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Show 7 ra A 3a(ety l jLh Jj rogram Volume 17 DUCHESNE, UTAH, FRIDAY, aunched Ie rvift ck anc ! p0tygr ari T, Utah are launch-11the second sponsored compaign safety 'th7 Utah State Press Asso- - woo ish out Knoni 1st, rf Yarioy. ' direc agent it own Utar 5 ge ted h b P cor sendoff from the Capi- commenda- the form of a Statement to the Press B. Maw, Governor Herbert Plans Underway to Reorganize Local J. :ion. Junior Prom to be Held Jnday, March 26, At Duchesne H. S. Gym anc ration, able tr he ex lasized t Pat antireb O th At a 'ss na he pa : son o rah to- - tanduif ah for L ns ical it 'us je he pro ranks ountaa nimble leading 30, Ida-t- with ountau ie rath On his return tnp from Vernal Sunday Bob Jamis, State President of the Utah Junior Chamber of Commerce, met with some of the young men of Duchesne to d seuss plans to reorganize a club here. National Director A1 Hart, of Bountiful; Dale Jensen and Harold Duke, both of the Vernal club, were with Mr. Jamis, and discussed plans to help Duchesne get the old chart er j one-thir- 3 3 in-cti- ii al losy 9:10 18 ED and Tal-ipag- e. Presi-Highw- ay 1 9:10 u A Per Year In Advance el girls held s; al thunell , La-jea- ,ed U - M ' jV. 4;jsa Jrw.i Large Attendance at Mothers Club Last Thursday, March 11th Members of the Mothers Club met at the home of Clella Collett with Ruby Moon, Olga Smith and Marie Thunell, assisting hostesses. The meeting was held .Thursday evening, March 11. Meeting was called to order by President Maxine Burdick. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved. Parents magazines were given to some of the club members to be read and then passed to other members so that all might have a chance to read them. President Burdick informed the club members of the farewell gift which was bought and presented to Hazel Todd before she moved to Idaho. Mrs. Todd had served the club this winter as head of the program committee and had been - SOUNDPHOTO PRAGUE, VZECIIOSLOVAKIA Possibly tne last piioto made of Jan Masaryk, Foreign Minister of Czecho- an active member of the organi slovakia, shows him at left at he chatted with Communist Minister zation for several years. It was of Inioi mation Vaelavx Kopekcy at the first session of the new decided to present each mother of a new baby, among the club Communist cabinet formed by Premier Klement Gottwald. body was found in the courtyard beneath a window of members, with a gift. his official residence. The government issued the statement, The program was presented by Masaryk put an end to a life devoted to work on behalf of country Mrs. Collett, whose piano, pupils as a result of his illness combined with insomnia. Masaryk was a recital. The girls taking the son of the late Thomas Masai yk, founder of the Czech repub- gave on the program were as lic with Woodrow Wilson. His retention in the Communist gov- part Nadine follows; Wrgiht, Barbara ernment was one of the strange aspects of the Communist coup. Cowan, Ro Jean Cole, Lou Anne Cole, Nadine Ottosen, Neeta Karen Carman, Rae Collett, Parents-Teacher- s Assn. GOLD AND GREEN Donna Cole, Luane McDonald, Elect Officers BALL WAS A Vonza Poulsen and iRenea ColFor the Coming Year lett. The mothers of the piano SOCIAL SUCCESS students were Invited guests. The regular meeting of the The Gold and Green Ball of Guests present were Leona Cole, Parents-Teacher- s Association of the Duchesne Stake was held at Ollie Schonian, Mrs. 'David McDuchesne was held Monday eve- the Duchesne high school gym, Mildred Carman, Mrs. at the high Friday evening, March 12, with Donald, 15, ning, March Ottosen, Ruby Gourley and Mrs. school gym. Interspersed with a large crowd in attendance. Wright. the regular order of business was Miss Jerry Nielson, daughter Members Dorothea present: a vocal duet by Clela Collett and of Mr. and (Mrs. LeRoy Nielson, Allred, Maxine Burdick, Janet of Strawberry, was the Gold and Ruby McDonald, and a demonsCavan, Fern Poulsen, Phyllis tration of the use of a projection Green queen. Lucille Wimmer, Stephenson, machine to be used in visual edu(Her attendants were queens Olga Smith, iSylvia Abbott, Clella cation. of the respective wards as fol- Collett, Alta Mickelson, Arwella Election of officers for the lows: Moon, Ruby Moon, Fay Merkley, was as follows: year 1948-194- 9 Lorraine Bird, daughter of Mr, Marie Thunell. Violet (McDonald, president. and Mrs. Charlie Bird, Arcadia. first vice Nielson, (Darlene 'Rhoades, daughter of ElRoy Mr. and Mrs. Foster Rhoades, president. Lucille Wimmer, second vice Hanna. lone Sizemore, president. daughter of Ruby McDonald, secretary and Mrs. Edna Giles, Tabiona. L. treasurer. Nona Shelton, daughter of Mr. Refreshments were served fol- and Mrs. Don Shelton, Bridge-lanCongressman Walter K. Gran lowed by dancing. ger, of the House Committee oi that Joan Beebe, daughter of Mr. Agriculture, announced and Mrs. Oscar Beebe, of Du- the Committee will complete its Landscape Artist Will field hearings on the long-rang- e chesne, was crown bearer. Be In Duchesne Co. to pojicy with a swing of Ray Mecham, Duchesne, agricultural Western and Mounthe through Gardners Help was the queens escort. tain States during the period ol Each quueen was presented the Easter recess of Congress. Flower growers, gardners and a corsage. with The dance was A hearing has been scheduled anyone desiring to improve their home grounds wall be interested declared as one of the outstand- for Salt Lake City, Tuesday, March 23rd. Because of the limannouncement ing social events of the season. in the following ited time the Committee will arby Louis A. Jensen, county agrive by train at Salt Lake City ent. Mr. Mrs. and been James We have fortunate 8:30 a. m. and will leave about in obtaining the services of A. Hair lo Celebrate at 11:00 p. m. the day of the E. Smith, landscape and Hover hearing for Spokane, Washing53rd Wedding Date ton. specialist, to help us in Duchesne county, says Mr. Jensen. - Mr. and Mrs. James Hair, pioThe Committee is attempting, In order to utilize his time to neer residents of the Uintah Ba- in this very limited time, to hold the best advantage, we are holdsin, but who for the past ten the hearings that were originally two as follows: meetings ing years have been living in Salt scheduled for last fall but had Duchesne, Friday, March 19, Lake City, will celebrate their to be cancelled when the schedseries of field hearings on at 8:00 p. m. in the L D S 53rd wedding anniversary, with uled long-rang- e policy were interward house. Roosevelt, Saturday, open house at 151 South Second the Presidents call by rupted March 20, at 2;00 p. m. in the Ea.t street, second floor, No. 4, for a special session of Congress L D S Church. and especially invite their many, Congressman Granger stated General topics to be treated friends in Duchesne and Uintah that the Committee would ask are: General home landscaping, the Utah State Deparment of Bas.n to attend.. flower culture and gardening. Mr. and Mrs. Hair were mar- Agriculture to make the arrangeThis is your opportunity to get ried in Vernal in 1895. Later ments for the hearings at Salt some ideas on these problems they homesteaded on the Du- Lake City. He further stated that had come to his from a specialist. Women are chesne river and for about fif- many requests office from those Washington teen years operated a nfercantile who desired to give especially invited. testimony at establishment in the town of the hearing, and he wanted to HOLD ITNER I. SERVICES Duchesne. make it clear that the hearing They left this FOR ETIIN NELSON about ten years ago, will be public and the Cimmit-te- e will hear as many as possible UPALCO Funeral services and after moving to Salt Lake their ligated stay in Salt sta-io- n during Mr. ran a service Hair City were held in the Roosevelt L D Lake City. about for Both six years. S chapel March 11. for Ethan have been active in L D S Nol on who pass-away very Church work in Duchesne and MISSION SERVICE PROVIDES WAITING ROOM FOR suddenly at his . home Sunday, in Salt Lake City. BIS PASSENGERS March 7., at the age of 58 years. Mr. and Mrs. Hair have five He is survived by his widow, children: Samuel Hair, Early in the week Chester tAo sons, Lee Nel on of Upalvo, living Ab-b- ie owner and manager of Bell Lyman, Moon, ond Lloyd Nelson of Salt Lake Margaret Mission Service, opened up the and Caldwell Freeda Richens, City, and two daughters who live all of Salt Lake City; 21 grand- a waiting room for bus passenin California; his parents of Sait 4 and children, gers. This little room will be Lake City; three brothers and a real convenience for those who of Mytwo sisters; Robert Nel-ohave to board buses during the ton, Paul Nelson of Roosevelt, 3i rs. McDonald holds night, as it will provide a place Earl Nelson, Mrs. Robert Timms BIRTHDAY TARTY for them under shelter Instead Caliand Mrs. Pcal Henri, all of FOR LITTLE DAUGHTER The of having to stand outside. fornia, and five grandchildren. room has Tavoratory connections Burial was in the Roo.evelt Mrs. David McDonald enterfor both men and women. tained at a charming party Suncemetery. The waiting room will be open day, March 14, in honor of the 24 hours a day, according to Mr. L'NTI.RT I.S BRIDGE C Ll B eighth birthday of her little Lyman. t?ie Mrs. Rhoa Rife entertained daughter, Lucinda. Games were Monday played and delicious refreshments FORFEIT BASKETBALL GAME Bridge Club members 15. Luncheon served. Those present were ArMarch evening, The regular scheduled league was served to the following: lene Wimmer, Loren Ivie, Kathbasketball game between the DuMrs, B( ssie Kohl, Mrs. llildur ryn Beebe, Jo Ann Beebe, Barn and the Myton chesne Lions Johnstun, Mrs. Bal.3 'Murdock, bara Cowan, Rene a Collett, Mrs. Mildred Carman, Mrs. MarThunell, Ann Marie Thunell, team, Wednesday, March 17, was forfeited by the Myton boys, as gie Peterson, Mrs. Nellie Nelson, Marie Fausett, Luane McDonald, Mrs. Phyllis Day, Mrs. Ruhy Jean R..fe and the honored guest. they did not h'ave enough players on hand to make a team. Thomas, Mrs. TheUa Halstead, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wilson The game was to be played at Mrs. Joe llrtebe, Mrs. Francis Hatch and Miss Emily Madsen. had as their guests Sunday for Myton. However the Lions loanMrs. Murdock won h'gh s mre a turkey dinner, Mr. and Mrs. ed Myton some players and a pik'.e, Elray Larsen and Mr. and Mrs. practice game was played, which pr.ze, Miss madson all-cwas won by the Lions 94 to 75. Albert Peterson. Mrs. Day, concolatlon. Ma-sary- House Committee Sets Farm Hearing For S. . d. Fbwer d - Ca-pc- La-jea- ut Number 36 Fatal Auto Accident West of Duchesne C. C. - !, 14 $3.00 Czech Patriot Dies to the news-r- s Wratulations a The annual Junior Prom of the job already good for imolished and a challenge to Duchesne High School will be were included in held Friday, March 26, at ther efforts the when he local gymnasiuTn. It i3 undergovernor s message stood that elaborate 1. preparations that you are for this feature social The information event of launch the school through again pared to year are already unedu-0nan der way. A high class dance newspaper columns campaign aimed at fur-- r orchestra from Provo has been fatali-.'an- d The first meeting of the local secured, and reducing the toll of points to on our a dance, equaleverything to any Prom ever men will be held Friday, March property damage welcome news held in the past. 19, at 8:00 p. m. in the Duchesne uvays is indeed Motor Company me. show room, to reduce the ta- MORE ABOUT where the functions and purpose In helping THE of the Junior Chamber of Compes on our .highways through SPANISH SWINDLE a in 1947, merce will be discussed and plans rr safety campaign made for The uCtion that was accomplished reorganizing. Birmingham, Alabama, the face of a heavy increase All young men interested in News, has the followng to say made a regarding the notorious hghway traffic you Spanish such a 'club, between the ages of to the Swindle: contribution 21 to 40, inclusive, are asked mendous zens of Utah for which I am Would you like to get in on a to be in attendance to decide ' And you ruleply grateful. deal to get d of $325,-000- ? what they would like to do and to set a date for election of ofyour pledge, d admirably i je at the conference I called would like to have ficers. Everyone of 1946, to assist the September Lotus Fisher, president of. the money, 30 the main question great-safet- y publicizing the need for is, would you fall for the old club, when it stopped functionon our highways. Swindle? ing because of the war and a records indi-- e Spanish Current 'traffic Post Office Inspector J. G. shortage of young men, is the that the gain we made . in Hall reported that recently many temporary chairman in charge. not been maintained letters from Mexican if has swindlers Members of the Vernal club is far in 1948, so your renewed had been received by business will be present to answer quesat and arts are doubly important tions. Vernal has taken the reprofessional men n Birmingtime, not only to try for ham and towns. of the Duchesne surrounding organization but to hold ther reductions (The letters, mailed in Mexico, club as a personal club project we have already - reductions begin by asking the addresse if and will be a great help to get At he would be interested in doing it Started here. I understand the campaign Continued on Page 8 The Vernal J C C invited Duv to be launched under the chesne men to attend their busiState nsorship of the Utah ness meeting and social last Satwill continue ss Association urday evening and gave the DuI ough the balance of 1948. chesne visitors a royal welcome. unend each individual news-tu- er The visitors were introduced to for the efforts devoted to who assembled the Jaycees. cause and L recommend full stressed the value such a club jport of it, to every citizen of would have to the community as - state. Gee returned to a civic builder. Mrs. Virginia Herbert B. Maw, Governdr. Duchesne on Thursday of last These who attended the VerWith the opening timed to week, after sojourning in Salt nal meeting last Saturday- evencide with the beginning of Lake City for two weeks, where ning were Mr. and Mrs. Elden official state automobile she submitted to an operation Wilcken, Lloyd Jensen and Bill period, which began on medical attention. At arch 15th, material for the and otherher health is much im- Merkley. present distributed through wpaign, - Utah Extension Service Will State Press Associa-- a proved. Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll Distribute Poison is in the hands of every of Altonah spent Tuesday in Duvspaper publisher in the state. Bait in Duuchesne Co. chesne attending to business It consists of articles safety pared by national safety ex-t- s, Saturday, March 20, marks the was Roosevelt of Gleaton D. E. of illustrations beginning of an intensified camgraphic J right and wrong way to a business visitor here on Fripaign for the control of prarie iceed in edi-week. of last da dogs in Duchesne county. Sponhighway traffic, sored was material and . suggestions by the Extensipn Service, Vernal of Victor Bingham Louis A. Jensen, local copy and sponsored ad transacting business in Du:hesne County Agent announces that poison bait may tsements, all to appear each Tuesday. ath for the next 10 months. be obtained at cost in the folMr and (Mrs. Leland Wright Hach of the advertisements, places; Duchesne, county and Miss Evah Wright, who have lowing court house; Myton, Globe Seed ough the use of Mother Duin winter the past county & Feed Co.; Roosevelt, ,se" characters and jingles spent moved to their home in chesne, office; Altonah, Mohl-man- s j.cts one of . the chief causes agents Utahn this week. store; Mtn. Home, Stevhighway accidents and sup-- s Mrs. Milton Hollenbeck and ensons store; Talmage, Sorenthe proper remedy.. Mrs. Bob Bet returned home sens store. The campaign is a variation the Roosevet hospital with from In putting the bait out, place the one sponsored in 1947 by on Friday a small amount in or near the ociations of all but 2 of the their new daughters hole. Putting out bait a number states. In urging newspap-t- o of last week. the of times in small doses is more Allred spent Glen Mrs. adopt the campaign 'this effective than one large dose. at her home in lr Major General Philip B. week end Good control can be obtained by eming, chairman of the of baiting before the grass or crops fits Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E. Clark Safety Confer-- e start growing. visitors said ; This newspaper cams- Altonah were Duchesne '1 contributed materially to on Tuesday of this week. of LIONS CLUB MEETING reduction of the highway Mr. and Mrs. Clair Larsen ality rate from 9.9 persons Roosevelt were Duchesne visitors The Duche'ne Lions Club will hundred million vehicle-mile- s hold evening. regular meeting Wednesday Sunday travel in 1946, to an all-tiiMr. and Mrs. Clarence Killian evening, March 24 at the Mission to f 8.5 persons Cafe. At this time they will enper hundred of Mtn. Home were attending lion Vehicle-mile- 3 on Friday here mtters in 1947. tertain the basketball team at business The 1947 week. dinner and special entertainment. was pub-llast of campaign Creek for 13 weeks L. R. Labrum of Current through Ap-a- y visit and June. The 1943 was transacting business in Du- beehive office Paign will be on a monthly chesne Monday. printing ,'ls for the next 10 months.' Malcolm Walters of Eridgeland Norita Robbins, Eonn'e Allred afternoon in addition to Givernor Maw, spent Wednesday and Naomi Addley, accompanied campaign has been endorsed Duchesne. Mrs. Ralph Roosethe Utah by their instructor, Mrs. Betty Hamblin of Safety Council, the visited the Uintah Basin 1 e Rowley, the at Road Commisison and velt was a week end guest Record office Monday, where 0 ler state officials. home of her sister, Mrs. a general idea they were given to Belt, in Duchesne. reference printing a Roosevelt with 'ERAL services James E. Bacon of The three girls are "R VIOLET matnewspaper. J. BOWDEN was attending to business of graduating from the Guardian reters in Duchesne on Thursday MytN Beehivs Girls class, and a Funeral services week. in be to last placed r(e conducted Milton quired subject, Friday at the Miss Elaine Poulson and is to make a L D S scrapbooks, their the chapel for Violet who are attendmg as to owden, with 'Bishop Syerl Poulson, in Provo, spent a shore report in a general way U Y K are nnis in printed. newspapers the way the home charge, as follows: vacation this week at have completed three Wation, Nephi Porritt; Mr. and Mrs. These girls work. parents, of their Beehive of years . address, Harold Mont Pouls-nWn.Tht duet, Mr3. Orval GIVES en Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mr and SIRS, Wm. Moore, accom-- 1 were visiting PARTY family and CHILDREN'S by Mrs. Syerl Dennis; ad-.- S Sunday. Mrs. Clarence Wrignt H. L. sisCrapo; chorus; bene-- n Mrs Roland F. Thunell enterMae Timothy and Laura of Orval Gillen. The grave tained at a birthday party in ter Jenean Bunker, daughters dedicated of H. L. Lyman, Chester by Crapo. honor of the third birthday Mrs. Inte :rment wa3 in the over Ann Marie, Myton Sited in Salt Lake City her little daughter, Games under the direction of Saturday, March 13th. Harold ' refreshments attendand Dillman Funeral played Lustcf Arcadia. auction were Barserved. Those present were ed the Peterson Brothers Colleen Broadhead. bara Ann sale near Ogden Lucinda "OKD OF 81 head of regis Smith, Luane McDonald, LVrH that stated n OF NEPHEW i, Collett, Ranea McDonald, Hereford bum "J honored The Thunell and the valued at $43 0. . Ison brothers t Ernest, were sold, head. The guest. its and per $338 of Clarence received Domino ir8nday, March 15, of the top bCSl 'ill of BI$Y GIRL BORN' for their u Ra'Ph noPhew. 'irhnm to Mr. Son of MrA baby girl was born and Mr3' male brought 7J,00, n n Lotus Fisher of Axel Pierson and "Sham, of Charlo, Mon- and Mrs. Kay Broadhead the at to 15, March Detail! a made trip Utahn Monday, Th! returning to du Heber hospital. This makes 3 family used to live in this last Friday, nniscm in and Mrs. years ago. Saturday. While a new F Mrs. girls for Mr. tho ? purchased Fisher the on'y sister of 3n brothers. which he drove home al s ee MARCH 19, 1948 S "papers of week owne i IJ M March 23 L. F. Sholty, of Brigham City was fatally injured when he was crushed between the rear of his standing automoble and an oncoming vehicle driven by Eldred A Johnson, of Vernal. Sheriff fracReuben Snyder suffered tures of both legs. The accident happened on Highway 40 about fifteen miles wfest of Duchesne on the hill this aid- - of the flat. All three cars in the accident were traveling toward Ta-bo- ne Duchesne. 'Sheriff Snyder, accompanied by Jack Helco, of Vernal, found Mr. Sholty, and Elmer F. Perry, of Salt Lake City, stuck. They d could not climb the slick, hill. 'Sheriff Snyder, who had chains on his car, towed them to the top of the hill and on down the other side for about a hundred yards, where the two cars stopped on the shoulder of the highway to remove the chains. iSheriff Snyder was between the 'two cars, and Mr. Sholty and Mr. 'Perry behind the rear car, when the automobile driven by Mr. Johnson, came over the hill., and crashed into the rear end of the Sholty machine, and crushed Mr. Sholtys legs. The impact drove the two standing cars together, with Sheriff SnyMr. Perry der between them. was able to leap to safety. Mr. Helco also was uninjured in the wreck. In company with Mr. Johnson were Jack R. Wallis, Barbara Preece, Lois McCaral, (Miss Collier and another Miss Preece. None of the occupants of the Johnson machine were seriously injured. Pr. Perry started for Heber immediately with Mr. Sholty but the injured man died before they reached Heber. A physician, who examined the body said that he died from multiple fractures of the legs and extreme shock. Sheriff Snyder was taken to Roosevelt, where he was given first aid and then taken on to Vernal. It appears that when the Johnson machine, loaded with young people returning home from Provo, broke over the hill it went into a skid, then partially straightened up before hitting the Sholty automobile and came to a stop on the opposite side of road. Sheriff Arzy Mitchell investigated the accident, but has not yet made his detailed report. snow-covere- FITIM Mildred Muir Mrs. Fay Killian of Mtn. Home is visiting her mother, Mrs. Ferris Casper and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Mecham, Mrs. Fay Killian and W. B. Morton accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Casper to Salt Lake City last Thursday. Jack Fausett is visiting in Heber and Wallsburg with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dood Young have a new baby boy, born on March 16th at the Heber hospital. Their other three children are girls, and to say the least they are thrilled over the arrival of a boy. Mr and Mrs. Alden Muir and Mr. and Mrsv Ervin Sveat made a trip to Pleasant Grove Wednesday. Those who went to Duchesne on the school bus to attend the ' P-A meeting Monday evening were Mr. and Mrs. G. H. McNeill, (Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sweat, Mr. and Mrs. lErvin Sweat and Mr. and Mrs. Alden Muir.. T Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mecham and baby are visiting with Mr. Muir's mother, Mrs. Otis Mecham and family. Wells Sweat of Heber was visiting in Fruitland Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sveat. (Mr. and Mrs. Bob Humes were in Tabiona visiting with Mrs. Humes' parents, for a few days last week. They also attended the funeral of Jacob Gines, who was Mrs. Humes' grandfather. John Young and Dood Young went to Salt Lake Tuesday and purchased a new farm tractor. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brooks were in 'Salt Lake City one day last week. G. II. McNeill, Francis Brooks and Alden Muir met with REA representatives in Duchesne on Thursday of last week to discuss eletrical business matters. Patsy McNeill had the misfor- tune to break her .leg last urday. She was taken to chesne where Dr. Hamilton duced the fracture. SatDure- |