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Show TEA Ten GUNNISON GAZETTE. weight do you think there is in the taste of it.? Weight is no measure for teal KEEPING BODY IN CONDITION. Hardening Process a Good Prevent ive of Colds. Modern research seems lo have es- tablished the fact that, after all, the Ideas with regard to colds are not far wrong. It Is, o course, true, says the Literary Digest, that a "cold" is a malady due to germs; but there seems to be no doubt that the chilling of the body lessens Its resistance and so renders It an easy prey. In the Arctic region, where the Influenza germ canuot live, and where colds are said to be unknown, It may be safe to sit In a draught or to get one's feet wet; but In the temperate tone these Indulgences will continue to be risky for the average man. Reviewing experiments and observations made In this field, the Medical Record says: 'A point of practical Importance Is the fact that It was found that repeated exposure to slight degrees of cold brought about an Increase of antibodies, and this observation therefore Affords a theoretical Justification of the practically approved methods of hardening' the body by hydrothera-peutland other methods of training. Such procedures should not only serve to protect against cold and allied conditions, but also should render the body better able to cope with bac- They Have a Sente of Humor, Recently a monkey got the better of the common enemy, tie carrlou crow, py feigning illness. 11a was fastened lo a bamboo pole with a running ring When be was on his perch tho crows innoyed him by stealing from Lis porringer on the ground. One morning they bad been specialHe doed bis eyes ly disagreeable. and feigned a bad illness. When bis day's food was brought the crows descended ujjon It, and he bad scarcely strength to defend it. Ily good acting he managed to capture one of. the crews. To pluck It allvo was tho obvious course. Then, Instead of pulling It to pieces, like the king monkey whom Kipling and Fir Edward Buck watched enjo)lr.g a similar triumph In Simla, this monkey tossed the crow Into the air, where Its own companions fell upon It and killed 1L Monkeys certainly have a sense of fun. Darwin used to spend hours w atching a young female orang-outanIn the zoological gardens, and was sure that she had the comic sentiment She delighted to put on her like a cap, a peculiar shaped bowl, which had a droll effect, and she was sensitive to the effect which her Joke produced upon the spectators. Lahore Tribune. Obxervatlon h almost nothlrtgf how much MONKEYS AS GAY WAGS. KErill OIXDIIILL GUNNISON, A BO K. UTAH. UTAH STATE NEWS Jl is announced that the new fed eral building In Salt I.ake City will be ready for occupancy by June 1. Through trains over the Salt Ijiko route will begin running from Sail Lake City to Los Angeles on May 1. A driving park and county fair association is being formed at Logan, and Its promoters feel sanguine of success. Fruit growers of Weber county will organize an association to be called the Weber County Horticultural Society. The Juvenile court, created by the last legislature, has been opened In Salt Lake City, with Willis Brown as Judge. Joseph Kendall, on trial at Ogden for the murder of his wife, has been convicted of murder In tho second degree. The Butchers and Grocers of Salt Lake have inaugurated a war upon trading stamps and premium bearing Prove he. Wonderful Discovery. Broadland, S. Dak., April 17. Quite a sensation has been created here by the publication of the story of G. W. articles. Gray, who after a special treatment for three months was prostrate and Augustus Olson, a car inspector In helpless and given up to die with c the Rio Grande yards in Salt Lake Brights Disease. Bright's Disease has City, was run over and killed wblio always been considered incurable, but engaged in his work. evidently from the story told by Mr. William Round, aged 16, was run Gray, there is a remedy which will advanced down by a team while riding a bicycle cure it even In the most teria of all kinds. Is he what This says: In Ogden and sustained injuries stages. was helpless as a little babe. My "I Good Spirit in a Hospital. which may prove fatal. wife and I searched everything and Most of us are ill, and some of us James Bottomer, who attempetd to read everything we could find about are dying. We are all fighting for hoping that I would our lives Inch by Inch. But we con- kill Pat Smytn in Ogden about nino Brights toDisease, find a remedy. After many trive to crowd more fun into our months ago, has been sentenced to be able failures my wife Insisted that I should days than we ever did when we were nine months in the penitentiary. try Dodds Kidney Pills. I praise God well; and our conflict with a bafA son of Hyrum Colby is in a very for the day when I decided to do so. fling disease lends piquancy to com- bad condition at Vermilion as the re- for this remedy met every phase of monplace and trivial things. High sult of a slash in his case a of and in a short time I was my leg by piece spirits rule here. Rev. C. F. Aked glass, from which blood poisoning de- able to get out of bed and after a few (Davos Platz) weeks treatment I was a strong, well veloped.. man. Dodds Kidney Pills saved my HONEST CONFESSION. G. S. Stummel of Salt Lake City was life. run down by several young fellows In A remedy that will cure Brights A Doctors Talk on Food. a buggy, as they were celebrating on Disease will cure any lesser Kidney There are no fairer set of men on Sunday, his injuries being regarded Disease. Dodds Kidney Pills are cerearth than the doctors, and when they as serious. tainly the most wonderful discovery find they have been in error they are which modern medical research has The jury in the case of R. S. Colusually apt to make honest and mangiven to the world. lett, former postmaster of Vernal, on ly confession of the fact. A case In point is that of an emi- trial in Salt Lake City on the chargo Too Much Exertion. nent practitioner, one of the good of embezzlement, brought in a verdict Little Arthur was left i charge of old school, who lives in Texas. IBs of not guilty. his elder brother, and when his mamma plain, unvarnished tale needs no returned, said: "Mamma, I dont James McPherson Shockley, who dressing up: mind behaving, but Gibson makes tilled Amasa Gleason and Thomas me I had always had an intense prejubehave so hard. on I he un6, while see now can was which 1904, Brighton January dice, warrantable and unreasonable, against was endeavoring to hold up a street Literary Repast. The Open Road gives this bill of all muchly advertised foods. Hence, car in Salt Lake City, is to have a fare of a literary man: For supper I never read a line of the many ads. new trial. Burr had three crackers nor tested the food till that evening of Grape-NutHarold Porcher, aged 19, while rid-n- g and a scanty portion of cbld baked last winter. down a steep hill in Salt Lake beans. He ate the meal to the accomWhile in Corpus Christ! for my and my son, youngest visiting health, City, was thrown from his bicycle, his paniment of his feet stamping the healthof the Atlanta four has who ruddiest, lead striking on the sidewalk, inflict-n- g floor for warmth. I I saw. ever ate iest little boys my injuries from which he died a few food for first dish of Grape-Nut- s later. lours little with my grandsupper The members of Phillips Congregasons. I became exceedingly fond It and have eaten a pack- tional church of Salt Lake City have of It is a most mild delight ; week find and it of it since, every voted unanimously for the rejection age a delicious, refreshing and strengthen- of the $100,000 donated by John D. but it is a delight good ing food, leaving no ill effects whatever, Rockefeller to the foreign mission fine tea. tea, causing no eructations (with which I fund of the church. was formerly much troubled), no His Drink Had Four Thirds. sense of fullness, nausea, nor distress The American Fork Farmers Union The negro bootblacks in a Broadway of stomach in any way. s the name of a new incorporation at barber shop were talking about drinkThere is no other food that agrees American Fork. The company is inAh like ma red-ey- e ing. straight. with me so well, or sits as lightly or ten for deal will and fo No mixin years corporated one. said me, othThe as stomach this pleasantly upon my n all used er a moment farmers. The in his by products paused work. Ah more and I am stronger active does. to like used it 150 that has he s stockholders. too, company Grape-Nutsaid, since I began the use of Ahs changed ma tastes. Sunday than I have been for 10 years, and am The body of Andrew Samuelson, abutman bought me a drink an it wah no longer troubled with nausea and formerly employed in the smelters at a one. mixed What Indigestion. Name given by Postum Murray, was found on Sunday in a w;ah it? asked It wah fine. the other. It wah Mich. Battle Creek, Co., ruined lalf at cabin an the of mouth three thirds an the whisky othah a reason. Theres Look In each pkg. for the famous abandoned tunnel in the foothills east third blackbehy wine, was the reply. Kansas City Times. little book, The Road to Wellville. of Murray, he having suicided by A s, TEA hanaina. H07T HE GOT RID Of HIS OBSTINATE MUSCULAR RHEUMATISM. f ib Wjr hf Which Hr lllinaelf Treated hueeeifullj When Durluri Tailed. Fix physicians nil of them good, one of lmd don their ImR them n diffe rent times during for Mr. Jones nt h saffered fearMill thre-- i years, nnd fully from tho tortures of rheumatism. Tho rheumatism that had been dormant iu hi system was suddenly brought to im ncuto Mage by cxjosuro while bo was drawing ico iu February, ji0L From that time cm for n of more than three yearn be was a eou-ita- nt sufferer. He tried many kinds of f r, Jorm Telia jx-rio- treatment, but the rheumatism wouldnt budge. Wbeii regular doctors failed, and one remedy after another proved useless, many said: 1 should think he would givo it up and Rive his money. Of his condition nt this time, Mr. Jones hays: "My rheumatism started in my right thigh, but ill time it appeared iu every muscle of my body. I lost the use of my left arm entirely aud nearly lost tho use of my right one. My feet were badly affected, especially the bottoms of the heels. When my right side was affected there was swelling, but tbo left side didnt well when the disease settled there. The internal organs didnt seem to be involved at all. The trouble was all in the muscles and the nerves. Amoug tho few who Mill encouraged Mr. Jones to think that a cure might yet bo fonud was a friend who lmd reason for great confidence in Dr. Williams Pink Pills, and acting on her advice ho bought a box of them in September, 1904. The story of what followed is brief, bat nothing could satisfactory. " When I was on tho third box, eays Mr. Jones, I could realizo a change for the better. I felt sure then that Dr. Williams Pink Pills were the right medicine for my case. I kept on with them for several weeks longer and now I am entirely well, and everybody is asking what I took. Mr. William Jones lives at Oxford, Mich. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills effect wonderful cures in rheumatism, because they work directly on the blood which is the seat of the disease. They are sold, by every druggist. be-mor- Match-Bo- x Furniture. A London hotel keeper possesses suite of furniture. For many years he had collected empty match boxes which were finally made by a skilled cabinet maker into articles of furniture. The outfit consists of a writing table with smoking apa cabinet, paratus, a and smaller articles, In the construction of which many thousands of fire-scree- n, ir boxes were employed. Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the dl eased portion of the ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by an iDflamed condition of the;, mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed yon have a rumbling sound or Imclosed, Deafperfect hearing, and when It Is ness Is the result, and unless theentirely Inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearlDg will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured; by Halls Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, X Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Halls Family Fills for constipation. Great Contrast. A remarkable hotel is in the Sa- hara desert. From the windows on two sides nothing but pathless sand-ito be seen. On a third side standi 280,000 palm trees. s Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOTtIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see . that it Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Moon Going to Sleep. A little girl of 3, seeing a cloud en- velop the moon, said: "Auntie, the moon is going to sleep now; see eim pull the sheet up: over, it. |