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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, WEDNESDAY 10 William Knight, local organisation PROVO the of president MORNING, JANUARY 27. 1926. HES A SCREAM 67 Stakes Represented ori' Leadership Program DEPARTMENT Flrt West Telephones: Office 107. Res. 1028 36 South TROVO, Jan 26 With a gradual Increase In the attendance of ti e programs fifth annual 'Leadership at the Brigham Young university, stakes of the L D church were reported represented it the big church school today Class rooms in all sections were full snd much Interest was manifest m the subjet under dlscuwrfou, vat! e rious inetluyis of ernphasUlng themes being used As an example husof nnioial in the department He bandry the trial of a S m treated much Interest among tlooe pr sent Harold Knudsen acted as judge snd Delbert Martin Mock, 8, Farmer Cnrntassel was arraigned maintaining and supporting sin h an anitnal A jurv of Ag club studensd Meets Instant Death passed upn the case and rnvhf the ajiimal as well as its nwie- - The room was filled with 'lfiitr of the While Crossing Tracks. class who enjnved the conviction The sire was ordtnd two offenders shot .President Anthonv W Ivins w is j, taker at ths general lsctnl PRO0 Jrfn ,r Mimp the afternoon this ou if Mr at Mrck, 8 year of hg Mrs Julius Slink, MfM P'lfil, Northern Utah County Souh street, the c va Instantly Teachers Meet Saturday hillel todav when r sthmnd V V passenger train No 71 due In Prow pRu O Jan 2 - The teyrhirs of .it 9 05 ockx.k. ran him down at the Nebo Alpine and Provo scho Fourth South and Tmth V t t district will convene in institute in strut's, mangling hln legs and cut- tho Provo high school wludiiorlum or. Saturday, according to hwal mho'i ting deep ga.ehe In Ids luad and officials It is existed thR lxlv Death was instantano is dis than 4nd teachers from th' s lleler Gllem, In front of Mhov home trkts will be ill attendance it u hers te Mn ablltioi to the t tie accident occurred, saw the Lov that Penn Milton f union truck and ran to hls assistance He exjeoied mverslLV f Flab P C the if vlth members of the train crew, and M ii lens J.oftr ofHjamaMui the lifeless bodv into the j il the suit suptnn-tend- i tibia !Vtersn home and Ir Arnold Robison, nt s office will be in atUndim x phvsiuan, was summoned and S Harris, Professor L F Hr also pressed the belief tlutt the ihild had John Xuttall, Professor A N Vr-ril1ed instantly Pete son and Funbt The police department was noti- ft row Hermes n of the Bilgbam Noutig uni fied and officer James Snow and Joseph P. Gourley resmded and as- veirsity There will be two sessions mor sisted In picking fragments of th h lng and afternoon and a luniecho body off of the track Ths child had been sent on an er- meeting at noon, at which supervisors and nnclpals rand and was returning wna executives, H will meet With Xr Jems n .md 1 an talking along the I nion Pacific Bennlon to discuss the I tab survey track with his back toward the ap- The lum heon will be served urubr proaching train. His attention na the direction of the donnstlc lei i directed to & northound freight hd train, ths noise of which, jt is sup- ufpartment oi the high posed, prevented the boy from hearing the (frantic shrills of the whistle John Earner Armistead of the approaching train, driven by to Be Buried Friday Engineer Georg Bosslter Conductor Ed Ball was In charge of the train The body teas taken to the PROVO, Jan 26 Funeral services Berg mortuary for John Famer Armistead who died Besides his parents the child Is at the home of his daughter, Mrs survived by four brothers and a sis- Janies Iknitre, st Fheliboiirue, Nev ter, Funeral services will be held Mondav, will be h Id krldiv afterin 'the Provo Second ward chapel noon at 1 o clock Mr Armistead Is survival bv bU Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock, under the direction of Bishop I, j. widow and five childien, Mrs .lames ( ' Nelson Or Nev Poutre of Sbellbournf Reo B Armistead John FJaire of and Armistead (alif, Opportunity Is Sought Huth Armlsteutd of Salt I.ake sixty-seve- n ntm r i ( v- nil-)- Clifford Van Dyke, who distinguishes himself In a Busy role in Meet the Wife at the Wilkes. Amusements lr I car-tie- d l, -- i MOTION PICTUHFS OUlHUI In "The Mrl In flrnf Khowlnj In a t Paulin Fr"1r k Mhv McAvoy and Mart I'rTft tn Hirr' Worarn " Ilium h hwt nnl Bo Lyon AOlUA in Tin S.w fTmntn1int' , latvet i nws rnf1r artin PMMMIIIM I VlI'HFSV KM L Rnrqua M I a rry LiMiotifeit) Ink? V Htlam In J Aitim willt lcvrir Hal tie Itiii N H k h L tin i.rni'lsl rrmih on hiinlji tw f Coming sr.d Nah 1 nro bo Patli T IXHtT mount Amrrliin Venus' Par With father Kslton Ford c.rnv arKl Far Ian Merlins Iiwrem MUc t i torv Charles mrra pirn r tn dancing content oerr night, Paths shttr Sw Veil IctnHann and (he famou rl a lit hr rnsmn-K)litj- n roaluctiofia featuring Marion Ia Mn Holbrook illinn and Kalph t.rsrea, also World Ness Brents aud Our oang lolamia c.F.M cimijr , A KIN Tti Silent Pal featuring the marvel rtog Thunder comedy, laiest new Ttila anil Path Review DRAMA AND VAUDEVILLE , PANTAiiFA Biff hi!! of vamlerm and La ture picture progratn 8AI.T 1 AkWl mteraity of I (ah Dramatii School for H.andal rj January ib tn and Bh Moroni Oiaon PUver in Tb Friend Han Thunolay night only Ship" . No 8 nah No, Nanette Fdiruary witn lay pine tlava Ofiening February t r comedian (' ltnea aa (he fiat-ireK BS W All week a Meet the lfe. rollicking farce inreoenteil by Ralph tloo Slrtv gallons of beer In crocks were inger and hi pavra omflsated M the jadlce at 2 9 South BAND CONCEBT. Fifth Fast street last night Two nmn giving the names of John Jenson and TARFRNArifB fkvia and hi band matinee and night, February 8 William Wtlsen were arrested on a gd Woodrow Wilson Silent Partner-ColoneHOUSE unlocks his diary! to Provide for Family Fifty Gallons of Beer 2fl PROVO, Jan. the Following in Crocks Confiscated overruling by Judge George P Par- ker of a demurrer to the information against Byron D Jones, charged with deserting his wife and minor an oral application a as made by Jones to be relived under bond as provided in the state statute which gives the court JurlsdU tlon to determine whether or not the applicant may bs given an opportunity to pay a stipulated eum for tho provision of his wife and children Jones was given until Saturday In which to file a written application and ths oourt will then render a do eisloti as to whether or not the application will be granted CLENDENtN IS OPTIMISTIC. 2fl Jan. PROVO, Prosperity smiles on Vtah Is the optimistic to the members of message brought the Provo chamber of conimere h Beverly 8 Clendenin. president of the Sait taJce ChamlAr of Commerce wrho addressed the lotal business n en last evening The meeting was In charge of J charge of violating the prohibition law Thev were released late on bond of 3o0 eat h, furnished bv Sam OFF FOR RUM CHASE SAN PEDRO, Calif 'Jan 2b (Bv elated Press.) The the cutter Bear and three guard eagle federal and boats, carrying thtrtv-slcounty officers, left here tonight for an offensive run against rum ships off the coast of southern ( aJIfomia. The chief objective of the excursion Is a large vessel said to have of liquor valued st l 500 0ol aargo Federal Chief Prohibition Agent Adam said he had received a report that an Island off the coast the site of a large distillery The island , oat x s III w be visited 00000000000000000000 HEALTH o Health the greatest blessing that the o msn, Without health burden. diseases that many, take o has this the thouesnda every aubject understanding o under therapidly health sun, the front ranka right are pleased announce that o Markets Stores snd are front the latest improvements fixtures snd the o weprotect the health patrons, o H0SKISS0N'5 o o Exceptional Bargains for Wednesday o G e m N u t !u7."J,t".vl lb. 23 c o Q FLOUR $1.79 o 3 pkgs. 25c o RAISINS tllS'l,?' o o COCOA o Fins quality o 2 lba. 25c o o Fork and Beans Is comes Into Ilfs of every woman or child. life becomes s Man now conquered used to many world by The world is advancpeople out of in knowledge and ing very in and In is up Ws to tfoekissorvs Clean with all to HqM up In of Its both in foods sell, PROTECT YOUR HEALTH BY TRADING IN POPULAR STORES AND MARKET8 bulk ov 15c o can 10c o JUST weather man haa conquered the pullets, and the f ght anq let us the mercy the o they have these have chickens, snd o FRESH QUALITY MEATS o our Markets. have gralnfed o taste great, almost melts ywr o STEAK ' . lb. 20c The o given uo der We rs FEW HOURS fmaMy even FROM THE COOP young have at Of been forced to slow up. There- some wonderful and it Bsef in stl mouth, - A ' ! STEAK o PORK STEAK T-BO- NE ;Ib. 22c lb. 20c HOSKESSONS o WE o c o Q O ARE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERS "Where Economy Rulee "Just Around the Comer From Cvsrypody." BtfxAve. and L St. 7th South and Stats 4 7th South and 3rd East fth Cast and Sth South ' 3rd North and 2nd West 21 31 South Stots Mh Salt and 3rd South Third Avs and T Street Forest Dale 2i t South and 7th East NEW STORES o o o o o o o o o o O o o o o o o o o 453 SOUTH 13TH EAST 1031 SOUTH STATE Starting today for an engagement threq da.s onlj, ths Paramount Rod Ia Kmprese thfviter shows Rm que in The Coming of Amos from the celebrated novel of the same tit! bv William J Torke one of the most wiiM-renbooks of recent ears The Coming of Amo marks the coming of Rod Rocque to full stardom a (he natural result of his in the Lading roles of rrutnv photoplaxs He is supported by such featured film plavers as JettA (loudal Noah B i rv Trixie Frlganga, Arthur Hovt Richard Carle The storv skips from Australia to France nngLuiri and Stoilv, mmghnr comedv' and melodrama In excellent proportions Ta Rmque js ' first seen as a wenlthv uncouth sheep ram her who has never ventured bevond the boundari's into the polish civlliratlon of the outer world He gre to France t sr his worjdlv sophistb ated uncle m d fillip dtveratetv in love with s liautiful Russian princess portravid bv Miss GmuPii XoAh Beerv s a i nave m ijtan vilhin is introdu. d Into the tab adding charm exette-en t ard ance to the colorful plot in whnli Inters n stol n nevklire, rambling dbts fights and love pl.. an inqottant pirt ibiwi tf- th Par.itr bill is a new Hal K u h oomedv There bes the I ule featuring u mn TJttlofu- - q The Coining of mos will oicupj i ntil hatnrdav the scri-ewhn Rav mond Griffith will make his dehut in tab latest oomedv, Hands I p f d The Intimate Papers of Colonel HOUSE v v To be published daily in The Salt Lake Tribune, beginning Sunday, January 31st These papers give a picture and a story that no editor has known and no statesman has guessed. You will see in them facts about your government that no school book has taught and no history has told. n - runt-Iiupre- You will see the whole drama of American Government. You will see how a candidate for President is elected how his nomination is secured how his election is man 1 n Leading Lady Provides Much Fun at Wilkes Wilson and House were your gov-ernm- ent. When you read this simple aocount of vital happennigs in American History; when you see this picture of the real Woodrow Wilson; when you read this accurate reporting of how a republic functions in great crises you will know the answer to questions which have been for yean the subject of argument, conjecture and Beginning Next Sunday times ( llfford Van Pke the Mstrl ort if fellow, alvi dtetingaHhes himself providing Atd niioun c n rdy Nan.ifled niaripvdvma Vicwith h tor GUHrd the uond hue) sod and Kalph (bmlnger, h thelrs? nXm Are providing ifnente fuo Id hers of (he pmnpnnlr add to rhe merriment aa flie play moves Along eek Mr Cjonlnger ha Next s to preseivt the notnhle Flower' aHrwer- The ful western playof the Nevada gold r mining ia;ppA ed auc-ea- The Salt Lake Tribune has secured the exclusive publication rights of Colonel Houses Memoirs for Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Western that Knighthood Wan In Flower rnadn her hi, .fc Into Ml of iar of ihe front rnlt' In eo!nda' h rev.wU rh dy reMuro.fol-n.rhwrm of reroonumw tn roehnldu. mastery of pantomime that even rurpw her' work UJd and New "I.lUle york in rvl. ptr-tu- u Kn!,htluxi th JiRNVFR, Jap'' 26 (Bybalmv t the special Fre antiWithwithout Mr Thursday a prevailing vrthsr Rjrkham band blared two seasons at and SAttoon grid ie now Rlarhif at the Co- imomflake falling 20 aufonvbfl Hi wy.w. hld tonight 'rent trunk An open lumbia thegler In Iyovo deep which drift tiro to three night rnJe j possible for the of Mtdva.e a dance had to secure this Organ iration This daneg will be held In place of OLD TIME COLD the regular wehry dance to Play at Midvale Don Klrkham and hbr novefty e 111 ptf a s Midvale y Motorists Stalled in . Colorado Snowdrifts hand rK. dap'-- ft nt TEA! CURE-DEI- NK Marion Davies Best - Role Is in Yolanda iiui.rrr m ' parka, of Hamburg phafniarr. J'aho Braat Tea at anr a tblepdoBful of ttu HajnooTg tea, boiling water tijfon it, put a tour through a sere aal drink a anr time. It it t'.i iearujful war to break a cold most effect ad cure grip, ae it ofene the pore, AUu 3cKvecat relies mg , congestion, the boweiff, thus treating 4 eoM at Get nnwll The first Marion Isvla rlcture to K released slnc ' l.lttle Old New York in which she a hlvd on of the Merest atKrease in the hetvry ts of motion picture veraon of Charles V'tRr'i rorrsn of the dsuchter of Chnrlea the Rvld Rrince Thla photo-piRi'anila of Hurfundv hea been bo kd f r a two dav bowitiff at the theater and will once. have it initial iu reentnff tdsv It , It i inexrM,,r End entlrclr maa in another 1ture mad from a C hari therefore hamleet. When i.ovtl y Major, (Air) y tm Wyoming and Western Colorado. - o o o Q men ges y o o o o o You will see how a Presidents aged. Cabinet is chosen; how Ambassadors are made ; how important legislation is conceived and enacted and over all this you see the shadow of an approaching war a war which House foresaw and warned Wilson was coming. You see House go to He Europe in an effort to avert war. talks to King George, to Lloyd .George, to the Kaiser in Wilson's name, for these Appears daily in As the wife who finds herself with two hudamU on her hands Miss Marv Newton charming lesMng isdv of the Ralph Cloringer ompan ha a role this week that evoke gales of laughter at the Ailkes Thi w.f purports to be a highbrow hjt she c- ntinuaPv herself wav from Hen- misquotes 1 lev s poem thnlv am th raptain of nv fate, I am the master cf in art and remarks that she lovfs Browning She rrvs te dirly dyrea Kgv nt the blrthp!ae of her fav-rfiAida t she dnHala opera her houseboid sml ha even her d to be dead husband uneasy at Don Kirkhams Band 0000 000000 00 OOOOOOOOG f. day-to-da- o The in . o 0 o o G A 2 y From these notes, and from vitally interesting private documents and correspondence have been assembled The Coming of Amos Is On for Three Days Lyte l irije-tahle- barred the t highway A hev? wipd had for eight mile swept the foothill and piled up the amor in revtne along the nwit were able to pees the Motorist drifts as they began to form todav, but by ntffM the road ai blocked fnterurbaa busses were indvided In the cars held fast in the drift reEletratof4 at local Ftft-fctrmke were sent by the Included In the were: hotels yesterday (Vhsradu Mdur Hub to aid the Farmers living atamg the Cullen Arthur H Le of Taylors-vlllroed are aitling In the iurk L. F. MlUer, Clement Miller Several drHera are suffering end Ruion Miobeleen, all of Marttl, X verelv from expoefjre Mr and Mrs. H B Crouch of Morgan, Newell Pond and Horae Pond,' both of Logan, Mr. and Mrs J Imnohtt of Off den, S & Baker apd L C 8tronc both of poqatello, Idaho, Frank Ro(rt, H L. 1arker and Mrs S IL Hudson, all of Delta. Mr. and Mr F. W Seaumtm of Cedar City, Mrs F Hughes of Milford, Andrew oa eonttnue wiU Murdock So of Heber Citr. C. B, Olsen fi)ill if Monroe. Lon C. Fullmer Prite; to tuffer from tho intenw, Theodor Toung of Richfield throbt)io(T bomoo pia wo-of Jesee Bolee, Kenyon Coogan th new, powerful, yet Idaho, James Llllywhlte of Ixtffan, harmloe. Mtiejtir K m e rs !i Oil en Georf t'owUahaw of Standardville, i Mr and Wrx 1 1it rew.fi r (i olrtm4 at H Norton of McGill, Nev , William L- Mornaa of Goshen, drag tor. -- W L. inTan of'ML Pleasant! Otto P tb few wr drop 'Apply bow Sraub of Chari e ton; W. R. Coleman flamed wollea joint and a of Provo th pam diaawwrw A few New Grand T Thl of Klk, Wyo ; pdilyappliratwn and th rwnllcn Mr John Phad and Virginia mor Bchad, U normal. both of Hsiler, Idaho Mr and Mr joint l re yo So marveloul powerful if Emer- fiim Woodard of Kemmerer, aerm t Mr snd Mr A Cole of Binjrham. Mr ald Oil that aoft rorn A Hayward of Sunnv-dMr 8 and and 'off. r.fiht ihrivl drop tip of OHd Strike, A M All dnij-girguarantee it and ar H P Allen Sprae Mm D R of I arson foot to it many rufferm. Arthur 'Uoodland and o Wood'and, liapning N Fhue, all of t'fden, R. C. Forreet (Adt rtieinit ) Denver-Bould- hotels C. 8. Cohen of of Plorhe, Nev.; Mr Pocatello. Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. J. 0 of Pocatallo, Idaho, Frederic Klrffce Of Buhl, Mahd Moxum C. I. Lomox of Fraser, Colo.; W T. Scheid of Glendale, Cal ; heftier Let ham of Ploch, Nev ; Howard W. Sherlock of Bolee, Idaho n Uta W. Hart of Rigbvf Idaho; Mr and Mr Homer C. Fullmer of Sugar City, Idaho, D, B. GemsiiU Parker of Ogden; F. N. Fletcher of Nev. Reno, Maks a list of things that have accumulated In ths attic and run H In Ths Tribuns TVant Columns and you will sell them In no tliha e, Instant Relief From Soft Corns Bunions AUTOMOBILE Purchase Comparisons p-r- j. S wll-toek- - 11 lm-e- Compare first, payment and monl payments for Dodge Brothers cars no cheap car is as easy to buy in tigate! Richardson-Bower- , Inc. , e, tf 178 Motor Ave. Wasatch 339- 4810 South StaU. Murray 330. |