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Show UINTAH BASIN RECOUP. PUCIIESNE, UTAH Peasant Table From mmiwi Drop Seen in Farm Prices v tif T tSJi-- f.: i YttjV' r look for much of a letdown in prices for several months. As for farm prices themselves the consensus is that they will go down gradually until they reach the parity floor, when the government will have to step into the picture and begin buying to maintain the 90 per cent of parity program. Secretary of Agriculture Anderson has temporarily withdrawn from the grain buying picture but he still has about 100 million bushels of wheat to buy to meet the governments export commitments. When he does step r . VL .'I "'Xl S if ) BOSS r k, I r 7 iA - n '"xXi t v I'- - Notes of a New Yorker Zi Y?' Y', f . , Times Square Vignettes Songwriter Hugh Martin probably will never get fC Xl . t XV A' any medals from Texas because his new song hit, "Tired of Texas," joshes the Lone Star State. . . . But it was ordered written by Texans, who asked Martin ti, tune to knock out a 'Texas-flavore- d . to be sung at a luncheon honoring some Texas-bor- n army big shots . , , . The lyrics got a lotta "yox ( more than the composer expected) so he worked i g on the ditty to whip it into commercial use.'. . . Several producers with musical comedy scripts turned it down. AMBITIOUS . . . Because Dennis , . . Another producer (almost on the of Evansville, Ind., verge of taking it) changed his mind Corbett, three, when the headlines shrieked about wants to be a lawyer, despite the Texas City's disaster. . , . Today its tbej ilact that he was born without arms click song in the show, "Look, Ma, Im land legs, friends have formed the Dancin! Underprivileged Service, Inc. to 4 4. t. 4 J, head-quarte- rs : ' V 1SMM o 4, 'V A CAPACITY TO BOUNCE BACK . . . This is a scene of visiting basketball team of paralyzed veterans from the beat another team from the Bronx Kingsbridge hospital s and put score. All the players competed from of good, bard basketball throughout the game. wheel-chair- -- x Ah j xIyv: a&Vj x ' Already our colleges are so overcrowded that there Is no more chance of the students getting acquainted than there is In a subway rush. The whole mood or college life Is changing. Where a boy used to get a kick out of making the glee club, he W'STRROOK for a radio audition, . , . The fresh- man rush is fading out because the modern student wont wrestle without pay. , . . The old rah-ra- h spirit is being replaced by something resembling the mood in a wartime brass mill. Altogether, boys, three rousing cheers for dear old Willow Run university! Even if you are processed like a Ford fender instead of educated like a potential scholar, It is all made easier than yesterday. p- - ff iair. -- n f s Vi nyronygTKqw ri ; A '4 4- J sr!L - is y. v v - jf0H" i T t, 4, i'j I I' ) ' ' Nancy Walker says, Dont bother reading a contract; the big type gives and the small type takes away. 4 y sfs im. YY V fv,-f . v ; ' izzzzJ the CIO, and lawyers for the jHollywood-Wal- l Street PHILIP picture trust may rest serene amid the solind effects, discoursed thunder-shee- t with and such niechanical gear by the department of justice. It is just another production schedule whooping along in election year. Each show will be a mint of money for the party. In the long run, on ceremonial appeal to the Supreme court, Murray and the CIO will be acquitted of violating the law In using the columns of the CIO News, a private publication of tl.e union mobsters, to boost their candidate in an election. Although the plot is cut and dried, docs anybody suppose that any other theatrical play is Impromptu? That moving picture anti trust case has been going on, starting and stopping, for 10 years now. But ""this Is a good year for it. The Hollywood trash are in the grease because of the Communist business, and since FDR died they haven't been so conscientious about getting up the money. This will remind them, in election year. Everything is going to be all right, though. It just takes time and the right kind of pressure and the right frame of mind In the department of justice. That's all it takes. MURRAY, wind-machin- Taft-Hartl- yy j.' e V depriv Brea Muffins witjlSo Bell" Mcrmdcds Easy! Try em for Sunday 2 tablespoons shortening 1 GBS starting return t 1 vies, U cup sugar cup Kelloggs All-Br- ditor of "radici n r husb: All-Br- an was adical ci hey of 'raid Ti the writer Bom ferentia editor fifed free HE DECIDE? . . . Reports that Ray Morrison may leave the Temple university Owls to become bead football coach at Yale are unconfirmed by Morrison, Said he; The only fair thing for me to say is no comment. OWL larcer S. Mh 7?y temor m - retty bI( seems tor he (ments play The juice of a lemon in s water, when taken first thing ing, is ail that most people insure prompt, normal elir No more harsh laxatives that the digestive tract and imp: a I te Ki Infatu show 1 of H mentioi bore Ret in I! C the itions. I ctors, p know mouth, wake3 you up. purgative simply helps it tem regulate itself. Try It the He y USf CALIFORNIA M layc tally I section SUNKISI and oi Kan; Jf t. One Sue in :l4 "j I'TY ph cor fading w play oduced How I There Person; adverti d e 4:4 jet file Fields let us ej lake Party t li0 4'n,l ,ar A a ParamountP f m Dawn, one of ..ii.iof? , wb( eroomed. Hollywood PO det. 04 Caloi Tooth rh McKesson L Bridgeport CRL0X pO E vV d TRAP WITH SH0 IHU FUR IS A SAIT (NOT A guaranteed results in thi ta fur bearino animal lasts for RAIN OR SNOW. SITS II give for rofess VEROnIC' A ODDS AND ENDS Ronald CoL man served notice that be will do no guest appearances other than on the t jack Benny show. . , . Prank Sinatra withdrew his I CC application for a permit to build a radio station at Palm . . . A firings. The most English-soun- ,i "S E ngltshmen on "The Whistler an usually played by Tom Collins, wha fh1iv0 TI Following returns assuring him of has never been within 1,000 miles 6 nomination for governor of which is equiva- England. . . , Victor Moore is now lent to election, l.arl Long, brother of theLoubuna, late Sen. Ilucy I Long regular on the Jimmy Du, ante show,a scans messages of congratulation with Mrs. Rose M. Long, widow of . . erorie If alter, dancing in Eddie h s brother deft), and his wife. Longs victory in the Democratic Cantors 'I You Knew Susie," made her screen how as Wesley primary returns the Long dynasty to power after eight years. Barrys little sister in Tuddie," 17 years ago, whan only stx. iY; ev Herald over tion! Lemon in water is gm Generations of Americonsk lemons for health and gen of doctors have recommend They are rich in vitamin valuable amounts of Bi and alkalinize; aid digestion. Not too sharp or sour, lemon has a refreshing tang-- c! 'S (v Vs- - L0G cong shot The I 'lY the :ed i ,;;'4 great : a V poli L d; K 'Porkers' Spend Millions Barm :d Americas most famous natural laxative cereal try a bowlful tomorrow. grat n. P R .tious in r t well- - a ts t;. c who wi cup milk Cream shortening and sur oughly. Add egg and beat ! in and milk. Let most of moisture is taken flour with baking powder Add to first mixture and until combined. Fill grease fulL Press tz pans one-ha- lf ful of marmalade into top muffin. Bake in moderated (400F.) about 30 minutes, muffins, 2 Vi inches in dia:: 12 small muffins. all-tim- S') mig i ..Y;X It i Le rho ery, acting as farm hand, factory time keeper, hotel clerk, deckhand on a freighter, English teacher and writer. 1936 - tuff. ' a. : VRIGHT PATTERSON budget and appropriation bill passed by congress. No single Item calls for the expenditure of billions of dollars but many of them call for miliums. Summed up, the total represents a considerable sum of money gleaned from the taxpayers pockets. ,pv. Norman Brokenshire did the first ' ' J radio interview with movie stars 1 I' ' ' 7 - , ,, , t v---' It, j . ',4 ,j?Y e I Douglas Fairbanks and Mary Pick-forw , I I- - - still recalls how she fainted ' , s away, from mike fright. He is cred. -- v ited with a lot of radio firsts origthe daily serial style of proinating A.h , . ) ' t.iiLiku PINHEAD . . . Marshall T. Newgram, doing the first philosophical man, associate curator of physical BOTTOM RUNG REVISITED . . . Fifty-fou- r show, etc. He now is climbing to the years ago a youngster top again, with Theatre anthropology at Smithsonian insti- with nolhirtg but a little Guild on and the ability to play a lot of baseball the Air and two NBC tute, measures skull of an original boarded a train caboose hope promorning at and to bummed a ride SteubenPittsburgh pinhead, a prehistoric Indian in- ville, Ohio, to seek his fortune grams. on the diamond. He was Ilonus Wagner, fant whose head was deliberately now 74 e years old, who became one of the baseball greats. deformed. The first Hollywood producer to Here, on his 74th birthday, he the caboose incident. add a helicopter to his standard studio equipment is Samuel Gold-wyIt will be fitted with a special gyro camera rqount, to which a . ' i 0 4 1 regular camera will be affixed. ' : k ; Goldwyn predicts that it mky open entirely new techniques in film production, largely replacing the overf' head crane and making advances In I I i various shots possible. "-- Yy . 'i 4 Warner Bros, will send a special 'i camera crew to New York. Chicago Y" Rio and de Janiero for special back. . 4 A ft I 4; grounds for The Fountainhead. Gary Cooper will star In the film i version of the popular novel; King Vidor will direct. ,.;f opolita: i4 i ; . Just a Cut and Dried Plot rir the of h DON MacLAUGHLlN The historic ' sS Three of the countrys, leading disc jockeys, Dave Garroway, Jack Eigen and Peter Potter, will be featured in Columbias I Surrender, Dear, with Gloria Jean and David Street. Don McGuire has the comedy lead. ' - ..Cl pegler 'FDERAL pork expenditures represent projects which have ly a partisan political patronage lue. They represent the ability of to or representative e senator ing home the bacon for his stole his district. They buy votes. Such items are found in every pens ri rt K. IY The Thousand Godfrey singing Islands Song. Well, Mayor Mitchell of Alexandria, N. Y., feels that Arthur has done so much for the Thousand Islands that hes given him onel -- X - H You probably have heard Arthur i f 1 : Ki y 1 Constance Many an actress Bennett, Claire Trevor and Kay Francis, for example cant scream satisfactorily, Lauren Bacall can, not only for herself, but for others. She was .on the Key Largo set when Miss Trevor had to do a screaming scene, and let go with a sample that startled Humphrey Bogart and John Huston. So youll hear her screams, not Claires. the armed Groves as chief forces special weapons project which developed the atomic bomb. its 1 New a, of wont sing unless ml 29-2- XXl now 4' ''x. are presented W Educators are sounding warnings against the administrations expressed hopes that there will be an enrollment of nearly five million in American colleges by 19(10. They say it will mean educational inflation and a tide of classroom mediocracy, They hint that the time might come when the boy who didnt get a college education would be the lad of (distinction in any t ich 7 A y Olympio games Kings of the Olymcourage. A pics, recently released by United West coast Artists. Originally comprising 24,-02 feet of film. It was acquired from by a out a brand the alien property custodian by Leonid Kipnis of Westport International, then edited, from the work of 600 cameramen. Hitler presided ovr the games, the last before the war. At X College Is 'Mediocracy' O From eight to nine, EST, Sunday thats the time to nights on ABC sit by the phone and listen to Stop the Music, the big new show whose prizes are all for home audience participants. Name the tune just played by Harry Salters orchestra and you win something worth at least $250. Then name the more difficult mystery tune and fabulous gifts will pour In. Switchboard operators pick names at random from all over the country.. . x 5 a Clifton Webb, famous as a dancer in Broadway shows before anyone knew he could act, has made his name in pictures as an actor. But he returns briefly to dancing in Sitting Pretty, to do a rhumba with Maureen O'Hara. E ar beg not ',ge I 4 nt Yv ; Sen. Owen Brewster, Maine Republican, Is taking no mim;; out of his when left the headlines congressional being aviation advisory committee presents its formal recommendations. Instead of leaving the report to his staff to write, he called In the three ! X 4 major press services and invited their help. United Press could not spare a man, but Brewster was able to borrow Jim, Strebig from Associated Press and Leon Shloss from International News service. They are expected to give him a big publicity break. V Brewsters committee will recommend: lt! aviation program, building U. S. airpower to huge five-yea peak it should obviate the necessity for universal military training. Old planes will be brought out of mothballs until a new building program produces new planes. t t A'' Coordination between military and commercial air systems; 2 untangling and coordinating the countrys air routes; establish&&& ing an independent agency to control air safety; unification of & X ' armed services aviation. 4 f Y The congressional committee will blast both the army and navy for failure to achieve air unification. In fact, unification, It will find, Is not even halfway round the corner, BOMB I1EAD . . . Col. Kenneth D. Nichols has been appointed to succeed Maj. Gen. Leslie R. H. I. PHILLIPS f i 1 - see that he gets an education, as well as physical aids. 1 ment W, IleasantvUIe, I v: DREW PEARSON Ideally suited lawn or dining 1 tjT 'CAMPAIGNING FOR HENRY . . . Henry Wallace might not be the next U. S. president, but you cant convince his backers of that. Here, York getting together for a conference in the newly openedareNew to (left movement right) of the G. Tugwell, Sen, campaigners Jo Davidson, famed sculptor; Rexfordmate for Wallace, Glen H. Taylor (Dem., Ida,), prospective running ' and C. B. Baldwin, campaign manager. Wallace-for-Freside- cav. easy-to-b- u' Send 25c for Peasant TaM, to Easi-Bil- d Pattern Com,-- ' 17 A 4 4 - 1 s iSy rX tax hides in the phone directory (Bronx) under the listing of William E. Foster. - -- I- rated, specitied, saws and assenh where pattern indicates No,1 or skill required. A matching able fop use on lawn or nl made from Pattern No. 57, - 4 pH INE out on this 7 pattern simplifies ir; but his trade cafamous doctor reer includes working in a goldfish- decorating. User merely traces patter, . . . Although prelong ago, Frau Ger- SIIE-NA- WALTER WINCHELL 1A MacLAUGHLlN, Dr. Brent of Road of stone an is Life, who has gathered plenty of moss. At the age of ten he had gone to nine schools, in almost he as many states; by the timefour attended finished college he had Table. universities. His radio roles range to from cowboy to district attorney 4t A I Aviation Program Mapped By INEZ GEItnAKD DON Jt- 4 PUBLICITY-WIS- ! .4t . - sumed dead head of the trude Sclioltz-Klinof the Nazi party back into the grain market, probably about April 1, he will be buying to womens branch in Germany, turned out to be very support farm prices as well as to, meet overseas commitments. much alive. She was seized by As it now looks, the farm income for 1948 likely will be some 16 per cent S. agents in French zone of under the 1947 total or about equal to the 1946 income, which was a record U. Germany. high until topped by 1947. In the meantime, not many farmers were hurt by the spectacular grain drop,, most of them having sold before the crash. Many stickups in some of the fashionable sections of Brooklyn have not been reported because the victims were picked carefully. People who made oodles in the black market and kept their wealth in their homes. Cant squawk now. . . , Communist chief William Z. Foster I I, Released by WNU Features. 't ex-rolli- relieve them things is, the brunt price farmer must buy should be cut proportionately. Insofar as this reporter can find out, however, economists here do not fact that Henry A. Wallaces Initials spell IIAWS i?ir I siGEtrsCREE&itDIO n Jrf! , 4 from rural areas and small CONGRESSIONAL mail todayto the drop in farm prices as points the only break in the inflationary spiral. Generally these letters say that while the farmers are willing to take a cut from the abnormally high farm prices, something should be done the the cut that to of the entire of We suspect the White ITonse can see nothing amusing in the ? rv4 WALTER SHEAD in The Argentine ambassador Washington has quite a job to do. He has been ordered to see that Mr. or Truman invites the Perons else." Evitas big ambish is to impress Washington sassiety. (That will be the day!). i cunt 1 Full pn j I i i TRn fostaoi prepaid, SHUR FUR ME!!,, pORTtNB loxiois |