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Show m A-- a A- o F.n. r-- t I at OunnUon, CtuU. iMtnjWr nutter. onJrr Art of x Oonirr-iao- f March S, UUXXISOX, UTAH, Fill DA V, JAXUAltY 13, 11)05. VOL. VI. Financial mvonJ-M- Statement .NO. L!. Black OPPORTUNITY A bneby ri tV III Htwt L'ing to GunniHoii poi t ailed t,i me, t in Town mcetin; iteraiH 1l liM is Hawks. i.-- i, Hall tn Monday, January at o'clock l; 16. Hm.'i, p. in., to u- rg udm f, a tho ensuing year and for holding the icgtihr annual campfire. 1 - om-dde- JAMES 1 r FJELDSI KI). S c; DO YOU WANT TO ACCEPT? Alt. Pleasant Factory Meeting. The final meeting to be held in this district by the Uth Sugar company at the presort time, was helil Tuesday at mrii. Tho largest crowd ever pro-eat such a meeting m Mt. Pleasant was present, and after hearing the explanations oud stat.nuulH of the company's reprtseut.divi a and remarks by beet-growin- the chance of obtaining: the Ions We have iary. g nt desired and cherished here cf having a Beet Sugar Factory in our midst. It now only remains with the people of Gunnison and vicinity whether they are willing to help ccinflete the arrangements. meeting of the Citizens is hereby railed to meet in the II. S. Hall, Gunnison, Holiday, Jan. lOtli, 15)05, at 2 oclock p. m., at which time the plan will he fully outlined. A mass T. F. KEAltKS, Chairman F. L. COIMINIXG, Secretary. The resolutions you made this time last year will do to use g.iu. Most Snow has certainly been very of them are as good as new. plentiful so far this year, making the R R R farmers to feel jubilant at the prosPresident John Larsrn and Director pect of raising good crops. of the Gunnison John M. LOCAL ITEMS. tz X n n will send oil laundry next Mon- Knighton Irrigation companys board were up to Manti and secured the Monday day morning, to be returned Friday. service of Judge Johnson to act us Patrons take notice. counsel for the incorporation. GEO. S. FRANCIS, R it R H K R F, L. Copening is giving away tho Tho office of A. W. Jensen, super- new Dan Patch Two Warrants whioh Step, of the Mauti forest leserve, is one of the best visor 640 66 1904.. Jan. .$ 1, Outstanding two steps published to receive ap- and is now is 19 830 1904 ready Ephraim, Issued, year very oatchy. It shows a beauof 6heep the for grazing plications S1470 85 tiful colored photograph of Dan Total upon the reserve. pacing at his highest rate of speed. 31298 42 Redeemed, year 1904 R R R Retails for 50o. This fine music is own Outstanding Jan. 1, At Lehian artificial stone plant has given away with purchases of Interhall account ... 87 43 been established, which is now manu- national Stock Food, International 172 43 Street purchase. ... .85 00 facturing blocks twelve by twenty-fou- r Poultry Food, etc. 05-T- $1470 85 Total STATE OF UTAH, COUNTY OF SANPETE, TOWN OF GUNNISON, ) 31, 1901. In witness where of, I have hereto set my hand and the corporate seal of the town of Gunnison, this 7th day of January. 1905. LEO N. GLEDHILL, r Revolution Imminent. A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your'syetem is nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly dismember the tooublesomo causes. It never fails to tone tho stomach, regulayo the Kidnoys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify th3 blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending achea vanish under its searching Rnd thorough effectiveness. Elect) ic inches, of sand, gravel and R R R Bitters is only 50c, and that is leturn-ocement, that cannot well be disif it dont give perfect satisfaction, Funeral servioe was held from the tinguished from cut stone. family residence, afc noon Sunday Guaranteed by Gunnisou Cash Storm R IS. tZ. The committee having in hand the over the remains of Mrs. Nephi Andersons daughter, whose Peter Christiansen has received arrangements for getting a sugar demise from fever occurred typhoid at in are located this vicinity new stock of Shoes. They am "limp factory work cn their plans and they say that Friday afternoon last, er, according to quality, than can hr R it rests with the farmers as to whether hid el.ie where. At the shop, When bilious try a dose of Chamor no the enterprise is to be an estabA meeting has been berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets lished fact. Money to Loan oil water stock called for Monday afternoon at which and realize for once bow quickly a Large or small amounts. F. L the proposed plan will be outlined in first clsss up medicine will OOHLNING correct the matter detail and the For sale by disorder, finally . Gunnison G M d Y I, Leo N. Gledhill, Clerk of said town of Gunnison, do hereby certify that the above is a full and correct statement of the financial condition of the town of Gunnison on December JSAL prominent beet growers of both Sanpete uud Sevier counties, it voted ULLuimoUnly that the Utah company proposition bo accepted' tud that united work be dene continuously by all parlies iu uu endeavor to meet the local requirements of the proposition. Mr. Soegmiller explained hie connections with .Mr. Looker and caid he had acted in good faith throughout and had gone to the Utah company after ho became convinced that the latter gentleman had withdrawn. He paid his respects to the Salt Lake Herald and Tribune, saying ho felt compliment. d by their reference to him. He felt it would be a calamity to let the present opportunity pass. Referring to the pipe line proposition Mr. Austin eaid that it was a failure, as the pipe would not lai more than three years iu alkalai land Ilia company would not build pipe lines. Two or three small faotories are better, Pyramid. Town Clerk six-year-o- ld r r to-dat- e 1 Co-op- . 1 Int; 'r , i'K i:Nisor Ga "Tb . . |