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Show ? 1 y J THE ENSIGN, PUBLISHED & - - . communicaP. O. Box 2 Utah. Tl Vol. XT ePf m n Tl f rfS e!zi3 Kollo Pcbltsiiers. Prompt attention paid to all tions. Address; The Ensign, Nephi, AT Juab Co, IT.T. ISTephi Feild EYES! FRIDAY B 1 - , O i1 dTS3 other rights. man, the respect that is due honest convictions from the citizen who believe in good government. We found it necessary in the Territory of Utah to organize a democratic party. In llie month of May 18S8 the so called Democratic party of Utah (since then dead) called a convention to meet at Ogden. That call requested everv Bern-ociin the Teiritorv to be repiesented at Ogden and it surely mattered not to what church these Democrats belonged; it surely m ittered not in what way they chose to serve their God, as long as they were good citizens. Under these impressions as a Democrat I went to Ogden. Others went. We were elected delegates to attend that convention. We weie contested in that election in our county and in other counties on a religious test. It was decided that it was impossible for a man professing a certainfaith and believing in ceitain leligions tenets to be an honest Democrat. I have studied the piinci-ple- s of Democracy from my earliest child hood; I' believe 1 was born a Democrat; I was educaled a Democrat; 1 applied for admission to that convention because I was a Deni icrat and came under a call from what I supposed to he a Democratic Territorial committee cal!. I was excluded because of my religious faith. To that religious faith I still adheie and I intend to adheie to-i- just as long as I ' believe it to be true. (Applause.) re t Timm 1 n, 1 ME FOBTHDf AS luve-declare- lu-.iv- j j iftgVq l. II e-ro4 T - ... WII, ! ... -- TIE ENSIGN.- '7, NEXJHI. UTAH, FRIDAY OCTOHEH 10.1888. THE CAMPAIGN LOCAL ITEMS. -r- ..... .... 1 - SUBSCRIPTION RATES: One Year, Six Months, Three Months I am not claiming that church rules state or that state rules church, but the tendency is that way and vve propose to prevent, any such conditions obtaining in this free country. (Applause.) We have ' taken into consideration all of the questions THE FIST MEETING HELD portaging to this matter and have placed the IN NEPHI. principles in our platform pelaining to it so that p litics and religion shall not I r WAS A ROUSER. one with another. If the state shall prescri be the religious faith of the Some Democratic Doctrine Explained people, it will lead to the same result as and though the church prescribed the poIt being announced last week faith vf the people, and it would litical icratic a Deal understood that generally sii nply come to this, that the strongest in held be was to campaign meeting ch'urch would control the country withNephi on Monday evening and that such reference to the best methods of out R. S. Hon. eminent speakers as the Hence you see we have Delefor nominee government. Democratic Thurman, corne to this conclusion, and it is DemocrV. N V. II. to Casady, Congress, gate atic-lias been enunciated by every Dusenbury and others would be present, De mocratic leader that ever lived is a number of Dent icrats with tie irge C. enunciated in the Constitution of the Whitmore at their head at once began Uo'ted States, that for the freedom, to prepare for them. The tabernacle safety and welfare of each and every inand was to be occupied that evening dividual that they must he kept seperate. court nev the remained but nothing We have also plainly declared ourhouse wh.ca needed much furnishing in relation to what in known in a selves band with seats etc. so at woik the l.ltlo way as the tariff question. We bv general went ofrusLlers and evening they saw that it is 110 business of the governhad banners, Hags, mottoes pictures ment to undertake to protect one class lamps, etc. all arranged and the halls of citizens as against another. Laws were and rooms of that elegant building should be made making commerce and the o'clock, indeed. At eight inviting business free to all to compete one with band having been playing for some time the Other. We saw that this is a governbefore that, the streets in the vicinity of of the people, by the people, and ment huthe court house were thronged with the for people, and the laws should not lred a hun torches of manity; upwards My friends, the history of the convenmen tion to winch f allude is fresh in each be made that will restrict the people in were and lit to uut, given brought Tote For San The people does and boys to carry, a procession was form- of your memories but 1 will tell you that legitimate business. not not mean a few citizens, but all the ed and it marched to the depot, the band we who were excluded met in a buildThe U. S. Senate yesterday adopted a discoursing music on the way. The ing just a cross tiie .street and resolved, people, and laws should be made so far resolution to adjourn on Saturday the torches and band were arranged to as indignant men ought t o tesolve, that t .s it is possible for the eqaal benefit of 19th, (tomorrow,) which will doubtless good effect on the north platform at the fiom that J ry forth vve would never every citizen. be agreed to by the House. We believe further that the liberties of depot and lively music started up as the cease working until vve formed a Demotrain approached. There stepped from cratic party founded upon principles up- tl le people of the United States cannot the train as it stopped. Dr. 11. J. Faust on which even a M iruion can stand. bt: preserved unless the Constitution of The Indian King healer has been kept and V. H. th e U. S. be strictly construed. We can-ti- c Casady of Salt Lake, Dr. W. "(Applause.) short sojourn very busy during his DusenN. W. R. A. C. W. t find a clause in the Constitution that Smoot, That Bike, in Nephi. Not only has he many patibody of indignant men were not ents from Nephi but they follow him bury and S. R. Thurman of Ptuvo and all Mormons, but they felt that vve were says this or that enterprise shall be favorfrom other places. many other visitors. Three cheers for tight because they knew that under the ed while this or that shall not be favored-A- t id yet we find that there are those in Democracy and our standard beaier stais ,iii 1 stripes a mm has the right to Stales who claim that there were given; a speech welcoming the profess any religion he chooses unmolV. P. Read; tlitee ested. This was the made uld was classes! All that the favored visitors be she by from more are which and Hill Tolton nudea; Messrs getting Democrat asks of the Government is crowded with work every day. They cheers for Cleveland and Thurman was our party, as it is today, grew. intended to lfeave here on the 10th, of proposed and they were given with deafWe met in convention in Salt Lake simply that it shall protect him from the present month, but the excellent Whitmore pro- City la'--t Saturd ty and there orgianized oppression and consequent ruin by his enthusiasm. George ening photographs they have turned out have Suc- posed that tinee moie be given for those anew p irty 'peilezt hi all its details. stronger fellow man (Applause) He simp' been too good an advertisement. for our own Tms little stone tile builders injected at cess is the evidence of merit. Catch two illustrious men and say ; to the Government you protect-meithem before they go. Thurman Tills was done and it seemed Ogden lias been laid as tiie corner stone my rights and I will earn my own that each one of the many hundreds of Utah Democracy. (Applause) living. (Applause) There are some Repto siiout there weie endeavoimg Tn at c onvneiition saw fit to nominate ublicans at least who say I want my I want the ins louder than llarrah liigiibor. The Indian King healer, by special me as its stand trd bearer and conse- Government to protect me. in some way or anof the After this a procession was formed tax people request of a number of his patients from quently, so far as tins campaign is connorth, they wishing his treatment, will with the band in lead and the company the leader oi a forlorn other to innure to my benefit individually. cerned, remain in Nephi until the 2,3th or 30th, started towards the On house. couit Bat because oi the princiv In other words, I want an advantage. I of the present month. During the interhope. am not willing to goshoulder to should saluted was the the by way his procession professioninvolved lit this pies vening time those wishing er and hand tq hand with my fellowman al services will find him at the Golds-broug- h the firing of guns etc. To the music of principles which I believe tocampaign be coirect House. and rfcly upon the survival of the fittest; the band it matched by the court and 111 survive to ought every cothmuitiiv 1 house and countermarched right into the must have my Government give have accepted that leadership and spacious hallway of the bit lding the torch propose to do what I can for that forlorn 1111 a bonus. Now I speak of these thing only in a In refeiing to our political standing es being taken by waiters at the door. hope, (applause.) These principles must evidenced last week by placing the But lo and behold the band, even, could general way because we have with 11s a prevail. They are tiie principles enunciDemocratic, ticket at the hea l of our not get as far as tile head of the stairs ated in the Constitution of the United man whose subject to night will cover column, the Ogden Daily Union (Liberal the large room and hallway rieing altitese things to your satisfaction, lie States. Republican) advises us to give up our is a man who has recently come into the Read The Ensigu care- ready packed with humanity. They kept foolish fight. Now vvh.il aie these principles? There and in my opinion is the Territory Union side see rooms and friend vveie now from in, on, squeezing opened are some that are fully be to very in the community to disnecessary able man most how well we conform to your wishes. and finally probably no more than a hundundeistood and it becomes my duty to cuss the tariff were question. Irel?rnovvto red people obliged to gp to their enumerate a few. It would be impossi-nl- e Mr. Casady. homes without hearing the speeches. In a and wholly unnecessary for me in You have a prosperous town here and room that will seat no moie than three this my fust speedi in the campaign to your interests chiefly are such those that hundred and fifty or four hundred over and explain them all, hence I the Republicans claim a reduction of the go seven least hundred people at will take only those that tire fundamental tariff on will ruin. We believe the best the hallway and were crovvdeJ, and with us. We have declared in effect way to pronute th ise interests is to side rooms were also crowded. that it matters not to what c.mrcli a man a Dpt Dencoratic principles and we also W. P. Read calledghe meeting to orlie is entitled to become a Dem-oci- believe that you who have not al belongs, WhitC. ready nominated and der George or Repunl.c.m as best suits his will come to the same conclusion when was He elected chairman. as more JOHN T. CAINE ACCEPTS. We have cited that no re- you hear the tiriff question explained by he took judgment. unanimously whereupon ligious test shall be applied to a man in Mr. Casady. obannounced and the tiie floor political matters. It became necessary Men may come to you and tell you This afternoon the following ject of, the meeting which was to rati- to state this positively because we found that the Repblicans saved the Union; telegram was recieved: fy our nomination of S. R. Thurman for in t.ie lerritoiy of Utah an element that they broke the chains of three or Washington I). C. the oflice of Delegate to Congress and to d.shancliise the majority of four million slaves and made of them not October 18. 18SS. seeking doctrine some good Democratic Terri- hear the bona fide residents of the Territory only free men but citizens. I have this to Col. John R. Winder, Chairman He then introduced torial Central Committee of the People's explained. in loto, simply because they have sub- say. That is all the Repulicans have IlON. S. K. THURMAN Party: .some particular faith. to scribed done and they are specially suited lor Having learned from the papers that who was received With hearty apWe in our platform for a that kind of work and that theie are no was renominated by the peoples Terri.Mr. Chan man, friends and torial Convention as Delegate to the plause. lie said separatum of church ami state. Let us moie slaves to be freed;therefore tlift misof fellow citizens as and fitty-firduties Nephi: if any one would consider tins proposition. Can we as sion of the my Congress, Republicans is ended. (Apwill detain me here several days yet, I have told me that we would meet with vvh wish to preserve free plause) We are not here to discuss old iscitizens t of hat this brilliant take this means notifying you reception tonighr, I would institutions, that say any state sues; if we were I might tell you that the I accept the nomination, and am deeply believed have not it, although I am has the right to refor this constituents to vvliat shall very soil of this Territoiy was redeemed my prescribe grateful Nenewed evidence of their confidence. If aware of the fact that the people of be the manner in which vve must serve bv Democratic muskets. (Applause.) I elected, I shall, as heretofore, use my phi are indeed a hospitable people. our God? .Some have at least gone might tell you a deal more but I the great best efforts to faithfully represent We came to you tonight to discuss the so lar t.s to say that a certain re-- , dont wish you to understand that I rewhole people of the Territory. Nezos principles involved in this campaign and llgion shall be proscribed, and men be- sult to such as that for argument. Oct. 1 Sth: I trust that while we are engaged lieving in and If professing that religion this we go into the past and trace and its in that discussion, in order that ue may shall he hindered in his Republican party EMIGRATION. political rights. predecessors, the whigs, the history not be misunderstood we will have your As well might Democrats say to Repub- will not redound to their credit will By private telegram from Mr. Gibson, careful consideration and attention. licans, you cannot enjoy the rights of not is campare favorably with that of the Guion, & Co.s agent at New York, it We have recently organized aDemocra'. American citizens because you are Re Democratic learned that the company of immigrants party who have maintained in a we ic in have adopted Utah; party or vice versa. My fellow tins on the way left that point yesterday in publicans government for upwards of three 1 hey mass convention a platform winch we citizens, in a freecountry a man cannot be charge of elder P. W. Lindelof. of a century. This is not nec-- J Tuesnext quarters this will probably reach city believe to be Denucratic in every feaibed in his rights and liberties essery. I simply propose tonight to deday afternoon on the D. & R. G. regular. ture. The principles laid d nvn in this propel because of his convictions and for tins clare It has been hcrotofore published that myself, and 1 want to do it in a a company would leave Liverpool on platform are such that vve believe every reason church cannot rule state nor can way that I will not be misunderstood. Oct. 20th, and that it would be the last American citizen, it matters not what s!.te rule cliur h. These men vv ho say Theie are some who find fault with our of the season. It appears, from informa- may be his ideas of government, it mat- a cell t..; rJ:..,ion sh ill be . are picsciil-tWe can stand that faultfinding tion just received, that this arrangement ters not what may be.iiis p .htical or ret make stale rule chtttih. iendeav.-r,!I wish to say to you, reilect bcfoie has been abandoned, and instead a combut ligious pi maples, if he considers oitr We say lh.it as mg us a mail bvei up pany will leave Liverpool 011 November Peruse the plutfonn; and ,ii criticise. xotli and another on November 24th, platform it seems to me that it u,!i get to the law and is an uoiiest citizen be so you dont want to are while you doing season. List the of be the the latter to from, him as it must demand of every shall enjoy his franchise and all of his he bl hided by prejudice because, it is a JVezis Oct. i,th. OPENS. . 7A - $2.00 1.25 75 - Advertising Rates forwarded on plication. No'JO ap- serious matter. We have found Repub- called a Democratic party in Utah knew licans in the Territory of Utah occasionnot what they were doing when they ally assembling together in ratification allowed their hatred to get away with meetings lauding to the skies the Re- them and refused to Affiliate with tii:e publican party and as a lesult it has Democrat. Those men never were and been ascertained that a considerable number of the citizens of Utah claim lo be Republicans. That is all right but we think that if the people will compare the two platforms there will be fewer Republicans in Utah than there are today. We found that it was necessary to organize a Democratic party that the of Democracy might be discussed. It has only been recently, since the Ogden convention that I oegan seriously to reilect on national politics in Utah and I think that it is time for the young men generally to commence to reflect and determin for themselves also, whether they are Democrats or Republicans, for so lar as politics are concerned at least it resolves itself to this, that every man claims to be one of the two. If you are a Democrat, show it by always voting the Democratic ticket when you have a chance, aud if at the polls on the 6th of November next you cast a ballot for the Democratic nominee for Delegate to Congress I shall be much pleased. In as much as we believe that there are a great many Democrats in Nephi we shall expect quite a number of Democratic votes, and vve know of course for whom they shall be cast. The above is only a synopsis of what Mr. Thiunian said, his speech being filled with blight and spicy sayings. When he dosed, he took his seat amid tumultuous applause. The chairman then introduced prin-tuple- s can never be as long as they hate like with an Iiisti- they do connected tution of suchhonest and sincere principles as this party is based upon. I do believe thatift is proper for the youth and older people of Utah to study the lines that separate the two great parties of the nation. Let us put our shoulders to the wheel and work to put these backslidets and all theircolleagues of whatever political faith they may be, on the shelf. We can do this in no better way than by abandoning the old parties and work with parties having broader platforms. W. A. C. Smoot then read the platform of the Democratic party of Utah which can be found on our second page, and the meeting closed with music by the band and three rousing cheers for Cleveland and Thurman and a hearty repetition of the same for S. R. - Catarrh Cured, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilohs Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. Miner & Co., Nephi. j.' f l lY r BEWARE OF IMITATIONS le W. II. CASADY This gentleman delivered a master speedi 011 the tariff question of which we took a veibalim report but which our space, time, and facilities futce us to hold over until next week. It will make an excellent article for next week. Look out for it. At the close of Mr. Casadys speedi the chair then introduced. Judge vv. n. dusenrury his remarks, we cull the folHe said; I think that we have all had about as much Democratic principle explained to us this evening as vve The Honsekeemers can well retain and digest. Theiefore ASK F03J, I will give utterance to only a very few remarks. AFJD TAKE HO OTHER As 1 came up the street through your Sold by t&9 Grocery Trade generally. town the change in it since my last visit, some three years ago, amazed' me. It did occur to me that this was the proper place to open this campaign; it seemed to me that in a thriving and healthy town the political child recently born in Utah IMPROVED should be first sent out upon the world ought to be a good place for him get a foot hold for himself that he might grow and soon becom a popular man. Although we are prevented this fal ; .hT', f from voting the national Democratic ticket composed of two names the mention of which brings feelings of re' if spect to every Democrat, Cleveland s and Thurman, vve can vole a local ticket UK-bearing the name of Thurman. f.rV"" r j! There are several question that ought to enter into our minds. We are in a peculiar condition here in our political Ji affairs and it has been' thus fur yeais have been There two parties antagonistic to each other. The entire platform a:.l tttn : urc made cp of the one could be written on the back liALL'lV.uli; k YIiXSHT ISO of a postage stamp and that with a stub No Bitrih-- . , ) Uimg or Warphtg. pen. It is this: We hate with the hatred r D nVGi,cTaml Easifst g, 'll . j V of the devil himself those people who d u EfbI LA El 'Ml Until.!;. fiho .M s ? not think as vve do. BJydT 14 cal fm CirculaiB to tho We hear tonight the first lessons of real politics politics simply and pure C;wi:iyiield. QMo. in Utah. The time is at hand when men in Utah will declare t j which of (lie two great national parties they will lend PENNYROYAL WAFERS. of a physician who Prescription their influence. They have dealt with lmu has a life long experienco-lj trusting female diseases. Is used questions of hate and animosity long with perfect success by monthly over 10,000 Udn s. Pleasant, safe, enough. Hatred still lasts however, but effectual. Ladies ask your drugwhen it works all one way they with gist for Pennyroyal Wafers and take no substitute, or inclose postsome get tired of it. Those backsliders for sealed particulars. Sold by age all druggists, $1 per box. Address who undertook to organize what they THE LUKEKA. UIIEHICAL CO.. Detroit, jlicii. From lowing. friend aLS BS9 SSk . v; uy t iit-r- T-i- muieo. n ; ' J. W. SCHOFIELD & CO. AGENTS FOR CHAMPION MOWERS, TIIE REAPERS Al BINDERS,' AND FISH MOTHERS WAGONS. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Moline Plows, Imperial Chilled Plows, Buckeye Rakes, Grain Drills, Cultivator- and Spring'ootli Harrows, Springfield Threshers, Engine and Iloro Powers, Kelly Feed Grindeis, Buggies, Carriages and Road Carts Hardwood, Wagon and Champion Machine Repairs, I. O. Box 369- - Nephi, Utah, 7 |