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Show DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF.-NO-T- ICE FOR PUBLICATION. No, 3080. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Sept. 19th, 188S. T' Notice is hereby given that August "A. Iljurth of Clinton, Utah County, Utah, has tiled notice of intention to make proof on his desert hind claim No. 1460, for the N E J of the S W Sec 20 Tp 11 S Range 4 E before the Register and Receiver at Salt Lake City, Utah. on Monday the 5th day November, 1SS8. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation hud reclamation of said land: Ole Lassen, Robert White, Charles Vanvalkenberg all of Clinton, Utah Co., Utah, and Niels Lassen of Fairview, San Pete Co., Utah. D. Webb. T,C, Bailey Attorney. Register NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Tin tic Mining District, August to, iS3S. To Heber Cloward, his heirs, or assigns' You are hereby notified that I have expended Two Hundred Dollars in labor and improvements upon the Fairview lode claim, situated in the Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah, for the years ending December 31st, 1886, and Dec. ember 31st, 18S7, m order to hold said claim under the provisions of section 2324, Revised Statutes of the United States, being the amount required to hold the same for the years ending December 31st 1886 and December 31st, 1887, and if within ninety days after this notice by publication fou fail to contribute your proportion of such expenditures as coowner, your interest in said claim will become the property of the subscriber under said section 2324. Richard Tvner. NOTICE OF PUBLICATION No 3070. Land office Salt Lake City Utah. September, 8th, 18S8. Notice is hearby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final Commutation proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the County Court at Nephi Juab County, Utah, on Monday October 22d, 1S88, viz: Jedediah M. Grover N E No 6227 for the Si of N W J and .N of S WJ Sec 20 Tp 12SR2WSL M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivat'dn of, said land, viz: Don M. Bigler, James Bigler, Daniel M. Miller, Charles W. Love all of Nephi juab County Utah. D. Webb Register. DESERT LAND, FINAL PROOF-NOT- ICE FOR PUBLICATION. No. 3095. United Stated Land Office, Salt Lake Citv, Utah, Oct 3. 1888. Notice is hereby given that Horace A. Heath, of Salt Lake City, Salt Lake Co., Utah, has filed notice of intention to make proof on his desert land claim No. 2208, for the unsurveyed: S j of N E SEJofNVV JEJSWJ and the S E i Sec, 7 also N E J and E of NW J Section 18 Township 13 S Range 6 east before Register and Receiver U. S.Land office at Salt Lake City, Utah, on Saturday, the 17, day of November, 18S8. He names tire following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation and reclamation of said land: C. 15. West, W. J. Florida, John F. Heath, H. O. Heath, all of Salt Lake County, Utah. D. Webb Register. Oct 5 Nov 9 DESERT LAND, FINAL PKUUh. NOTICE P'OR P UBLCAION. No. 3,098. United States Land Office Salt Lake City, Utah, October 4th 18SS. Notice is hereby given that John S. Wright ot Nephi. Juab County, Utah has filed notice ot intention to make proof on his desert land claim No. 1369, for the N W 4 S E 4 Sec 33, Tp 12 S. R. E. before the Probate Judge or cleikof Juab Co. Utah, at Nephi, 011 Tuesday, the 20th day of November, iSSS. He names the following witnesses to prove the complete irrigation B. and reclamation of said land: James Riches, Joseph Broadhead, John I'owkes, Joseph C. Patten all of Nephi, Juab Co. 1). Wehb legister. S. W. Darke, Atty. for Claimant. . 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. (No, 3,114.) Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, October 13th, iSSS. Notice is hereby given that the follow settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in suppport of his claim, and that said proof vviil be made before the Cleik ol the County Court, at Nephi, Juab County, on Saturday, December, 1st 188, viz: Norman W, Elertson D.- E. 1374 f r the S. W. 4 IV E. 4 Section 15 Tp. 1 S. R. 1 W He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: George G. Cloward, Eli Robinson, Ephraim Elertson, of Mona. Juab County, Utah, and George II. Hobbs, of Nephi. Any person who desires to protect against the allowance of such proof, or knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, whv such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and e the witnesses of place to said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal ot that submitted by claimant IT Webb Register. Wilkes & Howe, Attys. for claimant. Oct. 19th, Nov 23d. ing-nam- 1 . cross-examin- PETERSON & CHAPPELL'S IN HAWKIXS Is tie pl;ce to taj ROW, ail M of JEWELRY Watches, Clocks, and other jewelry repaired on the notice. AT THE TABERNACLE. the cause I am leaving; I know not where I am gowing. I am drifting down into Religious Services of the Church of Jesus darkness alone, alone! Irately, I was called to the deathbed of a sister in Salt Christ of Latter Day Saints of Nephi Lake City, I witnessed a death scene held last Sunday Afternoon. there and it was vastly different from the one I witnessed at home. This lady was calm and peaceful and was full of joy. dr. isaacsons remarks. She said to me. Brother Isaacson, go out among our people and tell them that At 2. p. m. sharp, the congregation was out of all they get, nothing remains steadfast but a know ledge of the gospel. The called to order by Piesident Jas. W.' who announced that the choir would gospel riches, and they only are And oh, when I see sing the hymn on page 425 of the L. D. S. worth striving for. After singing, Brother so many of my brethren and sisters so hymn book. Pax-ma- Dr. Isaacson was introduced to the congregation by Jas. W. Paxman. He said: When an elder in Israel arises befoie a congregation of Saints to speak upon subjects partainiug to the gospel, he is entitled to an interest in the faith and prayers of that congregation. Ilook for it. I came to Nephi to meet with my people to impart unto them the bread of life as it is impressed upon my mind by study and reflection not to waste time in idle words. In my Jewish ministry I used to prepare my Sunday discourses very carefully and woik upon them all the week, that they might be delivered to the best advantage, but now I have learned to depend upon my Lord for words and ideas. I have not been left unaided. I am called upon by the Lord to speak to my people woids of truth, therefore I cannot compliment them. I have heard remarks like these; Brother Isaacson is too severe he preaches too bitter but I cannot help that. Whenever I enter a house of worship or get up before an audience to speak concerning the gospel, I feel that the Lord Jesus Christ is piesent and I must conscientiously act and speak accordingly. y 1 asked if in Nephi there are many saloons and I was answered yes. I asked if you are surrounded by gentiles to and gentile influence to any considerable extent and I was answered yes; but when 1 asked if vour ' meeting house is crowded on Sunday, and behold the answer was no! Where are the Saints to fill these vacant places? I tell you my brothren and sisters that those absent ones are breaking God.s commandments. Gud said, Six days shalt you labor and on the seventh rest. Keep the Sabbath day holy. I have understood that amongst these people I would be unable to find sin and iniquity, but when I arrived in these valleys of the mountains I found I had been expecting too much, for I have seen all sorts of infamy, a scandalous disregaid ol the Sabbath day. I have found here people, who, through our encouragement, have become strong amongst us. They have taken the young Irom God. I have found Zion not what it ought to be. And what do I find on the other hand In the face of my redeemer I testify that Saints aie the most blessed the Latter-da- y people upon the face ol the earth. The Lord blesses uS beyond comprehension. When I travel and think that oXvforty jive years ago these settlements were not in existence but that the country was a barren deseit; when I think of the products of this once desert land, tile thought often conies are we worthy of all this. Are we thankful to God AlIt mighty for what he has given to us? takes other places hundieds of years to do what Utaii has clon'e in a short period of foity-fivyears. Why is Utah so favored? Because Gods hand has been instrumental in her morvelous growth. These people have been gathered for the purpose of worshiping God in tire was 111 which it lias been levealed to us in these latter-day- s thiough our prophet Jt seph. In all these 1900 years, the gospel ol the true Son of Man has been distorted until in this century it has Decome necessary to reveal it anew and this has been done through Joseph Smith. I, from my Jewish standpoint, claim to understand the mission ot Joseph Smith. 1 know that it way the same as that of Jesus Chiist, andjmore merit does not belong to one than to the other. We are peisecuted Well, my brethren and sisters, it is only the same thing th;it happened when Die Lord Jesus Christ was on earth. Was he not persecuted? I do love to see this peiseculion. Joseph Smith said if these people (meaning the gentiles) will let us ah me, we will build up the kingdom of God, but if they will interfere we will build it up sooner. Amidst the persecution, the people becomes stronger from day Persecutions bring us nearer to each other ' ' nemer to God. In a most marvelous way the Loid has gathered us here and given us these beautiful fields, houses and temples. Here to us is given everything pertaining to the gospel a knowledge that we are worshiping the true and living God. Here to ns is being given all the blessings imaginable and vet how little do we appiecia e them; When iu my room alone I think of what lie has done for me in bringing me out from the darkness t f night into the light of day and knowledge of the truth; when I think that not more than one year ago I stood at the head of a Jewish congregation and preached doctrines condemnatory to Christ, hating all Christians and that to day I am privileged to rtand and proclaim the everlasting gospel of Chr.st as revealed direct, I say that the tunc is near when we shall see Christ who has been crucified for our sake. I said the other day to a congregation of saints, I have no doubt but if each would fully realize that this life is but a dream, that we are passing away swiftlv, that before we realize that we hae Jived the grave is belore us; if we could realize that in the last hour of our life, all the beauties surrouuding us, all the luxuries, comforts and riches wll forsake us; it we could realize that each one will be called before his maker who shall ask, What hast thou dvnie for me? If we could realize that we must answer for our acts here, we would give up cl.ng.ngto things ot this woild and follow him more closely and worship him more devotedly. 1 was called to the deathbed of my giandfather, an aged and intelligent man who had spent his whole file in the ministry, a man who claimed to have led a ble bee from sin. My brethren and sisters, 1 saw rnat man die and the scene was aw tul. The tear glistened m his eye and he ciied aloud Oh it daikness al around me, I know n 4 who will take up to-da- -- e to-da- latter-day-sai- 1 1 careless and failing to do their duty and keep the commandments of their God with so little heed as to the consequences it breaks my heart to contemplate their condition. When I looked through the books in the Tithing office at Salt Lake City and learned that only iS per cent of the whole people are paying a full tithing, it brok my heart. The commandment ol tithing is a holy one and should be to us. When that commandment is broken one of the ten commandments is broken. Thou shalt not steal, it says and when you keep more than nine tenths of your income for your own use you are stealing, for that does not belong to you. It belongs to the Lord. We ate living in a most wonderful day and age, and mighty changes will soon take place in this church and amongst this people. There are some clouds, and they seem dark, hanging over us, but 1 tell you they have silver linings It is almost time we were seeing them. A change is near at hand. We will see them. On the other hand seeing how we ate judged by the world; when we behold our brethren incarcerated in prison; when we see our property being taken away from us; when we see the press uniting in Being about us and aiding to persecute us; when we know that we do not deserve this treatment, are we wrong in protesting against it? Show me a peuple on the face of the earth who lives nearer to God than this people. The eastern papers say the Mormons keep thir children away from school because if they are educated when they grow to maturity and study for themselves is a they will see that Mormonism fraud. Isnt that a lie? Never has there been a people on the face of this earth who worked harder and sacrificed more in order that their children might be educated. The persecutions of to day- - are based upon lies. The persecutions will cease because great changes wlil take place we will be triumphant. I am anxiously waiting to see the year 1891, because to me a testimony has been given that great changes will take place. Let us be prepared; My brethren and sisters I bear my testimony unto you this afternoon that this is the true woik of God; and I do it realizing that I stand before my creator. If 1 am deceived and if by being deceived I deceive others, their is not a more miserable man living. I have had to pay a heavy price for my testimony I have been cast away from my native land and parents, because I have apostatized from their fa till. I have a dear mother at home weeping constantly over my departure and if I wished I could not return. If I am deceived, what have I done? I know as well as I know that the sun of God shines through the window, that God' lives, that his son Jesus Chiist was ciuci-lie- d for the redemption of sinners and that Joseph Smith was a true prophet of God. I have been made strong 111 my testimony by demonstrations at Manti Temple and elsewhere. Let us do our duty and we alone shall be put on the hill to light the way. I have my shaie to do in this work and I shall do it. I have tiials to endure as well as others. Among the things that aie annoying, is the Tribune and its lies about me. The other morning it asserted that I was a hater of the Gentiles. I am a hater now of no mortal being, but this I do say and claim that these valleys are for us and not for them and my brethren and sisters dont you encourage them in the least. We dont want the gentiles in our midst and if they will impose themselves upon 11s they must take the treatment we give them and that is my answer to the Tribune. I prayjthat God may continually bless and give each one of us an abiding know- k CO Dealers in t HApiSSiSADDLB. Manufacturers of Hams, Hales, fesacis, n Adelbert Cazier offered the opening prayer. The hymn on page nine was then sung by the choir after which the sacrament was adminstered by Brother Wring-ros- e and Gadd. . 11 BROADHEAD AIL eta-- . WORK WARRANTED. EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. They keep a full line of goods on hand which are disposed of at lowost jpvio os Depot St., Nephi. First door IVcst ot Livery Stable. Mailorders will be promptly attended to. Address P. 0. Box 321, Nephi, Utah, MRS. II. W. WIIEELER, has just received from Salt Lake City and New York a complete stock of FASHIONABLE SPRING AND SUM-MFMILLINERY,. Whichhe offers for sale to her many customers at reasonable prices. S. 25. R SELtS. FRANCIS FURNITURE DEALER, In addition to a choice stock already on hand has just received a carload of Mara ail Wall Paper 1 Direct from the East which he is offering at Salt Lake Prices. New Store a few doors North of the National Bank. Main Street, Nephi. Call and examine prices bejore purchasing elsewhere. ) on will save freight ion Salt Lake City. Main Street, . f BRACE EROS. & CO, Pnntpantnrc' anr! NEPHI. RnilrlPPij LUMBER YARD AND PLANING MILL. Dealers in all kinds of Building Hardware Such as Nails, Locks, Iinges, etc. 1 Also Lumber, Lath, Doors, Window Moulding and Pickets. Glass of all common sizes, and a small stock of Axle Trees, Boulsteis and the like, which we will dispose of "at Cost We have H. BURTON SUPT., for Casla. just received, a car load ftfephi of Doors, Windows, Square t and Fancy Flat Pickets DIRECT FROM THE EAST. "Wh olesalo Which we are prepared to sell at prices to meet the wants ot all. Cor. Main and S. P, V.Ry.St.Nephi. The finest line of in his goodness. ledge then requested the choir The to sing the hymn commencing, We thank thee, O God for a prophet and requested the audience to join and to rise to the.r feet while they sang. 33 a by atul Retail Dealers in Carriages ever seen in Nephi, t bot tom prices. H. J.MOltTENSEN PARLOR, Prim IN DEALERS UFA TING, live fasa FEATHER! al PILLOWS, an! National FOLD- - COOK Bro. Speiry complimented Dr. Isaacson STOVES and RADGES. on his enthusiasm and the speech just We have just received fron tin cast FOUR CARLOADS of Furdelivered, and spoke to some extent of All kinds of Extras and Stove outfits, the necessity of young men and old men Backs with J we urn selling at Salt Luke jobbing aud retail etc. niture Lrds, Fronts, prices. and all, to continue in the woik of God. Grates, Crosspieces. kind of stoves made, to SoutJ'ern dealers will do well to send tlieir orders to su. After the singing cf the hymn requested to stoves, etc., any We will guarby Dr. Isaacson, meeting was dismissed In ordering he sure to give name and antee them Salt Laki- - wholesale pth-esthereby saving freight and dambenediction being ofieied by Jas. W. exact number of stove. age on goods ft 0111 Salt Luke. Ail ord rs will receive prompt attention, The time of the evening was meeting All home made, and 20 per cent.below occupied by Brother Samuel Claridge, an Salt Lake prices. SUPT. old Nephite who has been working as a me elsewhere give Refore purchasing missionary for several years past helping Satisfaction guaranteed. to settle anti develope Southern Utah and a call. P. O. Box 69. Spanish Fork Utah. Arizona. He is an admirable specimen of the aged, contented, hard woiking happy Mormon" who is satisfied with his leligionand rests easy in the knowledge that he has lived an honest and useful fife' He gave a pleasing account PETERSON. CHAS. of his histoiy since leaving Nephi and closed with some excellent doctrine and SIGNS SCENERY. advise to the young. Intel ior Decorating, all Kinds of Ornament, Painting, Gilding, etc.. WONDERFUL CURES. GO Center Street , Pax-ma- C. SIGNS! SIGNS! J a. TINGEY, ADAMS & SONS, COpjCTOHS 4 Address BUILDERS LUMBER YARD AND W. D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and ReSalt Lake City, tail Druggist of Rome Ga., say: We Or leave orders with Mr. Tingey of have been selling Dr. Kings New Dis- the Furniture Co. Nephi Co-o- p covery, filectric Bitters and Bucklens and estimates Prices given on never Have Arnica Salve four years. handled remedies that sell so well, or First class work. give such universal satisfaction. There have been some wonderiul cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several i , 1), cases pronounced Consumption have been entirely cured by use of a few botTHE NEPHI DENTIST. tles of Dr. Kings New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitteis. We -Who has been practicing dentistry in guarantee them always Sold by Hyde and Whitmores. Nephi for the last ten vears is now at HIS OFFICE block soudi One block east and one-haof the Co-ostoie where he is prepaied PENNYROYAL WAFERS. to do all work in his profession in the Gold amalgum and bone Prescription of a physician v,'i.o has had a life long experience u. latest style. and extracting a specialty. Prices Isinitc, filling female diseases. treating with monthly perfect success by reasonable. Part payment taken in prol(i lO,n0Q it rvr uuue. effectual. Ladies ask yourdru N. R He is now fully prepared to ex- ONE BLOCK WEST OF MAIN STREET and ONE BLOCK NORTH OF THE for Pennyroyal Wafers an git take no substnute, or inclose To.t tract teath without pain by the use of SAN PETE VALLEY RAILWAY, NEf I IL tor seal d particulars. Sold b the Vegetable Vapor. $1 all box. Address ; Opeiations done on short notice. THE EURFKA CliCMlCAf, ( pfrDetroit. Mich- CHAS, It H n lf p 1 o - 1 LUMBER, LATH, MOULDINGS SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS and FRAMES, PACKING BOXES, ETC. |