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Show 1 - THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, WEDXfl SrfAY MORNING, JANUARY 27, 1926. MUTT AND JEFF Mr. Augustus Mutt Comes Across With an Apology (Copyright, 1923, fcjr H. 0. Fisher. Trade Mark Keg. U. 8. Fat Off.) By BUD FISHER Lack of Aggressive Sell ing Boosts Wheat Price; Other Grains Advance. paSltf CfrSSttat By CHARLES D. MICHAELS.' CHICAGO. Jan. 2$ Bullish sentiment iwrevaalod in the wheat market today, and with a lack of argressive reUing price advanced readily, with over the or 5 May at $1 74 low on Monday. The 'finish waa within a fraction of the beat pricea, c. Corn with net gains of to Oats advanced gained while rye was 7 higher, tn Strength foreign wheat with Liverpool 8 higher at the .close, attracted much attention, as did the reduction of J6,00t,000 bushels lr BroomhaJls e tlmate on the Argentine exportable surplus to a total of 124,000,0oo bush els, or only 10,000,000 bushels mors than cleared hurt season. The Canadian government report Issued late Monday, showing 417.000.0o0 bushels, or 6.000.000 bushels less than the preliminary returns, was also construed as bullish, as ft suggested that there was relatively little wheat left In farmers hand a Winnipeg closed higher, with some buy was Ing that regarded as removing hedges against export sales. unCommission house sentiment derwent considerable change and there was fairly aggressive buying at times, as well as short covering. Selling against offers was & factor In checking the upturn. Prospects for an improvement in the world s export de mand, ayt well as the strong domestic situation,) wasa factor. In inducing purchases of future especially as the movement to terminal markets has fallen off, Minneapolis receiving only 110 tears, and quoted pricea as un changed to lc better, as compared with May, the first showing of strength in a number of daya Buenos Aires closed 11 higher for the day No export business nas reported at the seaboard. A broadening In the commission p house demand for corn, with a In pressure and the strength in wheat, caused a higher market Sell ing against offers checked the upturn. Little attention whs paid to a small Increase In offerings to arrive, with 26,600 bushels of No. 4 grades ship bought for January-Februarto 76c. Spot basis merit pt 74 was lc lower to 2c higher as compared 0 with May. Primary arrivals of bushels compared with 1,673,000 bushels last year. Houses with connections bought May oats vhile eastern interests took the July sold and difference. May at Profit-takinchecked the advance In rye and It failed to fully reflect the o Export sales of bulge in Wheat bushels wen' reported at the sea board Selling of lard by warehouse in tereets held prices within narrow limits and offset to a large extent the .strength in corn. Kog prices were off 10$90o and led to a little .f Ring, but sentiment generally wao favorable to the buying slda Closing 5c lower on lard, trades were I and bellies So higher with ribs f was trade Cash reported as fairly New York cleared 8,014,00V good p pounds of lard for the day. o on January contracts were pounds RAN&B OF YHB LBADIVO FfTTR i3-- x mat-ket- 2 t & y let-u- y 767.-00- north-wester- n g ' 100,-po- fa l-- Dcltv-crio- 700,-oo- broiler fowl by cxprere, 40fa5rtc; by fully ataady; bulk. 2 5063 75: bulU, firm, freight, 25$3Sc, fowls b) eipres. 25fa2V, bologna a, $46065 25, bef. 5 50, calves, rooetere by freight, llto; tnrkcy by freight. generally steady; two load t, 40r; turker by exprres 4Dfa4Ac, duck by SB 00; milk veals 1 1 uo 10 0iv gfreight, 80f18c; by freight, 202 2c cwnoum ives and overweights to 4aws Drereed poultry Firm; chicken, freeb, 8 GO. 26fa4lc, fowl, 22(3ftc. 500. lamb, genermllr 25c to 50r lower: two decks Call BETTER. forniaa, $IA23, with deck of rniUAGO, Jan. 2A, iBy the Aoclatr1 ewes, 47 76; ywiterday four decka of 8 Prrae ) In the butter market today more pnnd I taha. $14 00. with 00 heed t liberal offering California reeuJtrd In ltght shading 13 06, two decks of of price on 02 iieor butter Ite in the 12 50. day, however, seller were holding for aud in the majority of case, obtaining 44 eeni. KANSAS CITY. with trade light. Market tone ruled ateady KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Jan. 28 (Tnited but tome nervousness wii In eidenee and State Department of Agriculture I Centralised buyers sere more conservative. &ma, calves, 1500, lightwsglht Receipts car market steady to firm with supplies teem and' yearlings, generally steady; very rather limited. Ikmand from local buyer wa quiet but a fair out of town inquiry little dons on weightier kinds, undertone weak; bhifc early aaies, 800960, numerwii reported for the better quality car. Fresh WJ score 4344r, HI score, 4.V; ous losds nt weighty vteer of value to sell 90 score, 42c, 89 score. 42c- - 8S score, 41c; at $9 6oaft 00: she t'ck. slow, wteady; fed 87 score. 40tyc: 84 score. 394c. heifers, , 7 UOfl9 60, butcher cows, $4 75u Centra I ieed 90 score, 43Vc; 89 scores 8 00: canners and cutters. 83 604' 50. buils, 88 steady; veaiera and calves, stnmg- - to 50c 41c. score, 424C, 12 00, vtockert higher; practical top veaia, aud feeders, nteady to strong, fleshy feeders BUTTER. 85. to $8 np NEW YORK, Jan, 24 (By the Aeeoci 10 000, uneven, desirable Hogs Receipts, a ted Press) Butter Steady, receipt 14,418 kind down, active, lOe to )5c ponnde kinds alow, weak to 13c higtier; weightier 28 972 cases: Eggs t'nsettle'd; receipt lower; shipper top, $18 06 pat ker tp fresh gathered extra firsts, 404g41e; fresh 412 bulk bulk of aalea, $12 83&il8 06 90; sec gathered firsts, 8H&39c; freth gathered 170 to 230 pounds, H2.70fa.1S 06, tiesirable onds, 8637c; near ly hennery whites, close25 to 12 12 240 83S pounds fa 60, sorted 130 ly seise ted, extras, 474j.4Se, nearby sod to 160 pounds, $lA09fal3 25- - packing sows, to nearby western hennery whites, first 8 70fa9 50, stock pigs, 411001175 stags ' average extras, 41 fa 44c; near-bhennery 12.50faU2S rag. browns, extras, 45&48r. 8 classes, 8060; killing beep lUceipts, Cheese btesdy, receipts 215,810 pounds. 14 65, fed strong to 16c higher; top lambs. wethers, 41246(314 66, Ms, yearling moatiy CHICAGO PRODUCE. 12.50, top ewea, 48 73. CHIOAOO, Jan. 24. IBy the Associated Butter 434 Id. Prss,) Higher, receipts. OMAHA. tubs; ersamery extras 4Sc; standard W.IM OMAHA. N Jm extra first, 42t6Q43c; firsts, 41Q Bc; of Agriculture ) Hca ReDepartment tocohda. 42c; 884140c. 1W Lower, receipt 9045 eases; first, ceipt, lh,60ffa light offerings, steady to Egg higher, butchers, steady to 10c lower: bulk 84Hc. ordinary first. 82c ano 823 40, botcher to pound $120012412 defour ears, Poultry alive Firm, receipt 160 te 200 pound lights. 4fa fowi, 24a274c; spring. 28c; turkeys, sirable 12 160 tof 60, pounds np, 412 66 old bt 85c; roosters, 20c; ducks, 30&'i2c, geese, 140 to 160 pound selection, $l2.30fal2 6&. 20c. . 100 to 125 pound Teller plge. peckKANSAS CITY FR0DU0E. ii 00311.23, bulk of ail Mire, ing sows, 411 &Ofal2 50; aveesgs cost Monday, 412 19, KANBA9 CITY, Jan, M (By the Asso231 pounds ciated Press.) Butter fat 9 cent higher. weight, Oattiet Receipts, 6600; fsd ateere and y rerun ho 16c higher; tilk, $.26 Bgga declined Iftc; first, 88c; select 9 gs, steady 75, yearling knd Tnedinmwelghta, $160; ad, 41s. she stock, weighty steers, $10 1510 80, Butter, poultry and jmtatoes unchanged. veals, strong te 13o higher; Jmlte and ; ttockevs end feeders, mostly steady; toedy POTATOES. bulk botcher cowa, 45 00fa6 26, aeveral lots, canners, ftmrAOO, Jsn, 98 (By the Associated 50fa7 25; hetrer. $7 OtnRS 36 Press ) Potatoes market weaker, especial- largely around 44 00; cutters $4.26fa4 63, ly on Idaho; receipt 81 car; total I bologna bulla, 45 9366 60' practical veal top, 8 shipments 494: Wisconsin sacked rotond $10 W atockers and feeder, 87 000.26 43 whites, 85(34 00; few fancy, nesota sacked round white. Idaho sacked best, partly graded, 43.5(faA90. Rist, $4 10; MinS3 90; 44 00fa4l5, 763 FAVOUR. MINITBA BOLTS, Jan 88 (By the Associated Press ) Flour, unchanged ts 10 cent bigbsri family patent. 49 409 50 a barrel. 85,487 barrels. Bra, 426.50. Shipment vexu jjoxk &xm;L Sljr NEW YORK, Jaji 26 How lltde immediate Interrelation exists, Jurt on the stock now, between price market knd rates on the money mar-ktuts shown y today s general decline on the stock exchange s while tlm money, continued Its gradual downward trend. The .movement of stock might have been Interpreted a reflecting doubt over the actual trend of monev rated until the money market can have been more poiHtlvely teertod something which usually doe not come before the (end of winter But the decline of was more logically on indication that, among the nunur ous Incident and (tendencies which were abundantly discounted' by the autumn rise in atocka, easy money In January was not the least consid. . ered. Transactions on the stock exchange were today again very jamall, compared with what has come to be the expected figure. This decrease In acboth the absence at tivity participation by the speculative public and the profitless action of the market, even for the professional conThat the dally fluctuations tingent. In prices should undr such circumstances be so considerable as they have been, both In advances and declines is not lunusual after a season In which advances and decline have been .exceptionally violent The to find normal intrinsic vai-u- a after such bewildering variations as those c4 November and December, makes natural commotion greater than wpuld ordinarily corns when real speculation has fallen to smal proportions Sterling held practically unchanged, a trifling fraction under $4 86. The ope$ market discount rate at Lon fftfh-cte- mert-effor- t . ward. Speculative Interest was confined largely to a few public utilities and South Amertoan oils, in which special developments are believed to be pending Coal shares held relatively steady despite the pessimistic as to the outcome of the reports resumed anthracite peace negotiations. of merger rerecent denials Despite a spirited demand developed port Ohio Northern for Power, which showed a net gain Of 1 8 at 23 A after selling point above that figure. Lehigh Power Securities broke 17 points to 806. presumably in reflection of new financing In connection with the purchase of new properties In Lancaster and Harrisburg Heaviness also cropped out In American Gas A Electric and United Gas Improvement, but United Light A Power A" and United Gas A Electric showed moderate galna Further weakness developed in the don again yielded quotabiy, although very slightly, and may be said to be on a parity with New York. But the New York sterling rate is now holding ifar above London's gold export 'point, and other stealing exchanges appear to be moving steadily in that market's favor The Bank of Kngland lost no gold today and took In None has been 500,000 withdrawn sine last Thursday, a;d the total movement stnee the banks last statement Indicates a considerable Increase In its gold holdings for the weekly period The United States Steel corporation's Statement of today, for the December quarter and the twelfth month, is In mot reepects an accurate picture of Industrial 1925 We know that the countrys steel production surpassed all records last year, and the United States Steel individually would doubtless make the g same com pen son. But the output was not translated g On thu Into profits. contrary, the $165,183,000 net earnings for 1925, Although well above those of In 1924, compare with $179, 650. 000 177.174.000 in 1920, and in 1928, with wartime with $199 350,000 in 1918, $296,292 000 In 1917 and $133,574,000 in 1916 The reason (for this seeming perfectly discrepancy la however, well known; It Is the judicious holdA level 1925 At of prices during ing attractlWto consumers, as contrasted 192.1 of with the Spasmodic advance or 1920, and. the extremHv high level reached through the bidding of the governments In the war This steadiness of the market in the face of unprecedented consumption had more than one cause but its result is not only surplus earnings for the yea of $29,672,442. but prospects for the more new year's 'business perhaps genuinely favorable ,than ln the besrince the other of year any ginning 8 record-breakin- record-breakin- 26. (By the $1 CASH Me 9 .ns Ik Ora. 9 No. 4HMol vWk a 9 white, 44&49 Ttowtfiy eaed. ST Otorer eeed, $31. 25 SIS JO. Uri Riba BO. SI 93. WXZAT, OATS AIR) 94- - (By the A Wbret Me. .1 aortberm. May, 81 m Hr July. SI L Js. MTVimAPOUS, plated Prere ) svOl.TOk; Ha S Ora 79 rellew, 8 whit. Get--l- Fla KTl ItSSe. .4102.46 U Ms. Produce Market WHOLESALE Qatttoa by 5rtse flirts Cmatty b Ca) ,eex ... .48 ttbr. er flats, lb. Pi to a. eveafes Prime flreta lb. rireta lb. ., . .44 48 Parabmret wrapted, 1e lb. lea. BGGR fn, Soeee ettm pool try Ponttry term, jmltot erg. doses.,,... fUttcb, mixed color. doa HFW8. ........ Put! freest triptot, lb. Full erects, foarbare. lb. ...... Full rreets aandwtoh to f, rib. .... ... Rtork flrlre. 26 lb. btorfc, Ih brick lb. ... Oeem brick, lAmbnrf , I lb. Kd, lb. Ro'yrefert 8 Jb eeh lb BUTTRUrAT. Is fbsrstsr freest, lb. ....L..., Freeh st4 83 .SO .80 Jur. Free tor fretxbt, 4tV ; Clarks Famous CruUet wriMiwni dCrM. rr cvmm u ,t nM. kwHuliq, hoMalM. NORVAYJr 53 DATS, at 50 to IUS0 mLANCASTR1AJiuJS Inclod Lisbon, Spm,TngieT,lUly, Riviera, Sweden, Norwey Scotland, Berlin (Pri, Fjord, rw London), peting.l925'Sveteniieuoeee. fottowta 1W7 wui.w Booh ' om epwk for Feb. 8, Seh Amerieen nnd In Cemblneden M4Hwrtntii 100 to $2U0. M day. 1, Arnund the World Over four mo., 12M to $zm. Medlterrnnenn Jan. . Tn the Id00 to 11700. Jan. 62 1 dy. WILSON MOTtL, J a. TOM UNION, ALT LAKE. C. Cloriu r, Tma R(d9. Ntw York, , Y to.ir. Livestock R!r , In. rtr f!t; ' OODE. brirlmr $!2rfcl2all tor tb tore! Cetlie Receipt, 5m7 mseket; very littte 1ong srmtnd fhlrteefl over from vterday. fofanoo toads .held aeie onfled. te end tot M b stork, at useveniy tower priree medium to gnd cow and hrifera, $5 (kuy tt- late Monday beef mow sod 16c s o2V tower and oe stock toad of med! am grade week te 15c tower load ef gna IteVpomf steere M ani 4o pound aterker atrere at 4f 16 w of feedre eteere areregtog teo te load r 17 Ito47.T5. V4 of fender 1140 pretndt LAKE THEATRE T jem I market, tD6 AKOELFS. Jan 36 AlOWIR, cw mo ret u Pth N were .Or Ml TML02 HOLMES floor RRiCKi; Nghta Lewr row 42.76, balcony first thru 41.45, famtiy crc 42 20, baianc 1 10. 5rie. Ind. Mat. tax; gal ory Lewac floor 42 20. balcony 8149-famdcirclo 41.10, gaitecy 90c, Incl. tax. Bong chpek or monay onvl-p- , order with Bex office sals Men Feb. 1. On CIRCUS LAST TIMES TODAY LARRY SEM0N IRENE RICH THE OIRL - (Find THE PLEASURE A loo IN THE LIMOUSINE" ohowln In Salt Lak,) Paulino Prodorlek, May and .Mario Provoct MoAvoy BUYERS A, d- kasaewsp oo 44. 7: SO, 3:13 MIm AmoHc- Ml A VARIETY OF TRAINED ANIMALS Show,! ' th stag CHARLESTON CONTEST At 7:40 and B: IB p. m. Pamoua Victorians Path Nowa Saturday VALENTINO IN COBRA SAUNAS IN ESTHER RALSTON WOMENS ' oo "IT'S TABERNACLE Wednesday, February Matin t oock ALL IN FUN 3 Night 8:15 LAST TIMES First Salt Ike TODAY Showing THE SILENT PAL . powerful p hot od ram of 4 on man dog" In whom fear wao g unknown, packed full of and thrill. punch ooms-thm- COMINO TOMORROW SOUSA.ConNclor LARGEST - THUNDER - MOUNTAIN WILKES THEATRE ALL THIS WEEK WE A HIS FAMOUS A love story in tho hill of hate ADULTS 16 CHILDREN 10c Ralph Cloningcr oo NEVER PRESENTS Meet the Wife RAISE OUR- - ' ' Nlflhta 1.30 Matfnooo Thuraday, Saturday PANNAGES PRICES N,t S THE DESERT FLOWER now mrehet THE NATIONAL 0AM I And HQR8B TROOR nH , BLACK A now suit CUBA UNDER THRU PLA0S Naw humersaquo FOLLOW THE SWALLOW Price--: Em. Center lower floor, 42 20; 46; adm!ain, gaMocy, 41.10, Including SMatms, for $i.10s Bpnclat pteo ta. tehooia, toot sals Saturday at Consolidate Must Co., 121 4utly Main fttrect. GEM TODAY" AND TOIMOPPOW YOLANDA MH,n D,vlrt wits sif -- . mup. pwtlr.0 e,M. inotu,m Holbroel, Bilim, Palpi. OrttM, Lyn Mr. Johnny-Doi,Kennedy, Sin, Mary onS Loon Errol. Our Oaifg Como dy "OPPICIAL OFFICERS' World Nowo E von to. THE LUCKY Comlnf Friday DEVIL.' with RICHARD DIX 1 I ii x THrRD OF A CENTURY TOUR Marty now fsaturea Including two . aww ak!ng sharply k'rSetv cteedv with neeterda ye arly toad of 1lprwnd weight 85 fw top $4 dow to 1 1$ te bek tmw wrirhtr botcher butcher held around 14 60 wtk mle de- a and. packing terge'y 111 QufaU U, t 14 36 j rice rg bp yretretay ettle--H- '' '1rer wuji, mow, wah- - tew H TAfaS 00T bulk atrera yate4ay Oq n as nek reeie-tcdmretly tow priced cow te 45 few more dreirNu fmm 44 4 ret tore, ncUva, 96 50. caacvr kn up tea- PRICES; T 5:30 p.m. , B.loonjr IBo, Prt)uet 25o. Night, Ittc, 150. Children 15o any tim. ADMISSION Klmb(l OrohMtra IN THE WORLD t Ford Storllng oo Hal'Boach Comedy; ' There Goe the Bride , 'MUSICAL ORGANIZATION I FRANCIS With JETTA Q0TOAL and NOAH BEERY UtuLCommynder J0h PnlUT f A Paramount Picture THE TALE OF A SHIRT n j S WHEELER AND William J. Lockes Celebrated Novel AMO CDWAWD SMITH iH A5OC'tOn H FJ3A2EC ' XfflQtopy OO IN MtlnM --B aoelpt " 449. Jan. 14 bred ter the local market end Inctedt Jocal so mire; late te Street pareetw 4J few toads and odd lot f Hgt MmMf 60 sold Of - SPELLMEYER TATT. OODBer. beifw at $6 66 Sheep Receipt. 91, tew the tor Ism at gizoo. few drive-l- a - 9S.Thur.,Feb.4 t aWBenLyon IN "LONESOME LAND etmt. (: !. Blanche MIDDLETON' AND it kl,H - oo t SALT JTTW TORE PRODUCE, YORK. Jan. tA (By the Live poultry Steady; riiirk-m- s by fr'rhU 26fa2 be, cbtekena by vrw Wtl. v: jmr inandmenl WEST "LEFT-OVER- COMING .. ox AMOS (tort. 9 PRODUCE. DAIRY vml r t OBEY-t- ? RENARD AND STARTING TODAY riWl.: Ja. DRY 000D8. Bv the AssociNEW YORK, Jan. 9$ ated Prere.) Ontton goods trading la the was quiet today with gray goods division More bnalnere earns prices well maintained forward-wash fabrics. Rayon mixtnres were active along slth silk and eottnos. THREE DAYS ONLY J7510; t HAW. Belli, U4F, $1 W. 9 SI. 04. tt?. Barter, 4 haid, 4 wised, TtHoi 21. 9 rs&asr. Tiers. Ota Rye, QTOTATTW4. $1.91 K kart. faMMWiVl oe thi Whret, 4 EEV0E PRCSB CKXOAQO. sSr. Vene-xuel- COUNTESS SONBAS SAOTBOON movement in Prem today' curb market lackedwauniformdown- tfend but the general ity. slow, lambs, 11.000; lower; bulk fed wool lambs steady $14 25 fa 14 60. top $14 73, esrly mire fresh Shorn lana, $12 85. sheep sod feeders, teady; drelrabl weight fat swre 86 40a 8 65, feeding tombs, mostly $14 50fal3 00, top. 915 00. profit-takin- KII1W, a MARKET. CURB NEW YORK, Jam ConPrinters has booked the beat basins electrical refrigeration issues. la oe percale and specialties tor print. gress Cigar and Pacific Steam Roller, wrelt Worsted drees of a sports eharactef which were admitted to trading yes- and soft finished novelty trretment, were hut In terday, sold off on rail for Immediate shipment. - Tb ruled well above tbelr subscription menfood a wear trade was quiet, swatting the Borden company and opening price levels of next week Raw slik was new Vlrk Chemical attained high alifhtly ''higher tm atronfer arable from Yokohama. levels Bilk taffetas, crepe and print silks of many descriptions were active. Speculative belief that recent de- ed Jobbers are In Mexico would stimureceiving a flood ef small orvelopments ders from retailers who seek prompt shipa late the production of oil in was reflected in the demand for ments. South American issues such as Carib Syndicate and American Maracaibo, but the early gains were lost on realizing. Most of the high grade issues also lost ground. t war. gheapRecfipt. to 15c CHICAGO, Jan. 96. (By tbs Associated Prere United States Department of EVAPORATED PIUTTI, fre 10 000; CSttlo Roceipte. lOTW TORK, Jan. 99 steers, strong te 86 high; better grades By tty Assecf o kinds not mneb ted Pres ) Evaporated change apples' steady; showing ednance; prunes firm; apricots and peaches quiet; selling at 49 50 downward; choice bat not raisins steady. prime yearlings ecsllng 1014 pounds, glROO, d baUocke, $U.40, five months' ted better, grade bulk tot steer. corrEK. and cows belters, strong. pote higher; nw mwi- - fat iirw tokk, j,a. 00fa ted Free.) Toffee. Rfs 7. X814; Bnntoa trails, weak, renter steady, mostly $12 No. 4, Paturs steady; March, 18 41c; 18 00 te packer; few, $18.00, outsiders, $140014 50. July, 17.65c. Huge Receipt. 94 000; market Irregular: epened stronger te 10c higher; Inter trsd SUGAR. average, mostly steady at yeetordawy Itfcw YORK", Ja 28i (By tbs Associckwed 15c to 96 kreer weight ated Press.) A better tmpilry and an ad- lighter talk 250 te 810 pound totoebete, $19 10 early, vance of cent In prices featured the 90ft to 86- ttrajertty good and cboios drelrsW raw mgar market today. Sale reported In 2'fa 12 rerngre. 8l860fal8 00, 18 0u eluded 10 0HO bags f Pert Rican for 166 pound to 160 pound weights, montly vempt tfitjnnant at 4 Rle, and about 86,000 18 96' hoik 140 te 140 pound seteHJou. age of Port Rican and 900,000 bag of practical top 160 pound Coban foe prompt and February shipment $18 50fal8 66; 190 4165.1 pounds and op, up 41A.85; at 4.84a. Wki sows, tergal packing The raw mimx futmss market eras firm bettor killing kind. il860fal4 m shipper ea tor covering and early buyhg European TOOO erttxnatod holdover. 4 took aoeouat, presorted by the etaedler ton In Receipts, 18 000: tot lamb, wrek the epot market, but reacted later voder to gtteep tower: "hipping kind mostly Sto? to , selling - by houses with trade and Cuban 50 50r off: top. $19 85, nuraerrem toad te shlp-personaectlooa. Pries gsloed 1 to 814 point bulk. $15 lMfclfi 26: the arly upturn, then reactsrd $ te 4 bulk few. 00, 412 7518 wethere, yearling mint and closed net unchanged ta 9 points March cloved 8.46c; Mae, 2 67c; $18 26. them around 96 nlowgr. 167c; September, 177ci December. DEFTER. 8 8e. Oet3 The refined sugar market wa v&cbanged DWHTim. Col., to 10 point higher, awing to the higher eet reto to. U00; calve. 80. reels. Strong, k. of law, list price now raoging frees 4 25c tieel top, 413 06; few. $18 89; other cteee to 4 40s for fins granulated Hi advance geoenklly steady; two load cowa, $7 lw checked bnslaess te some extent. others, $5 8ffa6 60; tew medinmwright beef frw Sugar futures closed ssev. Appreerlmat UMA. sale 45 000 ton rtnarrt aw) ml March, 9 46c; May, Mr ; no. JmIt, 2 67c; September, 177cH December. ten. mwtlr 0BA JB: bollA 9 83c. mJ few Itocken 00 ' &' rto-hrt"rt. -- ' to1: " te tlT nr,,n.hrti-l.in, te IB, BUhw. WV11nf ieweet tev. A1A! tat te ZV powwto - !iW , to,' to Vii; V01TH SALT 1AXZ. fwek-l'13B0OBhrtV7 AHrt, law 10 60 WORTH luLRR. eteety o BOc tower Racripta, 2tO, lncknmng JOl9 Imad 1 Stow 8600- - tot famte. pte, transit te Lm Angele 192 to Los crrirM AnrHs market. 81 te Oakland paritere and steady; two tend 84 premde. $14 A k m 1648 to Ban fra not ww psrkers; late Moo" lower Milt, bWdln ds y U SB part toad of 904 premd butchers at f Hnf ; two 1 .'o 412 76 S! f riff ears, few butcher f,l ,wee at 12 56 Cattle Receipt a. 822, Including 24$ head foe the local xarimt, 42 direct to local Jos pariires paefcern, 81 In transit to te and 318 te Los Angeles packers; Market d brifera at week, kwd rf ymt 47 0i off csrr pmrt load of good row d twef steers at 6 W, load sf good at 86.60, off rere- - bolofut bnls. $4 75 r calve $7.75 , pert toed of Ph." . W ntf 18 ' toed of toeder row si J4 ). Sheep- Be receipt ORDERS NOW t. STOCK EXCHANGE REVIEW OF DAY DANCE WITH DON KIRKHAM Xn& ESATaorWco Novelty Dance Orchestra . THURSDAY, JAN. 28TH at th RENDEZVOUS MIDVALES Tta Bail 'With BALLROOM Bprlnf Tloor" Salt Lake Theatre OHJEOK t Tomorrow Evening Buolnoao and1 Profooolonal WamnY ;lub sroamto tho Moroni Oloon Two Bands Playaro Continuous Dancing TONIGHT TTBdar ' In THE SHIP PHCOP-S-2. $1.50, t and (Oo Box efOeo noon Wodnoaday, Jan. 271h tor onchango cf cupona SEAT SALE TOMORROW a 0 Naw MknafTTDr.L S 0 |