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Show VL Sr TIIE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, TUESDAY MORNING. MAY 27, to tbe and Now Brunswick, N. J.' Busi- vmg anew eettinued to expand and a eonr Ieis4 1t; Mnif bf down the strata fromlhritighr. pany was organized to handle the Cmm BH lak IVibaiM Fttblwh ty. parts of tha watershed to subter- traffic, Vandertrilt obtainijig control xattu vr iiMLttinUMrr cm noeife ranean lakes uader tha valleys in of tho corporation ia 1824. Three Diiy 4 . 1 M and MiHla, ea In auua rate apply U t talk Ida too ha tha gravels or ether porous soils. years later ho leased the New York da ad Wjewtnj I Thus it has been claimed that apron and Elizabeth ferry aad made a payKtaenhra ua L. i a ad fduadajr, per aoatfe . dropped down for instance ing investment out of aa isstitoioo t.. .. It SB dams, Dm Trifruaa la oa sata m vearjr taaporuat across the mouth of a canyon be- that had theretofore lost much Raadara ; neath the ground, would pick up a money for' its prompter. nty ia Uw Patted ttute. day cuy bf teiepWidS j V underbill i certain nmount of ground water. offica. . Bent big step, taken a stamper tPa AaaoeiaUd Proof of- the presence of these un- in 1829, was to begin tho construcTfca Asaoetaitd Pma Ptmm la aactamaaljr -- wnuuw water movements is seen tion of a fleet of steamboats to' comt m vaa foe reproductionaot mtotherall derground aewa dlapaukea eieditad l H in the flowing wells on Che bench pete with the existing Hudson river Ida wai credited la Uui paper, tad aiaa lands of many valleys in ftah aad and Long Island sound linen He Ktl aew published faereta. of IM Audit other statea bo definite are these made this Bt tabet Ida Tnbuae enterprise yield large coacora-laXu reap af ttrculatUw Informatoa seams a profits and gradually obtained con Tbo Tnbene Ureuiattoa will bo aop streams tbrb'ngh the gravel pUed by tbo Outfit Bureau of Orcmiatt. few feet below the surface Chat too troi . of the important competing Ootary bldg many flowing wells left running will lines, established new lines out of aolo L Ibo Xeckwita Sciat SliDEaitl&fcf irilnnuu jr ... f tiffin, f1 How to KeeptWell Philippine Robber Industry By Frederic--J- . Hklii. 1924. 4 A Line o Type or Two My Favorite Stories OUR CHILDREN Hew to tho Link let tbo fkips fall where they mag. By By Irvla & Qobh, Aax! FtrL THE ADDED STARTER. CITIES. GIGGLES AND LAUGHTER. friend to a of the cant are two According and very per CHANCE. Giggling laughing D C, May 26 of mine, there used to be an Irishenure mafg WASHJNUTON, 2$ years and himdifferent child te left A a moment hurried pace. thing. later, m wont Thai the Philippine islands are more man ae chief barker functioned whs at ume pkrt'of. tpe autoAa instant s peuso, ur the least self never giggle He may laugh for a atfhtaeeing coach tn suitable to the cultivation wf mtmer mobile trade, in MiULr'tb than the basin ef the A mason is the proportion is 24 perPontiac, aloud and come running to tell you One of the place Included i cent. haa- 1delay. And face In fas about the tamone cemetery. ( the AmeriToo sftefcnese iisuaiwe organ tea tins fuuaif hap-- - the itinerary that tiling fenny wed That can fovr.jneot who for the past peer which7 insures the reineoaberedxy. On a certain morning aa tbe .rubberpeople ia tots trade pened, but he won't gwda Gig ting neck have been making studies of the sub- in these two cutes some laden with teer-Aone heavily wagon, In putdiabes ia If tx calico what groups. only one instant eur path we yb m between the gates of ject. Txemenduus tracts at hand are ssukneae etatisacs which are worth Far and te toy ruind it is tbe turned In the crossed. entirely euitaoie to ruuher cultnaUon white, oecaus they relate to such a orator, not facing the a cemetery, heakhy atean. And in only one spot we knew not in the Oriental Nnsuutr posseeatons of large proportion of the popuuaUoa. Them is never auyifJ--cnu- e passengers, proceeded, .through his br where the lotted Biates, tfhiie the oii of 1 heir figures come near to being a hi chant to customary mean It jnegaphone, thanarrgenerally flower aad fruit of life had giggling the A mason does not provide the cross section of the disabling sick- But the group hae kmc direction, doesn t exptamMwut,, been kst emota eort of nutrition for the rubber ness among adult males in Uhjss two shaft rig&T'ymaae tii To kaow Co where fur next what If I had not found you there. t . f tommucitie fur a penud of two era. piaat. to no. one looks vacanuy at another ed in mimory av our Heritio-Con- beautiful"--shafaxo the AmeriBum two year ia To a the left There are a few , other important Dead. and on n That Moulgiggles. humps through boundiera time and der and, can rubber industry became much moditfcaoons which must be taxeu Groping erected by the rich Mr. Nori-art- y back, giggiea from space over the action of the British into account. In tudmory av hid wM one to thsstaring of the menether the we sign eould nor see neither By paths In imposing export governmeat This shaft la 100 feet high, and tal vacuum spreada ami on tbe tonnage of crude the subterranean stream New York to Boston and other coast Tbe insiwance taster tdvartaiDi afoot World btdf , hew diminish company paid no Blindly w sought the trystlng place u the bards it lay upon af- half way up tis ornamented wld four -which the trum ouuki blew he not shipped female figure benefit for any illness which did Syadtcot go, flicted humanity. , Ywlj Tribuao Udf, i lessen the flow per well. points, then started a new line oa fcnst lnthan And blundered into bits. of Great disnbie. A woman visitor spoke wp. This eiimiuates the minor Trait btdf HU Lmiii, ford bldg , Detroit and thus possessions Gurgling 1 sheep vacuity, so the The same is true of flowing wells the Delaware river Within a few tbrttaln and from Ceylon An export ils which cause so much oumplamL On Mr f itryanl bidf , Xaaoaa City, Mo, "What do the tour figures repreto on is to flit the void instantly thing tn all chance million. But M estiwas wan Atlanta 'Irwmt bldf , Atlanta. ta. , It tax eiso which not imposed do but the the asked sent"' a oompUuner with put the to Jon. ie It stiff good fatal pres- years Vanderbilts fleet became ends ehanc beC. Morceaoea A to , Dm . Faelf x Coaat forced upward by hydrostatic added action thus mated or that him from wottung. in bed This waa the first time the barker "What are you giggling about When kindly Chance such a chance nay, sure from the eonfmed lake of water largnst of its kind in the world aad tween fUJO.OOO.Oua and SJOSfeMMW to No payment'stop fepeooeo tattoo, ( baacory bldg. Boo Proa had is mads for llloeee whxn naked this question and ha been That mure are . brings gigglea They , discover. Tit) iBaanore bldg. Lm Aagoleo, under the the anauai rubber hill at the Ameri- disables for kss than cut days. This A moment rut. shout nothing nothing nt hesitated a minute before answering. valleys in places; too led to the owners being popularly can hsfora w were leas than gigghng oearttybldg , Heat lie out most of the common colds, Then Inspiration came to him: people. rules all end of ths n senselessness such friends, sore throats, laughs and headaches "Thim? Whv, thim. Ms am. are LnwnlUng to submit to this arrangelorotga burouaa of lafonsatlea of Tbo many wells will rob it of its power. styled "Commodore. proceeding mskaen any intelligent perThs next, w were more Farm. Huo Bcnb Tnbaoo tro No. ment, American rubber Interests in- end other ailrm-irwtotoh gene re Uj son feel foolish and act so. That a Faith, Hope and Chanty and and In Utah, few of these underIn 1851 ho established a steamship duced lovers to make Fraero. 1 J5 Pall Mail Loodoa. Muglaad, itti the to Mrs. men cause off for short government ait. Give them a job. Never hint iMoriarty " Pater dea Llodea, fierlta. Oonaaay, Kaeob ground water sources have so far aad transfer line to California by veys in various parts of ,lb world say half a daylayto three daya. periods, that you noticed the cols pee of their We kept a try at w know not of, . mw Hotel Rome. Paly be to would poestoie if it ascertain No are made for longer 187. by the MeNaoght (CopyrlghL been seriously depleted at say time; way of Lake Nicaragua, successfully tor payments dignity. Just reinstate it A r.ndeavous with Kata. ruober to be produced under periods than thirteen foiepboae WaUa IM. wefks. Thus Withcasual Syndicate. Ina.) "Here, children. This pile of bocke love. Pansms and seem and late and with that would the that it to bwtiuy the epd domination existing fortunately American 1 ribuao to competing Wba you fail rule affects the rates for consumpget your (or dishea, or stick or whatnot) has Thank God i caoi. not lata tbe city cirrotation deportmeut boforo existing wells are discharging all the route. Then when the Crimean war American consumers would not be de- tion, heart disease and a few other to be looked after. Her Betty, put BttKNABD. 10 o etork a on British legislation. m . aad a copy will bo seat no sickness benependent the big ones there nod you, Ellen, complaints. Finally, transa established ns he waiter needed rule. a out is broke It only Both the department of agriculture fits are paid to disability due to you by ateoeenger take these over there, and her Pe- The golden qualify ha escaped an And Men Likewise. sent liquor, vice, venereal disseise, a chair to stand on. Ifrterod at tbe pottofftra of Salt Lako Ctiy neresaary to sink a pipe a few yards atlantic line between New York and and the department of commerce Send the wmga of the year ter, valmuch Ob Gee. Oh Gosh. them get Dear H. and out L. o ooeonddaM parlies of the exploration Wise teachers back, and parents know tattler all ecurryrpg and put them to lumbago, straining to continued with a large screen section at thf Havre. His fprtun uable data has been sathered. The trachoma cr neglected henna. In What do you think? The other night work. the vest apace that divides laughter gone each group of lOuO a woman who had spent some time at (Torn a Their bottom, and attach the clcctnc grow and by 1861, when the civil department of agricultureof has different trained ears deis But employee gigglething laughter ths probinto the scientific aspects there were kid steknesa abeen-- , in Chana was here and exhibited soma Laughter is a healthy, hearty exer- tect it instantly, but they do not alpump. The underground waters are war began, hie wealth was esti lem, investigating aoil, climate and Flint of ab- goous and ornament, which she had cise of the soul and body. When a ways know What te do. Should a of total wnh tree a days htt removed like ,the oil is removed mated at 810,060.000 (not a large rainfall, which are all important fac- sence, an average of 2.$ days ab- brought beak with her. And right in child laugh he baa given himhelf child laugh tn school? Yee, ef ooum in rubber culture this pile of things ware a littie pair sence per employee. to gentleness and kindness and School la part of everyday life and from the oil sands beneath the oil sum today, as fortunes go, but im tors Tuesday, Slay 27, 1924. The of shoes such si the Chinese women up tains deemed best At ifontiac there were efgbty-fi- v and fun. A child It to be enriched with peels for that adapted Philippine dome to rubber cultivation, accord- sickness absentees with a total of 21 ft wear. The traveler said. "You don't cannot laugh with the slightest trace of ought x cblldMi laughter. prevsive and potential of absence 2.1 nays per em- have to believe inis, but these shoes cf anything ugly in hi heart. ing to a new report just submitted Oioalee are a elgnef But For o&yw Thns the supply of water to date period ). Then Vanderbilt, who saw try ggiglee OOOUDGE HAS COURAGE. are the department of agriculture, of less have .been worn, for you can see for that reaaon a child' laughter Is to trouble ol umbering Had the absences is ployee. Intelligence has been limited only bv the size breadth of vision the poseibili in the large island of Mindanao and than six days been added, the total ourself that they still have mud on be sought for and treasured when giggles abound. Ride over the islands Min- days absent would have been far them." for it, setting top of them and give each giggler a Not that tjonry Clay i credited with the of the pipe and the capantv of the ties in the development of rail trane in the adjacent smaller the greater. So they walk back in China loo traps to catchplanning danao is about the same stse as are to trail hire Job that prill vet him to wot, indeit, laying eta tome at that le ijoulil rather be pump, bhough it is claimed by geolo portation, began to withdraw his in- state These lands of Indiana Arent women Just the same the world it, win ever capture it. Real laughter pendently of the group. The group now growing very little rubber, chiefHARRY JAP. comes unbidden and ungutded. It is hae lost the idea that waa holding K Dropplnc atwences of lea than aix over? At the pres- gists --that these underground water terests from the water ehipping bu timright than president. and native grasses ly ss free aa the bird on the wing, or together and Ie reduced to vagueneea totale also producing from the diaarrencd day. oil bodies, nose and concentrate in railroad ac ber. There la but one on like bodies, underground a LET THEM TRY. plantation on the Landing of the cause, of absence. breexe and emptiness. The giggle In the prethe the YES, flutter ent time the rhief executive of the that tight H? had become president Mindanao and three small ones should not be expected to last for- tivifiee of apple bloaeoma It Is aa free- test of the submerged mind. Pali the Oolda and wore throe to, which led Aa a humonst and astir. 8. H. L: BaMlan. of - United States is showing by his sets Island the neigohoring of a child nund tip with a good smart Job. Igof the were tbe an in true Mencken would the Qdr. apint rank ing soaring total, isLwe ever against heavy withdrawals. In of tho New York k Harlem railroad The Work kill them. largest consults of '180.6QG trees. even 100 per cent. A it ia customary We who listen wistfully to its rtppkng nore the gargle group In theee table. that he holds a similar view. Thu this connection it has been noted as early as 1857, and in 1864 obLAND AND CORN RUBBER Lead poisoning in the ontr Impor- for children to start with a primer, merriment know it as a symbol of a In SIMILAR. time IPX of Age tant gone we dieeae by. farm (CopyrlghL rarely by the BeO Eye-ca- r. occupational is the one gTeai reason why the in a few localities that great diffi tained control of the Hndeon River suggest that Helen Btemer and golden Inc.) J. . A try reading the American laughs tn ths acre n (a of childhood The new soil survey mads of theae the industry. had which of of stock the in the itself to railroad, in rate sickness way him of the A want presents eulty Credo. The single paragraphs will lands says that people of the country comparison iey am richer I of and Pontiac than the Flint cause difficult group to low rubber not into an to needed fallen for and holco, constituent prove figure. enough unusually prairie dog remain in the White House to look gopher and in time they may deSumatra and tbe Maiav suggestive Diarrhea and stomachB brain-fa- g which the irrigation water may He operated the two roads in con- the lands ofwhere so much of tbe troubles were too high in plant eufflceeotly to enjoy Mercury. velop peninsula, after their interests 'during the four drain back into tn come nerroue trouble plant tho subterranean junction and soon placed the Hudson worlds supply of rubber has (Pontiscl; AUNTT DOTS. It (Pontine), and dLgentJve trouble yearn beginning March 4, next. It lake about as fast aa it is pumped River line on a paying bams. He from. There Is a general similarity land and com land in plant J (Flint). In each inntaaca Northwoetern university. In looking rubber between in alno the principal reason why he rate for a certain group around for a May queen, say that out, great car and continued to "reach out in rails so far as the soil Is concerned. The why did the run will receive so great a majority of labor necessitating of troubles high in a certain while in the requires a much hotter beauty was the only in the fields to distribute the and by 1867 obtained control of the rubber plant can can the men do to requisite for past rubber While What however. the honor, that this year plant the votes east at the Republican wwtwr, and allow if to remain avail New York Central, was elected pres- climate, in the corn belt, corn Ixirat down a high nicknese rate In a the lady must also have brain. Oh not raised be national convention at Cleveland as able to the the plant do gush, what for? riven plant? What can ident of the eompanv, and in 1869 can be raised to excellent advantage ' growing plants. rubber land, the government exto make his nomination almost consolidated it with the Fludson on as IT. CAUSE MAY In RICH find the DIET MAYBE HE HAS A CORONA, TOO. Philippines perts unanimous. It is very gratifying to NEW TREATMENT FOR GOLDS. River road 0 to 200 burhels of corn Evcntuallv thu master murh as Mrs. J write. AtlC BL 3 M4A MAY 2) UAH This land of acre on an are has raised me 1. what R H 1. ROME) BLANK. BLANK kaow that the Republican, party Will you pinnae tell of finance completed his plan for raisis by to possible urine vear-o)d yield s causes phenomenal a L'HKLi Proeidcnt MY NOM DK that PLAGIARIST The fact batty Coolidge given notice that no dueker. dodger lenoX like ammonia? through trunk line from New York ing three or four crop ayear i notice this PLUMB THIS MORNING THURSof rubber have been utilv in the 1 take her or trimmer need apply and that the recently took the new chlorine gas to Chicago bv Four speries when YOU of DAY AND LET IT RJDB STOP morning securing control tried In this region They are the from bed. CANT YOU TELL MT TYPEWRITman who is to be the standard treatment for a cold 1 still symptomatic of tho Take Shore, (Vnada Southern k CVara. the CasttHoa, the Fteus an! bottle when . her the THIS ING (BY STOP I give The latter hae bearer this year has the courage of At his the Hexea or Para put her to bed lor the night, bhe i THOUtafT THE BQUIB WAS VERY and was greatly benefited Michigan Central lines. fever one tbe hay for the only proved practical and will aot stoop his convictions WOULDN'T MENTION RLAM OR healthy otherwise. death in 1877 he left a fortune of Philippines J have been told a pinch of bi- IT 61MON CALLED SCRATCH. to currying favor in order to ad will no doubt reeult in bringing the about 8100,000,060, The department of agriculture ex- carbonate of sk)& m her the bnlk of bottle of of The hack many samples treatment into general favor. plorers brought vanoe hie personal interests. miHt would remedy thin W1SHE& which was left to his son, William soils and will make laboratory experiRMPllY. R. H. Ia.-- Joel the other night I Since he succeeded to the chief army surgeons had been experiment- K. Vanderbilt. T her-- . was also a ments and analyses in Washington 1. be due to snap left Thi may ley In beat and watched the golden will finally determine whhh In the magistracy by reason of the death ing with tbo gas, and Secretary of heqnesf of 81.600,000 for the found which clothing by the laundry The wishing moon, and, because no one oils art best adapted for rubber proIn that case is thorough rins would ever remedy of President Harding, Mr. CooliAg, know and laugh, 1 wished duction. Vanderbilt at of recomwho had tried it, university, Ing after of Var the washing. Weeka, :ng garments foolish things. a to hundred South which went The party has Sad a trying lima of it Tnthe It may be due to a diet that ie oyer Nashville, Tenn. America to studv the rubber producto Influenced, chief executive. the by it magic mended it neh in fata. Give her more fruits, glow. I wishedperhaps, Whits House. Congress has been first for a lover on ing poesHhilities of the Amason basin vegetantea, cereals and milk, partice to the disThe bold a as and rainfall handsome cHmete the and found radicals of according the that control under president, the , DESTROY NOXIOUS WEEDS. posing skim milk. book knight to come riding MaL but that the soH is not ularly 2. Discontinue this bad habit. I story as Republicans at the polls, and it patches, sat in an airtight room of me from down out to It is true that the it should be what mysterious 3. No Putting alkali in the food southern California much nfbber grow wild in Brasil, Not Jong tire Then, because on has been impossible for tha admin- the army dispensary for forty five for either children or blue above. not good It is noticed that the high qualquickly of love, ao they say, 1 wished istration to obtain legislation for tbo minutes while iho treatment was ad- was invaded by millions of butter but rubber grownups. that onlv in cer riches for and wealth gold great appears growth ity me everything my heart would git beat interests of tbe comftry as a ministered, and suffered no dis- flies. The .fluttering army ap- tain soils Tbe Hevea plant requireCHANGE HIS DIET. No sooner had thia glitterdesired a heavy red soil underlain by an open comforts. whole. As a result, President breast R. M T writes: Our baby feelfancy passed than aof restlew peared ia unprecedented force, ad subsoil which permits ithe long tap old, weighs 2214 ing has been compelled to interpose me and Experiments with chlorine gas for root to penetrate Into the earth. It fed, t months ing took possession th He and la from At Mexico. very will notlve, Easter pounds. the of solitude these is the for that vaneing reports quiet evpected longed vetoes, Ws do not believe he will respiratory diseases were undertaken fwwuH. in abandonment of the Amason only fault ia that he is always con open space, fait far away from theae lose any votes next November oa by the army medical corps as a re- time they were found sweeping ever basin an a rubber source for the hUpated. men. I wanted to be alone of haunts Will you kindly tell me what to do out there where ths silence Is felt this account. Neither do we believe sult of a discovery at the Edgewood Death valley, regardless of desert United States. hie to overcome constipation and and the stars bang low in the LABOR SUPPLY ALSO. BETTER inthe at at we may feed him beendea the heavens. Md., ef multitude arsenal, the Edgewood, investigations and traveling about fifteen terrors, are regarded as what The Philippines breast? in Yee, a hundred foolish things I do of the influenza epidemic time volving the Harding regime will better adapted to ruober cultivation REFiLT. miles an hour. Countless eggs have for in the glow of the wtrii the further reason that labor is diet. wished, therehot him any political harm, for the sit-- ; 1918. It was fonnd that employees been Overcome by constipation of whet good are Ing moon, laid all over the ooutberp conn-tic- , more skilled and more pk&tifui there Whenever potedble. Akin say to wishes EDITH, THE FIRST. nations created were not of his of the chlorine plant wore practithan 4n bouth Amerioa. The overcome constipation begin feeding labor is scarcely skilled at ail fruit Juice when the baby is on " wPoe oration of h ' automobile tn and countless, offspring are livcally free from the disease, which making. ip rubber culture and also is regardmonth old There has been some disco ssioa of was general among employees of ing off the fat of tho land without ed soviet Russia, writes Gtgnd Be bolt as rjxther unrcTisdJe in the Philcooked, finely from Berlin. "1 Begin giving well five bans enough for exbe mashed can A labor the platform to be adopted at the other divisions of the arsenal The month cheap relatively at ippines. vegetaJWe Sthena." The pooeee mankind in the least. obtained to b diet that Is rich in starch, sugar, ile to northern Thi labor is wt-Cleveland convention, most people medical corps investigated the con- bothering aotomobiles of stoif by two different cultivation and and fat Is laxative'. This species of butterfly is known war skilled in rubber almost ran us speed demons who realising the difficulty of "point- centration of chlorine in tbs air 'reover five month very dependable Because the i hil p babies wax Constipated sufficient bests down yesterday not far distant Irom the old should have are aa and is Painted said the cereal kill to to pines of the Lady with certain record bacteria pride quired for UA if we had the power, to send ing They Lnjtch Kast Indies tbe Malay peninover seven or eights month, both of them to the deepest aalt mine congress. Republican in name onlv, proved that the organisms which to be beautiful, but as a caterpillar sula and Sumatra, shote run her is Those can have bread or crackers. There are in Saghalien for life labaare old an there many industry, olive oil to constipated and at the same time indorsing the produce colds and influenza were she has peculiar taetea One might He some things ths bolsheviks do gives borers who have worked in the rub- bies Young babies get ten drops at really well. rather Philpositions held and maintained by more susceptible to the action of have a dose, older one. a teaspoonful It expected the destruction of the ber plantations available in tbe President Coolidge. No one need chlorine than other bacteria An ia given two or three Uroew a day. MOTOR SONG. delicate cultivated plains of the dis- ippines. rubber American pepbatoiy producers over was the what chamber constructed wwry Republican airtight have their would rather , the operations USED Tp COWS MILK. Driving at night! star above such is usual technique GETTING trict; summer yon WKh It would under the American flag 1 platform does or does not contain, through which 42,000 liters of gas-ai- r of hero Mrs H M C. writes The dreaming wheatfieM seem a traveling pests. Not so. Pass- be pjsstlih'1 for the Amenean nxttoer and the name is true of the Demo haby nurture was passed per minute, weaned my dew. of sea a delicious crop of wweot eosnpentee to buy up vastof tracts in jont havingDoa hard time givingafte-o- Crooning a song! As a noted poli and many patients who were suffer ing up emtio platform. the land and ammilk. but the sovereignty you think that clover, to say nothing of dainty Brasil, The would be foreign and the laws could merry god all love you. used tieian once remarked, political plat mg from infections were treated. will or two weeks she get d The Philippine This night was mad the voracious in- not be controlled. flowers, garden to it forms are made to catch votes and for von "Most of these patients, the American, and it is thought are stripping the nettles and are 2. How much milk a day should vaders lake! more feel borne would ths at Americans Circling not for the candidates to stand the army specialists reported, re btv doctor tells me she she drink The tiny wavelet, catching mallow, two of the principal there. ounces, bedrink forty-fiv- e t upon. It has been aptly said that ceived a single treatment of one field The starlight's fitful gleam, are One large rubber oompanv is re- must of nuisances weed the cereals, soups, vegetasides rubneighboreating ' President to be with winking fira. ia bonr. ewn his experimenting few A ported a eeeond received much or for platOolidge has not eaten hood. Stinging plant hairs, reek- ber culture m tbe little negro repub- ble. etc. tewShedava along! and will not drink Coasting form. That is, he is to be judged even a third treatment on sneered of the last on coast The the west of lic vagrant wind iw snatching Liberia, of formic acid, leaves and this Is your Idea with Whet milk anv ing are Soil climate and reported Africa. Vague, witching notes from out her While the majority of by what he has accomplished and ing day worries ms very much, as woodland lyre. but bare stalks disappear to be good there but the rainfall action-cries Itnearlv all he has tried to accomplish. tients were eared or improved br everything cast-iroday. she ARTHUR J. MaEJLHONH abundant may not prove sufficiently RFJPLT. digestivo appa or enough dirtnfcuted rather than by promisee made ia hie one treatment, many required sev into the evenly can Ton turn that. lees than Tea la (he Automobile Biirtnw la Salt Lake for IT Yorcb erawlera the ratus of bber You Americas to Cant Get the Dirt Back But For the great behalf by the delegates to the eral treatments. There seems to be work most of the milk into milk That Eaay. companies to go into the Philippines soups, other to cresrn aad podding, else Cleveland convention who find to produce nbbw little donbt that such chlorine WHEN I IN MY4 SHIP SET EAIU or anywhere To relieve the Spasmodic R. H. IMJ STATE STRUCT FHONI WAS. S foods. would mean extensive development mlt Lilac of any further worry, uneasiia difficulties created by con- treatment will completely abort 2 A pint a day will be enough. Mr Tsovs has aatled out Into the West, and a vast increase In property of e etc. loss regarding forty-fivness, appetite, drtnfc to Bailed out on a moonlit sea. Wen, she Thc cold when taken nuffieiently early, gress for political purposes. valoea Vast plantations would be set Conors lane query In a last wee a day she could not sat any- the wind, breathe soft and out and thousands of persons em"When the neighbor' chickens dig a usual "ringing resolutions could and in eases it af O Weetem sweet VillAgee would sprtog up and thing else and a Child that age needs hole in a newty planted garden, what ployed. he omitted thu year without doing fords groat relief. Aeute bronchitis And waft him Again to me. highways and railroads would he bmlt foods other than mint, becomes of tha dwtr' Answer 'It wherw there was but wilderness bethe Republican candidate any harm is practically always relieved. There all goes to ths same plae where your Iiore has sailed far out to tha fore AU this would entail the tn-- v when you stand up The president is prepared to go be is more difficulty in treating head North eminent of rtdUions of dollar, and luck: Oddly enough, there have been lap goes TWtHkTT, TWHEJT. SR shores and fast, much benefit would accrue to the na- few vehicles of tnia type struck by fore the people on the record made colds because the swelling of the O To the say Some of Them Have Northern wind O rash ms wind, tive population in the way of em- hghtnlng. and some authorities But Nothing u fact since he enrtered the executive man- m neons membranes Mops the air Speed him bacA aafe at last. the due ie that it probably IrishI am a ployment and development R. R than most sur- man. Tbe process of rubber production Is that they are lower sion and nothing more will be passages and prevents free, access I have a golf bag on the plantation. rounding objects, which are therefor Love has to sailed the earned out wholly away My full-o- f If Fhd, clubs you golf needed aa ammunition for the spell- to the ehlorine. Perchance to some Southern ah ore. The latex or sap Is collected from the more apt to be hiL can find a buddy to use O winds of the world, 'Send him back rubber trees, which bear at tho age binder D. over. R. thrnn send L during the approaching tharo of the Q. What are the colon to me. of five years, latex is a white subCOMMODORE VANDERBILT. Campaign. flag A W. R. Plow him home to roam no mere. stance. not unlike mifc in appearR. H. L. A The colors of ths Checho-Slova-k A email erotica of the tree ance. tan flag arts white, red. and blua One bandied, and thirty yean ago Alee! the winds have pejd no heed hark to stripped each day and the FUMFTNO WATER. To my call, my feeble wail caught in cup. To strip too inQ. Were the engravings given to the residents are volunteers, and (May 27, 1794Y, Ooroelius But my Love I shall find on that obta- sp would Injure the rreea. The On ha .Nut. to travel' out over today soldiers who were wounded In the war vestigation of actual condition m the see. in plantation output is poured intoofvats characteristic the teauuwnf a te Vanderbilt, destined to become one When f I in my ship set salt an or to those who were' ln hospital city and coagulated by the agenev the atato ia almost any direction It is abroad K. M. U. TMs mass ks elastic of the world s best known finan By Mary Butterworth Randot, la sold ironed into long sheets and dried A rite certificate to which yos WT Christian HcraJd. the and to any distance-to- note the Q. What cause a wax to form on At this stage the product la of about refer is a wound certificate, which is eiers, was born near Stapleton, men who were wounded tbe limbs and trunk of a peach tree? as to tbe same ordinary the only consistency gives prevalcmey ef the practieo of pump- Staten island, New York. He NECESSITIES. A G rubber band The Sheets are folded A. Uumimsi is a rather general - -Doat you think. yotL had better tip for shipment Upon and ing water for irrigation purposes. of old" Dwtrh lineage, and was the i new term drees suit before you arrival atpacked cave applied to a group of troubles Michael ie How St the q. manufacturing plants, big It may only be a windmill, drawing first member of tho back to Washington? on the Bock of labmftar? H. &. B. the evidence af which ia the exudainquired rubber Is woH&ed in vanoua way Dutch fo of oarly tion aoUoitoue gum from point on the trunk, 11(1 BL tbe Is Michaer made. cava about daughter. what A upon being water for a garden or track patch; famihea If you need money for home huldlng, There are nearly f dunnot answered Senator Sorg- dependiiwr to establish a groat bosi hum. AatorndMIs Ufa consume the great- feet above sea level at it. month, branches or twtga.cause of gumming 'Tie farmer aad other toilers er part of the Imports of robber, hut slopes rapidly down and exteude remodeling or any other purpose and over twenty primary it may M a battery of electric non and This need inatades several it quickly you'll ear time and or so In the belle of they ere far from being pur rotwr. to feet into the ruck; its eatretne xanunulaU wvalft that, are coming guaunesia. strong .more bade--, c motora throwing a stream snff iciont neaflfurod hx..ouming hare thinking at wtold. wear out, too faaL l bniit. however,, have.., hoL Aeea., folly fungu dieeaaro, ooif or rrihBer Pure xiaedard of hi ItgWitioi that Im due to insects, setts aeries of rial diseases, injuries an a cnmporitlon la triad, eontafninft expiured. it consists of a conader-ablTOe make a specialty ef quick lean -from te pve bf eurd maturity to a large tune, wa tmly exceptional ia its aUa. Washingtonextra trouble e fttal. resulting phvsiologtcal more or fit chamber met but of eclair, muh -mrrt durable rutvhwe extent, connected by narrow and onfarorable sotl or ertmat conditions, TaticJEy aad ra te cv field; but the practiee i evidently volume. We loan our own tape" or complication crooked The outermost and others. THE BLOWOUT. peonage a . tllcnca more money and can para on the me rite of your for than it is YaaderbUte eareer Is noteworthy general paying, 7 feet In height and 20 In cave Is aa Oh wKh ea Caughlin Whea poauIKe dispatch. applies tioo plight bought Q wire did R.theP.expression "to in that he had virtually bo educa- that many suppose. ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS. length, with monatve pillar of stalac- boot" bargain car with the poor tires orVgtimtei tite reaching from roof to, floor. 1 is true, however that tho pump- tion save that acquired i ho Invited all tho neighbors for a Bong seems to an be This e e expression A doee helP Eiperi-- celebration How Shantuwr Q. and trip. . mamtfacturtn? 4. R. popular in the time of Cervantes ing ia restricted to those places nee college, for at the g of 1( trad In Don Tm; It appear recaiar Japan M to A juhltnHXuybody Wee Rhnntun the Roman OoUaettra Bhakespeare. -- whom underground water is within Important s blowout. on translation year lie began life for for Magutno reading Quixote by Japan' maaufanturtmr beemum of He standing jo h time of Christ? Here you pay no onrnmiaeion no attor-o.-y Thon art a eat and a rat and a coweasy reach from the surface ef the enUblufcw eoal minae. Th province boa vaat C. A K. tee no appraisal charge ferry between Staten duo. The ia Henry boot to ard Shakespeare axe at Valued re not whinh was This A rreoumn, ml amphitheater jtwthoee dytricts-wheground Interest rat la reasonable. mlaadnt NrT6rXX5tyrhu4rmg IV says: "With all appliances and UV OOO, 000 rot. me ia re. yen,., and are operated bv built until SO A D eh for electric power is availiibls and eco- Loth paszaagon and farm product. Brief in your abstract today f ap. What your fwatMLBd doinc now, Japan nod China JotatTffJnrtnW the M.q. Why ie BUS House ke coOed ? M. R Gorman occupation exoetlent rallwav proved, the mooey.wiU b ready for you nomical; and to those plapee where Hi naanu&l ba.inro ability mi lb WhiUr social settlement I This famous , within Twenty-fou- r A e evetaine were built, which are aiao of Motorm hour about aint unin the natural precipitation may be de- oon demonstrated, for in two ytnrn whet going to happen in ih Croat vehie In connection with mana-fo- skuated on South Halstead street, PEIZES AMOUNTINa to Chicago, and takes Its name from Its urln. pended oa lor goodly share of the ho owned or controlled throe boat, next .lotion." r retinal building erected tn 162 by $1600 "Oh, hea a prophet moidure needed' by the crop. Thus end from that time on tho increase -In 186 Jan Hull. Charles Q. Win the robber tire on an ae No. Oh, no, A. dead toon -- Bn. normore-x-Inc- . of toWiOhllo while the practice is not particularly in hi, dipping intermtn a. FOR ANSWERS TO and Film Btarr oecnred a lease GIVEN charge. augF C. B of part of the building with tbe -hchtnle define a QUESTIONS IN GEOGRAPHY intensive, at is resorted to ia a very mented with amazing rapidity. Ho of founding a social settlement. A,' Th bureau of v etandard. eav. ' THEY ARE LEGION. ' dort-An educational contest, open fb nil not l A an The activities of esrheet House Hull many places to gain supple- acquired n considerable fleet of both "I ee that M)m Puu-- bee VluU atom the (rewind I wet. and. there, were purely metal Reading were everybody, any stale. First prixe mental irrigation water. Main at Frit Strath river and harbor boat, and in 1817, the prreet roajorttv." aei Jon. is MO LSLCA3H,, Hnw wed do too for., IH. two. become wee which l.e-n- n It Ukrh iHtb eictalmwf Brown, ah. verm os know Send and power rtris elaimrd by hydro graphers at tho ago of 23 yearn, ho built and . nonconductor Geography? feetmtwv your wr th.tr arratured stamp -, dead, I. her lent I. no more dancer when the fur aged r undent of the neighbor- for etoeuiar, nils and qoesuona to he , Win, beoanuk captain of tho firnt aioua-boa- t - ' 'No that them era r and, jrologiat "fhe- b than when R t ond-tn- r hood. Gradually the scone widened aims s id in the contest. - Address rephed Jowea. ear m mw-- ln man named Eniia.- K imrrl4 wta. end whether an aptonwddl. end active dWuwv m of aooeomte Jnh W. Sheffield, CtmJrmsa of etrejuni of wator aeeping, or running between Now Tort chance. would be atfacfc dopeade huwoty upon eaesttooe was gamed qa. , Awerdsk Amur. UL Uktv.J 8ICKNEM N Midi, TWO 47 much-travel- ed New-Orlean-s- wul 1 nerd-actio- n, - ei-a- Im c . w - tee-he- e, rubber- tee-be- e. 'a r 1 1 o neu-rru- s. it pet-tal- We have been in this 1 busi- ness over seventeen years and sold some men as many as five cars in succession Tl-M- 1 1 SoTisnt Cool-idg- e hard to find out how weve treated our customers in the past. And thats a pretty good indication of how you would be treated. , Maybe you would get better treatment here than you ever have had since you first owned an automobile. Some men have said that they never knew what service was until T they came here. n 1 ne fiwrr-people- - j n tbem-aetve- t 1: a 11 I: left-hand- m Cxecho-Btovehi- rap-kd- y . . - Loans Quickly Made on Improved Real Estate hak-4n- -o-cfty-A-few -- -- wf-Wr 1 No Commissions tbr a? i - .Si poo-pl- 1 ere ru at ... ct i Ad-da- ob-ie- "Hi" under-ground- j 4 Central Trust 0a tyortgatJtns le'-rt- h t |