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Show ) 8 THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY OGDEN DEPARTMENT Phone Office, 2514 Washington A.vsnua. BnslnMt, 117; Correspondents, 117 and 1S02-W- ; REED HDTEL TO CLOSE FEB. FINAL Society, 219a CLEAN-U- UN THE of Razing Then Excellent ProgreM in BetIs to Begin to Make tering Conditions Is Room for New Hostelry Reported, at Meeting. Work I dDo P 771 KEITHS 5 IS 1 1 C JANUARY 27, '1926. MORNING, EACH WEEK Coats Reduced to . . . .$16.75 Coats Reduced to . . . . $22.75 Coats Reduced to . . . .$26.75 Coats Reduced to $32.75 Coats Reduced to . . .$36.75 Values Quoted Are GENJJINE! Prices Less Than Half! $39.50 $49.50 $59.50 $69.50 $79.50 .OIL Him FES EACH WEEK 255 COUTH STATE DOUBLE GOLD TICKETS EVERY WEDNESDAY 5B0 GOLD PIECES FREE TODAY.AT 4:30 wmmro xuubzxs posted in maekzt and held l week $5.00 Gold Piece Free Every Day at 4:30, Except Saturday 5-$- 1 AOT) TOO 1 THE EVERY DAY IS GOLD DAY AT THE STRAND Ths Resd hotel OGDEN, Jan 26 More experimensntlrslv on or tal work to develop methods of hanGuaranteed about February 16 and will then be dling range and pasture lands In order CRYSTAL Best Creamery WHITE Tine Granulated rased to make room for the new to obtain higher carrying capacity was 6 been emphasized in the recommendations $1.0AO,000 houtery which hee a ii," 6 Under constructiOTTajrRe Noveirber of the district investigative committee Do. 1 This. was the decision made his of the forest service, which adjourned Double Gold Coupons Double Gold Coupons Double Gold Coupons Double Gold Coupons Double Gold Coupons this afiermxm Such work, it was morning by the hotel authorities Every Wedneedsy Every Wedneedsy Every Wedneedsy tvsry Wednesday Every Wednesday It had been planned to continue Slated, is needed for thfoothlll and desert ranges as wsll as on ths high part of the htel In operation while summer ranges part of the structure was betn.azed it was pointed out that most of ths to make room for the new hotel The work thus far has been done on the over the hotel of the directly portion mountain ranges and that, since Ogden State bank was to n&e been high and foothill pasture lands are retained, but after considering A the desert in a condition as a result of overbad P Thlo torn usually sells for construction problems carefullx, lows Sweet for grazing in the past, It Is necessary to 16o to 17Vo per can Standard Blgslow president of the Reed Htnel of grazing which will At methods develop architects, Hotc4m compan, the the contra tore tleorto give su h ranges an opportunity to Mcfhenahan, recover, so that they will be able to A Whltmeyer A Sons, and olhorn No. 2 can, Independent Cash Coal A deemed it best to clone the earr a greater number of stock soclated, IN WEST SOUTH TEMPLE Columbine Stringless ... Range lands are so closely tied Into hotel and tear down all but two Pork Steak, Shoulder, lb. 25c farming in the intermountain regions stories directly over the bank LAm Double Gold Coupon. Evary Wadnaaday Plans wars begun Immediately by that the welfare of agriculture de Pork lb. 22 Roast, ac on of of the , proper handling range pends Harry C. Beckett, Jr manager This experimental work in DoublCold Coupons Every Wednesday HBHHM the hotel, for the storing of the ho- lands soon was the pointed out, bears grazing, it tel's fimilture and fixtures As CUT-RAT- E as these are stored the rasing of the same relation to the livesUx k prostem portion of the hotel and the ducer a experimental work in intwo Upper stories of ths bank portion creasing production of crops bears to PERTUSSIN tha hannloa HOT AND CLEAN ths farmer une of the acute probwill bearln, A suitable roof will and officiant cough romody hag tOo Hawaiian Coffaa, bast bland lems in need of study, particularly in OFF ON ALL be built over the bank portion GOODRICH baan ao uniformly auccaaafu! in Carrying Into effect these plans will Utah at this time, Is the correlation 2 fl0b5-- 3I.C5 WATER HOT hotel of of the which, Stark the passing tha treatment of bronchial affeo-tiofeeding and private pasture lands BOTTLES Dill when opened in the summer of 1391, with summer range on the national Large and coughs, even tha moat 75c to $1.50 Per Ton. 3 for 10c was one of the leading hosts ries of forests, In order to prevent too early Pickles obatinate whooping cough, that the western country During Its ex- grazing of the higher ranges and still 20c 3 for SOAP if for ICc housed S.DIM. istence the plaoe has many not work a hardship on the livestock jour cough raaiata PERTUSMILK CARBON COUNTY COAL it la an indication that you distinguished guests. Including Ive-of during the spring period from ths Mines SIN, 10c 38c 2 rsons who aspired to be presided MAGNESIA time that the sto k is removed from 35c No strings No stock but meet. ahould conault your physician. the United States and one or two of ths feed lot or meadow lands till they GOOD COAL AND WOOD PEPSODENT OLIV For safety's eake you ahould find whom were successful may be placed on the national forest. TOOTH PASTE Green, out if aome daap rooted diaord.r The excavation of the portion of It was urged 25c pint .. TWINE DYE the new hotel immediately sduth of The projects recommended for conla causing your cough. 7c Bauer, Is Reed SOAP....building the present tinuation in the experimental work by AND FIGS FANCY FOR 22c kraut PERTUSSIN ie entirely fraa ORg completed and much of the the forest service on lands In- Doubla Gold Coupon Double Gold Coupons Evary Evary cement has been poured The con- elude the relation of range 2 to forDATES climate fromlnjurlouadrufiandisaold Lincoln. 31st and by Wadnaaday Wednesday tractors are nearly ready for tits age production, the improvement of all druggists in large and email placing of the big footings whUh ranges by the reseeding of bottles. und depleted will be great masses of suI PREMIER BAKERY GRAPEFRUIT FLORIDA native and forage plants and bv ths Winter construction, had owing of grasses further study of concrete ANGEL OAKES Large sie, proved very successful to the con- the time when the range is ready for tractors and ths owners Wed. Only, each grazing In the spring, the time that 3 for Mr Bigelow said today that he was grazing should be discontinued In the Double Gold Coupons Every Double Gold Coupons Every Immensely pleased with the progress fall, methods of managing and utilizWed need made and It Is the aim of himstlf ing brush Wednedy of JL WHITE ranges, study prevention and associates to complete the new of erosion and floods from grazing hotel at the earliest possible date CELERY. CUT-RAT- E lands and a study of the beet method CIGARS-TOBAC- CO of utilizing and managing, spring and fall range 85c 14-Directors Named for Union Leader 74e SUNKIST Projects recommended for study in $1 15 S5o 1.0x, George forest include the studv LEMONS Dozen. management L Merged Organization of growth 74e Velvet .... Washington data of growing timber to . 11.1016-oz15c Beet Dills future of timber from tures Directors of the predict thelands andyield 89c xnd bis dental for OGDEN, Jan 26 Tuxedo .... 25c prartb methods-of cutSmoking 2 for .... Double Gold Coupons Every $2560 and that Dr merged chamber of commerce and ting to insure maximum timber Maloney agreed, 70e 70c Prince ' yield not to enter practice here vgain In' Weber dub to serve until the annual In the Wednesday 44c Velvet 54c Albert. future violation of this agreement Lr election, April 12 were named today Double Gold Coupons Every Wednesday Watersheds upon which the vegetaand took up practice by the directors of ths Ogdeu cham- tion was Chadwick Called jlonev returnedSeptember seriously depleted, and which 15. n:3, the ber of commerce were in eroded 1916, been have badly W H Harris, president, complaint alleges They are. through vies J Orson Douglas, president, improved to Face Jury on f grazing so that the occurrenc Jesse 8 Richards, secretary . 8 M floods Association Ready and the erosion of the soil Scott, treasurer, A. P Bigelow, M declined 66 per cent in twelve havs B F W These are t be results of an years 8 Cedes, Empe, Degree Murder Charge Securities to Be Checked Three Gentsch, Fred Froerer, J H DeVlne, ment by the forest service experiat the A P Merrill, Fred M Nye, P H Great Basin station near Experiment OGDEN, Jan. 28. Dr Elwood Mead. C Fred E Williams, Angus Ephraim, whhh were preeehted to the Salesmanship Class United States commissioner of recla(Gut) Wright and W H Shearmaji. committee 26 OGDEN, made Jan Progress Ths memberships of ths two bodies has been It was out notified that this de- today in the questioning of venire- mation, by A. P More than 3,0 persons attended tha will meet February 15 and consider crease In pointed erosion and flood run-oBigelow, president of the Weber firet class in salesmanship and bust-mi- e the consolidation It is belteved that has come as the result of improving men at the opening of th trial effici-nc- r bv April 12 the membership of the the Water Rl'er Users' association, that gien by J S Knox whh h occupied only Walter Chadwick, charged with the merged organization will have become aboutvegetation, the association ts ready to hase a at the Utah Gas and Coke company of the surface in murder of Ludovlc under direction last auditorium in laoard, metallised and determined and then 1912, and has increased to Judge s tha of tha reclamation de- of the Universitynlht, of Utah extension eight directors to serve two ears, of a complete cover in 1923 on an ex- Georgs 8 Barker s division of the represents come to Utah partment and check is division the It expected by officials and seven to serve one year, will be perimental area at the headwaters of 8eoond district court indicatsa that s security which ths canal companies of th extension dU talon that tha regselected. kphraim can) on on the Mantl national Jury will be selected after tomor- are offering In negotiations with the istration will be increased by ths next forest. These results, it ts pointed goernment for work on the Echo mcftinx of th class Friday sines speare of tremendous importance Death Call Is Answered out, in row morning s session of the court storage dam those who U cial work will be ?iven Students Yesterday for the state and defense showing that grazing may be regulatord Is expected shortly bv Presi- missed the first meeting Attorneys to so in as not ed interfere a interroin with strenuous waterdent Bigelow day put the reclamation that by Mrs. Mary Eliza Stone shed protection, and that, if a cover gating those railed for Jury duty Fif- service Is ready to consider the seFUNERAL HOUR FIXED. of Subscribed $3000 of and weeds is maintained, teen prospective jurors wr excused curities OGDEN, Jan 26 Mary Fliza Stone ths grasses of floods and the silting and at the adjournment hour each OOl'EN Jan JR Funeral servicas In the meantime the canal compa79, widow of dward P Stone, died up ofdanger L. be held will will Howes be fnr tdviin reservoirs abated nies which are to be sto k subscribids had used ail of Its ten perempthis afternoon at the home of her Five men were ex- ers in the aasoi iatlon are perfecting Thursday afternoon at 2 o clock in $60,000 Pledges Asked. tory challenges daughter, Mrs Julia H White, 216 h ir t Preb tcruin church, wtth were said the all minor because details cused they they Allie Down necsesary before Emerson Patterson avenue, of pneumonia offiCarver Edward John and tha opposed to capital punishment, governmental contact la made Mrs Stone is survived bv the folt had expressed because uting four they Is to Take Place Mrs White Mr lowing children sub Thrss thousand dollars wtr Others were dismissed for Guest Week opinions H M Musser, Mrs John M Orr and cause. scribed yesterday toward tha $60,000 Fugene Stone of Ogden, Airs I d OGPFN, Jan 26 Funeral services Evans E 18 months to pay District Attorney Rniffiles Salt Auntie Mrs made Jephis did ArZedriskia, Harold for Alvin Charles Iake, they worth of pledges that students of tha by W eber Gymnasium me oung Emerson grilled each man closely draft iirk at the bank today Wataon, New Mexico, E D Stone, former grand mastertAMie) of to the of will asked be Quescounsel Utah defense University grand thur Woolley, L , nice ivhat do F Stone, Boise, lodge, F and A M, of Auntie Oh, that Menatte, Wash Z8 OGDEN, Jan balance Utah, will tion put bv Mr Woolley to each maks to the Union building fund. Ths ou d Amingementa and shut the door Idaho, and George Stone, Ashton, be held Friday afternoon at 2 30 indicates that the defense will were completed today by F C tan Colliers tpen Idaho National the driva will ba of Weekly weeks duration o clock in the Masonic temple with Juror In self Buren. managing director of the Weahot Imard be that Cbaliik Ths body Is at the Kirkendall Officers of Weber lodge No 6, F and and If successful will bring ths total tn observe ' guest defense The ahootljig Inlook place on ber gymnasium M A Slaterville waek ' beginning February officiating subscribed Durthe Uhadvvlck farm by ths student body to view Friends may ths at no were body week ths the S 200 000 There ing members may bring an In December Ths alumni and former atu COUPLE OBTAIN LICENSE. home 2325 Msdlson avenue. Thursday early as 12 many the of to to guest institution ars bslng dents ths shooting chooe wltnetwes they the OGDEN. Jan 26 Forest E Maho-me- afternoon and evening and Friday unasked to rais $300 000 In order to The veniremen In the box tonight gvmnaslum and the visitors will be and ArviUa Woodland both of til noon mnet of whom a given a erected $500,000 building being hen court adjourned, complimentary membership Ogden, obtained a marriage Ihense Interment will be In Mountain View both for the week A special assembly opened ths stuappeared to be acceptable to at the countv clerks office todav emetery William dent drive yesterday. Ths Rsv. John idea are Angus Kennedj ARTICLES ARE FILED. Edward Carver of Ogden, chairman lernon Alex Newcomh, A P f'apenn $ OGDEV of ths board of regents, was tbs prin Jan 26 The I,cgal AdFrank Brewer. MAndersI Anderson Chugg iron and urged ths nssd of waa bert Spencer justment eipal speaker corporation ewy Asn IncorporatW L Blanch ( ed todav with th countv clerk with uib a building by pointing out that Oborn a capital of 5O0n with shares valued if a campus recreational esnter was an" opportunity Ixneen.teltv to secure a modem not forthcoming a great many high each The Incorporator are Considerable Interest l being evi- at school students would enroll in coldenced In the trial of the rase The H t Delameter, L. A Corey. I.eRoy material reduction and para at cooking appliance N'elaon William L Mi Intv re and E leges out of ths stats Instead of in available aeatlng capacity tnjhs T Spencer was taxed today their own state university room ticipate in convenient, attractive term, you owe Organizations and individuals obstanding In the atlee GIVEN LIBERTY ON BOND. taining tha most pledges during ths it to yourself to take advantage of this special. week will be awarded prises Ths rx.'DEN. Jan 28 Ben Knolton Dr. Daniel S. waa arrested by the aherlff a office tofraternity and sorority whose memSelections from Clark Jewel (Lorain), Tappan, bers indue ths most students to subon a warrant charging that ha scribe will receive placques Indicatcontributed to the delinquency of a Aged Physician, Called day ing their achievement which will be He waa Round Oakf Peninsular and Kitchen Heater Juvenile wanted In Halt In addiplaced in th new building Ball of 82aO was furnished and I.ak OtPEV Jan JS a Pf Daniel tion be wilt there merchandise oldest one th of defendant Utah prize. given liberty Taplln you can choose from our display a model and The central drive committee conclan. Ip point of service died early sists of tbe following: J. Grant Ivertodav kt the home IH Harrlavllle aize of gas range beat suited to your purpose at son, chairman, Joseph Rosenblatt, road Funeral ervicea will be held Ruth Stewart, Eva Sharp Dairies. oilork tn USE Thuradny afternoon at a price a splendid value. Have it Hancock, Dilworth Woolley, David I Ijrrkln Fifteenth" ward chapel ' the McKay, Nymphue Hicken, Parley Sr Kona undertakers are tn charge Veeley, now Dorothy Covey, delivered Roy Gardner, and when you are ready. connected of errangementa Leland Johnson, Robert l!ndfsop, n waa born in Iraborg It. Ts pi1M4, A Famous Man Paul Kimball, medicine Imogens Wllhelmwn, and practiced ft. I secretary I of the alumni The orjtfinator Jtn Maryland for twelve raare prior of Dr. Piercaa EH Barker,and It May Be a Warning of Weakened Kidneys! Marti Faux. association, to oomtng to Ogden In ISSt If bad Golilea IHecov Medical An for ' tbe r ery ' been active tn the field of medicine as Prawell blodL as Tavorit tb T IFE is deary when one suffers constant backache, feels out of the akin, almost to the time o hi death " for women, waa Lr. Kay Champion Tennis Player Tr Taplln a find wrlfe Mary A aren for , itching acription' Lee and stiff, alwa vs tired and listless. Often this is due V. Iherce, a Tmacticinjf pbvaiciao in Ahbntt Taptm, died here Ip imand of Is ' Summoned Ephraim a E be western Pcnnsrlv ania. ran errema, a year and a half to pay balaoice. In It he married Mrs Mary ils early to inactive Ldneys, and can be remedied by res ton r.g norma I Kevea who mirvtvea him Four atep-- j moved lo IIufYalo, N. Y, and estab- Special to Tbe Tribeae. oreome quickly In the children a brother and a activity. If your kidneys are sluggish, try Doans Pills. hr applying Men lished Thehis Invalids Hotel, then Ia Knjoy the convenience of cooking and of hot Jan 36 Rpencef Moreast are other survivors home retnediea in tha risEPHRAIM. put up son- - of Mr Doans are recommended the world over. Aiyour neighbor! Andenson, tl year-old - Sulphur, dethe water-withothe trouble of building fires. a World where COURT. IN W. D Mrs. Dispensary, Anderwnn. died at yey and FRUtT DEALERS clare a noted skin were I rarefully 'prepared from roots, his home in this rUy yesterday fol28 Jan Come ini ftOPKV. ao Oeorg, Meln- with will.be a pleagaa. Beauee eaay specialist. barki and hertw, auul placed them lowing an illness 4 a monrtt tael a and I. K Douglas, who are of it germ destroyand other nomplioationa were with drujftygts all over tha United how a modern show to feaid to bava purer seed a fruit dissure and water range gaa the eaua!, of his death Uallas ing iproptrt i, thi State. Hero la Srjt Lake City Proof: tributing 14huslra from Chris Mr born In Anderaon Mad ult fulhhur preparation gras aave and 'ortoher 125 s will aerve for heater today yotL Dr a Pierce for the IHecovery, Fshi-uar-v 14, 1606 He was of inatsnty bring ease from skin mi Wm.it, has Mbs ' 0. C, BABZEE, Ml Port rtrert. against Lallan a.lllng damage teen sold in larger qnan-titie- a aEphrafm. eentor at the Ephraim high school j linen and asking a court order re-- i a soothe and heaU tha arxema tation My taik troubled ns wth sharp over all by Unitthe anas dnijrgista of member a and the operatdefendant the No straining high school nghg up and leaves the akin clear ed Statea than any other medteine. football psn grd I wa alvo hohered wih a dull team He received his ing a similar business in Utah dThe and smooth. f I tti a school a .r from . sweater few days that that Golden Medical Diecov-- ' bark felt. weak V!doir cooipiatnt It seldom fail ta relieve tha tor ery Fhercta tn not to enter thl. business again In death and his manifested a a V k i3ns a so wrs weax and dried prior tonm is effect in jta on the Tha Nawhauaa HUt thtf will broadthe etate of Utah, but ha tlolared irent without delay. You raft oh atomarlt and dijfsativ great deal of pleasure over receiving aa Da! i iMls corrected th apparatus; !rgu r 'he agreement, He tencast asm af his fvslt racipaa durvm it also the Row a of champion taui Is, MgnthflMulphur oa in astiona altsrativ jar tha its troub blood, nis fdayer of Ephraim during 1926 from arr goo.l drug-pating tha ragular Friday morning Utah and akin. hvsr It tbs lncreasra Is ASK, SEPARATE MAINTENANCE. man ap' mirrlved hU The young by a trial, of Msntho-Sulpbu- r Oaa A oka Company Hast Hour Ih digsatloD, rtimulatsa and nstits, brothers the O'.PKV, dan 8 Ma'garet Fopple-to- n abow following parents thi. moan Ut you. Ssnd j rtfh the blood, clsara the skia of and sorters Own Anderson of filed suit In the Kecond district Program. Tuna In on KSL at 10 a. m. JPwood Andsrson of crurl today against Fdward U eruption and blenuaheo and make seeking separate .nalrtename yo t Mr. Marie Rogers of both men and women feel at the to 111 Ahs allsgsa that h. haa Idaho; Mrs Ruth Peterwn Rexburg did when they were young and earo-fr- of Salt Take t'Uy. Cannon Anderson Lncilla Anderson f and INJUNCTION 48 80U0HT. Ak vnur nearaat druggist foe Doc- Ehraim.Ruby tor IMerrs familr tnsdlnnea, in Fnnorml services will be held tn the rnlDEY Jan 26 Full to rsa'raln Stimulant Diuretic to the Kidneys Tn M V Malonv from Orv.-- f K tahieta or IoirhI, or send 10 rerta tabernacle tomorrow afternoon at I Osrtl.trr In g1n waa fll.4 In tn for a package of any of Dr o dock 3 dealers. Foster MuSjm Co., Mfg Chemist. Buffalo, N. Y. COq Ssromi dlatrlrt sour tmlar br In E fierce Medieme in tafi 1st" form, to U A Fout Tha complaint ta forth Trthuna Want A4a and fmetor iTercea Clin.e, m Buffalo, aava manTba a dollar 111 lhat on Jannaxv I'r Frufl an what you V V purchasstl Lm Maionsy a ofltra fix- , (Adv.) want at tha asm tlma. OGP2TN, Jan lt will clcs 26 dors SEGO m A 14 and Egg sis 16 East Broadway 62c Milk ? 30c Sugar A Warning . WAS. 9177 COUGH 12Jc 2 lbs. 25c Brisket Veal Shoulder Veal Chops, lb. Loin Veal Chops, lb Porterhouse Steaks, lb Ogden Cash Coal COFFEE AND DRUGS Front Fruit Stand SAVE UTAH prsc-tioall- y String Beans 40c 38c Butter, 20c 25c 19c to those who COAL TZiC"h High-Qrsd- e 33c 3 28c Soap Meat Department Grocery Department Corn at i DEPT. PICKLE FRANKS FRUIT 25 STAND 4 31c , pks... Phone 601 25c gg FISH DEPT. Oysters, pint 45o 6c Safe for Every Cough o. 30c etc (Ut-ov- j First 7". for Hundred Attend Mul-cah- ZNew and ff conditioner two-fifth- V Funeral Friday Planned to . 1 Certified Reconditioned Gas Ranges while they last, 70 to $75 v f T..Snrfc fort? ( Tapin, A'M'l phP SULPHUR TO Help That Aching Back I I s HEAL YOUR SKIN Vt-!j- ; that--make- New and Reconditioned Gas Water breaking Heaters, 55c Down ir Ita ut Pnoe-mon- ta It ag-ee- vr j It Doans Pills en-h- Mo-re- Pop-plet- Kent-mere- r. e Gas 8 Coke Co. -- gt i |