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Show " CURRENT EVENTS AT BINGHAM HIGH by Darlene Cilbert CLASS ELECTION RESULTS ANNOUNCED Class elections were held this week, with the Seniors and Sophomores Sopho-mores holding elections in their English classes and Juniors in their American History classes. Each class elected a boy and girl to be on the nominating committee. Monday, Sept. 18, the committee met to decide upon candidates for president, vice president, and secretary. sec-retary. Four candidates for each office were selected. Tuesday classes met separately to limit the candidates for each office down to two. These were: Seniors president, Bill Sylvester and Seldon Daniels; vice president, Pat Nokes and Shcryln Harmon; secretary, Cheryl Cochran and Jo-Ann Jo-Ann Garamendi. Juniors president, presi-dent, Clyde Gillam and David Ti-bolla; Ti-bolla; vice president, Sharon Schmidt Sch-midt and Anthony Stilinovich; secretary, sec-retary, Sharon Holt and Stanly Rae Sullenger. Sophomores president, Ray Jensen and Grant Milner; vice president, Carol Elliott and Brent Smith; secretary, Judy Crane and Leslie Peterson. Winners were announced yesterday yester-day as follows: Seniors president, presi-dent, Bill Sylvester; vice president, Pat Nokes; secretary, JoAnn Garamendi. Gara-mendi. Juniors president, Clyde Gillam; Gil-lam; vice president, Anthony Stilinovich; Stilin-ovich; secretary, Stanley Rae Sullenger. Sul-lenger. Sophomores president, Ray Jensen; vice president, Brent Smith, and secretary, Leslie Peterson. FAIR DAY Fair Day, an annual event for students in Jordan School District, was Tuesday, Sept. 19. School was dismissed at 11:30 to give everyone the opportunity to attend the Utah State Fair. FOOTBALL Bingham High's football team was defeated by the Provo Bulldogs last Friday. Provo was the setting, on a very warm September night when the Miners were topped 7-0. This year the varsity team consists con-sists of Taylor Chipman, Mike Sor-ich, Sor-ich, Mike Kampros, Bill Sylvester, Fred Allan, Ken Halterman, Robert Delgado, Dick Peterson, Tom Rabb, Andy Johnson, Edd Trapp, Jerry Blight, Pat Dehlin, Dennis Tesch, John Bolaris, Matthew Chipman, Russell Ray, Phil Kastelic, Dennis Carrigan, Jim Walker, Tom Pazell, Roger Johnson, Dale Phelps, Gary Curtis, Lynn Margetts, Wally Booth, Dave McClelland, Dennis Tibolla, Clyde Gillam, Byron Coombs, Lawrence Martinez, Doug Bateman, Anthony Stilinovich, Dave Delgado, Larry Beckstead, Bob Hennings, Barry Osoro, Barry Cal-listo, Cal-listo, Dennis Atkinson, Gust Janis, and John Nichols. Sophomore team members are: Val Smith (manager), Joe Kloto-vich, Kloto-vich, Joe Delgado, Robert Cole, Dennis Roberts, Charlie Brown, Jay Jorgensen, Rand Brinkerhoff, Larry Johnson, Randy Schouten, Brent Smith, Lloyd Price, Jeffery Crane, Grant Milner, Mike Mitchell, Kent Fine, David Johnson, Gary Kubota, Harold Dimond, Jack Conkle, Bill Lundquist, Arnold Kleyweg, Todd Watkins, Glen Densley, Bob Cochran, Coch-ran, Abe Quintana, Richard Ben-sen, Ben-sen, Roy Larson, Richard Schmidt, Brent Scroggin, Terry Sandstrom, George Malkos, Bryce Asay, Steven Booth, Richard Wagstaff, Paul Martinez, Mar-tinez, Floyd Madsen, Tim Holt, Mike Mitchell, Frank Ruth, and Robert Key. PRACTICE GAME AT BINGHAM TODAY 3:00 P.M. Bingham's first home practice game is today, Friday, with East High. Game time is 3:00 p.m. A pep assembly will be held between lunch periods, to improve school spirit for the football game. SENIORS TAKE TESTS All Seniors were given California Achievement tests this week. The purpose of this is to determine how much knowledge they have acquired acquir-ed in their years of high school. SENIOR RINGS GIVEN OUT Senior rings were delivered Thursday. The committee, consisting consist-ing of Tom Rabb, Afton Silcox, Darlene Gilbert, Maureen Kloto-vich, Kloto-vich, Bill Sylvester, Pat Jones, and Sally Gillam helped distribute them under the supervision of E. Odell Peterson, class advisor. |