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Show SUGAR :A we no.nl net tate. 'r5K i Time asks, een cf u, borne oflVii p, I fao of the i o t,!:-- ti, j That progress may mark this place, nor blood But His neither hiug-t.ry t fcbouhl t v r wrd i Tliiadorn, hv!i shed. lumber. to new, rot not face. TNuruu Stern hardship we la h iron wh warm." the Vtr:lit But Now farmers nod citizens, rail) ! fti ni it is clipping from u 'Tisour moment, to conquer or fall; But heroes bold fan at such timea; Lot us rrst not till ours is the Tictory, Nature has favored us well fer a This valley must not to the wall. X. factory Herald that by ton thousand chimes. HOME MISSIONARIES. Wait not for the people, whose Inter The following Home Mhionariesl '$U have beeu appointed for Sunday, IJ mostly in other towns, an. Jf, lf.Hio. To Uxvt for us the great project, AxteR-IIyru- ra and 0. ChrM Ft r thus well iuvilo fortunes frowns I . VERSE. Tb bardhlp doin' IN . t M f iiU t i M r W ot . I ii !!' YOU GAN r rt, n-- ed rulil n-- DO n C. Larsen. M. Itarthrlo-meWVie here, ut the depth of the valley, (Vneti.!d-Gen- r;: No other piece half ho grand, and Jutnes A. Hill. Wuo builds lure a sugar factory Fplunim Julius B. Christensen o that will and John P. Sortncn. Builds a moutimcni--ouetand. Austin Kearns and nans Fay-tW. Nielsen. York Now built have who could Say, Ouunison Albert II. Christensen, ' City and Christian Murk. In thete mountains far from sea? Manti John Bublerand Conrad Or who could have mide Chicago SUdzenegger. On Mt. Nebo, majestic and free? Ma; lit Id Andrew Petersen and TO BUY BEST THE ADVANTAGE AT e Gunnison Utah. Alma Johnson. As well make that great, great factory S.eilicg J. P. Hansen, Jr. and Which Gunnisous location claims. I North or south of this uaturoa land- A. L. Thorpe. Meetings will be held in the rr mark, 2 p. m. And expect for it future great aims speclivo wards at Louis Anderson J. Y. Jensen And, you sister towns and villages, G. A. Iverson Whoe future is knit with uurs, Stake Presidency. If you love our great valleys future, Do not foolishly place its towers. Mr. Wm. S. Crane, of California, are tbo t arms than ho legs Though Md., suffered for years from rheuma' 44444444444444444444444444 tronger. tism and lumbago. He was finally! The head on the hips could not dwell, advised to try Chamberlains Pain A The harmonious whole makes the Balm, which he did and it effected a commonwealth complete cure. This liniment is for fu which, with just pride, our hearts sale by Gunnison Co op. swell. Highest Price Paid for Grain and Produce. A SOU f , ' YOUR pre-eminent- ly wii A MATTER OFHEALTH With a voice as of thunder, Cry, This way, the factory stand Subscribe, subscribe your acres, "Aye deluge the factory with land. Arise 1 5 ! ffl I I LADIES IN t Dress WORTH, i t MONEYS L ! Skirts Shift rfcroiri3i HAT t -- 4 44 Eeady-to-wr- ar 4 4- - WiHStS You may have your Q pick of the few left at p t3 Gowns and Uuderwear. pof t4 cent oX 4-- CUT and SLASH SALE f on Clothing, Underwear . 0-BO- and Gents Furnishings. IS W YOUR CHANCE TO GET THE PRETTIEST LINE 1 Subscribe, subscribo saccharine aces Till a factory cures not pass you by, Ah, farmers, how easy our battle! How gentle our battle cry DRESS A BARGAIN. OF PATTERNS IN THE CITY. ! J. be, W EDWARDS, i Propr. 4444444444444 Mi t if 444444 4444444 44 4444444444 Think of th- - hug bloody iiveu That have lowe i that wo might bo from Think of tin pioneer suffering, As they cross'd the trackless waste; of a1) this, v have the Yours for business, i Think oi the millions and millions, Who have died that nations might 'J&aBbl ZiSsssSafeSPupo tips as sassumm V- THE PLACE TO GET j For the medicine chest cr sidp- - X The architect builds not his mention, board: I. W. IUqfer Whiskey L With reference to one of its rooms the family whiskey But the whole, then parts considered, none better. Sold by L. Ludvigson, And beauty on every hand blooms. Gunnison, Uiah. There are masters in all Celds of $ A Costly Mistake. action, 4 Great minds, who the future can see, Blunders are sometimes very ex- Who cau read the maps made by pensive. Occasionally life itself is the 4 nature, Locate landmarks that ARE and price of a mistake, out youll never 4 ' be wrong if you take Dr. Kings New WILL BE. Life Pills for Dispepsia, Dizziness, Heres a chance for just such to make Headache. Liver or Bowel troubles. history, They are gentle yet thorough. 25c, To make fame, or blunder apace, at Gunnison Cash Store. Fur as sure as they misplace that factory, Alas they will drop from the race. 4444444444444444444444444 4 a reliable I 44444 Salve handy and theres n0Q8 38 good as Butklens Arnica Running like mad down the street Salve, Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema dumping the occupants, or a hundred anc 3 disappear quickly under other accidents, are every day occur- its soothing effect. 25c, at Gunnison. rences. It behooves every body to have Cash Store. A Freshened Horse. . - - |