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Show ) wc- Native of England 57 Years ol Age Dies at Hospital Intelligent Selection of Settlers Is Needed for Real Reclamation John Prime, tnlav at a By HARRY J, BROWN. Part of the people Co estUo on the WASHINGTON, May 24. Soma oC arAimea land under the government s, projects. There wax no dearth of Bra jraat viia ot (edml raolamatiuo yet it is quite clear in looking nay t4 Avoided in Uia futun. In the nock over the history of the move-me- n tv. that in the opinion of ira reoUuaaUon faM-find-beginning the govofficiate were in doubt as .connotation If proaujtkxu nr ernment to how successful the Mkaa to rovent further Bpaoubuloft wax to be, and in their experiment anxiety used ta projaat lands, and if an intalli-p- nt every effort to place people on the aelaction of wttlan la mala. land, towithout giving due considera-bo- n the results that Many of tira .ottler, now da dlatrros would follow sett! omen t unavoidably by on unae-lecte- d u ttaoM who bought their farms at group of settlors. The intent amoaaUTW fir tom; Ura anginal owners to build land might on homes the total out at a profit, and moved away, have been used os the text, without toavinc their auuoeaaura stagirerinx uu-l- er setting up any to expert-eo- ce as question burden. odea heavier Uuui their on the form, or previous occulands can hear. or other which pation any But as treat an era as speculation would have segregated question one clans from Is shown to be the lad ore of the another, under our American govgovernment to exercise any neiectlon ernment. emont eettlan seeking projeut lands. Not oirfy ta it eesenUsl to auooeaa uua farmers must have the training, the iutedigenoe and the iStaUUty and inclination to mane a suosesa of irrigated fanning, but, what is equally important, they must have abundant eapital. especially when they go upon new lamia Theee pnuhtoma are uis euaeed at some length in the report of the their aoauksaotM being elated, in part, as follows One of the main purpotne of the raraunation aut was to provide easy for homestead making opportunities d lor The muting pctgde. 01 a homestead, a pence ahie to eup-f- r ort a family and deferable for fkiru.y life, rnuut remain Uie central thought of every activity connected with the federal reclamation venture. NO MEANS OF SELECTION. is most regrettable that so means were provided by tasta enaot meat, or by bureau regulation, to permit a retention of Che project settlers, at least upon the basis of bona fide intention with reap not to the making of a homestead, it was out to be expected that every person who settled under the projects could remain to carry out the homestead idea. The exigencies of life are too many and human nature too variable, but the larger the proportion al motatte with a read intention, the larger, natu ratty, would be, after a few years, the number of original, on each project. Numerous land transfers have occurred since the project lands were settled. Unfortunately, no accumulated record of these tronafws has seen made. However, 4 Iran era may be grouped into a few simple y "Neiuoer did Che law provide any authority to control the assignments flings on lands and contracts for water rights. However, that certainly might have Ixyn done by service regulation, and tf that had been dot- It would have enabled the flVdaia of the reclamation berviog to avoid many of the tkifficfcftiea that later beset the work. At tenet, demand should have been made for the payment of gxurt in due before another person were allowed to- take possession. SELECTION NECESSARY. the work ia. to proceed auooese-full- y lf some seutiete power of muk he authorised. selecting 17ms might be done as has teen suggested, on tne beats of intention to Loud home upon the fend. Provision should he made also to prevent title front pasranft to nonresident land owners, esoep, under special permit. There should be eume good reason why m settler on a toomeste&d, receiving the benefits of government help, should leave thwt homestead in Um Hands of a tenant while he goes off somewhere elsot to receive the fruits of the lathers ot the tenant, or to seek other If the conditions seem employment. reasonable be should be permitted to be a nonresident owner, tout only under such regulations as may be ret up by the bjreau. It would seem, also, the simple part of wisdom to secure such authorisation as would require permienion before any transfer or aasignment of kind or wwtei (under the Projects is made, epedml-lwhile duea remain unpaid, and perhats in any case. Such authority given to those In charge wpuld materially reduce the difficulties that will surround surih future projects as may toe authorized,' COST PER UNIT. A study made by the showed that the cost of Improving and form on the equipmg an eighty-acr- e Newiands project was 000, and this included the initial payonly figure ment of 3200 on Jhe water right. The of California University gathered cost data on the expense of developing irof twenty to forty acres rigated farms each, and these studies showed a cost 144 an acre, not counting the cost of beetled In alfalfa of planting a crop, the cost was 3170, and in orchard 32VI In Australia the develooJ per acre. ment expense varied from 37000 to 310,000 per farm, and the voice the opinion that in this country it will not be less than $4000 for a farm, and often forty to eighty-acr- e will be twice that sum. From thie-dat- a they conclude that the settler either must have considerable capital at Uie time he takes up an irrigated farm, or must have credit e necessary to borrow on at a lower rate of interest than 2htahnk nn ive. Other countries give such credits to irrigation farmin ers, but not the United Aral ax. Australia a farmer must have capital of his own of from $150, to 41000, and the atate then lends him double the amount of his capital, other countries extend credit on varying plans, and these toons run from twenty to seventy years, at 2 interest varying from 3 2 to 6 per cent. Accepting settlers without capital or experience cr Information about a hat it will cost to make a farm out of. raw land. says the report, "has brought privation and stterneos and loss of time and money to a large of s, JrjL rurni-mmdo- i 'it Itihie-maki- set-tie- -- tor-s- A Indfcatlora alt five officers present are much rought aftt--r and a lively election Is expected. Large txgns extolling 'the merits of each candidate have been placed in the hails and on the blackboards throughout the entire school. The students regular weekly ' assembly will be given over to campaign speeches The election will be under the student council supervision, the votew beckmses ing cast in the first period counted of the students and twlng of members student the body by The snooessful candidates council will take office the beginning of the school year next fail. West High Gas Welders Placed on Accredited List been Th Went high srshnnj ha placed upon the aocreclUed licrt nf gna weitlinj? school of the Ur Product association of Uhcaifo. It warn teemed a recogniThis not km ejsterdav. tion of the daee df equipment at the school and Ib in the form of a certificate of approval from the On Products as3ochtion indicating than the school la equipped to give fundamental trp inln in a welding The Oas products association, whkh made the award, is a trade association of oxygen, acetylene and welding It be an apparatus manufacturers; educational committee of men prominent in the world of wielding and this committee eooper&te with schools throughout the country where courses are in welding given. West hmh ha conducted a school in gas welding for some him and the placing of the institution among the accredited scimons ctf the country is taken as an indication of tne proficiency of the department 1 y CLAESES OF TRANSFERS. V fact-finde- 'First, those due to auah conditions ta may enter into every life, id health, demo, etc, ' beuond, those BStt come about bemuse of the rgBtiewinqaa of the settler. There is a large class of peoat vibration, ple, even in our later-da- y who am born pioneers and who seldom remain - long in any one place. They tne- pkiw in virgin soli, char the put land, grow a few crops, make the land a little more easily handled by the tuoceedlng farmer, and then start out In search of a atitdctr opening somewhere else. These restless pioneers, born to the life, have been a greet service In the building of tta wwM and the conquest of the desert. They ere not rovers, they are simply discoverers, limited in this day to the conquest, socceastvety, ot a few sores f land, separated by a taw hundred miles at the most. This type .of reader, however, has been the cause of h number of land trankiws. Third, those yfco, without Intending to move, find an unusually good opportunity to sdl nut at a good profit,, buun and yield to the tengitauon. farmers usually go to the city alter the new deal has been consummated, but only for a short time, lor the) generally return to farm life and use what is left of their money for the building of anothei farm homestead, euoh farm transfers, while they may be injurious to a project, ore not occasioned by men who did not seats, upon the kind in good homestead 1 forth. those who, while farmers loerth, In rood faith, fur some' reason or have become weary of form and without actually transferring title to the landsTTnoved into the and city depend upon tenants to make acsne money out of the farm fur them fifth, those who made use of the opportunity offered by the government to eeotira land and water on the moat easy of terma, and who had no intention to make homesteads on the huxfcs but to bold them to such increment time aa the unearned would enable them to seQ out at a seldom ore men large prof. Much farmers at alL Whether they have or are much little using they some of It to capital payments to the government on these lands, and are always seeking fur an opportunity to sell the lands at a good profit to themselves. These are the specula. t tors. fact-finde- long-tim- -- er nurtiber ot hard-workin- g, but overaan-g-uin- e people to whom the conditions of the west were new and strange, and it is one of the reasons why money due the government has not been repaid. Accepting a settler without money, knowing that the obstacles confronting him are Insurmountable, Is indefensible from a humane standpoint and foolish from a con-diuo- Native Asphalt Roads Found to Be teasible Ijftying df native asphalt roads at a cot comparable with that of gravel surfaond highways may be posxiWe through the experiments beta? made near VernuJ by the state road ciiinrne-siot- t, according to H. C. Means, chief engineer. Mr. 'Means and Levi Muir, materials engineer, returned yesrterdav supervising the testa being made ater with the product. Efforts are being made to prepare the asphnlt without the of hoc 7710 amount of aephaJit in the plant. natural product varies from 10 to 20 per cent. It is taken from a mountain near VemaA. even tenths of a in constructing mile of road near Vernal with the asphalt, it i proposed to mix it with crushed nx k and then to seal the mixture with a coat of the asphalt. CONFERENCE 19 CALLED. BimHAM Cl YE, May H The quarterly conference of the Boxelder Stake wilt he held at the tateri)ace in this city next Saturday ana Sunday. Morning and afternoon sessions win be held each day, with a mutual conjoint session Sunday evening. Some of the general authorities of the eh ure h will be present and address the meetings. I WEATHER DATA weather data at Balt lake ComperttWe City. Bay 36, 1U24 64 Temperature Hif best today wat 1874 was highest to ibis amoth since 03 degrees, lowest U&t Might wss 51 degrees, lowest tins aeath ware 1674 was 2A degrees; mean temperature for today was acbS degrees, normal was 00 degrees, cumulated excess since the first of the 104 excess accvmalaud is month degrees, , since Jannary 1 is 48 degrees. Humidity Dry bulb temperature St 6 a 62 degrees, wet bath temperature at 6 n., a. B 50 degrees, relative humidity at 4 a. a., 60 per cent, dry halt temperature t aeon, aut time. 60 degree; wet bath tem(A degree; pera Unre at aooe son time, relative humidity at noon, sue time, 63 per cent; dry bulb temperature at f p m., 46 deg rave; wet bulb temperature at 6 pi au, 50 degrees t relative humidity at $ p. m., 69 per cent Precipitation Total for the twenty-foo- r bottr ending at 6 p. m. was 223 of aa Inch, total for this mooth to date is 34 of aa tneht accamsisted deficiency for this month to date hi I 46 laches, total precipitation slats January 1 to date la 4 63 lacbeo, aecotnelated deficiency mace January l la 4.1 2 laches, Boa dees it 6 and set at ? 50. Hay 27, It is time that ad business one. friends of the reclamation policy have of what confronts a clear conception the aettler- - who pibneers on one of the government retlamation projects." All the things that must be done to bring a newly irrigated farm Into condition where it wUl produce crops are enumerated. In detail, and the report suggests that the government level the land and make it ready for water as being os essential os build- 1924- FARMERS BUY. the canals and reservoirs. level- WEATHER CBSFRVATIOVS TAKEN AT Those who hoy from either one ing land and laying off ditches is the g p, M , MOUNTAIN TIM of the above clnamia ore, mostly, bona ing work engineers, rather than farmfide farmers who intend to try to ers. ofIndia recand Australia have tf nodes a hving Cram the form. The the wisdom of extending this percentage of those who buy with a ognised established aid to other and newly 15 is of view selling again at a profit ig- farmers on thedr projects. V Btnflm relatively small and min almost he folLAND. PRIVATE 1 nored In this discuaslon. The Included In the report Is a tabular lowing tdblo dhows a fairly anooraie of tho amount at ptlbilo and list of bind transfekw since Che be- showing land S under water right conprivate on ginning of the operations of the recattracts government projects last lamation service, hut without any 121 ,00'tlear This table shows 4A4,3M seres Boiso a, tempt to segregate the first tfans June. .OOinidv of Chicago of public land and 404,(64 seres fer from the second er third. .. .160idy The evil result of land transfers private land now receive water from Ievr Jo&d. .22tPldf tint, does not This one of ha very serious government canola rennina os .90 Cldv Helena .. rwotama-tto- n take into account L234.144 seres of the confronting problems .SdiOMy endeaviro of the country. The private land covered by Warren bet Imnder 661 BW . 64 .00 Clear L Angola do not vfodena The 62i 64 SWf .transfers or assignments were almost contracts ,0ft Rsla . , S 6 im .WTJeer always mode at edvonoed prices; that criticise the inclusion of private lands Needles . ' SWJ 20t fo)lt cldy . is, the farmer sold whatever equity in government projects because ag- New York 6i 7G, 73! 8W ricultural results have justified this Oklahoma. he had In the farm unit and Che ;l.lneri over " wt above at and a ,4 rWy Omaha .n contract fact that the price action But the ter Wr .OO Pt eldy 64 861 will more and more be called phoenix the money he had actually paid out 0 661 BW Clear .00 there! is ora, land under owned the Pocatello., to The purchaser, privately Irrigate upon NWi. .001 6ft T0 Co CMy the government makes necessary legislation that will Portland necessity of paying Installments 6Br 64 Salt TOldy Uki recannual same that The th present check speculation. 66 66 Pram, the seller did, and In addition must lamation law requires that land own-er- e Baa 70 T CMy 74 Santa fte . . pay the oblgntioa of the premium in federal projects shell sell off all Spokaao .. ml b Bwl... .00 Clear paid to the former owner. After in excess of a farm snlt, but that law Trmopah TO SWT 24 .OOiCtesr 6B e several transfers have occurred, each is hot being enforced. This was 661 .ObkNdy 72 Wlnnemnc. an advanced price above the one bv testimony ef witnesses at Taltowetae j 62 M KWt lOf .W.Cleaf - cost at to the previous owner, the uUi theneed who, when Fait lake hearing, City mate purchaser may carry as that they relief, admitted to the respective seeking Cion, indirectly, SPIERIFF'8 SALE. to ISOO" acres, rod owned from pumhassre jrhloh overshadows in were, trying ta cultivate more land msmsutto the obligations to ths gov- than thev ore lestsrltr permitted- "to "Tn the dietrict court. In and for the ernment When the pressure of tins hold. This provision of law, ssy the rojnty ot fcxlt lake. iate of Utah IJUs. piamtlff, aaine hesvy dbllkaUon weighs upon him. he either be repealed, Mrs. viniam T. and Retcnhild Ofrrron to or if intendedshould is tii.lr to bswne to be enforced, should A. 8. Ofifteen and reclamation wife, the government plan, Harry A. ftirons and troth put In It so it can be rig- hie A. Pwartx, hi, wife, dewhen, ss a matter of fact, the .proj-e- have Mr. Harry ' conetroction and the operation idly enforced. fendant., to be sold at oheriff a aafe at and maintenance charges ore small the west (rant door of the county Students courthouse In the city and ooumy of romper ed with the other dill&tion West Balt Lake,1 ntate of Utah, oa iba Slat that he has to cneeL Such a pyraof May, 144, at 12 octaek noon of Announce Candidates day miding of roots is vamt turfnrtnmvtn, naid day, al tha rlrht, title, daira and for It M warty always disastrous ot and of said defendanta 4. S. to the peace the credit 'to Xomtnatknui wm maita toe oto-r- intoreatand Slind ot the tanmr. Kiyrnhlld Ofereen, hi wife. offflrorB lor tha rorotro In bodr to - the following described ORIGINAL ACT. WEAK. at tits Wrot real and xtartine In te wtt: Hols 4 and ( and aetata One ot the wealcnesees In t5i htrti arhool In a apecial ooracnMr north one haif of lot 4 in block Ifermen. the afternoon. Ten orkrinsl redamatloa act was that it 4 First Borungtnn addition to GlenICIIrtt. selective control aver the rhartfi provided ne eetUfV-s. perk in Balt Lake county a(te As has already lAint arwl Howard Blampird dale prospective Utah, according to record plat Ihe selected law eenior and of while hr the tron been remarked, jifiv, ai,o not Purchase price payaMla la thereof, e B the tor iitnlor eeedtdnte epecifkwJTy provide such did Lawful money of the United tales. power, yet the very spirit of office of prenident Tho. nam-- d for Plated at fWt Lak- City, Utatv th:a tive act, wikoh centers upon the vice jn'Midont ere of iUy, Mien rod PYencee Oitborne Sth homestead-mski- n - day BENJAMIN proba&ilv Idea. Coipon R. HARRIET, ortcandidate e in the tdek O'Pourtte would have justified the service of Balt Uak county, State Sheriff William Blacker and estate? up requirements Muwt would for eecretarv. Utah i of tTWMntrer vi wilt of for Jiave prevented a larva proportion peter ll art he,Vie y. M. Mathewa. deputy shertTf. For the vem 'By hrrrv who had no intention to build of the atndent body. Jk dnwena for Bunxm, aUarneya ronnctl firo roeated try tiie etnd d biomee upon the land from srCtwlng am land and mttr right presided by that of h'etnrtnn, Heoter Wort ana plaintiff. at flrat liaia pobBcatioiv Bay 4 Howard Bhunnied are ronnlno. mdnL ll if li V l Ox fact-finde- rs ri nt I - evi-d- -- s. rt High ot Wtl-M- m W-e- l-r ela-e- Helen--Hoef- t JL ym native ot Sa t&rmtagfaua, srakod, he came to tht aoentry Afcxrdt Uurqr years aso, and for the past fifteen years had a resident of ben Sait (sake City and Us inf 2333 at South State street Ha eras a member of the Blind assoand his ciation, wife, one son, John fcMward Prime, four daughters, Mrs & Hay Puttnck Mrs. laU Ida Lavendar, la Miss Olive Prime and Mrs, Daisy Ivy GoaJen, all of this Also by eleven rmnJch1 kire. .city. and one brother, who live in Birmingham, England Funeral announcement wUl he made later. Speculators Pile Burdens Upon Later Project Occupants; Other Nations Have Same Prerequisite Regulations. , gd hospital 57 years, died -rr u ' DEATHS AND FUNERALS AUCTION SALES 'TtxYuiTTMjGC LANia.1, li W. A ilamt. Auctioneer. wR Wednesday, at 10 30 dl. rooms o t extra flee furniture for Hr. u teams a at hie tema, 102S Gouth 6th Bust et. This la Atrietty medera, up stuff, la use only a abort nine, uolden oak glu mse, - could he egbi for new; 3 pmre ovoroteJfsd parlor wt. and tapestry; Said Bigelow rag. mahogany h bmey table. A amU ruxt. 6 poeaera, extra fine golden oak dining mom set, besnttftjT buffet, extra large, chairs, fall box leather t table, BiU Arm last er rag, sears. good beater, bedroom set la reoi mabegaay, dresser, dressing table, chlffoater, chairs tad bed. Ifeia m S very f as bedroom act. 6sJ0 Wilton rug, ilmuKma bed, spring mad maitreas; fine coal rangSv va a eonitary kitchen bass, white enamel frost, drop-letable, 6 kitebea chain, refrigerator. Site lot dlube. of a 100 fiao kvr, Ib. capacity, ateestla. wonderful lei of cut glass, rook-lac. This la a woaderful lot of chtaa and Tho dtebes ate extra alee; also some linen, three suitcases, one leoiber bag for and many other Items. Tbs boose 10 W a. rent, lie there W'ednesdty W H Adam. Auctioneer ACCT10N 6A1.R. , at 257 R. tosd Be., Thursday, Hay at lo 30 a. m- -. I will sen 6 raetaa of good furniture for Mr J K. Christenson without reserve, euoslsung of dialog table, 6 ebaim, kitchen cabinet. 8 ruga, 15 yard of lot new linoleum. 2 drtssera, 2 cblffanlerB, of chur. rockers, beater, raa and coal ranges, kitchen cabinet, tables, iron beds, asn mattresse. coach, eartama, springs, and 1O0 other dishen, pans, bidder. IMoge. They will ge to the lon t forget May 29tk it 16 50 a. m. lours L. W. Kelly, audloceer. for a square ACCT10N 6AI48. Toeaday, Hay 27th, at 10 50, at 116 Re geet et., I will sell 8 lota of very nice furniture to tjie high bidder without reserve, consisting of d reave ru, T H beds, npringa, chiffonier, com. fas and coal rsago, 1 lot of A 1 beauty parlor fixtures, 8 vary fine el. washer, 8 good desks, brass mirrors, bed, 1 btaotiful mab 'phonograph, ward-robeplates, rugs and many other good home. things that go to make up It will pay you to come and ere thin lot. Yours for a square deal, L- W. Kelly, auctioneer L4.SH.THAN ALCl ION lail.lis. 3 piece bedroom set, $2.i, seer V. M. bed 810 T5, 45 Ib. felt mattress, all new nateri!, 80 05, 14x10 At carpet. fl9 50, brase beds, $0 60 and Up, piano lamps fJIJWi and up leather cmxh $17 60; lorklsh rocker, 312, lb. Alankg potreUin Used refrigerator, 3J7 60, large Vml top drat, W2 5). hhUABLK kUKMTLiiK CO. Was. 428P 120 122 6 bronuway 8PKHIAI. rihh 1AT OP tHPtl AT LQWRBT AUCTION PI UMTTHB M TUALK8 L8IUUCK 8 TBM PHltlQ P0RAKY AUCTION ROOMS, AT 2014 BO. I UKDRRBBI L 111H EAST. SH COMB AND RR C0NYIM MD M. 1UALU3 aecUoamer. eeits DHRUlCk, veal evtmto, llTmtock, furniture,dry good, in fact, everything, will go say where. Bee 640 Bast 21st fa. Hy. 4T2. OlARAMhED- k LKM A AUCTION CO Bells furniture, real estate, farms and stack; On aaywbere. Oet everything by auction Was. 7476. results 26 fa West Temple AUCTION, Cot S. C. Jeakins, I L.s Reliable Aert Get aiy goaraattv office, 84B Btahe ak Was HW 1CB BOXER dll sines, linoleum. 624 per furniture. yard, all other beaseboid West Temple. , 217 fa Chicago Purw R A.TLl kNirniturs. Bare time tad tree-bl- e (all Balt Iwke Furniture. Was. 2MS7 L W KELLY, Auctioneer Tbs msa was gets you the meaty. 116 Liu Regent Was 10446 or Hr 5483 W HM II A DAM 8, Auctioneer 844 UM sk Ms ash or s 5863 k it bh gs Mint n CLEANING AND DYEING Minus (iSXWlSrDfKfikrTuh.kt . fbua. Waa 0 lAAMuU- - 4AvutoO of 0'IHmnell A Co, Til funeral services over tue body of Alice Bristol, aged 64 years, wife of Sterling L Bristol, vriU be held Wednesday m., at the Nineteenth ward hapel it i h are Frteads Invited, sod can view the butty at the reoidence of Mr 6. P Hancock, 671 Confer street, on day of fuaersi from 10 30 a m. to Li 30 p tn lutermetil la uaddr direction of Joseph tlty Wu cemetery Ham I'aylor, ntortUisa Pi NKUAL service AHu for Hr. bmith Bristol, y wife of Uteri in g L. Bristol of Yal Verda, lavia eonrny. will be held at 1 e clock tomorrow af tcrueon at ths Nine teenuh ward chape U iaiermeet will be la City cemetery. CARD OF THANKS DIRECTORS vyroyx WtAA)WWVrfvWWAA)WA"rowvwv,vv' JIHiNkLL A (O, undrriakera and rta baituer. 226 227 8oulh West Temple ek Phone Wav. 6461 IVAVB DIltBtT fcABLk. PUMuhAL TUB 8 Uevtu&ry chapel, is h Btate ek Was. 65l t nderaking hDUlNUTON , Bugsraouoe, 1048 4TB. 21st Bo t'all lly m 4018 blMONtJ HUiMU.N, liudertskers, 7 Bute at Phone Murray 4 LlNlBjt iHf hONS t. AKI gUlT, U MEK TAKKUB 4128 MOUTH IASs hDUTU 8TATB PROS M HY 1578 1 H1C M NKHAL HUUhllKK 1LAtR PABL0U8. OFFICE WAS 63J2, Rk., WAB 4741 J CBRH W ft ALIf B ICKKTIR t m FLORISTS L 10 , oral loo a and design work our specialty; Phone Wss 24 It. attention give KHhhd T LAMB0UBMC, florist, 7 H Mala. Tel Waa. UlA fait Lake oldsst sd prompt leading florist. JdA.NDuKB JUBUiLSBBK, Nf R 8HD 60 tLOiilhTS 2815. wuik WAS lDkAi, Piosi iooipsoy Dehiyn Was, specialty. ,m Bo Main 8114 Landscape Gardening N8 puacetl lawn watering references Fisher, lly LAW stems stalled Ut JG20-- J Spraying ExPuEt' treeprunmg amTpnitT'soii and fertiliser for Ws ale P44 W broariwa, QVAI.I'I t CEMETERIES WORK eiARA.NTBKU BUUVfrn lNRPRri) WABAlcH LAW.N oeiueiery, perpetiuU care 64 Main at Phons Wss 1H66 WK clrna, dye. press sod repair everything that you wear Garium remodeled in the MONUMENTS latest styles Prices reasonable, work guar Te Neat Shop 14611 2nd So Was 1UH41 Uhl' a iamb fur baby u gtuve, flu You t KLIilfl or moro on lies Itloaes, ran save Bee leaning Ixadies' aod geata tailor Call W 0 Morris 22 N 1st Wev log at 24 W. 1st Bo. Was. 8166. for and deliver LOST AND FOUND LAI H H Carpet CKaulug guars a lees eoiur grease spots removed, moat rea- EoBTHrtt r" restoring purrVi f Hy 45JIS sonably. oa 8th West tad North Temple ot bo 1stclp, SAI.T UKI t'LCl. A llYBlSd CO , Ml North Fitidar Wo. picasa . 0th fl. H. 4561 Ripert dcsneru sod dyers. tlMQ-KReward. LOti T Ladys gold mosb baiulbag, at Hotel Hat Cleaning LibUtah. Amerlfsa theater o t beiweea 414 Betveaer UJ7N S and ladies straw felt, cloth bat eral reward if roturoed to elesned end dyed, MVBHft ULA.NEH3 apt A DIB1UI. 114 B Broadway Was m LOST Whits fur on West Icaipia, Bator Ladies straws DTICD KOT PAINTED. tali Jly. ilM, Hiss Craw- day bight Reward. HATS quickly cleaned sod dyed Paramount ford Blew Bhipe A Hat Cleaning, 53 Sed 6 LOST Brows handbag with gold bracelet. If returned to 4J5 C'borcb at, gowt re RUG CLEANING vrard liost betwoeq Murray aad Balt lake CARPET, LO.sT roi tuner pup, with mma apme, ALUABLb answers lo asm Return to lady. cleaned, sterilised and made spetless end 156 W. Reward. Broadway Latest process new prices. Pboe Lofth-Sdnstlees at P0. Was Myers Cleaners it Dyers, ill inlay, autemobll robs, riejae wT H B Brosdwsv Day. H viand 4UU0-W- , yPAMIY AND BERVIC tway. Tboao ilytonii LAI KB C method, color reel wring, grease re- LObT Bay Bbetlaad 4201 J moved. valuable rugs a specialty Sanitary Cleaning Co , successors ta Mattel LONT New Potd touring ear top on Homh Hy Temple sear R! bards ac I'uder puce eXMft Heward Steam U0KK1CK THORNBKHU Carpet Wss I srprt Cleeoers. 8x12, 81 ML Quick ser- LON r Lark shell frame bifocal fiMtstv vice Hy 1006. Hetum tohns Bilk itopt 2 Reward Bt t.8 and tapestry work, guaranteed ft L, EtmT Kid gauntlet, trimmed la bislu o,, 265 E. 6 ft. Hr. 4761 Clg A Dyeing "toft. lost bet Sol Tei&pla sad 8rd sve to aa Reward colors, hood work. and oast auto of T gtreot. CIJ9AMM1, restoring ill remove grease sod stain. Oriental 81 SR sod Navajo rags a specialty. Prank Mar- LOAF String of rod brail Bleaso call tin. Was 7276 Hero a bote! ft , color Ml (18 cleaned, le LObT Bunch uf keys cratering, a Reward. ring Beat er bay sed vac., spots removed. Rerarw to 284 So. M aiw. npmttlri rm I 25e weekly. Wat. SUM JNdge Bros CARPENTER WORK CARPK18, rags tharvugbly cleaned, rotors motored, renewed, rHsid. 8 L Steam Car. work ul wrk CAKFHNfhi& ramodeUng, Tth 4R6 B. Wks H Cleaning Shit get a specialty; garage built, screens mad to orfar all work first elaa Pbose H Mto AMI tlITiliH ' typewriters hem iNoioV" f i p lunfcTti w nh w service rent, repair them Haaefectmwre trained mechanics. Lot from models rented. Special rate to students. Remiag. ton Tyepwritoc Co , 68 ft. fat South. Phone ne 8;n5. UF.B1 ILT TYPKWHrnSHB AIJ, MAKES Fully guaranteed Knsy piymeots models rented Het sur pflce Uat WHOLE liPKW BlTkH ('O., 821 SALK So. Phone W as 8761 Main St ALL makoa for sale and rent State agents dtoyal and (Vrroea. Utah Typewriter Co , 81 B 1st Be W as 4836 chany W jte It MATTRESS REPAIRING OLD ,vra,-- w, eetCTHilrPRelK er box springs) mods Mattreae Pactery, pioneer Was 6428. North tndl tike 1461 W, KTl N KMAALB to HUN. crpentn, csbi&ct makers, sash, ocreaaa aad door , W 7,44 I LET ss figur' yoor bn'lldiag aad remeooi-la- g 8LA estimates (ro. faugka Bra., plans, . , carpenter work, eement work, remodel . rail etc Wss 88 lag, plastering, NO fob too small or tew, Kemooehuf Hr 4im-M- For don promptly J W Howard, lly. ftgftft W. ALL kUMl carpenter work. Hcmodeltog s&6 e flsishiug UATTitattAiiM mud. and neat tan ltka naw. r.mltera mptialatered. Caret.! Phene Waa. Um. Yalrattaa workmeaahtp. Beditlr, Co Ord Want and llh Barth. a aaada ilka hew, OX.ri Bial trei fureltara ha. Baaltary Beddl., te.. .pholatered, Ptooe Waa 717 W ftaipt- MATTKKMi 0 Ipholatnria, doea. irAU f nalirraata mad. tail all kiada e.e I all aa. Waa. fh4. Lt.T xha Inter If to irm.ir yw ir ed a,at aa ur. test. Ur. rt lit U Hy PVK first c Is m carpenter Pork, remodeling t nd boiiftlng In gcufrel, call Hy 8JB6J CAHPhTbH, blitr.. j oil., a epciltyi rent, planter',, be wt J O Grlxxq Hy. 47TO J, Floor Work aro. M Pboe spclsly ad lumto soft wood floor o bard ALL turf seed by modem asaehuiery. Bytood 246LJ or Was, 1 Wlr4 FUK)R poltoblag. tail Jobs Clara, Waa. ftHJft. Roof Repairing BUOY u work soft paiatiag, Let our estimate, Um tail Was. 67DI W repairing guarastced the other fellow Cement Work KXPtbKF eeaeut Work of all kinds, guar, 4 ooper, Ht 801ft waterproof work Plaetenng NOTICE OF SPECIAL. STOCKHOLO. ERS' MEETINQ. Notice la hereby firea that a epeclxl meeting of the stockholders of the Uncle Boas' Consolidated Uning Company, a Utah corporation, will he held Mid at tha office of company. No. llil Newfaouso building, Balt toko City, on Juno 2, ISM, at Id o'clock Utah, a. m., for tho purpose of conaidering, taking action and voting upon tha queatloa ta to whethar or not said itself and company will consolidate an of its properties and property InMillterest with May Day Mining ing company, a Utah corporation, and ail of lia Propert lea and property Interests; and, ia the event said meeting decides te effect said consolidation, then ot conaidering. taking notion and Toting upon tho terms and conditions trader whkh raid consolidation will be mede, the 'provisions to he inserted in tho articles of agreement sod certificate covering such consolidation, all questions that may be reunited under the laws of the state of Uteh in reference to tno consolidation of corporations organised under of sain state, t so upon en the nature end descripquestions of every tion that may come before said meet con al deration ia connection Ing with each- - conaoUUation, and .in effecting tho same. H. DERM, President Unete Beam Cenaohdaftod tas fr cm Mining -- piunteruig ral) toss General Tyoft- - or kalaomialog ramodoling Mr. Davis. Contractors, Builders csrpuater work, brick, moat, bourn calstag, caU Ik 0. Unggs, Was. W67 tL WILL rbeeefttlly give eotimatwi pa all klnoa remodeling, repairing or koto building. K. CaU Ufa-AUFull remodeling, - I,rwb Mowers Sharpened aHAHlt.NLU. repsired, aijusiet oa fte tbo season. Our work sattoglaai CoU Preo delivory. f tost. 49681 A POtoLRHfiftt to. 8rd 8n V WILL call for and deliver Mowers onarm-aaeand adjasted. Key fituag toork lofarate prices. M, fl. Brod-becgmraotevdv Hr- - ?11L BY Jack ftowr, osport, best work at tho lowest prices; guaraatetd MtUIscUoa. Wo rail for sad deliver frao. 68 tor. Bdwy. yga. 8826 Look for tbo orasgt front. awn Mowers faarranod and repaired by i export at poor fame; work L C. CaU J. Cartia absolutely gnaraaumto Hy 1578. HAiHINK. a ftl'RUAL 01 Wo BIT catry com pH to lino of all atsndard makes, Enodsoa Novelty k Sporting uuuUs 0w. fag toss. 4601 go fltate st Tre deliver 6AT7HATloV gasrputawd, lac Nov, wks 5f7 jbt to , W ft ft Electric Motor Repairing ANTlUIN Lulu Wss 64H6 ptoANB TApanN hst graduated Mar. Wool tba any at Wanted gnhi end heitro tha waat. lodlvidual t I Iructi-- vweegir6 by Him 6ivraaa6, uibtrity U tka 'Bursbim. Bfatraa. motera ra.tk-- aaU akrtrlral ai4 daily will qualify guy t ba l vw wof.ravr bv ratokoftw fvmta. Night and day vltoot loteia 932L tnmetm 87LiOa jLHgg1 AiiUAi'UVk ad iiaarratiaf fuoitm at ooUtaatui atiariv p rood la tM tralavJ talvgrank aparatav. If yam wat nrrcaafal fuittrv, aa HIM vrlib vital larpna u4 dvratora. aa well liaelal ttvcaa. iavaatigai loday. HuMrado a Harm wblio Mata lisa wifaa. graduate. irara. cum I aecammadata rag r6- ot boars yo work. Wtito lot frao oi W, Amaru a TViagrsyh Uoliego, Boyd Was, ggftg THU HuT Your wstcb ca bo misUo to kwy t.ma Ho t lot II bo parfcrtty. or aegimt. Lot as oxamiao raiara U. J. 1 o Bro, JwWr, 64 ft. fa RoraBhl L.N fautii' ikAk w f sfco kS H 8 ss yo Ad ooo arrivo tugbtwsy drr I ait coim diraot to too Iiuial, Brusdway - It is managrurost and you cs got ic vory rvaotmabio. Yonr v Hi Id! Yrvueh (K serapiDg, Yrleod, HMAlNuMMai oeuroiKM taasMSfO, systoui, fsflst, JL M 60. Wss 6268 rum AII. orsto troatmoat. M, teavral ftym. 1 1st H, aUo, l astrav too. no-- . ari vuumoo to min buy tvs is raai coursa, Xuv trsci. No, fad Bo.,'rUrLUltt-tv- W iO . Wss. IBU4. hfciiOlTt.Ui.D AL6U L1KB NKW; ftiORAUK, BlMilKR RRIOKH, HtilU)5l ro gw 40 Hfti h. ?a y U6l w UlbHL turns 5T Ml tot sals m raslu Btiwmsr Co, 866 80. btat ot. A.SNial ouiiK.N urosi givva ECAvacific ibVAis a 04 mssasgs, Wb. Ta8 W. Mi d'UkM rua wq e4 fCt, 64HKh LiVMKLH; AVI) MUM JUilN uTTltaKU w A I. thank their mauy friends for the kiadaese shown them during the sickness nod tbwth of their dsughter, Maggl klser, whose wss held Burnley MK FUNERAL t (TiFrrNSovTirtiiHiL liEAbir ICLTLUU 1 vsctttus irksaeft U m TTriTANnn PLACffc CHIMNEY SWEEP Cemioaay. Help (Male) . i. botwaoo A8 sod te. ao lop hrasokorpor la amai bosoU mma bo aoav, rlrsa aad good worker, sbio to rramd rook, $180 mo Cbo moat uo putuie, Cook. Novado, THHA T7CT. aboHauiy Novod aaaro; wage ft! 2 par wrafa board aad borpontora. room Adilrrao TMbonr. Omeat fisUHr, city, fa fay. - r Torn-- ' hstttdg fad. TWO W 6 4So Tara dairy basd, fas. B. sod 1L HAmAiMSU, 884 ftfdi Has ao4 vrlfs cook sM1 WOMAN B. and JL U0k wfttrark. 81 W '174 NATIONAL yatTLOTHtaNT AuffiivJt, Hart Twt bo. rl iioopar Btog Yorgoor HHH. Bunil ta ws Iracbrn Aimyf.M Haia KaUmrya JTrot KXFYBRNriCD otooofro-pbo- r sod firvt-rts- a maasgate Iwisrmr, Thao Wt 4JJ. by largo msoafartariag Mm bo rapid sod orrorato. No atbrr ai P.rai-cUlady orad apply, Mood oppoxtuauy (or ngbt gsnaraU, strsdy work,Ktife.go inram yny. n G, llmBvn, PrVs, ktoidAKidj goi for graoral boos work! JtsXi good warn By load T--87 6AlJUHftS. OWl Nrw Tort oattblltomd piugrosarao moaitfoeiarora bavo etwaiaf (or oalrsaed A girl for graters! to baadlo roavvairut wu iiao of Jar into 4IEL gwlsg u summor school . into bo good fall yorsey ia twrado, corduroys, cook tall Baa. 4147 or Was 868L vtr.p ooatprisiug lb special auauora rasgiug WAN Psr kurvas. a cumpoteat from $8 doa to fad too. b par root msa or girl (or gearsJ beascwark; good btato territory, Iiaao you carry boose. Writs or pfaoao Hrw modur tosgvs; W. fat sd rafrreocra ft., fax Howard ilch, Kurcka 284-J- , N. Y City , to wasb woodwork; also wsntod toVHAj)! FATINdl A KMHPONftiniJI PvdUTlON, men to eleaa yriodowo, oodor gootracie GOUU WAUK8. 01KN Tbit A HAN U 835 e 1N ftb VftUUi UP AUH, ISi VSAHbUUlShl for gotoorai COMl Klk'NT girl or wocua Aftftmx jsmiiiNO cieftHk. Hiar bouse work, rood boom good HAVU 8 AIR AUl lAUUN AM NCff RM rt 211 4th arc. APRAIH UT HARD WtiKk. HlftX HR UT Bcfvrapcos. ' VN HTJCAin iUbllft AND TtRNLSH RK8KK-Ktuf gsaUaUdieo oa a (aaftwelUag worka KS6. rum ta fHto raa iUAlIfl A lift KXriCHlftlU'B AND I faO tusks line; VM (4 ftoo R 0 . Bstey, Hotel l ube Tasaday. Ttoi.bi'HUMl NU. K4& TUJB at uTo Grafa s WAITER LXPLlULNfU) chambermaid KXPWRXR.Niny Ho hotel. Ud 8 4 Nk Waa. J046L TU TA Hal C'HAHUB i AV 11LL I A. H. IN UtKl'KlVlUB HUNT BN ftOHHU. tiihu ymitg. o wait counter, expertoae ANI) AitLB lO UlYH HHfKH urm. Fbmrar Cuffto Huuso, 116 toftoC Jt HAL- UOUI BMm HXUAHY , for general komnwoek AJAY HANUATTAN CAVk, POUAmiLU, wTsTKliooTglrl 6476 . .. aod rooking. Call Idaho. ftod soak uutm'firl (or fsacrol fauaewurk tf know bow to cook. Waa. 4671 Wflra ms bookbrnog uivc ago. rviermra and salary W ANTKD A woman (or gonorai boooowwHu tt fa os ported U (irot totter. Addras 6 Apply to Cbaplaia Btokary, guartera Tribusut cook. Idaho fa day. (Wh. Nova do, fa day. THY WANihlWoiaa, work bt - ; a ualvor. TY raws. UNI n, NBA nui to itl m 8, n. toJliD tu vp. od I a. baOfcrutcyi buoUiMaa troubloS, rostraeU; wilts. UtcrviWo voafWoaiisl. laformstioa sad sovkw Irao. Law ssaouaUw, 8ul Alio block, 66 W. fad booth. I HUb. J. u HiriWaibNAU, rboamiiom Sft6 HBN gad womea aaleamoa with road ox cioilst, gvul, seta lies, orursigia, paralyslf perirnco to Mil mas s oboro, ladle mea oad dformatioa, 01 rvtel. Iwimistt Iho Belt fampie ft boa to,, 4th Lra hours 4 tv a . ill UU4 falft. hosiery. floor, Boyd Bark htog . 162 fa. Mata at, tUBl Hi KNT womsa foe cooking ssd dowa-talr- s JM7 STbN wonted k. 12th Ksst. at once a bo are stubiuoos Hy. 3Dn7. Lai-- a uai hi Utoimral lot ocoom ol sd lot rested im tbtlr future, sslsry and 1M.HILM t D cook (or private (am tly la out licbln, sraly oata disooM. faMw 4oo iMlgo Bros., 8 LU oommtaaioo. 7 DUft W good Was. reference foctioo guaranteed t.arneld. raqulrvd. uoded or moaey rot ol Wm Thoroio EX. FAN(Y pressor, steady work 77ft fl. brug Ns. 7, fait Lako CRgi PHKMANRnT sales Imarptam Stereo. Ugde tod Nrvvo. oppurtenity ope to 2nd Booth. maa. liupto factory lino to toii. A X. LA FU&MHRK to ANTkU toftd M, Lad (w beuookorpmg. rat ora yro Commissions fad to ftuto wookiy lured to render oxport servira a cblruft 6tb East. No aecoasary. deliveries No odist aud foot oiociaiiatu 4U lemwtoioo paid daily. A ISA ( UK2i ftra F. Ik kicuiMiLsry, high collect loti . Bo hottJ040'hoQse Ririg teg. U easts! a fttate Tescboro Agency, Rico, New Grand luivt Ko, 6, Inierarbs NHLA.T6 o4 KM ouviow, good buad fttatlra Wdg Was, 67T. work after sues to B0Ysboot-'iwUh h Raiwr pruuod wUb your moi aad sd . kLVPKKlBNcKD lady premer, good pteater. dust (km t pa id, gl M. ftuttoaory 8roao, m bool. IV aa. faoft-MB egsl t lesBinf to, 14 8 ftad teatk 8.H fa Mata 0L, fait Lko City. TWO oalomuea k salad at obco, with car. AUrinfft mefaH oxperioara anoesmary. fur auy attracLvo cawly propositio XALH sliurihaud by mail. Sood 80 emu P 3M, Address lYfbano. B 4to Trikwa. Write (ur trii lessoeA ftatisfactUv gooraatoed. Ogdri aod Brora, J Coot,niTr. fa Kvaaipgioa ovo. Hy. 43f J, KlRl MH, 76 West 2ud ftoalb, wboro 4 to AN TKU Ulri te Uko xsx ol 4pk and 1J7 Mead st., apt, B. eookiug barbers cat fair for c 6t IKMllp; 8A UL ANiric.Uaf rufAf ML NX, iiAfyAuri, HA4H paper UlN7. K.UH WA N Tiff IN Boy Wltk boras to Dancing Schools 211 lAL Bear peniteaLary, ItiMNU 20 ; JiRO UW AY. Apply Tribuoo airuti-latu- CfaUtis S studio, faft tTsoctooaw HAHSHUH&--Hii'Ctrid dept. or uagoatie tdaubot taxi!. Mala. PrlT.t. Icwou, Uc; 4.U,, bsUt, oriCBUfic trroiucut, bwodisb mao-s- o Ht Mi maa atesograpbor; dtcupkoao s I to Ml a. , SpMiti aiU.ua. Post-tto- a go. For appointment rail Hy. 4U68 perleaco preferred, but not amttUl. Wrluffl. wiiarig largo cor pa. Uoud aaiaty upportaalty. A IT., partly (uraisbed, for rent rvaoontbly, atate funutura for sate, guiag gwsy by Ut Maks applies uu ia haadwritlag, Swimming Tangnt Trift- Addnma roferoocoa. 1st. loll Wss 6978 J UUIM iausMt iwioaiMg fmfSsfili a une a t leads Beck 6c aotific Uitaoagf ot LAUJKN, attesUoii. dally. Wss. 643 AU round steady hlatkamlU, your hom by grodooue irasu Haodo. (oil WANTBD Address Box &4, lob for right maa. Wanted Situations (Male) luung Wss Iibh. Ashton, Idslvo i a rajutouauiig iwt ray tviupeieoc i oil brtKlus sod ktiUioh, 1. AH aiaiAiVHkNf Cl at your boms. CsK iir. of poet-riwill rofsrraco. with bet accept mig, killed and oaakUtod toborars furilvbod Was 7164 la or of tow. Addreso Cftl cara fir pablle work. 14 Hegsat uo(. Pboso of Tribuso. ratof pboo Hy, 6466 VftY un ill tdkc bubr uy, ur dn isd Bas. y2l HXPHIllftNl KD accouauag s4 credit mas sigiii. rtriio HIT, IribuAo or call 8.8 1 1 KOtft ft ftMPbOkMftNr AUHNCf. Rust 4Hv d earns with tellable firou A-- l Want Second Sovlk at. Wtatk Cttoft. references pooltira II Address BA1, Tribune. l&AuHHk WUl toko "itwiintterk' F BfCHABLft NW8 AND OUlBft r 11 EX rt a Ronablo W. gut PBIUNNUBD t waaut Ilylsnd bookaoepef LOi HftNi LANUAU beet ref erem ot. Pbcwe Was. 7142..fact; LAbixd. bHAHRW YULH HAIR WITH 58 I W. Tempi. If yott AtiKNCT, UisOVV IT IHTA&TM a ULOUlOld, want by expert aecwuataat. Suva No cost. PUftl FlOX wsatod a maa. call Was LlWTROrB AT ALL UtAUlNa BHNiLN, Will go out of NaU Lak City prefdrrecL UBHuLft I atlktt. Homo IfsrMUart k ftuitr box I'llhi 8TORK6 Bcog of reforancea furnished. Tslo Mr. iH ft. to. lew pie; oaft f to 8402 M. aa. R Box to., Trtfanite 7, yhono Hi. MV ALU puyainsn aod Mirfms, moved UfliC 400 CLft ftldff LAMiftlAFB gardes or wlshra steady work," Smlnh bvtoi. for BBLUBIJI HKLP. BOHiriUNft Wss married Adarcra Q 89, JTibtia, NAI1USAL EMPLOIHBNT ftfiftNtY, DUf'iTllDfl painter BKU I LififtZ, viuiia instructmas, siudls for acaf foid r good 2(ri Hoo per Bldg , 83 El st 1st ftp, 916 Harvard rr. frbont iy. faO-1- , goomal work. lag. Mr J. Lwraie, fad ft. fell Vt Li4repslntian Must bs eijariiufed. 4th Msou UAVM your grata tot uiaoled sad fixed feset fad tte at Uutlirte JBlcycl to., 2 WAN'iK 1 IOblllu N aa- mans gtc, araiat-aa- t op for day Vialivr, Hy. 8CiOj young maa te assist manager la or work to gen- manage kUM i liio.treaimtnt and msseago. colooiol LAI'ABIJft bo Must effic not work. willing sod oral store, on lauds city prafomd. tori Vo hotel. A pt 816. rd floor frpa t. afraid of Koteraara a, Addrara Lol itlita, XritHCirHl work, Bfa, Truubi spoetoTvax. Mrs. Tribuso B Sst ftomtt, Apt. W COMl'kTBNT mao, geaeral store work Before arms. fttesdy position, advancement. P (I Box 96, COMBINATION cuOk wafltod. good wse4 IMPORTANT AXNOUNtftMBNT. 69 m Broadway Ib mast bar references coaaeitiua with our 8 bop we have opened a School of Beauty fill NM sun (or dinuig room work,"' Alla l Beauty All depar meats will bo under too elnb aupervlson of a UARINKLtiO graduate. Also we wish to call 4teates to classes for students aad also pro MvvwrivrororororovjyvvwwrMiriiwmMM gdt JUllft Ol'ttX Aft Luft iNtiftLEft ftae.ooalt who wish to taka a "broaft upM JTlU PA fer aato me hastes, sleetrleisas, ote , faft m ipecrai work. ci.Grso Lear aato trades. Ilkort, ta 8178 weekly. AU out of town iatjuiriea give oof ape too gtt rostra to ssy practical course AH work H peira la ad cisi attention Kara room aod board white vaared studest naslify you. deperttneat. for further fRBN 84 pa go Illustrated ratafog loforrliaf lop sod rate writ leaning Write Dept. 86. Ba RBlb k HiKH.K JHAAITT SHOP AND eiplaioa ovorytbtag tieoai AafnmoUv ftebooL 4u04 fto. Figueroa, SCHOOL U BftAliY (ITLiLKI Lo Asgelee 4U3 (11KT BLDU LAKft. furuiFrly- - known a 44 44 k Muogk MartneUo Shop Has. 8344. Tribnne. and wife want cooking ia ramp or betel; can tsko fall charge of kiuhea. 86 II. W. Temple Phono Wa, lfrJWft, fm. ft VlLlANJZhii, ft yours axpenenco, wishes steady Job, married htod- good refcrchcra Add roan H ft). Aitwma. loiriONor deaireH A 1 ssoo, eolleetiuaft sale geaorai office, port time or Cali Was. teady, salary or comalashm JL t to U moirryf 8 Biiftwlq Learn Trades t Kfsalt Loillki 01PORTiiNrrr to birn his imm iat hem la your spar tins writiag d splay MA6AAUK ilAMClFUNQ AND WATINO A U TO 8 P U. , AFT. ft. rsrds for os. No IJOURd experience accessary, tv rile 372 a 2 mi so was 40174 for particulars. 47uU ftbw-ititftiga System, LA Hikft, AHHinOil! loc , Itettvdt. Michigan If go desire to spec is has ia aay braaeb MULBK BAMBftB acHUUL 17SOO tooh of besoty cnltarr or take tbo fall mua, tools wage famished, paid; fight; m are prepared to give yen tbo boat trsaofer prinlegra; tal-tiilptomaa Issued; is say aad atgat (ay raeoraabte, MUteguo (ram 114 flograt For to forms lira and forms feme st.. riassea ,n aod see oa Salt Lake ftebool of Bossty Loara the barber trafa froo accord rnirora, 87 Bast 1st ftontb. Bboms waa. MBS to W tbo tetrat methods lag gaarao te resalt. W pay you white yo tear TUKATEK BBAUTT PAKLOft. ad guraale Job 61 Utah Barber mb Expert operators, trailing srftoL ge, 148 Repeat St lanuiro shoot ear dollar fay, 46 M 1st Booth. Was. 164PP To IP CO UAT steam baths, electric treatajg1'' C41oVItknJrttlid,T4 ments, ftwsdiah aMaaag by oxportoorsd room modem boose, except fnrssee; real masseur, tu806bate, Office boors ) a. m. mast be ressnesb . fall Ur. 8274 11. to 18 p Mclatyra bMg Wss. 888 WANTED to rout, ot earn, furnished hews. aniT bob eurl, 60c. HAiivLL Mrs. Prarl (ram ft to 18 rooms, cirao ia, with pua Nmith, gift Jeffeevoo street. Was 8U4, 86 day te boy furniture for cask. Must of UAUi made late bob curia, fa.50, witcb be good Address R 11, Tribune 81 work guaraatood. Was. P?8J. AVD UIVNBH8 I.AMIUlIlD R4ft K. faetb. Have a summer horns or a canyon MAfaBUJNU aad bob carl, ftU6 Aloaaadrta ret tag yon react Now te the to wish yra W- Was 166. Tmp! An ad under Por time to advertise MU AttTter TjTIhTnuuVo Rent will brisg ye the desired rranlta. UADIIW' HA lit, Balewy, fbove Ws 6N, want d depart meat. Uoauulli mkt. bldg Was till. WASTJCD 7V HftNT - A (ttMTUR TABLIS MU-ft- H A Nl fl HTT. UJOIAaN 8 ROOM HOMfl U NO I SB Msoosge sod hatha sun WM. V R H-- . 211 18 ATLAS BLD41 CO IN SALTY Uu to, W Temple WAH BRANCH OFflCB, 109 flAAT 6faft tiodaV" PHI AOlTHl WAH 7871 MAULMLL1G, 60c, bra. I to 8. 8 te 1 7H fl Pth fto. fly faoft, TWO anfuraioheft rmo., bath and kUcbra-ettCOMt'Lhfift erarse to msrraUtog aFTttoifft or 8 rma. nod bat fa Adults. Not ft ttmm over black 762 itarrisoa fl tompto, 818,86. hop, Branty r Hy 6808 It, PALAwTflld'UTY1 MODBuSf 9 room bom nr roat t rrapra-slbl- o PABijDK, 14 W. 2ND ftO. WAA. Alfa. mss, furniture for rale 142 2nd ft, Marvel. ?5e. Bxpert me yeraton, by. WANT two furnished room bdtwora Fintt bers cut your ftstr right. ao too abort. snft Foonh ftoaUi, ftaeood soft ftlx lb float. HARlKLLINU, by wppotouaOnk uraoft Address HS9 Trihnoe. st reel Hy 4088 J brnmoT Weg lo rant, four fora W A NTftU UNIS or two Call Waft T071 Iras g iris for boaoTjr rstoo roarausbie. fl. ntitnra; Bstera, li fill R or mud era homo, soothrast g Broadway tersthm. Best reft, fall Wasafrh 4Wh MARc dme b kppulotaeat. aino 15ft No. 1st Wen Was. Misceilaneona J )OBS made from Wvuhiags, $2 6Q ptusio for gas L PA Y top price ravotvora, re mode. J71 clesaod, gq. dred, Bdst, watehoa, camera, dtomoodo, ntatetl to iOBft porter, spocuii mortwl 86c, tram cut of raise, I boy, ssythlng 11 fto Smt S.V 48 mU, My 1608. trade or oxchaagd aaythisg. Moray 7XV-KUJ(S- ; tOc, BOB Cl RU 2U. Wra to tea at reasonable rates, Davkiarftto Lana Office. 86 Bote lot Bo. Waa 969, 1st fiurtb 2nd Wm, SU.I K 81 PNRrUOU8 hair, moles, birthmarks BH YOIASA, any hied, too pop cash atm TA Boot tod 8a. oaced farm- k Cartel- aeodte sperlsltet. . Qnthrte Bkrjcl Mrs. RnMecil rhobb, 868 Newhanra hotel VAHH down foe furoltura, rusv. cUKhtog. -21 A HI KiAJNt. ri titfl JZ4. US Wt9o gnftft, suvth rag gy. 39 (iHnigL drire. Hy. I486 LBT ms and' tr ppieft yuargeid 49-fa Call Hyland BKAL Swedish massage, steam batim. Braohs Areude BOOflft TO BIND sepblne luamm room too spuds Lao aa private and public library biadiag. Wo pay MARcMjLINU and ail branty work. fJIllaa easB' bock ftambora for of tbo National IfCtftfto 8rd Boat Jcpoen. Ky. jvu Geographic Msgasiso f. tt. Dust Ds fcil Bdlooa at. to a 0. 1679, WANTKl) to bay, 20 share of Tlstl Htesd rd atrek it market price, ft Trihm- -. IfNK Biitat prara ABBillCrt won tmrmttun. k.rt tot- CAMP outfit wasted. CaU Miller, to am junk, W.I-8044. tiro, .w Hy BIOHKST ,rtro to1 Ug DftAD or dm too ouvs its. SUC. Wanted Bent gfy n 1t it ii, Wanted H k7 km J. yi JUNK r. W., tort. tank a trt. toto. iwS imt. M trori, ciutti'u., tiro ofr Wt. ta toll.,. mo, mritu. . H stray Aro luT irado aai aVtoraohQo or a gooft m-tore ye to, owe with mftocwr Referred; tarcycis mmst bo to pood rood fOt. Phono Waa, mat Aatomobllo Oompsay. W ti. ft. COWAN, aararer and ebemtet, 161 Phone Wasatch 4114. fto. Weet Temple BLAi k k D846UN. sarayors raft ehcmlsta 168 ftenth West Temple Was 1214, CHteVlOV A NICHD1A. a oarers and cheat lacs, 26 Aon'h Weat Temple, AuforFiiirivc..' i2 m p 0 Box 1440. Temple HAIR SANtHICft BalI- etoity? ftombin Iftrbfl ra 6707. Wanted C. West 7(K MotorcyciCT tm u4 rota totK in) AS3AYER3 Union i ilitOaOHljj aerkasM;' Igs ftA, married thoroughly OTpertesceft to truck renaua aod upseepv steady aad rvopnoaibla; gun ft. bard workor; best raforances. WsiA- - Thoo 9ito4J UlAl rtkl H MIR.IIAMC, il frm' uprosl .ora dram RMitira. pri.oM tt cwo-i- ll rtaitairo itliMrt Addrroi R Trlbon.. ' riU-r- a I. JapttBM. citalfe ,n- T.l. f.mllr r Rira (j w Tnboo.. mrara Wanted Situations (Female) kSr o,u pooTuoa Tn buue. bowaekeopor for wtdowef. YOUN44 lady wiahoa psltkut booftktepmr and cashier. Beet of rtL Was. 8rvA-J-. KR prscUcal oarao, good oofa call toaa 9361 W. r itADY W'sata puotura aa raratakor to aft 2J7 West No Temptei apt. or cook MXBMKIBNCKU tody teacher wmhoa prat-tip- s aa privat tutar K S4, Trtboaa. G DwL waaia work by hour or day. 26ft KA l'tilU KNuMD dosires atenogtaphev city references. Hy. aiJ7 W. washing sod iruoiag don st . ta'I to as. 42131 M. 88 Vaiars street. to krtramnat exporeaied ing and Pita modeling, waata day work. Mur ray 172 W T0LNG wemaa wants work, troaisg or cleaning, wUl wash bstbrooato and kiieiMur ceillngi and willj, Phun Wtt. 9369L SIIaK LAl, ' bAPteliibNtlbU turn F Aluun 6t crionnt. - MAN Beauty Culture W, T . WANTED Wanted Help (Female) WANTED PERSONAL 'ikk year oid g ms of Hi la a L. and 8 ioreace Robb ns Crandall, dm last evening at tbs fsmtiy reoideacn, 804 Pint avenue. The child was . bora at Ely. Nev HAH Y K. WODShOVV , foueer rvsideul of HaatL died at bw borne. Hi fast Fourth South etraet, bsturday. Hhe came to this reunify Inn lossiara nerarel yew eg IP body wiQ be tasea te Maau for lu tonerai ernricoa sad Interment. HHUhan AhllUh jsjWoh. 42, of ho reka died yostertUy. He wss ,e aatiie ot ksnexvUle, Htrfa. SurrlTlag1' him are hta widow ami father PUNkKAL sera ices for Herman A Hajor, whe died et t local boep.ul so Hay Jo will be held tomorrow at Oar indy of Leordue cherrh Hr. Major waa ta hts fcrrtywocund yenr and had been a reaideat of He was bora la this city for one year Kaerxvilie, Mich , in 181. and at the time of his death wss acting a supcriatradtut of rwk fruineu for the thief teuauiitUted The funeral cortege wiU Hlaiag com pa a r ieaae the family reKtdeecs Medaeousy at 50 o'clock sl m and will proceed to tiie church, where tutae wilt emtittirhce at 10 e eiock a at. krfeads may view the body it the family reaidvucw, hag Bouth 'Iwellih fast street, today and tomorrow aniil hour latenacnt will be ia the fAmity plot la Calvary cemetery under direction Vi ilX ' tr.d.' haw you! Hmlfh Wanted h. M lift gltT flostto t M a Mteridira ol ftira, B4I Mo HARlUfa gi stofttoC; 8ft A rt mm mm OosunutUglTo-bs- yiora sipenes toss, torn! J. Ol l.D like 9 M3 R. to work to os. the day. by Wanted Furniturs tii 'uomAZST'imrmrr. i wilt bay yoor (oratturo sag rugs fur essfa or sell thraa on commteokfa Hy 47!. "Vl ft NllLB W ABA pays' men for oecund hand fursUturo. Ahl ftowtft fttnto M. Wss. 88fa WANTNii kurnitaro and Jmwm hold goofa to bo shipped oat of tewfr, wit! pn not then toctl. droit fail too 8727, toft want household goods, to a will pay yaw whet yora goods ore worth, fto re is-Salt- - Lace noysneo Co, Lf7-la- i .UU iUAi-U- ft6. iH Rat Broadway ftftNilLKft Was. 8d37 Wo hay furuitnra, ora sec or a boastful, sad pay more fer It 7 to s1o excimnre new for old, toss. 4F?7 PHI Y A ft party wishes te bay socosd hand furultmo end mjra. Phooo Was ri KNlfl MB AN O HY. 410-11- , COU To 0. JrSALSg. Attctmaras7wra;i use fuaulura. OLuoo gift fttahm 1O,0ki Was. 1188 Coin tiucS fer eaoft f oral for an 1 piece or boowefnl Hy. 4, A) PKiV AT party wishes ta furniture and rags. PNera tot. Suite M, PMI AT part will pay Wp pricorguod uved ftirnlluro sod to so, 4 run nir. Was. fma. Real Estate I to ANT tu buy S uivoeiu brjCk dm , S wUb 4 rowma otft oroorTg ms, northrt, east or S'xifiievsit locan-will pey 8JU0 to fautk) for right P rtrlrovt Ott Tr hepio im (Hi t i i iy a 4 or"3 AT frame or hri k hum trma to A an, ran toss. 2i8t nw Agents or awin, ui Wanted GEOLOGISTS - ooo. Was. 5741 LNRD nrunua sa housesoepor, compos tew or toko charge f betra eara fur children of widower. If 26, Trio. ILK FAINS Istutosrod, also stik shirt, lt ferie. etc. tall and deliver Was. WOMAN waais work by tho day, ineatofa clesnlng or washing, Hy. 82fe4-W- , to OMAN with chad wants work, WiU 9 Warn faiwt j. wit of town BWilNNKH wonts puslUoaita atenogrspHer TRTwe teeef! ywtr furnltarw. Automobiles la' weat Okie tm 1. houoo wle-ui- ra to. UUL8B IrKtin taitotiUta GOODS iltiri a ioli. Bk ft q fto bM W antd 0 tivl iIv "r y lag w-- d y ad 1 M ft a ae, a a W |