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Show THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, TUESDAY MORNISG, MAY 27, 1924. rami alnn II5F1EPTS 11 4VrAs.' ProreuiTet of Idaho De- for Wisconaln clare Senator for President t Tto Till BOISE. Idaho, May K. Senator Kr.tort 1L La FoBfltU of Wlanrarin ftprrlal Imkrasd u ittlnalutlaJlf amdSOmlt for m th third party (hi o tho TTnltod Btatas a th oowwentfoe at JoronMs porty and delegate riraXod to tha Cleveland mnronOoa were Instructed to tol for "Flghtlrg Boh fire. lari and all til Of dolaratra and time. Tho aalactlo adaption of reeohitlon ooattinJn tho party platform ptonko completed tho work of tho convenrUon toto tonight. Tho delegate ateotad to aatssid tho nven Farmer Drogrerati party ro H. lion at OevaUnd on July Y. Samuel. oliairman of tho delegaRay McKalg aad tion; K hi Jobnaiw, tomntnff of Holi A. Walton of Imr Twxn Falls and Judge Kelly of Fremont county. Ruth dcOrpatoo oil a rota have ftxt " " ' ' uommHtocman frm Idaho. national Tho reri.luXion preaerited by tho resolution enmmitteo and wkW aro practically too plan to of too-- partyLh platform In nummary form, tale attitude aa foBowa: of ton Derh-OuDemand rap Tnum railroad Jaw and favors govorn-imand nwnsrmhlp tpRaUm of tha rail Itaeo. Favors aissiaflwtiiaal repeal of tot 'federal rmwoo or. In men. Urges radical rsEouHe at vo army, nary aad war apprupna-ticn- a prari-don- er ono-hu- ff 1 nt . Favors todoral garirintiwmt Irauano af money, ttoroby mg It valuo an nptwlr provided for la lh eon . atJtiition. Declare tor dinned nomination and lentlon of tha president. Tic presl-toand al fart oral Judge. Favors InlUatini reforest him aad reooJt. Urges national marketing (acflllUa, giving legtalaUv omnauragwmenl to tha cooperative movement and urin adequate and JuataJI rural crodit an lerlala- flirn Pens, and poeelbl cukure. tloa to prmwoto profttAble rgti Eight Arm Drowned in Britiih Columbia Lake GRAND FOKKB. B. CL, May 4 of Nbrth Centra Eight resident Washington and Britlah Columbia are dead today And two other Washington resident art alio billowing their rescue after a motor launch In which they Were riding yesterday on lake Christie sixteen miles northeast Of her collapsed and sang The drowned ar Ruth Pturman and fobs McDonald of Kettle mu, wash I Daniel Unglued and his yaar-old ton, Dosnr, of Wenwtrhe Wash t A tel Ouisoo, Ben Johnsoa and Ole Stands of Casand Kfmte Bala of BIS cade, ft. -- Top, B. c, C. Hugh and Margaret brother and slater, were Georg Tempi of Orient, wsn cruising about th small boa after they for twenty minus ot launch. Fargbtob, rescued by Waeh., Who hike In a had floated seat at the WAR QAMI POST RON IO, fan- -. The TAW TON. May 2 game of war today. Waa postponed temporarily because of rain when a heavy downpour delayed th extensive artillery demonstration 6f th Pol 1'rvtted Elsies army Bill, In connection with th visit i MaMonai ndlterii member of th aseoeistioa. 04 fleer In chart of th demoust ratio atdd It would take TMna Inter In th day regal flto f it weather condlBona INVBtTMKNT BANKER INDICTED. DHTCAQO. May S Aa Indictment charging John D. Bln Jr., an toroef-mehanker of Pterllng, Oelo with bwvsny and eorvfldrnce game Operation has been returned by the count grand Jiwy her, la donneetPut with reel catat dealing It waa dtnc4od today. nt iTwo Hc or iwliT.'"aSCWrwiIT-pas- It over a rate Representative Treadway, one of th Republican condefended th change IS th board of tax. appeal section aa necessary for th best administration of th measure, ths law. however,, for nut going far enoughde-in and the reduction of surtax clared that If President CVxrtldg vetoed It he would suppoR th veto. Representative TIUon, Republican, 1 frva pc (0 On.) Connecticut, who conferred with Ratucday, arid h pyeWet 'Coottdg the publicity feature of th open to Uapoctlon by tha ptdiluv regretted hill and advocated the original MelTho hteruaaa In aalat tat rates, lon plan. making tha manmum aato par rant Representative Graham, ftepubllenn, in tha prrent of M par cent, It X law, applicable on amouata of $M,ilU0 Pennsylvania,and characterised aa aril and at peril and oVri, waa orientally Voted fc)r "pernicious aad baslnesa t to best Interest' toe house. Hill, Republican, t Dieer amounting In aaRaral In Representative bf It bseus th otanroo to real oval KXva (reeled Maryland, opposed opeaherf during tha drimte today and, publicity provision. aa tho vote indicated, tha houe MEASURE IS COMMENDED. eeeroed thoroughly pleased with the commanded by measure ' w Th bill. Kepreeeniative Lungwort h, Hadley, Oregon, a floor leader, defending hla Representative confer and, again takRepublican aland On the Mellon compromise Chairman Green deaa accorded enthuataatto ap-- ing the floor. rate, from would reduce tola calclared it of the c &lauas Th toboth aide oaiendar per cent cut proponed endar year gat000,out th000; following year by Meoretary Mellon In ton herb aur year, $M7,0 000. tax rates, with the proper! for a 2b $041,000,000 and the next $400,000lead-r Texas, normal Reprenntatlvo Garner, per cent reduction In the of th Democratic tax flxht, was was not comparable In merit, rat floor. n h CM took the ovation Mr. tmneworth sale, with the achrd-ui- given fixed by the bill. giving a 2i per Praising to administrative change cent cut la enrtax e and a (0 per In th measure, suggested largely In cent cut on the lower niFmal rates to Jdelloa plan, Mr. Garner declared much credit was du th treasury exGamer, Texas, Repreeentntlve of the I lemur ra Ur tax headed by A. W. Gregg. pert, the bill 'dietlnctly lie mo "All Mr. Mellon wanted was a eot e ratio, and Instated resident Cool-lb- r In tha surtaxes," Mr. Garner declared. would not rets It. W wer crltlcteed by th prea for showing up tho Mellon plan, but now MANY GOOD PROVISION. th people of tho country 'aro going, x Despite hla riijartkips to eoitie of get real tax reduction." the provtetona in the measure, Sec- to Alluding to th substitute corpora retary Mellon haa Informed hla oa profit there are many itnOd pn.vl tlon tax out byundistributed too conferee Mr PloiULln the bill whn'hrnust be given stricken - until declored-thGarner hreflrrMile conelderation In ny comment the bast on a ar put Ihnt the treaeury may give the preei with corporation individual and partnership, dent The provision for a If pee cent cut there will bo no decrease In th ur In Income taxes parable this year taxes." WILL NOT VETO. would permit taxpeyras. If paylh on Garner declared tha Inatallmenl plan, to cut in half Representative th Installment rkie dun Id and taM that toe president would not veto the off of the last two Install- bill. ments. If the entire tsx was paid "Hememjber" he, said, "la January, on March the treasury would re- February and Marik h arid you fund, without application, can't have the bonus and tea reducof th aunt. tion. W have them both," The Income ochednle prCOldSe for a Another outburst greeted Re pf seen reduction In thn present normal rates tatlve Ohio, Republican Ixongworth, of 4 per cent on income under ttOdO floor leader, on th whoa and t per cent abev that amount to Mellon rate lura compromise aooa accepted by u I per cent on tneomea of and th hone under, 4 nor cent on Incomes between "I thought at tha heart nntng, and I tool) and 20M) and 4 per cent ahpve Still "that do," aald MM. f200. It would reduce the present ft would hava been Iringworth, poos leadsurtax rale all along th line, making ership to have takenmighty ot tha lira pool lh maximum 40 per rent, ap- the treasury (bill or nothing." 04,000 and plicable on Incomes of th The surtaxes in cut by proposed over and starting at 1 per cent on treasury 0 4er cent waa too much The prepent surtax rates $10,000 h at one time, Mr. tart at 1 par cent on fstsfi, increas- to undertaka agreed, pointing out that the ing to 00 per sent on 1$200,000. In the treasury only proposed a M per Sent new schedule the, rate on $200,000 stash In ths normal rata He Charwould be 10 per pent. acterised th blit as "fair aad !Jut. or of most reduction Repeal af th miscellaneous and exrla taxes Is or Would go Into effect Italian Rulers Given derd, and the thirty day after enactment of the bill Into law. Welcome by Britons THE FINAL DEBATE. Ghtled up tor Ita last dehat In th IjONDON, May 24 (By th house, th measure as It came from Frees.) Croerda which had cent. ranee was again bitterly assailed been gathering since early morning those stood who have by around Victoria station gay unwaveringKing ly for the Mellon plan, bwtthe leader V Id or Emmanuel and Queen Helens of both parties Joined In acknowledgof Italy and th Prince of Piedmont MAfald a muring reing It a th beat eomposlle measur and Prince that can be put through the present ception upon their arrive! from Dover, where toe Prince of Wale had met oungree. Representative Mills, Republican, them New Tork, a Mellon plan advocate, Member at th British royal famassailed the Conferees when debate ily and of the government, soldier, of for modifloaUoa tha Staff of tho Italian embassy and began accepting fascist! tho section creating a board ot tax a nunrlbcr of wers at the station. appeal Instead of Vn proving th adminisThe pageantry of three days visit be said, "you began with a fsnfar of trumpet, the trative machinery, have wrecked It. blaring of military bands aad th a He characterised "Impossible cheering of the multitude of onlookand ridiculous" Uie provisions (open- er aa th royal carriagvw Wheeled h station and moved ing th hearing of th board to the away from lined by troops toward public and making publle to amount elong Street Buckingham palao. paid by each taxpayer. Howard. Democrat, Representative Nebraska, replied that publication of I, DANNER denied new tax returns was certain to result In a May IfFlf.KNA. Mont, atBlM great Increase In payment MnnlAftA RUpIVtlM WBTt By Representative Freer, Wlaeon- - the request of Seth O, Danner for InConvicted waa in of Pantief ths trial. new Republican sln, charge a to be IBoxeman and setitewed surgent tax fight, th bill waa Mr. Florence as the "meat aotentlflo mea- it hanged for the death of S. D. Tho sur ever approved by congress." Epruuse of 0dm' ridge, s hugtutni John SpNiuee. also CALLED A GOLD BRICK. B two boding being found th was slain, Th form try was ,old th Melton !n ft rood bolt nett Ocotwi , plan a gold brick," h added, but Mont. you pave hsen too wise to buy it." Referring t6 Secretary Mellon1 comfobeN monbe oieb. denvenda7 for certain tax belief and TTieOdrao $ bo bonus" Mr. Freer declared that NEW YtiRK. ofMay "wfl have shown eongreaa can run it. Moms, otwnpoavr other and popriar Ha recalled former estimates Gang's All Hnre" taM Self," of a bottua aongu, died suddenly Mr. that the bill, regardless 1V came known today. would causa a defloiL old. Other tkmgg Wrttteb by Th geatleman in th treasury MTT Mbreo Bu were "MXHher. ought either to vkeep hla hands on the administration of tolo law IMIS1 and "Dear Old QtrL Maaea-chuset- Untrimmed . fU? TUI CUT BILL CArij V". something they've . been looking forward to for years. And if they get that suit, shirt, tie and shoes they've been wanting for. the occasion what a grand and glorious feeling. ftght-nnune- Weve made special preparations for -- one-four- th 111 LONG PANTS Coma hava two Bnnche, 25c , AiilHnrg Shirts Caps Shoe Sale $8 to $10 Now Only Patent Leather, Black Kid, Suede and Satins; Red, Green and-- - Blue Kid, Brown Kid, Gray Suede, White Kid. Every style of heel low, military, Spanish and French. ViDi2flntKominiey SHOE STORE 103 South Main St. Exchange Hats Underwear Utah's Greatest Clothing Store no commission Gardner &Adams KEARNS BUILDING n Month-En- d TWO PAIRS PANTS Shoes Waists RESIGNS POSE (CaatiBMd frva Oh, parties and that th program of foreign and Internal policies bo made a secondary point In tho nefotiations. rrior to the resignation of tho cabinet attempts to construct a straight urgeois government definitely ouodad on obtntauonlsPt tadiloa on ty uorman national who, after a four hours party caucus, drafted an evrooiv resolution In ahich they rHtfrhtort tWr madincM to with tho other mik&o parties, but on tho opodKlon that they bo given repnetmuitton comroensurato with their numerical strength and oft toko imsedeowe over tho question of a formulating program of internal and foreign poficiea AdThe reaotlonarim Main as their miral You TirpKt to tho foregnt candidate for chancellor, dabig&aung him as a roan who, by virtue of tiis antecedents and past rooord, qualified for Iradereb irentiy fMMlcnalrita The Itwormed SI $nrt!B that "the qacwUon of to a sgryelDg leading person! ity mug take precedenco eve the form ot huiorrnrh art outstanding traues will more readily be tUved through the medium of leaders than through parliamentary tormu- seriate They m wmted ta eAieirva line of oaittnuity ao far ,n reongnls-tb- g the prebent government' foreign poKotoa was wnwirawl, but declined to agree to any Brevlmm arrangement ahich tied th hands of Uermnn agent in connexion with Impending reparations nrtoUatinns. The net! onetime profaned their rie olution with the riatermnt that after mature dellbrratkns they had derided not to put any barrier In tha path of further negotiations with the middle parlies. The latter gavg the rritotlctiariea' bnef tonelderatlott, pfbniifttoimeAto and Voted to make no fWy to It: then adjourned In order to pranKt th mbinst to go Into aa- teutlve session. . THRUST AT VON LUDCNDORFF. Cries e Trltweekilt Lak Tihmas Cable. BHRI-B- f, May to. Thera waa oft touch of humor, to the rather dreary political deals when It became known that toe entire communist delegation, numbering mors than sixty member, proposed coming to the each Wearing retrhstag tomorrow, btua spectacles. This proposal eras aimed at Oeneral von Lndendorff. who, at to a must Use, fled from Germany to Sweden, calling himself IHeh Idndetrora and wearing blue This communist plot toa spectacle. discovered today. The communist plan being their Voices to add to the excitement and hava reserved such slogans as mass murderer,' war loaeri and "kater lover" to kufl at Oeneral Von laiden-dort- f. u . Company central democrat! parties In Germany. Certainly it i apparent that the extremist nationalist have lost ground steadily eitre the eleetioa, when they claimed they would knock toe Daws, plan for a oodked hat, and voh Tlrpita aa proponed "Admiral chancellor for that torpedoing job. Not only did fkigland and France express surprise and anger, .but economic elements entered Into th situation. -- The nationalists found that the retchsbsnk remained Arm against issuing large , credit to the industrialists who are working against acceptance of the Dawes plan, and M per cent of these lndustrialista and also .the nationalist party ar Anti-D- a we workers. The communist party, beginning tomorrow, will be hearted by a woman, Ruth Flschen, Who will become spokesman for the party, occupying a front bench. Admiral Von Tlrpita will occupy th late Herr Helfferlchi seat. General von itadefidortr will sit beside Count Reventlew aad Hen Wulle, editor and on af th founders of fascism. I al preparation f on' tho telchetng, . socialist organ. Vor- a headline, werta carried party's France WVjits Peace; Docs Germany Want Peso Alee?" eve an appeal to Germany to adopt the Down plaA, cease Ita MtUonslIatM and kalseristlo movements, cease singing hew sebgs of hat load come to a emu iy unoer- - th An th aociallets expect, would be Jf. HerrloL "Natlontllrt Germany cannot deal with democratic France, the setno ae nattonailet France could not deal with democratic Germany, but democratic deaf with (democratic Germany can sum VarwertA France. up th which U exactly to peatUoa af the SAUT LAKE YOU can borrow for money, home building, remodeling, repairing, or for any other purpose on inaprored city property as security. Ojy t , Loans of any denominations. Quick Bcrricc, no rod tape, fair appraisals, considerate treat ment (Cradles fras Pag Make Application at Once Bse.) lh Methodist church from otbw churches. ' onf own fault If the word TVatholic hap th Wrong Meaning to th People, L. FMiott confinuert ft should or, inigroci the InvisiNe body of brotoerbood. TSutnollc' in Its r real sense is Drive. It la toe word Roman that eariudep" Tha Rev. WHIUani G. Alston, a negro dechired ths delegafe from M of too word holy rtahtditf creed was driving adherent from the oborcbes. "No one thing baa given me so mttnh riiusis in ail my llto ae toaee two vrorda, be added. Abraham W. Harris of th Maine delegation, oeorotary of th board of education, raid. "Dot us demand and keep the heritage of the past The word Gathollo oarrle us bark to the very beginning of the Christian church. Dont lay your band upon thL pftftC I ituid to r or$a My father said It and aa I Want my son to aay It." In aarller tho Balloting day for three pulxiuatioa agent, of the Methodist Book Concern, to eerT through the coming Quadrennial, too delegates reelected John P. Raoe of Cincinnati, and selected Georg G. Dowries of Trt.y, N i., amd pftgeSRor c. U. Markham of Baldwin City, Kan. A change In tho ooraduot of the Methodist Book Conncrn. which Controls Hie piihdcatiens of the church, was approved at the Methodlrt Hptd-- '. conference tndaj . An egecutlre Committed to ootxmlidate th work of hcadnuarterv In New Tork. Chicago and Cincinnati, was established to refdac tmal committee previously chosen from the New fork and lerritorh, Th oonferenoe reject ud minority report giving the pooer of 'electing the executive committee to tho book committee tnriead of to Use general end reducing toa number of publishing agent from three to on. A rterteration that "there ha been too nw h knocking of ths general superintendent f l ishop)," Wes mad by the Rev. Fdwsrd Dennett of CaJlfcrnln, in obPoMng aj.clause of the majority regiort Whkh aimed th prao-tic- e of allowing two bishop to sit with th book committee m fining In the hook, council. Hi remark was applauded and to clause s ordered rirlcktn ouL Th ehsirmam s table and made by th Methodist -- eheol In chair, Venice, Italy, foe this conference, was auctioned today.- Mrs. At E Kre-- rs of twtroit, a Tieitor, mad the waning bid of $2400. The money will go to the school and Mrs. Kresk -- the 4h table and chair would be FI v eel to the Sunday ih DetrriL hfth Mriropolltatt rbnrch Th delegate vried to rn d greet- Ihgs to the Pfesbrterisn general assembly at Grand Rapid M ich. BALT LAKERS in NEW YORK. ffran-geita- all-ln- utah smuzm &-TBEP8T- . tearo aigKgrorttaaiaafBBtf n EC nn 1 j 1000 . piri paU. BE--- Ths Value vV FLOWEIS Per Bunch Up trial, Oxfords and Slippers -- f. are $750 black-atUrt- Placed for Quick Selling All the Newest Pattern and Stylet in Spring Footwear . Refunds inionn Boys' Suits Students' Suits Atwo-ciat- Today and All Week -- sew ' lemg-wort- . STRAW or Him. Everything he could wish for in the way, of good looking, long Lots of wearing clothes is here. blues and dark Colors; prices extremely low. at TpCS. a kick the boys get out of WHAT car-rto- The Big "j CKAD HATES e j tsolor j kr&e and small, Eats In Svery wanted style , that have bfen aellpife'ior.as ligh ' tae nt one-four- th To3ay One Thousand Beginning ferees, : All (Csattaasd fivw Fags gw.) the fkrht for th tneaeaira conferred with Rfuvotsry W a! rice, sponsor of toe proposal. The oeetetar- - wap told that th outlook waa "dark. although enough votes might ba lined up to pass the bin. The Kansas refTMentative said ha believed that If the meaeure la re jected, every effort should be made to put through snois farm relief measur before th end of th session, how Scheduled for a Week from SatThus far ao propoari ha urday. been advanced, h said, which would be likely to eommaod a majority la both toe house and aenate. The McNory Hausen bill ha been ISM aside by th b.use tor other leg elation, but Will be taken ap again Thursday, with a vote likely before In the event of th end of the week. its defeat, Mr. TinchOr Is of th opinion It will be possible to agree on a stfbstltute lh ttm to obtain house and aenate action during toe eomlnr Week. -- TINCMBR IB HOPEFUL-Hffn- rt probably win he made to obtain Prerid evil Coolldges views as to Rome friends what should be done. bill said they pf th McNafy-Jlaugthought it unlikely that he would come out IP its support, but they predicted that be might lend hla aid In working out a substitute program. White Douse conference with this be hrid end in view, It waa said, may . within Th we few dv Adjournment of congress before the leaders generally June conventions, agreed, depends ea farm legUlaUon, Wheat May I . Washington are hard id financially and ar In Many raeea abandoning tostr farms. BpeelelSe Tbe TriSsn. state director Mh r 2d. MS nhatVM, R-sosimuT today. OaMo; Pssnsylrartla, h. "Tha wheat erop and market reports place Ur stau wheat returns at $&t.l pep aerv," to rnrvew aairt. It Drives Ovl worm, "Thl flgnr .1 MR reached by the The n sign of worm- - In Wheat farmers Of another state. And lack of Interest la toeprieheea, e. yet ottr wheat Tarot era are bard variable ett -- th -- a sm-e- , ebn-dre- tnoii. fretf-lTrte- even abandoning their farms. there Ing In Strap. 'Wben ttmo - to give mptom appeal J wttti' ENOWFALL iN CHICAGO, Cream Vermifuge. A few doeea drive OmOAGO. May $2 A Very light out to worm and but to Utile on and almost invisible fall of snow bar on to rrad to health agam. a record of fifty yesterday was tba third latest snow- Cream Vermtfuga has. use. fall in more toon half a century, the Veer af successful price lit. Bebmmm-Johnsotemre wrath bureau arid today. Th Bold by Drug. . perature sariy today stood at UlVKlMUOL) : Beautifies, as It Cleans, as It Saves! - When you apply King Kalso-min- e it performs all three of these functions for your walls and - it does them cheaper than any other, process can do them. King Wall Finish is easily applied, leaves' a softriustroiis. finish and will make the most beautiful KalsQminejobyduhaveever seen. j a" Eihteca delicate tint lad white to lelect from-- aek' for dolor card., "Sirre end Vbu SeveTUT! ifCRgfSSa H-- n, r-.y- ,, ijjljX.-.VI.JVn- .V MEADOUARTfRS FOB PAIXTS. WAUTAFE lr CLASS. c.DT JOUTI, -- |