Show IMPLIES To Parrys Statement nt at tho Ihn Man lan Washington April A I of time the American Federation I of ot Labor tabor today gave UC out a u statement In reply rep to the time annual report of ot President Parry of ot the Manufacturers lon Ion which was rend before that body In New el Orleans Orlean It says as asIt It If there were wem any doubt that Mr Parry furry Parr had taken leave of ot his hh rca rea on the report or harangue which he has hall node to his hlA convention demonstrates demon It beyond any MY doubt It If the Manufacturers ore ers or association In convention at New Ne Orleans endorses Mr OIl Parrys larrys undigested ed eh I J and malicious antagonism to 0 the ef re efforts forts of ot the workers to secure I material and moral Improvement they write themselves down to his low tow level leveland leveland and committed with him for tor All aJI the tue Injury which roust must follow tollow from his rabid utterances his venomous and IK III antagonism which must provoke only emily re resentment nt and retaliation Organized limber labor Is III the tue result of ot our Industrial development and environ environment environment ment It purposes purpose to secure a larger larel share of ot the production of t wealth It ecke to secure Cure this object by b peaceful and lawful methods It U alms almA to helm lih lI h more m rightful rl relations between nan mann and mui Organized labor Is I hew here to stay ye yeo to o stay zt It lore iorg lo after Mr Ir Parry Parrys Par name hall have hare tw been n forgotten It hsi hu ha pur sur survived many encounters with taco men of or Mr Parrys Parr l tuber ks ka no such uch con flirt filet as Mr orr Pam Hrry fr would promote IlO nor will it run away 11 from tr m It We W 11 desire l In 10 and ail social peace And nad nd arms are milk ma In ng for taL forit it Mr Ir Parry and who Act with him to time the contrary notwithstanding lag ing We shall shah be enabled coon roon to discern to what hat extent the tho manufacturers of ot time tho United States ate are II In Imi accord with Parry Parr At this writing we Ye mire 11 confident that he ime represents ent but Lut an nn Infinitesimal part of the American employers Or Organized labor faces tac I the future conti dent and and hurls back in into Into Into to the teeth of ot Mr r Parry his foul toul and abuse from Antarctic Sydney N S W April of ot the antarctic ex cx expedition eXpedition h Mp hAn Vf arrived hire here from Ker fr guein island where h t during tightest eighteen months month this detached party Arty pursued Its itA Investigation lIon The members m suffered train from the severe cold rold One doctor sue flue uc and another Dr Wart Wert who Imo was wu the leader lender of ot the party Is not like likely ly Iy to recover II IC In II e ten 1 inn April 16 At MB toes fl S I filon of the time International Kindergarten I two meetings were held I one In bail and amul the other In Inthe Inthe the l lecture ct room Caroline T F P vlen of or New York presided over oWer the music haIt hl arid amid papers Mere ere read by b Mary M ry B It P m of ot lull and Dr E K Merrill of ot New el York Time The ws wis presided over overby overby by hy Mary or of St Louis and the dl discussed cUK l was Practical problems In tho t of ot Kinder Kindergartens KIndergartens Kindergartens Mrs Irs of ot Omaha Ia and Mr Pease of Titusville Po la took part port In Inthe tho the discussion i |