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Show ..ui "V - r TIE : m tk. ENSIGN, 1TTLI3I1E1) EVEUTFILIDAY AT TsTeplii Juab Co, V l 1 ,t f THJTEN8IGN. v n eJ TT-- T. i StT.SCrjPlON Year, rivJ FeildA Roli.0 Fublisiieks. One S Months, Xepni, Ltdh. - $2.00 1.25 75 Hues Months I Prompt attention paid to all cominunicalions. Address. The Ensign, P. O. Box 2 BATES: -- Vol. InEPIIT. TJTATI, XI KKIDATST JULY 27, 1888- lo - -1 Rates forwarded on ap Advertising 'pFcation. 8 , IYIS ON NUISANCES.. TELEGRAPH RATES SULPHUR! SULPHUR The Provo Silver Band as per anFIRST NATIONAL nouncement wer in town last night in The Doseret makes Cryiitg lie of Telegraph Company rf speak t;jj Nepi Excursion Hvde & WntTMOHR, have just got in a the interest of (tie Gat field a A'ed.tdion on Local Tariffs. Kvil that sho'tll Ik SloMtd. Car Load of Sulphur and will give which left tins looming. They gave an Hothe Provo is The Roberts House, excellent ball in the Social Hall last As will lie seen by the follow tig list pi ices on application. tel at which you can get IRst accotnmoda night which was well attended. Nephi, G tali, July 23rd, iSSS., of rates for telegiams which was m efi tions. Telephone connections, billiards OF En. EnsignAN EPIDEMIC. left in was July 15th ti?.t a considerable reductprominent McLellan and b ith rooms at d.sposal of guests. Deputy nutwo at Ne-pThere positive least, are, ion has been made cm the late from W. U. IiiiERTS, Propiietor. the ' ousting of the Democrats at OgA VlOLFNT FORM OF CHOLERA MORBUS to every other office but Salt Lake den but lui had IP come to Nephi to get isances iu our town, against which, Prostkails atBelnap, Iowa, a dose of his own medicine. He en- through the columns of The Ensign we City and jiiah. I be reduction 011 j ates THE WHOLE COMMl'KITV. Paid Capital is from offices as to as some 50,000 his hign deavored to attend a caucus here of TO ALL! wish to offer a mild protest. One is tliirtvNephi enl and the reduct- A lain slatement of the fad; by a Lead, average per own party the Liberals, last Tuesday the very many uncovered diti hes ion is twenty per cent. The 10,000 Surplus ing Merchant of the Totvn. If you wish a good meal, call at the but was peremptorily ordered down against 111 the sidewalk ; of seems tables show the tat iff for a message of our It town. heel h s on House. turned Chickens, stairs. The Arcade Chop Spring dep I President in Geo. C. Whitmore, we summer an had Last epidemic ten words and each additional word, in jw Trout, Veal and the bst of Porter House and decended rapidly and the laugh was to us that if a man uses a sidewalk for foriT.i of cholera JonasH. Erekson Vice Pres. I this in the comnumiiy es from oflic the to charged Meals Nephi fara. bill of on .Mac Theie are two many sheep the Stake always on the of irrigation, he ought to named. I Directors motbus. Neatly every uAn woman and I.. S. Hills men among the Liber ils in Nephi to al- havepurpose to suit all and at all hours. ifI was prostrated by If, and it seemed las. II. Myntlers,' h child about in, humanity enough low even a Deputy Muishal if lie calls I to be a very violent form. We tried ev- Thomas Tight, Jr. himself a Democrat, to mingle with nothing else, to cover it. Not long ago Franklin AJma Cashier. withfind we medicine could or had Hague, ery a lady resident of Nephi fell into one oflRichmM Utah them. out relict. I then went to Ottumwa and Deposits leceived subject to sight drati Fat Calves wanted at Wright & Cos of jSmlti field fall was which these ditches, open Blake, llurre and 0G0., wholesale drugThe movement agitated by Sunt. BurCash or Merchandise paid for fat calves ton of the Co-o- p some time r check, ,, gists, advised me to take home Chamto dose water, and mined a costly silk dress. ago 4 berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrliiea by R. F. Barr. each place of business in Nephi at 7 p. There happened to be a large stone Brighton on Money loaned approved security. ixemedy. 1 did so and distributed it and m. another trial the ditch, and sinking this, the lady was The Peoples Iartv election tickets was failed. Nut Satisfied, ie!ief immediately; it worked like Collections made with prompt returns at sucit gave a time made and thip brought for some hours. have been printed at this office. lowest rates. , n 111 tic. I ordered more of the remedy at cess. Instead, however, of seven the rendered unconscious it trille of sold it time we consider the When the and at oice, day until my m. during lime will of be Mitchel p. A eight We sell exchange on leading cities of the closing wagon For Sale: good 3 J st ore, and at night at my home. I sold would take to bridge over these ditclu-S- , Terms reasonable, inquire at this office.- - September 1st, vben it will be seven. United tates, also furnish sight drafts or I as much did as the mernight during during The contract entered into by each we are tempted to do the work ourselves The the liete can remit not funds to all prominent points in day. Nrcni is say people chant is that he will close lus place of if we J. F. Woods se'lingatTuE thought the propeity owners would enc ugh in praise of Chamberlains CoI'C, Europe. Bakery, bread of the best quality, made business each evening, except Saturday be mean en Cholera and Diarrhiea Remedy. J. H. ragli to accept our labor. from roller mill Hour. evenings and evenings immediately proHel I wig, Merchant, BeJnap, Iowa. Sold v.e un8 which nuisance m. 'lii.e other at against p. ceeding holidays promptly I ). O. Aimer, Correspondents II. M. McCune & Co. are the agents for til September tile :st, iSSS and after that by Nephi. is the lounging of young men on the celebrated Iron Fire lroot Pa.nt. time at 7. p. in. to take ellect Monday decry, N ew York, Kountze Bros. of front our stores, Sunday evenings in Give them your orders. 4- July 30. Chicago, Union National Bank. a restaurants and public buildings. George Winn an old time resident of On the night of the Twenty-fourtSalt Lake City, Deseret National Bank We have seen women take the road, Nephi, but now of Silt Lake is spending there were some Indians encamped in rather than E3 San Francisco. Pacifiq Bank. pass these small crowds of tera a few days in our midst. the Tithing yards. They amused thems loafers. selves by going up to the Social f lull and swearing, spitting young W Look out for The Industrialist Excurthis evil can be remedied by the inAfier the dance, watching the dance. This 17th. on Garfield sion to 3 August it was hoodlums the when terference of the store owners and ressupposed by P will in all probability be the last of the 3 that the oflicers ha i left the streets, a taurant cr P would orseason. they vvhojt keepers, few of tlie pest winch is a nui.mnce to der the boys away might drive them ! Peter Rasmussen, Boot and Shoe ma- any town and of which Nephi has an w to their homes. If there is any authorabundant their found the to Good fresh miJk delivered daily in shaie, way ANEW POSTAL MEASURE. ker, is the place to take our orders for Indian Er and awakened them. They ity that can be executed to break up tins camp work. substantial and cheap good p cro A b. 11 is before the House of Reprevveie seen talking to the lad; nistorsome lual'-6 any part of Nephi for nusance, we sincerely trust it may 3 CO Deputy McLellan has been quite busy little time aftei which they vvc.e seen to act at once. Yours for safety and the sentatives to reduce the postage 011 o a. CR in and around Nephi this week. He has show a bottle to tne Indians, but when fourth class mail matter and to increase cr made eight arrests and helped put out the obseivei s came up they rapidly de- Sabbath peace. t- -l the limit of vve.glit in mailable matter. Ha O this the time By fire. poor squaws the camped. Givis. p Q 3 p- Tne bill simply unites the present third a quart.or three quarts for had become so fnghlead that they could Both victims of the accident on the not be induced to leuiuiu over night in a id fourth classes, increases the limit of M base ball grounds last Tuesday are pro- the yaids, but would hitch up their team P m P 3Cweight from four to eight pounds, and RINGROSE IN THE TOILS. tZi 5 gressing nicely under the treatment of and olive off. Inqurv solicited from the - o Dr. Miner. Or regains the present charge for what is two male Indans that it was not money Mary Ann Painter is a young girl ol tMw third class o M 7T Orders left at Mrs. Pitchforths resthe boys wanted for their whisky, but the whom one matter era namely, some for lias Samuel 3 his finished hd has regRmgrose Chas. Bird, dentist n lust 00 of gratifying a idence, one block east of Thith- p privilege cent for o each two ounces The fraction or time been appointed guardian. ular professional trip and is in Nephi and that had the Indians been of sutfi-c.e' B G c well child has been lothed and respect- thereof. ing Office. again for a few weeks, ready to attend to number theie would have probably conably, sent regulatly to school and his patrons. I The third-clas- s matter includes printed and no doubt very properly been a w rr r sidering the disposition and cveivwar-cumstanv- e such If hoodlums that in vicinity. CM beaks, pamphlets, t engr.i vings;, proof David Broadhead has standing at the treated well, but on U1071I1 cu vvoise than beastly passions are not only of the d era thorough-luehad a sleets, Stables Mr. etc. The month young manuscripts, Rmgrose charge present Nephi LiVery in but cultivated by young men P p O occasion to correct her. The hi other of now is as in the proposed law. Duiham Bull. Come and see him found, in f in vvh U confidence can have P 0 parents the child. Wni. Painter, heaid of it and On Main Street, Convenient and suitable and obtain prices. G llK fourth-clas- s ... niatter firrqbracea allowing their daughters to be in their was informed that-t- he nict. J. S-M- l Q mill 1 Cyr puwmbnvetv fyj iwtw Iitho ft is only a pity-tha- t rn e?vmymy. tjjese 3 was very severe and that Mr. ctendlse, samples, coin or specie, p exclusion is off the next on the pro- fiends had legs so supply as to permit ol Rmgro.e hid kicked the child. The gap-hsmaps, chromes, etc., and the Also a few choice building lots. fl c 2. gramme is one by Felt and Egan of Pro thcr escape Before their hellish designs muter lankled iu liis reast Lr some cargeisone cent for gacli ounce or Hied. vveie uneai off 17U1. August 10 to come tune and at Iasi, he swoie out a com- faction thereof. V D The lots are each stocked with, choice plaint against Mr. Ringrose charging film is no reason why merchandise A" those knowing themselves indebted There fruit and shade trees. vv Uli On Wednesday morning batteiy. re juested t tiie undersigned are hereby For particulars apply to D. Salisbury FROM LEVAN. Deputy Maishal McLellan airested Mr. aid samples should be charged any high-etrat- e to settle at once. , one half block north of the Nephi House. and at two oclock p. m. lie was of postage than books or niimi-iptRmgrose John IIgu:. O.ir Con fpivy f send; in a fezo brought belore Commissioner Morehous They are just as easily I1.1ud.led fie ms of Ink rest. for Inal. le had lawyer Milner engaged There was not so much diiukin.g going aid are essential to the increase mid him. delend to on on the Twenty fourth as there was on Renners and harvesters are in full O.i opening of the court Milner moved pasperityof business. The distinction the Fourth, although there was some but are that the case be dismissed on the n w made between third and f jurtli rla-.light. blast, after crops hoodlnmism manifested, especially We were lavored last week with a cop- grounds that the case had not been com- nutter has neither daik. justice nor expediencious shower of lain. It fell 111 ist heavily menced nor taken charge of propcily. commend it. The department can to e is lulls in from rush claimed a of water the and read the He statutes Andersons E. gallery big G. photograph causing located on Mrs. Pextons lot just north of 111 the creek. Some damage was done that the county prosecuting attorney will afford to increase the weight ot be and mill. to the saw lad not commenced the case and for nailable matter to eight pounds considthe hank. It will remain there horse a four lew A took Bring reason Ins Honor the Commissioner only. weeks boys two that for days ago longer open the benefit it would be to trade. from two smaller bovs and to show oil had 110 jurisdiction. The court ruled ering your work along. The bill ought to be promptly repoited all four climed 011 the horse and showed that as lie had reason to believe that an and John Adams yesterday gave bonds their skill (and at the same time their ofiense had been committed ami that the fnm the Committee on Commissioner Morehous to appear lack of good sensej by abusing the poor had neglected his l)5t Roads and passed by the House. articles in Cask They Till pay lie market price for tie attorney prosecuting before the grand jury to answer to the uiimal 111 various ways, riding through dut , lie had a right to try the case. York in especial New Tie members was McLellan old charge. Deputv the streets, standing upiigiit on its back, Milner interposed objections. Defense afnr tiny fill slip WOOL on Mission, ani mate literal advances active in bringing about th;s state of etc. They were piomptly ai rested and demuried on the ground of insufficient slould be unanimous and active ill its fairs. Court over- f vor. Nezo York World. brought before the Justice of the Peace and incomplete charge. an all Coasipnieals. w ho read them some law and made them ruled and Milner agam interposed obin honor The wedding reception given contribute little a to the liete and entered of a not public tieasury plea and jections lavvkins of the marriage of fenry for their sport. guiltv and called tor a trial bv jury. The Miss Ada Jenkins is to be given in the was celebrated defendeat was placed under Si 00.00 The Twenty-fourt- h EXAMINATION. Social Hall. With thanks w e acknowl- here. A good programme was gut up bonds to appear Thursday morning at 'of invitation. an the receipt edge Those desiring to pass examination as by the committee and an enjoyable time 10 oclock and court adjourned. On Thursday morning court was open- school teachers in Juab County, lor the C. Peterson, the Watchmaker has mov- would have been had, had it not been who on ed, twelve jurymen were on the grounds resent school jear, will meet at thej ed his business to Hawkins Block, 1st disturbed by a few young men and and atisweied to their names after which tentral School Huiise in Nephi, at 9: drunk such occasions is he where generally get of door south Dining Room, clock a. m., on the 3d day of August cus- make disturbances. Complaints were the case was dismissed because the prosprepared to meet the wants of his Come and have your watches made and a number of the boysweie ecuting attorney had refused to prose- i3SS There will not be anoLher examintomer fixed if you have monev, if you have no ai rested and will appear today to answer cute the case and there was no law auth- ation unttl some time in November, exTins is a orizing the court to employ a prosecutor. cept at the applicants expense. for what they did yesterday Which they will Bell at Salt Lake TRICES. 3 money come anyhow. Isaac II Grace, step in the right "direction. We have This however is not likely to be the last we heard of laws for our protection and let us have of the case. Comity Superintendent of District During the Twenty-fourtwhich officers to vindicate them and bring the nature of an Schools, Juab County unpleasant nothing comolfeiiders to justice so that we can have transpired other than a short fistic bat between Frank Booth and Rube peace and order. ALLEGED HORSETHEIYES Oil the evening of the Twenty-fourt- h Greenhalch. It lasted but a few moments CAPTURED. PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE PHOTOGRAPHER. Headquarters at SPRING-VILI.when Booth searched up commissioner one quite senuus accident occured Morehous and complained upon himself. While the firewoiks were being set olf Considerable rumor has been afloat for Branch Galleries at Nepiii and Manti Utah. Next morning the commissioner impos- one little boy, who was near, had one of someyeaisofa great number of wild ' was which five his burned dollars of fine eyes very seiiously. ed a horses, branded or claimed by nobody, Levan, une 251I1, xSSS. promptly paid. running the range near Deseret. Many ranch men have lost gentle horses by w exercises the found ith fault The only having them get with wild ones. Occash Twenty-fourton the Views of RESIDENCES, STOCK, in the Tabernacle Copying and Enlarging Pictures a specialty. ionally men would ride the range espectoo was that the audience was altogether TAKE NOTICE! to hunt these horses all claim and ially evMACHINERY, ETC., made on short notice. Orders by mail will receive noisy. This is something each and of On and after Sunday, July 1st, we, the they could capture and it would seem ery person who goes into a mettuig the horses that that had gentle happenby undersigned, will cliaige tor Ml shaves on prompt attention. Address Springville Utah. P. O. Box 3. any sort must endeavor to correct ed to get With the wild horses Have been if he I keeping perfet order himself, and near Scndavs and Iolidavs the sum of 25 cts. captur d and appropriated by these men secs any noisy person or persons al- each. notwithstanding the brand and marks F. C. Teasdale, him, try and induce them to be quiet that were on them.. Five of a North H. M. McCune. so. Bend, San Pete Co., familv by the name of Cox and one other relative have gotWith Napoleon Grover the Twenty-fourt- h ten into trouble through their fondness AGENTS FOR TIIE extended over the tweiilv-fiftl- i for PRIMARY MEETING A MINUTES OF practice of this kind. It seems that in was great 'celebrating At least he the water Bishop Black of Deseret had some horses shape that day. Too much of CHAMPION REAPERS AND BINDERS, Mr. N. IP Frohliclistein, of Mobile, Ala. for Of the Liberal lotas of Nephi rrccinct in charge that got away among liese that burns sethis brain 011 file and wild horses and y some I in this recoin-tiietime in writes: tne take great pleasure spring the space of probably half an hour were found in the possesion of Wal- - mending Dr. Kings New Discovery lor AND Called to elect five delegates to attend middle of the afiernoon the strength of of Nephi. The matter was Consumption, having Used it for a severe be Jenkins to ter for Convention Liberal a street the on tried was Paity County his lungs which he was locked in jail. lie re- held at Nephi, July zstli, iSi3, Meet- traced up and it was found that these six attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It mained there fift a few hours dm mg ing vailed t order iv John Witbeck. men were all connected m the taking of gave me instant relief and entirely cured which lime he continued to strain Ins He also read the call for the meeting as horses Irom the Deseret range. A cum- - 11112 and I have not been afiheted since, vocal cords. He kept up a constant yell, publ.shcd in The Ensign. R. E. lleag-le- plaint was swum out against them and I also beg to state that I had tried other IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF and John S. Cooper, were chosen as last week Deputy McLellan p. nnu ed up- - remedies with no good result. Have sometimes in the shape of a piteous apthem on velv. in their at homes anvl also Bend. in Noitli the used Chairman Bitters Dr. and Electric sometimes and respect. out Kings Secretary let Moline Plows, Imperial Chilled Plows, Buckeye Rakes; Grain Drills, peal to be that has Geo. C. Bean, John S. Cooper, John They were brought over to Nephi and1, New Life Pills, both of which I can re- shape of a strain of profanity was m last were had Coma before S. Witbeck milay and Springfooth Harrows, Springfield Threshers, Engine and Cultivators commend. and J. John He finally hearing Painter, been rarely equaled. Dr. Kings New D'scovery for Confive dollars, elected as delegates. K. F. Beaglev, W. missioner Morelious who bound them fined and tried out, brought had G. Se.iley, Henry Forrest, C. K. Foote, over to await the action of the giand jurj sumption, Coughs and Colds, is sold on Horse Powirs, Kelly Feed Grindeis, Buggies, Carriages aiid Road Catt$ but the mad desire for 'beiieen each in the sum of three himciered a positive guarantee,. Trial bottles free Hardwood. Wagon and Champion Machine Repairs, lie and Abe Chalmers as alternates. for after till him left nightfall long not S. at Hyde & Whitmores, Nephi. John Secretary. Cooper, was still imbibing. P. O. Ijox 369. Nephi, Ulaj, LOCAL ITEMS. A IB 1 W N33PHI. K UT2 Et ioli-owin- , 111 r t h Iei-hap- MILK! MILK!! A w o r lOcts. 25cts. o rr hell-boi- ' ! -- 1 CA -- - lew-dea- lJ cJ & J. hooms Ej7j li il TO RENT. miliii '' X, jron H. s. ef 1 s C. Andrews & Co., DEALERS IN be-fu- Post-Olfic- e . HIDES, FELTS AND DRAIN. ate 1 1 I They also carry the BAIN and MITCHELL WAGONS and the Woods Mowers Harvesters h (Llo Mo AiIDIHlIRSIDM E, open izx NEPIII July nest Gralkory will -- J. W. SCHOFIELD & CO. KOTO, FISH BROTHERS I WASONS. v Kir-gn- V1 J |