 KY 60s all stores. C. K. Johnson mJrSalt Lake City THE 1 LOR SALE AT THE NEPHI CO-O- P |