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Show X 20' niE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 25, 1923. J. Albert Castedy IS SEIF-HE- LP , , r , , , X Aviators on Long Flight Arrive M , ." iv & :y?S W-'$ War Finance Corporation Directors Urge More of Old Friend Jtm i rjr Talk. Enter, tainingly to Bonneville Club at Hotel Utah. Cooperative Marketing. ' An old friend dropped in" on the members of the Bonneville club last i night, so Edmund Vance Cooke, the speaker of the evening, announced at the beginning of his address Mr Cooke is an American poet and well known locally as he has been a visitor here before It was the first Houne-vill- e club dinner of the season. The speaker touched on many subjects and spoke lnt both humorous nd serious veins He Interspersed his address with quotations from his poems, some in dialect on homely subjects and others of a nioe serious nature The high points in thhe address were the poems on Lincoln and one beginMuch homely ning, I like the north philosophy and humor ran through the speaker s remarks and he recited a number of anecdotes and short poems of his own to illustrate his points Mr Cboke was introduced by the toastmaster of the evening. William II Jeary, dean of the Jaw school at the University of Utah Excellent music was furnished by the Salt Lake Opera quintet .and a Md . number of selections were enthuaiaatt-ca)- l Ikal re rived The quintet includes K.ilt Mrs Markin Nelson, soprano, Miss Lola contralto. Fred (' Graham lot a I lconard, lenor, .1 Ieloa Jwke. bass an 1 gue.-- t Miss Becky Almond, accompanist to- Eugene Meyer Guest and at Chamber Speaker of Commerce Luncheon d E L Totals Differ Slightly From Compilation Given by Tribune Yesterday al Six-year-o- ld Special ta Tfca Tribaae. VERNAL Oct. 24 Citizens oC Vernal are much excited and peace officers are partly at aea In connection with a murder which was committed at the home of W. C. painter, yesterday afternoon, when William Lrwis. yeans of age, is alleged to have killed Ross Hutchins, $ years of age The killing was done with a and the nead of the Hutchins shotgun, boy was virtually biown off by the charge. The iewis boy denies that he d!ed his companion, but peace officers that the crime will be definitely fixed upon him through evident at hand An Inquest is to be held and aJl the testimony in the jioKsession of the officers will be presented. James L Hutchins, a father of the slain boy, hascarpenter, stated to officials that the Lewis boy hod previously threatened toe life of his son and himself. It U said that after the Hutchins bov was slain, young Lewis carried the ifudy out of the house and deposited It at the side of the house. He also is said to have removed the empty shell from his gun and to have thrown the gun from a window. Young Lewis denies that he killed his companion, and says that a strange man did the killing. He ex his removal of the body with plaint the statement that he did not want the carpet of the house stained with blood. The Iewis bov Is in custody and will be held pending developments. & Thomas A- - Oakey, of S. W. Straus & Co representative , one of the large financial institutions of New York, Chicago and the Pacific coast, left Sait Lake yesterday after an investigation of this city as a field for fiMr. nancing of major construction. Oakey has been here several times afand has previously recommended, ter extensive investigation, that Salt Lake is an ideal and sound city for investment. major ' S W. Straus & Co. is showing its belief in the future of Salt Lake by its willingness to assist in the financing of large building projects similar to those cat mod on m other cities," Mr. Oakey said, adding that he was hers for the purpose of determining to what extent Strain & Co would and could assist in building up Salt Lake. A great deal of importance is attached to Mr. Oakey s visits in this efty, os he Is known to have been in conference with interests contemplating at leart one large structure in Salt Lake. The financing concern iocs not engage In direct construction, but purchases bond issues, reselling them to Investor v. It has operated for over period of fortv-on- e year, maintains forty offices throughout the country,e and has handled bond Issues on constructions of several million dollars each. VOTE i Lad Al- Agent of Eastern Finan-ciInstitution Favors leged to Have Shot Boy at Vernal. City for Investment. Eight-year-ol- OFFICIAL Both Sides Qualifying Express Satisfaction and Confidence in Election. far the farmer and this J t' i - , I Th official canvass of iocrion re! through extension and enlargement of turn made yesterday by City Recorand cooperative marketing through der William A- - Leatham changed the the aid of business men and bankers 'A?' 4s totai vote of each of the fourteen canIs the message of Logon e Meyer Jr, . 'JPL-tz-didate at the primary election but managing director of the ar flnan.e, littfte from the figures announced yeserjKration, and ITank W Mondfii, director, speaking before a large atterday morning by The Tribune. Some tendance at the chamber of commerce was in the French air service during of the alterations wore slight, and Official of Supreme Lodge yesterday war." Light Bombing Plane theTheworld all indicated mistakes In Referring In particular t suggesmarine aviator trolled the practically tions offered In ee United States air mail plane, driven the tabulation of the unofficial canI tlons to meet the present situation, Tour of West vass From Making announced by the press. San Domingo by Paul P. Scott, into Sait Lake from Mr. Mondell said "He have heud a Hko, Nev., yesterday, and reached total Increased Mayor Nealens good many suggestion. Most of them here wiR twenty-si- x afternoon. They yesterday the of aid the federal contemplate Tie is officially Salt Lake. leave the air mail field at 746 o'clock credited with votes Stops government 9708. through legislation E. Gallgher, the J. thi morning, to continue their Jour other Neither we nor anyone else has Jhe mayoralty candidate who qualiney east. authority to speak for congress Conone fied, gained therefore vote, Mayor Lieutenant Rogers and First Ser- Neelen s gressman Leathers (mkI will bear me J. .Albert Oa.asedy of Ilaltlmore plurality increased to 36J3. Lieutenants F. O. Rogers H. D. geant Belcher are from San Domingo J. E. Danners out tn the statement that no one an tot ad vote was 14'i of 1, and the observation No. prelate City, squadron supreme lodge, in far advance very Palmer what congress say oi tha marine corpa aviation Lieutenant Palmer and Sergeant instead of the unofficial count of 1442, wQl do " He aid that differences of Order of Moose, will arrive at service, arrived at Salt Lake yester- Toiusctak are from Port au Prince and Judge George G. Armstrong opinion could be expected to block thla evening and pay the 2, The gained four votes. No. observation Haiti, squadron day afternoon from 6an Francisco, on any extraordinary suggestions for lodge an official Malt, b Ing the Commissioner Herman H. Green trip started September 20 of this year their return trip to San Domingo and from legislation in these times of peace, of gtuned sixty-on- e votes, and Pariey U San The aviahonor at the regu'ar meeting Domingo Olty. and it might be some time before conHaiti. They are in two light bombing tor went to Cuba, up the Atlantic Williams, conrmriasionership candidate, gress would pass any measures It night. kiet seventy-threT. coast to from DHi-B-Florida service planes, known as Washington, D. T. Burton lost twenty-si-Commissioner is time to consider Mr Caawedy, wfro is coming from the x among votes and "The planes, which were rebuilt C., to St. InLouis, Mo , where they par- George the people and by the people particuN. one. Lawrence Pacific coast, will he met at the train the Puktxer international ticipated larly interested,'' he said by observation squadrons Nos. 1 and air races, then to San Francisco by COURT OPENS POUCHES. 2 of the marine corps, located received was by a delegation of members of the Among auggestlons at San the southern route through Texas. Robert N. Young, that of modification of the tariff on Salt Lake lodge, headed by Judge A candidate for Dominican and lHmingo, are now on republic, to back They way commissi oner, lost fifty-si- x wheat, Mr. MomleH said, explaining J Port &u Prince, Haiti, respectively, San Domingo and thjr votes, San Haiti. At Weber, of dictator the local past that tha president htu authority total decreased made Harveys to the trip of thousands of miles Francisco they attended the aviation eighty Increase or decrease the tariff, the beige and Utah representative of the and W. Samuel Oleson'a eight thus far without totai the of btt medL slightest at the American Legion con- was diminished by limit being 50 cents and the present supreme lodge. A- - H. mechanical trouble," said- Lieutenant vention. They The prelate, who Is to wiil from Omaha go tariff being 30 cents. He may exer- accompanied Grabbe Ogained seventeen, This shows Berkley Rogers. fact the of class on here, where they wil get 'Navy day' lsons number was the tour by Mrs. cise his power to modify the tariff, work being done by the marine avia- literature, which by fourthey will scatter over teen and Charles augmented Uassedy, la chairman of Ine board of based on information regarding proJ. tion service in the Bengtxen We are gained tropica. Iowa and northern Illinois. Arriving Moosehaven two. duction and prices abroad and at Mooarhaven regents accompanied by First Sergeant R F. at Washington, they will shift mobeing the institution which the Moose home It became necessary to obtain an Belcher and Sergeant P. P, Tolusciak, tors and continue their to Haiti have In Florida established trip The order of recently district court to tabulate tariff on wheat has adboth of whom are pUots and both, ex- and the Dominican republic. In aii the votesthe vanced the American prices on whedt for the support and care of their aged in districts No. 17 and 30, cellent mechanician. First Sergeant their trip wiU be about 16,000 miles as the In the northwest by This Total of election in both Bakher is a naval aviator and is the long. the full members judges Represents practically amount of the tariff, particularly on erred in placing the tally enlisted man of the marine corps Lieutenant Rogers was with the sheets had Interior Department Offi-Leav- fttoratbecome e mill wheat.' he said "If in the sealed pouch with the a naval aviator. Ignited States marine Sergeant corps attached e want a further raise, the tariff Travel Through State Toluacfak; before enlisting in the ma- to the British air service in the North bebota. This was discovered by Mr. will have to be advanced to a hiehvr rine corps, was an air pilot in the sea durang the world war, and Lieu- Iatham's forces in tabulating, and cial ' Western schedule. The probability la that the PoJish camtenant Talmer was stationed in the Assistant Olty Attorney W. A. Fraser army and engaged in the Shows How in Month of August. Marenger president W1U want to be quite cerinitiated the necessary legal procedpaign of Poland against the Russian marine corps aviation tain that a case has been made warBolsheviks. Prior to that time he Miami. Fla., during that conflict at ure incident to obtaining the court Reclamation Society. before he will take order. ranting Increase Is Sanders Alleged to Mr. Fraser prepared a petition to any action- - ' One reason for this, he pointed out, la the likelihood for a the court, and Judge Morris L Ritchie By W. D. RISHEL, clamor fer other revisions if thla one heard it. Hsn immediately ordered Have Shot Crowther. In connection with the call for a Manager Utah State Auto Association should be modified Mr. Leathern to bring the pouches for Touring Bureau. of the Western States Rec two districts into court and they the meeting WANTS PRESENT TARIFF. In order to show Just how Ptah benwere opened, the necesnary tally sheets lams t ion association to be held in this Some people may think the rate efits from touring travel and what and other papers which did not belong on sugar Is high, or on wool. 19 comes the tragedy of the mur- city November and 20, the hYankly in the pouches removed and the we are among those who hone .must be done by those Interested to derReenacting of Patrolman Crowther at the announcement of the resignation of no pouches again sealed. executive action will be taken withsecure the maximum of benefit from scene of th D. W. Davis as president. Mr Davis MarenJoseph shooting, OFFICIAL out ample justification " The speaker Forced Landing Compels Utah a FIGURES GIVEN. large and prosjectlve touring ger, alleged to have been an accom- has held that office for four jears, Stressed the Importance of maintainFollowing are the official totals for the have been plice of Robert F. Sanders and travel, following figures Ive ing the present tariff schedule each candidate: was been elected when lie George having Lester F. Bishop to tabulated from the register at the F Williams, said that for the first time In history For mayor. George G. Armstrong, yesterday went through governor of Idaho lie ifc now comthe farmer, has to a large extent, r, 256j; J E. Darmer, 1451; J. E. Ptah Automobile State association the ordeal before of missioner Chief of Detectives reclamation in the I nited made the tariff laws, and agriculture 4075: C. Clarence Nesien, 9708. Wander Through Snow touring bureau for August 1923 Au- Kilev M Heckstead and Detective Les- Stiites department of the Intenoi, and has received more consideration than For commissioner: Charles J. Bengt-zeever before. He said that the west gust was selected as t single month ter F Wire therefore finds it impossible to con- Commerce 410; T. T. Burton, 9211; A. IL Commission Utah Senator Declares He should feel satisfied with the tariff because It Is the largest touring month According to Marenger, the entire duct the affairs of the association The 3485; Herman H. .Green, 6088, Crabbe, schedule and be opposed to any modve have and therefore has the largest on Hubert F banker A. E. Harvev, 1097; George N. Lawassociation met laat two yeais ago, iwts Nthen INdUe Offiwr iTowther drove and as there has been no recent meetAir Mali) Pilot lister F Bishop, perentage ification of strictl Orders rence, 6476; bam W. Oieson, 492 BerkIntends sightseeing to Seek Statute Investigation "We have been called upon to the men to a point 250 feet south of ing of the exe.utive committee. Comforced to hand his plane twelve miles ley Olson, 1842; Parley L. Williams, some suggestion of Immediate make These figures show that a total of th mam highway. Sanders, who was missioner Davis has not ha onprtu-nit- y 5655; Robert N. Young, 3619. of Liman, Wyo , was found j es 7707 fast fulness It is our opinion that helpto seated the outside his state Pacific side a and with the results is persons besijje to Territories said present to residing resignation. the rrowther, Regulate Exchanges. theBoth greatest immediate help Is In the ex- terday afUrnoon by Pilot Hubert H of tah registered during the month have MftaJthih r uched around the George Albert Hmith, as vice presiprimary standing as they do, k b.n Of tension and enlargement of of dent the the will of KliU this ton number Vxacth Jf2 seems nuUs be no doubt that there a reprobatdy association, to from officer, with persons the the and, ship, almost orderly two sides in the loeal city election. cooperative marketing, which Is neccs-sar- exhausted from lttMng his wav had for their destination towns or volver in his left tjand, fired into the call the first session of the convenW R Wallace, also Special to The Tribune. with wheat and almost all agfenio attractions within the state hack of Crow thens head as he was tion to order. feel with the situation, on Oct. 24 WASHINGTON, Senator both gratified ricultural products " He stressed the through snow three feet deep at the f Itah feel confident of victory It is leaning over In the act of turning the of this city, is a member of the exo The Oct WASHINGTON, interone Demof of King the evils of dumping He urged the busikev Here a Utah, is state. on committee this of leading tabulation the site and the both tourist ignition landing instrument board American party and waist representing at the by In issuing the call, President Davie state commerce fommi&sion today or- ocratic members of the senate, an- agreed ness man and the hanker to help the point where he was found deepKills I tah, showing the ot the automobile The officer then 'administration" party leaders that flew travel destined for that ten I tah delegates be dered an investigation at dates and nounced today theit at the number and states from which they fell forward on the steering wheel, asks fanner, saying that without their sup- buck to Rock are along sharpthe political leanings of opening Spring whh the strandHe me by its chief executive part of his bodv resting on the side port the farmer can neither enlarge to be announced later to de- the coming regular session of con- ly drawn lines. ed pilot f the cor his organisation nor secure credits 'olorndo Sanders is then said by promises an interesting program andn places H. C. AHcn, campaign manager for termine whether the divisions of gress he will demand a sweeping to hav'e ommanHed his two a comprehensive discusion of Marenger the American party, stated woderdav Fljmg conditions between Salt lke t''aHfrnia of DEPRESSION. with the laving of dans freight rates in western and mountain Idaho mpamons to help him lift th bodv of the stock exchanges of that he and hts coworkers are pleased pndlem, and Hock Springs have hien Mr. Meyer compared the present sita tiemw-dou- s Pacific a. ivitv for It futme is 21 lnto the t rih on the side of the klahnma road, territories are and for the fu- the country and the New York stock with the results of the primaries uation In Salt Lake with that of "two severe saice the and worthy ot V.vadf 20 Wililams taking the mans head, MarWe did not expect our candidates subjet, he add which will be years ago, when this city was In the snnw tn Salt laike That advent ture westof tne one unjust, unreasonable, exchange in particular. Montana 14 thought deepest and enger to run ahead of their opponents. leg Sanders with the We day the air N midst of a financial depression He mad schedule was defaulted ern business and public men can give inequitable or unduly preferential as IT 'ther, holding the revolver in his brasks . Senator said wouTd he them to qualify, and ther did. wanted King on both present sounded an optimistic note fur the furight to it " Missouri 15 hard these points Wrter-dbetween or among the various par- a bill for the strict regulation of And this without a complete organiture. Decentralisation of manufac- flight between After as yet and many of our friends Bishop set out for Salt themselves hnt the but South Ivokota , turing 1s one of the napidlv wa ticipating carriers within the meaning stock exchanges and would do his ut- zation !i! bodv wasassuring w In a blimflng snowstorm Washington hidden the men boardnot voting yesterdav We expert to effect pf the freight rate advancing of paragraph five of section 15 of the most to bring about its enactment. situation and taught fVnnsv 14 ed the aiitomohHe, to Ivania the the with it drlv Uvomirw returning Sanders poll greater proportion of the he said, adding that on account interstate commerce act The inquiry He will have it referred to the senof wan forced to land hio and watching in ing tn the primary at the elecKiln made the the other two vote; rates there will be manufactnrlng In cover will of division rates over all ate committee on from Salt ljnke to Rock 9 through the rear view mirror commerce tion on November 6 Dm rtne Wvoming this territory that otherwise would not flight the earners of the west, including and will call fir Interstate without mislk'tp S the appointment of in? ha k to the main highway, San'anada havA been. MAYOR IS CONFIDENT. The speaker cited the the Union Pacific and Southern Par a subcommittee to make WHite- - Mt ath'-Kansas a ders h.ia west to drove set in earnin the Redwood complete road emergence of cotton, corn and other est for fliers cific svstems. Mayor Nesien, who polled the lare-eprobe of stock exchange affairs. and the next stop was made at a to an of Maryland according industries from dcprexainvi sumber of votes for mnvor in the Following these hearings the comOne of the features of al IDuilng summer flight the pi- New York bill of grsuline station "There are two Industrie now need - fic a mission will, if present divisions are Senator King wdl be that itthewill pre- primary election, also expressed himM lot Mayor Nesien yesterday issued have given r.o thought to Marenger stated that they ashington I met In? special consideration found not Justified, prescribe a new vent pealing in margins ofi stock ex- self as satisfied with the results citithe he said calling proclamation North Officer 'upon rations fur and manv Crowther Carolina tand ng tak.n? to zens to uterve Navv day, ikTufoe division of rates to be received They are wheat and lhetnk "T do not feel that I have anything Th Senator King is now enby the changes. th air between mad station-laSanders at Sixth West between Georgia South 27 fattening end of the animal industrv The mayor sugge.s that the na several carriers "I have bet n a pleasure gaged in preparing the biil and in further to sav " he stated 1 Prom now unisconsin Tempe and First South streets Thev tionai is bring well taken caie of in the corn til Mav are as These been be ordered slors the in data displaved. hearings prominently taking things easv folnwing the conditions will be more or Kentucky were all three asked where thev were getting support of it. He said belt of complaints of some carriers it would be a revision result to start Followin? the but election, of ( re?on primary a proclamation measure rimlinu evpet and hazardous told illy the officer that they going the "The wheat farmer two In the words of our esteemed that they are not. under prevailing which he prepared several years ago preelection work within a few davs." we-- e ago P'kus skhled in the art of headed for Reno via ware was better off than most of years (Yowther then president, Oalv-ii a sufficient revenue it the other thMr air cruft ever mindfulguid n; divisions, pleasthe With of Coolulge the the New results making York stock lenouncmg nxona mid he that wo.ikt give them a lift to primaries thn Now conditions arc re- somethin? mav industries a Place where thev could board the ing to know that it i intended again to satisfy their rights under the in- exchange in eevsre terms, Senator in. political prrnorticafors are busy go wrong and aim.! nplaced versed," he said in suhstame terstate commerce act. He riw.iv hav ing a favorx e landing observe the birthday King said he proposes to insist on an wfth penotl and paper figuring out tram Sanders petting In tfhe front this vear to rote then urged the extension of e Rooseof Theodf.re rawav in view late the Mom default but tarrv the the other votes ire going investigation that Would go to the which 3" 2 seit Total the other two boy jn the the marketing especially urging root of things.. .',The New York stock In the mayoralty contest there seems ftc Navv dav Again velt. Ortober s mail dav almiust unlnler These figures show onlv Macer?er said that he knew as I. A. Girls' Band to pt r ent back men to take an interest In this ruito.th owr Die dav be some doubt about the votes is a hypocrite and 1'reiient G.xdidge sas. it is most Mr hited t., ,ok exchange of l tah a all tl had who the Sanders rove tourists but a, It lsit. gun ws solution of the wheat gr oWerv dif- - a isirt of the t reachi'-o- flprt. thought hich were exist at the primaries for that this dav be o observed sepulcher," said Senator King "As a Give Masquerade August or motorists who ame to stf! hidden with their bedding roll in fitting .f Ttrxantz.nttnn in view of the memorable part he ficutty of firm,,, i.ithc tlr.at Salt lakr. an. t tirouatr result of Its methods, men and wom- the other candidates The American - to ee a vacant lot between South on business visa friend tah ttir loKiral nay to hold h,..,t Temple our in en of modern the leaders claim the entire Darmer have f..r r.m. n.ounta,,, suffered looses ptaved making not party measured the seenit nttratnns of Ttih The ai d Firvt South on Sixth West street conatdrrabV period Thr farnn-- Ins Mutual Improvement associa- by hundreds of millions, but by bilThe ote. is and navy conceded this. thi1 by some of ent then Oowther took twr who tourists wn to 'the men a to speculate A tion girls band, which was organized lions He has spv t'Ut'i mavor of the city of Salt Ia.k I intend to expone the facts ther opponents. passed through rtah on their w.iv iwunt near the where the soil, weather and bugs t fake this opportunity to call to the at a meeting held in Barmtt hall last and to secure, if possible, Plant bulk The Soap of 'vote is the Company Armstrong (omp'ir. legislation to srme nrvl WPlmms destination outside the state to these wheat speculation is minor got out of the ar of the citizens in general Frida. wiU give a Halloween masthat will mean control of claimed by both sides the Americans f Ctah and went to q house where thev asked attention While the wheat otu tn.p is tr.ubk Entered snered though patriotic occasion. querade party at the L. D. 15. school stock exchanges stringent this It come claim will almost to by d solidly Burglars for the huw Further Thev ate the food given It fp.nl g.sted figures some, I dont beieve it will poll down h'rob urgei that pubhc build- of music at 8 oclock tomorrow night Senator King pointed to the numer- them, and the opnesttion claim that that large projxirtlon ot this 4 p r them and were picked up again hv ings. srho! buildings the whole A. Young is director of the ous failures of resK and vintrv wilt ComParley BiuJf manager or the so.it and private with the for brokerage the nt ame majority frtrn lab Ntat.s, Crowther near the1 insecticide Hint The war fimm e pviv band so far as The dfficera and committees mission concerns ft la t Soap possible, be in stocks in administration candidates North Third West nr motorists w hi nighN.rmg made a short trip on the Western pacific railr.wd tracks idences night for eastern points decorated hv the dip4av are as follows. Anna Johnson, pres- recent months as dealing one of the things st r. et unrnnvi,. The administration repurr, d to th. joiirepartv leadeVs were then driven bv the officer of the American from adjoining states to do b isinpss Th Marv vice showed nnd the that ident, d.iv that tV'ber bn-- entered Jack, national look need for the a for congrescloser fight on the corn flag president, th- - plant with us or visit friends t' the point 20 vards south of the colors Kmma Dahi, secretary and treasurer. sional action. n mtssioners on than the trvLvom itv the vometup, Husband Alleges Wife of un lush ev main h.phw iv, and the crime was The. figures prove Navv dav has He said he was seeking to get in- while the American cf great value Wanda Burnett, Virginia Bishop and the rpon'h. t .king a box fourteen!) men onk of twine part? that rtah s large touting trove1 and fomrr ted a the iar cme to a st.p In placing before proved Mabel irforma-as t the formation to commttee ptrbHrttv Deapain. the of amount for public c. J, ticket to elected. of be money aolld Said She Loved Another ir(ftrer brmhv ,n,d thread three retvrds kept in other states and bv V in nger tatod that he did not know on eincerning the navv of the I nitJennie Atwood Kdith Inwworth, Mary lost in recent years in trading on The as to where the large question of be government will how hat I tah Office vrtl wh' t'row'ther had driven off ed States and iL position irr the mat- Warthirgton. Opal Stark, Vera Han- margins. Senator Kmg charged that number of voters for Young uttmis Fntr ,im he exported to ter of national defense After a duration of but two month touring traffic i large in comparison the hghwav The day is sen and Loreraa Warren, amusement the New York stock exchange had en- Crabbe wll transfer their support and the skv lUht is k comes ur rearun with states other another bunch of tramps the marital career of Ri hard ( bv the Navy league, and committee mooted one with all sides couraged legislation in other sections ' h making il e rounds of business son onh ami thu because of mir must come to an abrupt t rnuAation Marneft rate1 that the first time sponsored of the country, on the parts of atatea, hat the candidates will not agreeing its observance has the eoperatln of I uUct ves i!wr erda be .! sj able he were with n wh, aware that San- the department of the navy It should favorah'e location divorce oFmp'nint Brown in I Thorn.- rfreneuntrvto der andhadWilnms gainst "blue skv" securities in order to swing the votes at will. came trams ontinental and LIH in the Third. dstr.cc.cn recovered the revolver was e the cooperation of Burglars Take Many to center the more speculation on the ve? uo.n two nritrs tTrA GoligMlv .ri the eey ot higw a s he run abound the wbi fa York exchange ox Newt. terday against xi American Joval. cdlzefi sttrring Thev s i a patrh'tic an ton .Pne robe Articles From Home were married in j Wdh these fat tv oustandirg it - t tie hick of GmwThers head st 2i kut Agricultural Director " ,,IJt lunin2 who hcrefore man.fet that L's im proveto Marengers story, San-and according toOgvlenjtugi the cording the ,i cgationx in Fuel Conservation to Gasoline wax flees was threatening his two com-lPrice lJn'1 Xn IV'' thl ;Vnr of the complaint. M 'Vx has mad . Man. these di.t to Address Kiwanians flrv high R. C 1021 nnt Denver treet, Drops Logsdon, K'A Pi. rpont the dominmt fiu t i to hoi and iai'ions manv times during the ride y unpleasant fur her husband during st ' . reported to the pdice yesterday that y trv Be of One "ere Cent scene xe from the hav. Gallon the unv Williams tYU home , tncretc h.s Subject storv practically alpc time bv Meeting ous had been entered the previto The agricultural situation in Vtah in :h robe and aso State.! him that phe loved a former telling to in the ncorrtin? officers manv ha and usao. ransacked night wiU be thoroughly V. thx P th discussed bv Md uoen i Oardon. wav confected, but In eeneral i ciate rrutre than she bned h r husquantity of Iooftl distributor of prtroleum prodhe Railroad officials and business men by burglars h edltotof the Ftah Farmer, ann manwere found on thir Sugar Companies Will band. ;Phat rhe deerted him Octoh" I artrntg sirre n that of Mnrrnger Williams of the intermountain region will atAmong the articles taken was a uct. announced yesterday that tnso-Itn- e aging director of the Ttah Agricu'rsn rmM the store nf C A Fm 13. M also complain he st was thot there Fuel at the time tend the Intermountain associa- complete silver service set. aix mens dropped one cent a gallon, bring- ltural council, at the weekly Kiwanfs Third South street The . Pay armers $5. SO o' Ton of ,ted Another short-live- d the "boot n? and then denied nil tion meeting and banquet at parlor O, shirts, eicbt womens dresses, a cam- ing the married career - to fhe price down to 22 cents a galt irncd o club 'luncheon at the Hotel Utah toJa unsuccessful, jnveni!' statements to Rhudi authentic In IVnver and rx nrous to hotel, at 7 30 oclock to- era several pieces of jewelry, a wom- lon retail. According eeonkng AnHe was engaged for twelve vear a Demas in her divurce action instiT Satterv. su- ans wrist wach a complete dresser geles the price is 15 cents a gallon, day.research work Sugar companies aid pn sugar Mirrnaer nl thee were there at the morrow evening J and was formerly o the at the rate of V .0 a tuted against George Demi on th beet was bot farmer of the Denver and Rio set, two childrens brocelel fire1 which is also and a the. in of the branch agricultural colperintendent head ROAD eastern price ON ENGINEER TRIP Tf ton for aM beet delivered up to Ocis urderstood that the prisoners Grande railroad, will ut as hairrian portable electric sewing machine. ground of noiMFuppmv Thev vcr cities, according to motorists. at Cedar lege City married in Farmington, June 13 ijcji Ghip H.iwnrd r.ffioe ngine r of r he tober 31, pawmnt being made Soum- - wlT irr ifgn?g of thw occasion KeFrid.tv Tirnir this who K dtnnFr dance fori member nf th and according to the complaint he N e S Fratt In the crimi-ro- l wiI address the gathering are 1 D na.l vttnrniwjon jr on a trin her It ttimated the farnte fore Abrams Diagnosis snd Treatment, Drs Kerr A Houghton, Osteopathic ib and their wives will he given at has failed to provide for hr aince Jhtoiurh Sanpete division of th and GnrfuM will deliver to th factors s of the court on a Stack general supetnonU nt of the R E. Maupfn. M. I). 34 Judge Bldg., rhysiclans, 0 city Newhouse hotel tonight the McIntyre Bldg hmrrla?e. 3"A 0o0 .harg. of mimler in the first de?re k untie unspectinc progre Denver k R o Grande rai!rad W H Salt Lake in I Sugar ompn Advertiement ) ) nde (Advertisement. hAlf w of Hi ton of beet Jflera! ,nu road construction H Smith, superintendent of he Lna crp the notinta.'n on the ,Je which Will and Salt I.ke radrM1 Reuben and expected to rea h the TfO Fort rui and ill insert prj-ectmark Another pavment wil, Advertising Clubs run f other raimad and Life end Character Reading m R a er Millard and Juab coun-itl- e be made in December Address for the beets The intermountain section the Republican Club Vice Here before returning delivered during November of the meeting is to formulate in refuel for conservation this plans J Reuben Clark will be the prinTTarWobd TT Fawcett, vice OCTOBER 25. president ! ghm cipal Speaker at the meeting of the of the Associated "TmfTnr "Mens Beptuhttnn Advertising Clubs Th women, of thi date are excet-len- t of the World, who arrived in Salt PROVO WOMAN GETS PENSION cooks and kilendid housekeepers nriork this evening at the Hotel ctordav. will address the mem- - TVnslnn of 12 a month, datine from The union of free air and the restaccording to E. High Miller, secUb V ,'v less sea make an unconv entmn.il March 4. I17 has been fronted hv the of commerce When Alexander Glenn, 6J2 South bom in Salt Lake, October 24, 1875. retary. character which Is most pleasing to today at the regular federal fovernment to Mrs Anna H O R TMhblee. of the club, A luncheon meet'ng at noon Mr Mary wlTl have charge president Marwick. 112 Hast Third South street. First Wert street, celebrates his birth- Anndaughter of Alexander Glenn. Crow-ehA musical progfam evwjoce. Sometimes the natural Libra Gienn, married Shepherd is making this special visit to Provo, ip recognition of the ser Ires fear and hesitation communicate their will be two given. a son and grandchildren and to them, October 24, Ut5ri. Sait Inke to confer with the local of her husband, now deceased, in the day, . influences to this cusp and make th celebrate with him not the patri- were bora William . Crowther and loluh officials and members on the ad- - Black , native hesitate In a crisis hr before Hawk Indian wars Sarah of havinn th. annual oon- wh ?" th' Crowther, twins. Will Crow- STOUTNOUR GOES TO CHICAGO. own but their only, archs birthday Who Uentton la1s Warren Rtoutnonr. member of the a of lndan ther ran resident of tho frm Rigby, Idaho, was eleventh dNtriet of tho WheBWtheMrwp7ir!to0" triremes lWO os well Such a celebration wa heM unable to be prevent Indten. who Aasociatrd Artv.rtlmnc Cluba moot last night to nubile utilities commission of Utah, VrnM? Lawreme. Kan, reached Salt Lake they are very dishonest. Just Ioa last took home about has Kronch at own. the 'T01!, celebrate his his YesterdaV gone to Chicago to attend a meet-irv- g s Auto "J night, his family At today s mooting. Mr Fawuncles and lonjr aa they follow their own intui- - convinced that roaming did not pav of .l?,1,! the Haskell Indian school and ar- (her of the committee on accounting of e cett will address thew-lnbirthday. His twin Mon the ad- hear Relatives of the cele- grandfathers In rived Th Salt ater drted Kood few the to esra Accidents lookd national the" 'ernmnt maht, Sunday association of railroad and ago. However, When any Imrwnf 17jectCi'Vfn-- I vantages of an advertising club to a -- Tent and brants of three generations being there wasa,present another weary, rettlmed yesterday community at Iean ftt and will discuss the prograndchUd nubile utilities commissioners. Mr. but now well fed volved they should come to conclu-- 1 been having of Is transportation present. Alexander Rtoutnonr Melva furnished Glenn, chairman of the commitGlenn, posed convsntton. sions when entirely alone, ag they restored to health and rested, having him from the school, to tee. which Is working on a sratem are more or less subject to the posi- slept on white mans downy bed, one Inlted States Marshal Jaccording list night Mr Fawcstt met with Thnmaa Burdrtt. 65 yara of age, In an Mr Glenn is the father of daughter of Walter Glenn, and grandRay Ward. the officers and board of directors of 2(17 Hast Second South street, suffered eighteen children, fifty grtfhdchiidreri daughter of Alexander Glenn, Miss uniform regulations rovemlng the tive mind action of others. on a Infelt again that strange nomadic cad. laceration the forehead and and thirteen Melvh was born in Salt Lake, Octo- setting uo of doorecitfon Nelson, a tribesman, who on arrival the Fait Lake organization reserves bv at the The governing sign of this date Is none when he wo atrtick bv asmuch as the oldest was Just as anxious to reinvoke ber 24, 1 . th utilities with special reference to the Stevens A Wahls agency. According bruleed the cusp of Li hr --Scorpio. The gov- and westward he fled. an 18 in automobile at Third South and oid. another generation years of The three the recovand railroad I protection to telenhone generations companies. The government, tribesmen respectively Simmons, secretary of Main streets yesterday afternoon at may before long-)oe erning planet is Venus, and the parted company, and ered sufficient! to forget the hard- the Ldjtoyla the festivi- celebrated their common birthday anclub, the eon vent ton will be is an opai. 4 36 o'clock doing to divided One Cherties WOMAN IS FINED. ships of the open mad. slipped out Salt lake if soff.cient Interestgiven niversary with the games and refreshThe Want Ads sre offering splendid okee returned tothought. Burdette car stated the did Gienn Edthat school c not Alexander Was born near leirned ments. snd and it la be- shown bv ths local members. True to yesterday haa morning gifts congratulations Jane Doe Kaiser was fined to are those who was ambitious white rran positions when he down knocked said and inburgh. Scotland, October 24. 1836 usuaJ to a family party; nor was WM he ought. The other lieved by Wille. gore on to the coast, the stop f of to todnv's vesterdav for the possession of liquor . read the Want Ad colump went to find the coast, to beat hla the goal of both when importance ('enough meeting, the no trace of the driver haa been found. He was 88 year old yesterday. John Oowthers birthday on the same date they left th business men of the city ar. Invited He received treatment .at ths emer- H. Glenn, his every evening. way acrou the west. Where books institution. son, ahdwnow state diVeo ttlouS1 y "nit j plrktn11 CT"UtdP7eA3rguUU So Jkaa r Ur. Fawcett. gency hosoital rector ot finance And purchase, was, I to Um aaiMMioa of wins. Self-hel- p ' TO VISIT CITY wheat-growin- g Orders Interest self-hel- p ?N' "it 1W' x T4-!sa- ,, at X ad sn-gl- A-- -- POLICE TflflSEDY sixty-thre- e. IS nt es hirh-grad- LOST PILOT ,mce IS RATE DIVISION TO BE STUDIED STOCK IRKETS GaJi-ghe- n, an 1 V I v ' 24.-- i talks wes-er- . a Mayor Declares October 27 Day to Honor Navy 11 i r un-m- st frt truer-geno- month-pUiti- yt j I Ihim-ne- -- 7 4 Party uj I n o- , gas-pla- Mar-eng- -- I i v r be -- uns fr 1. v v also-recei- v 4x v , v a j ,T1. v Pf ) , F o- New-hous- j j '' 1 Seir Tud-g- i o lYiT-ea- e xx i hnns x President Cherokees Run Away From School One Returns; Other Flees Westward 'y ." j Faw-ire- J. cb-ie- Father, Son and Grandchild Are Congratulated on Their Birthday r, forty-thre- , ld birth-ston- tsh, tt 1 Clark |