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Show I PAINFUL PERIODS Suggestions How to Find Relief from Such Suffering. Vlng The tea In NORTHWEST to many remedies without help. I dreaded the approach of my menstrual period every month, ns It meant so much pain and suffering for me, but after 1 had usl the CompouU I two months 1 1 won tne regular and wt-l- i and free natural and am now from tain at my monthly teriols. I am very grateful for what Lvdia' K. Pinkhams Vegetable Comjtound has dona for me." Such testimony should be accepted More than fifty thousand women by all women as convincing evidence have testified in grateful letters to Mrs. that Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Pinkliam that Lydia E. Pinkhams Compound stands without a peer as a for all the distressing ills of Vegetable Compound overcomes pain- remedy women. ful and irregular menstruation. It provides a safe and sure way of es- The success of Lydia E. Pinkhams Compound rests upon the cape from' distressing and dangerous Vegetable d weaknesses and diseases. gratitude of American The two following letters tell so con- women. When women are troubled with irregvincingly what Lydia E. Pinkhams ular, suppressed or painful menstruaVegetable Compound will do for lencorrluea, displacement or ultion, to cannot fail women, they bring hope ceration of the womb, that bearing-dow- n to thousands of sufferers. feeling, inflammation of the Miss Nellie Holmes of 510 N. Davi-sio- n ovaries, backache, bloating, (or flatuStreet, Buffalo, N. Y.t writes: lency), general debility, indigestion and Dear Mrs. Pinkharu well-earne- Your medicine is indeed an ideal medicine for women. I suffered misery for years with painful periods, headaches, and bearing-dow- n I consulted two different physicians pai but failed to get any relief. A fnend from the East advised mo to try Lydia E. Pink-hamVegetable Compound. I did so, and no longer suffer as I did before. My periods are natural; every ache and pain is gone, and mv general health is much improved. I advise all women who suffer to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." 's Mrs. Tillie Ilart, of Larimore, N. D., writes: nervous prostration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude, excitability, irritability, nersleeplessness, melancholy, they should remember there is one tried and true remedy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best. vousness, Dont hesitate to write to 3Irs. Pinkham if there is anythin? about your sickness you do not understand. She will treat you with kiudness and her advice is free. No woman ever regretted writing her and she has helped thousands. Address Lynn, Mass. Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I might have have been spared many months of suffering and pain had I only known of the efficacy of Lydia E. Pinkham's Ask Mrs. Pinkhams Adrice-- A Woman Best Understands a Womans Ills. iMWEf.i. TREAT and CURE CATARRH ud all curable diaca.es of the oyo, ear, nos, throat, Ivnja, atom-aoliver, bowela, Iddaejra, bladder and h, The Oregon state building, the first of the state buildings at the Lewis and Clark fair to be completed, has been finished. Running Oregon a close second Is the California state Iolar ITasIn s Wives cf All Sh.vdes of Color. The wives of the )oting sultan of Morocco are of cveiy shade of skin, from the while Circassian to tho VeImard and nus of the Niger. Tlu-ilodging form an insignificant Item In comparison with the amount of perfumery they consume. s periodical suffering, it docs not seem to be the plan of nature that women should suffer so severely. Menstruation is a severe strain on a womans vitality. If It is painful or irregular something1 is wrong which should be set right or it will lead to a serious derangement of the whole female organ-Um- . tho North Sea. The Present Rate Law. The dullt-- of the pretint Interstate Commerce Commission are to correct all discriminations in railroad rates. If it finds that an unjust late la In c fleet, the railroad is notified. If It declines to change It, the Commission can bring suit In Court and Jf tho Court decides in favor of th Commissioners' finding, the railroad must obey, or its officers may be biought up for contempt of court ami summarily cealt with. n, While no woman is entirely free from Vegetable Compound sooner: for I have tried In consists of two different kinds of water an upper la) ir of low tempera and a lower turo and not very a of high temperature relatively layer and extremely saline. NOTES J. H. Cannhl. a contractor, aged 71. fell from a laddrr to a cement sidewalk fifteen feet bi low, at Seattle, and was killed. E. E. Philips, a lotomotHe e ngineer, was Killed at Port Siewns, Mont., Ids tnginc jumping the iratk and falling on him, his head and one arm being cut off. coin U led of conductI)il Ftlmp-oing a gambling game In Spokane, was sentenced to cue year In the state penitentiary last week. An appeal has been taken to the supremo court. were Introduced as eviThe dence In a Wyoming court for the first time In Cheyenne last week, when Mrs. Abide Moore submitted to an examination of a limb which was fractured six months ago. Willie Armlngton. aged 13, shot and killed lds stepfather, William Sltz, at his ranch oast of Malta. Mont. The hoy was taken In charge by a deputy sheriff, who will not let him talk, and the cause cf the shooting is unknown. As Emil Carlson, a leaser on tho Dig Seven mine at Niehart, Mont., was chewing together a dynamite cap and fuse, the cap exploded, tearing his Jaw off and inflicting terrible injuries to his throat and tongue. It Is not thought he can live. Waters r I evil NlJ. tied Inflemetory Itlirnmetlam, hut I am lt.mil. lr. hi H kriiiusl tutor" l(ow If in' twil frlriul. i.irirli ijuimiiK, Troy, X V. now, I Spanish Jews Are Aliens. In Spain Hebrews are rot permitted to erect and maintain houses of worship. They have no civ II rights, and exist in the kingdom only as aliens. A & large ecu Li. DONT FOKOF.T park ap- - !til Chish IU nitin.onlj ImL Tbc Kuss Company, South 2-- o. Ih-m- l, Quicksand. Is sand readily moved; Is a mixture of (.and and it generally Quicksand Tunnels have been pushed water. through quicksand by first freezing the mass of quicksand. oooooooooooo oooooooooooooo building, which will be completed during the present week. Fire destroyed the Falace hotel at Havre, Mont., entailing a loss of about llO.OOh. Just about a year ago Havre was visited by a disastrous fire and since then there have been two had conflagrations. leading some people to think firebugs are at work. Governor Itrooks of Wyoming has appointed Joseph A. Van Orsdell to fill the unexpired term of Jesse Knight as justice of the Wyoming supreme court. Van Orsdell is chairman of the RepubliVn state committee and was the states attorney-general- . The unidentified body of a young man was found floating In the bay sixteen miles north of Seattle, near Richmond Beach. Trainmen on the Great Northern pulled the body on the beach and notified the coroner in Seattle. There were no papers in the pockets to Identify the well-dresse- d A Marvel of Relief StJacobs Oil Safe and sure for Lumbago and Sciatica It Is tho specific virtue of penetration in this remedy that carries It right to tho pain spot and effects a prompt cure. dead man. At Laramie, Wyo., last week a little DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO girl by the name of OConnor was Home Treatment Corea. Write struck by an engine and ihrown into for free ajmptotn llat If von canTHE FISH BRAND SLICKER not call. Coaaultatlon Free. the air, lighting on the track, when A VALUED FRIEND she was struck again before the ena. A. J. SHOBIS. Special Offer in Private Diseases DR. O. W. BHOHXe. A good many years ago I bought a gine stopped. Had the engine moved Unfortunate, of both sexes, who are suffering from Private Diseases whether caused by lgnor-anoFISH BRAND Slicker, and it has proven exoess or contagion have always been looked upon as legitimate prey by the Sharks and another foot she would have been DR8. Charlatan, who pose as "Specialists and rob the sufferer for worthless treatment. a valued fnend for many a stormy day, but SHORES DO NOT ASK YOU TO PAY THEM ONE DOLLAR UNTIL CURED UNLESS crushed. As it was she escaped with a now it is getting old and I must have YOU WI8H TO YOURSELF. DR8. BHORES KNOW THEY CAN CURE AND DO CURE PRIVATE DISEASES IN BOTH bruises. few Please send me a price-lis- t. another. SEXES PERMANENTLY, and to PROVE their skill. In tbis class of ailments, they treat and oure such cases before the patient Is required to pay Drs. Shores one dollar. Or those who prefer, name of this worth doctor, obliged to bo out In all (Tho While driving with his family, Lee orta of weather, will be given on application.) may pay the fee in email weekly or monthly Installments as the cure progresses. THIS HONEST PLAN OF DEALING WITH THE AFFLICTED, deals a death blow to the Quack and Fakir who B. Cook, a stockman living near GlasHIGHEST AWARD WORLDS FAIR, 1901. demands. all Cash. In exchange for empty promises. Did you ever hear of a Fakir refunding a no chances you cannot lose your money If you dont pay It out. became penny to a duped patient? Take insane. Mont., violently gow, OF WEAKNESSES MEN are slmp'y the result of enlarged or of so called a. j. co. rtvvrp Inflamed PR08TATE GLAND Dr. Shores' new LOCAL TREATMENT for such oases. INVARIIn a frenzy he lashed his team and in Doctors oases how Boston, U. S. A. CURES ABLY ask other many they cure under the old and useless plan of treatment for this trouble. We cure L08T MANHOOD. 8emlnal Weakness. Spermatorrhoea, the runaway which followed was TOWER CANADIAN GONORRHOEA, SYPHILIS, VARICOCELE and kindred troubles. In less time and for less thrown to the ground, sustaining inmoney, than any Institution in the west, every case Is oonfldential we never use a name or betray Limited COMPANY, "eJ. n" a secret. Consultation, Examination and Advloe FREE by mall or at the office. ERAS Toronto, Canada OFFICE HOURS: 9 a m to 5 p m; Evenings T to 8; Sundays an 1 holidays 10 a m to 1$. juries from which he died later. His Wet Weather Clothing, Suits, and Hats for wife and sister, who were in the can DRS. SHORES & SHORES, Expert Specialists, 249 all kinds of wet work or sport riage with him, were injured. UBS Mike Rossa, an Italian laborer on his Water f Thompsons Eye way to Rome, cut his throat in the RELIABLE THAT WILL HATCH ! 75 Gold and Silver Gold $1.00 a of car train Northern Great smoking o. Lake-N75 Gold. Silver. Copper.. 1.50 W. N. U., Salt 16. 1905. Lead From My iri.e Winner.. Placer Gold, Retorts and Rich Ores Bought. near Cutbank, Mont., jumped out of Barred Plymouth Rook Eggs, 12.00 per setting. the window and disappeared. A few B. C. Brown Leghorn Eggs. . . . 1.50 per setting. Ogden flssau Co. 725 SEVENTH 8T. AV hours later he walked into town with I SALT LAKE CITY... Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good, NEW PENSION LAWS 1121 the blood flowing from a gash and in time. Sold bv druggists. When Answering Advertisement NATHAN to F 914 BICKFORD, Apply fainted. When searched, $2,000 was D. C. Kindly Mention This Paper. found upon him. He will all ehronie, nervouaand privata diaeaaea of both aaxoa. and diaeaaea of children. e, Nine-tent- tower hs I ASSAYS EGGS n SO LM |