Show Til t I HIM According to the tho American Grocer alcoholic beverage In this tItle the use u e of or country has about aboul doubled since USO having Increased trout from 10 gallons per l tr er capita to ISH IO The Tue total bill of the nation for In l 1302 was Willi the tha average yearly yearl eXIon for tor the past pnat five years yearn earll 1330 10 The rhe for 1902 1802 represents for fer stimulants expenditure capita n a per of 1733 1783 for the tIle 7 Inhabitants InhA of I Ithe the United States Stated or 47 U rents rent p tier Ier r day rillY i The users uen of at alcoholic stimulants ore Ire estimated to form torm oral one fourth the total population on which basis buIll b U the per cup Clip cupIta ltd lIa cost coat of alcoholic beverages bevera II IB Is 1032 or 19 10 cents vet ier day 1 to be tho the intoxicating drink most InO In favor if it the tho consumption Is le considered In n 1862 1802 the tIm total It readied reached r was 17 gallons pur per capita The rho consumption prior to 10 1092 1 yearly for live Me years ears 1507 gallons per tier perc capita c The record Indicates that ir pros loads lends le to n ft freer use u e of oe beer and that the tho hero leti letl of tea and am Use of the two stronger stimulants beer and nOli coffee colte has Iut Increased while that of the cheaper chen per beverage has liou declined Tho The Increased consumption of stimulants lants Is 18 not a n it pleasant fact to 10 contemplate tho the vast net plate 1100 It Indicates that I amount of labor expended In the torn tom I cause cattle lm tilts not produced there suit fult so much desired |