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Show 'WTWW 'M BEARERS. OUR STANDARD wifhthe'so called Libeia! pasty and who would now vote the ticket if be lived in a state, has recently said in n speech s ore- OIYELUD aid TEDBMAU where, tint S.iimieJ It. Thurman would receive at two vot that o' II. iisown(Tliuvm:ins,).'U'd A3STD 1). Johnson of Halt Lake City. The Judge is very liberal in admitting tins much, lie will no doubt, be surprised when be sees the roult of the election. BURMA K T yjte Ttiiat. for Sam A mine in Cariboo ,801,(1 for was recently L. Ilqscroft who has beeo living At Saijdy, committed suicide at that last. A leather plce puwasMonday .the instrument of strap death used. In the House, Kilgore of Texas providing for adjournment on the 20th in- offered a resolution 'jfinfcl stant. Referred to Committee on Vay and Means. In the Senate, Al!ison of Iowa .offered a concurrent resolution on ) he 17th for a recess of Congress Nojfrorp Saturday next over to went resolution The 19th. vember over. George S. Wooley. II. S. Geddes . READ . tgUimMMiUWJH THIS. M ILMJMUW FAE ML ItS oF L'TAII. The lollou.ug a; tide w m the On..t '.a i: j l.uiut-rol L'la!) BAN a Upping we commend spetuiiy, because itlysii.ii, s one lealure ( f the maimer in winch those who have occasion to use the Oliver chiiled pi nv are robbed by a combination of capitalists. What ts sa.d of Nebi jska farmers ap- plies u itli c ual f,jice to those of I'tah. Read the article and learn somethin of the beauties and advantages of the There ;.ie persons in Nepbi, as "home market. So zealously advocated well as other places in Utah, who, by Republicans. although perhaps inclined to favor A SAMPLE OF ROBBERY' of the the thorough organization Rem icratic party, when the proper time arrives, seem to believe that that time has not. yet arrived- With such persons we are compelled to disagree, and beg to remind them that procrastination is the thief of time. If a principle is bo there no better time can good, than the pres mt to adopt it. We believe the principles and doctrines of the Democratic party, if carried out will best subserve the interest of the people of the United States Utah included lienee we believe in present and persistent action. We believe that the time has come, more, that the time came long since when the people of Utah ought to draw the political lines. Tt cannot bq that they are all of one mind on the subject, engaging the attention of the people of the United States; those subjects are of as much interest to us as to any other locality why therefore should we refrain from making them our po- 1 The Oliver chilled plow works of IAMB! IBAM BH MAMsIl FIRST NATIONAL RAMS are offered for sale from the herd of the late Also 100 or more as fine as were ever imported to m These rams weto shipped this Territory. May, have been summered on our ranges. Hence will be thoioughly acclimated and fitted for service. For particulars inquire of W. I. Buov.'.v. or A. M. Lvirty Nephi, JuA Co. Utah. ilLA A few CHOICE D. M. BROWN. OF j j j UTi H NTEPHI, ' j j Paid Capital 50,000 Surplus 12,500 Geo. C. Whitmore, President JunasH. Erekson Vice Pres. L. S. Hills Jas. H. Mynders, James E. Clinton. Alina Hague, Cashier, I diana, sell their plows to the fanners of thiscountiy at 516. Owing to the combination among the plow wm Iters- the combination bung made possible by a tarut ol t.neigu plowes and steel 110 tanner can buy one for a cent less. It is interesting to know, just at this time, that the plow is retailed m Canada tor just 10. I he Canadain dutv is 35 per cent a d valsorem. Inere is freight to pay on Pe plow, and the Canadian dealer must have protit. It is veiy eleai that the wholesale price of the to Canada is not plow, f ir shipment more than 5. There is a pioiit to the Oliver- - company at that ligine. 6. Yet the American f timer must pay As there is no lai.li duty between Indiana and Nebraska, a Douglas comity fainter ought tu have tlrat pi w for $7, afa wide maigm for freight ter allow and retaiieis proiit. ltu. lie is lobked ol f) by the Mime men who coutiibute thousands ofdull.us lo instruct lam in the glories of a home market. And tins sort of thing goes thiough the whole pro-hibti- -- or check. Money loaned on approved security. Collections made with prompt returns at lowest rates. We sell exchange on leading cities of the United tates, also furnish sight drafts or remit funds to all prominent points in Europe. Correspondents New York, Kountze Bros. Chicago. Union National Bank. Salt Lake City, Deseret National Bank San Francisco. Pacific Bank. There la gss 9 ferJ em CT3 3 09 0) M fj . I o k CO cr crx c g FL ' 1 jv - Atm i r tt T T'Cv ;- t73 cro eo SASfelir 9 CO -- J CO 0X3 Q DEPOT STREET, NEPIII, UTA II. s of Vote for Thurman the woild. VOTE FOR THURMAN Tice In Gotham. ono bar-rooin this eitj tho decoraton and furniture of which cost $200,000, says a New York letter. There are scores of them that are fitted np at an expense of over $50,000 each. M en of affairs know very well that tlior are placoa in thus" city where the lowest tad.es of men are pandered to, and here every sense is served in ways of which tho pulpit can not tell, the presi will not meddle with, and the police aro paid to wink at. Ask the country merchant wlmts they are shown by the drummers of New York when they coma here to buy goods. Ask any. one of onr export detectives to take yon through the town some night. He may also show you a Chinese opium joint, wxtli a group of wretched nicofcined people. He may also show you bucket-shopthree stories underground, where sodden men anil the remains of women drink themselves to death. He in y show you tho lowest grades of crawling creatures, willing for a pittance to iLustiate every dirty yosniliiUty of human nature, but lie will bo very likely to avoid showing you what, after all, would be tho only illustration of my point, that tho tastes of the rich men of y are depraved and unwholesome. Ho could take you to mansion modest enough on the outside, the glaring splendor of which would dazzle your eyo on the very threshold. The Coors are covered with carpets so rich and o;t as to ono think he treads on feut-hes, the ceilings superbly frescoed, the walls either exquisitely tinted or gorgeously papered or upholstered iu satin folds, deftly concealing and yet disclosing magnificent mirrors, costly pictures, and choicest works of highest art. There are houses hero where for money men can get everything known to any sense. Tho poor aro not altered to, the men of moderate means are not sked ct all ; monoy is what tho caterer neck, and there fs plenty of money for i to have. Every vice in the and many winch it would be to catalogue, finds its amplest devuiopiuent here. The Ogden Daily Union says Small it be, the Sage-brus- h Democracy though Owing to the crowded condition is a little entering wedge. columns we our are ,of compelled to leave out of The Eneign this Right you are neighbor, and though the week the very able and exhaustive Democratic party in Utah, to which you is but a speech of V. II. Casady Esq. of apply the term "Sage-brasSalt Lake City, which was deliv- young party, it a wedge which, with such ered in Nephi at the late Democrat- mauling as may be applied to it, will ulic meeting. It will appear in full timately split wide open your so called next week and will amply repay a "Liberal party as well as any other patty which may antagonize it. careful perusal. The Union, if we may judge from nearly a column of editorial tut under At Fort the Thupman Caned. caption "A Foolish Fight, is badly Wayfce Indiana, Judge Thurman hurt because the Democrats ofUtah have .was presented with a hickory cane, seen proper to organize a Democratic and ir. response to the presentation In its notice of, and quotations Thanks. This I party. speech said: The Ensign the above paper lrom, take to be kickqry. It looks very to make a point against us be 1 much like it, and looks as if in one of .the paragraphs in our should let that end of it fall on the cause, the paper compositor made us say "tu )iead of a Republican, if he was a where we wrote the word "of. Not car-pi- g pean man, he would bo mighty apt to remember that no paper is exto go down. empt from similar mistakes, the scribe of the Union uses this misprint no doubt A Republican demonstration took intending his criticism to go as wit. No, liiend Union The Ensign is nut place at the Tippecanoe battle 'ground on the 17th inst. ai which planted oil the wrong: peak. Its stall it was expected" that theMaine states will net rot as you state. It may seem to man Blaine, deliver ar, ad- your jaundiced eyes to look like a mushdress, hut altlmgh I10 was pre.-en- t, room, but it is not. Although it may be owing to a cold her did not do 60, as you term it "lledgeling, it is a hut soon alter his arrival on the standard mule of stuff too film, ground departed on a special train strong and unyielding to be torn by the for Chicago. Union's "wind, or any other wind. The Union, in the leader refereJ, lo On Wednesday last a convention uqiires if we "mean that they five) of citizens of Utah was held in will light the People's party." la rePark City, under the name of Lib- gard to the question of lighting that, or A platform eral. was adopted any other party, what we have to say r.t which will appear in The Exsiux present is, that the Democrats of Utah, iext week not having room for it do not enter the field of politics as a in the present issue. II. N. IUskin fighting party, in fact we love pea e and We throw-dowJCsq. was put in nomination for eschew war of any kind n an hi Inno of to the battle to gage Delegate Congress. People's . l.S Hon. John T. Caifie h as also been party, the Liberal party nor the Republinominated lo fill his own vacancy, can party; we merely avow and advoby the .PeopleV party, and an ad- - cate the principles and the t'ckct of our dress issued to its members, serv- party and propose to "light only in sell ing as we suppose as its platform. defence when attacked. In regard to the term loyally on which This also will appear in next weeks issue of The Ensigs, when our our cotemp jrury seems to harp with conWith or without latent Index. readers, having the platforms of the siderable gusto, we have this to say three parties in Utah before them, Ifbytheteim used, the Union i,ie ms can judge as to which is the nearest loyalty to the principles of tae I c American. we claim we tire a:e that party ' : loyal Demoriats of Utah, and vet we hae Attention fs invited to the fact that in purIt will be observed that we print intendtun lesorted, nor do we expect or Your chasing the latest issue of this work, you get to "Libeial to resort the party jtoday the sermon delivered by l)r. as a A Dictionary stamping ground, and we deuv the Isaacson in this place on Sunday Union of of or the other any last. A religious discourse in a right puty containing 3000 more words and noarlv 2000 more illustrations than any other American 'Dictionary. or person to impugn our loyalty to our political pewspapey whose columns A Gazetteer of the World with political matter party or to our government. The teim , are crowded loyalty has often been used 111 Utah by to mere the "ynight appear politician containing oger 26,000 Titles, with their pronunciation and a vast amonnt of other information a little out of place, especially in certain peisons and cerium pieces w ho ( recently added,) and the midst of an active campaign, claim to be the only loyal people in A ihey a:e Biographical Dictionary hilt when it is considered that a Utah, simply and only large number of our readers are flighting the People's party. giving pronunciation of names and brief facts nearly 10,000 Noted Persons; also concerning professors of religion, it is proper various tables giving valuable information. should have vthat they GUARD AGAINST Till: STRIFE. something in h PA m y Ir. spaco to devote to it. Great destitution prevails in meantime wo will sum up by Ramspy Pognty, Dacota. Seventy holding everybody to vote for families are reported to be destitute SAML. R. THURMAN. of food and fuel. The people have no money, their crops having been WE CANNOT PLEASE ALL. destroyed by August frosts. BT iET TSST 7STJ3 S3 The Jolly House, Oo Moroni, Ban Pete Co. Keeps a first class House in every respect. Travelers of the S. P. V. should give us a call. Nebraska tanner is s:p',nly nlundeied Rv. Horses and carriages always on frum 5') to 150 pel coat. 011 evm vart.de. he buys, while die plunderers buy his hand, produce at the pntc-- fixed in the free h. O. Loft, John II. Thompson John B. Beck and Wm. Bro mley are wending their way to Australia as missioneries of the church of litical action? to this matter next trade markets We will refer Latter-daSaiuts. we will have more when week, & (DDIDiPJE Deposits received subject to sight dratJ In- REGISTER- ED VERSION T RAiLS T - ! " N a it frVV MM itivJ . s, GENERA! MERCHANDISE to-da- SPECIAL ATTEiMTSOiM PASO TO MAIL ORDERS im-.k-- i corisnun ijeaikt id zetzz:: SXLS3H 3IS? 3NTjE3XXXX. r tksu - p'T Ki WEBSTERS UNABRIDGED illiCHANTS HiBO emo-crati- MI, OPPflilTE CMP, ilil.1 STiSST, HIM. ml be.-wis- more interesting to them than pol-- , of Ackers itics. Variety is said to he the And always havein athebottle h hi ,e. Yen canEnglish Remedy hut of from this date un- not tell how soon Croup may stnke y. u life, spice til cf.t r the lie elect n ur re ding little one. ol a c or c m iy tasmi in u i !! '.I to HAce i.eru r. lews a:, t" t i v-- i o- - I Ul- il) eu in U.w, a , taut. eh old (Ugh, a v. ho pcr.-iUout- iy acted aimer Websters Unabridged Dictionary is recommended by the State Superintendents of Schools in 36 States, and by leading College Presidents of tho I nited States and Canada. It is Standard Authority with the United States Supreme aud m the Government Printing Ofhce. Court, It has boon selected in every case where State Purchases have been mado for Schools, and is the Dictionary upon which nearly ati tho school books aro baeed. It is an invaluable companion in eve- v SchooL and at every Fireside. Specimen pages and testimonials sent prepaid on application Published bv C. A C. MERRUM a rn t Sprinoflaid, Blass., 0. S. A. - cv go., 'ei:N imigists, Ntple. . Hardware and everything in the Genera. Mercantile line kept constantly on hand. ORDERS BY MAIL WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTION. One Book. Get the Latest and Best To .tvhije claiming to be a Democrat, Jj?)asibr rcais All A Large and complete stock of Groceries, Dry Goods M tf M Gs& esisfeT si Mil Ciiilte. Wfcips, JaCk6t S, Jersey g, Ho sis rj, Underwear and Fall and Winter Dress Goods. S. B, We tore jest Ml in a 1 ip T aJ 10'i. |