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Show TIio Ensign. "Tff 'll I" Jl The Salt Lake Foam now comes .with our exchanges. It is a comic paper giving the laughitye side of all local matters pertaining to our Territory and is a paper yhich everyone should read. It costs only tvo dollars a year and is well worth the money. This is the paper which the Trjlu'tS in commenting upon the field for satire which lay before it, previous to its first issue, Baid the Mormons and their proceedings would furnish a boundless field for mirth and satire and to this the new paper wou'd devote itself. The Trib. as usual, was re will let Foam speak for j.ts.elf ip this jpatt.er by giving herewith one or two paragraphs from it. The Liberals are crowing lustily over their victories in the school elections last Monday. As these were the only school advantages some of then) ev,:r had, they Will have to be excused.7 The Tribune puts the ward first and the number after it, thus: A Ward Light young man had a difficulty with a Ward Six brother over a Ward Thirteen girl, iu which the brother of the gitl. who Resides in Wrd Twenty, interfered, and so on ad itauseum. A learning little a dangerous thing is; and those who to up get something new try should not the proprieties apide to set, - A very strong rsason why the Suit Lake Fqam should reach every household in jthe Territory is that it will ie tjieprgan of Democracy for Jthe 'ferriory. The paper will eipaiu finny, but at the same time jt Is to )e made an enunciator of fact the organ of Deipocracy-i- n of the Territory. This at ' pnce assures it an immuensp circulation It says : i iUa-Jlarltm- ally employed, there is nothing extravagant, in wages or material, There are many who look for blue times when the harvest conies to be housed, but $$ in the entire country, so in Utah, the results will not fie so disastrous as was long expected. Vheat nay advance as it may advance elsewhere, but this will suit the fariyer nd will not hurt the tle theory pretty generally prevails, tlat .When whct is high, times are always good.w Jf we were to judge the prosperity of p community by the amount of means hat they spend in pleasure, it would be Inferred immediately that in this district, at all events, money was abundant. All the pleasure resorts $re patronized, as in he theatre, and all other such places to an extent heretofore unknown; few realize the weekly cost of such craze, to say sea-jqnothing of wht it amounts to in if it were not like "heating the air, it woujd npt he miss to suggest a return o some due expenditure and consideration for demands quite as legitimate as are those of pleasure. Stock is being shipped fronj th.e Territory in considerable numbers, pending the establishment of packing houses; let is hope this will be profitable and sucWe hifve had no imported cessful. canned mutton upon our shelves, but at certain seasons of the year his could e a profitable business. The fiavor of jountain fed mutton could be made to .ecure a business unreachable by stallfed animals, which often re too fat and rank The supply tf domestic wool is held to be meagre. Territorial wools are quoted last $t 5 to 18 cents for fine medium, and ifjjtq 9 for coarse, while unmerchantable. lichigan s cittoted. at J9 to 20, and above at 30 to 31 cents XX Ohio and these figures should lead our per pound; woolmen tp ask if the quality of our tome grown .canqo h,5 made by intelligent men to compete with others, and $0 reduce the proportion of our freight Charges from twenty five per cent, of yalue to something nearer half that amount. Z. C. M. I. Advocate. p, CftaujPE, Whooping Cough and Bronchitis immediately relieved by Shilohs jCure. Sold by Miner & Co.j Nephi. PHYSICIAN Office at Miner Hawkins Block, id Co-o- p, d & Cos Drug Store street, Nephi, Main pre-empti- Ju 29 An 31 state-meri- A. ej Acker's Blood Elixir has gained a firm hold on the American people and is ack nowledged to be superior to all other preparations. It is a positive cure for all Blood and Skin hseases. The medical fraternity indorse and prescribe it .Guaranteed and sold by Dr. Miner. p n V DQ jru 1 TUlta-CT- S II 1? 23 33 T OUT TERMS devisee of the deceased entryman and the proof may be made by any one of them for the benefit of all, and patent will issue to The heirs. Where patent is to be issued lor the benefit of "infant child or children the full name of each and every child must appear therein. health and sweet secured, by Shilohs Catarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Iujector free. Miner & Co., Nephi. Catarrh Cured, breath GUARD AGAINST THE STRIKE. And always have a bottle of Ackers English Remedy in the house. You cannot tell how soon Croup may strike you little one, ora cold or cough may fasten itself upon you. One dose is a preventive and a few doses a positive cure. All Throat and Lung troubles yield to its treatment. A sample bottle is given you free and the Remedy guaranteed by l)r. Miner. Insane Persons. yiiere entries or claims have been duly initiated under the homestead and laws by persons who have subsqeuently become insane, the same may be at once peifected by any person duly authorized to act for the entryman during his disablity, it being necessary to need Shilohs Vitalizkr is what you Dizzi-neshow in the final proof only that the res loss of Appetite, for Consumption, quirements of law were fully complied and all symptoms ofDyspepsia. Price with by the entryman, up to the time of 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by becoming insane, and that the insanity Miner and Co., Nephi. exists. WE CAN AND DO ThkTiNHER CfLTUTE Law. n Guarantee Ackers Blood Elixir for it has been fully demonstrated to the people ui this country that it is superior to all other preparations for blood diseases. It is a positive cure for syphilitic poisoning, Ulcers, Eruptions and Pimples. It purifies the whole system and thoroughly builds up the constitution. While the timber-cultur- e law does not require actual residence upon the land entered, yet by reason of the cultivation, etc., required, an entry made , by its authority may fairly be considered a settlement claim. Proof upon an entry of this class can be made by or for the benefit of the lieis only. The Desert Land Law. Wilkes 0 4 r 30 Q zr. o c. ft ft e1") s: Jot-low- . (jEHTBjlL JjTAH TIML GAEBo Passenger Trains leave Nephi daily as Going North at 54S a. m. and South " 11:35 Arrive at Salt Lake 10 a. m. & p. m. p. m. follows: rj. 'P CTO n Q. rr-- fcxO "5 ft vX ft 3 at 7:20 a. ni. 4 p. m. and Francis Cope, Gen F. & P. Agt John Sharp. Gen. Supt. General Offices, Mam Stieet, Salt Lake. Citv. o S cs Rio Grande AV os tern o fjj railwaV. tie M! 30 o DENVER AND I f! Scenic Line of CO, I City 2:25 8:18 6:40 0 3 ft . ft n p I 3-- f r-o ft O tD V 9. W P IT- - 0 P CO 0 X & H 0Q 31 O Dealeis in all kinds of Live Stock. to LAMB, Seam to mail Prompt attention Orders.paid, & Co., Wright P. 0 BOX 46 NEPHI. I Salt SUMMERUAYS Lake City and Nephi, & CO., Y. alta trains Bingham and WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHERS and On and after August 17, 1SS7, trains Kill leave daily, Sundays enceftcd, as Going North Leaves Chester at 8:25 a. m Moroni Fountain Green. 9:40 Arrive at Nephi 11:00 going south Leave Nephi at 12:00 m Fountain Green 1:20 p. m Moroni 2:00 Arrive at C tester 2:30 connect at Chester Stages for all par of Sanpete and Sevier. THEODORE P.RUBACK, Gen.Manager. II. S. KERR. Gen. Superintendent. 7:20 p. n PEOPLES MEAT MARKET VEIL TIME CARD. co a,J ft LOW. For lame back, side or chest, use ShWill be in Nephi once a month ilohs Borons Blaster. Price 25 cents An Write for particulars. Miner it Co., Druggists, Nephi. H a II - alley Passenger Trains leave Salt Lake daily, for the North, to connect with the U. P, Ry.and the U.& N. Ry.,at 8:20 a.in. & 4:10 p.m. and arrive in Salt Lake City at 11:10 a. m. and 7:20 p. in. Freight traius leave .Nephi for the North at 6:25 a.in. and for the south at $5 CO p Co Z. .ZSTID 33- 3?XXjXj53 U 0 Q. w . Swan DENTIST O O o ft CTD Pap Of GROWTH. A HEALTHY M- fm LeaveSalt Lake , Dr- Jan is MINES LANDS RAILROADS. SURGEON, APPLICATION FOR PATENT. Notice No. 1713. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, June 25, 1888. f Notice is hereby given that Joseph Gerber whose post office address s Silver Citv.Juab County, Utah Territory, has made application for a United Slates Patent for the Hungarian Lode mining claim, situate in Tintic Mining District, Juab County, Utah Territory, consisting of 1448.95 linear feet of the lode, and surface ground 200 feet wide, being Lot No. 164 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey ob file in this office, with magnetic variation at 16 degrees 30 minutes east, as follows: Commencing at the discovery point of said claim and running thence N 16 deg 37 min E 392 feet to the center of the north end line, thence N 72 deg 25 min W 98 feet to post No. 1, thence S 72 deg 25 min E 196 feet to post No. 2, thence S 16 deg 37 min W 392 feet to post No 3, thence S n deg 56 min W 1056.95 feet to post No. 4, thence N 72 deg 25 min W 200 feet to post No. 5, thence N 12 deg 9 nun E 1056.53 feet to post No. 6, thence N 16 deg 37 min E 392 feet to post No. 1, the place of beginning of exterior boundaries, containing an area of 6.54 acres, including the area in conflict with the No. 2, Lot 160. From post No. 1, U S M M No. 1 bears N 33 deg 49 min E 360.2 feet. The said mining claim beingof record in the office of the Recorder 01 said mining district at Silver City injuab County, Utah. The nearest known locations being the Mammoth and Copperopolis No. 2. I direct that this notice be published in the The Ensign at Nephi, Utah, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim, ior the period ofsixtydays. D Webb. Wilkes & Howe. Register Attys. for Applicant. p, Young Democrat writes as follows to the Herald have been patiently waiting and looking.to wards the Jqttre horizon to catch a faint glimpse of buoy or piot tp guide Jthe your.g apd rising Democracy that js pow in its amateur state to the trye Democratic hyven. Npne is in We are drifting no one sight. Jnqws whither. Send out a pilot bpat to find ys, If fog or mist ppyer the water, signal us by firing 1e minute gun until the tieet is concentrated and organized. There are many who are enlisted and have their names enrolled who do not understand why they are marching or iiauso-uDuni: ppnjcy. lhislong felt want. will pppy be supplied by those who have 'he oaiy craft in charge. Just next in order, awards the land embraced Jppk oyt and b. sure you are pre- in the claim of a deceased entryman, first to the widow. If there be no widow, pared yhep ijt pomes. the right and fee inure to the benefit of such infant chiid or children as may BUSINESS IN UTAH. survive the death of the parents. In II it had Upt been that public expecsuch case the land may be sold for the tancy was wrought up to anticipate benefit of the child or children, or title .booming'1 times, the present condition may be perfected for their benefit in the of home trade would have been consid- usual manner, by duly appointed guarered good. Now while there is but lit- dian. There being no widow or inlant tle complaint, and while labor is gener- child the right descends to the heiis or :I V TO IHE AFFLICTED. laws under the The proofs required Have you enemies? Go straight on Isaac Hardy & Cos Catarrh and mind them not. If they block your relating tft mineral entries may be made Remedy will cure Pains in the path, walk around them and jo your du- by any party in interest, or the duly au- Head. Fits, Dizziness and Ringing, Buzzty regardless of their spite. ing Sounds and Roaring Noises in the A man who has no enemies is not likely thorized agent of such pf rty. Ears, Ulcerated Sore Eyes, Dry HackN. Cqpp. is Henry to succeed in the batile of lile.he made ing Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis and all of that kind of material which is so easily Bronchial Diseases, and even pronounced worked that every one has a hand in it, IS LIFE WORTH LIVING? consumption. If taken in conjunction A sterling character one who thinks with Tonic Bitters and Finglsih Remedy for himself and speaks what he thinks Not if you go through the world a dys- it will remove all Coughing in Consumpa is sure to have bitter enemies and warm are Tablets tive persons in two weeks and will peptic. Ackers Dyspepsia friends; both are as necessary to him as positive cure for the worst lorms of Dys- change it week. If the patient fresh air; they keep him alive and active. pepsia, Indigestion, Flatulency and Con- cannot lie down in bed it will accomA celebrated man, who was surroundstipation, Guaranteed and Sold by Dr plish the result. ed by enemies, used to remark. "They Miner Nephi. TONIC BITTERS should be taken inare sparks which if you do not blow will with Catarrh Remedy; they will ternally to If die out of themselves. you stop all poisonous mucous irom all remove ' PUBLICATION. FOR NOTICE dispute you do but as they' desire and the body and cleanse the blood of parts No. 2985, open the way for more abuse. Let the from all cotruptionrin the circulation; will Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, poor fellows talk. Gravel from the Reinsand ali remove June 16th, 1888. There will be a reaction if you perto Ulceration and symp Notice is heaeby given that the following-n- Kidneys, tending Disease. form your duty, and hundreds who were toms oi Brights his of filed notice has settler amed acknowlwill once alienated from you the three combined will intention to make final proof in support , Also? byusing edge their error. Argus. the cause and thereby cure Diaremove will be said of his claim, and that proof By bathing ever the kidneys with nude before the Judge or in his absence betes. English Remedy it will take out all the County Clerk of San Pete County, at the fever andinllamation. Manti, Utah, on July 30th, 18S8, viz: Niels COPES LAND REVIEW. Please write for circulars, and send Christensen Jr. Commutation II. E. No. two cent stamp for advice. Directions E. 1 E of J S. S E N the S of i Final Proof on Various Classes of 7935 fot Bottle. on each S Sec. W of Sec. 29 and NV J of Entries Who May Make It. Sold byZ. C. M. I. Salt Lake City, Ne30 in Tp 14 S L 3 E. Co-oDr. McCone & Co.. Nephi. He names the following witnesses to phi Of course, the person who ritiates an and Bishop Tanner, Pay-soSatiquin and his residence continuous upon, Mr.Kirkum, Santiquin, Mona Coentry for public land tinder whatever prove cultivation of, said land, viz: Henry N. law or method of disposal it may be, is Larter, George H. Draper, Reuben R. op. Manufactured and put up by I. Hardy the person having the primary right and Ames, Brigham M. Draper, all San Pete 149 south Temp'e st. S. L. City. MayiSiy being legally required to make final County. Utah. Notice is hereby given that the follow- proof, where such step is necessary to settler has filed notice of his perfect title under the provisions of the intention to make final proof in support law. of his claim, and that said proof will be The question as to who may make made before the Judge or m his absence at such proof in the event of the death of the County Clerk of San Pete County,viz: Utah, on July 3ost, 1888, Manti, the entryman is one of general interest, George H. Draper: Commutation H. E. and no little importance, and respecting No. 7556 for the S J of S W J and S W which the public at large has very little J of S FI i Sec 29 Tp 14 S R 3 E. He names the lollowing witnesses to knowledge. prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Henry The laws N. Larter, Niels Christensen Jr. Brigham are the oldest and "Settlement M. Draper, Reuben K. Ames, all of San Laws, and stand first in order, A claim Pete County, Utah. D. Webb Register. having been initiated by settlement and T. C. Bailey Ju22 J11I27 Atty. in due time by filing of declaratory t, may be perfected upon the death of the settler by the heirs of for their Shilohs Cough and Consumption benefit. That is, if the heirs have reach- Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It ed the age of twenty-on- e years they may cures Consumption. Miner it Co., Neeither collectively or by one of their phi. number, acting for all, submit the necessary proofs and make payment for the land A CHILD KILLED. whereupon the patent will issue to IThe AMWER TO INQUIRIES, $1.00 heirs of the deceased entryman. If Another child killed by the use of opOS EniEIES, CONTESTS, Sc., $3.00 E?0:r none of the heirs have attained their iates given in the form of Soothing syrup. such children Proenring Land Patents, Filing Arguments, their mothers Why give aul Conducting Contests, on Moderate mi)oritythe fiutl proof and payment Send for circular to Terms. deadly poison is surprising when they ( may be made for the benefit of the heirs can relieve the child of its peculiar troubThe les by using Acker's Baby Soother. It HEITHY IT. COPP, AIxLT,Y by a guardian duly appointed. WASHINGTON, D. C. widow, as a general rule, is not entitled contains no Opium or Morphine. Sold It err Settler should hae Copp'a Settler Goitll, to perfect the claim of her deceased hus- by Dr. Miner. Idfpigon; price only 25 rents (postage stamps;. band in her own right, but in states where by law site is one of the heirs, she That Hacking Cough can be so is entitled to an rights and benefits ac- ickly cured by Shilohs Cure. We eniing to other lieirs. ... . arautee it. Sold by Miner it Co., Ne- The Homestead Law, pR. ' f Dr. ID. CD.and Miner, The Mining Laws. NEVER MIND SLANDER. & Howe, Is applicable only to the States of BOUGHT AND HANDLED ON COMMISSION. OFFICE IN U. S. LAND OFFICE BUILDINO. California, Oregon, and Nevada and the Territorities of Washington, Idaho Mon- LAND AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS OffiM with Qo-oFurnitt're Co.. Xcjdii. tana, Utah.Wyoming. Arizona, Ney MexRepresented by JOHN, F. LEE. ico nd Dakota. The final proof and Obtains Patent lor Agricultural end Mineral Lands Represented bv Jus. W. Paxman, payment may be made by or for the benefit of the heirs, or by a duly appointed Utah, Nephi, administrator. Leave Salt Lake City, 7.25 a. m. Returning, Arrive Salt Lake City, 4.30 p. m. D.C. DODGE, J. II. BENNETT, General Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. Great SPecific- Murrays A guanmteed - cure for all nervous diseases, such as Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Hysteria, Headache, Pain in thejiack, Pr0StratiOn, Wakefulness, Leucor hoea. Universal Lassitude, Semi-n- af Weakness, Impotency and general loss ol power of the Generative Organs; in either Sex, caused by indiscretion or over exertion, and which ultimately lead to Premature Old Age, Insanity and consumption. Jr.ooa box or six boxes for 85.00. Sent by mail on receipt of price. Full particulars in pamphlet, sent free to every applicant Wf. Guarantee Sin Boxes to cure any case. For every $5.00 order received, we send six boxes, with a written guarantee to refund the money if our Specific does not effect a cure. Address all communication to the Sole Manufacturers. THE .MURRAY MEDICINE CO., Kansas City, Mo Call on or address IIvDii Sk. Whitmore j Sole agents, Nephi. J. W. BROWN I CO. p ... The Timber Land Law, operative only in the States of California, Oregon and Nevada and Washington Territory, requires proof precedent to entry. This must as a rule, as any one can see, be made by the party applying to make the entry. Exceptions to the rule are made, however, and where an applicant who has initiated a claim, and commenced the publication required, dies before the expiration of the prescribed publication, the entry may be perfected by an administrator for the benefit of the heirs. THE DRUG STORE NEPHI GYPSUM MANUFACTURERS OF PLASTER OF PARIS. per-iod- For Terms and Prices apply or write to HYDE & WIIITMORE. 1 ISTEF33I, - MINER & CO. CO Carries a full line of Patent Medicines, Drugs, Fine Toilet Soaps, Face Powders, Tooth Brushes, Sponges, Syringes etc. etc, Perfumes by SHOE, LEATHER Which they offer at Chicago Prices The purchaser thus saving freight. Plastering hair at the low rate of $4.50 per cwt. Tannery, the ounce or bottle. Imported and Domestic Cigars, ll Tobaccos and Cigaretts. Perscriptions Compounded. MINES Hawltins Building UTAH. & GO. Mam Street, Nepln, South-We- part ofNepli st JOHNSONS E car-fu- y MANUFACTURERS OP LAR1GO and SKIRTING - SSENCE OF LIFp 1 FOR 8UIYMER COMPLAINTS. discovery of the day for the THE greatest cure of Colio. Cramps. Cholera Morbus, DiArrhcea, etc. Jtncver fails! 1 nv all stores. C. E. Johnson mfr Salt Lake City ! 60c POR SALE A T THE N Krill CO-- O |