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Show SCOURGE STRIKES NEVADA TOWN refuge from designing men. and brutal I GIRL THE VICTIM OF AWFUL CRIME The council adopted formally the resolution, also & resoHEALTHY MOWED DOWN lution deploring the horrors of war In Nude Body Found In the Woods Near DY THE REAPER DEATH. man who has been through a number Little Fails. Minnesota, and Posse of plagues. He goes to find the true general, and particularly the present Is Now Scouring Country for The council conditions In the camp, and will sub- war in the far cast. Her Murderer. pledged itself through resolution to Tcnopah, Nevada, Ravaged by mit a report soon after his arrival establish and maintain Kindergartens Strange Disease, and Hundreds there. and day nurseries for the joorer Little Falls. Minn.- - The dead body Are Leaving Camp. Governor Sparks has also appointed classes of colored children. of Jeanle Kintop was found In the a special medical commission and sent EVIDENCE WAS LACKING. woods Sunday morning about four Rem. Nevada. Hundred of people the members Into Tonopah. These miles from this city. The body was forked Into Km on tie Virginia & men will cooperate with the physi- Prosecution of Beef Trust In Texas entirely stripped of clothing, a handCame to Naught. Truck train Friday night, floeiug cians of Hi camp and at once begin kerchief was tightly twisted about her a that check the to disease campaign from the sickness now so prevalent at Austin. Texas. The legislative comneck, the head was a mass of bruises, Is mowing down people at the rate of mute a to the train week for Tonopab. Every appointed Investigate and there were evidences of an outhas bon erowll and, strange as it live to twenty live each day. On Fri- methods of the beef trust and Its operrage. Two negroes were seen In the out were bodies stretched twelve day Friin a Texas ations made the seem, may report ingoing trains have was found on slabs In the only undertaking es- day and stated in substance that while vicnlty of where the body been filled a Li. and a search Is being made for them. That people are dying In the bn tablishment In the camp. An equal they had made much inquiry there had If caught, it is feared a lynching will nanza camp h now generally admit-ted- . number at least were dead around the not developed evidence of a specific follow. on law hut the theory that their deaths town. The disease strikes without violation of the antitrust The girl, who was about to leave sus- which most are the the Inhealthy warning, the has ben cans! by wood alcohol poisthey could recommend for the northern part of the state to twenty-fto in twelve ami from ceptible. scout-or of criminal civil is proceed- take The poplc of the our stigation oning up a homestead claim, has been hours are dead, the bodies or town have taken the matter In hand ings person any against particular i in this city purchasing supplies. She darkened by the mysterious and the Nevada State Journal of Reno that saps their lives away. coriorallon. The report continues: left here Monday evening for Darling,, From advices received, we are from which station she was to walk to able to state that in our judgment her home, distant about two miles. thiT.. exists III i his hti.1. a comblna-- : Afler t.aving Darling she was not seen lion of persons and corporations j again until her dead body was found gaged in I lie business of packing and Sunday. Remains of Americas First Naval tunneling and the old selling beef in contravention of the The place where the girls body was Hero Have Been Discovered In St. Louis cemetery. This constituted anti trust laws of the state. (found bore evidences of a terrific a huge operation, embracing nearly a Paris, France, Cemetery. j struggle. Her empty pocketbook and PRESIDENT HAS CLOSE CALL. block covered with buildings and rethe parcels she' was carrying were minof His a Train Wreck Disastrous subterranean found in a ditch near by. Her watch Escapes Ambassador Porter Has Been En- quiring system was found on the body. ing. by One Minute's Time. gaged in Search for Past Five Finally the leaden coffin containing Charles Nelson, living near the Dashing through southern Colorado Years, His Labors Finally Bethe remains of the admiral was dis- on his way to Colorado Springs witli scene of the murder, heard screams on ing Rewarded. covered. It was opened In the pres- the throttle holding the running time Monday night and saw two unknown ent of General Porter, Colonel Dailey at fifty miles an hour, President negroes near the spot. It Is suspected Paris, France. The remarkable Blanchard, second secretary of the Roosevelt escaped death In its most search which Ambassador Porter has American embassy, and Engineer fearful form at Walsenburg by the conducted for the body of Paul Jone3 Weis, who has been directing the ex- space of one minute. Sixty seconds has been crowned with success by the cavation. The body was found to be after his special tore through, sev-- , discovery of the body and its Identifl- - j well preserved, owing to its being im- eral gondola cars loaded with coal Report That Private Capital is Ready in and sidetracked to permit the passage cation Friday by the highest French mersed in alcohol. It was to Push the Enterprise. medical experts as unquestionably a sheet with a packing of straw and of the presidents special suddenly Los Angeles. Ii. It. Clark, a promAt the same time the engithat of the famous American admiral hay. Those present were immediate- collapsed. neer in charge of a freight attempted inent mine owner of Bullirog, Nevada, ly struck by' the resemblance of the to who founded the American navy. push his train back on the main who is now in this city, brings word Ambassador Porter cabled to Wash- head to that on the medallions and track. As a result the main line wa? build covered with splintered gondolas and that private capital will shortly ington Friday night announcing the bust of the admiral. a railroad into Bullfrog to connect The limbs were wrapped in tinfoil, tons of coal. successful results of his long and difwith either the Santa Fe or the Salt ficult search. The body Is in a good presumably for sea transportation, as an Awful Fate. Lake line. Frank Smith of Oakland, Escape state of preservation, considering the indicated in a letter of the admirals New York. Five persons were bad-- ! the wealthy borax mine owner. Is said Interment took place over one hun- nearest friend and a pallbearer at his enter-deatfuneral. Colonel Blackenden, who ly hurt, fifty others narrowly escaped j to be the man who is behind the dred years ago. or injury and hundreds were priseThe circumstances leading to the said: from driven According to Clark. Smith is now on His body was put in a leaden cofadjoining tenements in a final discovery of the body are particso that in case the United States, fire on Friday that entirely destroyed the ground in Nevada with his chief ularly interesting. General Porter has fin, the seven-storsweatshop building at engineer, and the actual work of con- conducted the search for the last five which he had so essentially served, Hester street, and extended to struction will commence within a should claim his remains, they might when and the years congress recently be more easily removed. and damaged several other nearby .short time. It is said bonds for been road have already took no action upon the presidents Finding that all the internal organs buildings. When the fire was at its prospecTe floated the and money is in hand to inwrell were singularly recommendation for the expenses preserved, the height the flames lit up the w'hole of build. It is intended fo run the new cident to the search, the ambassador doctors made an autopsy, wThich the lower part of the city and the East' Clark from either Las jne, says, showed distinct proofs of the disease with a glare that could be seen gas on the Salt Lake, or continued the extensive labors at his from Ivanpah on which the admiral is known to own expense. A large force of work- have died. The identification was pro- for miles. The damage is estimated (be Santa Fe, to Bullfrog, and from at close upon $100,000. thence to Tonopah. men has been engaged night and day nounced complete in every particular. Saloon Smashers Sentenced. Fearful Powder Explosion. In Kans. the district Wichita, Trenton, Tenn. Three men were court Friday, Carrie . Nation, Myra kiIIed, three injured and much dam. Tiflis. A proclamation of Count' procedure of the Caucasus and intro- McHenrj and Mrs. Lucy Wilhert were age done t0 property here Saturday Ton Vorintroff-Dashkoff- , the new gov- ducing zemstvo administration. The found guilty of destroying property by the explosion of a quantity of ernor general of the Caucasus was governor general also proposed to has- and sentenced by Judge Wilson. Mrs. powder in a storehouse in the rear of Nation was fined $250 and given four !a hardware store. The dead; Robert gazetted on Friday announcing that ten the surveys of the crown lands ' in accordance with the intention of available for cultivation; that they months in jail; Mrs. McHenry, two P 6 an ovvner of the store; Dr. months and a fine of $150, and Mrs. ' Emperor Nicholas, the governor gen- may be allotted to those in need of twenty-fivdays in jail and a ker Trenton; .Mr. Arnold. Fatally eral will, when he assumes office, con- land. The proclamation adds that the fine of $150. Sentence wras suspended injured: John K. Pierce. Mr. Phelan voke conferences of representatives of emperor has ordered a revision of the pending good behavior. The offense was trying a target gun and it is September 30 last, thought a ball all the towns, peasant communities question of the confiscation of the Ar- wras committed women penetrated a can of broke the winwhen the three and orthodox, Armenian and Moham- menian church property, and con- dows of a wholesale liquor house. powder, causing the explosion. Near-- ' medan churches, with the view of con- cludes with urging the maintenance of ly every business house in the busi- so that conditions in the ness district was damaged. Failed to Settle Strike. certing measures for the establish- tranquillity Caucasus may speedily be improved, ment of public security, defining the in accordance with the imperial reChicago. With the employers and General John Palmer Dead. 3. to March amendments necessary the judicial script of the union officials at a deadlock Mayor Albany, N. Y. General John Palmer, Dunne on Saturday night abandoned formerly commander-in-chie- f of the his peace conferences, but announced Grand Army 0( Republic, died that he was still determined here Saturday after a long illness. Washington. Over the bitter pro- by any means, asserted Miss An- solution of the labor difficulty. The His death resulted from a wound of test of Miss Susan B. Anthony, the thony, who was on her feet before the employing tailors informed the mayor the spine which he received in the National Council of Women on Friday reading of the resolution had been late Saturday afternoon that under no Civil war, and from which he suffered circumstances will they recede from since adopted a resolution pledging the or: concluded.' that conflict. He was one of It is just as much a refuge for wo- the position they have taken, and the most prominent members of the with church ganization to and state to ascertain what are the men married to brutal men as Canada they will not reinstate the strikers Grand Army of the Republic, being of that order in chief causes which induce or lead up was once ,a refuge from brutal mas- who walked out four months ago. If commander-in-chie- f apply for their old positions there 1892. He was elected secretary of to divorce. ters. I will never vote for a resolu- they will be no discrimination against state of New York on the Republican "I do not consider divorce an evil tion that will cut women off from them. ticket in 1895. will send In a physician. Dr. Ileppner, late of the United States army, and a anti-polygam- y -- . jMjis-ut- BODY OF PAUL JONES DISCOVERED cross-tunnelin- g . I J h t - y 127-13- 1 ! j Ve-riv- er j j BETTER THINGS PROMISED BY CZAR j , ; Par-Willher- ; e j j DIVORCE NOT AN EVIL, SAYS SUSAN te ...... , ! t, |