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Show NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Tintic Mining District, Utah. May 29th, tSSS. j To Jacob A. Beaman, George W.Ktngs-3e- v (or his reputed assignee, Isaac Woolf,) and Agustus Howe. You are hereby notified that we have expended two hundred dollars upon the Champlain No. 2 mine in labor and improvements for the years 1SS6 and 18S7, as will appear by certificates filed December 14th, i3S7, in the office of the recorder of said district, in'ordt r to hold said of section premises under the provis-on2324, Revised Statutes of the United States, being the amount required to hold the same for the years ending De cember 31st, 1SS7, and if within mnetv days after this notice by publication, you fail or refuse to contribute your propor tion of such expenditure as your interests in said claim will become the property of the subscribers, under said section 2324. n The respective amounts are J, A. six and dollars, for 1887, G. W. Kingsley sixteen and dollars, for 18S6 and 1SS7, and A. Howe Tlienty-liv- e dollars, for 18S6 and 1SS7. P. C. Bmke, Frank Salisbury, John Mastersun. Ju r S 7 WEEKLY REVIEW OF TRADE. BOOTH Correspondence Ensign.J s Bea-jna- 0 65-io- o APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice No. 1711. United States Land Office, 1 Salt Lake City, Utah, June 16, 1S8S. Notice is hereby given that John of Eureka, Utah, and George E. Whitney of Oakland, California have made application for a United States Patent tor the Overman lode mining claim, situate in Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah Territory, consisting of suiface 1500 linear feet of the lode, and ground 200 feet wide, being Lot No. 162 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey' on lile in this office, with magnetic variation at 16 degrees 30 minutes east, as follows: Commencing at post No. 1, a corner of the claim, from which U S M M No. 2 beats N 26 deg 8 min W 2221 feet distant; and running thence S 81 deg W 200 feet to post N0.2; thence S 17 deg 15 min E 765 feet to post No. 3; thence S 16 deg 30 min E feet to post No. 4 from which 734 post No. 5 of the Summit lode lot 134 feet disbears S 16 deg 30 min E 106 cornel on tant, and the quarter-sectiothe line between section 24 Tp 10 S R 3 W and sec 19 Tp 10 S R 2 W Salt Lake Meridian, beais S 7 deg 12 min E 515 feet distant; thence N 81 deg E 2 jo feet to post No. 5; thence N 16 deg 30 min W feet to post No. 6; and thence N 734 feet to said 17 deg 15 rain W 762 post No. 1, the place of beginning, conacres, all taining a total aiea of 6 of which is claimed and applied for, there being no conflicts. The discovery point of the claim bears S 16 deg 30 ni.11 feet distant fiom a pmt w hich E 434 feet bears S 17 deg 15 min E 765 distant from the Northetly end line of the claim. The said mining claim being of tecord in the office of the Recorder ot said mining district at Silver City, in Juab County, Utah. The neatest known locations he ing the Summit I n 13;, the Lookout 1, it 133, the Robbins Euieka lot 7;, and the Aka lot i6r, all kale mining claims. I direct that this notice be published in The Ensign at Nephi, Utah, the newspaper published nearest thecai mining cldun, fur tltc period of s.xty days. D. Register 3-- S-- 0 n 0 S-- io 0 0 1 Wi-tus- APPLICATIOM FOR PATENT. Notice No. 17T0. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City. Utah, June 16th, 1888. Notice is hereby given that John of Eureka, Utah, and George E. Whitney of Oakland, California, have ma- le application for a United States Patent tor the Alta lode mining claim, situate in Tintic Mining D, strict, Juab County, Utah Territoty, consisting of 1500 linear feet of the lode, and surface ground 200 feet wide, being Lot No. r6r and discribcd in the field notes and plat' of the official survey on lile in this olrice, with magnetic var ation at 16 degrees 30 minutes east, as follows: Commencing at post No. 1, a corner of the claim, and running thence S 79 deg 45 min W 2 jo feet to post No. 2; thence S 9 deg E 772 feet to post No. 3 from winch C. S. M. M. No. 2 bears N 26 deg 8 min W 2221 310 feet distant; thence S 17 deg 15 min K 72S feet to post No. 4; thence N 79 deg 45 min E 200 leet to trust No. 5; thence N 17 deg 15mm V 72S feet to post No. 6; thence N 9deg W 772 feet to said post No. I, the place of beginning, coniaininga total area of 6 acies, all j f winch is claimed and applied tor, thete being no contlicts. The section corner common to sections 13 and 24 Tp 10 S R 3 W and sections 18 and 19 Tp 10 S R 2 V, Salt Lake Meridian, bears due East 205 leet distant from a point which Irears S9 feet, distant hunt said post No. E 137 1. "'Hie discovery point of the claim bears S 9 deg E 750 feet distant trom the middle of the Northetly end lme of the claim. The said mining claim being of record in the office of the Recotder ot said mining distiict at Silver City in Juab County, Utah. The nearest known locations being the Robbins Ivureka lot 71, the Zulu lot 99, and the Valley lot 100, all lode mining claims. I duect that this notice be published in The Ensign, at Nephi, Utah, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim, for the peried of sixty days. D. Weiui Register. Ju22 Au24 . 86-to- o 3-- in rrriTST.TTtODT & BPiOADIJEAD DRINK FILTH NO LONCER! When you can get Dealers in Quiet hopefulness prevails. That business now is dull everybody realizes That it is going to be good more favorable crop prospects lead people to hope. Then it is felt that the chances of a change of tariff lessens as the weeks pass, leaving less time for agreement between the two houses of Congress, and thus an important element of doubt as to trade for the next half year is in part removed. In financial markets there is nowhere disturbance, though the unprecedented volume of loans at New York raises questions that are not yet answered. There is no present expansion of legitimate trade to explain it, and if impoitant speculations are preparing, they are well concealed. The reports from interior points all reflect a hopeful spirit, with most frequent reference to improved crop prospects. As to cotton, there is some contradiction; in the Mississippi Valley too much rain is by some reported with consequent excess of weeds. Corn and oats would probably exceed any previous yield, if the weather should prove entirely favorable from this time onward through har-vss-t, but the point of greatest danger is not yet passed. The hay crop at the East is ample, and the latest reports are decidedly more encouraging as to the wheat. Prices ate half 3 cent higher than a week ago fur oats, one cent lower for corn, and one cent for wheat, partly because a broker at Chicago fell down some steps, and was reported dangerously hurt. When a market is affected by such rumors, prices are not of much value. In all directions, the influence of mete speculation upon values is just now an unhealthy sign. Stocks have advanced, the more active averaging about $2 per share higher than a week ago, and yet the course of events would have justified some decline. The renewal of the railroad strike at Chicago and Kansas City is thought serious; the cutting of rates has been so great as to lessen receipts nt iteriaily, and the later reports of earnings begin to indicate some loss in comparison with last year. But when the speculator can make the otitsideis believe that a boom is at hand, leasons and earnings count fur little, and it is the nature of speculative maikets to rise when events are unfavorable. Cotton lias risen and the movement seems to be taking the form of a corner on near deliveries. Hogs, eggs and pola'oes are higher, while coffee is half a cent lower than last week. The industrial outlook is not entirely cheering, though the stiike of ironuotk-er- s seems likelv to last hut little longer. The statements of iron furnaces in blast July 1st, show a decline of 7,353 tons weekly, or6 per cent., since June 1st, and 3fj,i75 tons weekly, or 21 per cent., since November 1st. As this decline has been gtadual, the output for the half year apthan for pears to ire 11 per the last half of 1SS7. Prices do not change, though the more common giades are freely offered at low figures. An advance in circular prices of coal is expected, and the Eastern demand improves. The cotton manufacture still holds prices well, with advance in a few grades, but the outlook lor woolens does nut change. 0 The closing of BigeLw Carpet Mills of for out woik a and time, persons billowing t he closing of the Lowell M.lls is supp ised to indicate The decline in building trades is illustrated by New Yolk returns of 1 647 new buildings fur the half year, costing against 2,923 for the fust half of last year, costing $ 57,300,000. Expoits lor the first week of July wete $i,6uo,ooo smullei'ftom this port than for the same week last year, lmt returns fur June siiow an increase of $5,800,000 in of cotton fiom principal ports.witha decrease 0(5700,000 in exports of oil. Foreign exchange is weaker, and the supply of foreign capital coming hitherward has not ceased. The Treasury has also added $3,700,0 io to the market supply by disbursements exceeding receipts during the ira;t week, and money is abundant, not only lieie, but at every other point reiorting. In almost, every instance, also, collections are now leport-e- d as satisfactory or improving. The business failures occurring throughout the country during the last seven days, as reported to R. G. Di n & Co., The Mercantile Agency, Friday, by telegraph, number, lor the United States, 216, and for Canada, 24, or a total of 240 failmes, as compared with a total of 214 last week, and 2or the week to the last. For the ctrresjjondinp week of last year the figures were 179. New Yoik, Saturday, July 14, 1888, HARNESS s SADDLES. PURE WATER. Manufacturers of Barrass, HoiMss, ise-sacis- , etc. ALL WORK WARRANTED. be had for a trilling expense. See Mr. HANSEN every morning, or They keep a fall line of goods on leave orders with N. Clawson, sho ema hand ivliich are disposed of at ker if you wish water delivered to lowest prices Depot St., Nephi. First door H'cst of Livery Stable. Mailorders willbe promptly atteiiaed to. Address P. O. Box 321, Nephi, Utah. S. L. Jackson, UNDERTAKER. x s TEASMLE Go Barber. - dentistry. and Plain Painter, Painting and Teeth extracted with care. MANUFACTURER AND INPORTER OF AU tlNDS OF Sign Paper hanging done at short notice. And all kinds of Upholstery done. Coffins, Caskets and Coffin Hardware Home made Coffins constantly on hand FRANCIS SELLS. Embalming done on the shortest notice. He also has a good line ol Furniture and sells at cost. FURNITURE DEALER, Repairing of all kinds done on the short- In addition to a choice stock alest notice. on hand has just received a ready Machine New for Home Agent Sewing and Machine extras, Neadles, etc. etc carload of Give him a call. Nephi, Utah. Wall Mure ai MERCANTILE ASSOCIATION. Paper ' Direct from the East which he is offering at Salt Lake Prices. New Store a few doors North of the National Rank, Main Practices in the District and Suof Courts Utali Street, Nephi. Territory preme and will attend to all kinds of legal Call and examine prices bejore purchasing elsewhere, you will save business-iJuab, San rete andndgli-borinfreightfron Salt Lake City. f. counties. Office rooms 5 and 7 Rank binding, p. o. Rox 353 Nephi, Utah. 22 John B. Milner, ATTY-AT-LA- Main W Street, g n GRACE BROS. & GO. NEPHI HOUSE, K?Y.BYa 1. NEPHI Groldsbrougl. The Oldest and Best Known llotd in LUMBER YARD AND Nephi. Good Beds and Board. 1 t MILL. Main Street, Nrphi. PLANING three-sixteenth- cent-small- er The Jolly House, 1 Lumber, Lath, Doors, Window Moulding and Pickets. Glass of all common sizes, and a small stock, of Axle Trees, Boulsteis and the like, which we will dispose of at Also Moroni, San Fete Co. Keeps a first class House in e'ery respect. Travelets of the Sal. V. ' Rv. should give1 us a call. Horses and carriages alwtra on hand. HAPPINESS AND CONTENTMENT Cannot go hand in hand if we look on tlied.uk side of every little obstacle. Nothing will so darken life and make it a bin den as Dvijiepsia. Ackcis Dysiepsia Tablets will cuie the vvosi foim ot Constipation and bl:govt!''u, and makefile a happiness and jileasttre. Sold at 25 and 50 cents by Dr. Miner. l)ys-jiepsi- a. BURTON S UPT, have just received a car load We of J. Blackburn, Doom, Windows, ROOTS and SHOES made j order, Repairing neately done. 32 (j . Main Stuet. Nitit. Nephi Square, and Fancy Flat Pickets DIRECT FROM THE EAST. Which we are prepared to sell at prices to meet the wants ot all. C. PETERSOT. WATCHMAKER. Cor. Main and S. P. Watuiies Clocks and Jewelih on the bluntest notice, ; H. Cost for Casli, To Trust is to Rust, To Rust is Hell. No Trust, No Rust, No HU. puis-5,00- over-suppl- Dealers in all kinds of Building Hardware Such as Nails, Locks, Iinges, etc. Wholesal and Retail Dealers in V.Ry.St.Nephi. ed The finest line of IT. Work done cheap and guarateed IN DEALERS HEATING, COOK STOVES and RANGES. PARLOR , 13a, by Carriages in Nephi, evcr at bot tom prices. .ai ail National FOLDPrims live Geese FEATHEE8 PILLOWS, Call on Mr. Peterson and mve your old Clocks and watches jit in All kinds of Extras and Stove outfits, ING EEDS. running order. . Grates, Crosspieces. Lids, Fronts, Backs to stoves, etc., to any kind of stoves made. CARLOADS FOUR of FurWe have just received fron the east t In ordering he sure to give name and Main Street, Nephi. niture etc. which we are selling at Salt Lake jobbing and retail prices. exact number of stove. We will guarSouthern dealers will do well to send their orders to us. All and 20 per cent. below wholesale Lake antee them Salt prices, thereby saving freight and dam1. D. SCIIOEBER SURVEYOR AND Salt Lake prices. j CIVIL ENGINEER. me age on goods fron Salt Lake. All orders will receive prompt attention. Before elsewhere 5 home-made- , Office: first door south of jotfrt a House. All classes of surveying and leeling done at reasonable charges give purchasing call. Satisfaction guaranteed. P. O. Box 69. Spanish Fork Utah. C. S. TINGEY, PETERSON. has just received from Salt Lake Ci and SIGNS SCENERY. New York a complete stock 1 Interior Decorating, all kinds of FASHIONABLE SPRING AND Ornamental Painting, Gilding, etc.. I MILLINERY, Address GO Center Street Which she offers for sale to heriany Salt Lake City, customers at reasonable prices. Or leave orders with Mr. Tingey of S.t5. Furniture Co. the Nephi Co-oPrices and estimates given on 1 U.M-MF- SUPT. SIGNS! SIGNS! CHAS. MRS. II. W. WIIEELEIt R , p J ADAMS & SONS, coupons BUILDERS & LUMBER YARD AND n. First class work. PATENTS! Obtained, and all Patent Business tten-de- d to Promply and for Moderatdees. Our office is opposite the U. S. ttent Office, and we can obtain Patents i less lime than those remote from Waiitig-to- n. Send Model or drawing. We lvise as to patentability tree of charge and we make no charges unless patit is secured. We refer, here, to the PostnSter, the Supl. of Muiiev Oro'er Div. and Officials of tne U. S. Patent Office For Circulars, advice terms, references actual clients in your own State or Coitry, w rite to Will YouSrn lr with Dyspepsia and C. A, Snow & Co., Nicms made miserable by Liver Complaint? Shiloh's Vital izer is Opposite Patent flice. to cure you. Sold by Miner Washigton LU. that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure A:is gu.uanteed N: Co., Druggists, Nephi. the remedy for you. Sold by Miner i .Co., Druggists Nephi. SeF-etles- F. Hairdressing, Shaving and Shampooing in the latest Style., ine-viot- is Cool your water with Gardner Can-voIce. For sale at wholesale and reLeave oiders at tail by D. Salisbury. residence, one half block uoith of the Nephi I louse. Salisbury & Sons are still busy at the:r old trade, th.it of burning lime and dont have a tew loads of asli forget it. They lime which will be sold cheap. D. SalisMonbury, of this firm is agent fui the arch Fence Machine. It will weave anything from a lath to a small fence pole' Your oiders for auv ot the above are solicited. Potor Hanson on and after Monday, April 16th, will have a supply of PURE WATER, brought from Gardner Springs, on Main StreetNe-- 1 phi, between tne hours of 7 and 8 a. m. Water sufficient for the days use can CffAS, :t(, 'll IMP, THE NEPHI DENTIST. 3i33A.Bi-.'Ma3m.9s- e ar.iwr Who has been practicing dentistry in NeiHii for the last ten years is now at HIS OFFICE block, south One block east and one-haof the Co-o- p store vvhete he is prepared to do all work in his profession in the latest styie. Gold amalgam and bone filling and extracting a specialty. Prices reasonable. Part payment taken in produce. N. B. lie is now fully prepared to extract tenth without pain by the use of ONE BLOCK WEST OF MAIN STREET and ONE BLOCK NORTH OF THE the Vegetable Vapor. Operations dope on short notice. SAN PETE VALLEY RAILWAY, NEPHI. lf LUMBER, LATH, MOULDINGS SHINGLES, SASH, DOORS and FRAMES, PACKING BOXES, ETC. |