Show NOT I m m m f EVERYTHING Gut But if II You Have Kidney Liver or Bladder Trouble You Will rind Find the thc Great Remedy SwampRoot Swamp Root Just What You Need It Used US I to ho imo considered that only urinary and bladder troubles were werl to be lie traced to tho the kIdneys but lint now modern science proves that tha nearly nil diseases have their beginning In III the disorder of ot those most Important Thereto e when your kidneys l are aro wak or em out of ot order you y cnn emt understand how quickly your entire body hody Is affected how every or orrun un to tall fall to tn do tin Its duty If I f you rou are IHO io sick or feel badly begin taking r thu the famous new lIew mme discovery Dr rs because became e as soon as at your are well they will help all time the to te health A 4 trial tria will convince anyone Doctors Prescribe Swamp Root G I E have prescribed shunt Mint won wonderful d remedy for tor kidney and bladder com cummi complaints plaints Dr S with most beneficial effect timid knoll know nt c many elites cures bv Ii i Its ItA II P Those These had kidney b os mis II by b other othur ph and 11 without benefit Dr d J a n cure clIme I am am a liberal eral man mun ant and accent nC a o specific wherever wherter I tint find It In iii an aim accepted ac school or out of ot it For desperate ca es 1 of ef kid CLI my may or III bladder complaint under nt with unsatisfactory ln fa tor results l I turn to Di Dr Dimers KP II mers Illers Swamp Hoot with mot most re r b so suits stilts I shall continue to pre ibo It and till I I I lal 0 baSil 10 from main personal observation ob tit that ol i r Hoot has great curative iM tr ta ii IL ILI cu T nesi lc I L tn I Il 5 ut utI 26 St 91 Borough of or Brooklyn N Y i 14 pd od d d a Weak WIlk tak and unhealthy are ire S Ai ii oh 1 taIl 5 a aS iO Lie ble for far more and thuu tI m it 1 iu i I other othel disease and If It d to lo c ikid much with results result arc mtr m U to t r i follow tollo Kidney I trouble Irritate time the nerve p till If PT CO COy makes you y 01 dizzy din r tnt e y t table you OU pass Ilan maa water often orl 11 during till ln day d you OU to iret up ninny II time during toe tin t l night Unhealthy kidneys cause causa snivel gravel catArrh catanh rf of the lime i I 11 r i pain or ir I dull chill In time the back I ml and Ii id limo mus close your our head ti 1 1 back hal aim ad indigestion stomach unil you Ou git a sallow yellow ellow complexion makes you fool feel f 1 as ns though you had hod heart trouble Swamp Root i to Take Tako you U may have hao plenty of but no set get et wI wool l and auth In to away The flue cure cun for tor or those these troubles IB Is Dr th time kidney In III taking you OU afford natural help hell to tn Nature for tor is the most perfect healer and antI gentle aid tild to the time kidneys that Is 19 known to medical science I It If there l is III any allY un doubt In iii your mint mind au nJ a to your condition take from Crom your urine tirino on rIsing about four our ounces place It In a II gins or bottle and let It stand hours If It on examination It Is III milky or cloudy cloud If It there Is a brick dust settling or If it small particles float oat about In It II your OUI kidneys ure ore In need of ot Immediate attention No matter lieu how mommy many man doctors you may have matter how much machi money mone you IOU may mn have spent pent on other medicines you really 1011 ow owe It t yourself to tont at nt least give n a trial trill Its friends today todo are those Vio ho hud hind almost given up hope of ot ever well II again If you OU are ore already convinced that S Is ia what you need you OU ci c the regular and amid size bottles hoWeR at nt the tIme drug stores H here Dont make any mistake but html remember the time name minnie Su Dr and amid the tue address s N Y 1 on every eer bot bet bottle bottie bettie tie tle Sample Bottle of Sent Free by Mall Mail SPECIAL NOTI NOTE If you OU have the time slightest symptoms of kidney or bladder troubles or If It there Is a n trace of ot It II in your family history send at once to Dr Kilmer Co N Y who will gladly send Fend you ou by b mall mail Im Immediately mediate mediately without cost to you u n a 1 sample bottle of or H unit und a 1 hook book containing many mUll of ot time the thousands of or testimonial letters received from tram men lOen and women cured urell In writing be lie sure to say sa that you OU read rend this generous offer In the time SnIt Salt Lake City Dally Daily Deseret Newa Neva I us Tl N Handy Husband Knew How to Get Part of the Breakfast Anyhow H I I know ono dish I can prepare for breakfast as well ns any cook on earth said my husband one day when the cook was ill T and he had volunteered to help pet got breakfast Ho lie appeared y with his dish and I discovered it was Grape Nuts which of course was easy to prepare for it is 13 perfectly cooked at the C factory but it was a good illustration of of the convenience of hay hav having haying J ing about 04 We just added a little cream and of course had a Deli Delicious deli ILl cious bit of food Wo We took up immediately 4 I r after returning from froni a five years sojourn in a hot hoti i i country and our stomachs were U i a bad condition and wo we C r were in bad health Generally When we first tried it I Iti ti m J I confess we thought there were other and better things to toi i ic eat cat and were told we must acquire a taste for this new food c Sure enough in a day or two we liked im better than any other kind of food on the tho table We both pained gained steadily in health and strength and this was caused by and Food Coffee f i A friend of ours had a similar experience She Sho was seriously ill with indigestion and could find nothing to cat that would not hot give her heartburn palpitation especially at atA A night She Sho found that a small dih of ot with cream made her a satisfactory supper and gave her herS hern S j I i n SI comfortable nights real In a abort time she tho has ma mar r I 4 several pounds in wei n A The Tho writer lives in Top Topeka Ko Kia Namo given b 2 4 Co Battle ur J PALE WOMEN AOMEN A Bloodless Face In Indicates Indicates Trouble Watery W Blood a Menace enaco to Health WE KNOW HOW PALE PEOPLE CAN GET RICH RED BLOOD COME AND LET US TELL YOU ABOUT VINOl When blood Is watery and end thin or OT orM orM M IU doctors would soy say lacks hacks red wi blood corpuscles It is that much is rad rod radically wrong Wo Wa would advise everyone who has hai such symptoms to start at nt once to take R 1 proper remedy to overcome thU trouble That remedy is Ii Vinol the time greatest and most modern tonic and Vinol owes its virtue to the feet that it contains in H a l highly concentrated state the time active curative principles ox from rom cods livers Ivers the tho ole ele elements meats ments that have tave made oil famous for or wasting diseases medicinal elements are this dis dissolved solved in a ii delicious table RO so that t Vinol is most moat palatable Ilione None Lonc of the tho obnoxious grease that characterizes oil 01 and anti frequently makes mace it an all impossible remedy for tor those thosa who ho should take tako it itis itIs itIs is found bum in Vine Vinol Wo Yo could relate many instances instance where Vinol Vinal lias Imas done dono rood good and re reo restored restored stored the roses of to time the pale cheeks checks of the sufferer Time The following ii is a fair fall sample of ot tho the way WilY people wrIte In III regard to Vinal For Por several months I 1 suffered lass lassi lassitude tude and tired all tho the time Also Aba tt is I sinking feeling in my Dl stomach which nothing would and I was TaB palo and weak As an aim experiment e t I 1 tried Vinol anti and If K I wrote pages I could not tell teil nil all It has bus done dona for rue Miu A AK AK K IC Ll LA L Mass Because we ve know Vine Vinol so well welland welland welland and because we know so surely what It will do and md how It will accomplish the good food it does In a scientific way we unreservedly en endorse endorse endorse dorse and recommend it and In la every Instance guarantee to refund to any one what they pay us for Vinol Vinal if they do not find it entirely satisfactory THE SMITH DRUG DRUC CO GO DRUEHL a FRANKEN DRUGGISTS I I t Slept Very Little Because of Smothering Spells Palpitation l t 10 n L and Heart Pins Pains P To Dr Miles Heart Meart Cure I Owe lOwe My Life pala ralp lal Oll meth spell of 01 breath weak sod Mid hungry ry spells and arid general debility indicate d cale t I weak leak besot beart The fhe longer these symptoms exIst tile the more Inc serious they b become com They 7 represent con COil of heart weakness whir which must mut re reo receive i aid from the A weak heart cannot core cae itself no rio how sK s U bt the affection speedily treated Hated it will mil ill grow Crow worse wont slowly but bis surely IU A perfect cure has hn been fo lo nd ra kI Dr Heart Cure CUle which VU the cante to so that the disagreeable disappear kit It fives fires ives ros ma tr n peat at to lo Nd U amy mr tc tes to hJ ti tle te h of When others who hae hase to the Merit of ol o Dr Miles Heart Cure ai IS it may fitlY be e tie the mullS of Mlp another sufferer dere to ta 17 17 it It I am em sure aure re that I owe mv ray I life Itic an and ha to Dr Mile Mite Heart leut Cure Cure I 1 kid had Jd fee fM six sit rm with pal palpitation r palpitation and pam cam pam In 1 iy hUl I nM could 11 not nit lie on 01 my left Iet tide aide I was wai very verr weak eak and aad r little became o spelL I tried ew I could cod think tk if l 1 hot but bu cot tot no zo relief until I began becan Ute tIme u BK ut lt o of Dr Ur Miles Ics Heart Heert leat Cure I am now no well wrt arid and able to do da damy dom dolay my lay m work and Id although rt it I la is I three years yel since ine I first u used u J d the th I 1 hive have hav ru no 1 sn s n of ef Lean trouble I took tok in all iii 1 sis sir l bottles o 01 leat Crt Cars ald sad nd think it il the nedi leil maem o clime cine cne In to the t c world erld and it i rives Erves me inc I pleasure at st 1 all al tumid times tire to H It MRS hs H Ii I Ma All Al tell idt sl and inn bottle battle Dr Remedies Send lei fcc fete kee b bo beck beckon oV oVon on o N nOs and sad heat Hea Disease s Address Dr Milts Medical Medic Ca co 0 loJ lod V m I f r ret HL ii q fleas leu at mit sight grinds I IU I teeth woo wets elS the Uie II c v bed bcd U is t 5 craves claYs or Is and u C Can D be beI 1 1 ire I JD a IS I S j will 1 oxil r Ild rd r I u 7 IL fiji chIlls 1 hl 3 CM 11 r j j and wul II Lumi ii i i jo il child j 2501 Iu R x ol at dr it 7 L r W Ir mall mal from fOI 1 I Jus 28 us 1 I u r my ty I kU k It il ii t f CO Ham tt 14 m N Hel I K I I t L i 5 a k a c 2 g g i I f 1 r rh ri rk h i k a 1 4 1 i i r a 7 hc i An Au n Unsurpassed Collection of the Newest and Best Styles of Mens and Boys Clothes I ARGE consignments of the tile very ver latest and most I LARGE 14 stylish modes arriving daily excellent assortments now on sale at a very wide range of prices Our 1 Atterbury system and High Art Suits have many engaging features which assure them of great favor We V c therefore offer oler you the best and most complete vari varieties varieties van to be found anywhere anywhere including the very lowest priced pried dependable grades and from these up to the very ver finest Mens SprIng Suits Stilts fancy fliney nl mixtures mixture Cheviots Cheviot ansi and Tweeds suits that are extremely desirable in every respect rApt cut rut In time the th newest newet styles 8 arid and ad made nude and trimmed throughout In a careful trul manner manner 1000 arid 1200 Mens High Art Suits Suit Sul and double breasted tine fine fanoy tana cheek cheok ehe and stripe worsteds serges and arid tw w dH with long Ia narrow and mind shoulders equal In to made to measure melure 1 concave garment appearance any a mae f l 1500 and 1800 Menus Mens Irs Atterbury System Suits Stilts absolute perfection in tailoring tho th finest tn foreIgn and domestic domes tt fabrics trimmings most moM perfect workmanship and Md lest Uit but not most comfortable and truest fitting ready rely to wear clothes ever eer produced 2000 to THE THE SIEGEL CLOTHING Co 1 61 63 65 Main Street f The p Jib oldest safest c l m strongest 7 l t ee 1 J A I 1 remember well when I first f used Ayers Sarsaparilla nearly 4 60 years ago I was thin pale i k weak tired all the time no appetite I I could I i Since then I have taken it many times especially when over overworked overworked worked tired out or nervously de depressed dew w pressed Now all my children and their children use it As a medi medicine cine cirie for the whole family it has no equal 4 I long ago ngo learned the first great rule of health keep the bow bowels bowels els regular so I urn arn never without Ayers Pills r I |