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Show LENGTH OF PLATE3 AND 8ILL8. Go to Ceiling Jolete Alone Extend Beyond the Wall. For building 25 feet McK. N. E. high and 30 feet wide, how much longer bhould the end plate be than tho end Mil! Inspect Region of the Amazon Tho departure of the yacht Virginia with tho E. C, Benedict party of Industrial magnates for tho upper Amazon rocontly has served to attach now Interest to the development and vast liosslldlitlos of that region. It Is tho Intention to sail up tho Amazon a far as I quit os, J,2"0 miles from tho mouth Indeed, considerably more than that from where the river actually mingles with the Atlantic and there to make aide expeditions In native boats or with the auxiliary launches of the yacht, that will enable the party to form a more clear and definite estimate of the resources of the country, from the standpoint of opportunities for American investment, than has been possible up to this time. While at Manaos the party will join In celebrating the opening of the Manaos and Iara wireless telegraph system, to be present at which forms one of the first objects of the trip. The Introduction of wireless telegraphy In South America Is the most logical use, next to Its employment at sea, to which the new system has been put. Across hundreds of miles of the Jungle entanglements, mountain ranges, and river courses of South America there has existed hitherto no means of communication other than by footpath and balsas, a type of native boat, and canoes. Wireless telegraphy, as soon as stations are erected and put Into successful operation, will overcome this. Not less needed will be the great while Bolivia was getting a detachment of some 2u soldiers ready for a four or five hundred mile tramp through the forest from La Paz In order to back up her claims, Messrs. Morgan and Conway sold out; or rather, made terms with Brazil whereby they surrendered the concession, and that country undertook to settle with Bolivia. So ended one really commendable and brilliant exploitation scheme. The Amazon river, with Its tributaries. has been estimated to have .Ki.oiiu miles of navigable water. Tos-slblwith slight Improvements, or If there was such demand for It as has resulted In the pushing of boats over some of the most difficult of North American rivers, .the total length of actual serviceable water might be increased to 50.000 miles. There are, of course, many American trailing concerns now operating in the Interior regions reached by the Most Amazon. Important among them, perhaps, owing to the leading natural product of the country, is the United States Rubber company. English and German concerns are represented at Para, Manaos, and Iqultos heavily. The two principal steamship lines are operated from Europe. A company composed chiefly. If not entirely, of English capitalists owns and operates the principal line of river steamers. In fact, European concerns have not only a larger interest In South American transportation and In y English send three, four The plates and sills are of the same or five. They even do not hesitate to send eight or nine, and. with the length. If the building has a cottage aid of France, are constantly striving roof the ceiling joist should extend to semi the entire ten. In other twenty Inches, or two feet over the words, the United States gets but wall (according to the width of con atMiut 1 per cent, of all the trade of nice desired). The too of each rafter South America. We buy from them, sits on a plate spiked on the ends of on the other hand, three times as the joist. The walls are built up much as they buy from us, the differ- above the celling Joist with a plate on ence being annually about fso.uoO.ono top for the rafters to sit on. This In their favor. The discrepancy beplate, and not the lower one. supports tween what we buy and what we sell the roof. (See plan.) If a gable or applies about equally, though perhaps heavier against us at the head sources of the Amazon, to all sect ons of South America. This Is now near the beginning of the rainy season, that long period commencing about the middle of December and lasting until June, on the upper Amazon. The great, lr ..riant matins that stretch In rounded undulations from the hanks of the Water of Waters Itself and from the hidden courses of Its Innumerable tributaries to Impenetrable and Illimitable distances, will be blurred and dripping with rain, while further hack the open plots of the camjKjs break out In fresh, green grass, and thither the jaguar and puma, and droves oi and herds of native deer are betaking themselves to avoid the soggy footing of the forests, and to feed upA, rafter; B, ceiling joist; C, wall; on the animal and the plant life. D, plates. The New York party will find, If exfield for an ample they choose, ridge roof Is required the sheeting-extendploration. If by their observation, over the ends of the building 2x4 inch scantling Is nailed and a every three feet beneath the roof boards. When finished this forms the cornice. mans or th- - vmnummm pe-car-ry s Ginseng Growing Industry. Can you give me any Information about the culture of ginseng? Would It be likely to prove profitable? NATIVE BOATS AND RIVER. STEAMER.. MANAOS systems of transportation that are now and have been from time to time projected for South America by various combinations of American and English Industrial capitalists. schemes, too, involving the bringing about of vast changes, have quite recently been launched, some of them apparently, it is true as in the case of the exploitation of the Acre district, in which J. P. Morgan of New York and Sir Martin Conway of London, among others, were interested only to be abandoned. The Morgan-Conwasyndicate had a concession from Bolivia covering a tract of country on the head waters of the Amazon several hundred miles square, in which it was proposed to establish colonies and operate various plantations, timbering and rubber-gatherinenterprises. About the time that the work was to commence, however, Brazil gave notice that Bolivia had no title to the territory embraced in the concession, and Peru, whose boundaries in that locality are likewise definable simply as being somewhere in indefinite and illimitable space, also got ready to take a hand. At this juncture, to cap the situation, an insurrection broke out in the very heart of the disputed region. Thereupon, y g dustrial affairs than the United States, even in going no further than Iquitos, but larger interests than the people of they are able to bring back to the some of the South American republics United States any practical suggesthemselves. tion for the furtherance of our comThe United States gets from Brazil mercial interests, or if their trip is large quantities of coffee, cocoa, and followed by other trips to those reother articles of that class, and we gions by competent business men and have some large companies engaged skilled observers, it may mark the bein importing, but a very small quanti- ginning of a more general and earnest ty of such goods, excepting rubber, effort than has been made in years comes from further up the Amazon to get acquainted with South America than Manaos. In return we are ship- and to take our right place in the deping machinery occasionally getting velopment of the great Amazon ema good milling, mining or electric pire. New York Times. lighting plant order hardware, lumber, some railroad, tram, and street Celebrate Mikados Birthday. . Six thousand people, 5,000 of them railway supplies, canned goods, and quite a list of textile stuffs, such as Japanese, crowded Mechanics Pavilprints, ginghams, plaids, sheetings, ion, San Francisco, on tne night of jeans and flannels and leather and Nov. 3 and celebrated the Mikados rubber goods. Icemaking machines, birthday. There were speeches, sword awnings and parasols, drugs, patent dances, fights with heavy bamboos and medicines, and the like are sold. with broadswords, moving pictures of and Port Arthur and songs. Equipment for a shoe factory has resent. same But been the of Banzai! could be The shouts ship cently a contained have for heard for blocks. may machinery dairy plant and rice plantation which is to' be operated by a German syndiCruiser Soon Obsolete. cate, for where we send one article The British armored cruiser Galatea, the Germans or the English send a which was built in 1888 at a cost of dozen. Wherever we send one do- $1,333,020, has been placed- with the llars worth In ten of the total foreign obsolete ships off Port Victoria and purchases of the country, the Ger-- ordered to be sold out of the navy. Liao-Yan- g - The culture of ginseng has been greatly advocated in some quarters in America during the past few years, and owing to the large prices said to have been paid for the roots and the enormous profits which it. is claimed can be made by growing ginseng, quite a number of persons are trying to grow it. Ginseng is not, however, an easy crop to grow and requires a great deal of care. It also takes five years before the roots are large enough to sell. Some persons are growing it successfully, and hope to make money out of the sale of the roots. It is thought by many disinterested persons that more money is being made out of the sale of the seeds and young plants to prospective growers than will ever be made by the growers themselves, as the market will probably become overstocked with ginseng and the prices reduced.. The market for ginseng is China, as the roots are used by the Chinese as a drug. "There are many surer investments for capital than the culture of ginseng. Ducks Dying Off- M. K. Woujd you advise me regarding my ducks, as they have been dying off lately? They seem to get off their feed for a day or so and then become altogether helpless and cannot walk. They have a large range and a running coulee to feed in. They are also fed on oats and wheat ings. Ducks with a free run, such as described, should be in the pink of condition. It is quite possible that they have been fed too much grain. Ducks with access to a stream of water generally supply themselves with all the animal and insect life necessary. Exercise is of first importance in bringing about strong, vigorous breeding stock, but care must be exercised in. feeding them. If there is no grit in the pasture It should be supplied. As co mention is made of age of ducks, this is all that can he said. A. G. G;. |